xt73bk16mf8w_131 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [102] T.G. Bingham, etc. v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [102] T.G. Bingham, etc. v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_15/Folder_2/67349.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_131 xt73bk16mf8w 05' ' MORGAN L£w25Auucvas / ’
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, December 14, 1916.
Messrs. Morgan & Nuckols, Attys.,
Hazard, Kentucky.
heplying to your "omnibus” letter of the 12th instant,
and with reference more espocixlly to the case of T. J. Binghem‘
and wife V. 3&3 33.60., in the Perry Circuit Court, assigned ior‘?
trial on the 973576. day 01“ the encroaching January bpecizLI Tern, I
find from my file that this suit was filed on April 30, l911. Qn
may 27, 1914, I wrote you enclosing two blue-prints showing the.
property in guestion and its rilation to :he railroad ant the river
and suggested that you confer tith fir. Justice or With Resident
::E 3
Engineer Graham regarding the facts in the case. I also handed " ,
you certain correspondence in regard to the suit including Mr. E? '
_ \
Moorman's letter to me of Lhy 25, 1911. In the same letter, I. it
invited your particular attention to the defendant's witnesses "E E
named in Hr. Justice's letter of hey 19, 1914, to in: h.C. Nil-‘ ftig
liams, viz: Felix Eeltncr, John Sexton, Henry Davidson, 1. C. E -\§%
' Einehsrt, John Baker and Bertha Lyttle, all of Hazard.' I iuegine ,E
that all, or nearly all, of these witnesses are still available. I
R, All of these were acknowledged by you under date of hay 30, 1914,

, On June 10, 1914, I mailed you cepy of a letter of June 5, 1914,\ 2
written to fir. Iclowoll by headmaster 31y concerning the facts E, if
involved in this suit. Receipt or these was acknowledged by you I . E
under date of June 13, 1011. The later corrcSpondence in the file 2 El
does not add anything rnterisl to What is Shown above. 5 [\-E;

,‘, E Now, with those docrments before you, I would suggest _ \\‘i
‘E ' that you go over your file carefully and, if there be any particulerééié

 ,Hv , ,. , . ' g
. . men-go 12/14/160
matters of feet resrecting which you desire additional information
or if you feel the need of other witnesses to cover specific fea—
tures of the case, I trust you will advise me definitely on those
pointsI so that I may know what to ask 05 Hr. Soaraeamt or Mr. Don-
ohue. I personally know that Hr. Juwtiee and, perhaps, fir. Graham
are neither oi them any longer stationed on the Eastern Kentucky
Division, but you are no doubt acquainted with the present Resident
Engineer on the division, Mr. T. G. Byers, and should feel free to “
call upon him if you need his services.
Very truly yours,
:3 :.:-.r/ a
Counsel. I

‘ Oo‘izo‘ncr 30, 193.4.
C. H. Moorman, Esq.,
Asst. list. .:‘L‘Ct'hx.v'.,L (‘3; N R R 00.,
Dear Sir:-
Herewith note Witness Claim of F. B. Feltner, who at-
tenécd as a witness for defendant at the August Term, 1Q14, of the
. Perry Circuit Court in the case of T. G. Bingham v. the Cumrgny.
This is a ruit for fiamflgc to plaintiff‘s land by river wash, but
notwithstanding its assignment was not trind. Kindly have vcuchvr
issued for $3.00 in payment of the claim and forward at your con-
venience, and oblige,
Yours truly,


October 30, 1914.
fiessrs. Wootton a Morgan, Attorneys at law,
Hazard , Kentucky.
uentlemen:- ,

Yours Of the 28th, enclosing Titness Claim in favor of
F. 3. Feltncr for $3.00 in the case of T. G. Bingham v. the
Comnnny received and forwarded to Louisville for voucher.
Very truly yours,
EE’I' ‘W/a
Counsel .

 tr \LC\ 7 \\’C\()VFON L‘L_ >K F‘Viv ~AH
‘ Affnrnvgax at “gum ‘ _. ,.
HAZARD. KY. “ ‘ * 9 -'»— a
'. ’ .I a
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/ 4,
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PA«|Ll;V/r3 .V-UQTTCVM w:;,:: .~::;?_-A-. W/é /f(
- 2
Affirm-11m: s at [31111 ' ~ I )
HAZARD, KY. " June 15, 1914.
gr. 5. n. Lilson,
Lexington, My.
Lear Lir:
We have yours of the 10th, enclosing 00p: of letter
from J. O. Ely to ;.A. Melowell, with reference to the case of
I.G. Bingham against the lexington Q B stern, and will act
Tours very truly,
" . 2 /37 ';‘CW,. ".
BW/Co /7 - l 7/ {<5
/‘ Z,

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' June 6th, 1914.
Mr. S. M. Wilson, ;f/t4e”“gé/ 0y—_
Trust Company B'ld'g,
City. V '
Dear Sir:-

Your letter May 5th sending me copy of petition and docket
report in the case of T.G.Bingham and wife on account oferosion, due
to construction of fill along their property at Hazard. Our Road-
master has made an investigation and advises as per letter attached.

I am sending a copy of this letter to the Chief Engineer of
Construction to investigate with Division Engineer Justice for addi-
tional information. I

' Yours truly,
Encl. /l»?x>r;mna réégéAfEEv'
\i K / ‘
ih.H.C.Williems, ‘
Chief Engineer of Const'n,

 / I i
, .1 Form 22
.. . 1
Jackson, Ly., June 5th, 1914.
Mr. H. ». ficDowell,
Lexington, ey.
Dear Sir:

Your letter of hay 5th and memorandum of June 2nd,
in regard to suit of T. d. Bingham and wife vs- Railroad
Company on account of erosion due to construction of fill.

Last week I saw Mr- Binghem at Hazard and diScnseed
elaborately with him 11s claim and tent over tie preyerty
thoroughly with him.

The history of the claim is as follows:

Hr.Ringham owns proyerty on the opyosite bank of the
river from which tie railroad is constructed. In
constructing tie r ilroad it sat necessary to make an
embanlonent and in making}: tlis embankment, I.Ir. Binghem
claims tint the main channel A: $11 river was diminished
in width about fifty feet, tgcreby canvin: the water to
be thrown morn violently than previously against i‘e bank
on the opposite side and as a consequence damaging
considerably his progerty.

As I a; not in possession of a cog: of the original
cross sections, 1 can not state accurately Low uueh the

‘ width of ihe river channel was diminished, but assuming
flnxt it was decreased, the opposite bank would net Lave
born affected as ihe channel is doe est alonr err fill
and nattrally fiAC 0 Trent 10"1fl see’ tiis art of file
channel. Also, ihe natural direction of the stream
causes the water to be thrown against our fill instead

_ of the opposite bank.

I do not consider that there is any significance
to Kr. binghame claim but think tWet his suit is merely
a "hold up”. In fact, he told me that he had sued for
£32000 but that he did not consider that he had been
damaged to that extent.

I would suggest that the Hatter be referred to the
Construction Doyartmcnt. Mro G. H. Justice, Division
Lngineer was on the line before any work had been done,
and is fully familiar withwthe conditions which existed
before cons ruction, and tnerefore s in a pos1t10n
to give us valuable information.

Yours truly,
%\ "47;
E. Headmaster.

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OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT ' 'w’ " . . .».... \ ;
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B. D. WARFIELD, , . 7 7 _ .
District Attorney, \ 1 INVL‘VHIH‘
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LOUISVILLE. KY. It. ”-.. ~ . “-1" w ., . . , , 191
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 c 0
Perry Circuit Court.
T.G.Bingham, & Wife,
Sally Bimghem, Plaintiff.
Vs. Petition.
Lexington & Qastern Railroad Company, Defendant.
The plaintiff, T.G.Bingham & Sally iinghsm
for cause of action herein, says that the defendant,
Lexington & Eastern Railrusd Cempany, is a corporation
created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of -
I the State of Kentucky, and that said Railroad Company
owns, controls and Operates a railroad through the County
of Perry and town of hazard, in the State of Kentucky and
that said Coroany or corporation has an ofiice and agent
in the town of Hazard, ferry County, Kentucky , ufion
Whom process can be served, that as such corporation is
authorized to contract and be contrtoted 3'ith in the
state of Kentucky and to sue and we sued in the Courts
of Kentucky.
Plaintiff says that the defendant, Lexington
& Eastern Railroad Co., having the right to oonStrutt a
, railroad through lorry County, Ky. on the lend which it
owned in said County, oonStructed as a part of its road-
oed, embarkments, fills, and cuts on the South side of
the Lorzh Fork of the Kentucky riVer, just across from 8
little above the town of hazard, in the County and State 5
aforesaid, and that in constructing said embarkments, i
fiils and cuts on the bank and in the river at tho place :
above mentioned, the defendant caused rock$,dirt and other %
hard substancesto be thrown in Said river on the south ,5?
side and it was thereby filled in om the south side to if:

 II t
such e degree as to change the cureent of the river and ,
throw the current of the river against the horth side ‘
or bank Of said river with great force.

Plaintiff says that he is the owner of and
in possession 01 a tract or parcel of land in the town
of Hazard, Party County, Kentucky, in that portion of said
town known es big Bottom, said land fronting on ._..----
street 150 ieet and running neck uniicr; depth to the
north oanh of the worth fork of the Tentuohy.

klaintift svys that by reoeon oi the iillih;
in 0. said river in the nah er Uhh at the place hereinbefore
set out the current in the water of said river has he'n ,
changes and thrown against the back end of the lot of
this plaintiff vi-h such force on- wffect that a 18:56
portion of the surfaoe of his land hoe Weehed stay and the
remaining part or his lotfron Which the surface is Washed
away is oi no valu , the surface having he n cut away and
washed down to th lQVGl With the bottom of the river, to
plaintiff's ggnago in the su of One Thousand Dollars,

Blaihtif: says that he has done all he could
and was aole to do to yrevent the domage to his land and
that he has soent a great deal of ti e, lsoor and means
in trying to protect his property ct the place above
mentioned and to avert soic damage; that his time, labor
and means thus spent are reasoneoly worth the sum of
$250.00, and that he has oeen damaged on that account
in that sum by the wrongful acts of the defendant in filling
in the river at the place and in the manner herein set
out, and that he ought as he believes to recover the sum
of $250.00, for hifi time, laoor, and means as above

 . C '
Plaintiff says that the d mage to his property
thus caused and the cause thereof is of a permanent nature
and that the property of the plaintiff is now being'and "
will continue indefinitely to be damaged if the filling
in Oh the south side of said river, as aoove described
is allowed to remoin,§r if there is not a retaining wall
ouilt on the opposite side or the river from the fill in
and a little below said fill, placed in the river by the
defendant, on d along the back side of plaintiff's property
or along the north oank of tho riVe: and adjacent to plai-
ntiff's property. I
Plaintiff says that it Will cost at least
$750. to build a permanent wallsuf;ioiently strong to
hold back the curruhtor therive: a: it now is and
prevent irreparaCle damage to the property of this pvaintift
Plaintifl says that before the river was filled in ha the
defendant on the south side as above set out the current
did not come against hi~ land and cut away the banks and
wash away his land and that then a retaining Wall was not
xnfifi necessary and that by reason of the river being filled
in onthe opposite side and a short distance above this
plaintiff's land he will be iorced to ouilf a well to
preVent further and irreparable damage to hisk property
and that said well 1’ill cost him not less than $750, by
reason of which he is damaged in having to spopd that iLl
‘ WMWMA” ‘ffik Mex/"1% 5‘ 743,14 20W% guwt
afigunt or mtney he could nototherw1se had to spendvfond heA
D9li€VCS he ought tp recover of the defendant on that
acc:unt. Plaintifi says that his cause of action herein has
occurred within five years next before the commencement of
this action.
xherefore, plaintiff prays Judgment against the
defendant , Lexington & Eastern Railroad Company, in the
sum of $2,000; for his cost herein expanded and all proper '

 fiilinms & Grace, and
Faulkner & Faulkner,
Attorneys for Plain tiff.
0n the back of the iorogoing appears the folloging
endorswment: No. 1368. Fileq,tax paid,one commons
and one copy issued this -pril, 30, 1914. Lee Daniel, Clerk.
6% f x
, {A AAgA. .
, ark terry Circu t Court.