xt73bk16mf8w_111 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. L&E v. Felix G. Fields and Minnie Fields, Letcher Circuit Court text L&E v. Felix G. Fields and Minnie Fields, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_12/Folder_8/66581.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_111 xt73bk16mf8w ‘1‘ >
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Dear Tlr:
. . _ \ .fi , a H‘ “JfiJV , k“) Tc
In r: Fu1v L. : ;. Buliwbs U0. ;b. bbiiw \. _151uw,
~ _ . . ~- . v 1-7,n\ w‘.~_~,-._ \ -» v‘v' .’. ‘... / :.‘,1‘.‘
and glnule Euelds, Lln m;:e, ugu;Ly be. iawz, Jam Qumglfil
in the LCiCLET Cdjxfllit Court:
' "M ' ¥ 7‘ .- > ,. .‘...
Emu m1¢4 recall T;ai.2n4~ ,‘. ‘ 7., 1 -~. ”‘-_. . _.. . . ,‘ .22‘ ,_.H‘.‘
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 . 13.13.1P.{%2. 7/20/15‘
1 3.8» #1,

, It will doubtless occur to you, but permit me to suggest that a
formal resolution should, in my ooinion, be aGOpted by the Board of
Trustees, authorizing the Tove oi'ubitesburg to intervene in this
~xuit an? directing you :':!” Cit-y .:ittorni to prepare 5:.an i'ilc such
plefizfiing as may be necessary :and M take such stabs as my be. nec—
35:53:12.; 1;") ‘Iv-afguilii‘t“ the. rights of Town 01' Viliitcisbui‘g and. its
inks.i;ifi;ar1t:3,e‘tca :5.}; the Static 1-“-solnti on, the Clxzir’nn or the Lioard
of Trustees sjtoulcf' ‘,.-e: wuthvazr‘i23ml. to Viriifjf the aluz'ii‘iiligrs on behalf
of the, 3021,1472.

P. S. #2.

Of course, the Petition to be made a party,etc. can only
be filed by leave 01 Court, but, assuming that such leave will be
granted, let me caution you to be sure to nave summonses issued
on the Crose-Petition against Felix Fields ann wile, Minnie rields,
just as soon as the Court permits the pleading to be riled. It also
occurs to me that it ought to be possible between this date and
the commencement or the August Term ox the Circuit Court to have the
necessary preliminary action taKen by the Board of frustees oi Ehites-


 July .3-:; , 13'; .
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,_Céyhfizv22%»}%;; March 35; 1914
/ ' ‘
Counsel, L & E Py Co.,
Dear Sir:

I hand you herewith draft of deed of correction from Ira
Fields and wife and Felix G.Fields and wife to the Lexington &
Eastern Failway Company, covering depot lot at Whitesburg, Ky.,
as Shown on the blue print enclosed.

It will not be necessary to have the blue print identified
and attached to the deed as the description is sufficiently Clear
being tied into the center line of the main track and fixed by rail

I should be glad if you would have this deed executed and
return some to this office before it is recorded.

Yours truly)
%/ e7 J/V/eezmw
Chief Engineer of Construction.
enclo. .4 .... H Ti .

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@333; _‘.-L}, Li" cc, 3.7-=2“ “4 2?“,71 say-.’" ‘::; f1 Office pr-vtqyflj.
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..1'311. ..l , :;::
ElI'.“€.:£ 1 ‘I .:.” , 115.1:, “ ;.g :;r .
. The 30an of Trustees oi the Town 01 hitnahurg and
W_«l W' W.
and . , together constituting
ouié Board of rrustoos, now o1me anfi state that said Gown of hhitosbuig
and municipal corporation
lo & town\of the Sixth class in the Stuto of iahtuoky, and that the
above montionod poroouo or: thw regularly ol>cted and dzly qualiiiod
Truotoea of said town anfi toguthcr canotitute the Board 01 Trustees
of 851G town. ~
The above Petitioners now comm und.on behalf of the Town
of Khltosburg anfi the Trustees tharoof, progent this their fetition
to ho mqflo parting finianfiant to tho above styled suit, unfi ask that
this their Petition to be mafia a part; may be taken.anfi treatofi as
an IntorVQninfi 92tition heroin anfi as the Answor of th130 doinnfiunts
to tha éotition ana alwo aszithoomfiotition of those fieioHMnfin1
against the dofnudantm, Folix u. :iolés and Minnie flimldu, his viio.
Those fietitionors further State that they concur in the
allogationa of tho Pofiition insofar as some relate to or nffoct
the Town of Whitoaburg or the intoresta of said town and its infinhiu
tents anfl the general public; and thaso Fotitioners further state
that the Town of Whitoahurg is reafly, able anfl willing and those > T
Petitioners as Trustees of moia Town are also reaoy, able ana willing "
to aooept anfl fihey hereby aignify fihei: acofifitano§,both on banal: of k:


l (22)
said i‘Ovm of \«hit-mhurg emc- on builnlf of the inhtinitrmts of Emil-l town,
rum? th: ::(Aznerrul public, 03? the :‘trin of ground 1.1::ntion0d in plaintiff‘s
Petition am located and lying between the o :1;-0t lot 01‘ the :2luintii‘1‘
:1an the public mm} 05 street which passes s‘out‘nvmrdly across the
P30 rt}: For}: of the :L:)1‘1tuck},.-’ '.?-Liver in front 01' certain property belonging
to the) (Tirzf'21'18-2.r1ts arm ixiLtaareectingr with that street (turmonly knovm as

‘ @3111 Street ozctcnémd, in the x’rnzier .-'~.d(7i.tion of the Town 01' nitc‘:8};nzrg;
:2:-u? those .’eti tioncu'nfifor Lhz'arrr‘l‘xfl.vws as Quiet-:08 and on behalf 0; the
Town 01" ‘:hiter-burg an?! the inhabitants thereof am“. (the gun In]. public,
(“vacflare their ‘iv'jlljufl'nfli-‘yéi to accent rand tT-ioy do hnrobgi accmpt, so far
as it ruse; be 1:33:11 311;? prop-31' no to do, 01‘ the. use :md the title to
the 1.15327: 01' the rajfifsressié strip of grmmd an : public 0021:1011 or passe-my
em”: for street, highlmy smi- roefi plummets in tiOfii‘fl‘iC‘tion with the es—
t;et;ali:‘-flmfi row? 0:.- hixhvzay milfiting: in :.’ront 03' the flowerty of the
di3rfams am} 1;,7'i1'1gf betveen the. ’nrif‘ ;13 across the North For): 01" the
Euntucky “iver am; the above .’;-’.:ntionrzci extension 01‘ 3:11:71 Street in
Frazier midi ti on to the. Town of hhitalS-Dlu'gn

The/so Rafi {1.116338 further state that: the Town of ‘:.hitzasbui-g

am‘? the Trustees thL-Jreoi', both those Trustees who are parties to this
ll’etiti on 3112‘ their ';,;I‘€)(li_)0(}8t“01'13, luv: :11: all them been rcm‘iy, able anti.
willing} to accept a .:’.edicrztiani of th: :.‘-.i'oz‘-r_~;s:3.ic‘: strip of ground to
mzhlic use, am? it has been the umhnwflmu‘éing: 01‘ these last} tionors
mid, upon ini’orzmtiun :mc‘. baaliuf, alt-Io the Imt’éarrstmzfiimfi 0:1" their pre-
fiaacezgzsorzz in mince »:::véti' sinus; the railrorm oi‘ the ;'Ekzi,.1'1t-ii'f was cen-
:‘Lructmd in :11ch Lhrmuih the Town or ‘nh it 741.:b1n'g that the strip of growls
above mantiomfi had been or would in due time be (Radioattzd. by the
;‘;?,aintii.’f or by 3153.5 niii‘i' mm the: def-:mimte jointly to the 901m of -
iihit 1'253bm‘g for mwlie use as e puiflic passwny or corar’xon 3.7152 for the I,
enlarging: at 0.17 the nxietiw; street previ. ously established and in use
at the point in a,m-.-:s.:€;iori sméi in virtue 01' the dediontion of said ground
avowed by the plaintiff «Ema. these if’eti ti oners, these defendant-s as


Trustees and ropraaaontatives of the T0121) 03' ‘nhiteaohm'g, now anaert the
right 03‘.” the 2Com of Hhitosdurg one“: the in,i):.s.bibmixtz3 and garnorol public
therein to 3:216 strip or porno]. oi‘ {ground i’ur the Hoot) ago beanie} and.
Harem fi‘otj Honors/to 'tht: same extentmlmim title tharoto in the Town

, of 1:111?) ao'mrg for the b :nvi’it 01" t