SzlAI [J URST. Attorney—at—Laxv §» . = Beattyville, — ~ Ky. , /WL /)4 / 5’ , June 9th,1915. Judge Samuel M,Wilson, : , Inxingtonfiiy. Mes-mm;.Vf313:2.ce Jr: Ziarriss, Van‘s-:11 I 1,0 5?. July. (1 cm; 1.3171011 , — In the cage 01' Gab/'13:» Donn v Keaton) Union Telegraph _V , Corxps«z:1y,t"ostal Telegraph Co: 12311er J; N It 1?. (10., :2an L {is 2“) By ‘30., , 32 Cheloi-m Pepm‘ts of :521-0(.:e<2<’§_in;ts; 2111:} copies of all 01'9an entered at Liay Term,1915,kbe Circuit Court. Respectfully, 4v bl/zurréé