xt737p8tdj5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt737p8tdj5m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19690414  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1969 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1969 1969 2015 true xt737p8tdj5m section xt737p8tdj5m KENTUCKY
N ill
Monday, April 14, 19G9

University of Kentucky, Lexington


Vol. LX, No. 130

Police Arrest 10 Students
In 3 Morning Drug Raids

Kernel Staff Writer
City police arrested 10 UK
students andonenonstudent Sunday on charges varying from illegal sale of narcotics to disorderly conduct.
The arrests came the day after
the "Son of Teen Angel Day"
love-iat Woodland Park. Last
October multiple drug arrests
were made two days after a similar event at the same park, but
no connection between those
events was shown.
According to the Lexington
Herald. Police Sgt. Frank Fryman said more arrests are expected this week.
Rookie policemen working under cover obtained information
leading to the arrests, most of
which were made about 5 a.m.
Sunday. Police said undercover
agents attended the love-ihave been at work on campus
for at least two weeks.
Contacted this morning, city
Prosecutor James Amato said so
far he had "no idea what the
evidence is" on the arrests, although he was tov arraign the students this afternoon.
He said no written report was
turned in on the arrest up to that
time. Sgt. Frank Fryman, who
lead the investigation, was "out
of town," according to a member
of the police force, but Amato
expressed confidence he would
see him prior to the arraignment.
Clenna Yvonne Flannery, 20,
of 345 Lexington Ave., was arrested at that address and charged
with illegal sale of narcotics,
illegal sale of dangerous drugs
and illegal possession of dangerous drugs. Miss Flannery was the
only one involved who is not a
Barbara Anne Davidson, 20,
of 231 Maxwell, was arrested
about 4:45 a.m. at Maxwell and
Limestone Streets and charged
with accessory before the fact





of selling dangerous drugs.
Carroll Stewart Brown, 20,
and John Lane Magnuson, 19,
of 345 Lexington Ave., were
charged with selling of dangerous
James Fredrick Finlay III, 19,
of Haggin Hall, was arrested
at the police station at 9 a.m.
and charged with accessory before and after the fact of selling
dangerous drugs.
Just before noon Jasper T.
Freeman, 20, of 1915 Seven Pines
Dr., was arrested at his residence
and charged with selling dangerous drugs.
James Harold Doster, 20, of
345 wo
Lexington Ave., was charged
with-tcounts of illegal possession of drugs and one count
of disorderly conduct.
Four other students were arrested fordisorderly conduct, also
at 345 Lexington Ave. They were
Cynthia Lee Wilson, 20, of Keene-lan-d
Hall; Nancy Lee Baker, 20,
Blazer Hall; Gilbert Holmes Cioc-c- i,
20, of 345 Lexington Ave.;
and Sean Richard Monahan, 22,
of 334 S. Upper.
Dean of Students Jack Hall
was not available for comment.

!nr-- r




but a

UK spokesman, Paul
Kroudes, said, "The whole situation is being reviewed. A decision (on whether the University
will take disciplinary action) will
not be made until all the facts
have been gathered and considered."
The 11 are scheduled for arraignment on Monday afternoon.
Seven other UK students were
arrested in two incidents not related to the drug bust.
Thomas Tiffany Grimm, 20,
and Daniel Ray Denton, 19, both
of Kirwan Tower, were arrested
Friday night at the Two Keys
restaurant on Limestone and
charged with illegal purchase of
alcoholic beverages.
Police arrested five students
outside of Maria's on Limestone
at 1 a.m. Saturday on charges
of disorderly conduct.
Arrested were Judy Kay
19, Patterson Hall;
Ann White, Holmes Hall;
Gary Dole Moore, 18, Michael
Tipton, 19, and Glenn Mitchell,
18, all of Haggin Hall.
All seven of these students
were released to Ken Branden-burgassistant dean of students.




















Research Inc. is sponsoring
an international conference of
medical experts on black lung
A spokesman for the private
corporation said Sunthe main objective is to proday
pose a coordinated research effort to understand and combat
the effects of black lung.
The meetings will be held for
four days, starting Sept. 10.
The first three days will be
used for a "work team" effort
of identifying the key problems












This unidentified student believed he
could walk from Donovan Hall to the complex in his underwear without being
stopped, and on Thursday he put his
money where his elastic is. He completed
the trip successfully and collected $10
as the winner of a bet.

Spindletop has acquired a
great deal of knowledge about
black lung as the result of a study
it conducted recently for the West
Meet With Doctors
Virginia Coal Association.
Conference participants have
On the final days the work
team will meet with an assem- been invited on the basis of their
bly of practicing physicians, knowledge of specific areas such
clinical specialists and medical as pathology, epidemiology, diagresearchers who have a profesnosis and physiology.
sional interest in coal workers'
Local Consultants
Spindletop's consultants are
That meeting will be held at
Dr. R. W. B. Penman of the
the research center at Lexington
and results of the work conference University of Kentucky and De
and Dr.
will be made public at the time. University of Kentucky
W. H. Anderson of the University
of Louisville medical schools.
Penman has worked in clinics
in the coal regions of England.
Anderson has made and interpreted physiological studies on more
than 10,000 coal miners.
The list of conference participants is not complete yet but
Spindletop said it would read
like an international "Who's
Who" in pulmonary research and
Two who will appear include
Dr. A. G. Heppleston of the
requiring research. These sessions
will be held at one of Kentucky's
state parks, not chosen yet.










Kernel Photo by Dick War




Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle, England, and Dr. Steward Rae or the institute of Occupational Medicine, Edinburgh,
Experts Unsure
The Spindletop report for West
Virginia concluded that black
lung could be diagnosed "with
a high degree of certainty" from
and known exposure to
coal dust.
But 19 experts contacted for
the project were less sure of how
to measure any disability from the
disease, and one questioned the
usual interpretations of
in looking for black lung.
Part of the debate over the
disease may stem from the fact
that only recently has it been accepted as a separate disease entity
in this country.
Up to then it was believed
generally that the shortness of
breath experienced by longtime
miners came from the presence of
silica sand dust mixed with coal
X-ra- y


$2.8 Million Offer Given
For Maine Chance Farm
Arnold G. Pessin, in a letter to acting UK President A.D.
Kirwan Friday, extended the deadline on his latest offer to buy
Maine Chance Farm until after the next regular meeting of the
directors of the UK Research Foundation.
Pessin also asked that he be
allowed to appear before both a
time limit.
the directors and the UK Board
Dr. Kirwan said he wouldn't
of Trustees to present the offer call a special meetingof the founin person.
dation's board but would present
Pessin said he was "dis- the new bid at the next regular
mayed" when both University meeting in about three weeks.
boards rejected an earlier offer He added, however, that both
of $2.6 million last Tuesday. He boards have expressed "the sentiraised his bid to $2.8 million ment that they were not inThursday, but theofler contained terested in selling the farm."
10-da- y

Of Rock-'n-Ro-



Kernel Photo By Bob Brewer


The Return






Spindletop Sponsors Black Lung Conference




International Experts Invited




It was back to the 1950's and
Saturday when more
than three hundred University students, faculty and administrators, and Lexington residents and children gathered at Woodland
Park for the "Son of Teen Angel Day," commemorating the music
and dance of the era. See story und more pictures on page 6.
rock-'n-ro- ll

* H,

2 -- THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday, April


The Violent Death Of Sammy Younge Jr.

Soulsearch: The Black Liberation Movement

criticized the younger members
of their race who demonstrated
Assistant Managing
SAMMY YOUNGE, JR., TIIE in protest against the decision.
He had served two years in
FIRST BLACK COLLEGE STUTO DIE IN THE BLACK the Navy, and returned to the
LIBERATION MOVEMENT, by Tuskegee Institute, founded by
James Forman. Grove Press, Booker T. Washington in the
late 1800' s. He participated in
James Forman has written an demonstrations in which many
inadequate biography of Sammy were attacked by police, although
Younge, Jr., but a compelling he knew he had onlystruck
and might die if
the black liberation
biography of
in the side.
movement in recent years.
Continue To Work
Younge, 21 years old when
he was killed, moved others to
He was, in fact, according to
action by his deeds and not by his friends, terrified during his
written words; little therefore remains of his own thoughts, and
his friends' and acquaintances'
attempts to describe him reveal
"more about themselves than they
do of Sammy.
Kernel Staff Writer
Characteristic Sammy
Col. Henry Bethel, the state's
His youthful and impatient conscientious objector assigndesire for action and his growing ment officer
awareness are characteristic of call the action taken spoke,
by a young
many who have seen the black man
trying to keep his induclight and are no longer willing tion order from being issued an
to let it shine only through holes
appeal for time."
opened in the nation by cooperaJoseph S. Tuchinsky, midwest
tive white liberals. He was shot
Secretary of the Midwest Comstato death by a white service
mittee for Draft Counseling,
tion attendant in a county in
which 80 percent of the residents "Call it stalling?" it
appeal for
"Well, we call
,were Blacks; his assailant was
Bethel concluded.
tried by an
jury, and time,"
Tuchinsky explained, "I try
acquitted; and moderate Blacks

growth of the movement, are
ana win
great significance today
remain so in the future.

Student Non Violent
participation. And so were his the bolder
friends. But they continued to Coordinating Commtttee(bNlA-- J
even as Sammy
organize, continued to help poor developed
to vote, and conYounge's involvement developed.
Blacks register
retinued to oppose the middle and Fonnan, a SNCC organizer, the
Blacks of Tuskegee tains objectivity in describing
upper-clasactions of each group, but hides
Institute, who felt the tranquilshould not little of his bitterness toward
ity of race relations
evaluabe disturbed . . . even when they the SCLC in his frank
themselves were deprived of the tions of the group.
right to vote, and even when their
children were beaten.
Pattern Of Peers
Historically, Sammy Younge's
The rift between the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference death is perhaps insignificant.
The ramifications of his death,
(SCLC), led by the
Dr. Martin Luther King, and however, and the coinciding

Most importantly, the insight
Into the feelings of Blacks whose
consciousnesses and consciences
are growing is a great tool for
achieving greater understanding,
and is the most compelling element of Forman' s book. Sammy
Younge, Jr., will continue to live
in the minds of his peers, who,
even without knowing that they
his own
are doing so, will
and pains,
growing experiences
and perhaps also die for them.


Draft Counselors Explain Their Jobs To IPC

all-whi- te

listic style.
that happens.
"Witnesses should be types
that people on draft boards
trust," he said. "Older, respected
citizens of the town should be
located. They will give more
credibility to an older person.
"The witness has to know
what to expect. Ask him to recall conversations and actions
that would show your beliefs
against the war," Tuchinsky continued.

to encourage men to use tne ment of conscientious objectors
board Kentucky.
language that their draft
to the Draft," outlined
The two men were . guest "Guide
basic procedures to follow in
speakers at the draft workshop
the Lexington dealing with the draft board. the
conducted by
his speech: "Obey
Peace Council Friday night and prefaced
all day Saturday.
"The board only considers
Col. Bethel told the 13 mem- classification when evidence is
bers attending the conference: "If submitted immediately. Ask for
a man is sincere in being a con- an appeal and personal appearscientious objector, I will back ance with your local board," he
him all the way. But not a boy advised.
who has a yellow streak up his
"Some of the men you counback."
sel are irresponsible and mixed
Bethel is responsible for place- up. These men might forget the
appointment for their personal
appearance, thus losing their appeal rights," Tuchinsky said.
"Talk with the clerk but check
out her advice. She is the best
source of information. Then talk
with the government appeal agent
as he might have information that
the clerk didn't have. The government appeal agent's name is posted in most draft board offices,"
Tuchinsky stated.
"After the meeting with the
clerk, government appeal agent
and the personal appearance,
write what happened in journa


Witnesses Needed
"Occupation, conscientious
objector and family hardship are
deferments that witnesses are
necessary for," he said.
"Wherever possible prepare
the person for the emotional
experience. Let the registrant,
appear before a contrived draft
board and set up a role playing
"This will help the man start


Col. Bethel said afterwards,
"'There are many counties in Kentucky that have not had claims
for the conscientious objector





4 Arrested

Says Students
Had Plan To

In Bomb Plot
Trial Protest

Bomb Shrines

chief of the Philadelphia police have arrested four persons, incivil disobedience squad says
cluding Yippie leader Abbie Hoffthe FBI in Boston has unveiled man, during a protest by more
than 700 persons against the ina plot by militant college students to blow up national shrines dictment of 21 Black Panthers
in an alleged bomb plot.
in Boston and Philadelphia.
The mass protest was held at
The FBI in both Philadelphia
the Criminal Court building Friand Boston declined comment
hearon the allegations made Friday day while a
for 14 of the Panthers was
byLt. George Fencl.
being held inside.
Fencl spoke of the alleged plot
Hoffman, 32, was charged
at a hearing for Stephen Fraser, with felonious assult, resisting
a Temple University student arrest and disorderly conduct.
charged with illegal possession
Two other male demonstraof explosives.
tors were arrested out side as more
Fraser is head of the labor than 200
policemen guarded the
committee of the Students for a building.
Democratic Society (SDS).
Inside the courthouse, State
Fencl said the plot was unSupreme Court Justice Charles
covered by the FBI after an Marks reserved decision on wheSDS meeting earlier this month ther the 14 Panthers' bail of
in Boston. Fencl did not estab- . $100,000 each should be reduced.
lish a link between the alleged
The 14 were among 21 Black
Boston meeting and Fraser's Panthers indicted April 2 and
hearing. He also failed to say charged with plotting to set off
which national shrines were in- bombs in department scores, in
rail terminals and other sites.
volved In the alleged plot.



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Just a drop or two of Lensine, before you
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Let your contacts be the
convenience they were
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some Lensine, from the
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The UK Department of Theatre Arts' Spring Production

'The Rivals" V
Sheridan's 18th Century Comedy of Morals and Manners
April 18,


8:30 p.m.

19,25,26, 27

(with ID, $1.00)




Student Opposition Hurting Marine Recruiting Efforts
Leonard F. Chapman Jr. said
Saturday antiwar opposition,
sometimes in the fonn of physical obstruction, is cutting into
Marine Corps
on campuses across the country.
The Corps commandant said
some college administrators not
only are failing tocontrol student
protesters but also are refusing to
provide Marine recruiters adequate time and central locations
to sign men on campus.
The Marines get 85 percent of
their officer candidates each year
from the annual crop of graduating college seniors.


Lowering Standards
Chapman said the traditionally volunteer service has been
forced to start a new recruiting
program in junior colleges that
drops the college-degre-e
requirement usually faced by a young
man seeking to become a Marine


Chapman said in a statement
requested by The Associated
Press the recruiting problem
stems from several sources but
"principally the apparent anti

war feeling on many campuses
across the country.
"On some campuses this feeling has taken the fonn of physical obstruction of the legitimate
recruiting efforts of Marine selection teams. In most instances
these colleges have failed to control student action and nonnal
recruiting activity has been
"On some other campuses,
college administrators have displayed an apparent lack of cooperation, failing to make available adequate time and central
locations to Marine recruiters."
The four-sta-r
general gave his
views after Sen. Harry F. Byrd
asserted in a speech
last week that some college administrators are using postponements and excuses to block recruiting activities.
Administrative Aid
"A number of college officials,
whether hostile to the war themselves or fearful that demonstrations will take place if the recruiters come, are simply inventing dodges to avoid laying down
the law to their student bodies,"
Byrd said.
D-V- a.,

The deadline far announcements la
7:30 p.m. two days prior to the flnt
publication of Items In thla column.

merce Building. All club member! are
urged to attend this Important

Income tax 'forms and information
will be available between 11 a.m. and
1 p.m. on Tuesdays
and Wednesdays
in the Student Center until April 15
at the tax booth sponsored by Beta
Alpha Psi.
The English Department is offering
Awards to the
The DanUicr-Farquhstudent or students with the best published works in creative writing. There
is a $50 prize for the best poem and a
$50 prize for the best story. It is necessary that each entry should have been
published, but the medium of publication is not important. All entries
should be typed, double-spacean original and a carbon. A statement
as to the place of publication should
also be included. Please submit all
entries to Professor Robert D. Jacobs,
McVey Hall, English Department, prior
to April 15.
The fencing club will meet Monday
evening from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the
Alumni Gym balcony. The prerequisite is one semester of fencing, or
The Concord Trio, a chamber music
ensemble, will play at 8:15 p.m., Monday. April 14. at the Ag Science auditorium. Admission is free.
All student organizations must return completed applications for registration for the 1969-7- 0 academic year
to Room 206 in the Administration
Building before April 21.
Applications for Dillard House are
available at 270 South Limestone and
412 Rose Street.
The UK Chapter of YAF will meet
Monday, April 14, 7:30 p.m., in Room
117 of the Student Center. Dr. Brad
Evans, YAF state chairman, will be
the guest speaker. Everyone is invited to attend.
Club will meet MonThe UK
day. April 14, 7 p.m., in Room 109
of the Student Center.



The Russian Club will present the
film "The Fate of a Man," Tuesday,
April 15, 7:30 p.m.. in the Student
Center Theatre. Admission to this
award winning film will be 50 cents.
The Draft Counseling Service will
meet Tuesday, April 15, 5 to 7 p.m.,
in Room 307 of the Student Center.
The Young Republicans' Club election will be held on Tuesday. April
15. 7:30 p.m., in Room 420 of the Com.


The Kentucky


The Kentucky Kernel. University
Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. Second ciass
postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky.
Mailed five times weekly during the
school year except holidays and exam
periods, and once during the summer
Published by the Board of Student
Publications, UK Post Office Box 4Wt.
Begun as the Cadet in IttM and
published continuously as the Kernel
since 1915.
Advertising published herein Is Intended to help the reader buy. Any
false or misleading advertising should
b reported to The Editors.
Yearly, by mail
Per copy, from files
Editor, Managing Editor
Editorial Page Editor,
Associate Editors, Sports
News Dek
Advertning. liusiness. Circulation



Coming Up
concert featuring Joseph Ceo,
viola, and the University Chamber
Ensemble will be presented Wednesday, .April 16, at 8:15 p.m. in the Ag
Also on the
Science Auditorium.
program will be Joan Ceo. harp, and
Nathaniel Patch, piano. Admission is
Undergraduate students
Chemistry are urged to attend a hearing sponsored by the department of
chemistry and to air their views on
the content and teaching of chemistry courses. The "Climate for Learning Chemistry" hearing will be held
p.m. in
Wednesday, April 16, at 4 s
Room 139 of the Chemistry-Physicwill be repbuilding. The department
resented by the chairman. Dr. R. W.
Kiser, and the assistant chairman.
Dr. E. M. Hammaker.
The University
Symphonic Band
will play at 8:15 p.m., Thursday, April
17, in the University
Student Center
Ballroom. William Harry Clarke will
direct. Admission is free.
Charles Hodges and Marilyn
will present a student piano
recital Saturday, April 19. at 8:15 p.m.
in the Ag Science Auditorium. Admission is free.
The fifth annual Mountain Dew Festival will be held April 17. 18 and
Col19 at Prestonsburg Community
lege. The winner of competition in a
receive the
variety of events will Dew
"Brown Jug Mountain
Dr. Lester R. Bryant, Department
of Surgery, will speak on "Functional
Impairment of the
after Acute Atelectasis." April 22 at
4 p.m. The lecture will be given in
of the Medical Center.
AH Interested persons may attend.
The Jacques Loussier Trio will Play
Bach Thursday, April 17. at Memorial
Coliseum. Admission to the 7:30 concent, sponsored by the Student Center
Board, is $1.50 advance, $2 at the
door. Tickets are availab'e at the
Student Center, Barney Miller's, and
Shackleton's downtown.
The First Church of Christ. Scientist, will present a lecture by Noel D.
Bryan-Jonentitled "The Light By
Which We See." Saturday, April 19,
0 p.m. The lecture will be held
at First Church c. Christ, Scientist.
606 East Main Street.


Sch-raed- er



An AP check showed that the
other armed services also are
being hampered in their recruiting efforts on campus although
service spokesmen tended to
minimize the problem.

The Anny Hecniiting Command at Ft. Monroe, Va., said
Army selection teams have been
barred from recruiting at one college Peabody Institute in Baltimore, Md. and have gotten the
word from administrators at 20
other colleges to "please don't


Saturday as Harvard faculty members promised
to investigate student demands and the administration's use of police to expel student demonstrators from University Hall Thursday.
"The faculty decision to appoint its own committee to investigate is of extreme importance,"
Prof. Stanley R. Hoffman told a gathering in
Harvard Yard of several hundred students, most
of them apparently not members of the group
that seized the hall Wednesday.
"It means the faculty has decided to take
important events into its own hands," Hoffman
added, followed by a burst of applause.
Hoffman, a noted war historian, said the
students must join with the faculty for unity,
and that the faculty investigation will take time.
Several students hissed, but Hoffman was applauded when he responded "The only things
that do not take time are hissing and making
demands which will never be fulfilled."
Dropped 396 to 13
The faculty decision to appoint a committee
to investigate was made Friday night at a session at which faculty members also voted 396
to 13 to drop criminal trespass charges against

officer-candidat- e


nearly 200 students expelled from the hall by
police. The faculty is the ultimate
authority in matters of discipline at Harvard.
The gathering Saturday in Harvard Yard was
largely for faculty and students to discuss what
led to the demonstration and what course to follow. Other meetings between faculty and students
took place in campus buildings.
Attendance at classes has declined somewhat
since the Students for a Democratic Society called
on the
student body to boycott
classes through Monday to protest police actions
in removing the demonstrators.
SDS Led Takeover
SDS also led the takeover of the hall, demanding an end to ROTC on campus, lower rents
in Harvard-ownebuildings, and an end to tearing down existing housing in Boston for planned
medical school expansion.
Faculty members have indicated some sympathy for the demands, but objected to methods
used by the demonstrators.
Harvard President Nathan M. Pusey said. in
a statement Friday the decision to call police
came after it was learned that the invaders had
broken into confidential records.






Budget Cut Held Responsible

UK Students Protest Dismissal From Jobs
Assistant Managing Editor
Fourteen UK students who
were dismissed from their po- sitions in the Inventory and In- surance Section of the Purchas- ing Department last Friday say
they were given no prior notice
of their dismissal, which was
brought about due to a "budget



The 14, who compose the en- tire student staff of the depart- ment, say they were first informed
that their services were no longer
needed on March 28. This action
was effective as of March 27.
A group of the students met
with George J. Ruschell, Business
Manager, who they say claimed
he knew nothing of the affair
except that there was a budget
cut and the supervisors were to
decide how to implement it. The
students' supervisor,
Wentz, told them he was not

Tho Lexington Chapter, American Red Cross
is offering students the opportunity of scrying tho community as volunteers in the following categories:

notified until March 27.
The students say Ruschell
later told them they could keep
their jobs for the following two
weeks and any students dismissed
after that period would be given
a position in some other area
of university employment,
On Thursday, April 10, Wentz
said he was again told "to dis- miss all students immediately."
The students have not been
contacted by Ruschell in the





SFJflCO :$













Drive-I- n





Check areas of interest and send to the American Red Cross
200 No. Upper Street
Lexington, Ky. 40507






K cooawow





on U.S. 27

You've read about it in 'Playboy'!

Ends Tuesday



they plan to try to meet him today.
The students, four of whom
are married, complain that since
they were not given the customary
two weeks notice they did not
have enough time to find another
job. The students say they were
given no severance pay.
Ruschell is attending a meeting in Washington, D.C., and
will return Wednesday.




latest round of dismissals but

Just 7 minutes South





spokesman said the Army hopes
to return to the 20 schools in the
future but at the moment is not
forcing the issue. He did not
identify the institutions.
Air Force, Too
The Air Force said its recruiters have been confronted with
antiwar sentiment and instances

of abuse, though not of a serious
"If there's going to betrouble
or violence, our policy is to just
quietly withdraw," an Air Force
spokesman said.
The Marines' new
program in junior colleges
was launched without publicity
last February. The Marines did
not want dropping of the Baccalaureate degree requirement to
undercut the regular effort for
signing up graduating seniors at

Harvard Faculty Frees Students;
Promises Inquiry Into Demands

Lexington Students


come by this time," because of
student unrest.
The Army sends recruiters
each spring to more than 500
colleges and universities.





* This is a sour grapes editorial.
We could say somethinglikeTim
Futrell and Jim Gwinn, the
patronage corps composed of his
"dynamic executive" body, his
huge administrative fleet and his
interns will "hopefully" lead to a
meaningful Student Covemment
next year, but you wouldn't really
believe that, would you? And we
really don't feel that way, anyway.
As we see it, next year's Student
Government can only be a return to
the apathetic bodies of old, making
this year's partially enlightened
group seem like a long-loFutrell, Gwinn and Co. cannot










Sour Grapes



li i






lieve they were voting freely for
what they believe.
Even so, it is common knowledge that Futrell offered posts to
Creeks in strategic positions in org
der to ensure the
pattern. It will be quite interesting to
see who Futrell names to his
"dynamic executive" body, and
how representative the body is.

posters indicated she was aspiring
to the "Student Senate.")
Although almost every Greek
chapter on campus herded its sheep
off to the polls complete with a
mimeographed list of Greek candidates, this is perfectly legitimate.
But the fact that the Greeks live
under a feudal system means that
this organized group can hold a
club over the heads of its members that other groups do not have.
This means that for all practical
purposes, SG elections can never
really be representative. Although
we condone students voting for
what they believe, whatever that
may be, we wish that we could be

possibly give this campus the kind
of leadership it so desperately
Basically, we feel this campus
deserves exactly what it got. Only
about 23 percent of the students
voted in the election, and most
of these were quite apparently
Greeks, many of whom went to
the polls under threat of fines if
they did not do so. If you are
among those who did not vote,
then you have little right to complain about the lackeys elected.
(One of the newly-electe- d
did not
representatives apparently
even know she was running for
Student Government; her campaign







Nevertheless, the final blame
must rest on students who did not
care enough to voice their opinions
last Wednesday. If they arc willing
to put up with this nonsense, it
tan go on for a long time.


'Why, Er, No Place

Standing Out Here
Getting Some Air











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