xt73bk16mf8w_13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [12] Kate H. Bush vs. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, Lila B. Woodford vs. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, Clark Circuit Court text [12] Kate H. Bush vs. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, Lila B. Woodford vs. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, Clark Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_1/Folder_13/61054.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_13 xt73bk16mf8w . };),|1'|‘Il HAYS
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Judrn Ram'l.d.vilgnn, g5 ,
I /L‘C "<. K‘.? r \j
Damp _.‘n‘ur’ipin: .

Yours of the 92nd recnived tnis morning. T nm
enclfisinv nepy of the insfrun*inne as por your Tfiqufifit.

Tha inmfructinnfi wnré writfan by 4y,nhmiwy ya
we ngvn n0 nomvlaint 00min? 2hnut than. A? léflst, I so
understood this from fir.3h°1h7 anfi infirm ?nw+nn.

I am énnLnsiwo you nopv if “ Drcpflsed order written
by Jr.%hfilhy nnfl left wifh Ar.VendL“+fl“ fin 129? finfurfiav.
XI.PPnfllR+CH Wekdme tn {at it hp Juifi“n4.hu+ T dna1inpd +0
d0 30 until V hafl Raflf it ‘0 {V.TMTfiplfi far hiS approvnlo
I flid twig QR 9 H311“? a? 1“rfnv+icw fcr mvgelf,for I did
not know whef Wr.”fir¥ipld mivhf Wisn damn about it. As
I undfirstvai if *his m9*an wrwflfi be uh +0 him and fhp
C :72 mp.» a my .

TP this nrdpr is pnfnrad it Tagcs from under Us Th9
only afimvlpte dafpnse thw JOHEGiV has. 1 2m innlined To
think Mr.72rfield mil; diwmn* 2* *0 *9 Pnfpfnd. If this E
done tnn abunzl will Hfippwd upon in? ahuse 0f discrpssicn
by in; Twflfln fin ffiroifiv fhn +ria¥ at this fiorm of the chrt.

T nm Vfiinv f0 LouiHVi.le on the fdth it B¢‘ Mr.
Warfiéid ahont this nnfl the ofhor 02999 925 will be Fiad
tc hqvn ymu no wi+h me. I? you fall i‘ 2% pGCpr f6? You
to an 80 T Will he vlfifi *6 Lev; you writfi Mr.”arfield fin
the Ruhjnct of“ My: yrrlxss"? (‘1‘/"1‘31!”— pnr‘ in wr'ifinv pxprsgs
your nwn pnsfi+ion 9?cnf it,fcr I am nnf prnpnginn fc he
obstinate acnzfirnfinv any m2++9r in Tho 0299.

Wishinv you a Worry Christmag and Happy New Ypar,

I am,
Yours fvuly,
44.71% .».a
/ /

 . " _ .

I. The Jury are instructed to find for the
defendant unless they believe from the evidence that the
actual fair aaloablo value of the property in question .

. has been depreciated by the change shown by the oVidcnco
in the prada of Main Street.

9. If the jury find for the plaintiff they
are instructed to ascertain from the evidence what waa the
fair saleable value of the prOporty in question just before
it became known that the grade of Main Street was to be
raised,and also the fair saleable value of said property
after the completion of said raiao,and,if the latter
value be laaa,to award to plaintiff the differonco between
such two valuas,so far as thoy find from the evidence that

' same was caused by said change in grade; but if the Jury
find for the plaintiff,they should not award her more than
$10,000.00 the sum claimed by the plaintiff in tho petition.

3. The Jury are instructed that if they
find for the plaintiff,in estimating the damages they should
not take into consideration any change in the scales that
may be necessitated,nor the coat of constructing a new
pavement alona Main Street,botweon the warehouse and
Toohey lino. '

u. Nine of the Jury can make a valid ver-
dict,but if all of the jury do not agree the verdict must
be signed by all who agree to it.

Kate H.3ush, Plain+iff.
Louisviile & NashVille Railroad Cnmpnny, Defnndqnf.
.3;- . ,~;u\'.-._\'a.x; JP}:Ad»‘ic.\§’.»‘$'~'.“‘.$—$»SL»*~&-‘t~t*.-\‘L~Ww*—*

Ry congnnt Of parties +310. FTfiBIY‘ ‘a"'2d6 (‘11
yesterday sustaining the demurrers tw fun Worfh and
fith paragraphs 0f +he answnr is 90? aside and by like
consent the defendant withdraws saifl two paragraphg.

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pa: mi" ;..-'aszela‘izi; r (:1 I,.Y-t ; 4‘; It’s“
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i'i‘ }-‘-.’"ir..‘ Ez.‘ 9:? '3":;;;I.‘ff? ',‘-."fnfl 13 5. = w IT'lifld
.-_.....m...~ “M-..” . .._...i ”..V...
“we. .--..-Mm, ._~“.

 . ., I ‘ "1i; December 26, 1915.
. 1,» .
Hon. J. Smith Hays, f'
. Attolmcy—at—la‘a‘, . h _ ,11 -
Tin (321:: st 0 1”, 75,35.
_, ffy (it: 511‘ 3116.55: Kayo :~ ,
I aokamwlodge receipt of your faVv‘wr of the
24th, \‘lf.‘::h>'?;h<:' 911010350 copy of the Inn‘tnmti 021:3 given by the
Court in the suit of Kate: Btu-sh v. .‘.nuisviiifio Fa E'?za.s‘nv5.1.1e T12111—
1 “£91111 Company, 2.2213613? "5:13:71 5.11 fiho Cit-1.2:}: Circuit (hurt. I 31 so
' noisi- tho 911010515111 copy of orcior (iravm "'07 352:. 812.521.3223; and loft
.‘iii‘bil 3.1:, ‘:.‘oné‘leton for {:3'1‘372‘3 2‘11: th‘fi 3 suit; I hardly know whafi
to make: of this: 111‘01305321-‘1 orrior, for I ha? supposm? that the
question of 1'.-13%;:11‘13113313115 thy 51:35.0 of Main Street as an origi-
mfl; proposition 151116! been fixiiy o<‘-.ws~:ifi§f>:.‘<:-:? by €31 of 113 amino
had {10301115851 1111:1037 fiho circumstances ‘5}:121‘17 we were 50121129121337
I 5111345213 oft "1.1 relying 11pm: that dofna‘zso. 2.
' I imdre your invjfikn‘tion to have me .230 13010115. Willa
with 271211 331-5121;", but, u:2fo:‘tuhz.firly, I did not get your letter
1112211 it was too late to accept this invitation, even if it had
boon othernviem oonvoniont for me to do so. I was 5.11-Trouiovifile
on Tue 5:15.212], the 53:27:66. instant, but had no opportunity to see ‘
either Mr. ’2i'arficld or Mr. 179120843, or any of the other members. of
the law depextment. I have no (”10113123 that you have reported ful-
ly in writing to 111‘. ‘.'.'aijficld 8311 that oocm‘red in connoctlton
with the Bush suit that may have secmcé 150 73th his attention, and
wha'hver you may have failed or 0212 12'th to so report, I am sure
can be ;1623632238013‘ supplnmentvn? in any talk or interview you may
- have with him. For this»: reason, I do not conceive that it was

 . ‘ ,
. .’ ‘ , . . _
' J.S.H.#2. X » 12/26/13.
necessary for me to accompany you to Ionicvillo. In other words,
, g I feel sure that all that you may have reported to him on the
~ subject has fully covered the history of the case from its com—
’ moncomcnt to its close in the Clark Circuit C urt. -
. I trust, however, that you will let me know/on your
returnjhow Hr. Warficld may have felt and what he has thought
' of our combined efforts to defend and defeat this action.

With the defense depending on the proposition that
until the present work was ordered by the Council of Winchester,
no grade had ever been lawfully cstablishvd for Main gtrect
in Wincheste:?:;35 chance we may have of reversing the result

.’L , A
in the lower court must necessarily be very much reduced. But,
even with that defense out of the case, I feel confident that
we ought to convince the Court of fippcalelon a review of this .
’ case, that it was very unfair as wall as premature in the Circuit
Court in forcing us into a trial under the circumstances dis—
. a
I closed by the record. I do not know, however, what Mr. Warfiold
* hwy think or how he may feel about this, but, if an appeal is not
actually prosecuted, is there not come reason to hope that we may
effect a satisfactory compromise with the plaintiff? Such com-
promise to he worked out upon the idea that if the plaintiff Will
. (V accept a loss amount than the verdict of the jury in this case,
I that no appeal from the verdict and judgment shall be prosecuted
Please let me hear from you regarding the whole situa- .
‘ tion as soon as you return from Louisville, and oblige,
SMV/A Yours truly, I Counsel.¢ : '

r\\ }- <_
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