xt737p8tc325 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt737p8tc325/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1930 bulletins English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. VI, No. 1, Summer 1930 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. VI, No. 1, Summer 1930 1930 2014 true xt737p8tc325 section xt737p8tc325 1”%”H""F4“""T _"—W_“`”T—@?L?T 'L 1 1 The Quart,e*;·ly Bulletun of 1 I 1 1 1 O I O The Fr0nt1e1· N ursung Serv1ce, Inc. 1 1 1 1 FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT 1 1 { 1 VOL. VI. SUMMER, 1930 NO. 1 1 1 Q ‘ fg 1 1 1 1 1 ` 1 · · 1 1 1 I 1 1 ` i 1 1* ‘`—. vm — ,,· I ·-v~ 1 1 I 14... 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[ ~` ·· ’=*·· . - . *2 "·..:'~ .1; 1 F. ··-··~ . .;.¤>¢2; . . 1 I BRINGING HOME THE NEW BABY I 1 1 Mother: Odie L.; Father: Taylor L.; Baby Helen Nurse: Isabel Dougal; Horse: "Charming Billy." 1 A » 1 il is A I > I l I I "< ~ . » z· rt: ‘»* - 2 it-'·>` ·-··· ` ·‘ I _‘~??$2¢°€=‘:'*·?’..$%:¤=»¤%‘=,=. ‘· .·‘» a- "Y; =-· . I. ~ __·* ,|_ · ··x~, ·}§e ·-¥*$§,‘ ¥·@`p,=g,,*·‘;RI,,‘]*`u '1 ‘ ‘ » I. —' v; °1 ·—; . ~ —· — · z = ~2’¤*:F¤$%*-·=L··=’”~¤‘ ~ I· I »- ’ ei: T ‘ 4:. s ‘ · M €r¥:¤Z??’ - .4 I ”iY€€?Y;‘¥`¥iY}··`Fi?F" — I ‘ » » " · ~ .,»`·‘ i * , I S A; T. 7 ‘ ‘ t ’ ·. 2 n ‘ · . ’ ` ",*·" e$’S¤·"Y-‘·f¥I= '`,.i »°-r‘:~; ·» ·¤.—-»¤=' ->’ l` K .~·;:l`.T4Ff- ` ,' Y·,}·Z ·_ "Q.‘" ’ ~·~ < ‘ __ ‘ I .. ‘;=e,.i·*—,€ . '.`::?-;" · ` ."` A — Y·;“;·i=<;.L,+1,»;-s` 5* —*‘»?°§£·¢.2».· ~· ·`··§.*T '=;· ` ', » _ ;--4;;-;·‘;£ »·-;;. L E wx. LQ; " . ·"‘·"”`r‘¢ 5-·" _,,.:,,~;-¢ig·`¢z~:~_€J-` ; ` ` · NT; ·*!` "TDI li .' $F..· 7"' · `T"_?i¢&i*' . _ . - , s ’;:$?" V 7 {gg Y L I 5y, E 4-. jJ·,:;,,;4.j;“ ifi! _ . __ » ·g __;,; ,€§ ; ` ;.g;* ~ ;_ ’_· 4 "· ii K,. ·..» _- __ 1;g'__, — ,,4;,.a ‘: _ .,,., fi i U ?~. `hlri Q (L vn {JI. K `4 h I. I 2 , ` lr; . *~s_ i.i*¤£Li“{..i?¤¤°;t! L ~· BRINGING HOME THE NEW BABY Mother: Chesney M.; Baby Joan. . l . Nurse: Doris Park; Horse: "Ludy Jane." ‘ I . 4 I » THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN OF · ` 9 ‘ THE FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE, Im:. Published quzirterly by the Fruntiner Nursing S€‘I`\'il'€, Lexington. Ky. { smsscniwriox mucm $1.00 mm YFl.·\Ii VOLUME VI. SUMMER, 1930 NUMBER 1 “Ente1·ed as second class matter June 30, 1926, dt the Post Office at Lex- A iington, Ky., under the Act 0f March 3, 1879." ` il · .l ll il E 4 FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT i l ` FOREWORD 7 In presenting this report we follow a yearly custom of giv- ` ing our supporters the complete accounting of all our affairs. I The audits have not been condensed, the gifts of the 1526 sub- scribers are acknowledged by name, except where anonymity _l was requested, and donations in kind as well as in money are re- i, ported in full. The annual inventory of the property of the organization is recorded, and the value of the property esti- li mated. The report closes with a detailed statement of the work if of the nursing service. In no other of the five years since the Frontier Nursing Service began has the raising of money been as difficult as in j this. But loyal friends stood by and new friends have arisen. I The budget planned before the market crash, and allowing for ‘ expansion, has been met in full, and money found for new build- ings and needed improvements. The report shows that our re- ; ceipts, during this hardest of all years for philanthropies, totaled *$151,900.88, including endowments and excluding refunds and ] the nurses’ board to the Hyden Hospital. The costs of promo- tion for raising this money were $5,687.94, or only 3.67 per cent Y ix of the whole. That is a good financial record but not an easy _ one. _` In the field, too, everything has been harder this past year I than before. Thousands of mountaineers, who sought better op- 4 portunities for their families in the towns along the railroads, *’l`his does not inelutle $1.500 each from Mrs. John E. Rousmaniere and Mrs. \`\`arren Thorpe of New York, to btiiltl a small annex lmliiond the Hyden Hospital, $2,000 from Miss Ruth Draper, $1,108.20 from the Bennet School. donations from the St. Louis Com- mittee for the Ozark survey, and other gifts received just after the close of the fiscal A year; or the returns from Cincitinnti where a meeting was not held until after the close ° of the fiscal year. A summary of ull tlonufions will be found on page 32. L'* A V WM @*1. l 2 THE QUAKILERLY BULLETIN __‘__wt‘__ have lost their jobs and poured back into the mountains, without » L cows, chickens, pigs or gardens—seeking subsistence in a coun- Y try where the margin of living is never far above the hunger ‘ level. We call them our cornbread line-and their need can be met only by providing employment. This situation makes us beg __ i, V, now only the more urgently for the new hospital wing and the . new administration building we badly need, both of which would { be built mainly by local labor. The budget of $113,175.00 for ‘V the coming year, yet to be raised, allows for operating two new { centers, for which the money has already been subscribed, whose V construction would employ local labor in other sections of the 4 large territory we serve. e Hunger and pain-—both have been our daily companions j this past winter. Children were reported to us by neighbors . passing down the creek, as crying for food. Among our smallest I children, six years and unde1·, 23 per cent live in families that · have no cow——no milk, and not always enough cornbread and { ` potatoes. A little mountain girl cared for by Linda Neville put it like this: "I haint been hungry once since I come to see you." A l Hunger and pain! A little boy with a tubercular hip who i went down eleven months ago to the Children’s Free Hospital in _ Louisville, and has just come back, remembered the horseback *1 ‘ ride out, and spoke up from his seat behind the rider coming in: L "I’ve most forgot what it feels like to be a’hurtin’." The nursing record with which this report closes is a story of the alleviation of pain: through the prevention of disease or ii in caring for the sick, in all 6,972 people, and in attending with- out the loss of a mother 232 women in childbirth. Nobody re- f ally knows anything accurate about the waste of life, about the Q . amount of disease and pain in the heart of a country like ours. V ,» Among the maternal deaths which occurred this past year in V areas as remote as our own, and adjacent to us, of which the J knowledge filters slowly through, was that of Chlo C- of Bull- l V skin Creek. She went into labor on a Sunday in April——attended only by two old neighbors acting as midwives, and died the fol- . lowing Thursday with her baby still unborn—one of its Hands presenting. She did not die in childbirth. She died of child- l Q i Q r_‘_T‘_i fHiON'I‘IE1}_IiJilSIN<] _*___ 3 e — g birth. What American who hears her story but will vow to help A put an end to the agonizing deaths from childbirth of our young women, alone and unattended? lc The Fifth Annual Report of the Frontier Nursing Service ' is herewith presented to its subscribers and supporters by the , officers and trustees. Y Respectfully submitted, ‘ MRs. S. THURSTON BALLARD, Chairman I CHARLES N. MANNING, Treasurer aj MARY BRECKINRIDGE, Director `R W. A. HIFNER, JR. , CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT gi} CITY BANK BUILDING LEXINGTON, KY. S MEMBERS Y KY. SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS é AM. SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS !` { NT‘L ASSOCIATION OF COST ACCOUNTANTS To the Officers and Trustees, E; Frontier Nursing Service, ij Lexington, Kentucky. Ladies and Gentlemen: I have written up and closed your books for the twelve A months ended May 10th, 1930, all as shown on the annexed Ex- 1 hibits A, B, C and D, and supporting schedules A-1, A-2 and A-3. ‘ All monies received from contributions and donations have been checked against the duplicate receipts issued therefor, and 5 { all receipts have been traced through the banks. All disburse- ., ments have been verified by means of canceled checks and re- f i ceipted invoices. , I hereby certify that, in my opinion, all monies have been A duly and properly accounted for. ` Respectfully submitted, * W. A. HIRNRR, JR. A Certified Public Accountant. if Lexington, Kentucky, May Thirtieth, Nineteen Thirty. I I I l ·;.fr1ff1_.1.___ K__. 1%*1*9 +%[i~¥1$'¥E¥S’:Xr§E¥*;P*‘*f¥`iN . I I . , l EXHIBIT A .I ` FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE, Inc. Lexington, Kentucky Statement of Receipts and Disbu1·sements May lst, 1929, to May 10th, 1930 . H RECEIPTS Contributions and Subscriptions (Schedule A-3) .....i...............»......»»_... $131,680.31 ,_ Income from Nursing Centers ................ 2,772.96 Income from Trust Funds ..,...,................. 895.70 l Income from Wendover Postoffice ........ 572.61 _ ~ ‘ Income from State Board of Health ...... 1,875.00 Refunds ..............................................._...... 311.01 Total Income .................................. $138,107.59 Add: _ Endowment Received from Mrs. S. Thurston Ballard for Hyden Hospital .............................................. 15,000.00 Money Borrowed .................................. 10,300.00 Balances on Hand May lst, 1929 ........ 8,470.42 4 ———— z Total to be accounted for ............__ $171,878,01 'S I l f F l L Arc. . ..1-* F¥*2¥T'T!}i"* N‘c"*$'¥9_$l?I?X£‘??? -c..-L_ . 5 I EXHIBIT A—Continued at DISBURSEMENTS Expenses Paid (Schedule A—1) .............. $ 84,433.31 . Real Estate, Buildings and Equipment . Y 1 (Schedule A-2) ._........i.,................... 41,900.62 Trust Funds Invested .............................. 20,000.00 Borrowed Money Repaid ........................ 10,140.00 Total Disbursements .................... $156,473.93 Remainder to be accounted for ,............... 15,404.08 Which is represented by Cash in Banks, viz: Security Trust Co., Lexington, Ky., g _ General Fund ......,............,.........»...... 13,754.83 ` Less Same——Overdraft Petty Fund ..r.rl 457.56 $ 13,297.27 Hyden Citizens Bank, Hyden, Ky., viz: Hyden District Committee ................................ 71.73 \Vendover District Committee .......r»................. 56.58 ; Beech Fork District Committee ...................»..r_ 34.44 { Possum Bend District Committee .............i...... 35.96 Hyden Hospital Operating Account ,...»...........c. 187,09 Y Hyden Hospital Building Account .................. 468.69 Possum Bend Building Account .......c,,,,............ 7.67 _ * First National Bank, Manchester, Ky., viz: i Red Bird District Committee ............................ 155.55 [ Flat Creek District Committee ....._...,.......,....._ 80.50 9 Red Bird Building Account .,........._._....__....___..... 222.85 _ Flat Creek Building Account ........_._.....c........... 306.35 U. S. Trust Co., Louisville, Ky., Income Account .... 479.40 Total .............................................................. $ 15,404.08 L __ _ THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN tu A- 4 EXHIBIT B 0 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE, Inc. I . Lexington, Kentucky . . Balance Sheet as at May 10th, 1930 ASSETS Cash in Banks (Exhibit A) .................... $ 15,404.08 Realty, Buildings and Equipment ‘· (Schedule A-2) ...........,.. ; ................... 122,071.60 Investments (Trust Funds) ..................4, 20,000.00 li _"“" y Total Assets .................................. $157,475.68 LIABILITIES Notes Payable, Money Borrowed ............ $ 8,800.00 ` Endowments, viz: ‘ A Joan Glancy Fund, Baby Bed .............. 5,000.00 it ] Mary Ballard Morton Fund—Hyden L Hospital .............................................. 15,000.00 , p Public Contributions ‘ I and Gifts .................... $331,215.05 . Less: Expenses Paid .... 202,539.37 128,675.68 2 Total Liabilities ...... 157.475.68 F l FRONTIER NLlIH€i_EE_f;VICE 7 I EXHIBIT C FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE, Inc. Lexington, Kentucky Statement of Costs of Caroline Butler Atwood (Flat Creek) Center, To May 10th, 1930 LAND AND BUILDINGS A Combs Lumber Co., Lumber and Millwork..$1,375.04 Belknap Hardware Co., Hardware, etc .l..... 221.34 Sterling Hardware Co., Hardware, etc ....... 53.64 C. D. Shepherd, Plumbing .......................... 140.50 R. B. Kirkpatrick, Plumbing ...................... 45.00 H. R. Smith, Lumber and Hardware ........ 436.86 Local Purchases, Various Materials .......... 728.14 Labor and Hauling ...................................... 4,027.25 Drilling Well .................................................. 311.90 Total Land and Buildings .................... $7,339.67 EQUIPMENT Belknap Hardware and Manufacturing Co. 605.39 Sterling Products Co. .................................. 3.69 Louisville Bedding Co. .................................. 45.22 Southern Tent and Awning Co. .................. 29.25 Crane Company ............................................ 273.98 W. J. Bredeman ............................................ 128.85 ‘ J. D. Purcell C0. ............................................ 235.93 rm VVolf-Wile Co. ................................................ 40.08 . B. Altman Co. ................................................ 11.90 Louisville Chemical Co ................................. 24.05 ‘ Theodore Tafel Co. ........................................ 14.30 Local Tables and Chairs .............................. 197.25 Mrs. McFerran ............................r................. 22.65 . Sears-Roebuck and Co. ..........__......_..._.____.___ 1.56 Montgomery-Ward and Co. ..........._._............ .85 § Total Equipment .................................... $1,634.95 Total Costs to May 10th, 1930 ........................ $8,974.62 ‘ A . _ ._._.__. 2 _ SCHEDULE A-1 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE, Inc. Lexington, Kentucky Statement of Expenses Paid May 1st, 1929, to May 10th, 1930 1 ADMINISTRATIVE I l Traveling—Director and Secretary ...... $ 2,085.25 i Salaries—Secretaries to Director .......... 2,842.85 Clerical and Stenographic ...................... 3,364.25 ` Stationery, Stamps and Printing .......... 1,548.11 Office Supplies .......................................... 282.94 Telephone and Telegraph ........................ 451.16 , Auditing ...................................................... 271.50 il, Advertising ................................................ 231.56 Books, Magazines and Memberships ...... 197.83 _ Insurance—Director’s Life, Fire and Liability .................................................. 1,327.75 Interest ........................................................ 171.33 Total Administrative Expense ........ $12,77 4.53 i ‘ f GENERAL ~ Bulletins ...................................................... $ 1,157.25 it Scholarships and Educational Work ........ 1,125.00 Social Service Work .................................. 382.69 A ` , Dentist ........................................................ 715.00 ~ Motion Picture Expense .......................... 1,373.95 Promotional Work .................................... 5,687,94 { , Total General Expense ...................... 10,441.83 ._...... g , ~ l momumz mmsmo smvicm s 1 SCHEDULE A-1——Continued FIELD ` Salaries——Nurses ........................................ $27,398.96 _ Nurses’ Records ........................................ 291.84 Registration of Nurses ............................ 75.00 ;_ Nurses’ Uniforms ...................................... 450.14 N" Dispensary Supplies .................................. 3,554.65 I Repairs and Upkeep ................................ 2,624.48 Feed and Care of Horses ........................ 6,081.79 Cleaning up and preparing ground, sow- ing seed, spraying trees and miscella- I neous, expenses of The Georgia J Wright Clearing .................................... 1,499.59 · Hauling ........................................................ 4,801.01 Transportation—Patients and Attend- ants ...........................,.............................. 380.12 Transportation——New Nurses ................ 2,012.96 Operation Hyden Hospital: Salaries of Nurses ............ $ 4,301.35 Salary of Physician ............ 1,062.50 ‘ Hospital Surgical Atten- tion .................................. 570.35 Fuel ...................................... 395.02 Food and Supplies ..........,. 6,940.53 Gasoline and Oil ................ 589.80 Laundry .............................. 235.75 ‘ Telephone and Telegraph .... 93.51 ‘ Postage ................................ 137.18 . gy ————- 1 Total ................................ $14,325.99 Less: Board paid by Nurses ,______..___.__.___......... 3,070.08 11,255.91 ; Miscellaneous Field Expense 790.50 l Total Field Expense ........................ 61,216.95 Total all Expenses ................................................ $84,433.31 { . L l 10 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN 1 "‘EXHIBIT D l FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE, Inc. Lexington, Kentucky . Statement of Costs of The Georgia Wright Clearing ‘ To May 10th, 1930 it - —— I IMPROVEMENTS Drilling Well ..,_...ll......................................... $ 199.75 Lumber and Hardware ................................ 785.13 Labor and Hauling ........................................ 1,263.50 Total Improvements ..............ll.............. . $2,248.38 ·· Cost of Land (prior year) .................r.............................. 610.26 l I EQUIPMENT Louisville Chemical Co. ........................................i....... 81.36 EXPENSE I Labor and Hauling, Cleaning up and preparing y ground, sowing seed, spraying trees, and mis- i cellaneous expense ..........................,......................... 1,499.59 ' Total Costs to May 10th, 1930 ...............,.........,.. $4,439.59 Y , *NOTE: This Exhibit shouhl be rezul after Exhibit C, and before Svhcdule A-1. § . l E l g Fnom-mn NURSING_SERVICE 11 SCHEDULE A-2 I FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE, Inc. Lexington, Kentucky Schedule of Real Estate, Buildings and Equipment Costs · . May 10th, 1930 . May 1, 1929 R, Totals to Totals `_ May 1, 1929 May 10, 1930 May 10, 1930 l LAND AND BUILDINGS Hyden Health Center .......... $42,857.12 $17,565.27 $ 60,422,39 Wendover District .............. 1,755.71 2,593.88 4,349.59 Beech Fork District ............ 7,543.85 893.61 8,437,46 Possum Bend District ........ 7,427.18 352.41 7,779.59 Red Bird District .................. 11,067.44 1,198.89 12,266.33 Flat Creek District ................ 7,339.67 7,339.67 The Georgia Wright Clearing ............................ 610.26 2,248.38 2,858.64 EQUIPMENT Hyden Health Center .Q ...... 1,291.40 2,363.24 3,654.64 Wendover District ................ 347.24 347.24 Beech Fork District ............ 574.53 133.27 707,80 Possum Bend District ........ 626.22 161.71 787.93 Red Bird District ................ 213.30 1,600.80 1,814.10 Flat Creek District .............. 1,634.95 1,634.95 1 The Georgia Wright Clearing ............................ 81.36 81.36 i Dispensary—-All Centers .... 915.83 294.64 1,210.47 l Househ0ld———All Centers .... 1,504.05 556.25 2,060.30 I Horses ......................____............ 2,170.00 1,050.00 3,220.00 Equipment for Horses .......... 930.52 704.52 1,635.04 Motor Truck——Ambulance (Initial Payment) .............. 25.00 25.00 Office Equipment .................. 324.57 551.13 875.70 § Motion Picture Equipment ...... 359.00 359.00 Sheep, Cattle, Hogs ................ 204.40 204.40 é Totals _________._,._.___........ $80,170.98 $41,900.62 $122,071.60 E; x W W WW . J l ! 12 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN . 1 . SCHEDULE A-3 t i FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE, Inc. Lexington, Kentucky Statement of Donations and Subscriptions Paid ;. t. - May lst, 1929, to May 10th, 1930 ” ARIZONA CONNECTICUT—Continued Mrs. J. C. Greenway-------} 500 Miss Beatrice Holley Williams 5.00 I Miss Alice L. Hilliard _._.. 10.00 I Total——Connecticut .._.... $ 56.00 4 . 'I‘otal—Arizona .........1 $ 15.00 _ COLORADO Miss Elizabeth Blanc ....... $ 2.00 ARKANSAS Miss Eleanor Blaydes ...... $ 7.50 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Mrs. F. I. Brown ..._....._ 5.00 Mrs. Catherine Filene D0dd--$ 50.00 *‘ MI'. 8Ild MIS. C. Campbell M]·S_ J, Davis Byodhggd _____ 5_00 Dr. St. Cloud Cooper ....... 10.00 Mrs. J. W. Hill ............ 5.00 I Mrs. M. E. C. Marshall .---- 5-00 Mrs. Charles E. Hughes, Jr.- 5.00 l Mrs. J. Merrick Moore ----- l-0-00 Mrs. Therese Doris McCagg-- 5.00 I Miss Kate P. Sandels ...... 5.00 Mrs. H. M. Mccieiiami ....._ 10.00 Mr. George P. Sparks ..._.. 5.00 Mrs. Keith Merrill ._____.._ 50.00 Mrs. C. M- T3YlO1` -----—-—-- 5-00 Mr. and Mrs. George Hewitt ··l··‘ Myers ._................. 250.00 TO€¤l—A1'k¤r1S8S --------— $ 57-50 Miss Mary L. Sanborn ...... 10.00 ·*—"‘ Mr. Jouett Shouse .._....._ 25.00 CALIFORNIA Major Julia C. Stimson ..... 25.00 · ' D. ..... . _ Mr. A. B. Atwater ......... $ 100.00 ¥"gh‘;Vatgs”t°rS 1233 Miss Freda M. Caffin ...... 5.00 ` ` ` ——-__-`_` ° ‘ Mrs, F. L. Colby ............ 25.00 _ _ _ ` — · l . Miss Marion E. Fitzhughun 125.00 Total D1st11ct of Co umbia $ 455 00 lh 3‘“3°‘3.?33i..;.; i‘‘‘’‘‘ 3333 FLORIDA rs` ` ° n _—·_—- ' Mrs. C. R. Breckinridge, Jr.1$ 50.00 l — ' ` ___..._. 20. Total California S 3 00 ILLINOIS Q Miss Marion Abele ......... $ 5.00 ' CONNECTICUT Mrs. Van Wagmen Alling --- 5.00 i Miss Louise J. Barney ..... $ 5.00 Mrs. Clifford W. Barnes ,-- 25.00 Mrs. Wilson Brown ........ 5.00 Miss Lilace Reid Barnes --- 15.00 Mrs. Estelle P. Hosmer ..... 25.00 Mrs. Laird Bell ............ 25.00 Mrs. Gilbert Kinney .._..... 15.00 Mrs. Watson F. Blair ....... 25.00 Mrs. Ada C. Lindell ...._... 1.00 Mrs. John T. Boddie .._.... 25.00 t l I - l 4 l FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE 13 l l ILLINOIS—Continued ILLINOIS—Continued i' Mrs. Harold Bodman ...... 25.00 Mrs. Alfred H. Granger (Belle , Miss Beatrice Borland ______ ]_5_00 Barrett Hughitt Center)-_ 3,301.00 · Mrs. Bruce Borland ....... 25.00 Miss Halen K- Gnrlsy ——-~— 20-00 Mass zeua Bradford ....... 4.00 Mrs-· Oscar 0- Hayward ---- 15-00 .\ Mrs. W. R. Bridgman ........ 2.00 Mrs- J· O· H°YW°rtn ———--- 2500 i Mrs. Eugene J. Buffington--- 100.00 Misa Signs Hmqnist ———--— 5-on Mrs. A. A- Burrows una"-- 5.00 Mrs. John A. Holabird ..... 5.00 %\ _ Mrs. H. L. Hollis .......... 25.00 { Mrs. Americus F. Callahan--_ 25.00 Miss Frances L. Hughes an- 300 ; Campus Circle, Lake Forest Mi._ Marvin Hughitt (Baiia | C<>ll0g€ ———-—--—-—————————- 25-00 Baum Hughitt Center)-- 3,400.00 Mrs. Clyde M. Carr ........ 50.00 Mrs. Samuel Insull, Jr. ..e. 50.00 i Mrs. L. A. Carton ......... 5.00 Mrs. Samuel Insull, Sr. .... 100.00 · Mr. William E. Casselberryu 50.00 Mrs. E. E. Irons ..._..._.__ 5.00 Miss Margaret B. Conover--- 25.00 Mrs. William V. Kelley .... 100.00 Mrs, Ambrose Cramer ..... 10.00 Mrs. H. A. Knott ..a.______. 20.00 Mrs. D. M. Cummings ...... 100.00 Miss Julia C. Lathrop ._... 2.00 Mrs. David Dangler ........ 20.00 Miss Rose M. Laurence .... 10.00 Dr. J. B. DeLee ~........... 10.00 Mrs. A. G. Lester ...._.... 5.00 Mrs. C. W. Dempster ....... 25.00 Mr. Bowman C. Lingle .... 25.00 Miss Anna H. De Teresa _... 50.00 Mrs. Chauncey McCormick-_ 50.00 Mrs. Francis R. Dickinson"- 10.00 Mrs. Robert McDougal ..... 25.00 Miss Naomi Donnelley ...._ 115.00 Mrs. T. B. McGrath ........ 65.00 Miss Helen V. Drake ....... 10.00 Miss M. H. McMillan ._..... 5.00 Mrs. M. A. Farr _........... 5.00 Mrs. Albert F. Madlener ____ 10.00 Miss Shirley Farr ...._.... 10.00 Mrs. Julie Manierre Mann -- 5.00 Mrs. A. D. Farwell ....._.. 10.00 Mrs. Fielding L. Marshall --- 100.00 Mrs. John V. Farwell ...... 25.00 Mrs. Thomas B. Marston --_ 25.00 Miss Elizabeth Faulkner -_- 5.00 Miss Eleanor C. Morse .... 1.00 Mrs. Wentworth G. Field"- 5.00 Miss Margaret A. Mosiman-- 1.00 Mrs. E. G. Foreman, Sr. --- 50.00 Mrs. Murray Nelson ..._... 25.00 Mrs. James B. Forman, Jr.-_ 25.00 Mrs. James R. Offield ...... 10.00 Miss Harriet France ....... 5.00 Mrs. Joseph E. Otis ...._.. 25.00 ,· Mrs. Joseph Frank ........ 50.00 Mrs. Edward G. Pauling --_ 20.00 i Dr. Lester E. Frankenthal"- 25.00 Mrs. Peck—Matthiessen ..... 5.00 Mrs. Charles S. Frost (Belle Mrs. William F. Peter ..._. 5.00 Barrett Hughitt Center)-- 3,326.00 Mrs. William Allen Pusey--_ 10.00 Miss Clara Gilbert ......... 25.00 Ravenwood Hospital Associ’n 2.00 , Mrs. C. F. Glore .._________ 10.00 Mrs. F. H. Rawson .._...___ 200.00 { Miss Grace Goodman ...... 25.00 Mrs. Charles S. Reed ...... 5.00 [ Mrs. H, E, Goodman _______ 100,00 Mrs. Theodore W. Robinson_ 25.00 Mr, A. W, Goodrich ________ 15,00 Miss Grace E. Rosenfeld ..._ 10.00 { Mrs. W. F. Goodspeed .._... 10.00 Mrs. Maurice Rosenfeld ..._ 60.00 i Mrs. David Wilson Graham-- 5.00 M1'. A. A- Sprague ......... 50.00 gf Mrs. Ernest R. Graham ..._ 50.00 Mrs. Edgar Stanton ........ 10.00 W 14 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN ILLINOIS—Continued KENTUCKY—Continued 1 - Mrs. Sidney Starbuck ...... 5.00 Mrs. J. Washington E. Bayly 100.00 n Mrs. Richard I. Stearns .... 10.00 Mr. Bennett B. Bean .._.... 5.00 l Mrs. Henry L. Stout ....... 5.00 Mr. Richard Bean .......__ 250.00 Mrs. R. Douglas Stuart .... 25.00 Mrs. Francis R. Beattie .... 100.00 Mr. B. E. Sunny ........... 50.00 Mrs. Morris B. Belknap --- 100.00 Mrs. G. Gary Sutcliffe ..... 25.00 Mr. VValter K. Belknap .... 25.00 Mrs. Gustavus Swift ....._. 35.00 Mrs. William R. Belknap --- 10.00 g Mrs. Harold H. Swift .r.... 25.00 Mr. Thomas L. Benten .._.. 5.00 ll. '_ Mrs. Eugene S. Talbot, Jr.-- 10.00 Mrs. G. F. Berry .______.._ 10.00 ( Mrs. Chester D. Tripp ...e. 10.00 Mrs. Emma P. Berryman --- 5.00 Mrs. Henry N. Tuttle ..._.. 10.00 Miss Lillian Berryman _1.. 1.00 Mr. Russell Tyson 1_.___._ 25.00 Mrs. A. A. Bigelow ._....... 5.00 Mrs. Frederic W. Upham --- 100.00 Judge R. W. Bingham .1... 179.50 Mr. Herman lValdeck ...... 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. William Black- 50.00 ‘ Mrs. James Alexander Waller 5.00 Mr. John H. Blackburn .... 2.00 Mrs. J. P. \Vatkins ...._... 10.00 Mrs. H. D. Blanc __1_.11.1_ 15.00 Mrs. James V. Watson ...1. 20.00 Mr. G. O. Boomer ._..._.... 5.00 Mrs. F. E. Williamson .__1. 25.00 Dr. Ernest B. Bradley ..... 10.00 General R. E. Wood ....,... 10.00 Mrs. Alfred Brandeis .._._. 10.00 __ ` Miss Helen \Vray __.,11.... 1.00 Miss Fanny Brandeis ....1. 5.00 —-— Hon. Clifton R. Breckinridge 200.00 ` Total—Illinois _,1_____,1 $12,008.00 Mr. Desha Breckinridge --- 100.00 { —-— Mr. Charles S. Brent ....__ 5.00 `. KENTUCKY Mr. N. Ford Brent _,...... 5.00 Anonymous _.1_....._._.... S 88.00 Mrs. Alice R. Bristow ....._ 5.00 Dy-, Irvin Abell ...__.11.... 20.00 Mrs. Lucas Brodhead ..._.. 10.00 V Mr. E. R. Ackerman ,__,1.. 5.00 Mrs. Anderson C. Brown --- 5.00 Mrs. A. J. A. Alexander ---- 950.00 Mrs. Helm Bruce ---------- 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Allen 25.00 Miss Dorothy Buck -------- 100.00 Mr. Charles XV. Allen ------ 25.00 Mrs. Marshall Bullit ------ 20.00 Colonel John R. Allen ------ 10.00 Mr. Cabell B. Bullock ------ 25.00 i Mrs. VVilliam B. Allen ------ 50.00 Mrs. Thomas S. Bullock --- 5.00 l Mr. Edward Altsheler ------ 10.00 Miss Florence K. Burnam--- 10.00 ' Mr. L. L. Anderson -------- 10.00 Mrs. Paul Burnam -------- 10.00 Miss Letitia C. Arnold ----- 5.00 Bush Brothers and Company 25.00 l ` Miss Jane Short Atwood Mr. Sam S. Buch ---------- 5.00 (Caroline Butler Atwood Mrs. A. T. Buxton --------- 5.00 Center) --------..-.-..--- 5,000.00 Mr. W. E. Caldwell ------- 200.00 Mrs. W. P. Averett -------- 5.00 Mrs. John S. Cannon ------- 2.00 Miss I1·ene L. Baker ------- 25.00 Mr. H. St. G. T. Carmichael 10.00 ‘ " Mrs. Charles T. Ballard ---. 60.00 Mrs. Joseph C. Carter ----- 50.00 *Mrs. S. Thurston Ballard--- 6,025.00 Miss Sarah Fullerton Carter 2.50 A Mr. John W. Barr, Jr. ----- 25.00 Mrs. Thomas F. Carter .--- 11.00 Mrs. A. G. Barret -.-.------ 100.00 Mrs. T. D. Cassidy --------- 5.00 ‘ Mrs. Mason Barret ----.--- 5.00 Mr. C. C. Chase --------___ 100.00 *Mrs. Ballard also gave $15,000 Endowment. ¢ ' ( . p { , l l 5 #7 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE 15 I KENTUCKY—»·C0ntinued KENTUCKY·—Continued { Mr. G. R. Churchell ....... 10.00 Mr. M. F. Field ............. 5.00 l Mrs. James Clark ._~.._... 10.00 Dr. J. A. Flexner .......... 10.00 Miss Elizabeth W. Clay .... 5.00 Mrs. Bettie Fall Foster ..1. 1.00 Miss Elizabeth W. Clay, Chair Mary Parker Gill Estate man Junior Department, (Through U. S. Trust Co.) 4,778.14 Bourbon County Woman’s Mr. James Glazebrook ..... 10.00 Club ...1,_._,......1.... 1.00 Mr. William Glazebrook .... 25.00 is Miss Harriett Cleek _....... 5.00 Mrs. A. Goldberg .......... 5.00 { Mrs. W. H. Coffman ..e.... 10.00 Miss Lucy C. Gooch ....... 6.00 Mr. VV. R. Cole .._..,..... 100.00 Goodwin Brothers ......... 5.00 Mrs. Spalding Coleman s... 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Graham 100.00 Mrs. Eli Huston Brown, Jr., Mr, Ben Gratz ..._......... 25.00 for Patriotic Service Com- Mr. Charlton H. Graves 1... 10.00 mittee of Colonial Dames- 10.00 Mrs. VVarren Graves .1..... 15.00 Mr, Bill Combs ____________ 5.00 Mr, H. O. Gray ______,____ 25.00 Mrs. I. N. Combs ..1...,.. 10.00 Mrs. Charles D. Grubbs ..,_ 1.00 Mr. James H. Combs 1...1.. 5.00 Mrs. Louis Lee Haggin .,.. 100.00 Mr. Leslie Combs ..._....._ 10.00 Miss Ellen Halsall ._1..... 10.00 Hon. Thomas A. Combs .... 25.00 Mrs. Arch L. Hamilton ...1 135.00 Mrs. WV. H. Cooke ....e_... 1.00 Mr. Arthur Hancock ..,.... 5.00 Miss Emma Courtenay .1.... 5.00 Mr. Shelby T. Harbison, Jr.- 10.00 Mr. M. C. Covington ,11_.... 5.00 Mrs. Abner Harris, Sr. .... 2.00 Mrs. Thomas C. McCown--- 5.00 Mrs. Credo Harris .._...,.. 10.00 Mr. Leonard Grainstead Cox- 10.00 Mrs. E. P. Harrison ------- 1.00 Mr. M. H. Crawford ------- 50.00 Mrs. \Villiam B. Harrison-- 10.00 Dr. S. G. Dabney ----------- 20.00 Mrs. VV. H. Hart ----------- 10.00 Miss Bessie P. Daingerfield- 10.00 Miss Ellen D. Hatfield ----- 5.00 Miss Josephine L. Danforth-- 2.00 Mrs. W. B. Heck ----.----- 10.00 Mr. C. E. Daugherty ------- 10.00 Mrs. John L. Helm, Sr. ----- 10.00 Mr. Pete Deemer ---------- 5.00 Miss Margie Helm --------- 7.50 Mr. Foree Dennis ---------- 5.00 Miss Nellie May Hendricks- 1.00 Mrs. Maria H. de Roode ---- 5.00 Mrs. S. C. Henning ------- 102.00 Mr. Louis des Cognets, Jr.- 5.00 Miss Della Hertzel --------- 2.00 s Mrs. John D. Doolan ------ 50.00 Mrs. William Heyburn ----- 200.00 ‘ Mrs. John R. Downing ----- 40.00 Mr. Edward H. Hilliard ---- 20.00 Ml`. C. B. Duff .--...-.-.. 5.00 Howard and Heafey ------- 5.00 Mr. C. F. Dunn ------------ 5.00 Mrs. Sarah M. Huber ------ 10.00 Colonel John C. Durrett --- 50.00 Mrs. Churchill Humphrey--- 12.50 Mrs. Mary Cummins Paine Mrs. Lewis C. Humphrey --- 25.00 Eudy -------------------- 25.00 Miss Mary Churchill Humph- Mrs William G. Eaton ------ 7.50 my _______________-_____ 200_00 Mrs. J- C- Engélhélfd ....... 10.00 Mrs. Clay Hunt ----------- 5.00 Mrs. Robert G. Evans ------ 5.00 Mrs. George R. Hunt ------- 15.00 Mrs. J. H. Ewalt ----------- 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hunt --.- 5.00 T Mrs. Bennett Farris ------- 25.00 Mr. W. Stewart Hunter ---- 5.00 1 I l i i 16 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN KENTUCKY—Continued KENTUCKY—Continued . Dr. \Villiam J. Hutchins 1-1 25.00 Mrs. James L. Moss ....... 3.00 Idle Hour Fair Association-- 500.00 Mr. W. T. Murray _......... 2.50 Miss Frances Ingram _...._ 1.00 Mr. Drake C. Naive ...._.._ 5.00 Dr. VV. O. Johnson ........ 5.00 Mr. Kenneth Neal ____...._ 5.00 Mr. C. Taber Johnston .._.. 10.00 Mrs. E. Norton ._........... 5.00 ‘ Mrs. Lucy A. H. Johnstone-- 2.00 Miss L