xt737p8tdp1g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt737p8tdp1g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19150311 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 24,  March 11, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 24,  March 11, 1915 1915 2015 true xt737p8tdp1g section xt737p8tdp1g Best Copy Available
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{ University of Kentucky
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tml tu nts num "’»¢”   S ”A“T S atnnnnnwn m um   SATE W HDRA WS tamu annum nm
_ A Slr Dan ('upld worked overtime at I ——··  
r w[$[[m |j$$|[$ ,,,0     M.,   ,, , VAIISIIY [|[[]A][||$       vB,B       $[}}|[|][|[[ A||||]|]m][|]
\ msu]; Og ms actgymcsl mpeg engage. fled that lt would be reinstated ln the
mants have been nnnwnum . . . K. I. A. A. alter a suspension since
Victory Gives Them Stl°0Dg M", Sm., gwqgsrt Lyne. , student Contest:   be   }n Unl-}June. 1912, at a meeting of the Assolwlll be Held May 12, 13, 14
Claim f01‘ Slllté at the University last year, wlll be versity C1}“P°1 Fmday ·”l¤*l¤¤ held 8* the Ph0¢¤l¤ Howl. and 15 on Stoll
V Honors. married in Juno to Mr. Jan Shep, Nlght. Tuesday, and immediately slgnllled its  
· . —-—- Md Milner. of 1·<>¤i¤vi1¤¤· 'l`he nm debate ofthe Kentucky an- ‘“'°““°“ °1 "“*"1"“"1“8· ——
. The State ce-eds def¢•¢¤¢ UN K°¤· Miss Josephine Denton, a tormer te,-couegmt, pebmng A,,0cg,m0n for Wh*1° *1**** °·°“°¤ °‘ *1*** K- 1- A- A- Dr. William L. Anderson, who will
  tucky Wesleyan lullél U! l |¤°l'• °t student, will be married in April to me yam- wm bg hgld in the Unqveysqty will “°1 1*1 my WW *111****1 me **1111**11c have charge of the Interscholastic
  18 to 9 in the Ilnsl fn! ¤f \h¤ |•¤°¤ Dr. Edmond C. Couman, ot Lewis-Iphaml F,-may mgm at 8 p_ me between **'*“°*'°“ at *h° U¤1"°”“Y· md" "°*¤‘ Tournament this year, announced yes.
  Blttlfdl!   Beth t•°·m·   bum, 01110. DI'. COHIDID {I I PYOHIL (}g0r8g[0wn and Kentucky State Un]. statement and withdrawal as member [€|"d8Y that H10 [0l1l'l’lBl’[l0I1l, would be
  an excellent IMD! Mid it VN W9 M nent young dentist of Lewlsburl, and ye,-s|ty_ The cgntggtantg gpg prepared ln $°°d 1’1““d1“8 wm 1`°m°v° '· most held as usual on Stoll Field May 12,
g the |••t••t |’l!’l|’ !¤¤•| |••¤ it UW ls n graduate ot the Ohio Coll•|e of gm- me fray and wm uphold me mc. ““f°1`111“*1° 111*11 (mm 111°11` W"- 13. 14 and 15. Doctor Anderson has
i Auditorium thi! I0\|0¤· Dental Surgery and a member of the Ord of [hg gggocjgugn in dgbgt_|ug_ 1"-’c°1`d· Ibeen quite successful in his work as
• At thefnd of thi! Mit hd! D°°t°*' Psi Omega fraternity. The quggtlgn gm- discuggjon gs_ ··R8. K°“1“°1‘Y 81*16 w" ““’p°11d°‘1 111|physlca.l director ofthe University this
‘ *rlgsrt’s bunch had a two·polnt lead on Thg mgrriggg of mn gn, awww, Solved, Thee me sate et Kentucky 1912 trom the K. I. A. A. for alleged l yea,. and has taken e deep interest in
V the W•Il¤!l¤ Ill'}! NN thi! NNY m' to Mr. Walter W. Fitspatrlck, ot Clem- ghougd Adopt a Unicgmgrigl Sygggm gf "1°1“·11°11“ 01 1118 °11$1b1111Y rubs °1 1116 . athletics throughout the State.
crusod to seven ln the se•¤¤d lull bY Iggu College, Sgqth Cgrgunge yu] 5, Gevemmemj, Bute debeeen wm up association in playing Burrlss and PNL Charles P_ weve,. wm have
11*1*1 p1‘Y111'· °°l°b*`M°d ln the °“'1Y 'P*'1¤U• ML hold the attlrmatlve. The team ls Park °° 1h° b°°°b°" 1°°m· T11°°°lrlmrge of the oratorlcal and musical
For the State goal-shooters Mins Fltgpgtrigk lg B -13 graduate in the eempeeed ef Menu S_ S_ Comb-, C_ men were accused of protesslonnllsm events, which wm be held in the my
Tnulwn able to locate the b••k•t lu Conan of Agygcunqpg gud 4. nw gn. W, Belly md J_ N_ Farmer. George but the charges were not substantiated Auditorium, Woodhnd Park, en the
IIC? old um, ·t,l° ·¤d Mil!   m6d ln the §0V$IIlDO¤l· xmxs II `town Collage, rgprgxutgd by Mg··rg_ lbefcre the S'   A' A' and   was BVCDHIKB of UIC BLIDG  
I played ID 6!¢8U6¤¢ 8|¤\• it 8“Ud· State Dalrymm ot South Carolina. |_]_ T_ Nos], R_ Hubba-;] gud E_ w_ po,. allowed 1° may 1119 nut yur Mwr 1·11° All high schools have been divided
Masses   Heller and Innes per- .......•..Y— Men wm defend the ueeeuve University had been reinstated ln the mm No clneem A md B_ eecerdmg to
termed tn their usual good manner as     n | On lest yeer Georgetown wen from Southern Association but the K. 1. A. me me of the wwe and were wm be
did M||| Gqllel, F0! [H6 Vllll'»0|‘| MIB! Irrrsnsylvunia and State defeated Cem I A- has never seen nt- until the present, mggtg for gg}; of {hg two clgggggr ggd.
j DIY Blvd 0¤• if UN bm 1¤d1'1d‘1’·1l tmp Alma 10 "°1"’1“1° K°111“ckY· l ing with an lnter-class meet.
‘ ‘ nm;. svg; pan here. Miss Porter, nm     ·l~,.m,8y]vanm and Central will meet! _______•______ The schedule of the tournament, as
• ¤1¤° P•'!°"¤•d "°“· at Danville some time during the! announced yesterday follows:
Th. u°°":  _ month of March,   List and order of track events—0ne-
8tl»l0·-·Uil|•| H¤8h°|• TW] md D€f88tS Every TCBIII Pl8yGd’ M; s_ D_ Bogggl gf Qgntygl, pp";.] hundred-yard hurdle (hurdles 3 tt. 6
. G°1'°1• 1°""“"1'? H1" 1’1°11°'· °°“°°'°’l and Beaten by All EX- dent or the association, wul preside. in.) (trials); pole vault; 100-yard-dash
Mines Innes and Wood, guard!. 1 cept One. The judges have been chosen by the _       (trials); twelve-pound shot; 120·yard
w°‘°Y“1"'M1““ B“11°" md D°y’ ——— Zcommlttee but have not yet been an- hurdle (11*1*1**19 100*YVd d¤¤h (n¤¤]¤)i
forwards; Miss Porter, c6¤t0!'; Missesl Tho 86**011 Jun 11111.11*1 by u1°{u0u¤c°d_   1half-mlle run; 220-yard dash, (trials);
Cooper and Courtney. sand`-.- Qstute     tctm was one of they   _           yunnlng broad jump; 440.ya]·d dash,
pwd G°.;,..m“ Hughgg 2, Mus most unique the BMW ¤·¤d www h“l“A KENTUCKY BELLE), Wins Decision Over (finals); running high Jump; Zwyard
'Iaul 3, lib! Ilmtl I. Mil! W0°d L °""1` “p°1`1°11°°d· Thu d°1°°1°di ViSjt0rS_ dash, (tlnals); 220-yard hurdle (hurdle
Miss Butler 1. Mill POTW? 1- every 1°°m ¤l•Y°d md w°r° b°°'t°°l     ° 2ft. 6 in.) (trlalsl; one-mile run; 220-
Free Throws—1ilss Tuul 1. Ml¤¤`bY each ¤¤i¤*°*· °¥°°P* M°*'Y'111°·} ··A Kentucky Belle/’ presented bl" In a doubts debate Saturday nishtlya"1 ‘1‘“’1‘· ‘11““1“)? °“‘*“11'° "°1“·y
. H°"°" 1* M1" my 5' lwnh which only one game Wu pmyoa l 11*1 1'°“11$ “'°“1*’" "1 1116 P1‘11°“°p111'1“Ithe law schools or Kentucky State andl ”°"·
Umpu.,__K¤,m,_ of Ganga], l'l`he>· 10¤t GVGFY 8¤·m° P1*Y°‘1 °“ 111"’,society at Buell Armory last W¤d¤¤¤· Ugiygrglty or umelnnatl, each won a1 "`1‘°““ 1*111 1"` 1“'° °°'11°“1“ 1** |’“1’11°
"`“¤° °' *’°'1°"°"1" “""“1°‘· •°""°"“'““` °°°” “‘°' “’m‘ °“° °x°°°`=·*¤>’ ¤*¢*¤*· p1°““°‘1 **1** 1“1`$° ¤¤d*°¤°° mtsleu. one debate was new lnlS¤···¤k¤¤g· we M *>¤v¤ ¤¤¤ <>¤¤ for
This victory 0V6¤‘ W6|l¢!¤¤ SiV°|]11°"· “'°“ *’"“`Y $111111* p1°y°d °° 1'h°lund all united in saying that it was chapel here wd mother it the nmolglrls. Prizes will be awarded to win-
the State girls a strong claim to Statelhome iioor. The basketeers ran up aeme er me beet pedermeeeee met hee time at Cmcmmm' Each homo uminere ef nm end eeeend in eeeh com
<=¤¤¤¤vl¤¤¤¤iv ¤<>¤<¤¤~ TM ¤¤*Y °*h°’ : *°*°1 °' 311 ”°‘“‘“ ‘° “‘°1' °1"’°“°“‘“ i<·v+¤· *><>·>¤ sim ¤* me U¤*v¤¤¤**~v· luphsm me amrmtmvs sms ot me ques- *68*-
possible claimants are the Unlversity[296, a lead of 16 points, which ls al- A feature of the play was the pen mm and the visiting team the Hogg-. There wm be contests in music ee
of L0ulIVlll0 wd T¤'¤¤¤YlV9·¤l¤» b0*h:m°¤* as much as 1111111 m°1°ri1y in t’h°,trayal of the male characters by theltive and each home team lost a de, follows—Vocal: solo and quartette; in-
0f which YBNBI NW9 b09¤ l·Wi°9 69*, 11111`Yv111° 8“m°• 111° °°1y mam migirls, which was well carried out, al- cieien Istrumental: piano and violin. Prizes
feated this SBMOD- T!19 $¢¤i6 8h']s.“'h1°h l·h°Y 111*1 “°1· 1°“° °* g°m°‘ ithough. perhaps, they lacked some of 1,,10 subbct of me debate wee ,,Re_|awarded to winners of llrst and second
have lost only one game and that to Captain Ralph Morgan lead ln scor- the lmpemeue ]eve_mekmg enemies of ` l"‘ Th1 t h S I t [ th   it dim eeeh ease
the Unlverslty of Louisville ln a pre-  ing by a wide margin with Tuttle and e areal men], ;° ‘("·1· R 1* 11 ° was gl; Msumgueai Medela wm be awarded winners of
vlous BBIIIB. Bild C0¢¢h TIKGN NYU if z"r1°“ °1°°° 1°g°m°r‘ The IDEA has not space enough to.`;a?1` E em: rtw Ana [ ul G t each event in the track events.
9 they had shown their usual style in Next year’s captain has not been enumerate the strong points of thelxalry q-uu ov ly" 0 d he rea I The school securing thelamest num-
thls game. tb6Y W0\11d UWB W0¤ GWUY- 1*’1€c1"‘1· 111111116 11°°°' will pmbubly members of the cast, but each carried] Mums otfmle \ or d. tslmtbatzmpou-{ber of polnts ln the tournan1ent will
lu al previous Kuna, uw quintet defeat, go to Zgrfggg, Gumbcrt or SBIVBT. her part with much skill and graca Iqefaluee Ob tl; afgggxenuuum? Sizzglbg awarded {hg championship cup,
Gd the Louigvillg squad, which glves` State's 1915 record tollows; · Misses hm Dunn and Martha vu_‘se•.ur c e ia h lwmch it Shan www one year, The
tho two html U1 9V0¤ b|'°¤k· ' 81*119 37· M°'ryvm° C°u°‘° H' non had the leading roles and scored shomd not ma num mc B muy. tschool wlnnlng lt for three years shall
Although the ¤e&¤¤¤ i¤ <>V¤¤‘» C°¤·*’h| $1**1** 18· U“1"°"’11Y °1 1*°“1“"u1° 1* immediate hits. In spite of the uct that one of me retain tt permanently.
Tlgert has announced that the teaml State 35. St Andrew's 15. ______•________ "1“"“b°" °1 uw fincguuatt   tus The game wm etert promptly et 2
wlll mm my gtrnv mm ln the State! S*¤*¤ 2¤’·· U¤**¤*•**¥ 0* '*`•¤¤°¤°°° ANNOUNCEMENT BY Z y°;“gt1“:1'el?: mr¤°`“b°;;`S   tn-mtu tn me summon.
for tht! ¤h¤¤‘lD|0¤BbiD. U16 third 8’•m°·#36•     CT _i an :1: 1 E ed t B Da Sagem All contestants are requested to re—
should one be ¤•c•¤I•1'Y. to U6 l>l¤·Y€d| $1**18 22· U¤"°”111 01. T°°°°"°° ·—·— e nk mm ' comms 0 l l I port to clerk of course to recelve their
e on s uw".! Mor. 25. The editors of the University Bullet l·. A. Harrison and J. D. Chamberlain, numbers and dmssmg assignments not
The sm. bunch su defeated every. Stew 33. V¤¤¢•r¤¤* 39- "" “"“" '° ‘“" “‘“‘ “““°““°"“‘°"‘“ ‘1° “'°“ "‘°‘1°°1“i°" by “ "’° °° °°° "°t°° I mer than 1:30 o'<·l0ck ln the um.
tum it hn moe um anon with me State 36, vudabut M_ not come to them by lntultion. They The (`lnclnuutl team `lncluded Ztilssiuoon of me games-
’ exception of Louilvillor     State 22' University of Tsnnessoe do not   to leave any notices out of NROIHI RuSinBky' L. L. (0uw·y and lt ls ll€t`€SBl.ll`)' llldl. XUU \\ t'all` YOU?
they hid an even break, md Louievme 11· the bulletin, but, lt ls impossible for Weudull Keyser. number. Comesmms um um stun
declines to play a third game. Un- State 20, University of Tennessee thern to 8% ¤V0¤'Ylhil1l; by Calling up, .»\ large uudlenee heard the debate without it-
.,l,..,d mm sm at- mute me as- xs “" "“"‘“”*“ °“ "‘° °“‘“*’““ ““‘1 '“““’{""‘"‘”· """‘“" "“’ “‘“°"‘“ff‘ “"“‘ "°“· t·n,.—kt ttm .....t., me .-me ml- tm.
me •¤·•¤·· ¤¤·¤¤· ¤<>·· ·¤¤ ¤··•· ·=¤·¤¤- S*··*·· *¤· 8* *¤°*·*’• °°· °' "‘° "'°'°““°"‘ "?1 """ "” ""’,"’   "‘°   »·..nm» .0     l., ,,.,.-.
mommy- State 15, Unwenuy of Loulyma 26_ Student promoters of clubs and so- et the team were. For Kentucky Mm when Home or mule uw assigned
Under Doctor Tigert's coaching in State. 311; opponents, 296. *‘:¢’:l¢*¤ ¤h•::1ld Dihtllclsr grins r;;>tl<·cUof   \T;1;¥;l¢;6 hl··TU:::01::;j  l`it;·J“_Hl result in dmluuunwmmsl Vom-
_ _ _______ l ll‘ l' {DOG D8! ll 0 0 OUPDB tllll 8- ' ¢‘.` ' · •- ` ` ' __ V
;::,.p:::¤?:r yous may have lon only L"'- °°K" HUP it Blum AYWOYY SKF partment on Friday afternoons be- I clunati, ll. E. Werner, J. M. Bearman V    liscgjcuxiilcjromu1:;;;.:“;:K
urdw uisht. March 18. 8 to 12 v- m. tween the hours of 2:so mm mo. und nnvm Rosenberg. The guages. _
`—_-_°•‘-__- U¤¤’t ferret to ree "her" and wake Then no one can complain or nelng`»~·•~rt· wor. sl. A. cmnmy, 1;. x..l`°‘“`1‘°“‘ "`“1'““"" "'b1’”"‘ ""“· wm
Yon mngt get one of tl10I0 KGB- r l ———-—t—····———-—— —— —  
ache". that date. left out. .Quarles aud Judge Samuel Wilson. I (Continued on Page Three.)

 ` I
g T H E I D E A , •
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the ?0’s G0. (
”°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEAI RE °"""°"“°
Mc At Admission 10c h
FIRST-CLAS! IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. ITAMPIR, Jr., Own•r and Mann •r. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. W
lmlf are working their "profs." so they 1
THE [DEA I ‘ "
u ·CALAGIS 8: CO "
‘ - k thi th h. 1
u published every Thursday throughout the College you by th• atudlont. body ium mn B 6 r way mug 2 Successor to IARRII A C0. • • • tl
of un State University of Kentucky, for the benetlt of tho un •r- u v_ -······—· 1
A D A M   0 E   graduates, alumni and tsculty or the institution, l lhe hoard of education has resolved . 107 W. Mlln St, "
‘ 1 ——-—~-—-~»—-——·—T ··— -———~———-—-—»—»-———— » ———» ~·— ~ u- r·——»- —— ;·— —-;-: to erect a building large enough to ncl -E°T SGDA FQUNTMN IN TH. S
gup[|{||)|] yA|||)[Y|[_|_[ 5 wma: mm as me official ¤¤w¤p•p¤r or me uulvmm. n n luuod wml mm,,,,,,,,,t, M, h,,,,d,,,d ,,u,,,,, u,,,u.._ ¤•TY- FW! ¢AN¤|l| n
tthe view or furnishing to its subscribers all the college neva of Kentucky, __ ' u L _ _u __ ___   ____g___ ul
ltogethor with • digest of Items of interest concerning the universities 0t`>*'°¥`*"¤ Mill -N¤w¤ hem- In "°"" ` S
2       %°W°" |“t“ md C*¤*d*·· lparison with this, the Slx-One Cluhl   N
` ' `'P` W U bllvlon. u U
•u••cn•r1·n0u ou: ¤ou.An nan van. nv: cnn rn c0rvl""""" '"'° ° . • •
.. .. 3 · , , u ...... Unnversnty ~
l2¤t.•r•d at Lexington Post Otllco u second c an mal matter. Hwhv IH It that when R follow mm K
Y _ @*-*7 $7;: A_A;;—T¤;T3R|ALr·TA#F’ 161+1.16. -1 V I VN illlkél l'llB bélt [ll'] to H10 l.llGBU'€, ll?   S
      CLYDE P. TAYLOR ................. . ..................... Editor-ln·Chlet ‘*"'*‘ “*`*m‘ behind “ Wu °" “ '“°u"“
loc Mun 20c xmmmrn moms ................. . ................... Managing manor ¤*°*¤*‘° b°°*h¤·" ¤¤*‘** $*****8**- *¤ *'*°   h·
1. owns nmwnoms ............... . .................... A••m•¤t mmm 1 *"*"“* S*“d°"*· T**°'° my b° “‘°“‘°" . . 4 ¤<
F nn MB madnam mm Hom Offers free tuztwn in all depart- * C,
    Auuln, Ed;g°,·•_  
umm Enilnly luv l••ug•m•nt lJEANET'I`E BELL .... Patterson Hall J. E. BOLLING ...... Mech. •nd Elm} The Hopkinsville student who ments to the g ra d u a t ° ' _
`A. li. LEIBOVITZ ........... At,h10tic||G. C. ROGERS ............... Mlhlltliwnlked nineteen miles to take an ex- of K€HtlICl(y     WIIO
  —»-»—-  i— l Il. \\’. RUTH .....,....... Agriculture FLORENCE HUGHES ..... Exchange gmlmmou lg the kind of lad who puts I
C [ ....._...   ln 29 hours every day in hard study are prepared to enter the Frank I
O € € I LESTER W. GRLDY ................................... Bu•ln••• M•.¤•|•r   and the mst of me time in umm man Clash
}   T. GEI.DER...u ........ u.t...uuA..i.; ............. Snbsoriptlon   A {Orme,. president of the Kansas Each county in th. But. u I
' —` A `VPV   N C- A W li W A HM n ————— I
0 l Sixty men at the University of Chi- entitl
uk M » wee—--e ..... as as ee”--br-e ed to send FREE ot tui-
L.—.., . . -.-...;-*0..- ,, W,. ,,_,.. 1
_‘ lcago have entered their annual mus-
1·Et_|_•N¢; 5Mu·r·rv 5·r0m53_ Etache race and at the end or the month HOD, matriculatiou, llbctltoty
en ——; ,the winners will be chosen by the, and other fees one or mor. · •
There is one man whom every self-rnpecting college student or profes-`S6¤i0¥` W0¤10¤- TUB 11168% will D¤`0b· _ ' 4
sor in State University should hold in contempt: The man who profnnes'8blY offer DTU08 f0¤‘ U16 !¤0¤t ¤·¥'U¤U<*· pomtecs-
[his mother tongue. dishonors the name of the one who suffering brought him me most m¤·¤]Y» the stubblest and mel
. ’ Necessar modus '
Arc       Into this world, and pollutes the atmosphere in which he moves like tl1elU¢kll¤89Bt· y expenses h` "
cancer eating at the very vitals of a human body. T, {DPA ii hi d I FOP full i!If0l'lDItl01l l‘¢|ll'd•
That man is the one who dares to touch the minds of his associates b L le d It : Us anu 02 Im; f` mg appointees courses of ltud,
\* wnth a touch more terrible than that of Ieprc•y—THE SMUTTY STORYIT u We 0 ry 0 wp er up n B ye` ’ °
- lr -. uM··—--__ I u _
{L-.;   ..’_·?fv  * Not vontent rto keep his imaglnings to himself, he sometimes sinks to thejyou vs nomfed ttizat 8; springf sp 00St of board, etc., apply to
} A '* '*"> _,€`·‘__“,'.  debasing degrte ol'_not only whispering his foul thoughts to others, but takes , FMT; BB' wi vo Ti eubo son? 0 Er H S BARKER
· [ ,,.:2 ` Y j / _ ·
    it u.uuu.uuu ul- ..uu.u...uuuuu boys usually ,-uuuuuu than himself ,and unloade l““ ° "“'“;""““ “· “‘ ‘"° '“‘" ‘ j • s
  on them even at banquets the Hlth and rottenness of his soul. Thanks to me ;t mz ng her wg". the hem 0   _
_ V the growing sentiment for clean manhood, the decent students and professors ‘ hw   his ve inchfs a Ovehthi ground Igxiugtug, Ky,
.    ?· Inf this institution have rome to regard such an imbeclllc character within t G other ash on mee an cs 8“g·'_ ;_ _;__ (
[ { I `disgust. {gat" · · 1
·¢·` ,,· , ' We ran readily see that his intellectual resources are too scant to deliver , ----1--
· ,   F
~$. I themselves of uplifting thoughts. ignorant, superficial and bereft of con-} S€nl0rS’ ordcr yolgr cqpsl OR PENS AND  
·   Istruetive ideas he resorts to staining the souls of his hearers, belching forth _ and gowns at the Unlverslty TABLETS AND FINE
' z. without restraint or restriction his vulgarity, simply as a cover for his shal- I   Store Ht HD early date.! s'['A’['[0NERY
) lowness. When he resorts to filthy stories, he has tagged himself. He is  
\ ignorant, uninformed, mentally weak, morally depraved, religiously stupid, ——-——•·••——— I JOHNSTONG CANDY
Q ¤ socially eheap, and unreservedly low-born and ill—bred. Not being able to    
` · reason think analyze express vocalize and articulate in a decent faahi ` ·‘·"— `
• -_` • v 1 y OH j ` ,
¤(°' \   he tells smutty ntoriu. ’l Order your commencement invite.- Wm• E•  
no Everyone within hearing, in his own mind, "i• no better than hc." He is   Hons at University B°°k Store before} 30. W"` Mnn str"` i
To inspect the new Spring not aware that General Grunt, when hearing an officer begin a story witInlM"·""h ll S¤¤¤v1<*S are ln and Orders l
the statement "l see there ure no ladies around," ordered him out of hlslmust U6 mkml b"f°"° “Xl’l"”·ti0“ of _ { `
SIYICS 211 presence with "Yes, but gentlemen aren" j¤b0V9 d¤t€· 5 l U I
H "’l`lm>:¢· things which proce•·d out ot` the mouth come forth from thel COMMITTEE- H
at8• llenrl; und they dctile the mun. l·`ur out ul' the heart proceed evll thoughts,} A d°p°s"· is mqulrad with all ¤r¤·>r¤~l AVE YOUR  
  murders, adulteries, l`ot1i¢·utl0ns, thefts, false witnesses, blasphemiesl *··—·•·•··~———· -   ’
, ’ THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT DEFlLE." Mutt. 15:18, Prot`. (‘. R. Melcher, of the Modern FOR TH
Shrrts, l ——;——-—+——————-——   Language Department and president I §AI§éNAr1gCKIAN _ I
t th B d I E i , l b { `
  ·|· ·|• ·I· •I· ·|· 1* ·I· •I· •|• •|· O O 1*, "Sophomores Give Charming Dutch 0 Q Oar 0 ducm on ms eenl Q • l
, `elected to the presidency of the As- · ,
+ HUM OF THE GADFLY •|· \\'hirlerverein"—headlines in ex· l     S u l0 ‘
, • Q soclated Charities to till the vacancyl
  t     ·|· ·|· ·I· ·I· ¢I• O Q ·I· O ·I· ·|· O ·|·,change. How are the "Ags" going tol . _
Y ` -;-1- know what the article is about" lcaused by the resignation of Deanl   w` lam st' P.0“1635`l
“ ‘Robert K. Mussle. 1
I • 1 An honor student at a Northern vv- _ I
nlm s an sun; V“"°’   i" """' '““‘ “"`"‘° S··*···¤*   ~~¤· ··· M1 M ·¤·¤¤»¤·¤= WHERE AM 1 como? • • ·
· . " Two Points each sixty "€"°“d“? with women‘s handbags. He was not 1
2 Had. to nm". '“;“*" The Annual's finger points to you, [Satisfied with taking honors alone- To
So sign up while it beckons, | ,
I ~ l u L t D C
Graves, Cox Tfl ”““°;°°’“ 9* ;°‘;“‘*“j°j 1 l · A tu.-uuuu uuuuluuuu of uu, Kansas €XlUg OH YU Om an
.;()()59G l'(;,*€:`V\00 OY: le r ew en Isla", Normal School Wl10 Bald il c¤1~
  ‘ O B0?   teflnessee. lege educalton WHS W0l`[ll   H, day,   _ J
n s o "we"—-
• failed to make mention of the number ·
Next year vou wlll need "her,' _ N "
I .
*·°·········· l ‘ M “·y~ A WELSH & MURRAY ‘
The €¤¤¢z¢ F¢ii<>wS’ Sh-1> The faculty uu Vandy rules um   ..M R,_e,m_ mm l {
—_"`__v— A A That "°“hi“ UVB me "d°"“U m*‘· have been improvised in champagne -
I , C, C A farmer State '“wd°· °“° Frank <·el|ars." A good many American col- •  
  fgaf O, (»0¤¢h» leglans may decide to flnish their ed- lncononldg ·   • 1
‘|°•|'P0|’• Has taken for himself a wlfe. ummm abroad ` I I
Manufacturer! of ln minor studies Washington grads ,
HAND-MADE CIGARS No examsare taking. Fnnerslty or xvashlngton wells   R • h N •
  '1`he "}’hi|osoplt" have taken up bowling. 'l`hey go to e   t     ]
13. WEST MAIN UTREEI _ IB COII1pOB€d ot thu alleys oat-ll week and Show thgjp   l ·· ·
tlood actors in the making. chuperones how easy it ls to mlss I
UR- J- D- KISER _.. uuu. they uuu uu. ,
cv:. :AnéP»;%?{Lr:$ vH¤<>A1* * ~~····¤···‘ if ¤ Sirk w¤·~¤· ¤ fellow COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY
with a promising mustache kisses her,' Une-half the students ut the Univer-
m::g•::r;”%:3d3":°r' Ifeels n little down in the mouth.~Unl-lsity of l‘hl¢·ugo are working their way     N   L t Le i K l '
‘ l » u _ . M · 0I' IIIICS 0l`I¢ X
°m“'”•M “·_x ·“|“”“ "•_x versnty ot' Llnelnnatl News. through; the majority of the other n n, ,°
. · §·
{ x

 ` I .
· • ....--_.“..- .............._................T£1”_._.'l" *.... ___ •
' ‘ ' I OUT} Qi`! S f
-——-— ('. A. Kueblo-r, 'I0, Dayton llopreson- • • • • • • m • • • • • • g P    
A nmwtlng of the Mountain (llnll, lnllvo of the \\'o¤t|ngnonoo pllootrlp Tho l•`oun lmould ——__ l‘Ill\lI`lDU,Il of the board of examiners.   prlng uns an Op Coats
hold a serles of social meetlngs at Pat- Mr` ROIHB l`°”t°r‘ U' ( °H°g° of ;..... V Q And other High-gratle Clothes
‘ [anon HNL The date, are to be dB_ Mlll€B and M€t8·llllrKY. WHS li l'l¤lt0l'i In the report of Flre Inspector NIuIr,| lo _ _
° omod moo at the University Monday. Rolllo hltlllotl Maron •s, state Ilnlvorslty ls m·—n». $ Z'50 U) $';" 00
‘wlth the Wisconsin Steel Cornllnny. Btitloned as having its buildings in per-I o _
 ,Benham, Ky., and says that he llkesifpm pnndluon and using every Soho! NEW Shlrts. New Neckwear. New (`ollars and gl] the
tho work tb6l'€ V€l`Y mll<*ll· H6 lll guard for the protection of students. I other New Things for young men.
  foreman of the coke yard. On Satur-' ___,
  dll?. March 20, he will address the gtwl Jllll Park loft for mg home near
A |demS of me Mining Department Onllllchmond, Saturday, on account of K .
P   n sickness. He has been lll for several     CO•
,,· com Making. l n
4. * 3|•• I lweeks and has returned home to re·
u :°_- Dean Norwood has announced thelcupemta
  following as subjects for the theses of Eighteen members of the Strollers -—-——~———~ — ·- E . s .. , t N _o__ r_M
T.- NEWIST tho S¤¤lor¤= will carry the parts of the extra play- W  
· g R, 0 W- H- H¤·nl€Y and Un (7- R08€l‘¤¤ ers in George Arllss ln "Dlsraell." at P I-I O E N I X I-I O T E L I
"The Rehsbllitatlon ot the lndlan the Ban All Friday and Saturday, ac,
0 A Creek Coal Co.`s Nllne at Indian Head, Cm-ding to an arrangementv made by » ’ · — - e s   _
  *;J··°‘"°;;‘“;;“u*;fS"’V°i‘ “;;‘0b‘:":“   lllo Mlvolloo osonl or the company Club Breakfasts from I5c to 60c
4   U on ace? Q with the Strollers‘ stage manager. The
  I   I PPMUCBI E¤8ln6€l'lll8-" players have already been selected   Luncheon 40C to 55c
W- H- NWI llllld H· L- Nook "A and wlll report at rehearsal tomorrow 7 W it "**"” **7*- "i;—""‘_T·=-‘
  I- T.   Study of Mine Ventilation ood the El- afternoon. The new Grill is the most beautiful room in Central Ken-
4 o root of Humldlflcation on the Power t- tucky, decorated with Rockwood Pottery.
127 Cheapsvde Rsqunsa tor Producing the Air cur- M o moollos of tho oxooullvo oom- )
Hoon 8 o_m_ oo 8 om. Phono 86o_x rentsf _mlttoe of the Kentucky Intercollegiate —_>" · ·—;-
1..._..•...__. Athletic Association, which was held —————;————.;.—.;..__. 
`         at the Phoenix Monday, lt was decided X ’   l \
-, s . a o s n
(   It i od b oh t n t i cello hold the annual track meet at   S Dc     l
  qa y Soma ltleorgetown. The basket ball ellglbles p B
I · . ~;s»€·;ses»·=-. .. 1* the ourtaln was rung down on the ca-lwam discussed and E ust of the phy
    mers of Henry Irvlng and Rlchsrd`€rS eligible in each School Wm be is ` SEE KAHN FOR. FRESH SUPPLIES l I
’ ` Manslield has an audience witnessed a sued soon by the secretary John L Q     l
. '_ ?   C ' rp performance that could apnroach that Hm Oo Georgetown ’ . Suppygg for Parties Ban gets Etc
U- R, . NEXT' I0! Mr. George Arliss ln "Disraell," ` I ` ° q ° °
s   · tv --... · . g ———— l’l¤o¤• 483 or 1690-y- can rar Solicitor
"' §;l{5' " "; ·¤€ll6dlll6d for tha M9! 9¤89·8€m°¤t At another conference between
  \5o   \ lhere at the Ben All Theater, Friday lwosnn-M H_ 5_ Barker, p_ p_ John. —»-.-i—...;t.-- .-. ..____.;_______ _ _
l¤o(,_,-Y $A;U¤DAy_•o D and Saturday and Saturday lnaune€•'St()Xl, JI'., 11 Hl8IIlb8l' of th0 Board of  
’ TURKBH SHOWER oo pLA|N \ under the munhgéméllt of 016 I-·l6bl€l' Trustees and the City Commisslolwrs
; ¤   *’ _" C0mD8¤Y- `ln regard to the widening of Winslow J- J. Graddy Nlck Ryan T. C. BradI•y Jn. T. McCarty
[ ·· M   ·l‘*l "»**’·>' ****"*·‘°"r"' * "Di¤r¤o1i" doolo with tho ¤l¤lo¤- street, lt developed that me nmvsr- T T
` _ un man‘s successful endeavor to gain con- my uuthormoo hovo no logo} outhop      
1 I Ionkort { Fotsch. Pr¤pr|•t•r• uol °f uw Suez Coool for E¤Kl¤lld· ll ily to enter lnto such a contract unless    
· work ln which he meets wlth the se- gn appropriation has previously been Incorporated
I       rret opposition of dlplomatlt: spies. umd., and n_ may take A gpgclgl not PA.n,ER·ON’ RYAN   QRADDY ‘ BRADLEY
Q 107 swan um••t¤n• wm rlltlru lo oollsouuonrlol lntrlsuo which or tho ¤.sgn1attn·s to enable them to · · · . .
. ooooono ooo ,oooo,o Hom Nook   4 H Furmshmgs, Shoes, Clothmg, Hats and Tallormg
as been softened by a love story and ( rr Ou heir 1
tt y tt pans.
uxlnagqn Ky, I PNN W3 140 Wat Main Street
’ G ARANTEHD il glimpse of Dlsraell's home life. The (  
} Ml". M. An., oh G.¤• n the period, the early 70's, lend the play] SCHEDULE ANN°UN°E°
Q o unique plctorlal qualities, Mp Ar.'(`0ll<‘ll€B. trainers, rubbers, etc., will
  S liss’ company includes Ernlta Las- ool bo “u°w"d °“ uw truck- I I Ihc I    
ol" do , wal uid GOOD ‘t·ellos, Margaret Dale, Florence Arllss,l No *"'*‘“'” wlll bo Nm 0H “¤l°“ 5
I • u . !IAma (`umpbem Chula! Harbury. ViH— the"` am fo"' "¤"`l"“· ‘”“`°l’tmg the Corner LIm••ton• and Wlnalow.
. lay races.
Hd chocohh Cmd, md [¢“ tent Sternroyd, Arthur Eldred, Henrylm I _
, • · • Ivoovol and Dudley Diggoo I Starts are made by plstol. A secoudl   LINE of   Slld  P 
E ..;..•.,_._... shot at time of startlng means no race. LUNCH CQUNTER
Dr• I-   GOrdOn| HENRY CLAY SOCIETY. ln the long runs, a. pistol shot denotesl =
DENTIST W. H. Townsend substltuted Judge!-qos; mph E8PEclAU—Y ON $UNDAY·
Lailferty on the Henry C18.)! Sooloty In the hurdle races, knocking down W ‘ ,
M¢CI•ll•nd Building ooogrooo Mooooy ovooloo with o me mm or more hurdles mqumues mol . F. ICUICUTI Grocery C0.
ao To address on the value of giving I:\lt9¤· contestant.
o tion to the work of the soclety and to Spike ghggg Us ¤u0w,d_ .;......1 __
, '     sto.-c)th6 pl‘u(‘ll4‘B C0lll't. of U18 law t·0II6gB.l ln [hg relay rgcgg only [hg winning
, Next to Poet Offl¤• ,_ , l ' i
A |Mr. lownsends talk was enthusiastic t team wlll be awarded a cup.
o     Stationery! Swagand interesting and the boys vlljuyéd} llelays—'l`em11s of six men are to 8¤·»
Wgtq, Cntkty, HKS llld Cigars lloarlng the promising young urlornoy.   ter, four to run one-quarter mile oooh.? SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES T0
. ‘—"""‘j"‘—"—"‘—"' I The president of the society an-ilu spot-{ul pblayg {Ur ward oonool
_ j , Kiokooo Cool Co   .... ... ......   t......m.,.,..           ..,   .., .0; F|_,()R]|)A.(jUBA.NEW ORLEANS
. O · ° lar-gurnentatlon desired to come over';·n¤ 220 you-ds noon In polltxgg events AND 1-0 ALL OTHER RESORTS OF THE SOU1-H_
1 ADthI8¢lt¢ Bhd BIEIIIIIEIIOUIE March 22 and see a regular trial t·ou-|-“;.;,m·.;,_,,, not wS"·ict,,d_ TICKETS ON SALE Dim-‘EEmL RETURN UM",.
COALS I"""‘“" ““ " "‘ “°“"· T*"’ *"`°“'“'“ l·¤ uw u¤<·l< ··u··u~ uw ··l¤¤¤   nvomtsu-; sror>-ovr-za muvu.scss.
t'()lllIIll[t(*B was directed to tlrrlilllw for svllooln will nn-t on l~‘rlday, Mkt! H· —~·
Lexmgton, - Kentuckyltn. mn and t...n..n.. nt.   tp. Tm, c.u,,,, ..,,» ,,..,,00,, M., ..,6.,.   EQUIPMENT, SERVICE AND SCENERY IINSURPASSED
- _ ,polnt four students for counsel und snttndly Mny 15
‘ ‘ ‘ ` F Put! ular l t An '
\ a TIIE cmckln TEACHERS, AGENCY Mnubmit s cus of interest. 'l`lw trlul t>nt.ot·.town t·ontt·stnnts are lnvitod °.;o¢k•o;‘ :Ap:;d° Y
I Thl>R$|PT—BorL;:A8l;.E-hg`!lolhNI‘U tpromlses to be not only an Interesting to mak,) th,. y_ M_ ty A_ mon- hood.   nl: or T ·
To: Ngfto'? wo; o§f‘,°Mi3§‘,g°$§o;'Q louo llul otrlol oourt nroooduro wlll vol tnnn-t.~t·s during then stay In the clty. ROUTE H. C.   P18! l' lllll Tltktl MCI}
. ' Allin y_ P·°··T' ph_·_w_°|g_) Nan lollovwtl and the case will be fought lol information o.0m.,rm1ng hotels and 10] E·,t Wn sto, L•x{n'g°no Ky_
l .°"“°°*°° w°°"“’ nu" °M°°°°‘ "'*‘ md- boarding houses gladly furnished.     __,___._...._.
• l t*
t x

 | T H E I D E A ·
l(‘lVIl, ENGINEERS lDEAN ANDERSON’S ` °°°°°“°•••“•
cAg3$¤§Lg8ll;%l;ET8 ASSIGNED ·l·Hl·;slcs FATHER l·AssEs AWAY.    
    As their theses work, De-an Walter _,' “·_ A,,,k,,.,,0,,' nm, ,,0, flthm, Of` ’
OUR SPECIALTY   ,ll°t“"` Il;“;‘l “‘:""';"d (l’|"‘2;`""*"d ”;':‘ Dean P. Paul Anderson, and manazerl Do YOU know that the SPECIAL RATE of 50
"" " ° " ‘°‘ * °“ °' l " " °“ ° of the Studebaker Wagon Works, of
KELLER; Fl0dSt• lmen are now at work on tllelr toplcs. M,,,,,,e' ,,,_ ,0,, m·,,,, Yun dm, ,,,` per cent DISCOUNT goes 0E on Merch lst? If
.236 I. mln Sl. Phono 354 i The suhlerrs and the Seslors who ,,,,,, my Monday ·,,,,,,,,00,,_ uno,. · YOU l\8V€ I\Ot already arranged f0l‘ Fotos YOU IUU8t
  ‘“"l"'T:::“‘:l;1p;;::’(I:l*0;*:;;.m. Qmmmy long Illness due to hls advanced age. do BO Bt OI\¢¢, OT YOU will lose thé ODPOl'tU¥\itY· _
State Uniwmtyl ' ` U · · He ls survlved by hls wlfe and son,
( "