xt73bk16mf8w_10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [10] Stephen Adams vs. Lexington and Eastern Railway Company text [10] Stephen Adams vs. Lexington and Eastern Railway Company 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_1/Folder_10/60927.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_10 xt73bk16mf8w / / K" , . / /
,:., Kiln/7r” ”M/ I //./ //// . //.// ”fly ..//// ”W17,
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,7 ’, I' 'I
anomber 18, 1915.
2.3:. o. Elardosty,
Stock Claim Agent, 1 & ? Ry.Co.,
Boar Sir:—

Fhaioaed herewith, I hand you for your consideration
copy of a letter of the 17th invtant, written me by Juége Ficlfs
304arding claim of Btcphcr idams againct the T & E for the k1 ling
Of 8. CBC-”»’.’. :‘:S Judge FiClCS has indicateifl, the trial of fihig (33:30
has been postpancd until tho second Tonday in Decombox, to—wit:
Bocomber 8, 1933. Ea afviscs thafi unlesm satisfactcry proof
supparting our fiernso can he abtuined in the meanfiific, that the
case should be settled.

T‘ 1 .,‘. T- — —~r“
veg? tlhwy youzw,

 , “' ~ 3 ’
JJ- 33. fifwlha be firm
. Attnrurgu-ut-filzm
/// Luv. 17th, 1913.
Samuel R. Wilson, fisq.,
T19Jiikii§tofl, liy .
Dear Sir:—
I duly received ynur letter of the 14th relative to t
the settlement of the claim of utephen hdams for a cow, kiLIed
Ly the rq;lr92a , mpnny, ?fin 1p answer tuereno r111 may tnat
the case has ween postjnned ant 1 the seocnfl ”onday in “enem-
/ " ~ ' ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ Vr ““27“ ‘ ~ « . .‘ > .. V I. I / >""“ V H
1' 1'_ 2232‘, 9.110; If 3:31')S?3§Lif.le, “,1", 1'391‘C‘e 1;}: 5-10 ,ll‘L Vlslt £11.9Ck9y RHd
‘ ~': “WWW” ‘
. ascertain what proof hp can make and if we cannot beat the
case, Int 15 make settlesent 3f it.
Yogrs ZTJIV J/ I
H 00 (x/fi7/ng ’ (\

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You , ;1':“‘;€‘. this: '.'..et'm '3 (1:6. 1::.12. ticzfj 14:11:: the z“ 129“»: :~"-: 35:72: 1.? ..'an‘r'»
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13. D (flfIBIhaa 8c {$51111 =
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1.0V. 3.11%., 1.9.13.
0,... h vs-
114711181 . 1.18 111’ ..‘:2q .,
LEI-‘Xilm 6017, Ken 3:10 k'y .
Dear girz—
"'1 ti, J'ef'éhm'exoé ‘.'} tr» r-n-‘Jior: It? “Lemmy. 13.172118 Vb.
3136. ”or 14.111132; :2 0.1!", .7. :‘9; are 1.19. ’_‘,:.j_:e=1":3 in the 0556. Ike
regert of the "=1=.;,inee=r =3.- :'- loom: ":x:' m. “we go 201 2 out.
"1. n/ 2 .'1». ._ 1. .‘., .2 . ,1 = , '
.L:Jt3 L, ‘:w‘ .'er (.‘,'-2.1.264. «;’. VI"‘3?)uel'.L‘r‘~y Emu A “a“ .1.1. 0.2...11121ea
7715111. 4 0:3 {122. (‘:x‘;I‘“=s=.np.:2.... 11:11 3011, r—JJQL i find that the
2 162198: of the «1.13mi; mi; J5. ‘.rn ‘:Jm‘: ffiotn n..;-"o 2.11 .e
patoven in 1...“: 1371.22]. of 2.2.12. ('3.‘:‘9. T}. ..!-5211', he section fore-
:31:—“‘11 is no; ~ cousin 1,., Utepm‘m ,....=2«.n.C2., ;mo rm relrrtmm to him,
in fruit. " 9 ‘ill no 1; L..»? 21.16? to gro= ‘3:th tin-"'2 C232" ‘39:.
- old when killed r .e 21111 5mm; 9 that mu- vxcv :2 ,> and .‘.;ilu: 0012.,
2 jeruey mm! ‘.'.. 53.1; m: was offered ..,-25.00 for '.‘-.91" Line (My ae-
‘f’orre she was killed, re villnot :.:? ."L.*1-': to Emit 1;.JiS evidence
am”. the Mummy -.=1_‘:‘r1‘1 to settle 131:: 22:29. 9111: of 'ourt.
1; ..,.1.. w 1
1.37,“: “Filij '\ J
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2*. _ /(.( ' f/fi

 /V / /‘ ' / ,/
..', (WU/7, w/ ////// 7/ M) /’/’// . //// Hwy r/w/z/xfl/
A / ' y/ / / 2 ,, / . /
, I”, A ,
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./////7/(///’?. >17 /’//'///y//V//l, //,,
(October fVEh, 1915.
D. B. Fielfls & Ton, ’
_7 . -- " /3
‘.,h‘,.tt‘:fibul‘g;, 321'. ((0% ’2‘/C
Boar lira:-
i ham: yet hernv4th summonn $0rved on cur agent at
Ihitesburg on Gaucher zfirfi in the cess of Steve Adams for LhE
nllogefl killing of a cor at Blacker.
I rm Inquowtir; :3. 35rderfly Eu forvarfi to you such
nnberr am he MC? havl C1 aha subject.
Yours truly,
wfi» bx/Q‘il‘f/l
_ ., ; ’.‘l / ///£‘. (\
.l K , 7 ryl‘,\> ( ‘7 Q
Arne /*/' 4 \ *
J’,8 - E“: x//
COpy to
'Jflww3.4.fiilson, City,
” 3.”.Rerdu9ty, 3.3.Ae,Building‘