xt73bk16mf8w_122 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. M.E. Edwards v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text M.E. Edwards v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_13/Folder_10/67084.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_122 xt73bk16mf8w V—-. ‘n » . _ ,. - , fag: rm:- :- vuw “is?” - ,r - w -- _, ‘,.v» .1‘: .“1 x - ., , m .7, 1'73 ‘(1.’§“2“1KT;'4“‘_"' .'"” hr “533.15" ”3.71:: 1‘7?
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fl/mz/rj .Ifl ///~mm~, ,/
//’”””"’,/J/kf/Z/éffit.,l,/,/,,x. ~/"”0/’////’~/’//, June 18, 1914.
Mr. S.M.Wileon,

Counsel, L&E Ry. 00.,
Lexington. Ky.

Dear Sir,

Referring to your favor of Apr. 18th, enclosing copy of petitiOn
and docket report in case of M.E.Edwarde, v. L&E Ry.. Perry Circuit
Court, in which plaintiff seeks to reCOVer $1,000.00 on account of
alleged wrongful ejectment from train No. 4, L&E Ry., April 12, 1914.

I am now handing you herewith Mr. Warren's report, dated June
16th, together with other papers referred to therein.

Yours truly,
Ill}z f 6'2 1»; awe-J .’\
‘ Asst. District Attorney. 67/

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' ”””,<7"’- _._ ff/Vfl/ (w. //.
// ’ /,/’
May 8th, 1914.
Mr. C. H. Moorman, Asst.Dist.Atty.,
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company,
Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir:—

With reference to suit of M.E.Edwards, who was put off
train No. 4, April thh, for failure to pay train rate from Hazard to
Wolfcoal. I have handled with Conductor Martin who writes me as

"Referring to attached letter. Mr.Edwards was not
put off train, he got off at his own request. He board—
ed train No.4 at Hazard on April 12th,and got in smoking
car; he was the third or fourth passenger that I had

V asked for a ticket. He handed me 77 cents and I asked
him where he wanted to go and he said Wolfcoal; I told
him that the fare was 87 cents. He said that was all
that he had been paying. I tild him that train fare
was ten cents higher than ticket fare,and he said stop
the train and let me off, I won‘t pay it. I stoPped
the train and he went out and got off. I did not
touch him nor did I say anything to him about getting
off or anything else, we were only three or four hun-
dred yards from depot when he got off. There was a
slow order at Hazard and we had not got under headway.
G.L.Sexton was standing beside me and heard what was said.
” The car was full;of passengers, all strangers to me,
but as there was nothing done or said to attract anyone's
‘ attention I did not think it was necessary to call any
one's attention to it. I did not quit wmrk,just kept
on collecting tickets."
Yours truly,
Please note.
Cepy to ,
May 9th,l9l4. ‘x j, r,
Mr.S.M.Wils0n, u' _ .
b/g Trust Company Bldg., City, Manager. . '/

- /" 717/ (:3 r ‘ ‘ ’,’
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.7317 E3"’Zh, 1914.
3’21"“ C. .'1. fi‘fjortzv‘m, .fzs-‘fitv. L)’ ..’CVV'JZ {‘,:}. , /]1]// ., V, My»:
Equiaville L XanhViw e itilroafi omnany. /n7064/ , //
“”.;! “I ; '*~ ,,"
:1.) w‘ 1;;“; 1‘?“ V“? ‘ ‘ Ira
N. ' g’ [
your dlfz- +
jitt reference to suit 0? 1.3.Sfiwarflg, wha was put Off
,, , A . m .. W W __ .., . __ .‘y w : _
train so. &, uprii i th, 10! lxllure “a pay train late from.¢a;ard to
Jalfcoal. I hfivc handlefl with Conlucior ;nrfiin who wriies he as
fallowsz- 3‘
"deferring to afitnuhofl letter. Lraflawards was not 3
put off train? he get off Hf his own request. fie boarde
e3 train ao.£ at inwarfi on khril lfith,nnd got in syoking
car; he was 1%0 tfiirfl or faurfih vaguengar fihat i hgfi \
askefl for P fiicket. 1e hflndefi me 77 cents and I asked
him where he wanted fin go anfl ha said Lalfcoal; I told
him tha+ tke fare was 8? cents. We Raifl fihnf was all
that he hnfi been paying. I illi him that train fare
was +~n cunts higher ihqn tickgfi fare,nnfi he said stop
the train ani lofi me off, I won‘f pay it" 1 stonpeg
fa“ f'a 1 uni he wenf Gui anl Hot off. A ail not ;
“in r. I . WW _
touch him nor fiifi I say anything to him about geitlng
off 0? anythinfi else, we were only three or four hnnw.
drefi yards “Tam fiedofi when he rot off. “here was'Qg \
slow order a? Hazarfl Rafi we hai not gat unflcr headway.x
3.3n86xt0n was mtnnfiinb bcsifie me Rafi hearfl what wag gala.
The énr was full of hafinengern, all wtranpors fifigm§}3
bufl as tkaru wan nofhint flame or gala $0 nitracfi anyoflcfg
afitoniion I flifl nof think it W39 nosessnrw fio call amy\
one’fl aifion’ion {o it. I fiid not quii w3rk,ju3fi kefifi a
on mailecfiny ticieta.” ‘
Yours truly, a
Cop: to ,; '/7 *3: 7 \.
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 Form 161 .
. Hazard LAW DEPAH'I'MiEN'Jj ,
' OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT . , 7 ._ L Pm; No. 1
I ’
x |
B.Il VVARFHHJL 14mu4,,nlli
District Attorney, . f "- LUUISVILIJC
LOUISVILLE, KY. AP) 11 lhlJl/L. , 7 ,,, , 7.91,,,,,
‘3 '. '- ~t’ "_ win-”.., it V .M.,
. . “fiddfi.aflfifi b LVJ. . . Poll .

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I‘tlHI'Il/lhlbii , ,,,, ,, tiny of , 1.‘/I . Hm alluring/.- for //ur [MIMI/:1"

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, . 5:11. a
(ll‘Ll_—_4vwiflm’.vw w, , l 4 ,,, , , , ,, . , ,
. 1.51 (A r} .4 w 4 rm '\ -::1 ‘ arr-n. -: '\ 5 '3 ‘
(11nd f/tC I'Lliqr [Mug/1,11 is ,v v , . . .',.:rL. 9,}‘>“;O , ‘lr‘d VUUT’ . “Jerald-Lbdfi 7 , , , 7
Ilaintiff guys that en the 35th on" of hiril. 1914. he was
J~ vv . _.. «_.,, .~ - ' n—r m ‘ .‘_ . .W «ms; w. M .'.‘ ' :‘~
an 3ggglia' 1:3,, (HRJ,(iQULi€3d {A} Uhiiiu :~ n: ,oemgmg tituLQ,}ITu1nllig
:rom hcfioberts t3 ioxinetcn§ to be ooaveyed to a stationed cellefi
,.» .r' '. . nflt» -'- »u. w” .~ " r « -- ‘ —‘. - -.~ -“ ,...“
WULJ (love if} Brent-.‘:. 51, u Tmuxtg , ‘1:-.1521: :16) ranch-an 1.21:; .1 t zit} «.:L 1700
late to purchyev : ticketv end boarded the train as same was
hailing Gut. Tlaintiifi svys afier the train had oerried him about
a mile from Hazard toe oomduoto: a protchefl him and demanded his
mare; that he offeree the deieudu t 77 cent. tle reCH er fare
gram Hazard to Yell Jere at 3 cents her mite; that the ccnductor
refused ta take the 77 cents but degnmde thtt he pay nu addltionn;
4.,Ar , . 7, ., 1.‘—r ”.‘\ 7 “..,—':‘-.r‘ ‘_. n _- ‘., M’t, :, r ,c ,.
hm; QEJL‘CS bfitcémlwu 11m :.:-‘3 .2;-7L _XJL1.2.\.:_‘;-.;.,~C:k1 "L 13.4. 3.'-.8? . ; 43,11tifl 833:3
he: t‘lQZZ iwef used ‘t: ?ruv tiie :;dél't ;:41e‘.‘te:; cexitas Yult etj,l]_ 3c fanned
and tenfierod ti the inndaetir of the train the said 77 cents. The
onnduetor,beeuaee he would not be: the additlcnel ten cents, storrefi
the train anfi foreihiv eiaetei find owwellefi big from t 0 tr iv.
. U
Tlaintiff void he livefi it Hanhrd, fiy., but Wns emrl fed by
‘ «.'.' ' u n ‘- MW“, ‘H- fl. ..»; ..-. .::. ..,”
in!) ;gij jihad}; uni}: 'u‘rl‘JixéJILgT J._', :iI‘Qz—l‘L-hi‘u ') minty rLL: .‘.‘:irelfla ‘..L Of {1
fans oi labzrere and was rotoruin: to h]: work at the tine he was
expelled from the train; toot he bed come to sezerd the evening
hefsre t3 be with hi: fetilY: flat he was entitled to ride mpon
eaid train, having tenfiere‘ hie furor and the1 he Wee thus expelled
in the wreeenee of the the: ouseeneersf many oi whom were his
friends and RCQUEEHtQHGGfl, and was compelled to walk beck to Hazard,
all Of which Obdflfld hi“ much pain, sufferinfi and humiletion.
Ileintiff mayo that by reaeen of the said note of the dew
iendant hereinabove relatefl, he has been damaged in the sum of
i r (
Local norney L.%. R. CO.

 O ..
M. 3. Edwards, Flaintiif.

Vs/ Petition.

Lexington & fiestern Railway Co., Defendant.

The plaintifi, M.E. Edwards. says that the defendant, Lex~
ington & fiastern RaiIWey Companfi, is a corporation, created, organized
and existing under 9nd b” virtue oi the lens of the state of Kenticky;
and he says that said comnary is the owner of and is operating a line
of railway through Ferry and Breathitt Jounties, fientnoky, as a com-
mon carrier, and WHS so operatini the swid line of railway on the 12th

‘ day oi April, 1914,‘end on that day it ran a pee enger Train over its
line of railway from Kcfioherts, Zentuoky to eezington, Kentucky.

Plaintiff says that on the said 13th def of April, 1914, he was

at Hazard, Kentucky, and desired to board the said passenger train
of the defendant runninfi from Lenoberts to iexinfton and he conveyed
thereon to e stetion celled Wolf Cove in Breathitt County, Kentucky;
and he says that the said passenger train arrived at ”azard, Yentucky,
at 9.04 A.m., the sceduled tine for tie arrival of said train; and
plaintiff says that he was late in arriving at the station and was
unable to purchase a ticket at the ticket offfice in time to board thy
train and be conveyed to his destination; and that he ran and bearded
the train as same was pulline out. He says that after the train had
carried him about a mile from the town ofiHazerd the conductor of the
train approached hiv and demanded his fare and plaintiff says that he
offered to the defendant 77 cents, the regular fare from Hazard to
Wolf Cove at 3 cents per mile which included one- half dollar, a
quarter of a dollar, and two pennies; and he says that the conductor

 0 .
refused to take the said 77 cents but demanded that ho pay an addi»
tional ten cents because he had not purchased a ticket at the station;
and plaintiff says that he then refused to pay the additional ten
cents but still oifered and tendered to the Conductor of the train
the said 77 cents; and tie conduct r thereupon because he would not
pay t:e additional ten cents steppe? tTc train about one mile from
Renard, in :erry Ucunty, Kentucky, and forcibly ejected and expelled
him from the train.q
% Plaintiff says that he lives at Hazard, Kentucky, and did
live there at the time of this occurrence end that he was then em-
ployed by the ”olf dreek COal Comp my in Breathitt quoty as fore—
man of a sang oi laborers and was receivinc the sum of three dollars
per dgy for his services, and {Lit thi‘ day was sander nd he had
come to Hazard the eveing before to be with his family and was raw
turnin; at the time he w»: expelled from the train to his work.
Plaintiff says that so was wrongfully inn ntiieicu i: «Lyelled from
the said train by the conductor of sale, agent of the defendant, when
he res entitled to ride tRerccn, having tendered his fare, and he
says that is was thus expelled in the presence of the other passengers
many oi whom were his friends and acquaintances, and that he was
compelled to walk back to fiazardi Kentucky, 5 distance of one mile,
and ill of this caused him much pain, suiiering end juniliation. He
says that he would not have been expelled had it not been for the
malice oi the said conductor and oi his reckless disregard of his
treatment'of this plaintiif as a passenger on defendant's train,

Flaintifi says that by reason of the said acts of the de-
fendant, herein abGVe reletefi, he has been damaged in the sum oi
one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).

wfijgjyfififi, plaintiff preys judgment against the defendant,
lexingttn & Eastern Railway Company, in the sum of one thousand

 dollars ($1,000.00); far his costs herein extended-and for all
proper :elief.
"_'.—:TT'.~'~..'T:‘J”' -‘ r" ‘—-=‘~.. fr" 7T" -— ‘“-
>_ «1 L101 .3.’,'“J ;: '_‘—£701 j_>if;:lT11;l1 .1. c

The affiant, M. 3. idwarfis, says the statcLents contained
in the foregoing petitiwn aru true.

Subscribed and swcrn to b91318 LB E? y 7 Edwards this

I; O I

the day oi April, 1914.

 ‘ .

«7 ‘


. .
POK’IL‘N (7T3 I‘C‘fi‘r (7.0373777, .
’7‘. J. Ponder, Plaintiff,
v 1'}; Input 17777.77, :3. 031:5 .
L<3K7L33fct033 >3. E:30t«7:“31 17077712101; (70. , Defend? 1:7,.

lat. The Jury 9.33:3 121:1:t73370ted 71311-1' 7132203. tin: 7" .‘s.:='i;rl-fi7if1"!:; 3:77 "7:30
to fat? tm) 1'7 cents extra 37:13:73 7t 7.2729233: the 0121371170713373 duty, and
he 373;: ”E1111 right 73.37 01' thu- 3:27.71, +0 17:51:37 We 1307': 7710337757 7"“? from the.
train, 0 73: (10.71115; so if 7717's; 7* to 71:2; 317:: 35):": P057700 7,333.73
:71:{SC-318‘sflly necesmarr ”to ef"'r‘e0t sun-Z; 37733377131, :=3:-:; 7.3—; jury €307,116;
fir-.1 for 75716-3 71733773311212:7:371, 33:07.”,- : ‘rw:‘:1f+ev::3 0:: Mai-mi 7'33 +377”; 2d
211d. £3“ 71516 (7717?? “177217737117 frag; 7'._1'1,= 3»:1,r7'::,1<~:3,0<;«2 ‘i_-". 7'71 r--:>2:7.c.77.r:?71,fg'
the TJ- 7137.7.- “ f P737217. :.2 f: {7.171 tea: {LL'-777.?1'1dJ-‘111i'7‘; 0;} 103737713 73:37-70; 7‘6
force the: :55. I‘czafe,<::;;a‘:77f 37:2r.:m‘er«:s3ii' 7310377100 +0 07?:“0075 or 8000237171777.
his; 372332307731 from 113772: ”LI-23.73;, +310- ,777'1731 rah-t‘fl _L _:‘f“i3:.'_1 7‘03? ‘ '3 743715???
F fir; the d233z-agas at 5:17:11 r: 3711:: as; +3310? 3.7071 triljfnve :tf‘:r'<:,, + ef—
:i.d~a;0c;e 3.7.7317 3687 7:131 and resasczizmjr otmi 7:21:0930, 1733': 3‘03? 5:377} 2313157 liation
or injury to 1111-: 37051331ng +1537, "7:31:31 ”10077::71'0 from the cvjdurce
130 mmtained by reason 07? 7.170, 11:20 of 1277031 exo 43-1w: Horace 7.3:" fine
3713:; final 81'}? was used, but {37' an» (3.2302501: >73"::: r-7‘owed 733:7 7 7131171 ff
the total Sheffia not exuend $5000, tact 3773:; 010313130::; ‘a'vzr the 737.:2731t‘1ff
in 3:75; 3 (37377337077.
337d. N71336: of the jury CH3“: 1.311231 :3 vai7 7‘t7rz.i‘<_zt, ”nut 7‘7“ 0.77 +330
37:37-31 (7.1.7 3107., agruzx kin-.7 7777:2105? (:27: 3710+: he: 133037051 ‘07 .':-.77 .1110 agree to

. .
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‘ ,
”3"" " "TV“??? ’9 1'" 7.3753". '7).
’5'. J. ,1fonx‘i or. 7’1 min tiff.
v. .5 . W _,
Reg-"2135:5302: (:‘2 f‘fesatezfn :.:: 2111's.? Tic-.':ML‘rzy, Zioi‘enfisufls.
531::i‘e1'3z1;212‘l;,. eten *1-‘21,“s.:e:v—:‘: :-:2‘-,:'?,1ws>:gr f’ompeny,
1";01'f comes £23163. (lemurs; gen":;‘-:‘:ll;r to 1:197:51“,:?.:=’.'r".":~: Petition
'z'zgmm the ground that same:- Eons not state feats: 57::“3‘1’ioiont
to e :1. he titnte any mini-5m of? .:zein‘xwr- :‘zaxihs'z": 'fshis «‘;of’enFLmt.
{3.} o: to so fitter. or!” pith-11:11:11?”s
£31910. Meme :3,"- 1.53;", '.; fast is :1;".‘xfilétrzrf. it Zi— zit-206589.117
77:" "osctcnrsl for: ~nfi:i‘«'.‘:1fz:'z:nt to 1? .-'ik,‘.."."..“'(:=1’ to, do 17.1133212115,
2:315:31raggton “mater-:2 3.52:1},5-5313 €3:—:=*:‘;7::‘::;,-‘, 5.6122103 thet- :‘:n the.
$4131: (in; (J .7'e‘ri)2*;1:'.::~;,£’, 3.3157», nit-HQ. 1:";t’ 17:"? jj~:::'c..:~:~:r,r;5:57-51 ‘r‘;"t“18(13.1‘i'.' at
"fize ="1'..:\.:"cr.': of? like :-’..‘:‘:12r:;":.z; (7’3: tieiit ::f‘fjioo, st 31>-_:u:::r-*-:~:.:~.té,e
Ge: 'M’: s-i'é; T7'7:::1'2‘.:~:>2’;. in "'::2103'} ‘Jounf‘h‘f, VLF-:3".final-:fif, or t‘ziat
33'?5:~‘,3':‘r.;i:f§:ii ::er ';.1‘<~,-t.-e::v "1m: 1:322:29?- ;;'.‘ is?“ tho jtzrjvosrae oi? niacin-1.31113
5; {ticket from 213251;.5‘331, .".s’:;':1.ur:‘;j;,', o “iota-en, Kentucky, 6:: dis-
'«',;zx'::=::~r:: 1:37 exf‘svo'217; ::ixarrz- :1;-m} "Lia-5w‘zg‘fiii'fi '55) 23/57) miles. snfi denies
that 21:1; tin: time platziyztii‘i so ‘5‘::ri'ooon‘3;m3 himself?) at said
2317:5032, {5:3 alleged, that the ‘.ggtezxt oi’ fiei‘onzknt who 2‘70 lfi
'313133950135? "50 Tfiilf-‘W‘irlég'r‘irs was {E‘ini'f‘l‘it' from said 05:29:50. ".'Foi‘endant
ffltw'b'f‘rt? that its tannin and cars. were on the main line 0:?
defenl‘mflfls tree}: {it the time ‘;‘flflintiff mm: to ts stz-ztion
or Genet in 3:12.117 team of 5*‘tz‘:nton, Eden‘bumy, mm" was about to
start and leave said station, but as to whether plaintiff

 v '.
w‘ ‘ ‘

Paw-::itzre 1“: to 211.12.212'311‘2521: :2. 23721323243 for ;21=:.1‘=21'>..{;2 or". 22.111317 4.3322227“. ('12:?-
52"; 21:22:11 '1’32'32112 12:12 “11‘1“‘o2217: ‘:2/2:2; 1512233; 52,22,511". '53:“- fifia 21:-2". :3::25129,
13.911212. 113.22% ”; 22.02; 1:110:731"..1-.{‘,:12. .2312 "z.2'1.‘“02:'.¥2:.3";2‘.rm 2:11:75"‘3.-12:10:24.; to :“o'm
:2. ‘12-:1212‘11f. .’,‘-9:111:26. v.41: 1712.2‘1222 {'.‘2.- ‘; 7'22; r212?"::"12;.2",:'22:' I?“ ':~:,2~2=’":’7'€:o1‘:
{2321.1 1’.-“:21" 12‘5' 21122-112..'5:1'-O22_, 1373"} "21,-1'; 3.:: :2:’."7,'e2'~: 7’27 221::‘32 23.1737 5:12
GOV-2‘3.“ his! :3:,‘2'::1"‘1.~'~,3;:‘; 2:52121’1 2'.“, T'="2‘2‘75-.::3-242a 7'5-2..':..n ’o'i:?v2:*"i:~‘.o
Tarot-177:2. 12 .191?" 221.22,} , 771229151.mitt. .‘?(:-'€'r22'11’3:’=.22‘72 ;"'?‘.=‘-‘.'f:6;;€ 2:722:23; ::1:‘:;22:t:‘:-:272
12122243211 {3757’} “is: “.‘.-:.‘. 1‘