xt737p8tdw6q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt737p8tdw6q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-09-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 2000 2000 2000-09-20 2020 true xt737p8tdw6q section xt737p8tdw6q m

A ceie‘rrralioz:

It only




September 20, zoo


l have had the great .’

fortune of being ET
for a while now. No

more worrying about 5

Bush puts Lexington on trail

all the things you
younger students do.
I did however take
part in the
celebration of a
friend who turned ZI
Monday night. So in
honor of that. here
are some funny
things that may or
may not happen on
the big day.

You arrive prepared to
take on the world,
proclaiming how you
have never puked off
alcohol, and you do
not plan on starting

For some reason all your
friends laugh at you
when you say this
and start ordering
you drinks.

You forgot about bad
combinations and
order yourself a
White Russian to
start yourself off.

Umm. It tastes good.

You have a really great
server who preps the
birthday boy by
giving him a glass of
water and a couple of

She has an innocent
name like Chastity
(who owes me a T-
shirt). thinks that all
of the people buying
shots are mean and
then buys you one

After the first two or
three shots, a friend
ties balloons to your
hat, but you are
feeling pretty well.

Monday Night Football

You down a Prairie Fire
(tequila and hot
sauce) and wonder
when the flames will
shoot out of your

Chastity brings more
water and rolls. They
don't help.

First quarter is over. The
night starts to get

The world's best
manager, Jennifer, at
Buffalo Wild Wings.
brings you a pickle
bucket, without any
pickles, if you get my
drift. She buys you a
shot too.

Five minutes later you
have a death grip on
the bucket.

You pass out in your bed
at 10:30 pm. Your
older friends go out
and watch the rest of
the game. Thank
goodness this only
happens once.

-lton Norton

6.6 5.;

So much for sunny
weather. Better grab
your umbrella before you
walk out the door.

VOL. ttI06 ISSUE 3:20
Ne fl. ‘ if:

Call: 257-I9l5 or write:

t I

£LECTIQN 20.09.


Competing for states: Republican presidential candidate
George W. Bush spoke Tuesday at Henry Clay High School

new Swan»


Henry (‘Iay High School‘s gymnasium
roared with cheers Tttestlay evening from
a large crowd that gathered to welcome Re
publican presidential candidate (ieorge W.
Bush and his wife. Laura.

This was a stop on Bush's battleground
states campaign totir. \vhere Hush has been
visiting states in the Midwest where recent
polls show neither Hush nor Democratic
presidential candidate Al Gore have a lead.

Before arriving to Lexuigton. Hush
campaigned in Illinois and made an appear
ance on the nationally syndicated show

Iii a town hall setting. the theme was
"Real Plans for Real People: Blueprint for
the Middle (‘Iassf‘ w Iiere the 'l‘exas gover—
nor touched on subjects stich as the envi
ronment and education.

"He concerned abotit the education in
Lexington. don't count on \\'ashington. get
involved yourself." Bush said to parents
about involvement in their child‘s


litish also stressed on testing children
throughout their schooling to show the
progress they are making in the classrixim.

“We need accountability for children to
know that they are learning." said Hush.

Kristen Stone. ll. who caitie from Lan~
caster to see Hush. liked Bush's plan with

"It sounds like he really means what he
says (about educationt." Stone said

The suit of former president. (iciit'g’t'
Hush, also wants to allow discipline in the
classroom without teachers and adminis-
trators beitig held liable.

"We must allow teacher discipline 1 iii
the classioomi and introduce legislation to

The force

I 6

http: wwatylternelxom


Bush spoke about education, the environment and

599 BUSH on A2 discipline in classrooms Tuesday night.




i . ..
noun Hoar.“ l KERNELSTAI’F

James Krupa, a biology professor, uses a chart of herbivore fossils to back up
his point that "creationism is not a science and evolutionisin is not a religion"
Monday night. The debate was at Transylvania University's Carrlcli Theater.

Students and parents have the
right to know the truth”


Creationism vs. evolution

The debate continues

By Cole Clark


By Ashley York

Evolution verses cre-

That was the topic
taken on by several edu
cators Monday night at
’T‘ransylvania University.

Dr. Art Nitz. profes-
sor of physical therapy.
said the central theme of
the forum revolved
around the idea that evo-
lution is not the only the-
ory to teach in schools.

Nitz explained that
the theory of evolution
doesn‘t provide enough
evidence to teach it as
the only basis of exis-

“Evolution. as taken
by intellectual elites. is
more ofa philosophy (of
naturalism) than it is a
theory supported by lots
of evidence." Nitz said.

Nitz admitted that a
lot of evidence existed for
the theory of evolution.
btit noted that just as
much evidence subsides
for alternative views.
such as creationism.

Nitz said the forum
allowed intellectual pair
ents anti students to ask
for the truth about life on
Earth. He said one of the
discussion points quess
tioned was that ifa theo-
ry provides enough evi-
dence. can it be dis-
cussed anti presented.

“Ninety percent of
parents would like to see

an incredible alternative
to evolution some-
thing with scientific
credibility and documen
tation." Nitz said.

Nitz said the parents
anti teachers just want to
hear the truth.

The debate. spoii
sored by the American
Civil Liberties Union.
presented two other
speakers. Starr Lewis
and Jame-s Krupa.

Lewis. a representa
tive of Frankfort‘s De
partment of Education.
explained that although
the word ”evolution”
was omitted froin the
states core content. the
word is just a matter of

Lewis explained the
reasoning behind the
omission of the word
"evolution” from the
public school curricu-
lutn. He said the main
reason behind the deci»
sion was to reduce con.
troversy surrounding
the word itself.

.Iames Krupa. a biol-
ogy professor. addressed
his fears of teaching cre-
ationism iii the class-

Krupa's main con
cern revolved arottnd
which creation story
would be taught iii the
classroom anti several
different versions of cre-
ationism. He explained
that by teaching one the-
ory in school. oiie‘s reli-
gious rights might be in»





Students want
more space
for speech

By Ashley York

AS; :‘AN‘ WV. E." '-

S'tepi; iixie lib-ssni; .iiii: 'I‘reyor Sanders
Were it ;t Jot.

Itoti lctttsr \'tltl‘ltl l'iiior: .ictiyists
s' rod iii twii' t'I '. H II \loiiday morn
tit- dis'i'ilnit'ii ‘ t:i--- - promote and repi‘e
\t'll? progressoo t o tittiozt etiologies

“It l‘I-t
lil't'lll I Iliu

".‘n-i'ica's .\'e\t

en‘. iionnieir
that .s tweet f‘ : dz docie To students]
said \andeis. 'l history ‘llllI French senior
“It can‘t resti'ii t trw speech "

'I'heir demonstration lasted a little over
two hours. until a law enforcement officer
asked them to leave it Ignio p.m.. because
they did not hate pei iiiissii in to have a table
set up beyond the tim- speei Ii area.

Sanders and lies-sing. a sociology se
nior. knew they were out of the designated
area Mondix. but hopt d theirdemonstration
would pioniote l Ix" faculty. staff and stut
Ill‘lll.‘ to mull“! stattrl the importance of the
entire tillllfllls. bot-oviiiiig an area for tree

Currently. the Ill‘\I.TIl.IIt'il free speech
.iiea resides by the \itllit‘lil center Sanders
and lil"\\lll'_' saai it .s located in an area
where students don't It‘ltyt'l ft'eiluently.

"W need real d;.i':ogue on campus. We
need to get the wizol> I'ntyersity involved to
tittestltili l4l\'.' .\;iiiii~i's \Illl about their
pliiis to submit a pioposzti to StiA. request
in: that the at»- speec‘a area bi- estendivl,

\‘it tor Heard. the dean of students. said
this was not the first time the LSI' has spo-
ken out of their boundaries

“I had to 'isk them to move ta couple of
weeks .igoi.' Ila/aid said. 'I think we're get-
ting iitto game playing now "

Hazard i-'\pl'ii:i~d th it His designated
free speech area is not in an inconvenient lo-

"It's not an otit ot the way place." Haz
ard said. "My best guess is that the LSI'
knows their free speech area better than
anyoneelo- "

~‘-'l‘il.‘ .‘

t t

Festival promotes ideas for futuristic living

Minds light up: Dozens of speakers and presenters share
their expertise on how to live and work in the millennium

By Nathan Leigh


There‘s a first titiic for eyei'ything

For Levingtoii. the First International
Idea Festival begins Thursday

I)o/ens of speakers and presenters
will gather to share their I'\IIl rtise on the
theme "Iii-signs for Living atiil Working in
the New Millennium ”

\e live iii an idea economy." s.iid

Kris Ix'iininel. one of the planners for the

“Most people tend to pigeonhole them
selves. though. by only associating with
members of tlieit chosen field." he said.

The Idea Festival‘s web site provides
an ideal introduction to the event, :is well
as the festival‘s mission

“In today ‘s world. the ideas and inspi-
rations for new companies. products. do
signs and artistic endeavors comes from
many different and frequently unusual
places. The International Idea Festival
will provide a unique venue for the pre

sentation. demonstration aitd sharing of

new ideas aitd innovations across difl‘erv
ent interests "

The Idea Festival entails a variety of

coiitittiioiis events. st Iiediiled for the
three day event
'I‘hursday features workshops and
presentations on topics ranging from iti
terpreting dreams to Internet use. Fri
day's events feature lectures focusing on
the abstract
ideas and Saturday's highlights include
performances by several ethnic dancing

nature and cultivation of

troupes. as well as a Teen I’oeti‘y Slain.
More detailed schedules are a\ail:ible at
the event's web site.

The Earth Harp. the world's largest
playable musical instrument. demon
strates one an example of Idea Festival
thinking. The si‘x’»story harp draws on the
constructive and performing talents of a
team of musicians. scientists and archi

The Iiarth Harp's strings will hang
from a parking garage near I’hoeniy Park
and will be played throughout the week

Iv'immel said the festival would not
have been Illi\s‘lllll‘ w itltoiit the help of its

Some of the sponsors include lnthli
gent (‘hange Initiatives Inc. the Lexington
Herald-Leader attd marchFIRS'I' of (‘hicar
go. There are six cit-sponsors. 23% support
ing companies and over four dozen plan
ners. (if the planners. four are professors
at I'K


The Student t nift

.. «enmin

Kimmeli hopes the ti-sttysii provides
all Lexington '\\l'l’l .in ediic.-.tioii;il e\peri

“(lite «it the things were trying to do
here is erase the boundary between work.
play. and education." Kintmel sziid.

“\k'e evpect a rich llll\ of college stti
dents. businessmen aitd younger kids.
'I‘hei'e‘s .i little something for each of
thetn hert- "

Got any ideas?

While the vast majority of scheduled activities
are free. the Idea Festival's organizers“ that
those who wish to attend RSVP. This Is not
mandatory, but will allow tht.I organizers to bet-
ter prepare themselves. Representatives ol the
Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation
may be reached at 233-3502 ext. 228


 A2 | wrouzsoav,sartruprnzo,zooo twit’nrruckv kenkti


.ALLIHEflEflSlHAI £115

The Low-down

they have
done is
great —-
but they
ty... They
are as

cold as


- John McEnroe
one-time tennis
bad boy, to
London's Sunday
Telegraph, criti-
cizing the sister
act of Venus and
Serena Williams.

Senate 0115 China trade bill

\N'ASHING'I‘UN The Senate voted 83 1.3 [tr
day to permanently iiormali/.e trade with China.
opening the world’s itiost populous nation to
American products. services and ideas about cap
italisin and democracy The tote represents the
biggest step in IKS, (‘hina relations since l’resi
dent Nixon‘s 15173 \ isit to the Great Wall and ends
the divisive annual debates over l'b‘ trade policy
toward the (‘oniiniiiiist country

2 hostages rescued in Philippines

7..»\.\il§t);\Nti.\. Philippines ’l‘wo I’rench
teleiision .iournalists held by .\Iiislim rebels in
the southern Philippines have beeii rescued.
President Joseph Estrada said \\'ednesday. lie
said the journalists were being broughi to the
capital. Manila. The I’rench iournalisis were
seized by Abu Say yaf rebels when they attempted
to interview other hostages held by the giiei'ril
las 'l‘housands of troops launched an assault on
the rebels" camps on southern .lolo island on Sat

Fujimori greets crowd from palace

LIMA. Peru I’resideiit Alberto l’iiiimori
climbed atop the gate of the tioyeriinient l’alace
late 'I‘uesday and greeted a roaring throng. make
ing his tirst public appearance since I’erii‘s latest
political crisis erupted. 'I‘lie astonishing sight ap~
peai'etl to be :i signal to the powerful army gener
als who are belie\ed loyal to Vladimiro .\lon
tesinos. the national intelligence chiet engulfed
111 a bribery scandal that unleashed lllt' crisis
that is ending the president's decade in power. in
a flamboyant reiurn to Luna's streets since his
weekend announcement that he would call new
elections but not riui again. I’iuitnori electritied a
nighttime crowd by climbing unaided up the to.
foot high cement and wrought iroi‘. gate

FBI: Lee made 20 tapes of secrets

WASHthi'l‘UN l’i‘ep.‘ti‘11‘.:liu‘ i tell all 111
teryiew ‘\\lll1 \ien Ho Lee. the Fill has learned
from the l.os :\l£lil‘iti.\ scientist that he made a to
tal of 3H tapes \\ ii'n nuclear secrets. halt'of which
were duplicates. umernment officials said today
(inly three have been recoierid. but Lee‘s lawyer
said his client will tell the I'lil the remaining
tape.s were destroyed.

Cuba plane hijacking kills 1

Paul Simon is
seeking solo
into the Rock
and Roll Hall of
Fame. Simon
was inducted in
1990 as a mem-
ber of the
19605 folk duo
Simon &
Musicians are
eligible for
nomination to
the hall 25
years after

the release of
their first
recording. The
induction ban-
quet is usually
held each


celebrity les-
bian couple is
calling it quits.
Rocker Melissa
Etheridge and
her girlfriend,
director Julie
Tuesday they
were ending
their relation-
ship after

12 years. The
couple has two





vivors ~ three men. three women and three chil-
dren ~ from rough seas nearly 300 miles off the
Florida coast about five hours after the plane
took off, the US. Coast Guard said. Details on the
flight were unclear.

Firestone tire death toll now 103

WASHINGTON Fifteen more traffic
deaths have been linked to Firestone tires and
800 more people have reported tread separation.
biowouts and other problems with the tires this
month alone. the government said. The National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration now has
received 3336 complaints about the tires. which
were recalled last month and have been linked to
10:; l'.S. traffic deaths and dozens more overseas.
More than 11K) ['51. injuries have been reported.

Israel, Palestinians suspend talks

.lICRl'SAIIIAI After Israel called a time
out in peace talks on Tuesday - and then called it
oti‘iust hours later » the Palestinians called their
own time-out. saying they wanted an explanation
for Israel's ”confusing" behavior. The brinkman-
ship reflects the deadlock that has characterized
the talks since the collapse of the Camp David
summit in July. and comes as the United States
drafts bridging proposals that could be presented
as early as the weekend in a final effort to close
the gaps and conclude a peace deal.

Nasdaq rises 139; Dow ends down 19

NEW Y( )RK Technology stocks rebounded
today on bargain hunting. giving the Nasdaq
composite index its biggest gain in more than
two months. but blue chips struggled. The Nas-
daq climbed 139.13 to 3.865.64. The Dow fell 19.23
to 10.78939. ()n the NYSE. losers narrowly led

2 Olympic athletes fail drug test

SYDNEY. Australia . Two athletes. includ-
ing a Bulgarian weightlifting medalist. tested
positiye tor banned drugs at the Sydney
t)l\ mpics. the first doping cases from the Sum-
mer (lames themselves. The International
tilympic (‘ommittee said it had stripped the sil»
\‘ei‘ medal in the fits-kilogram weightlifting class
from 1\ an lyanoy. who tested positive for a di-
uretic. The other athlete was Vadim Deyya-
toysky. a hammer thrower from Belarus. who
tested positive for components of the banned
steroid nandrolone.





Continued from page A1

reduce or have no liability risk
for them," said Bush. He wants
to triple the funding for charac-
ter education in the nation‘s
schools also.

(,Thristopher ’I‘hornbert‘y.
13. faces student disruptions in
class and said he would like to
see Bush implement teacher
discipline if he‘s elected in No»

“It‘s a problem in my
school. where now the teacher
only gives a warning for the
student,“ said Thoi'nberry.

Outside the gymnasium.
campaign supporters of Gore
anti Green Patty candidate
Ralph Nader, including Ken-
tucky state treasurer Jonathan
Miller gathered to protest.

Bush also focused on the
environment, cutting back the
role the US. military plays
overseas and establishing a
new energy policy. if he be-
comes the next president.








kifi \\ hS I. la. .-\iitiiorities said a small small children mm high J
plane that left Cuba with 111 people aboard today together. '10"! Olympics TV Passengers and flight cm- uatch a live broadcast 91 CC"
was hijacked before it crashed into the (Eiili of fathered by the Summer Olympics in Sydney in”... a Jew“. “MM from New
Mexico. killing one man. The others were found singer David York's JFK Airport go Buffah' fly on Monday. It is the a,“ time the to
clinging to debris and i‘est'tieti by a cargo ship. Crosby. Olympics are broadcast on board commercial flights. and ‘39th I, la
Th" ”“1‘ Wm“ ”1“" “mm- it l'illl‘lmitll“”1”“! Compiled by wire reports. one of only two airlines that has the capability. in
istered treightei. recoiei'ed one body and the sin" fe



‘ In



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Va't. .t ‘3' i, W _\t
WOSRAM SYLVANIA Its a Simple calculation. :2

()SR HI Sill 1\I I n limm'n tirillllill Illl‘ world for lunoi'imt‘c ligliling \olulmris (‘1‘
11ml qualify [INN/Ht“. ()ur :lcilii trim/i to a brighter lulure l'\’('II(/\ to your itrrt't'r. , 1’
um] we have cut ilmg IIPIHII'IIHIIIHW aim/able for n't en! grin/(ulna who \lmre In our — S OW ex 6' I 868 1‘:
cummimn'nr In cxccllcni c and qmll/ti. (Vt
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[\I-nkililloylist/Huron). 1/1\[ I 1(llRI\(I.tIIitl1IIRI\I7I\(.. in: Can Ore I I '0' I651 ‘

purliu/mnl in ()S'R 1 \I VIII 1\I i'x lum [are /)t’\i’lll/HN('III Program. you will In-
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UH"(‘1!ft'hll‘lli('\\l'\ um] [um (rum.

lie'rc lilill‘i’l}: [or people with i'\t(’/’lilIiIl// (Milt/("Nil IINi/ [H’fVIHlI/ ilthii'rcmt'nl,

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Initiative um/ (I Mil/inym'u m n'lo. are ('1 er. wig/i! "mm/n n Iii/e purring I/rt'ir \[it'i Itl/

Itl/L'Ilf\ to the I(’\I. (for: \Ni ( ('\\fll/ l limp/emu] o] [/Il' In o i ('III' program. Vi our \AI//\ ...
mttlper/urnrtmi (' will he i “HUI/(Ti’l/ for regular [immou opt'mnyx in r/Ii' ( IIIrI/llllli.

hit in"! l ulcer [ilm i'Im'nI "I’ll e for lll/irl‘lflll/lull about our on til/NI‘II\ 7'1THIN/I1"l'l'lHl/‘IIIIH/II".


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l \ll \\l \ [C
. megawatt {Writ/1’11“ N '1’1i’tl3‘li’lf" '3"""‘ loi.il u . lillllil.|l1i‘ll\ .lil.‘l ‘l‘ \iziis lusitl on llllllJi 111\(‘\ll‘li‘lil li‘
M “St be ava] [able at \sli with and inpoihctitJI annual l\'lllin\ vi ‘ It‘ltil returns
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at least 2 Sh‘fts \.II\ lhc . ii iii .iboyc is presented loi illiistialiyc ptiipost \ only 51
. iuil lite” not icilctl .nlual twiloiinaiut tu pit-tint “HUN ('1

Monday _ Fnday > . . li~1l|l\ iilany |l\.\lRll titeiiiit tviitllctilaits I
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Ensuring the future 1 8 O 0 8 4 2 2 7 7 6 "

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. vill'llililtt'» - lIAA t RH host t ompaoy, MR liltivliley lili‘vl \i‘WIt is - investment products are not FDIC insured. may lose value and are _
2 5 7 -4 1 3 6 not bank guaranteed o 2000‘th i no main ‘ st

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111101 toutcnt 1 911010 [anon

Casey Deskins (lett), owner of The Washing Machine, picks up Ross Childers’ (right), laundry for a 24 hour ser-
vice. Deskins partnered with a local Iaindry service to wash clothes for college students.

Dirty laundry: New business offers services
to UK, Georgetown and Transy students

By Kelly Gibson It 11111111111111111111111111s111'111 , _ ‘
111111111\\'11111\\'11 1,11x1111111111111'1111. ‘11‘1’11 WWI ‘1 III“ “‘11‘111‘11 “111

111111111111 11111 11111111 3111111 \11 1111‘.” said



Thi1 \Vashinu

:1111111111111111111111111111111111.” l)11
skins said.

R11ss (‘hilduis an 1111111121
Ii\111‘_\' s111‘\ 11111 1111111 his t‘ri11nds.

"I 11.1111111111111111111111111 1111111111

Students 1111111111111111111411111 1,1111“ 11p111111111y~11~1111,1111... ,11111 t‘I111d111's.

El) (“1‘v lT\ lhl‘ Tllil5fl‘th‘ lilZlClS til, I'l‘llll‘ll thpny I11 PHI-i “11th 3;

laundry they accumulate dur- 111111“

111: a 11111111 1111 111111-4111‘ 11111111 111 Hut 11 (11,15,111 111111111 11,].

t‘hild11rs said 1111 iisualIV
111111s his laundry~ Iiims11lt. 11111111

feel so 11111111111111. 111.“, You11111111111:111111111’111111 11111111111111.
Tht‘ Washing MEN‘IHH“ 1I111 11111411111111.1111 1111- s1111111s11111 "II "11“” “1‘1”" 1‘” 11111}

Lexingtun‘s lll‘sl laundry 111111\

111‘ 111 111111111 111s1aII11111111s

sttlli 11111111 1111111111 u'ashinu.” 1111

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laundry take grind 11:111- 11t 11 1111111111 1111111111'1
1111111111 1111 at 11111 1111s111111111“s

1.11‘11111 1.1111 111

Wash me, please
“I 1111 ‘1 ‘11" CALL 859- 971-7666 or toll
free at 859-640-WASH between 9
amend 6 pm The service costs
$227 for the rest of the semester.
or you can pay in three install
merits of $79.

u1\1111 11 371
11:11.1 that is

5'11111's.“ht1said. “lt‘s11111111tth11 111111\11111111111111111111111111111.
must 111111111111 s111'\'i1.'11s I 111111 "'I'hr1111 111 111111“ I111111‘s «it 1111

tat‘t11d 111111111 11111 partnership."


111:»;1111111111‘1 11111111111111'111111111111

Architects say Virginia
Avenue promotes growth

‘We must not waste time':
Building needs to be a reality

By Tracy Kershaw


|)11spiti1 111111'111111‘11\'111‘s\' s111'1‘11111111111: its I111 1
of 11111 ”10111111111111 11101115411311 .‘s‘1'111111'11s 111-M11111 I1
Building. i’r11s'1d1111t (‘harl11s “11111111411111 said V111
terday at 1h11 8111111111111111‘ 1111:1111 111 Trash-11s 11111111

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said. “\S'11111us‘1 11111 \\:1st11111111111111111111; 1111s111'111111'1

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CR 111 plan for 1111111111 111 11111 1111111111 s1'111111111s

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trustees 11111 disriiss thuir 111111111111s 111111 \\'li.‘li r11111
they should ass1111111 111 111111111111‘111‘111‘s1

111 11111111111: r1111

"T1111 long term 1111\1111111u11s at Virginia .\\
11111111 outweigh 11111 sh111't 1111111." 1111 said

()ilti1t‘lt'1lsl11t1s support th11 \‘11‘g111111 1\\11111111

s1111. 11111 s1111111 s«1111,1111 11111111 1111'111'11111111111

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T1111 11111111 11111111 1111111111111111st 1111‘ 11111111111 W11
s1111. .\I11'1‘ Sparks. .\Iar1ani111 Simms. Hilly .11111
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11111 (1111111411111 1111s11111ss.111d1111111111111111's1as1\11ar


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September 18 -

Campus Calendar

.S'rph'mhr'r 24. Jill/ll

The Campus Calendar IS produred by the Ollrte of Student 1111111111131 Reg-sle'1111'11111‘1111' “1:11 ind 'I't 31211“ 91111011“ ”

PRIOR to the MOIIDM iridiviatiun is 11:1 appear a‘ httpz/,1'www.ul1y.edu1"(ampusCalendar
Call 257-8867 “1' T1 1n‘orn1c‘:or

lREF 1‘ 11 “it WEEK


"(1“ Meeting, 81111, 231 311111 111 .

‘MAKE MOVIES, Creative Film Society, 8pm 203

Stud Ctr
'Dinner in the Dorms, Hillel/Iewrsh Stud Org, 61 5pm.
Blazer Court Yard, Private Dining Room
'Table Eranraise, Erenrh Conversation Group, 4 6pm,
Blazer Hall Private Dining Room
'UK Greens Mtg, 9pm, 230 Stud Ctr, I

'UK Judo Club, 56.30pm, Alumni

Gym Lott I I
“Spitfire Tour, 8pm, Memorial Coliseum, Tirkets SS 8. S7







02.3mm r. “"1


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lessor 1.‘ W' ' 2:1." '

'Ptt: Ala": 08‘ (1 Pre LC‘ .11. “dig in"


'1IP1EE'11az'-1‘- ~ " 9‘

";1(Me" 16111174212" 11'“ 1 ”3'" ‘.


'in‘p11'Ceéiq“ ‘detg‘tcftd1',1"c‘.v1‘l"é‘ 1:1": " '1 'T.


Stud 73' 93111-30111 '11rlet'.S 1 ’1’


“7.1111131 “dost Steer 'hmb 33301“ d" 'o.1"11; 1111101.

. Thurs 21



‘Tae Kwon 011 Club Prartrte Hours 3 30cm

Alumni Gym 10"

'MensSorrei 1'1 MW 730m" UK Sorter (more:

'1' Ball vs Missrsappi State ipn‘ Memorial 11111351111:

‘Deo' :‘ Ectsr'ic10g1 131311111" 301' A; 8111:1111?" N31“ .1. ‘

‘Habitat For Humanity Mouse Bldg Barn Spat
Newman Ctr (all 255 85111111 7;





New; ’— V.


Et;::l‘i”;:: "‘ : ‘ ’A’"'
NM" 1111': »E1:r'111 3:1"

E9211" ’1 E1111: ’ 30:”? ie .1331?”


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'New'aar ter'e Mas: 9:” ‘ i 3135'“

N361‘309513'.‘ ' "1 :e 1ew1<


PI» 3.9mc 9 111g :31; '1


"UK was 1 1t ; 1:1" l1‘.'"-"‘ Cw" 12*

MersSor'E' MW?" 11' 331' .‘l 3016 1’L'aa'ei
"1301I11, 012 M1: 11:“ Mario's 1:119."


'Se“11'11iieitc fr Sag-W11 " 1?“
'Se1‘1oriler'tc 5:1” )“Q'C'O'r 5“


231/15» ‘d:'“:":‘3::e 3, ; ....,,,. .

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1110111 “111" “

‘Tew‘ Segre CuI"C“€"' 42*







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