xt73bk16mf8w_109 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. Calvin Collins v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court text Calvin Collins v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_12/Folder_6/66548.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_109 xt73bk16mf8w ~ - ' , September 11, 1917.
, I ‘ Calvin canine vs. man 1112 00., ‘ ,
" _ . ' ' Perry Circuit Court. ~J
' ' ' O U I , > V ‘1‘
f. Mr. J} J. Donohue, ' . ”Hz
f«‘ Asst. Dist. Atty., Léfl LE 00., v f
a > Louisville, Kentucky. - :1
_ Dear Sir: ‘ x
‘ ‘ Herewith enclosed Clerk's taxation of defendant's costs 4_
, ' :in the above case, amounting to $2.55, for which please have '
‘ voucher issued in favor of H. C. Combs, Clerk of the Perry Circuit Ti
Court. '*
‘ eno. Yours truly, ‘ f
, A 3 .
Counsel. "
_ E
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VI _ .,
Form 102 Luv ImrAR'I‘MEXT
B. D. WARFIELD, 11 My} q/ _‘.Zarch 191,5.
Dir-atrial Attorney.

, hzmcnmcw Calvin Collins , w. E. a E. Ry. Co. ,i. M
”It“ /h/'/oru1'n‘gr firm‘aw’ingnv zzwr lum’ a! [116 ' Jafluary 05,11 .72?) 772, 191.15
of #10 Circuit (our! 4‘ Perry Comzl}.

She deficndant, i. a J. _. i. Concany, having filed
in soon court on the 15th lay of day, 1914, filed
Special denu5rcr to t.; jurisdiction of this Court
in t'ic ca-g, ind said cause haviar been submitted
on 9:11 special denurrcr, and the Court being advised
is of the oeinion thit this Court has no juricfiction
of the subject matter of this action.
It is therefore adjudged by the Court that
said donurrir he and the suns is sustained and the .
plaintiff's petitiOn is hereby dismissed without
hrojudicc,axu; it in further adjudged by the Court .
that dciendait recover of plaintiff its cost expended
in this action, to all of “hich plaintiff objects and _
excepts and prays an appeal to the Court of Appeals,
which is granted.
r*,/ n7.
//[fl / 7 r » \.l f/ "if/f r» I. ,
LSALVED] * fl {49/1 “ ’ /«:/.,.'.c, .
Attorney L. & N. Railroad Co.
lj¥r;‘5?“'1. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition, etc, etc. '-
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc.. etc.
3. In reporting a continuance, state at whmse coat.
4. In reporting ajudgment, state data and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

 j“'.l _, -, , . by February 8, 1915..
_ U V Jc‘Jc'DOI-IOhue. Esq... I , V ' I ,r
,- ‘ ‘ ," Chief Law AgtnL 3., BER 30., ’
- i , ' ‘ ' 7 7 Louisvillexy. - ‘ '
~l - I Dear Sir: 7 . 7 ‘ i I'
: Q ‘ " \ Calvin_Collins v. L & N R R Co. ' ,
.., V Replying to your favor of the 6th instant, relative to fhe .
g‘ ‘5 ,_ abové-etyled case; I'am handihg yon herewith Law Agent Warren's _
.”’ ‘report dated July 5, together with pther papers referred to therein.
.5 ' -t_ ‘ . Yours truly; ’ , L H U
‘ jfs encs. i ‘ _ ,V " s- 1 - Q
, I , A I ' V ’ > . 4 v .
"I W_“M -‘ "H > _ , 1 _ _ , Cbunsel. Q‘
” ' ’Q U - ’ - ’.' ' "_ 2 :C" “\,

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/ l/I/(flrr/IJr/(IN. (/ Feb. 61311,].915.
Mr. S . M. Wilson M i
‘ ’ 3/1 1,7
Counsel, L. a E. 2. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir ; '-
Heferring to Shelby, Horthcutt @sShelby's letter
to me, dated Feb. 5th, With docket report in the case of Calvin
Collins v. L. & H. 3, Co., Rockeastle Circuit Court, wherein
plaintiff seeks to recover Q5,000. on account of injuries alleged
to have been sustained by him on 3 arch 16th,l914, in wreck of
passenger train near Conway Station.
I shall be glad if you will return to me all the
papers you have relative to the Collins case.
Yours: truly” .- ,
/ 11 “
‘\. LIT-4‘
_ ;‘ tefezféiz,tl lh_ .fi
” ‘. Chief Law Agent.
Copy to
Messrs. Shelby, Horthcutt & Shelby,
Attorneys at Law, Lexington, Ky.
JJD /w

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..fjjlé/fl/UjH/m[,’{é’g/‘QZ’C’XUF /”” ' *//’/’/N////r/// ////;1,/’/,,;, ////'/'; .
h/xm/m' 7% %r-‘////////, ./
,/’”””"y,/ 1—//,;’;;,45;,;31,W,1 1.//'//A}/7//;/,.///, July 6, 1914,
K” a, .L:/f? ,1 f
f / ” ”
Mr. S.H.Wilson.
Counsel, L&E, Lexington.
Dear Sir,
Referring to your favor of May 2, together with copy of
petition and docket report in case of Cad Collins v. L&N RR 00.,
Perry Circuit Court, in which plaintiff seeks to recover $3,000
On account of injuries alleged to have been sustained by him
in wreck of our No. Bl, near Conway station, march 16, 1914.
j I am handing you herewith Law Agent Warren‘s report dated
1 g July 5, together vith other papers referred to therein. It is
g quite clear that the Perry Circuit Court has no jurisdiction in
this case, Collins living in Leslie County and the accident
happening in Rockeastle County. I take it it will not be a
the Court.
difficult matter to drive this party out of/Perry CiTCUifi/ After
this has been done, we will decide what course should be pursued
with reference to a settlement of the claim. In the event suit is
brought in Rockcastle County, I am very much inclined to think
we should try the matter out. ‘
Yours tIZZyaC?7fiZ§://f
/ “ Z ”357“...
enc //.//, Chief Law Agent.

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nag; 41:11, 19124
7" " ‘
Mr 1" 71 "3.14! W ’
s. m. Vilson, n8 ., r «w 1;
l q ‘ ,, ,- ;/ >
LeXinguon, Ly. “4 V . ,.
Dear Sir:-

Your letter of may 2nd, enCiosing copy of :etition
and Docket mepor: in one Calvin Collins case. It is noted
tnaU this accident occurree n fine Kentucny Division. I as—
sume the Law Department at Louisville will give you the desired

Yours truly,
/‘\ K/’///)
Mom ~ >
’ , Eane‘er.eéw >r~k*;€{'»
B 5

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// // //////'/.////',.(r/rx///, { /// / {/’ Hay {)Z‘d’ l914.
I’ll/U M A“,
.y, / , ,.
Mr. Jesse Morgan,
lisx:3;11‘(l , frgr.
Dear hr. Horgan,
Please allow mm to call you“ attention to the fact that
in film case of Calvin Collins Vs L w R R H 00., Perry circuit
Court, hhé Percy Circuit Court has no jurisdiction. This nun
was injured in Rockeasulc County while a passenger on one (f
our firmins. 1e field the C nductor tht he lived in Leslie
County but to Hr. Warren who made settlement with him this man
said that he lived at 313 Greek, Ky. I note from the books
here at Big Creek is in Clay County. I am simply wirting this
letter for fear that you, not knowing that he does not live in
Perry County will enter some motion that will waive our right t9
question the jurisdiction. Preeume Mr. Wilson will writeyou
above this matter.
Yours truly, .~~ , f,. .
i, fi.’ 7" / ’, . . , , _,r'
“0'? it '1 I'f)‘c V3.1. .1 I?” my! . L
~ , . , . w, an .
Ascoralrzr ‘.n my law, book 1, page 3.. (am? .1. Agfllntl: it is
the law of Lflé Commonwealth) this man must sue us in the County
in which this accident occurred, our home, Louisville, or the
County in which he lives and of course he cannot {at service on
us either in Ulay or Leslie, therefore he must sue either in
Rockcastle or Jefferson. Presume you will tell Jesse just what
motions you want entered.

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 Form 161

«:.‘ ,V -. .'; .., LAW DEL-Anu'yxwr . .
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT 3’ ,'LC 2 KJ.‘ . ,.. , 1 Fm; Nu. »
7 .
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District Attorney, L‘H’HVHJAE

~ ' ‘1 “ ".-
LOUISVILLE, KY. - ,.. 3...: 11 .,r() , 12.111. 7 1.9] ,,

. . ‘”‘ ‘ 71W". 3"} . 1 ; in .- ,. » ,

An Hr‘lmn [INN 1w: 1: r-ummruml m (In . *- ‘-‘ “ . . . . ...,I'mu-l ”_r L .,,- -- .3 . . ( nun/y.
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.'~.u‘u i 71.1.3: if: .'..‘E‘ :.:. .:.: .. . .- y, -_ .’.1 1.
, , ,
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T /N [7
Local Attorney L. & N. . R. CO.

 V t .


AT LAY NC. 1357.
CALVIN CCLLIHE,————-~—~————~~~—~~-——-———--—-——--~—PLHIHTITF.
._...“._n_ln___ __n_____._.
V3. ElIPITlCig
____~__~_____._.~«___._.__-______l______ ____.___~_

The film: 3’ff, Calvin Cellini, 33y; tint the
do? niumt, ieriwvlil 3 flx2yviLle Riiirr 1 Co rehj, is
3 car Cratic; 'rugnixzf 5:“ eriziihr unier and by virtu; cf
the lafii of the ‘tnt? 5? Lertr2Ty, $11 that its chief cities
;“3 bid r32iiefico of it: WTifit @f?ifieri uni 3 int: i: at
5021'711le it seia Si t3, :3” It x072 that the raid def 1d—
.nfi eterntew 7?Ti0;3 line; of railrey Beth inter~3tatc and
intrC—thte, an” tlfit niche other line: and fileaces owned
and opcruted hr the QQSTTC’Ht, i: the Zexinfton E Q32tern
liei.lv~zy, "fizici: riniz fliéf“:r11 tige C'lTFLfT (if lfern??, 8:?” lie 397’:
_ tint at Unzari, i? 3aii Scurry, the defeniant ruintnins a
itation There it Feet: an z~ent Upon when the processea of
this Court, under the provisioni of the Code of Civil freetioe
of Lentucly, may he execntei.
The Plaintiff geys thct heretofore, tc—Wit:— On or

ehcut the 16th. day of March, 1914, uni ehcnt 1.?5 a,". on 1
taifi any, he is: 3 Thine ~er on R tr in operated hy the
defendant runniny hetveen Winchester, Lentuc r, end Corbin
“entucky, over the vain line of the defendant, ené that he
purchnzefl a ticket from the defenflent, entitlinr him to iuch
pasaege, and he 3ey3 thut 3nid train was in charge of an
engineer and Firemen, cenfluctcr and hrchemen, all employed hy

 . 3 V
the «;‘Lef‘éndjmt cmqaany. a? ‘
The 31;; 5.111.113? any? him: at a: :‘t::i11't%i: Niles 139101? ‘-
Conway, 8 5-;L;’:,Li<‘1'; 0*;- mii.‘ :.::in Hm; ‘;M-ngai; 91:50:. ‘;‘inchcstex‘
and (3011.11.12, J 1011111953, and. ::i: a Eiliic 1.112017 the.) 652.10: train u‘ij-(m ‘
which he was sauci: 1221235<211ger was beinr- over-emu}. by the af‘eresz‘ajt‘;
OJIeyflityoos-J (:.1’.‘ the LLc-anrg‘xzmt at a; high, (Fandcrcus 2211C: ["v‘l‘f‘Sffls'
ne'i‘Hr‘an rate :3? :’;‘f“.<30<.i, Law—it: .‘.‘amub :f'ifty-wfive living-s 22.1:- 110111“
the sail.) train 1pm: V.'I'wicfi Im'; 15:15; $311011 ;_;:‘:=‘r:c:_-:Tui:r, through the “‘I‘CSS
am"; .;':t11i;z:':fi. 31:79"! _Ef'CTEGC of the Llc.-i;‘m‘1d_.zz.2\.'t,, collided: "Tith c; *‘OI'Lic-n
{;f uuuéEicr bra-city 1:03.23” (::;01'-:‘:.f.,;-:fl 7:3; He ('.efuuulzxnt i?! the Oj‘pcéitc
{Eimoti (~11 and thigh mm izcrrliWW‘L‘iily then 11.11:" there tiger. the
SCYiL‘L "LfiLE‘: 'i111‘;t:- an“ 131;: :Er,',€_‘e;1‘;cfl;:ni‘,, where- it Izzy-,1 12:; right to be
2112:? Em ragga {11737; by mid. CC:'§T!"3,¢::11H:, 00311?in 39 aaf'ermsst,
tl‘wuuwh '51:: 234,:«(li3y91130 9:" £24 (Zei‘om'iunt, be war; thrmm arming“:
the czar-xi: in “1131:”; ci‘ ‘ it, ;.228 1.1”- 1; film- i"]<:‘01‘ (23‘ sci-J: car i};
$113393?“ 1:0 27:12: 1‘1;/Lilli, "xiii: much Emma: 5171?, '»iLcflfsmze Hurst his, left
Shin ‘i..'za,.“-,: i4?:i1':1>c(i ark-”\‘. 2117113117., ;:2'2. 3‘6 scar-t (‘tl'SCl’XXiS-C scrimrsyly
anal perzmlsczmh :i.r;ju:‘c=;‘ in Fir“. 1."? 732;, back and. 170.161.
Elm i‘fi!_:'-x"‘:';’.;i5":“ s: 3::: wet ‘i‘.l'iC’fiijI".701: ;':'f“mr said CC-“Hl‘GllGC
my?! :21“ r: tjm: 1’51211 ( } 1m? reom'c‘ru; fro]; the 51.12001: $111-Animal
7,37? him in .‘:-"ii <:<.)Li.1:ir.='j,a::‘, 01‘ N“ 7110. 01:11:? :.:frents 01‘ L130 deft)»
I’ltri'c'tl‘ii; (3:21:13 LC iii); and have 1111‘:- "ulic 31'; Cu” TUIC'xflgy-E‘ivc -..011:2.1‘s
("th‘5.)) and hm; hi1.= Lu sivn r. paper the nature urn“- contents of
xihich the 1?‘]n,‘i,nli:if>’.‘ €11»; not 1130:: know, 2311:": was not able to
unfierstzzud on 21001313111; 0'? his saiii injuries, and the nature and
cmqtcrficra ”hereof he does; nob 1102‘; 31103;, but he. sqys 1.211912. 110
213001113011 saizr; {"25.93, mm; ac. full 01‘ any m".3v:vcnr-,a;:tim: {"51" L315:-
injuries GUY-maimed. by him (2.:-3 aforesaid, But (if; coxnpemsaticr only
for his less; of time 3.1"}‘j_*~.'3',ntr at '.i is home. ;n- place of buisncss,

 l ‘ o
"OCHTLMSEC m’f the ;L'F‘tjl'wg-a;if. COHiHi-zm occasioned by L1H) azf‘cr-(écrf-iti
. 1‘-e'“‘:,;i_wovec oi.“ 1,12» z'i<:f~.¢t’:a§.;t3:t j): ::J'!,i‘.:“§ 2,110 [}(?:§1”5;"GDC‘C‘ m” the defen-
dant a}: ;,i“<:3'Qr’;:.::l=v:fl, :11-:2, 159'; nuir: irajuvriu; rosazfl‘L thfi‘l‘irfi“051?, hr:
liar-g 130-311 ».Lig'xixan‘cfi i1. 1E1»: 5"131": tau): (:i' 'I"}:ra-i; ;I:<:1m::z:u 23011,2a11s,(‘113,“05.) ‘
Lil-1,1133%}, ::L: 193114. c1“ ","‘E'jrft: has”; over 720432: j_'t:"i: smrc fix,- my" 02'"
flux?)(’:.r'—;?‘:‘.irv:9 :.'-;JWuW‘r-x (F5TTT'.¥"=-’,‘) if: 21$: ::f‘Cvrr-rae‘:i.f cm. U31“. 13w. (Inf
Cf iiarcl, ]_.’1*', f‘“; .5527“? Un- Jnsif‘f:;-f.;’..11‘-';- s c-n'Liiilo'? {2:: (innit upon
2:11;} jii_.§”‘}.(_‘1}’§3 her-23mg

’»J'Icrof‘ciw, that :=.z*<:;;we”'i;-, c:«:i::-:ic.cm:x=§, the 'I"] intii‘i‘,
Calvin CoUiz'::.r:'-, gray: z. kr ztgtuinat {he <_Zcif'<'m<1:111t 'L-ousiviUc
ix: Liz‘Ls-shviflic: l:z*i.11‘s'!;3:l Cong-Any, {”4121‘ the $117: an" '.;‘1‘11‘00 Thousand
to? 1:11‘9; (f"?~,<’!f?‘>.iia-i)}. Subjecuz ti 1! chL.:i1; of Tia-{ontg‘ Five {10} 1211‘s,
(575-3.) ‘_‘uiV m; (is? the; 1:1 L11. (':::ij 01“ arch, 191-ii, um”. .71: ”the.
PorriiMLDr of gait :rlw 1H3 'i:1*zz)j:s i22L,u:‘-o:-:é,. art the 1‘3 to Off "1}: 1‘9?
cent 1%"1' 125132112" {‘X‘mH till.) :".-‘~t0 0? Mt TLIJTH)” Of 1.."???12 {\L‘tfiiicn mixtil
trim ":QT'L‘ 2131.1? in; j_‘:.:'3e';l, ‘." :21} costs; hca‘uin exyvnfled,
’:I-o 3.12::755; fur 3],] j‘VI'FQJCl' 1*011’fif. '
Clown Czil’ft’fil"fi.
L {',(,>1"1:o§f iE‘<:=1‘ inuain‘ili ‘f‘.
(,.‘,tu'tc _;Clitiufliy,
Gaming: of ferry, 5““
The uff‘iant, Clean ii. CU.l\’G]“{'-, says that he 3:;
attorur‘y :E‘nr the ':fla;i.nLji"£‘, Calvin COHEN-1:5, mulzezi'. in the fores‘oinr"

petition; that said: Collins is not. at Haifa 1:11:50 in Perry: Conny;
that he has .239? read um": waif-win";tam}:- tho forwagoirlgr yoiitjon and
Hint it, contains the truth as: hoA‘oeliovos.
5.21.1‘;'::3Ci';§.‘.3(;rf'. and 83.01"“ to 1‘.-(5570171) r-o by 010011 ii. Cz'vaoci or.
this; {113; of 1014.
010171;, Hem"); Circuit: Ccm‘i .
U11 $.11? has): of tho 1’701=orrn:in== {"'?‘:)€‘.z'i1".($ the folflovsiIV-w No.135'7,
Pilot, tor; {xii-17., one C31.E?;'?‘:‘-(..‘7'=f_; 13.11:"? (am: coffi' iosuod, 3.1715541, 22:31:,
Lee Daniel! Clerk. ‘
. f. 0151"}? .".C".i:i:,’.;.‘:
. . . r