xt737p8tdj18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt737p8tdj18/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19690213  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1969 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1969 1969 2015 true xt737p8tdj18 section xt737p8tdj18 TT,

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li MID
Thursday Evening, Feb. 13, 19G9


Learning Forum
Set Up To Air
Student Grines


Editorial Page Editor

Are you bored or turned off by the academic climate at the
University? Do some situations here make you so mad you feel

like leading a
assault on the Administration Building?
Well, before you do some- the purpose of the forum is to
thing that drastic, you might allow students to present in a
first attend a forum scheduled free and candid
atmosphere their
for March 6 to allow students
complaints about the system and
to air their gripes on the climate
any suggestions they may have
for learning at UK.
for improvements.
The forum, sponsored by the
"We are aware that we are
College of Arts and Sciences
entering a new age in student-facult- y
Committee on Learning, will be
held at 4 p.m. in the Student
relationships," he said.
Center Theatre. The committee
"It seems to me that to a
hopes that comments offered by
students will help in making large extent students are bored'
concrete improvements in the by the routine and traditional
educational approaches . . . and
academic environment here.
that they are ready to take a
more active role in shaping the
Among the areas the committee seeks to check into for pos- educational system as well as
the world around them."
sible attention are cultural opthe advising system,
In addition to Dr. Culley,
independent study, degree re- the other members of the comquirements, classroom motiva- mittee who will be on hand
tion, the teaching and learning at the forum to hear students'
processes, relevance and proopinions are Dr. Robert Baker
blems involving instructors.
(psychology), Alfred Crabb (English), Dr. Randolph Daniel (hisDr. Halbert Culley, chairman
tory) and Dr. William Plucknett
of the Department of Speech
who also is serving as the committee's chairman, describes the
purpose of the March 6 forum:


Vol. LX, No. 95






Someone apparently didn't like the ad for "Black Week" on the "Great
Wall" near the Administration Building. They replaced it with one of
their own choice. It reads "White Power Week KKK."


Carver Enters Presidential Race,
Other Candidates Still Unofficial

Assistant Managing Editor
The first hat has been officially thrown into the ring foi
the Student Government presidential election this spring.
Bruce Carver, a former member of SG President VV ally Bryan's cabinet and former parliamentarian for the SG Assembly,

Summer Law Consortium
Set For Minority Groups

"The Committee on Learning
in sincerely trying to explore in
way the conditions for learning that the under.The College of Law will participate in a consortium this summer
graduates encounter here, so we to help prepare students in minority groups for admission to an
are eager to get as complete a accredited law school in the Ohio Valley area.
The consortium, which will
picture as possible as to how
the students view the learning include the Universities of LouisGarrett Flickinger, UK law
challenges on campus.
ville, Cincinnati and Ohio State professor, said an institute will
conducted June 23 to Aug. 2
"The committee is searching in 10 set to UK, will be one be the
University of Cincinnati
up nationwide by the at
for concrete improvements that
Council on Legal Education Op- - as a "Head Start" program for
can be implemented to make
portunity. It will be funded by minority group students espelearning more exciting for everythe U.S. Office of Economic Op- cially
one," he added.
and American Indians
portunity and the Ford
Dr. Culley emphasized that
who are interested in studying
The purposes of the program
are to encourage minority group
members to choose a career in
law, to place minority group applicants in law schools throughout the country and to provide
an intensified program in the
skills necessary for competitive"
law study.
The program will be limited
to 40 students, to be selected by
John J. Murphy, director of the
consortium, and a steering committee composed of representatives from the (pur universities.
UK and UC each will send
a black law student assistant
to work in the institute, UK's
Flickinger said. Willie R. Sanders, a graduate of Kentucky State
College, Frankfort, will represent






















Don C ratter, SAE, and Rosemary Cox,
DZ, were named Outstanding Greek Man
Woman at the Credc Banquet Wed-- .
nesday night. (Story on Page 5)

Student recruitment in the
Ohio Valley consortium is being
conducted primarily in Kentucky,
Ohio, Tennessee and West Virginia.
A special form, along with
official transcripts of grades and
one law school admission test
score report, will be required to
apply for admission to the program. Further information may
be obtained from Flickinger or
from any of the other three consortium member schools.

has announced his candidacy for
the top office.
"The reason I'm announcing
right now is that the other two
likely candidates have already
taken stands on the housing policy," Carver said. "If I'm going
to have any chance in campaigning, I have to come out now."
He added that the "two likecandidates" he was referring
to were SG Vice President Tim
Futrell and assembly member
Thorn Pat Juul.
Along with his announcement,
Carver issued a statement on the
housing policy.
He said he would ask the KenActivities
Committee (KUAQ to investigate
the Board of Trustees because
the board can require students
to live in dormitories. He added
that "this type of thing" only
goes on in Communist countries.
'Duped By Commies'
"I am not saying that the
Board of Trustees members are
Communists," Carver said, "but
they only get down here (to the
University) maybe once a week
and they could have been duped
by Commies."
Carver said forced housing
is opposed to the free enterprise
"Other landlords cannot require people to live in their hous;


He said students were dissatiswith living in dormitories


because of "the conditions" under which they must live.
Carver suggested that four or
five sets of rules and regulations
be set up for dormitories, ranging from "very strict" to "very
loose." The student could then
choose the rules and regulations
he wanted to live under and indicate this on his housing application.
The students would be very
happy and the natural advantages of dormitory housing
would come through," Carver
Carver would not comment
on other issues, saying that when
the other candidates took stands
on other issues besides housing
he would make his own position
Neither would he disclose who
his vice presidential candidate
would be, although he did say
that he already has chosen him.
Other Choices
While Carver is the only official candidate as yet, speculation has as many as five or sLx
other students running for the
top SG position.
The two major ones are the
two whom Carver named Tim
Futrell and Thorn Pat Juul. Neither has officially declared his
candidacy but both have been
unofficially campaigning
some time.
Continued on Page 5, Col. 1

Griffin Named To Head
Presidential Committee
Ceorge Criflln, a UK Trustee, has been named chairman of the
screening committee to find a new University president.
Crifiin, from London, was named to replace Dr. Ralph Angelucci
as head of the committee to find a successor to Dr. John W. Oswald,
who resigned as president a year ago. Dr. A.D. Kirwan is acting
University president.
Griffin said the committee will continue to consider present
prospects unless they have declared themselves "unavailable."
Griffin, 42, with the Laurel Grocery Co. in London, received
a B. S. from UK in 1950. A Baptist and registered Republican,
he also is a member of the board of trustees of Cumberland College.
In a weekend meeting, the committee named Mrs. Rexford
Blazer of Ashland as vice chairman and secretary.
The committee is made up of four trustees and four faculty
members elected by the University Senate.
Members of the committee include trustees Crifiin, Mrs. Blazer,
Dr. N.N. Nicholas of Owensboro, William R. Black of Paducah,
and faculty members Dr. Paul Sears, Dr. Ceorge Schwert, Dr.
Robert W. Rudd and Charles Duesner.

* KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, Ecb. 13,

2-- TIIE


Tire &

means of a campus corporate Dialogue
Here, Arthur M. Klebanoff. a senior at Yale,
who plans graduate studies and a career in
government, is exchanging views with

to serious questions and viewpoints posed by
leading student spokesmen about business
and its role in our changing society through

In the course of the Dialogue Program, Arnold
Shelby, a Latin American Studies major at
Tulane, also will explore issues with Mr.
Galvin; as will David M. Butler, Electrical
Engineering, Michigan State, and Stan Chess,

Three chief executive officers The Goodyear
Rubber Company's Chairman, Russell
DeYoung, The Dow Chemical Company's
President H. D. Doan, and Motorola's
Chairman, Robert W. Galvin are responding


Mr. Galvin.





Journalism, Cornell, with Mr. Doan; similarly,
Ohio State, and
Mark Dookspan,
David G. Clark, Political Science MA
candidate at Stanford, with Mr. DeYoung.
These Dialogues will appear in this publication,
and other campus newspapers across the
country, throughout this academic year.
Campus comments are invited, and should be
forwarded to Mr. DeYoung, Goodyear, Akron,
Ohio; Mr. Doan, Dow Chemical, Midland,
Michigan; or Mr. Galvin, Motorola, Franklin
Park, Illinois, as appropriate.



Arthur M. Klebanoff, Yale

Dear Mr. Galvin :

Dear Mr. Klebanoff:

Student reaction to business is conditioned
by what appears in newspapers and
magazines. And what appears concerns
investigations more frequently
than innovations.


We read of industries with
product unreliability,
and watch the nation's largest corporations
attack Ralph Nader for defending the
public against such frauds. Many of us
have had our own bad experiences, with
orders or short-live- d
more expensive to repair than to replace.
We read of industries raping the
countryside in the Redwood forests of
California, the strip mines of Kentucky,
and the oil fields of Oklahoma while
preserving their malicious advantage with
a peculiar and depressingly traditional
We see the
brand of legislative
by the regulated, and
the future of an industry sacrificed to the
short-ru- n
advantage of a single firm.
And we read of concerts of industries
defining their own public interest, and
calling it progress. Some of us have
trouble seeing progress in hundred foot
long trailer trucks, brand-nam- e
and supersonic airplanes and the
congested airports from which they
are meant to fly.







This is a college generation deeply

concerned with personal honesty. To
many college students business appears
unreliable and destructively
Only the most positive actions
by the business community can change
this reaction, and create any significant
degree of interest on the campus.


My question Mr. Galvin is what will
business do to police itself?

Sincerely yours.

Arthur Klebanoff

Government, Yale

newspaper that ran stories such as
"120 Million People Committed No

Murders Yesterday" . . . "Thousands of
Officials Found Corruption-Free- "
"Very Few Students Are
Dope Addicts' would lose readership.
Newspapers must, by definition, report
the "news" including factual occurrences,
but putting emphasis on extraordinary
events. Crimes, wars, and corruption, are
unusual happenings, and are thus reported
in our news media.
A report that a "New Drivemobile Sedan
is Found Unsafe" is of greater importance
to the motoring public than, say,
"Fifty Makes of Autos Pass Safety Tests."
Most newspaper reports of fraudulent
practices by business firms are accurate.
However, newspapers are sometimes
guilty of subjective interpreting and
reports of entire industries with
product unreliability" can only
be described in those terms.
A single corporation (much less an entire
industry) would not survive long by
producing inferior goods. Competition is
for one thing, and most
corporations are bound to meet certain
standards specified by various trade
associations and institutes. Government
regulations, too, must be met, and,
finally, the buying public has the last word,
Business is policing itself, Mr. Klebanoff.
Consider some of the positive aspects of
modern, responsible corporations while
you weigh the shortcomings and
malpractices. You have read of industries
"raping the countryside," but apparently
you haven't read reports of businesses
and industries involved in conservation
an involvement in which billions of dollars
are being expended, and will continue to
cost many billions more.
An important conservation activity by
industry is the building of huge lakes by
the nation's investor-owne- d
electric power
companies. Although these water masses
are essential to the companies' operations,
they create valuable and
reservoirs of fresh water. Power
companies usually open these lakes to the
public for recreational purposes. An
example of this is Commonwealth Edison's
latest watershed which provides the
of newly
public with over
reclaimed shoreline.
Lumber companies, far from "raping"
our forestlands, are in fact responsible for
their growth. A lumber company would




not stay in business if it did not operate
on the principle of "sustained yield"
growing at least as many trees as it harvests.
Lumber Company is one
of many that conducts multi-us- e

forestry programs the company's timber
lands are open to the public for
recreational purposes such as camping,
fishing, hunting, hiking. Logging roads
allow public access into these areas and
are also invaluable in forest fire control.
It is a fact that game increases in
forests . . . this again is a
contribution to conservation.
The National Association of Manufacturers
estimates that American corporations are
currently spending in excess of $500
million annually on air pollution control
research and methods. Many millions more
are being poured into water pollution
control by business.
Slum clearance and renovation currently
claim the energies and financial resources
of a number of corporations; others
are working on improved sewage and
garbage disposal systems.
Yes, there is some legislative "logrolling", lobbying, and other questionable
practices, just as there are some
unscrupulous doctors, students who cheat,
corrupt people in government, criminals
roaming our streets, traitors and
deserters in the Armed Forces. Like you,
I believe
that unethical practices in
business as well as in other fields are
Efforts by business to "clean house" are
increasing, just as business' involvement
in society's problems is more evident.
Hopefully, students will be more willing
in the future to examine both sides of the
ledger before passing final judgments. If
more of the brighter, talented students,
with the high ideals and personal
integrity that you mentioned would join
business, the
process that
you and almost all business leaders seek,
would advance more rapidly.




100-mil- es


Robert W. Galvin
Chairman, Motorola Inc.




9 In 69: A Music City Odyssey

The following is an account of the Sunday
opening at Nashville! Pea body
(College of an exhibit of sculpture by nine University professors, graduate students and undergraduates. Others whose work
is included in "9 in 69" are
Lowell Jones and Gary Wojidc.
Photography by Howard G. Mason and Rick Dell.
Kernel Arts Editor

The reporter and the photographers arrive in Nashville late Sat
urday. Colonel Sanders sweeps
straw poll from Minnie Pearl,
Reporter and photographers at
tack dead chicken. Plump, down-- j
waitress asks, Are
jyou all an act?"

Nineteen-year-ol- d
scooted out the window.
Steve Davis
Taylor is very calm and has. is a musical phenom. He has
his piece repaired in time for written several top ten records
the show. George is bilious, but; for other artists, recorded quite
reassuring: "We know who he is a bit on his own, and is curand we'll get 'im."
rently negotiating with The Beatles' Apple Records.
However, much of Nashville
It is two o'clock now, time
is not attuned to The Steve Davis
for the opening to open. People
wave length:
at first trickle in in a thin gray Group's
"We played one number 20 minline. It is a cold overcast day,
the kind on which you'd really utes the other night and they
rather sit at home and watch almost booed us off the stage."
Instead, Nashville is the doreruns of the Porter Wagoner
main of The Grand Old Opry,
where old Buck Owens and the
However, the show has received glowing praise and a full
color splash in The
Nashville Tennessean's entertainment section. By 3:30 it's
getting very crowded inside and
brave clusters of souls are making
quick sallies at the outside work.
The University art faculty is
not exactly a bastion of conservative sculpting. I mean, among
all these pieces there is not one
John Kennedy bust. The reactions
are predictably diverse.
brown flattop is
harrumphing his way through
in a black suit with white shirt El matador? Michael Hall leads
and pencil-thiblack tie. He the troops out to inspect his
to set a new NCAA "Moon Pie" featured in "9 in
sculpture-exhibrecord, touching or shaking all sixteen pieces
Buckaroos can shore lay it down
in a flat four and
minutes. He disappears behind the and, I swear, when Earl Scruggs
starts to hittin' them hot licks,
rise beyond Jesup Memorial,
about why, it's downright rickedoodle-sommumbling something






EEEEeeee!!!! The mainmoth-- j
ier monkey is leading her charges
.around the uncovered wire cage'
'atop Jesup Psychological Labora-- i


.tory. She heads the eleventh generation of rhesus monkeys toi
spen its collective life atop old
Jesup Lab. The professor's laboratories are one floor below, which
may be indicative of something.
EEEEeeee!!!! They are not
usee to seeing such things on
the greenery between J esup Memorial and The Cohen Memorial
Museum. Over on one side is Mike1
Hall's towering "Moon Pie," all
32 feet long and 14 feet high of!
it. Midway through the opening
is Lester Van Winkle's untitled
sculpture of painted steel, leap
ing up to seethe out 67 the
ground only to burrow itself again
In" the warm turf in front of G
hen Memorial. David Brink's
"trade" forms the exhibit's
'other parameter. The pieces are
scattered out all over the place
in those huge dimensions that
defy the confines of the museum.
As if this weren't enough for
the hirsute Jesup crew, the sculptors and the reporter and the
'photographers, by now known
'as "the press corpse," are frolicking in and out of the show, peg
ging around a Genuine Olympic
There are nine other pieces!
inside Cohen and all are securely
in place many hours before the'
iopening. There's really very little
'to do at the moment but frisbee;
frolick, as old George has done;
his usual flawless job.

cir-'cul- ar


one-inc- h



one-ha- lf



fellow with a
pony tail is taking it all in. He
walks from work to work, rubbing
his hands together and chanting!
in a hoarse whisper, "Man, man,

pencil-thi- n






this time The Nine have

put on their Burger King Big


Whopper Crowns, which they
picked up Saturday at a local
restaurant, where they also were
fortunate enough to receive a
lecture on decorum and manners
!from the waitress.
Stan Mock relinquishes one
Burger King Big Whopper crown
to an insistent child, whose mother chides Mock with only a hint
of restraint that "We do need
five, you know!" He politely
offers directions to Burger King,;
then" splits like crazy. The ma-- !
tron comers the repo rter and tells
him, "He looks like Neptune
with that silly crown on." Noting his lack of response, she inin
You see, Ceorge Appletpn is structs him to "Write that down,
now." He does.
Tthe defacto leader of
Peabody ColTerrence Johnson, who will
lege. As head of Security and
show in Cohen
his favor is avidly open a
in early March, is patiently excoveted. He and The Nine quick--1
plaining the difference in West-ely slapped up the show Saturday.
and Eastern artistic concepts
'The only flaw in George's week-- .'
to an inquisitive, diminutive Oriend performance came Saturday
abnight when a midnight reveler ental as his little girl is
with his crown. Johnson
got carried away with his enthusiasm, hung on Jimmy Taylor's finally satisfies his interrogator,
untitled work, slightly damaging rums, looks skyward, sighs, and
it, and promptly ran into one of reclaims his Burger King Big
Whopper Crown.
George's honchos.
Appleton's army promptly de- livered him to metro police head-- .
Nashville is Music City, and
don't you forget it. It claws'
quarters, where he was photo-graphed, fingerprinted, and inter- -' at the cornea from the city's
rogated. Then, having watched! newsprint, buffets the eardrum
every late movie since VV. C. from its radio and television
Fields, he asked to go to the lets, gurgles up from your mornrest room, locked the door and ing coffee.






t- --









13, 1909- -3


Professor Stan Mock crowns Nashville's Steve Davis
with official Durger King Big Whopper Crown.

Much of the rest of the city,
like the rest of the South, is
still locked in the Motown syndrome.


is loose now and guns into a rhesus monkeys on top of Jesup
remarkable second set, ambling Lab have gone utterly berserk.
back and forth between organ
and guitar, singing, controlling
and we've never had anything
the flow of the action, stretching
like this. I mean, in all
all the way out as his freaky quite
my years of running through
bassist does Jack
blinoValley mazes, grabbing 40
Bruce things.
volts of negative reinforcement
Suddenly the girl the phoand swallowing placebos I've
tographers have followed all day never really seen such strange
stands up on the landing behind
happenings, and, well, Just look
the band and begins to go through at the hair on some of those
some slow, sinuous movements. guys. That does it. Call George.
The hair is long and black, the CALL GEORGE!!!!
outfit a modest gray suit, the
situation familiar, someone gets
up and makes a fool of themPress corpse twists and shouts
selves, except this time it just
back to parking lot, humming
doesn't work out that way.
all the way
For 20 minutes she takes over and
the show, dividing opinion rigidly back to Lexington. Thumb
between the females, who are through Faculty Art Exhibition
quietly despising her, and the catalogue. Find Edgar Varese
males, who think she is just a quote on last page: "There is no
there are only peoreal swell girl. The reporter stops
ple who are a little late." Decide
notes on the
would be real cool and groovy
Now she's doing things that
to end article.
don't get into college dailies. way
The Steve Davis Group is really
cooking, and all semblance of The
decorum has been joyfully jetThe
tisoned. It goes on for days and Station, Kentucky Kernel, University
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. Second class
days, time after time, until fipostage paid at Lexington, Kentucky.
nally Davis and the gray prancer Mailed five times weekly during the
school year except holidays and exam
bring it together in a thunderous
periods, and once during the summer
finger-poppin- g


two-year-ol- d.


People wander out of stately
Cohen Memorial in various states
of shock and
giddiness. Mac Boggs smokes two cigarettes in four minutes. The
post-cathars- is

by the Board of Student
Publications, UK Post Office Box 4986.
Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and
published continuously as the Kernel
since 1915.
Advertising published herein is intended to help the reader buy. Any
false or misleading advertising should
be reported to The Editors.

is understandably

starved for an audience and consents to play gratis at the opening. He gets a Burger King Big
Whopper Crown too.
At about three. The Steve
Davis Group pulls up in front
in a VW bus, turning up a nice,
long divot of Peabody grass. The
faculty is aghast: "What will
George say?"
By about 3: 30 The Steve Davis
group is driving through a nice,
tight set. Rock and roll bands
don't usually play at sculpture
exhibitions, but then no one ever
flew before the Wrights either.
Next up are a group of 11
Peabody students dubbing themselves The Armpits. They are
standing there with electric,
teased hair, sunglasses, polo
sweat shirts and
flowered bell bottoms, slightly
gleaming with sweat in the midst
of stately Cohen Memorial. On
every side is marble. The decibel
level is at least doubled.
The Armpits launch into a
bunch of oldies from the late
'50's, taking every bit of the
era's ridiculous choreography and
magnifying it to its ultimate absurdity.
The collective Cohen Memorial mind boggles, staggers, and
drops back ten years. Suddenly
these patrons of the arts are
twisting, bopping, monkeying,;
Dick Clark Beechnut Bandstand
handclapping, and having delu-- i
sions about the Big Apple.
Right in front of the Armpit
monkey line is a beautiful
in a frilly Shirley Temple
dress, black patent leather shoes
and white socks. During the
"Hang on Sloopy" soliloquy,
right on the line "I'm gonna get
me a '53 Olds Special baby, so's
we can go to the drive-i-n
makeout," she loses her composure, closes those enonnous
brown eyes and starts a slow,
sedentary twist.
Big Momma Armpit, all
150 pounds of her,
"straight from Newton Center Massachusetts," raunches
through 1061' s "My Boyfriend's
Back"; Cohen Memorial explodes.
Steve Davis knows this crowd






asked for was something groovy


two-year-o- ld




and they had it!


214 East Main Street
Open Mon. Nites Till 9 p.m.



* Dean Hall's Dorm Boycott Clarification
Many students apparently are confused and possibly fearful as Therefore, students wishing to participate in the boycott can do so
to what position they should take on Student Government's bill asking without any threat of risking their dorm priorities merely by subthat all dormitory applications be held out until the last possible day mitting their housing applications on April 15.
as a kind of mild "boycott" of the forced housing policy.
That date is the only one approaching a deadline for applications.
Dean Jack Hall warned this week that students possibly could lose Therefore, no jeopardy will be encountered by any students who want
their housing priority in selecting what dorms they wish to live in to express their opinion on forced housing in a convincing manner.
should they participate in the boycott. His remark, however, should be
Students do have an opportunity, then, to exert influence if they
interpreted as a clarification of University housing policy rather than as
an attempt at intimidation, something he is known not to be above will only follow the assembly's "boycott" suggestion. With all its limitations, the plan does at least present the format for students to have
a voice in how their university is run.
What Dean Hall was referring to is the housing office's system of
It is a shame that they have to make their own channels, however
priorities in assigning dorms. Students can take advantage of this sysif their applications are submitted by April 15. to express themselves in any meaningful way.
tem, however, only

Kernel Forum: the readers write
Dean Hall's Priority

To the Editor of the Kernel:
Dean of Students Jack Hall has been
kind enough to point our that students
who "boycott" the housing contracts by
turning them in on the last day will be
placing themselves in jeopardy in terms
of application priority.
The whole point of the "boycott" is
that a large number of next year's sophomores don't want priority on University
housing. They do not want compulsory
University housing period.
Right now the University Housing
Office is requiring all UK freshmen to
apply for housing next fall. Those students who do not wish to live on campus
are being allowed to so indicate on their
application. The University plans to fill
its housing units in the following
other students requesting UK
housing, and if necessary, enough other
sophomores to finish filling the dormitories.
The University feels that enough students above the freshman level will voluntarily apply to preclude drafting unwilling
sophomores. After all, more than enough
students "voluntarily" applied last spring.
Presumably, housing officials have forgotten that dorm counselors were posting
notices and personally advising freshmen
to turn in applications early so that they
could get priority consideration because
all sophomores were going to have to live
in University housing this year. At the
same time housing authorities were telling
freshmen who asked at the office that
they had not yet decided whether they
would require sophomores to live in dormitories during
and would not
decide until after the deadline for submitting housing applications had passed.
The University had no intention of forcing
students to live in the dorms so long
as it could coerce them to.
Which brings us to the present. Housing officials and Dr. Kirwan tell us that
no one is going to be forced to live in
University housing (except freshmen) but
that sophomores had still better turn in
their housing applications early so that
they can get priority. If you wish, you
may check the little box stating whether
you want to live on campus or not, and
if the University doesn't have room for
you, then you will be permitted to live
off campus.
As for the housing referendum in which


students voted 3,797 to 113 against compulsory housing above the freshman level,
why, the Board of Trustees, the administration, and SG President Wally Bryan
all agree that the students misunderstood
the issue because the University has no
intentions of forcing anyone above the
freshman level to live on campus against
it's necessary. Catch



Now, those students who want to live
in University housing next year ought
to turn in the applications early in order

to get priority.
And those students who don't want
to live on campus next year, and those
students who are willing to risk their
priority in order to support the right
of students to live where they choose
should wait until the very last day to
apply for housing in order to show the
University again exactly where we stand
on the housing issue.
David Blair
SG Representative (SAR)

Racial Reality
(Dear Miss Ogden:) For four years you
tried, oh, how you must have really tried,
"in your fight for the freedom and equality
of the American Negro," and then you
gave up. For over 100 years the black man
has struggled, and he has not yet given
up, nor will he ever because this struggle
means much more to him than it means
to you. Just what have you done for the
black, all of which has come to naught?
You did make one statement with which
I can agree: ". . . men are all born equal
with value as human Beings." But many
white people do disclaim blacks as human
beings, contrary to your statement that
"No one has ever said anything about
the Negro not being worthy as a human
Contrary to your personal opinion, no
person, white or black, has the ultimate
power of bestowing upon another person
his dignity. Dignity comes from within.
And the black man does possess great
dignity which has permitted him through
these long, hard years to close his eyes
and pray to God to keep him from striking out .against all white men because
of the suffering they have caused him.
No, we cannot bestow