xt73bk16mf8w_135 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [106a] Orlena Russell v. L&E and L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [106a] Orlena Russell v. L&E and L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_15/Folder_6/67479.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_135 xt73bk16mf8w \_
Jackson, Ky., 1.451;; 22, 1917.
Urlena Russell v. L635 and Len.
Breathitt Circuit Court.
Apr. Term, 1913.
Apr. 15, Bill of Exceptions and Bill of Evidence enproved and filed.
This; case is in the Court of Appeals.

.. . , ’ ; .rEr'' ’Clerk, Court of Anneuls, } , I i 'gfi,3
- Frankfort, Kentucky. . I, t ' 7 1 g
. f3. ‘Dear Sir: - . V ’ V v ' '.V'f‘ fl
.1’ E‘ ‘ , ' HCTOWith I hand you record in thn cane of Kentucky Union ‘ I
9‘ Campany v. mbrt Forkaer, in the Court of A3p0a1$.r This record Was , “
withdrawn by um same time ago and I have inufivnytontly neglectéd ' I
v L ‘ to return same. *
V .7' , Thanking you for the use 0: this racozd, I am, ' * :
t , I _ Yours truly, '~ . ‘ .
._’ 7 enc. ‘ 7 “U _

OFFICE OF I" ‘ 5 ’3’?
// // 431917.
1 f , (if- ,
\CMZ‘L/ékn‘, Ky.
Dear Sir :—
You are hereby notified to return old record in the case
7 . a a?»
/zzw<:rf . . . . .
number ....fi.r“.".//..‘0, to this office Within ten days or a rule Will
be asked to issue against you.
This is written pursuant to order of the Judges of the Court
of Appeals of the State of Kentucky. ,

 - 3 March 27, 1917. *
honors. John D. Atkinson & Son, :
. . ' Stanton, Kentucky. - V _
, . ‘ Gentlemen: ' . '
3‘ ‘ ‘ As requested, I am sending you, by Train Hail, under, '
separate'cover, copy of my brief for Annellants in the case from
. ~ Breathitt Circuit Court of La}: and 36’s}? V. Urlona :.‘.1f?i$30'1.15€c0., '
in whi oh the law in regard to cattle-guards “is exhaustively dis- "
t ' ' "_ ' ‘ . V .‘ r"\
cussed. I ilnd that this is about the lust copy I have for my 1 3‘. g
-' .:E‘iles and, for that reason, after you and Judge Shacléaflgord ars‘ '~
- through using it, I have to as}: that you will kindly return it
3 to me. > - -
Plasma sidvisc me of the outcome of the Ford suit.
., ‘ > K‘ » V
- ..;-ours truly,
(‘.10': .7. ¥
, Cit?“ 51 «‘.‘.’.
- 1 / ‘.a
, . Counsel. - . 3 ;

s r: ‘
OFFICE OF ' <1‘ ,”I/5'
5:.Vm;r.1‘;‘ ‘4, 1:16.
2.70;. Jum'l I.:. "z’ilsou, f-
I.;::1.-1guo:1, Ly.
J)“:- ._L :.‘/11‘:—
‘."i‘JDli’l‘b" to :,"Jil'f 19313;?" »;1' _:‘grf ;, l 2'"; 1‘:“; ;,‘<:>1;;r' 5:211;
brlef with I‘miamx’i 1.;; L72”! C‘ :::-7 of 1, Q: i; -:; 031:4“;g‘rs.111;:‘:s':‘:_JA.
This W111 be submitted whcn same is CElled on docket.
Yours Velj.’ truly,

 Q .
. January 4, 1917.
{Fudge ii. Pollard,
Jackson, Kentucaky.
30:23: Judge: '
1301110221E:.‘ditiag: ;.*<;;m‘:‘ oi the find inst-11111., Ti? ”17125;“: 115;
Elegeeiyt ;'.12-1' cax‘iio‘i 31195.7 01‘ 21""1c‘.nt's .311923 in the care of
7.64:5) Fig-;'..(Lo. V. lanai-.711, 3. .119 3.:)."1116-i’fini': rmmin‘. o‘ ’.;}1—3 Tea-ore;
in this' warm.
‘5;-2,? 1: 1.‘“. :_ij 111131,
_ Counsel .
/’ V y l

 FORM I—Revised July, 1909
‘ Message; which xllrcbnppelrcntlyhunuetfcaeré'. ofr that 1coduld be sent by TrainfMaiI. will be tratpsmiued and
dli t, t )ic-stero ‘ ':1413»*' ‘1 " r" ltt‘.
TELEGRAM W": Y “ 35Wd36:2;‘3’34323:e325;:2: 8““ TELEGRAM
52'2"“, " ”72:1, , 7:2331‘3.* 5]; ‘.'.e ,::.3317 brief is“; “’.':(3 711339011

3:3 Ti 33? a
1:1;? . 5119.332.

JACKSON, KENYUCKY ./ ~ , ."’/7
..« "/
Jan 2, 1316.
Judge S.U.W1;sou,
IaXLLgtcn K5.
‘3' .. ’. ,.,. 3" v 1-4-1‘ _A. ‘3 ”W.., “““’. ‘ '1: ‘!
yea; dudgcz~ L.a n. 1p urLanL nugbe_L
1 U . ”'. .1. ma.” 2— .. ... 1*:
/1 I lucluge Leec;;1 of dudgu Fiagud- aLiJ f0; AyLalLee
~. .. --. 4r '1.“.1.,- *1 .4: ‘— -. ,.,...,. ~. ..3
for coy: uf JOLl 16110 ULLgi. Lotue 0L 1hu attcrhed; for nyguLlee
- 11 - -.-, .».. .._. Aux”. : ..A -....AmnuJ» ,1. r ":7:—:qu 1 __
have seen fibudn. fLLL JaouuLL L,“cc ;Uufilft Li éthr LotueL 1n
closing same to ya.
~- .. .7 ...:11 ,..—._, .u —- «3‘ '3. 3 1,“
I am sanugnw you a; n.fi.mm+i HARBL »aluLLio LaLLa tug
.-1» - .-. ...»..- . ~1 - 3 .,_ ..:—1 1..- ».J? - M
recoru L“ thla cumu, HMLJL bfl0u*d us fulwaucu to clef; u; Apkpl
I / x . . 1 / , .
3.81713 0011.111“ /,//11 .jzcgn4\ /7:.»{h.A 44 /({L ( r f (> .1 .»
[$741 71L¢(1’/(4 //1/"’ f! (v .. 1
/./ / yours cruxy,
§—" 71; ‘,,; ,_,A .
)/ 1; 7 ‘,, ' /’ I

‘.‘ 7/ _ // //7/ ,/ ' {/L/j ' ,7 7/
A .-. /V//.s}/“//(*£, fnfl/fly flaflnm/ ”oz/r17
,;) / ,////- x / _ .
.///////////////_./‘ (l})///’///, , 1 ‘ , , ' ,
, ' , I ¢%WWV~WWWN¢ ,;/HV/'lj/fyér/i/9//n///3/?yl./7n/467/yf}/,
////(/?/K‘J -//- /fl-/"///M//, {.
slam-I. WIN/7'11 -\///(//fl({li
inn/(A) ///////(/l;/( y;/) ////,/ j; I Denpmbe'r‘ 2’9 1915
/ //H(‘/‘[(I/l’,x/'(/()/I/. ’ K /" /'/ r' '74, ’ “ ’ “ ’
7 2 7 2 1
/* ’” " 5' " ’ (L.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,

I have read with much interest exi satisfaction your
reply brief in L&£ Ry. Co. v. Russell, etc., which
accompanied your letter to me of yesterday.

Considering your original eni reply brief together,
it would seem that it would have been just as well if
appellees had not briefed the case at all.

Yours very truly, 7
a; o
K /7 7, .
/ {K u (U\_ (( F I ‘
Distric+ Attorney.

- ~ \ "'1 1 o0 -‘ '
,,.»uublszLl 1.' , _L ‘.1. ‘..
hon. "3. Ti“. '.““s'u'it‘ifllxi.
7". L '.LJ.‘ :‘0? "" \
' ._‘lFH,. AWL, “I‘—I Rs. (10.,
iiyo'l‘zivvi. 7.78 _ i:.«:r1tu<31—:;r.
11351:: ‘.;‘12':
lzere>‘.;_xth _L :::»am. you egrugu gap; 01 4:33:13 Arie: 1'01“ .:3)-
=-\'-_].'L“v_«filt§3 131 L119 (3:151? 94‘ (Lb; 113390.,538. V. :.1- $011,310., on :'L};_~’)C€i.l
,"I”FH‘ u," ‘... I ‘ :4.. '_‘»,....'. ...,.;— ‘ .: ., ,l,“ V' F .J
4,1»; 1 ”Cry; aectnm‘; v.1“ Unit «3.4:», bung use 1:0. 18:) on we
Tockaz‘c :02" the 3:211 ‘.':eru, 7.’ 1-.. .
’fy,\-:\—,.Q ‘~ . 'I’ ‘v
-..'.L, ., ‘erl ‘.'/'
H , .

 ‘ "\\\ j x 4» ‘
u 1/‘1' . ,:.i:1’1".:fi »~ ' ’2' 7
( “fun 3 ,7) , ”or "1
~ VI"";’;”1bE’l‘“ '9 *‘. “ '
R. Keenon, Esq” '
Clerk, Court- of Appealing
n rmndf ort , Kentuo 1:3.
Bear Dir:
Herewith :snclosed I hand you iepfty Jrief for ,»‘mjuellants
in the case from Breathitt Viz-unit Court of Iflexjugton as Elastern Ely.
‘ A . - . “ .,‘, ‘ . - - _ ‘." (‘r . .
Como;;11,_r,otc. v. Orlenrz .I'.1U:‘--:-Cl:_.{7t00, beau: cane gm. 1!": 021 rue 400th
1:11” the» fall term, 1011, of tie Smart of .'é.7:>"'>:‘3:i7_%'. I a‘lf‘o hand
;,I'c-‘u. herewith Anon 1.10%353' _ieueiyrt 1’01‘ 2‘: (3511301)-) may of] this: brief an?
Krill be obliged if you xiii”; file the brief and the rmrfli)‘; with the
racurd. I Dreamy} {.11-3::? 2:111 be 11:; further brief? filed on either
531519, and vi tn the imp-‘.:.1: on" the agelzwtwrnti; 1:5) ;eco‘rd will a fi—
m‘lggr nude 1133- 1‘01‘ s:ub‘11tx‘:io;1o
Kindly a<53::3:>n1-ea" I':3:i;£3ifi‘;t the: 911-319;? :«k that l r3337
know." they have romehrrd you, in? o '1 "ca, ,
ezzc. Yang‘s»: remix-'5
» , .._. {3011:1801 .,
'4‘ "km" 1'," I ‘ _ .‘ I ‘- ' ¥ ' F
-\77 ‘..,, i/’ > ' ' Vx. ‘ ~ " v V, " ' ’ ~ ‘ 1: K."

 ., Hf"
Beenmbor 27, 1912».
Judge (,2. '11. ‘ér‘ollard,
Jack ‘01:, Kent ueky.
Lear Judge:

I have prepared a Short manly driei‘ in the cave Oi” 71.9.8)
Z-.;;.'.Go.,<;£c. v. 1131:1011, 31.11;er L/ourt of 230511.43, to the Uri-3f for
the: ..‘.oa) '1lees which I received fro". you '221 the 15th 11::-"cud, and
'z:-.~2.r222..ith 5211310323 «'3'-1313235; coo-g, 01? this regain; mrioi', toggvz'tl'giér “11.11
.'1 racoiot tharreium, which I wnula‘ like to "fr-.:ve signed Eng-,7 Judge
joltaermr, or some 01' the wt‘rer afternoyiz for the 5133710110528, upon
delivery to the» 035 the c-r‘iton 1:37;»; 1111'; C Atlflffiffd. If you brave
time before turxlinry this brief :.sver, I '.=:o11".<1 like you to road it and
let me lmow if, in. gm'm‘ 0)f_.‘;i<.>:1, I have su'_;'i-ojyént1y resnont'od to the
a.r::ume.1t for the _71‘521'2011949.

{fleece :ztt’md to this ritht " i‘or are, as I 12.22311ch like to
file the original, togeth’ r ".i‘uiu Lb; Lea-aim :or carbon copy of our
2.233713; Brief, in the. £31*‘t2*3:’s :.i‘ice before the {21:-.6: oi‘ the year, and
that ‘.'-lay eorrmleta the l‘a’IUOTd or: appeal, so :3er as we are c-z.2_1:.:erncd.
enc . Very 't 37121:; ymu‘s,

I.” / .1 Conn/2:01 .

COL/'1’: OE“ ;‘NI’IJMJES 0.!" EC-.1FTL"1I‘)-£‘1’.
Fell warn, 1916,
L?);:lf!{'.’;‘-.)Zf «'1‘; L‘.:tL“ 13;}: 2131'?! if; ;Q::.I",‘-,:f‘:[ and
10151 V1 ,.5.". ("a N ;h‘fivhbf‘. 1911311) U" L)UE§‘?‘.IS‘Z, A‘D'TTLTLZIITS.
”’. 23514131 ’1? no); ‘L'" ’-31"...'1.f:”."i3‘ 2.31“.)‘1 33.17”}:

{jfr":-;I“L :.‘]:ft‘ lied-“‘60. , .‘zw‘n 2:4:1» :3.
.‘a">‘"‘1‘1..f‘.. ,z-‘Luji‘i 53: ;‘:.';‘;-:ii'..‘". GILL“ sz,1f;.". V
W .

2r at * x * =14
The unrimrsj {nod :'.fl;t01‘ne;fs :2 or Supra llees in the above—

styled suit hereby uelc11<’>‘=.t11sédgze the delivery to they"; of a carbon

copy 01" the Lynmiritteu Leply iriei‘ 'i'o: the .‘.mwfléents and they

hereby waive the service of any notice 1113011 them of the filing

of the original com," of Valid brief in the Clerk's os’i'i es of the

Co urt of .;‘mpeal _s .

Given under our hands this day of -.'.‘eaember, 1913.
”W-.... .__...

(«01153301. .LO‘J.‘ mumsllees.

 '\ “gr ‘:'1 A «WA-7' '21 1,,r} 7-n-v ~
b’.)U:.2 U1“ .'L‘.l.l.k.1~: ‘)." -:rr?n)_:.r.
1,1,1]. 11 1»,» 1(2'}?
.L 5‘. 1.91:1, ,'.n. ),
K . cr' .
wmo -.'o. 1“).
{,“'-.’iIZFil'fii‘EE (“n --‘..‘\f?".""3?1.‘i I. I (SILL'H‘J'Y 51.115».
r ‘:r 1' '- ' v 1 v-w :- 1.x 1 1‘ '1 :rt 5? 111 "1 Hzm‘
.‘.-;.‘EJI 1.! .;: I); 4“! 1‘1}: [.1 J J_. .’..11 1..1.."k' ‘1‘)2.1.;JF{' ) I:.; '.,- u
1r 1 w- 7‘ ' 1» ‘1' '.'rr‘t‘l ‘.'?"1'“» '~ ‘~-‘.
lo _'. 4T V.- 1U1 \ 3: 4IJ.IJ.VVL,L:7 _... .gf 1.1.1:”-
—r ~.v- :,->.‘~‘~. ., ~x‘~ .,«---\,,
‘../..1'1‘111‘4,‘ .‘.lJ-~- ..J.31,(3L‘.Uo, ...") ...1,4 .. .» o
x ’3 A 1.1 J -3142. 5;..4*.’\11L.._,.y~ \).£.-‘J‘L/.£,: buy-'HL.
»: >5 ’1‘ 4’ * *
The 21315031915 2,101.? n‘».:t::u‘xw;;:: ; :31" imp-1117.098 in the £1::()‘.’E’r-
Styled suit hereby 2133:1111: 1.16:0 the ": 1111-5111;; to than 01" f‘. carbon
I .'V 1 " ..‘ ' .’ , ' A1 ‘... "_..: ..‘ .1’, 1 . -. . .'.‘“ - 1 ‘.‘." 1“ v
22011;: 04. the .;:-“11:31:11! can ”nutty «11:31 1271 km 31.11911 1: 1125 mm: 3.5:;
’ ' herring; 1.111170 tne Hervico 0; £151, natlce 1111021 1.21.01: 0;. the lilixiii
.'.‘ ‘..» ‘.. . ‘ _I- ~;. . . 3 V ,_. , 3 J _ .1‘ ,~ , “.": ~ A
g 01 me 01 14112131 00:1 01 my 911.2141 .I.?! 1.116 Gloerr! 011.19% 0L 1:10
' I, ..A , a in; .- V
vvmrt 01 .1,..1‘11101. .
. 1 Given. ’imflxr i111? y:‘:’;11.r’isz 123.“: day; of" Q'l‘r1fief'1?)(‘l‘q inf-71.
_. 1..-. ._._-.. -1..1-..-.. ..,.-._...wa.‘
*1...“ 1..“...
1 Lounse! ::or rinueimes.

(infill? 1.’“‘1‘11313 1):" TC‘.L!'.-T?,‘i);1_"3f.
F5111 Term, 191”».
Gage No. 186.
L'L;‘.,I‘,I‘}';‘ Ci 5.?,- “;‘31‘73‘375: 7.1.1"; 1‘1 =‘.3£L¥ji.'1f?‘..’ {111d
Lbaxlfi-Fx’l a.» :21; “;i‘fI. _'u‘i.3‘_:.TL-,."‘- ' ‘L-J‘z’, 3‘

':'. Afiiflfii" ;, -, ‘ ”.'_‘AIITS.

(3331341332 LL Law/bu. , .«¥.‘:""<“1I3L';EI:P.

00112351, dared either in its: {;:.}maraxl parts: or in its entirety,
the brief 1'01" ‘.:-he- ;Lspm'T‘Jx‘ez—J gives: 311;: the :'L;12>1'«:;rt-=ion 0;“ nggginy. the
51118531221011.” fhrrnzszhrmt .:‘-23431109.!3‘ Brief thrw'e 1: mm}; 323:6: affinit
Appellants‘ ”duty“, all of which 315‘ mur‘; 3.!351;??.':,1:}Li:)11 for 1110 32:25:01:
that the ”duty" gyoimn 01‘ is; {>v:ic3r233‘{;"i.;.r some duty which, in the:
opinion 03’.‘ 1.7333 3:333:311008 or their :zttarnmfn, ought to 1353 3:;-1320336361.
113mm railroad cornj‘ymies, {1:3C 3:01 the (1:2; =:,;*~:u:211;: ir'ti'nszm’ by
11003:; small companiesq It is: tr1e33.‘(:21;; 2231 smutrfzct 01? {311:13303u'3d duty,
‘w’niuh helleos 131519;“, ought to "5:30 duv'wrnied :mr} atrium-'21“: :35 the
‘,‘;zwpo'kizuki;:3, #2526: not :2 duty reguired 13;; 932;: Jazmin 1m: 0,“; the Linw-

' mon'malth.

Again, counsel jar 3xi>;.3e:1.]_ees-:, in their mfmzz‘mnt, undertake
to interzaoiLr-‘zte the theory 01’ m1 "1:1-311361 a-ontrmzt”, 2:15.311 had no
place in the pleadings: or undar Hm irfvuns nuistnyzli;r x‘:1'=t:~;:3nt:zr'i in.
the Court below. 0mm a theaurgl, in the trial court, Would have
won as: 1zntl’2m'ble as; it must :3 3:3?11‘ in argument here. Nowhere in
the $730138 could theare be i'muui zmgf basis 101' smuh an. ear‘trzzoz'e‘dnary
theory. In the Forlamr 0mm (40 $5.11., 4:32) cited and 1.0le upon by


< > .

, ,.. ‘,‘”- ,I ,, . .Lx . .'.' .4. . ,“ I , _ .' ..
ovum ...‘? im .». pollsms, we; nlrxiutnlfs sen, no mm. r0110 6 upon an expresss
+~~ [»J- - \ ‘.' " ~ -' vmfi ‘?‘- « I 64"- rv ( '~ u ' V’- "--‘< i‘ '- + -' ‘ \
:;..,n._i.n;:,- in guilt: and ..~.-:-.:n:s.i..1 m... .. {.12 ;.Hz.‘-...du, him. this an}..er 0.5019881}?

:.‘. ,.... V , .." ,1 . ,' .".. :1. ' . . ,‘. .‘. ,. . .-_ ...: V-,. —' .. . 4. K7 ,
.:,1:.‘r-.“-,lo...=.‘,o the» LI,'_’.;,‘.I'J 27.27.72, 1.}: 1.01.: t .0, with: no ,_‘li..t...~1:,il~)h J.. t the

. .- _g _r' —. .-l ..-.w ~. W— _ ‘ ,-4 up; r. t, ."‘-.1 I“ m '

‘.1 mm» mm, v.1; ntgunrultntmo. .117). ”(.09. bust-Anon .),j .in :mliod
. A. I_. .,'


.1.;2213'. n, :,::.Hx;;1.<:a‘=l .: or .E.:vi'fil 306' rvnxzrfiafi'lqr ':tisrrtrt 5‘..-36 im-‘irzt
-. _‘ ‘.._~- ”.‘. H". .‘,. ';.. ,.'.-‘.- .,4'1‘3‘ .- ,.,. ,1 '. . , . -
tart the ‘~.st.‘.:nr:91":.;7 152ij 111': var-uponed
to have c:7:':‘;::-.:<>.-.wi a"a:-:5‘r:::{1-';;1t:':' 2"; i”, , "'.?-3' I..“: iznl.'m:.r'%1 jplezztiszu'
’mei. 41:31;'z‘,' 12.29%"! :1, ;.‘:i. vu‘, 1,1:‘393' (51’3".“i‘L21-f‘7. urjug technical, terms
5": than”; {filinri ;Ll ayz‘u'ingj 7):” ".‘:." to '.:- i'tnx'r'iz 1‘ {Brim tr; Situa-
trim). Ulrich 3052:}; not in "..i.." Uoz‘xra.‘ -_.;?:‘.".i‘L' 15.1" inc);- ;L Alias;Zion.

;‘hz- i1!.»‘;>=i‘i;;.\).j:: .._unr ‘. ‘.: 7135.1 ‘..;‘ii vol“; 5112011 nar-
grg:.,;:_2-;1 :1,;(1 :‘;;7;'g:1;'_;j,cn:‘; «'.:jimi- 51:17 21:: to l ‘ .133“; J ...u;’.,_;<') 1' and, v.15: ), at
‘:‘:,;;:3 ”’_.”,1 a"; f)a.~‘3.l<>as't‘ urn-.~., 1 :.L ,'.-:.' ' ..1:}. n-

”$733.: it 5:12'; '_‘i..:':.,. :‘. 33,111,:347 .;i'

Tim :':=.if‘1.1'0nd cumin-1:; H.‘- Z‘a‘lilc’i its: ",7: ;:"x; 03‘ the lateral
fawn-35‘. ”or "iii-;.é, ‘:‘: :1t..,[_,;j‘-:,.~,-, :'.T,‘."»-u“.. ‘.. 221.“; :‘;.5:L.L::r3:'

. . .- . . 11 .,‘, V, ,.. i : i: : ~ .. . J. 1» V, :g 4‘- {1
swan came 711m ..11?! Les-tum .:;;n..(w);az. a
’.'.‘hjzx 4:12:79 :1:)! WOVEN 7:"427; ‘L 1151 ‘ ~;:. .:'».‘1=‘,;:..(:‘:.‘. :.‘or
-.* . . » t . .' .. . “ “. .: ,7. q 1» .9,” ‘,.
23,; '..'OUHEUL ..UZ‘ ' ", .',‘.;.,, “ '1:; :-;3,:OF~.£§:.- mam {in/Stu."
‘25} it; ift 3103.3." L ;..-71. ;. ...; Tag. Untiliiflli you 11?.

_ :1 . - . ._‘ ..', .”’ . «‘,‘, .‘ .«~-\ r - ».. . -. "'v
11m 4m} my »:..:flimz'x <:='.:. :.,;zc; .:;-.:;; o. «.7;~-.r3‘.2.\,u ox 7.11m-
. . .i .\ ..: .‘ _.‘ ...... r ' .. ,, , 1 . .... : U ,7 1
1.,=T’,',;.,,.:,a,‘u .J.. £43111 i. ;.' ~"1.L_2.}_ ix“ 2», H,.. ..‘xl'iJF-‘f ...‘: .1:.‘3 x54. ;.1 H
in this. motion ’:'-.1' ?.‘-:30 w'l:.,"..';='f.3i§fi rm "1.'*-;.~‘-i:‘ of the.
axial 1‘79, <‘:‘=;..'<217-_7::2:=a‘a:' Vii/2': 3i<3.;:";,3.,2_ “W 1311 #3171356;
7 . ..l... , .: '.‘ "... .‘.-_,.: . - , ,. a...._.“. V «,n '1 *1. r s' K . w
ti) K:J’.1)i:\d LILE‘ll ‘Fr.i r. :‘.i. 1.?er 1‘2L23; :,1. .2.:1. FRI. Jailhfi‘iw

‘..'i'th. the :rj.:z‘n‘v..::-'t :77-1 (Yuma-w; of! the martini: 1"i"’:?if?.‘~1‘i33111,”.

, _ i .....r..... - . 4?
ffli'ifiil.a;1 out 0., the may; 1;;. 17:: 3'0- l‘!"f'}51_"°.‘3’15"v, i2.- rmr <.>;3.Lf1_’: .31;. li 1, ”7ch, 14.
l , ~ . . e ' . -.‘. ‘ i " , - " ' .:‘.
sngz'tninga, i0)" tho 3147:3711}... :2 :1 ‘._: ‘:‘,»o '-.:rézzsv} 1o :numi 11730.21. films: ;-rzct
' - “ "v .-r . .. « .,‘ fl.-. ..‘ , " .,. ‘ »' .,‘ ., ,,K‘H,, ‘ '1 1..,
is made $1.13, 1m more cerium“ (.__. Lin). 3.1L r11 nation 9011 .;.L=JL?}.‘-i:{1 L7,,
. v .' .:‘ .' .'... — -‘- '-‘ --,:".‘. ~ -1‘ '- ‘ -: ‘ '
(mug/mu]. ror :13;)011 was :.‘.t Finns) 7+ (3.:. Lilfllx ?.)r.‘.s.z.., »..--5316 .,.1, 18 :.nd -
- a . - .. ‘ .. ‘ 1 ‘ 7r ""
"The up mtlnnts nought iron the 2,1: mallard: a 11;.Ht—
' l- , ... .‘,": n _- . h, . ‘ _ H .. ‘.‘ ,. i,- , .K..." +7 '. .'f
0‘} «771,, ‘12.;Lu.. .7. tum .1er '1 between ‘2. m2 liver 'lus‘ um 111:.1-
. ’ _, ‘,fi,,,_. ..‘“ .:3.
Hide, but no uc>zr1m.u:zs.tjon was; ganici 302' landing...‘
- '- ,- - . p" .1 .3 t‘, 5 _‘ ..‘ ‘ t . ..

"his: :yntern7st 1:: \«71011‘ outside of im? recon; out w:

¢ J v

, .:‘ ..,.. .. w .. .. “’37:”. . 7 .7 .1... - . _ . -
the ,nn'uosmn oi r-.r..;1(:.zs:;.t.-, no firm 7 ‘-_ x as. to miz-xit 1.4m. tux.) 1‘1,‘::t-ol‘-wn,p
' r A a - . .1.‘ ~ ,~ ~_ 1 i ._‘} .=‘; . , I ‘ _ ~ ‘9 ,1; ,. .
1:1 71405311011 “3.253 O.)t::,l;mu :3:; .;szx:._1.z.ant:3 {3;} purcnmo, ior '. va':,l.115=.:)15

 can‘uzixlerration, from the ..'3.1')]':E211€}(H3 through their land "'13161012“54;:1113,’
dimeribsed 5.11 the petition. 110132131215: to the contrary {13310511711153 in
ihe (unlit-3.01: of pnrchwaa, it 1'Le<10:v:sr-.r3'“;r 170110131 Iran": the if'uut
above abated thrfi the) .227;1<‘2".'.7m1t$1, 32:: acquiring; fro‘a H19 1.15107101251
thin r3.,£:‘r1t-of—\-‘;:;;/ through their 71,116., at the amen: tine acquired :10
131113711 01" ‘.';11'1<_113_m1.(1' fencing: vtnm‘. \" rhizl the limits-1 of 321:: 1‘i.1‘.}1t-—03’.’-
way, :1103 1:111:11 \m:10"1:1nfis‘1 :r‘mvomad the fencing, ‘."ithin 1,10 limits»;
01" the ITj.§-:}it“0i'~Wil:f, to Gamble tho"! to 11123.1(“. their rammed and lay
their ties; 5121c? traofitf", 1:21.03 fiid mt, in 311:; Pent-r1, break 1; be 3315131114.; iffy
1.210518- 01‘ 00111.1(“. 1221;; 01110;.“ .“.th 4.;1~.>1.s~.n;_g~s~, unon ‘331,:’:i:1'i‘.i‘ff£3‘ {,1‘;:11=11].eea‘)
land. what A;1;>e‘i“-_:-_11‘1'c:3 rid, V3518 raugqjjfosfily 50116 113101; their 01-"; drop-
art? 111151 not: noun the 31101112433” 01“ :'1 :??i1‘§.“(‘t? 1.1:; (no ‘.==,»">1T2.:1rt:,f have :1, 18:11:11 51216! }‘:»a1:,:21«;1:1;11011 01‘ the vest-[we
111:3 herbage 0;? the: 1.': 21m"
At corsmon 1.1133, in archer to 1.111312111115111 trenjpm‘s 111111.10 cismsmm
1'1‘.‘2£~'.J't it was mmesmnrv 103‘ ”Hie. 1112'11-1xtj;_‘1‘ to be in mutual 1:.<);=:m:1:“:e1imx
., Q m J u
01‘ the promrty 11110111 which the tr<151pézssa was charged to have mam com-
mittad. .3}; st:-:tm:e, inn/waver, this rule is: now :30 fill" r'm‘ijjfiszed 218 0:11;;
ti) rozmire UM; the‘f in the muticm Shall be: "the gamer 01" the
. . ... I' r ‘ _ .,. .- H 1'» 7‘ ‘ W . V _.,
land." (Ky. may“, .200» 275111.) This, mlawatiun 01. 1112-,- co non 1111-;
rule :1,-:15; elaurlgi 1.0::93hmlomd by Chief Juvti 09 331111; in the apiuion

- .... .- ..5 .v, .9 -. 5.2 ~ ~5. . . ..,, n
éellvored U5. 111m .. or tut-3 umu't- oi ..p5:,>u..l:; 1.. ‘.,he Oeulzr (323.939 01
"51». .2—5 ..' ..,.. v \"x - w-vvin. .. - rfi ‘;x 3.. .. . . . ' '~ — . .. 3 1p. .. ~ .
.’.‘Uniub \2. (:;JYU'VOIA, ‘7. .. 4. -..-.;:...)e .1., Lame 11. L.'»? halt. uhut one
...5 g 4. .5 :5. ... ‘ -. . ... .. 1 5. .-. .;..5 ‘,...5,_. 5. _ .. .‘ .: ..
9.99.0 sun-.19.”; 0.. .213:- 01... .2 rouge, ...: .9... 1..}. 5.....29.‘., 99.-.6 th 31...: silos
030519292 tuc- .1012zo .3; .::-3112.013 .;..) 2.1.1:. :.2 9...-.:.: ...;mprwiz cTI.:-:.u:it..:: :‘rrueiit
“-,...-.. --._--..“ MW
2. ...'..4. ..:"... .' " v 5..5.‘... 5..., ........,.57 5‘.. .5“, ..,. .'.. 5...,.,. . . ~ .‘_
5.1:. (3....-.‘2-‘Ju11-51. 2. .55. .65 .L.. xi.) or.» .‘.‘. ...I... 19:18.14. 1.1-9.) 9..-.09w; in 5.104.. 9.1!}. ':31M
.9.. .- 2 n . .‘.JL .- . . -.._ .— — '1. ..“. 4..: ...': .... .:, .. 5..
.LOI‘CO 3..),C. “22.1113. AL.- .'.}lt'3 3.9:}521‘. b.L1l‘~i. 51191‘1I'f:.,9._.3..;._7_1‘..j, Um ..)f_()21_(f....52. 1H
.. :.. 5 5.. 54.: - _ 5" “ ..:: ~.~'5‘. ,.
8...). 01.5228, “5115.1 :.112.L..L2.’C‘ 11.20 -
'Y T4 v ~_. . » 5.. .. ..,.. .'.‘. , .355 .1 . :.:. . _A. ., ..~. : .
.Lo h.)....-‘..;.=,~~x 4..' (‘9..11‘1; :..-123 ...‘.-.:.-‘VE: Mulch L011-
-2-‘..,.-» . .. 2;... .. » 5 .. .575... . .‘-. -9... . -‘.-52 .2 ~, 5.. .
53.1..-9»: :- .-.—.9. ..2_“... 1..;, 2.... 9.92.9... .115: mm.-
- ._...-.:.:. o..: .19 ....x...2:>. -- may «..:2-.....- 11.-.; drag to 1.2m
“ ‘5': ~32. *V;< 22‘ . 4. ‘-.., 5.x“ , .— n _. ' .- .’2. 4 ‘»5. .‘.5.‘ .~ ...‘. 5.3:): ...’m .1...: “(LLB \JJ. .'. JCILL, LL1L11\)(4;'.'L \...z') ..9....IL-.0.L
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......” 13...;1 1.x.) ‘..-.9.-.. 1.:. CNN}; ..9. ' .:1;:3 [,.2 ...‘.} Jib-2.1.1
11".. 5: . ..1. . ..‘- 4.' _. .,... :.. 5 5 .. , .. .‘ A ..’.. .‘. .. ,,,
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‘ .V. -. . . '1 . . .~-.~,-, ,-“1 ..~ . V 7'. ...‘ .'. ... ._.. \'. .._ --5
1.. 11.20 ..C: m» ' 513...... . .3.......5.9-.1.'.. .:.:...w' m 7 ...-..,.... :..-.9..
. .2 m2 . .‘5. . . "".5..'.,' f' ‘77“?V'If‘ff‘ ""."_".5"Z.'?""‘: .. .. ..': .- . 1 -
L.'...‘L;3.LCK1. L..-'.1 U Lu. -.' '--I.‘JL.11. ..1..,:‘ ;.‘/L dd - J‘.."':.LJ.'-j\.1 (.‘1.
n - . .. . . .' . ..'». 5. . .:. .9 51. .. .22: 9 .4... . 35...... ~2.
1.112: SVll-KNH't '.; 1.1:.2‘ .-.‘.»lfw Mafia". 9.:;91-59i,.9 ,II.... .. :.-t:-.H:£.
0, 9:19:92; ‘L.-.0 5.2.: _ :t :..-.:.:...1 -..’.]: L v.11; :;1‘n.r.9.c.'..'
1.5... ..5. .‘. ‘5 n ..' ... 5t. ..5 .5 ,1.»; . . . ,... ; . n \ .:4.-
_‘ (:_.; 2.2) .. . 9.... ...... .92 .,I; -.... Alt... 1..., Uhn‘; ’.L quL» -2...'.. L;.-:- ...b
. . .. ..: .. .5 .. v‘ .'.2. ..V . 2» 5. . ..5. 5. .- .5. 5-..—5.. . ..,
.31;“; 5.- u."..1.‘.\.x‘), .3.:. .1.: \.>.3.(; ... ..‘...2J, .5_: 4 ~_ =:'-. A .in—11.3.31. ..Au- 4‘2.- ‘oui ,
5:2-.:.:. :;:.”: .:.:: .;:.» 21.51.31 1.....» ..(LL‘....’. .=..;2.,:..‘.1 .I. 2.212.: .;:...1- z.=..:.z.£3,**-:‘c1
;:). '.;-am. 5.1mm. :.:-.:.‘ ‘.LJ'HI ..:, J... .:.:.ntpxm, ...‘ gust
9..-'95? . L;..:: .:.:...9... ...:>.:z‘..u<.:;. .;.. :..-:..; ;.‘- ;9 -.. 119 :;:.“: 1:1 the
' ... ... ._ .‘ 5 ‘.‘ ... 2... 5 ..,: .55, ., 5 5 ,55._ ...‘. .:. .‘\.
CPI-TU ..L‘, ..u. pun-.9. “1.2.25, '11.: 13 ,.2; ...'.“ 5., V.L...I~". .(U..:.U.'.| Lis’hl. 1.110
Tap-'..' 11.1....2. \.‘.-A}. 45.. u '-.uj .. f 9...“: u. -.~OL.€. ._.;5 x. 1.:) (.:.:l; .3.:: 2.1.2101]
2.‘ :1. ..“ — .5 .., 5 - .. .4 , .-, . . ,7 .- . (.... . ~.- ~ .1 (-
L‘} L”... i ’..?{j '..L-1;!...» kJUMJA ‘.1 . ."23 9.2.}... 2,2 2....9 1-L-4..9l.‘29; ..l .:2....€‘. UV“); ‘3‘? ....1.9.(}d.
.;...zm. 1.‘. 1:: 930121; 5. ....:.::1::_:99 .9.: .2.. .2... ':‘; my :3.<29:>:3
:.:) .’.'.ri-s.;.‘._-f.i.2 51911.9; 2;}21: ..:»j;2._.".":.2;..;f.': 1.:-.:: c.9915. :;:. V;:C::'...:€..':'f." (71.97de. :111911-
—~ . .- . .9. .,.....,~5 .. 1 ' 22' ‘9 -. . 42 ':~." ‘.2 r 2.-
‘,f, .1. 1. .’:.L' r‘i..‘.';'1.!A'--‘1.‘. .415; L315... L. 2.‘.L ...«J.; 91R. .:.wn- 91...... ‘&.£!...9.<.3 L:L; .3.:-{3.2.13 .11.an—
-. ._ . . ..,, ...2 ......,, ~. . .J. 4... 5-..-5x ,1 ‘..- new.) J)...-:..'3i.{.:;f.2. 2-5. {.:.-...1, 9%.ch: .L.}x. ..‘..)“. \... ..‘:VE? i’fimn 9.1132173 993.5: 9..);
12111:?) '..‘".‘Jl‘g‘t 110137110} _- e:, ;,2’~'":t an) 953.519; jigging 7:53.“; to; .‘3}? V1.- DUE-i; .151 (121053-
Liur; 1.1 Luz: 22:29.0 0.: ...:>.1tuz;..5,2] ..2_. 1.9.1515 95021-2921217'3 -.'}..tlflml‘, v.
1‘ 9 . .9: . xv ~‘.. ,. . ~.. . _.5. .. - .:2 -. 5....
.:9’0rknar", 31.. quote ...rmn L910 rorlclcr Cube 3n 5:11;.zw0r1. 0:. 13391:. .39....170-
. ' 9 . . ‘9 * . 3 ,, . ' -. \ ...... . . . ,. ...“ ..'
nut. l.m53;>.n..Lr.:es' .5119... pp. 11...“..2 ...n a..-.:L.1J.m9..iux1 0. mo .2 orknex‘
came, tm: 9..-5.121101. 1.: mum. 1.2 M4135: smut um: 901.12....n..t 111<.o..in.atw,
.. . .;.. ..9"' . . a. . . .. .‘ , . $- 2. .. .~5 .‘.
by no mums l3u¢l.F-J.l€>fl us: Um. threw cam is an {Humming} .01 £119 .mp-
.“ . : .’1. 5. 99,- -. . 1 .- . ' .- -. 7 2'- 4‘..
55:92. 12.29929. .ha 2..;J1nlon 191 the imkuer muse: dons 11.21. :.hm: ..rzother .. 1.9

cause of action arose out of injuries to live stoc? or trousers
and deluge to herbage or arm-ring, croos. All that the (Minion dis—
-olosee is that this was a suit for unmrges resulting from the
Railroad Comeunj'o failu3o to erect cow~gaps and barriers at
needed points on its line. She pluintiffs' plea of contract Was !
disuilloxwzd tux thdr; dulfl't rdiioi1, i=1 the \Spioliozi, :iflds: - i V
”But the avermonta oi the petition are sufficient 1
to Sher a failure of the comwtny to perform its stntu— 2
tory duty in the rcuoect ;onolxined of. (Quoting from 3
Section 179%, {3. Stats.) The conning failed to oh- 3‘
serve this duty.” 2
DiSposiug oi the defendant's c atention that the statute E
» was applicable only to railroads constructed a.d oneruted ior a Y
Deriod of five years and that no rucorerk could he had as the fact
of fch years' operation did not affirmativelg annear in the use i
tition, the Court said — E a
"We EH) not iuxderttr a! tkgf. the :VWJViflioq1sas to E :
five years VQJLiJHflS inrz ;rocediui e2cticn o: the ,fi
Statute is to us read into the section regulating if,
the ifiUJStiihl AOT' ini¥vaed.” ""”~"”””“‘* a ‘\
' Just chm? the Sourt meant -n the oiyres ion ”the question
not involved”, hose used,is not entirely clear from the Uminion, 1
but if this e inion is Lu be rec.ncilgd Liih lain; cecjrione of '
thir‘ mm i, such as J:.lh m £10., 1::-:3 Lg. .1335“; as.
1.01; ::m . 43 d}, it 331373 'bt) 220,1:3u3d, t}; t tire ; 03“}h31‘ cease ltleillTiéo tlie
duty of the railroad company to erect and maintain Guntlfi guards
at uublic highray crossings. hithout meaning to concede the point,
there is good reason to hold that the requireehnt in Section 1703,
Ky. Stats. for the erection any maintenance of cattle guards *at
public crossings” is not dcpendcnt noon the consrructi n and oper-
ation of a railroad for five years or :or any fixed length of time.
If the Forkner case went farther than this and must be construed
as holding that the five yoare' provision does not apply to cetthe
guards at the terminal points of parallel lateral fencing, it is
utterly at variance with later decisions of this Court, practically

all 07' which are cited .77-37131 n:c_'3712'3.7‘ am} in cur :Tcrtzicr brief for
the ‘3.. 73377-171713}, :.:-76’: :21'523'3133111 :70 treated am having been overruled.
‘,L‘lsetive is: airmthni' 73:71.icztui‘ifia :1'5.L3?;.i.1(:727707'1 between the i'oi‘lti'mr 0:350
3:327" 7,_ :3 (2:36-17) at 77'-:37. 1.‘-'32:,- ; 7737:3301“ 7.‘-3,5173, 1:;-.0 c~.a;:.tc:1ti.cn 03‘ the
637-337-7333 23.3 7.75m I‘Z’fl‘l‘.‘ 1.: 7'0 iifixiq'at'i:_‘;'.":~ petition. 1311.7?le JULVO 33371; :"crth
in he many x was that 7133::‘3777727'7-71'5'. rand hail been (unmixzuctcfi xmfi in
<3pv77-“37-lt.77_<3,_zi 3‘.-7:3 ;giw: ;,en-rr: Def-3.73m 1.10 1:3,; martini: of the 6171371533377; com-
'g‘~3.~‘3.i:3é=d. 01‘, 7.3.3361 no :::-:71 :*su::1:ive Em-‘zzheo c'I‘.’-~'j.3€‘~é?.1‘§’ to 77.33770 boon not up
0;: ?}‘:=;- 23373370538 gouty-5;," 3731‘ iii: 303,3723‘3'03‘ Sin-UHF: 13301) 17753 groum’g that
the 1'.-7351117. :33. 131-(‘3 .7307. in fact been con:- “Ll"i’.(':t<7d mix? oneratm“. for as: much
'35 iive gen-3'3: 333770? to the .3733 132i'.)(3- '.'-cf. 3.2115113") oz.‘ 0 at bar,
on. the «131-3301‘ Hui-(i? not 223.2733] did the 133 nti iii-23' pct-3:. 110773 in terms
:3) :73}: inc-‘17 ‘1.-.mp3 ':»-3e :3..;;f3'2'-';2: {inuxnc 17.73? 73:17:71 done on a
:‘::i'f.::fe‘5.-:‘. 23117173: 7:533." ’,Tj-‘V‘TCE‘LJG :':)1' Tina: “Sinai .J’-2'77 ”ya-33'1"? gn‘i or to the
t1‘:3:"-;'3:'3:'~:"-:133 {‘7’-3m L013." nonfic"! 51% 1'33, Lu: Juicziizalit'i? {7301' .‘.‘ta':=3.fli.'3.s'-.‘LI1tS)
is: -1. .-3/“7.732;”, in cs'ryiz'czuét to; .I., 1,5:- 7'33137' i'tz'iicz‘: unm‘: Iii-'3 1”th
thwt 1173.62 railroad 73771.33. 33'; \§::7~;'7:::‘~--;37; 7‘.-~47 not Lam's: ..3:-;"-7;~'ti'u-ie(i 01‘ 013-9-
crutaxx' 3'03: :::; 3113.33}; :35; _,i '70 ',_;'e'::~.r:;, cii=3ssr .33-3733337 7:73.13 C:CC12.§L’1‘02’103;‘: oi‘ the
1cm; 3.7313(3- 73. the ::::tzm‘l con-v
Lic Lion gm? ‘:n.i;.3n3233:.3hcc a; ,..323'3'533J'1'T: 173-1137727231 3‘3-3333;353: 73:23“! 17-7: 7.577.012
thru- t‘ncm '7'-Jose t+~3‘3"~-zi..333"=.'i 7:30:171‘3'73 3.273“ ::_-nah .3‘3zzr‘m33s': at the :':ei7;t:3 ::hcre
the z‘3"~.z.i11tj_;f.fst: (hm .‘-73-‘:‘&‘~1.‘Lecn) 131373721; it 377737: Af""i3€:1132111.235 (ink? to
crew"; 77hr- maintain maritle gin-7‘63.
In 007107112123 on, it is: eubmittcd, once. more, on. lmfimli‘ of

the .:‘-.yme'i‘innts tho-t. they 33:37:72 77:03:23: KID-(:(H’LLIELGS, citzmr 3.27:5»:7'07373
or imulied, mm: the -‘.-polices.33-37:1} h-IVB neither omitted 37oz: violated
any 6: 1113;; ('1: evolving; npo» 1. hem,“ either by statute or :':.t eon-non than,
and. thru: czcuhhol 1431' the 331,7pellr-u'273 simply ”Dog; the muwtion” 13;;

‘ reheated-1;; 7137537732'ti.ng' that A~rp<3’7~.1euits, nevertheless-2., owed the Appoi—
10773 a duty mic“: faxilrz-d to perform it.

All of Ta’hieh is ~
110 spa c: ti‘ully‘ submit t e (3, ,
(10133180: L01" .‘.?”DQiLfivlnfg. 3
Benjamin 3). {.’arfield,
J. J. Ponohue,
U. B. 33011311‘d,
Of Counsel .

 ‘K , k
December 9, 1915.
Judge 0. H. fiollard,
Jackson, Kentucky.
Bear Sudgo:
I have yours oi the 3th instant, enclosing copy of
Appelloe‘s Jriof in brlena Ruwsoll suit. I will prepare within
' the next nook or ten days a lowly firief and send you a copy to
be fleliverod to prolloo’s counsel.
. Very truly youro,
I Counsel.

, .
c .LL 0 n ' r- , V‘ ' ' ' 7' ' ‘7 ‘ ' ,, '..
’V L i : 7' ' - Q

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T, “.‘ s_ ,L . {a .
Iww.1rmer 48. idle.
'3.” ~ "1v?" 3';
“.111. ,..o. 3.. ‘.le livid ,
_: l. .1 .v ; ’." " Q; ’1,
first. Atty. , n co. ,
_'Lx) 1. L :2 [LL ’_.LE‘ , 1’23“: 11215355; ‘
L-., A, ,. Lot»...
:.1: ‘L’-_‘ L . -.:m:...': .L . ‘ " ,, : it ,..:. ‘), Uz' p.-r4;["\'
‘,7r.§..,.- '.‘, ,,_ ,...,, ‘3 ,, I,” ',, , Hy. :,. .4, .,, {.,. ..,, :'
_.-~.'-,l-i»", ‘41. I.‘ , ,.«,.,,'..k. L. - 1_. .‘_ L-.‘ n if. :.. .A..1. -_.: ‘A.i..‘. ;xd. :x«-.~.:.",‘L L
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4. - L., . , :A