xt73bk16mf8w_120 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. Andy Oaks v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text Andy Oaks v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_13/Folder_8/67056.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_120 xt73bk16mf8w ~'.
Jackson, May 72, 1917.
Andy Oaks V. We}:
Breathi’ct Uitcuit Courh.
Jan. Term, 1917.
Jan. 19, Consolidated with other Jim Crow cases.
. / ‘ u

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March 14, 1914.
I. L. Lcfiowell, qu.,
Ianagor, 1 & T FyaCo.,
Eexington, Ky.
30a? Sir:«

Find hercwith Cis?osefi copy of “etjtion in the
cage of Andy flake V. 1 fl 3 Eye Co", lately filoé in the
fireathitt Circuit Courfi.

Very truiy yours,
A Counsel.

M - 1 - ,
..arcn 14, .6314.
.I‘.. C. n. Jaoorwun,
~ I -r\- I_ ~ ’:‘ ':_ vr ~; 'r)
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-gi].‘u’a;gj p<21€1‘;:azmul lauLC-iu 3_.; CC; .-.2; 1:18 JZ‘Oufirlltl; L.Liculu 'uOtlZ‘f’t.

‘- « _.-_.-‘-~ -~', - .
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 or 14, .1914.
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6 0113153621 .

 1; 11C“ Hm Form 101.
J“ ”‘.-""011 In, 1 FILE No.
. OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT “""“" " I "u‘ '
District Attorney- March 11, ,, 7 m 4—
:11] th'/fuzz lmx lmvl .'uu/u/H/rn/ 171 Mr L’*-‘ "LIA U (um-1 H; A-’ 1.5391 vhl u v (muflflz
A“ V- “a 7' — *‘ .«. — u '17"
by ...}.au OWLS (‘.\. .30.. C: L..:;.,JLC:;I -._;JJQ. ,‘
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_vzwmmux rim xxx/ml NRC-’1 . / , [w ‘: , mm (“1.1 :‘.l'r‘I/t/Mf “ff; . '1 , /i// “”:-, am! A
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[‘,'/urmzb/L- --‘«' UL (1’./_I' u/ Hi” .11. N/ L: , l/H’ Ill/urunax fur ///w [fi/uz/zlzj/
3m 0311. 13011311101
and Mr 11'/1L7 [H'Uyl'fl/ 1'5 ‘1 ”qOO' 00 , , , . ,_LL.

A“ “ 0:71:71 influx? b; :v‘er. Mi: 3:" ‘mtifi, 173.1“ F. to Tie m7. Ilei‘fz‘ 9
t1":_i'111 in Cel-n'cefi .. W'fi‘efsz'tfient :‘:rtfi ">1: :.‘eeweii r: ::‘nuv; of (;‘TTZ‘T: e'eeT of ‘
weft. e}:- s:::irl train.

I? 0217: , Pf;- t I, i: ‘f )1- is :1, '1“; .'C .
H . P07] gird.
Local Attorney L. (29“. N. R. R. CO}

 . . Breathitt Circuit Court.
. Andy Oaks, - Plaintiff.
VS. VPetition. '
~ ' Lexington & Eastern Railway Company, Defendant.
I <4 The plaintiff, Andy Oaks states that the defendant, _ i 1
Lexington & Eastern Railway Company is a corporation wuly
created and organized under the laws of the State of Kentucky, ,
with power to contract ans be contracted with, to sue and
be sued. , '
Plaintiff says that he is a citizen of Breathitt County
and that on or about August 16, 1915, that he boarded and be-
came a passenger upon a passenger train of the defendant, and
that While Kai upon said train tne defendant wantonly and insult— ‘
. ingly, with mirses and othet abuses forced him to ;o from the .
a coach set apart for white passengers, where there was peenty ‘
of room for him in the coach, to the department set apart for
negro passengers, and to ride with negroes for about 50 @1163, .
and did humiliate, abuse and otherwise.mistreat him, and caused
. . .
him humiliation, shame and anguish of spirit.
I ' ‘ Plaintiff says that in addition to his cause of action
. against the defendant in forcing him to ride in the compsrt- 7
went set apart for colored passengers, that he charges this
defendant, by and tnrmigh its agents and servants on said -
passenger train to abuse and mistreat him while on said train.
_ . Plaintiff states that on account of the unlawful acts ‘
and other wnongfhl acts as set out in his two causes of ac—
tion as hereinbefore stated in paragraphs'l and 2, that he was ‘
Vingured in the sum of $3CO0.00.
. Wherefore plaintiff prayS‘Judgment against the defendant. ,
for the sum of $3000.00 punitive and compensatory damages, for
' ' his cost and for all preper relief. ' g

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