xt737p8tbb81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt737p8tbb81/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19650920 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1965-09-aug20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1965-09-aug20-ec. 1965 2011 true xt737p8tbb81 section xt737p8tbb81 Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Friday, August 20, 1965, Board Room, Administra- tion Building, The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular session in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the campus of the University at 1:30 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, on Friday, August 20, 1965, with the following members present: Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Chairman, Judge J. A. Sutherland, Secretary, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, and Dr. H. B. Murray. Vice Presidents A. D. Albright, William R. Willard, Robert F. Kerley, and Glenwood L. Creech were present as were representatives of the press, A. Meeting Opened Following roll call and a report by the Secretary that all members were present, Dr. Angelucci declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:35 p.m. B. Minutes Approved On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the reading of the Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee on July 16, 1965 and of the special called session of the Executive Committee on August 12, 1965 was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published. C. Dr. A, D, Albright Represents Dr. Oswald Dr. Angelucci indicated that Dr. John Oswald was out of the state and that Dr. A, D, Albright, Executive Vice President, would present the agenda items in his place. D. Report to the Trustees (PR 1) Copies of PR 1, Report to the Trustees, were distributed and Dr. Albright briefly discussed the items contained therein, Following his presentation Mr. Broadbent commented on the first item in the report relative to the Tobacco and Health Research Project, saying that Kentucky was indeed fortunate to havte re- ceived the Federal funds to support the project since North Carolina had made a determined effort to get the grant. He expressed confidence in the ability of the University to carry out this project effectively. 2 Dr.Angelucci said that, inasmuch as it was not included in the report, he would like to mention that Dr, Ben Eiseman, Chairman of the Department of Surgery in the University Medical Center, had been invited to address the Royal College of Surgeons in London, England, and had made a brilliant presentation on the subject for which he has become quite famous, the perfusion of hog liver. On motion duly made, seconded and carried the Report on Activities and the comments of Mr. Broadbent and Dr. Angelucci were accepted with thanks and, with the usual understanding that copies would be distributed to faculty and key alumni, were ordered filed. E, Recommendations of the President (PR 2) In presenting the Recommendations of the President, Dr. Albright indicated that these were routine in nature and that he wished to call attention to only one item in it, which was the naming of Professor John Masten as Chairman of the Department of Economics. Since copies of PR 2, Recommnendations of the President, are mailed in advance and the members of the Board are familiar with the contents, on motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Judge Sutherland, and without objection, the recommendations contained in PR 2 were approved as a whole and ordered made a part of the Minutes of the August 20, 1965 meeting. (See PR 2 at end tof Min- ute s) F. Supplemental Recommendations of the Fresident (PR 3) In presenting PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President, Dr. Albright called particular attention to Item I relative to ratification of the action taken by Vice President Kerley in accepting from the University of Kentucky Re- search Foundation a grant of the exclusive right to occupy 26, 149 acres of land at Spindletop Farm for the purpose of constructing and operating an animal care facility, On motion by Mr. Broadbent, seconded by Dr. Murray, and without objection. Mr. Kerley's action was ratified. Item II, the conveyance of a deed for the use of a tract of land located at Quicksand, Kentucky, containing approximately 4, 01 acres to provide a site for a Plant Materials Center was approved without objection on motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Judge Sutherland, After calling attention to the appointments of Professor Joe Logan Massie as Chairman of the Department of Business Administration and Professor Clyde Irwin as Assistant Dean of the College of Commerce, Dr. Albright indicated that Items III through IX were routine and, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, were approved as a whole, 3 Before taking up Item X, Dr. Albright indicated that recommendations for three appointments had been received too late for inclusion in PR 3 but should be acted upon as a part of it, These appointments are as follows: Dr. Harriet Rose, Acting Director, University Counseling Service Dr. James G. Morris, Acting Director, Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, College of Engineering, during leave of Dr. Mateer Dr. Edwin Dale, Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, joint appointment as Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology. On motion by Dr. Murray, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and without objection, the appointments for Dr. Rose, Dr. Morris, and Dr. Dale were ap- proved. Item X, Resolution re Kentucky Belle Dormitories, Inc. (a copy of the resolution may be found as Attachment 2 to PR 3 at the end of the Minutes) was discussed briefly prior to taking action and it was explained that the Board of Trustees was not committed in any way by the adoption of the Resolution but was me rely indicating its interest in and encouragement of private enterprise providing housing facilities for University students, The Resolution, while not committing the Board of Trustees to anything; does provide certain safeguards and under- standings of advantage to the University, On motion by Mr. Broadbent, seconded by Judge Sutherland, and without dissent, the Resolution as presented was adopted and the Secretary was authorized to so certify to Kentucky Belle Dormitories, Inc, (See PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President at the end of the Minutes), Go Approval of Degree Candidates Dr. Albright explained that since the University Senate does not meet until September, the names of the candidates for degrees were being presented without prior approval by this body. He requested that Board approval be given contingent upon subsequent approval by the University Senate and proper certifi- cation by the Registrar that all persons had satisfactorily completed all require- ments for the degree for which application had been made, He reported a total of 341 persons, 181 undergraduates and 160 graduate students were included in the list which follows: 4 Candidates for Degrees Doctor of Philosophy Batson, Jackie David Curtin, Mary Ellen Dickenson, Walter Ames Gardone, Michael JO, Jr. Jones, Bernard M., Jr. Poplin, Dennis Edward Sewell, Homer B. Wilborn, Thomas Lockart Doctor of Education Bruce, Herbert, Jr. Cantrell, Paul Garnett Lail, Sue Spears Morris, Eddie W. Specialist in Education McClure, AQ Walters Master of Arts Bain, Martha Doris Beaird, Chloe Power Brown, Christopher L. Brown, Louise Adams Bugg, Carol Sue Cella, Doris Barlow Clay, Brenda Johnson Dodd, Sue Anna Eastland, Grace F. Flecke, M. Joyce Mann Griffin, Larry William Lewis, Janice Ann Malof, Milton Manning, Carol Sue McNeilly, Don Quentin Nims, Josephine Mazzie Riddell, Sue Ellen Slone, Gwen Cranfill Smith, Kathleen M. Smock, Wendell Hunt Unger, Edward Daniel Verbrugge, James Arnold Wilkins, Herbert Victor Master of Science Barber, John R., Jr. Barrett, Virginia Rapp Cunningham-,: Jame-s A. Fox, Philip Michael Graybill, George R. Hastowo, Soegyo Houston, William Eddie McGinnis, Rose Ann Miller, James Ernest Roehrig, Gerald Ralph Schantz, Richard John Smith, Edward Pryor Sutardi, Toha Tan, Freddy Weatherbee, James E. Wirjoamidjoio, Sudiman 5 Master of Science in Agriculture Alfarhan, Kassim M. Brinkley, William R. Calve rt, Jimmie Ronald Garrison, George W. ,Jr. Grise, Verner Neal Hoskins, Josiah, Jr. Jacobs, John Allen Ostberg, Marvin W. Prewitt, James Thomas Singh, Tej Slamet, Margono Travis, Leroy Keaton Watson, Frederick Dale Master of Science in Home Economics Bellew, Harriet Elaine Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Rogers,Wayne Finis Sankaran, Sudha Thomas, Cecil W. Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Brown, Donn Ward Potts, John Kenneth Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering Wu, Lien Shu Master of Arts in Education Abdullah, Jacqueline S. Bagby, Faye Maynard Bakewell, Virginia Macy Barnett, Joseph L. Barnett, Mary Sue Batts Bates, Charles A. Beard, Rosalia P. Blevins, Robert Lee Boone, Billy Rextoat Brtan, Lydia Galliher Burch, Sara Virginia Butler, Treva Campbell, Sidney J., Jr. Cowen, Robert Smith Dobbs, Frances Mae Dunn, Andy Gander, Marie Louise Garland, Ramah Kidd Gash, Joyce Jansen Gordon, Billy Kenneth Grider, Curtis Edwin Grissom, Stephen D. Harris, Herdisene R. Heizer, Cecile Vaughn Huffman, Bonita Lea Hylton, William V. Landon, Jon Carolyn Lawson, Gayle Faulkner Marshall, Ida Catherine Martz, Helen Earlyn R. 6 Mayer, John Philip McClellan, Lois Dedeaux McClurkan, Jane B. McGrath, Michael T. Moore, Elwyn Lewis Procter, Alice Ruth Ridge, Richard Allen Roddy, James Edward Roy, Harold G. Sams, Mary Crowe Scott, Susan Rush Smith, Leslie Clay Stanley, Paul Edward Taylor, Robert Elvin Traugott, William M. Turner, John Wesley Varney, Muriel C. Wade, Veda Tyson Webb, Carol Tracy Whelan, William P. White, Betty Jean Williams, Sara Wheeler Wise, Stella Hall Wvrick, Jack R. Master of Science in Education Bishop, Reva Ingram Engelhardt, Robert A. Gibbs, Peggy Ann Heagen, Dorothy Ann Jett, Richard Harold Poling, Junior Franklin See, JO Lynn Wade, Charles Douglas Whitaker, Luther Master of Business Administration Adams, Gary Lee Blumenshine, Roger Lee Carroll, Henry Alvin Coomes, Anthony Earl Stumpf, Robert Clarence Master of Science in Library Science Arnold,Linda Ann Barber, Raymond William Barr, Janet Louise Cook Bryant, John Maxey Carlson, Albert Paul Chapman, Lucy Ware Cole, Herman, Jr. Deaton, Woodrow Wilson Gajdik, Ann Thomas Humphrey, Helen C. Kirk, Sue Grannis Mchinney, Mae Belle Moore, Joyce W. Morehead, Joseph H., Jr. Moss, Eugenie Lair Neafie, Nelle Blackmer Sutherland, Thomas A, Zimmer, William Henry Master of Music Alberg, Richard David Warren, Judith Kay 7 Bachelor of Arts Allen, Robert Keith Baynham, J. David Begley, J. T. Bellue, John Warren Birdwell, Harland Bryan Blyton, Julia Bodenhamer, Ruth Ann Brown, Collins Dale Caldwell, Merrill Slade Campbel], Donald W. Clarke, Paula Marie Combs, James Allen Deignan, Barbara Ann Edwards, Barbara Kunkle Faulconer, Barbara Ann Gaines, Margaret Scott Gegenheimer, Sara M. Glazebrook, George W., Jr. Gray, Barbara Ann Jones Grigsby, Jerry Roger Gross, Monte Dexter Grunwald, Thomas A. Gum; Janice Johnson Haase, Jane Nuckols Haselden, Mary E. Holmes, Mallie Todd Ickes, Jean Ann Jones, Jean Luckett Konicov, Beverly Denice Kuehner, Mary Jansen Lubman, Maury A, Maffet, C. Kenny Mitchell, Mary Cecilia Perkins, James Franklin Pollitte, Richard W. Powell, Eugenia G. Quimby, John Miller Reeder, Alvin Stephen Rhoads, Joan Karen Robinson, Diane Jeffery Roelker, Arinda Lin Shattles, David A. Shelby, Penny Dillard Thomson, David Clark VanHorne, Robert Marion Wellinghurst, Mary A, Wood, William Jarmer Wood.roof, Major G. III Bachelor of Science Allie, Donald Gene Bunnell, Mary Kathryn Carr, Slade Leroy, Jr. Day, Victor Warren Duvall, Walter Harold McCauley, Joseph Lee Mills, Robert Tilden Richardson, William K. Sledge, Lydia Wells Withers, Ann Rae Bachelor of Arts in Journalism Pagan, Walter James Rosenthal, Henry Lee Sullivan, Margaret P. Bachelor of Music Dean, Barbara Nell Ryen, Vera Stratton, Ronald M. 8 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Adams, Raymond Lawrence Bonzo, Doyle Thomas Brookshire, Rodney L. Brown, Lowry Worth Chiles, Robert Allen Good, Jackie Ray O'Neill, John Albert Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Hager, Patricia Ann Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Crace, William A. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Hamblin, Cecil Ronald Harris, Milton Kamrani, Ramiz Kinnett, Kelley Allen Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering Cook, Douglas Byron Bachelor of Laws Bullock, Robert Vaughan Bachelor of Arts in Education Abbott, Daniel Leslie Adams, Regina S. Wheeler Allen, Eleanor C. Allen, Judy Truwin Alvey, Susan Marriott Antonini, William H., Jr. Benton, Virvin Dolphas Blythe, Sylvia Gosney Bomesberger, Anne I. Boster, Judy Landen Brush, Thomas L. Bryant, Charles Verlan Chandler, Bonita Tapp Charles, Leota Wolford Chasteen, Donald Ray Chavies, William Amis Creech, Chloe Crouch, Estelle G. Davis, Margaret Cowgill Davis, Nancye Carolyn 9 Eades, Ann Jeffers Fields, Betty Roseann Fletcher, Sondra Esther Fox, Jane Farmer Garrett, Karen Hill Gibbs, Robert W.. Jr. Gilbert, Jemie Lu Gill, Patti June Henry, Lelia Bowman Hoehle; Chris R. Hoffmann, Fred James Humble, Elvis Randolph Ishmael, Charles Ford Jewell, Marlene M. Johnson, Alice Tucker Johnson, Norcie W. Jones, David E. Jurek, Marguerite E, Kells, Marcia Sue Lambert, Linda Lewis B. Lewis, Mary Louise McAbee, Marna S. Wilson McCall, Nancy Carolyn Meredith, Ruth Cavender Miller, Fannie Smith Miller, Susan A. Mills, Joe Larry Mitchell, Hardin Avery Moore, Jessel Allen Murphy, Elaine Barbara Myers, Wallace Berry Neville, Loraine G. Penn, Florabel P. Perry, Larry Kearns Porter, Dorothy Louise Ratchford', Jerome Richardson, Reva S. Riester, Judith C. Schulker, Shirley S. Scott, Daryl Elana Shull, Daniel Lane Sloan, Rex Kevin Slusher, Carol June Smith, Martha P. Spicer, Sara Lynn Stone, Alec Granade Takacs, Billie Jo Walter, Theodore B. Williams, Lawrence D. Wilson, Linda Lee Wood, Meredith Louise Wooldridge, Anne K. Wright, Opal Pearl Yadon, Stacia Pearl Zarger, Kristen Ann Zirkel, Cynthia Louise Bachelor of Science in Commerce Adams, Richard Wayne Bachmeyer, Roy Wesley Berend, John Edward Blincoe, Charles Gonza Clarke, David Winston Cornett, Earl McCoy Creech, Marion Davis Duncan, James R. Galati, Joseph John Heath, Frederick R. Hutchinson, Richard, Jr. Kelly, David Lewis Langford, Randolph F,, Jr. Paul, James Robert Peck, Alan Bowers Smith, Joseph Leo Stice, Bonnie Young Sturgill, John Mason Talbott, John Cotton Taylor, Marion Redwood Vance, Robert Dale Vogelpohl, Thomas J. Waterfield, Harry L, JI Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Patrick, My-ron C, 10 Bachelor of Science in Nursing Hammack, Betty Lou Bachelor of Architecture Pinney, Paul Martin On motion duly made, seconded and carried, approval, contingent upon subsequent approval by the University Senate, was given to the list of candidates as submitted with the understanding that all requirements had been met and the President of the University was authorized and directed to confer upon each candidate the degree to which he or she is entitled at the commencement exercises in May, 1966. H. Margaret H. Tuttle' s Service to Library Recognized Dr. Albright reminded the members of the Executive Committee that ap- proval had been given to the retirement of Miss Margaret H. Tuttle at the June 17, 1965 meeting, such retirement to become effective July 1, 1965, He said he wished to recognize the service rendered by Miss Tuttle who was a member of the University of Kentucky Library staff for almost 39 years and to express appreciation for her loyalty and devotion not only to the Library but to the Uni- versity as well. I. Dr. Paul Nagel Named Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences In recommending, on behalf of President Oswald, the appointment of Dr. Paul Nagel as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Albright made the following statement: Early this year, Dean Martin M. White announced his intention to return entirely to teaching and research on July 1 The Board of Trustees has already expressed to him its gratitude for his years of leadership in the College of Arts and Sciences, In planning for Dr. White's retirement from the deanship, President Oswald did two things: he named a faculty search committee to advise him in finding a new dean; and he appointed Dr. Paul C. Nagel, Professor of History, to be Associate Dean, On July 1, Dr. Nagel became Acting Dean. Beginning in the Spring, the faculty search committee has sought to complete its assignment. This group consisted of faculty persons drawn from the areas of music, English, economics, chemistry, history and physiology. The committee was asked to scan the scholarly community, both on our campus and across the nation, to discover the persons best suited now to guide the University' s largest college. The years ahead will be crucial ones for the College of Arts and Sciences. During the coming year the College may be extensively reorganized so as to enhance its programs in teaching and research while still accom- modating large ninnbers of students, To lead in this endeavor, President Oswald and the faculty committee were agreed that the choice must be an individual with success as a teacher, a scholar and an ad- mini strator. After a thoughtful search which culminated with the visit to our campus of persons whom the committee felt were most appealing, the faculty committee has made its unanimous recommendation to President Oswald. This recommendation was based on the premise that at this critical point in the College's history, if a person could be found on our campus who was at least as promising as any of those discovered on other campuses, then that member of our faculty should be made dean, President Oswald accepted both this premise and the committee's recommendation with enthusiasm, In behalf of President Oswald, I convey to the Board of Trustees the proposal that Dr. Paul CG- Nagel immediately be appointed Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. It is our opinion that Dr. Nagel is well suited for this position, He has enjoyed wide experience and success as a teacher, Beyond his four years on the faculty of the University of Kentucky, Dr. Nagel has had visiting professorships at such institutions as Amherst College, the University of Minnesota, and Vanderbilt University. He has been a member of the faculty of Eastern Kentucky State College. Dr. Nagel is a nationally established scholar in the field of the history of American ideas. Last year, the Oxford University Press published his study of the federal Union as a concept in American thought. He is presently preparing an interpretation of the ideological qualities of American nationalism in the nineteenth century, Dr. Nagel will continue to take part in teaching as well as in research and writing, Dr. Nagel knows the requirements of leadership in this University. In addition to his work as Acting Dean, he served last year as President Oswald's Assistant for Faculty Affairs. Such a background will give both him and the College of Arts and Sciences increased momentum in the search for excellence, With the endorserrent of the faculty search committee, it is my pleasure to present to the Bc-arnd of Trustees the recommendation that Dr. Paul C, Nagel become Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Angelucci expressed for himself and the other members of the Executive Committee enthusiasm cover this recommendation and requested that Dr. Nagel be invited to the meeting so that he might be introduced to the Executive Committee and to memnbers of the press and also that he be invited to a future meeting at which time he could discuss with them the program vh ich he envisages for the College of Arts and Sciences. On motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded by Dr. Murray, unanimous approval was given to the appointment of Dr, Paul C. Nagel as Dean of the Col lege of Arts and Sciences, effective immediately. JO Appointment of My. Leonard L, Wilscn as Director of Develc-pment Dr. Glenwcod L. Creech, Vice President-University Relations, made the following statement relati-ve to the recommendsation., concurred in by President Oswald, that Mr. Leonard L. Wilson be named Diz-ector of Developtment, a recently created position under Dr. Creech s E _risdiction: I wish to recommend the appointment of Mr. Leonard L. Wilson as director cf development, effective upon the date of Bcard approval. Mr. Wilson, who is 39 years of age, has eight years experience in institutional planning and development. He received the Bach- elor of Arts degree (Summa Cum Laude) from Hastings College, Hastings, Nebraska, with history and p)olitical science as major fields, He has completed thirty hours of graduate study in the School of Public Relations and Communications cf Boston University and the Development Office Institute of the American College Public Relations Association, in 1950 he joined the administrative staff of Hastings Ccllege as admissions counselor, Having served in the U S. Navy for three years during Wo -ld War II, he was recalled to active duty in 1951 (the Korean War), and upon his discharge in 1954; at the rank of Lieutenant, he returned tc Hastings College 7^where he was director of admissions for two years. From 1957-6i, he was on the administrative staff of lIlinois College, Jacksonville, Illinois, serving first as director of public relations and alumni affairs and later as assistant to the president with responsibil= ity for admissions, oublic relations. a-umn:. affairs, and fund raising. In 19b1 he joined the administrativ.e staff of Hancve7 Coll~ege, Hanover; Indiana, as director of development and sirace Jan.u-iry 1964, he ha. been vice president for de velcpment at Hancv r.- resrcns:ble for instl- tutional planning p-ublic relaticns.--, mni affoirF and fu -n raising, Il M-r Wilscn is currently a ruling elder in the United Presbyterian Church cf America; direco-r of the Greate- Madison (Indiana) Charn- ber of Commnerce, and directc- of the Indiana College Public ReLatic.ns Association. He is mnacrried and has two da~ughters (aged i7 and 10) and one son (aged is), You are aware that I hrave searched extensively fcr a qualified person to serve as our director of de-veleoment and have intervi.ewed a large number of candidates, Among the standards to which harve held is that the person we emplov must have, demonstrated succsss in educa- tional fund raising. Mr. W-Ilscn has done thiS, During the past four years, through M-r Wilooin's crganizational effcrts, Hancver College has received gift ccmmitrnments of $5, 300, 000 for capital and educational programs, I am pleased. to make thi2 recommendation as Mc.- Wilson has the, exDerience and possesses the qualities cf leadership, the organizaticnal skills, and the persona1 quahlificaticns which are essential to success in develcpment .vcrk, He has been highly reccm mended by several persons whose cpiniorn respect, including M:r. Ncrman Knights, director cf development at DePauw Univesity, whc is recognized as a nat onal leade- in thi.- -.rea f work, and P-esident Hcrre of Hanover College, who expressed much regret _-ver Mr. Wil.ncn` decision to leave Hancver.e If Mr. Wilsonis app-cintment is appzrved, am con- fident he will make a valuable contributicn tc the future de-v-elopment and growth of the Universltv, On motion by Judge Suther and, seccnded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and without dissent, Mr, Lecnard L, Wilson was named Director of Development, his appoint- ment to be effective August 20, 1965. K. RetirementfcrSam.B, Oakes Apprcoved Anothe7 item received toc late for inclusion in PR 3 concerned the recom- mendation that Mr. Sam B. Oakes, Tin Shop Foreman in the Physical. Plant Division, be retired as cf Se-ember I, 1965 wi'h ann-ua rernemet benefits of $2, 636, Mr. Kerley, who made the recommendation, extlained that Mr. Oa.kes has been employed by the Univerzsztv s.ince October 12, 19. He wa.s born in 1905 and would not be elieib'e fo-r retirenment under USU-* cr- edut-:nti- 1970, However, his health has faile i and hel has been a .-vis-ed byv h phvsician to discontinue all form of -,c-k- H:;-:--.irement r -:ceci level -f benef:ts is justified by his service pe i.ld of almcst 4 years On motion duly made, seconde ndn ca, r ied re mremen' fcr Mr. Sam B, Oakes prior to age 65 wa-.s app- ,-oei. 14 L. Report on Housing Mr. Kerley reported that all students, both single and married, with a very few exceptions, who have applied for University housing have been accom- modated. This was made possible through the action of the Board of Trustees in releasing Cooperstown for single student housing. Mr. Kerley indicated that housing was being provided for 3, 729 students, an increase of almost 800 over last year, with Kentucky students being housed before arrangements for housing were made for out-of-state students. There are still a few out-of- state students on a waiting list but these can probably be cared for if they come because there will be some withdrawals among those already housed. In answer to a question, Mr. Kerley indicated that this report did not include housing provided by the sororities and fraternities, M. Fall Enrollment Forecast Dr. Albright indicated that the campus enrollment last year had been 10, 800 students and an increase of 10% to 12% was expected this September. The big increase will come in upper-division, graduate and professional programs with a smaller increase expected in the entering freshman class. One significant point made by Dr. Albright was that a greater number of the total enrollment will be Kentucky residents, more than at any time in the history of the University. He explained that this was due in part to the fact that more Kentucky high school graduates are attending college but in greater degree to the fact that an increased number of Kentucky students are choosing the University in preference to other institutions both in-state and out-of-state. The enrollment in the Community College System is expected to show an increase of approximately 40%o. The opening of two new colleges in September contributes materially to this anticipated increase, N, Report on Dormitory Complex Dr. Albright indicated that Mr, Kerley and Mr. George Ruschell were in Atlanta on August 18 and 19 for further discussions with HHFA officials and asked Mr. Kerley to bring the Executive Committee up-to-date on the loan agree- ment with HHFA, Mr. Kerley stated that there was no change from the situation as it existed at the time of the called session of the Executive Committee on August 12, He said the documents which would enable Mr. Joyner to proceed with the awarding of bids were on their way and should be received any day. In answer to a question by Dr. Angelucci, Mr, Kerley indicated that the bids on the initial elements of Phase I of the dormitory complex when opened were 6% above the estimates, 15 The next bids, to be opened between now and the end of September, will be for (1) three additional low-rise dormitories, (2) a central dining facility, and (3) two high-rise dormitories. The bids may be submitted on any one of the three parts or on all three as a whole, The call for bids on the central dining facility is already oubt. 0, Purchase of Porter Memorial Baptist Church Property Mr. Hillenmeyer, as chairman of the Board of Trustees' Real Estate Committee, presented the following recommendation and background relative to the purchase of property owned by the Porter Memorial Baptist Church: Recommendation: that the Vice President-Business Affairs and Treasurer be empowered to execute a contract with the Board of the Porter Memorial Baptist Church providing for the acquisition of the church property located at 730 South Limestone Street, Lexington, Kentucky, by the University of Kentucky, The contract is to provide for passage of title on or before September 1, 1967, at the purchase price of $240, 000, Background: The Porter Memorial Baptist Church has expressed the willingness to bind itself to sell the church property at the time when the said property will be needed for expansion of the facilities of the University of Kentucky. In view of the rapidly increasing value of real estate in the area, it would seem desirable to secure a contract at this time based upon a current appraisal of the fair market value. The proposed purchase price of $240, 000 is substantially lower than the current appraisal secured by the University. In answer to a question relative to the size of the lot, Mr. Hillenmeyer indicated that it was approximately 69' x 205'. He further indicated that while there was no planned use for the church building, it would probably be utilized in some manner until such time as it became necessary to raze the building to accommodate campus growth. This propexty is within that area recommended for the central campus. Judge Sutherland made a motion that the Vice President-Business Affairs and Treasurer be empowered to execute a contract with the Board of Porter Memorial Baptist Church providing for the acquisition of the church property located at 730 South Limestone Street, such contract to provide for passage of title on or before September 1, 1967 at the purchase price of $240, 000. The motion was seconded by Dr. Murray, and was approved unanimously. P. Road Right-of-Way through Cottage Grove Subdivision #2 Mr. Hillenmeyer said that the Real Estate Committee had an additional recommendation to present to the Board as follows: 16 Recommendation: that the Vice President-Business Affairs and Treasurer, with approval of the President, be empowered to acquire at fair market value either all or a part of a parcel of land designated as Cottage Grove Subdivision #2, and to adjust as necessary the boundaries of University-owned property adjacent to this parcel, for the purpose of providing property upon which to locate an ac- cess road from the south boundary of the Agricultural Experiment Station Farm to the Tates Creek Pike. Background: In future years; as the University campus is developed in a souther- ly direction on agricultural land now owned by the University. a road access to Tates Creek Pike will be a necessity, The Cottage Grove Subdivision #2 (ap- proximately 6. 89 acres), which is planned for development but not yet started, is the only unimproved area to the south of the University property. The acqui- sition of a road outlet at this time would avoid a much greater expenditure in future years should this Cottage Grove Subdivision #2. be developed as presently planned by the owners. On motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded by Dr. Murray, the recommenda- tion of the Real Estate Committee to acquire approximately 6. 89 acres of land designated as Cottage Grove Subdivision #2 at fair market value under the conditions contained in the recommendation made by Mr. Hillenmeyer, was unan- imously approv