xt737p8tdt4f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt737p8tdt4f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-08-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 27, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 27, 1979 1979 1979-08-27 2020 true xt737p8tdt4f section xt737p8tdt4f I m
. E 3 ‘ the all Schedule
Vol. LXXII. No. 9 ”VON” 0‘ Km" 0f lasscs
Monday, Aug-t 27. me In Independent ttutient MWlpIpel Indium. MN!
m 3
I . . 33‘» . I W. - 9.3qu ”'3 “r .i
. , Mt .2
“W . f?" s .
.3... . . III 1 I g 3. .
..I. . . -31.“! 1 III A... $0 i I W e I I .. , H t
e I“ ._..; . .. I ”I 3 ".3 _ 'e , ' ” II ‘ I_°°‘ 3',- - ’4' ‘ . , 3 ‘ if "t. By MARK GREEN are instructions for dropping and
‘3 v. .- I“ " I . s» . v- . h ' e a . " i '-=° 3- e 3_ 3., 7," " " ‘3 “I ' Copy Editor adding courses. -
" . II l I. ' " .X. X , . ' ' , CI ‘ ;-I«’ "fl” . . .9 I . . :9 . e f é ’3'»: After deciding which classes you are
, I; {‘tL . 4 a I' it”: "it “4*”. "' . ' '- ‘3.“ I _, '-' I .4. ”3/3,. Inga/I.” ‘ Those good old. bad old days of dropping and adding. you should pick
’ I » 3 3 .‘ “3-. I, .4 I * . I .. :I II- 3 3 ' . ‘ - .1 I . .' ». - I' -,>. , ADD/DROP are back again. up the computer class cards at the
A 4’3 1 "5. ‘ I- ‘r' , 5 .4: - _. I_ -‘3 i. 1d 4* 3 9 '» , I .. ' ‘3 , . . if you haven‘t registered yet, don‘t department and college tables on the 43
.- e I, 3””; f I ‘3? first}; «- I ‘1 , .. y . rI " I , ' 7 , ‘3 ._ . I " ’ ~ 35* try to go through centralized concourses and on the Coliseum‘s
V . . » 5E _. - ; I A . I . 3. 33 .' . ‘ I a . .. . -' ADD/DROP tomorrow because it is floor. Consult the map on the back of ‘ .
av ’ ‘I . I .. I 3.37 2 07.0 N .I III e "' ' 3’ 3:;- < . “g .= . _ for pre-registered students only. An your instruction sheet forthe location »
. .I‘ II‘: . t sec“0 2 I » ‘ ' s . 1‘ IBM ADD/DROP Permit Card is of tables you need to visit.
- '. -, I 95 f- ‘ T i; ‘ st - 1' (3" reserved for each re-re istered Each transaction re uires a J
I ' I ’I 3* .‘ ‘3 A")U twee“ “M . u I ”?‘ ~ 9“ fl Q ...] I w student. and willbegivelii tothgmafter computer card; to change seationsina ' '
-;_. courtsE 3 60‘ ' “TA .- I « I " i 375;. ., 3” they enter Memorial Coliseum, where class. you need one card to drop the .
. «525‘ Wee“ /-M | ‘ § t 3 II a I w - .. l . II ' .I ‘r ADDi DROP is held. . section you are in and one to add the ' . 3
est-,2“ /»/sgcu“ ‘ 1\O . . 3» = i- ii - Jerry Legere. associate registrarIfor section you need. However, only one 3 .
“are“ /§’50°‘AL ‘ ““5“: . , 2.3333,: I . . student records. is coordinating ADDiDROP slip is needed. .
// 9”“ OF““ ‘ l‘ . a f» 3 ’ . ADD/DROP this year rather than Each computer card must be filled 5
My '12 119E it \I i ;' j ’ I a“ George Dexter, associate registrar for out with a No. 2 lead pencil. Students .
/EF\“51N O“"‘ O ‘ “““al‘al‘ " . II, I , . 3% I“ registration. The switch came after musiwritetheirsocialsecurity number ,
”AW“ 0‘0“ 0'5 “II“,“N‘ ‘ f » I ° 3 .’ _1'1‘ people in the registrar‘s officedecided in area one of the card and the '
Be 055 \“STPuc‘:wfl““"fl . Y1 = .. .3_.,»~= I " (l l I I , ADD; DROP involves the records transaction in area two. ' ‘
“0 “Vi “honor“ 650 M '- ' I? I department more than registration. Areas three and four on the .-
. “5 05 “New” 0? ‘ s . .I “i tried to have fun planning computer card are related to certain
_, “xv““w I t I .- _I , I '. ADD, DROP.“ Legere said, adding types oftransactions and are not filled
N or 9% “or i ‘. i . V . . '. that he hopes the changes he made will in all cases. .
' “‘0‘ “fl“,nunv‘ III ‘ I .. I help students enjoy ADD.’DROPthis There are fourtransactions you can
90/ We“ . . a, , year. The new instruction sheet has make during ADD DROP Besides
“INN“ “tow“fl ‘ ' cartoons illustrating the process. and adding and dropping courses. you can
A “we“ “Minor“ “New“ I . ' a» concession stands on the Coliseum‘s change the number of hours you take
“flux“ “floor“ “filing“ II _ » " I concourses will sell hamburgers, in courses wherethe credit hours vary. ,
“fl“..tn‘r; “flaunt“ 1 t. hotdogs popcorn and cakes. And you can change your grade
n“ “In“ nut“ » t I‘ I
“goblin” , , I I ; ... Also. one more table, for option to letter grade. pass fail or
*I‘I‘I‘I‘I“ W“ " a. °° ADDJ DROP computer card pick up. audit. '
I . «w has been moved onto the Coliseum After filling out your ADD DROP
floor. The business and economics slip and computer cards you should ’
3, I college‘s table joins the history return them to YOL'R Dean‘s table. I '
n t e tUdent center 8 G rand Ballroom English tables on the Coliseum floor that is the Dean of the college in which I
3, so that congestion in the concourses you are enrolled. Consult the map on
will lessen. the back of the instructions again for -'
I I I I I Legere said there are a few steps the table‘s location. i
Lon lines are formin for fmancral aid w
I I ' ADD/DROP. They are: all cards and slips completely and
v Know which classes ou are correctl . There were between l2.000
3y TERESA YOUNG And. students who haven't been ships should stand in this line also. assngnment. enrolled in according to yotyir class and l3.)i)00 transactions during last '
I slanwnm notified about whether they will Students who applied for and have And. students applyingforfinancial schedule or bring a copy of your semester‘s ADD DROP. and his
receive financialaidr includingthose been hired for the work-study aid need to remember. Prater said. schedule. office expects a similar number this
The Grand Ballroom in the Student who applied late Dr. ifthey still need program should go to the 5th floor of that the L'niversity does not have — Bringacopy ofthe Fall Schedule semester. he said.
Center is the place to go to pick up to apply they should wait until the Patterson Office Tower and talk to short-term loans for tuition. so of Classes or the Supplement to the Approximately l0 percent 0f the
financial aid checks. but if you don‘t third week in September to come to Bobby Halsey. assrstant director of students must pay this fee on their Fall Schedule of Classes (you are transactions made during .
like standing in long lines you should the financial aid Office. Prater Said. student financial aid. to get their job OWn. reading one now.) ADD.‘ DROP last semester contained .
m:itfii:1r;:iIIatI ieIaIstdWIednesday to visit Although he did not have any l-l Brigg a :0. 2 leIrIid psncil. cIrIrors according todLegIere; mag)» of I
, ia ai es . fi ures. he said the“: will . e sat stu ents 3 cu come to t e errors occurre w. en stu ents
“Thelinesareverylongon Monday additional amount of financiZle aaiii1 central/29d ADD/DROP centralized ADD/DROP at me” wrote me wrong 50cm security ' l
and Tuesday. said Dave Prater. available to applicants this year. “We appointed time; the schedule is setand number on thell’ computer cards. ;
3:32;IIIOSSIICZEIEdII'IITI‘LOI’I hliliimitefili: want to encourage students to come Pro-registered students may report to Memorial Coliseum for tIlIiere “CT almost "0 exceptions. "Tc computerIcards age filled 0:; '. -
desk. instead of waiting I3“ ling .. seem (in the Manual aid officeIl centraliled ADD/DROP at the times listedinthe table below. Times foweVe:IIr.i you wanthtocbeIatthehead mfg?" mill?) gm: :5 I{an d I. . ,
if you were notified that you will during the third week of September. are set up .ccordln. to the first letters of the I.“ name. Students may oh ontijr inc entegingt e o iseurIn. you office b creek": thu end Iecor s . .
receive financial aid you should go to he said. come in after their appointed time. but not before. 5 (’1‘qu come _3 CW minutes ear Y~ IV I 8 e 5 U eh stas 3
. er enteringthe Coliseum at your records. butthiscan bedone onlyif the .~ , I .
the Student Center Ballroom this lfastudent'stuition is being paid by scheduled time. pick up your IBM student‘s name has been filledin the
week. a third party , this includes band 10:00 Heo-Kh “00 V'z ADD/DROP Permit Card. the new hand written space supplied on the ‘
Representatives from Billings and students. atheletes and foreign 10:30 Kl‘Mb 1‘30 A-BI yellow instruction sheet and an card. ‘ ,
Collection, Financial Aid and Food students ~ Prater said they should get "‘00 Mc-0 2:00 Bin-Che ADD/ DROP slip if you do not have lt is important for students to keep ' .
Services willbeintheGrand Ballroom in the grant-in-aid line in the "‘30 1"“ 2:30 Chf-Di one already. their copies of ADD, DROP slips, 3 '
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.I. IMonday Ballroom. which reads. “Third party 12:00 Rl-Sm 3:00 D“: The ADD/DROP slips are newthis Laser: Sfiidt because they can become ' ' ‘ ’
through FI’Iday. After rriday. the billing.“ or “Biiiing and Collection." . ”'3“ SW” 3'30 G'Hfl‘ yeartOO-Thereisroom on each slipto “wimpommifm need“) WW3 '
representatives will return to their Prater said students with drop and add seven courses, and on transaction later. WhiCh sometimes ‘,
offices. fellowships and teaching assistant- the back of your copy ofthe slip there happens. ‘ ’
. I I . . E .
. . . tuition payments, U K IDs, parking permits, health fees . . . : _ .
By DEBBIE MCDANIEL representatives from Photographic Student Center Ballroom will have A table for Blue Cross Blue representatives from General newspapers will be at the Student i ,
1: Editor Services can place a validation tables set up from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Shield will also be set up in the Telephone will be at the Student Center. Kennedy's Bookstore and ,‘
f I sticker on it when the student has this week. Ballroom; students can sign up for Center Aug. 22 through Sept. 7. Memorial Coliseum during _.- .
.72 After movmg your possessions the picture taken. And. new Tuition payments can be made the student hospitalization Dorothy Schremser director of ADD/DROP to sell subscriptions i
ii. “home for the summer and then students should have their free 10 in the Ballroom this week and in program and pay their premiums GTE's public affairs department. this week. ‘t
iii'imii’mw‘i’h“iiibai‘i‘imihii Ea‘c’iaie’é‘i'iss‘p" '2‘ °’ they w'" 3333”"“85 §""i§°"‘°“9i§°ffi°°' ”3°?” "if“ i 'll be 5““ ‘-"’"°““ ‘5‘" "‘°“°y by S‘“‘-‘°““ “d W” w"° =
'7 something ‘YOu need —» your meal AftergFrida' students can oto t3‘3flmce UI tn8.untl Cpt. 12 ' "(.1 cut P“ “the": sSWId selecting their telephone and subscribe 'to the IHerald-lzader ‘ i
. card UK ID or tuition a ment 0005 Kastle Hall wlgi a If. pi? ‘ h f issue tomorrow m' t 'c W CI“! taking it home; " costs aroundSlO wm‘ receive their newspaper : ‘
. card‘—~ has disappeared P y Photo ra hic S r ' e l l tcrdc S twigl Ont pay t c Fe before Center to lUll-tlme Junior. SCtIuOT for someone from the phone bcmmlmg Sept. 1. The papers “'1‘" i V
5 Wh d ' 8 P e V": 5 ‘5 OI“ e . ~ ‘33P . . you re stuck With a. $50 and graduate students 0" a "5‘ company to deliver the phone and be delivered through Dec. 16, wrth ,
I Iere onougoto replacethese to have new le made. Pictures reinstatement fee plus yourtuition come basis. Freshman and plug it in. no deliveries made during ?
lost items? will be taken on Monday fee. Your last chance to pay the sophomores are not eligible for Thanksgiving Break ‘
. If you lost your UK ID or you afternoons between HS and 4:5 tuition and reinstatement fees ends parking permits and must park To select a phone, students S b 'be 'll I f [2 f h '
. want your picture retaken, pm. and Thursday mornings Sept. 2|. at 3:30 pm. their cars in the Commonwealth should 8° ‘0 Room “3 between 4 u 5C“ rs W' pay or . 0 l C i .
' UK‘s Photographic Services will between 8:15 and ”:45 a.m. Students who withdraw from Stadium parking lOt- 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 pm. 18 weeks and receive a daily afnd :
develop a new lD for 55. “During If you lose your me I card. you school during the first week of “C” permits willbeissued from9 Students can also apply for a 5:1: 3? 1:“ dot; the Ipaper [or i .
I the week of fee payment, we'll be should go to the Food Storage classes are liable for 20 percent of a.m. to noon. and from [:30 to 4 student billing number during bi .' re me “11:72:“ ar i . '
. '5 set up there (Student Center office. located on Donovan Drive the tuition bill; if they withdraw pm. today. “R” permits and these hours in 1” Student Center. 5“ scnption price 0 I i l l
I, Ballroom) and we can make it(the behind K-Lair grill. The office is before Oct. 22. they must pay 50 remaining “C” permits will be There is “0 charge to set “P ”“3 Subscribers l.° the Courier i
3 -I~j lD) there." said John Mitchell. open from 8 a.m. to 5 pm. and percent of their tuition fees. issued Wednesday and Thursday billing account. bl" students Journal wrll receive the firm two 3 \
. manager of photographic services. students will be issued atemporary If students want to pay the $18 from 8:30 a.m. to noon.itnd from I should have bring credit weeks free: and Will be charged the ‘
I, * ~ A; ,t . Mitchell said students should meal card while the permanent Student Health fee. they can drop pm. to 4 pm. information if they‘ve h“ a regular "we. - 80 cents per week I
' .- ~ ’ 3 bring some proof of identification card is developed. by the table set up at thefootof the Parking permits will also be personal phone “f0” ‘0 show forthe daIilyissue.SScentsforeach . '
. , . with them; eitheradriver's license There is a $5 charge to replace steps leading to the Ballroom. issued Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to they 9‘“ their bill' 0“ time. Sunday issue -. rather than a i '
. - . _ with the student‘s picture on it or the meal card the firsttime you lose After Friday. students can pay the noon. and from I pm. to 2:45 pm. Schremser “id- student discount rate. 2 -
I .- “VI? Pieces of identification. it, and a Sl0 charge the second health fee at the Billings and If youke living off-campus and Representatlves from the The Courier Journal will not be ' ; ',
“ . l lIf “8 I lost ID and has been time. Collections office until the Sept:2l you‘d like to selectatelephone ina Lexington Herald-Leader and delivered Labor Day and durins i.
q I. . validated.“ Mitchell said, if you still need to pay fees. the deadline. specific style and color, Louisville Courier Journal Thanksgiving break. - - = fl
. g I .
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._ BEST copv AVAILABLE i . ,. ~ .

 7 m
i l
1‘ ,
l-flll KENTUCKY KERN"... My. A“ 11. I!” g
- it
881881. 801080118 §
118.50 108 002 ilASC 104 001 I‘ASC 180 002 IMSC 388 001 ASt‘. 4200001 ”AM: 830 001 ASC 771 001 3’ ~
llASi‘. 108 001 ASC 104 002 18.90 180 001 11850 1888091 18.50 4820001 ASC 8110 001 ASC 780 001 1
SCHEDULE OF CLASSES fiASC 108 004 ASC 109 001 850 182 001 ASC 195 001 ASC 470 002 ASC 880 002 ASC 781 001 j
IIASLI 109 001 850 112 001 ASC 384 001 ASC 199 001 AM: 510 001 ASC 885 001 ASC 782 001
' _ ‘ ‘ ASlI 288 002 ASC 321 001 AS(‘. 178 001 ASC 4080001 850 538 001 ASC 888 001 ASC 790 001 1'
This 55:11.81993. 9! HASKSISUPPNMM “5‘9 a“ "f "‘9 0"" C1355” IIASC 287 001 ASC 115 001 *ASC 380 001 A80 4080001 ASC 582 001 ABC 788 001 ASC 791 001
for the 1979 Fall Semester which are available f" 9011”” ”8‘9' AS(: 100 002 (MSG 180 001 A81“. l8? 001 8.50 4100001 ASC 580 001 A80 789 001 ASC 792 001 f":
(ration on August 27, 1979. Some of the courses listed have very few 7",
spaces available. ‘ 1114.911 A80 180 001 FEEDS 8811 1121:0180 1 81: 1100—1150811 MN 8120 8808 1’;
This Supplement must be used in conjunction with the regular Schedule LAB M 01110—02501’11 ACS BS? 11‘:
\ of Classes since the days when classes meet. times. and rooms are listed ‘1’
Enly-fXFt—hose courses (or sections) which have been added or where '
there has been .1 chnnge in the original information. KNI‘HMULUUY ;
‘ The format of this Supplement is the same as the regular schedule, -~--- , I
1.81.. the colleges are 1'15th alphabetimlly- 1:81 100 002 1:81 400 001 *EN‘l' 581 001 1:81 581 001 1:81 788 001 1:81 770 001 EM 790 001
1:81 195 001 111181 402 001 HINT 582 001 1:81 872 001 FN'I‘ 789 001 1:81 780 001 :‘
”ESE ARE 0”“ COURSES “N” *28l18 1:81 581 001 10101081. 88111110me 4 TR l200-l2'10PM 808 .8221 KNAPP "
1.88 TBA (4 HRS) j
NOTE 1: Advance registration dates for Spring Semester 1980 are ~_
November 12-21, 1979. Advance registration is required for FORES'I‘RY . ~
. all continuing students. .. .
. ~ . f .1. ‘ *l-‘OR 319 001 FOR 300 001 FOR 39‘) 001 FUR ~60) 002 FUR 910 01)] FOR 511 001 FOR 601 001 ~
- NOTE -‘= Students ”*1“ d” ("Pi”o‘f“d ”V ”w” ““9““ d‘f‘m 0’ ‘ f“ 1118 220 001 1118 100 002 liFOK 400 001 1118 415 001 1118 1.1.0 001 1118 583 001 1118 812 001
withdrawal after the m‘d’termIda” ““1 be ””1"“9‘1 “" “mm" 1118 220 002 1118 140 001 1118 400 00.1 1118 425 001 1118 445 001 1118 599 001 1118 788 001
priate grade (W or E) hv the iat‘illtv member. ‘
7 , *28814 FOR 219 001 11180801001 3 18 0800—0850811 1'10 111 STAFF 3
NOTE 1: L'niversitv Senate regulations give faculty members the option
of dropping students who do not attend the first two class
meetings. _
01188881. 808111818881; 1
-. 01:8 100 001 01:8 101' 001 088 104 002 01:8 108 001 01:8 1008001 018 1008002 01:8 1000003
SPECIAL COURSES .110 880911.115 MN MW *
EXPERLEMI—él‘ ”5.1359!“va 11111811(1111511181: .180 1.18115111111; .\j:1111_11:_1t_1'_1‘81, ‘ ‘
EXP 3% 001 808 127 002 808 310 002 111808 150 002 +808 502 001 808 590 001 808 712 001 808 770 001 1 "
808 127 001 11808 315 002 808 352 001 8118 515 001 .1808 825 001 808 788 001 808 790 001 f
1 ' 71 41 1 ,, . '
155.5035 EEMHILR 1808 '10 001 808 140 001 1108 399 001 8118 58- 001 .
, . . . «1111008 1108 150 002 PLANT 1180118081108 1 W 11011-115088 808 87 51111.17, 2:
.1158 101 001 158 118 001 138 131 001 I“ .11 0100—0450111 08 1 ‘
:3;- 7‘
+90 387 ”OR 302 ()(ll l‘iNUIl'HIY: Ill‘ICII) FRUITS ll 1 .‘Ni’ llllii—l HUAM (Ill 1 LOCKARI) 1; _.’
09 .. Q1. '
JADUATE SCHOOL liilrn‘dASilzlprt‘ {iri‘liirtrcctiiry .1; '
' 4 ‘ ' ' ’ ’ .‘t . '7 ' V :.‘ . ”ii:
fiASER 9f giiglg LUMLNEIEAQQN LA 105 001 81.8 330 0111 LA 311 001 .1181 440 001 LA ..911 001 1,\ 1. , 001 1,8 531 001 1;;
*PA 8.11 001 PA 8238091 PA 827 001 PA 829 001 PA 711 001 PA 7958002 PA 7950004 ..
PA 822 001 P8 8288091 PA 828 001 PA 8138091 PA 795 001 PA 7958003 P8 798 001 "MM “AIN‘Wvl .3; p,
*12010 88 8:1 001 ANAL 0808s: DECISION SCI METHS 4 .118 0400—0540811 008 319 LYNCH 11:8 :7: 11111 1111118 840 001 ”mm 852 001 111118 788 001 11118 789 001 «11118 784 001 11118 794 001 1“
7 l .
SOC [413 001 SOC r1l77 ()Ill SOC 30“) 001 “SW? 790 001 “900 797 ”(ll
18120 101 001 AEC 113 001 AEC 412 001 AEC 503 001 ABC 545 001 ABC 824 001 81:0 788 001 vgr8_8i_888v SIZE-MI 1.:-
ABC 302 002 81.0 341 001 ABC 414 001 #880 531 001 ABC 580 001 AEC 828 001 ABC 789 001 ‘1.
AEC 109 001 AEC 399 001 ABC 418 001 AEC 532 001 AEC 590 001 AEC 845 001 AEC 780 001 vs 150 001 111.5 195 001 “vs 789 001 1118 781 001 :88 785 0111 “v.9 791 001 “vs 791 001 ,1.-
AEC 311 001 AEC 408 001 AEC 480 001 ABC 533 001 81:0 820 001 ABC 850 001 vs 151 001 «vs 788 001 vs 770 001 vs 781 001 :80 788 001 11's 79: 001 ,
‘ ___' ___ :2
81:8 215 001 181:8 252 001 11888 252 002 MIN 320 001 11888 430 001
‘ 111121.119 Hflflfi EILEIATLM £12 1.1% . ’
Ago—MW. :‘T;
AHE 500 001 881: 890 001 AHE 852 001 881. 859 001 881: 881 001 AHF. 889 001 881: 872 001 j,
#808 380 001 808 387 002 808 395 001 #808 4730001 808 582 001 808 875 001 #808 789 001 881: 595 001 881: 842 001 AHE 851 001 881: 880 001 881: 885 001 Alli; 870 001 881: 871 001
MGR 380 002 #808 387 003 808 399 001 MGR 501 001 AGR 599 001 808 897 001 71808 7708001 881: 880 001 881: 850 001 Mill 854 001 881: 881 001 881: 888 001 881: 871 001 AHE 880 001 f.
AGR 380 003 808 388 002 11808 404 001 808 502 001 +ACR 819 001 808 732 001 808 7708002 881: 870 001 AHE 851 001 881: 855 001 881: 882 001 :1 ,p
808 188 001 ACR 386 003 808 4080001 808 515 001 808 871 001 808 788 001 808 799 001 1 -‘
1808 387 001 808 388 004 l 'f
+90212 808 819 001 CY‘FOCENETICS 4 881 0900-0950AM BS 205 SPRINGER 3,;
LAB 1 0900-1050811 BS 228 CNU 504 001 CNl‘ 701 001 088 780 001 .5:
.___._________________________ ___________________________.__.__ i
+Added course +Added course :51: .
*Changed course *Changed Course i?
#Five or less vacancies ”Five or less vacancies f ’
. .1 i
.1 i
I I ‘ . i
tu ents w1l| receive more cash 1 ,.
/ 1'
.‘ - 15:1
. ’ ' ’ rat's “'
I I I I W" ~~ .- ' \96
wrt new tu1tion refund olicy ' , 1" ”1‘ ’ ‘
. 1 ,. w r . 3 ,1 1
p . O X’ ‘ . ’ (fig/,0 ‘1. ,’\:’$ 3.
8' l “ . ." “\‘c’: \ 1,
. é ('4 . 1' ‘l ‘1'. .E, . '
. . & (C‘j/IE‘!£_ -‘ :
ly DEBBIE McDANIEL 22. they receive no refund. . '1 . ‘ 1 , ’sfi N) 7"?) 1
Editor If students change their status from full- to part- ' ( fir - ' a .-\ 1 532‘ "" ' ‘3' {V . ‘
. time after going through ADD/ DROP, they have a p; . ' ,,« ‘ .,,’ ' ' w \ . .-
UK Students who withdraw from the University longer period to claim refunds under this policy, .132 5’; 7. 1 ~ . (O ' '
between Aug. 27 and Sept. Swill receive an 80p:rc:nt Leger: said. Under th: old policy, “Students had to , O I ‘ } _ , . V. 2 3'
tuition refund this year — if they have paid their come into the office and requesta rcfund Prior to th: *’ ' ‘\ ' ( " ' ’v Q
tuition — under the Board of Trustees’ new refund deadline date." he said. Under the new policy. “A ~" ’ I N: ' ‘ '
policyv. approvcd Jan. 30. student haaon: year from th: dat:th:y drop to request . ' . “ 1
.Or. if students have not paid their tuition fees. they a refund.” ‘ . "“48 ~ ‘ ‘ ‘9) ’
Will pay20pcrcent of the bill wncn they withdraw from A word to the wise: “Refunds are not automatic,” .\ ‘ i k“? " " ~ I J &’
their claaacs. . Leger: said. “They have to com: in and t:l|ua(about " ' ‘ KL. ' ~ “9%! ‘5 .

Under the old policy. approved Sept. 18, I973. th:m.)'l‘lfatud:ntaneedtheirfceareaaacaacd.orifthcy - _ l- "s t V '3’ ' _
students who withde from th: Umvcrsity between arc entitledtoa icfund after going through centralized _ ’f 1 v ‘ ‘ gt?
the first day of class and the midterm receivcd a 50 ADD/ DROP. they can go directly to the Registrar‘s '5. ‘ I ‘ '59 I’ ., ~ ‘ '
percent tuition refund. table in th: Stud:ntC:nt:r Ballroom. Studentashould ‘ Q- - ‘3’ f » ' '

.lcrry ch:r:. anomat: registrar for student records. bring their ADD/DROP slip, and they willbeabl: to ‘ )1 ' '
aaidth: new policy is aimed at reducing the numb:r of pay their feet there also, Leger: said. V ,
no-ahow students in over-rcqucatcd courses. The The student records office also has part-time /
poth benefits students whowithdrawcarlyenough to studentlealidation sticker: foratudcnta whochangc ‘ ‘

. . W a a '
frc: critical clan spaces for students who want to their status from full- to part-time. Students don't
add the course. he said. . hav: to send their ID: to Billing: and Collection:

Under both policies. students who withdraw from. anymor:. Leger: said. Now. validation sticker: canb: I'.
claaaca between Sept. 6 and Oct. 22. at midterm, are changed in th: student records office when student: ‘
entitled to a 50 percent refund. Leger: and. After Oct. come in to claim their tuition refunds. 1 "

9 :
Impomnt dam to "mam“, AIg. 27 —— Registration for ADD/DROP in Collcgcdean‘s 204 Miller Hall. 8:30 am. to f::. credit to audit or audit to " _ _
new students who have not offices. 4:30 pm. Sept. 2| — Last day for "edit La“ day '0 drop ‘ . -
advance registered. Ballroom Aug. 29-30 -— Lat: Sept. 5 — Last day to enter reinstatement of students 00“?” With "0 indication 0‘ '1
’0’ m open for fee payment and ID registration for returning an organized class. Last day to cancelled for not paying 00W“ on transcript record. ' i
- ‘ pictures orvalidation.9a.m. to students who did not advance withdraw and receive an 80 registration fees.Stud:nts must 0“- 12—11“ dl)’ ‘0 dI’OP' f
3 pm. today through Friday. regmer and for new students percent tuition refund. pay registration fee plusthc $50 001"”- U“ day ‘0 ““1di i
‘ Aug. 1! — Centralized cleared late for admission. Sept. 12 - Last day to pay reinstatement fee. Last day to from the University 0' Mu“ ‘
1 ADP/DROP for advance Mezzanine. Patterson Office registration fees to avoid pay Student Health f:: for fall “th016 and receive any
‘ r:gut:r:d students only. Tower. 8:30 am. to 4 p.m. A cancellation of your registra- umestcr. refund. Request refunds ,
. Memorial Cohacum. l0 am. to $20 lat: fee is charged for late tion. Pay in Billings and Sept. 27 — last day to file ""0“!" 591““! Record:
‘ P-m. . registration. Collections office. 220 Service for Decembcrdegre: in College office. l07 Gill" Buildin-
‘ . AIg. 29 — Claaaea begin. AIgUt 3| — Laatdayto pay Building. Last day for new Dean‘s office. NOV- ”'1' — 1‘4“?“
. .. em er Am A Scam ADD/ DROP feel in the ballroom. Lat: students to pick up ID cards 0ct.3 -— Last day to change remit-"on ‘07 ”30 'Pnfll .
‘ in Bu:llArmory;afl:rtoday,1n registration continues in from Billings and Collections grading option from pan-fail acmcatcr.
. 9 dean 0 office. All other Advmng Conference Office, without paying replacement to credit or credit to para-fail; 0% 15 — Finalexama.
.' y ’* ‘ 1 . l
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