xt73bk16mf8w_132 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [103] D.D. Ison v. L&E, Letcher Quarterly Court text [103] D.D. Ison v. L&E, Letcher Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_15/Folder_3/67374.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_132 xt73bk16mf8w BM LE" F‘ \\JOOT'VCN JESSE I‘lOE‘C‘yA N
Affnrnvns at *wam
HAZARD. KY. U;L'..li‘.“;l"_ ‘V., LLLLL-fl.
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 V - ' ' . i I ‘ V , i Decembei 29; 1914.. {'pgiiéé
7” L 'tfieésre. WowttOn'& Morgan,,. " ”77 ' ‘~I ’ - i %
; . i 4 Ligaard, Ken tucky. ‘ : _ I V , i
’ , i“ ’Referrin3_to_youf letter of the 24th instant, in ref; >7GA.;
erenee to one of the suits in Letoner Circuit Court of 3.'?,'I80n “Ti
\ H "*v_ 3 & E“Ry,CQ,; in ohioh a flotice was recently eorve&_to take V' YE
' L .3 inc fiehucitiono at Huntingting.i. Vu., of G. E. Katts an} Hfs{-W‘g jifi
G, W. fiatts, I have to eey.that ydur guess-that thiS'Noticerhadic - ‘
V '} ‘raieronec to the three or ions c:nsuliaated oaseS'Which, on.our i
: motion; were traneferred to equity,'was wrong. I made the trip“ 1 , r
j. 73*to Huntington jar the purpOSo of_being present at the taking of' J .‘
:‘ii 7 ,"thcse depositions and discovered, after a little investigation, ‘liv'
' “I ‘ ,thnt the notice had reference to the Suit in the Esteban Quarterly. "
it canto, filed May 4,-1914, for the alleged 1098 of a cow, valued .
. . _' l‘at $106.00. 713 turneo out, newever, that Icon was, in this in~L>-{ri,
onenee,eon a cold trail, fer when ta located the witnecses, we . _>
, ‘ i ”were promptly informed by urea Watts that neither she nor her .U
, I p : Zhuebend (one at the time ofi our call fiae'absent from‘home) knew - _'e
7p , Lahything_fihatever about the accident or loos in question and 3:4 ' -‘
' .7_ Vopieined tfiat Er. Ioen must have gotten theee particulef people”
,i p, : mixea up with some other people by the same name. ‘From the list A.
‘A ’of inactions sent by Felix Fields an attorney for Ison to the TT
1 w: party in Huntington who was expected to look after the taking of'l -?‘
I 7 I the depositions, I learned that Ieon expects to prove that this i I 'p
7 ~*,,‘ animal was killed in ffont of or near house %21 in the town of ~ V 1
._' V I Fleming and he forther expects the witneSSes to prove that they ‘ ,
g l .~Jactua11y saw the killing of (the COWd“I merely mention this for f
‘ 'your information._ 7 ' , . ~ : ,I' " ‘ "

 x- ‘ "w a; M #2. ,. ' > » 1.2/29/14. ‘ 7 ‘ -
". ‘ K - To prevent confusion hereafter in dealing with 25? ‘ - I _
'7 t,_ various euits breught against us by D. D. Ieon, I suggest that '
t ~ v'yofi afiept the following method of filing Qm/ _ ‘ r pw
I V- ‘ * ,, _Zet the three suits in.the Watcher Circuit Court, filed ,
' T‘ rheeeotively on Fcbrfiery 24th, February 26th, and Eehzunry 28th, " '7
f ’ 191%; all ih‘rogerd to allegofl overcharges on froight,et§§}.be v f
; _'hciegfter fieuignatec as Eco. 1, 2 and 3.-   ' ‘V ‘ ‘c
‘ 1‘ eat the exit filefi’in the iotcher.0ircuit Court oo_or j I -
"   5 about 133.}; E3, 19:13, {againot Cir: 23‘ at ET and 312.27: Confirmation Compeny, " V t i
in ahich W.E.Ioon, the plaintiff; attaéhefi one hofee ané two mulee, “
I; t to the VaTHQ of $135.00 to cover fiebt anG coats; be aeeigneteé as . J
_ ' 0» 30. i. (I Seem to have no filefi of this suit.) m ' . I ‘;',
I» ‘ "‘ ‘ ‘Let the suit 1Q Rotchef Quarteriy Court for the killing -
t 'of a cow, filed Hay-4, 1914, be deeigndtefl as E0. 5. ' ,
' Let the suit iilofi in Betcher Ewerterly Court on July
::" __:£%, Ifili, for the alleged oestructien by fire of hay, oats and cowv
I r‘~‘feed; of the alieged vaifie of 927.75,~bc assignatcd as Eo.,6. ‘ .‘ I
. f I iv I 7 $3t;t%e”euit of claim and delivery, filed in Betchef ‘ '-
w 1‘ fif.,gfieftofly Cotit.fiuguet 17, 1914, anfifdemegee for the detentioq df' .'
-» \ "1 goofle-be éeéjgnatcd as Be; 7; ~, ‘ ~ V K I »»i .. ‘ 43t,--e*
, V 6 "__1 "' Any additional‘euits hereafter fileflgcan be added to I\;'_- 
, 't' t‘i‘ the.sefies.. ’ " .}». . 7‘ ‘~ 4' ‘ ’ I
' ,V: - ' L -7 Very truly youre, _‘ . V '
t. ‘ teem/Va .. ,- I - ‘ ~  ' ' '
if ' _ ‘ . , ' '7 ' A Counsei;  75'. " .

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 - FORM 235.
“' SV & O O
. ' This Company TRANSMITS messages only on conditions limiting its liability, which have heon assented to by the sender of the following message:
' ‘Errors can he guarded against only by repeating a message back to the svndin: smtiun for conmnrimn.:1nd the Company will not hold itself linhlelior Pl‘l‘f‘n‘fi
01- delags in transmigon or delivery of UNREPEATED IESSAGES lxeyund the :lmuunl of 1011 1mm lllul’('(>]1, nor in any case where the claim 15 not, prvsentvd 1n wnum:
within sixty days after the inessugv is filed with the Company for transmission.
This is an UNREPEATED MESSAGE. and is delivered hy request of the sender, under the conditions named above.
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 . ‘ . , _ . December 21, 1914, n 1
' , ‘- :.I-£68318. Wafiwm & Morgan- '
; Hazard, Kentucky. _ ’ _ _ - -'-
—Gentlemeu: , _
’. ‘“ Referring to case of 3. D. lean v. L & R Ry.30., on .
. Thursflmg, the 17th instant, 1&3 Fields, the agent at Unitesburg,
wired that notice had hfifih Servefi on.him to ink: the depositiuns '
B I. _ of G. C. fights an& Era. G. W. watts, in Huntingfioa, T. Ya.,.on ' ”
; ' next gonaay,'the Ppth inst. Do you know the Eurgose of this ( 7
~ .promf or-cnn ygu'naccrfiain from.the plainfiiff’g attorneys the
’ _ .purpofla of thia proof? 2111 you alao advise me Whether you think -
‘ ' be ' " ' x '
‘» ‘ it asamntial that the fiefenfianthshpresentei at the taking of these
depfisitions. Kindly afivisc me yromgsly in r gafd to thc matter 80
' ' that I may arrange to go t6 HuntingiGn, if it be {sand necessary.
- V ‘ _ ' ‘ v Very truly yours, » ‘ ‘ v
‘77‘ " , ¢ Counsel. V , W ’
. , ;,;; a ’ ’ ‘ V > _
, fl - , _ ’ ~ . f
‘ . ‘ 1:;, . _ ‘ |\ ‘ ¥ u ‘ ‘; ' .. , .
7‘ ‘- \‘\ 1E 1 ‘ . ' -. ' .I _ « , _' ,
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Bonn 1—Reviaed July, 1909 -
r ‘ glassages which {irebappnreutlyhuuuefce5531, ofr thatdctiiultd be sent byd’l‘mlnfmrail. will be trafusmitted and
1' d t , t ‘ t o i orwa 0 Su erinten cut 0 ra ort ti H t' .
TE EGRAM ewcre promp y u wp1§eerilliec$§vand éeneralrminazcr‘spCircular No. 101. “SP :1 on ora en 1011 TELEGRAM
Whitcsburg 12~17mll '
S M Wilson Wee-t ‘7 on 8c Mar-gen
"lase- of D D 150;“. againsi Rd? R3: metric-c to take a egasit i am; of
N1.¢u ,3- ..A. ‘..".n n ..‘ . v. » " ' '
WWW-y; 69. um: MI o G W mu v ~ 0 out Pittman: wad In‘ as Idwe CL pmnf ;ngt w,
2 3,,» nr‘.4,“_ 'VQ'I,‘ _,.... ,x .‘ ‘_f , ‘ . I, - .7 ‘ M
V“ ‘3ch NULL; .Lv'.:..~: utl wicd 911 {Im- 1mg A.M, ya}; x. 2": t 'v V: tl'o "azaz‘d GL1 ITO
‘ 5 t0 flay
- I B Fields
, 1019‘ IM. '

 . ,7 ‘ August 1?, 1914. y ‘vt fig
." '. ~ ’ t 35
‘ Jataa “orgam, asq., ‘ ‘,¢{ _3
' Whitesburg, ifly. . V. . ‘
'Deax Sire» , ‘ 57‘ h' ’ -
. Kenya of the ltth in rw suit of D; B. Ison vs, L. & 3;, in
' Letahar {marterly Court.
' I have just Wiyed jam to ennfar with Er. Aarflesty regarfiing this '
' Suith Tmicfl iv apparently without merit. Kr. M. will probably be ing
, EfiZard fuesaay, the nigflteenth. I cannot avprove settlément on present ;
information. V _
. . I note ynnr Stwtemgnt that ~ "I at nut knnw anything-about this
?' ? ease at all, as we have nt fate.” t comgleta file of this Gate mas fir—
niShed Judga fiielés an Lay 13th, late? xeturnafl t9 me, and then sent dRage
’ ; Fields @,secona time on Hay 336, 1914., I cannot upderstané the Whalesale
7 ' _ .
‘ dlsappearanee of-filea from Juuge fields office. Flease 339 if it tannot
be fount, together :flth my lettera’af the 13th ant 23d 0f Hay; whiah saver
the ease fully.t ' ; ‘
. Very trfily yours,. ‘ ._ ',.



August 14th, l9l4.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
General Counsel,
L. & E. R. R. CO. ’
Lexington, Ky.
Dear 512';—

In the case of D. D. Ison against
the L. l E. R. R. CO., pending in the Latcher
Quarterly Court:

This action you will note from
your file is for killing a cow. He asks for judg—

' ment for $100.00. I have had a talk with Ison
and he says that he has been Offered $75.00 for
this cow a number of times, but will be willing
. /“
to take $60.00 in settlement of the case. I do
not know anything about this case at all, as we
have no file. please advise whether this settle—
ment should be made.

Yours very truly,
Juza / L.'/0,41, /’7”(’V_,~/i"?fj€fi”}4 ,
(/ \

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