xt73bk16mf8w_152 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [123] Albert Garrett v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [123] Albert Garrett v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_17/Folder_1/68815.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_152 xt73bk16mf8w ,_ ..
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. Form 162 L.\\\' l)l-ll'.r\l{’l‘\ll .V r
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT (3.8.3155?! xi} [1 ’ Kya _ LHL‘isVILLJ.
. . 1 7 '7
B. D. WARFIELD, "”397? “day 0/ A15 . 19/ .
. District Attorney, _
‘ “*1 Hz 7‘ “C *1 :c.-= 1113.11? 1' '57 ‘1 ‘31: CO
[1] f/u‘ [[75,‘ ()/ ALAKJ‘J —~Q i} _L . .111‘) 1 L, ,. CA1:1... . :.‘“ .AJCCU In.» a-
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///u Milnn'mg'prnaw‘a’mgx 7.7177 //((d a/ [/u’ U J farm, 19/ 7‘_
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N/ ///1', 1 U 1,1 K81? 1‘ ,, 7 , ,1, Cour] 0/, , , iirLdTVi‘l t L W ,,fiCU/HHJ‘.

Juli] 9 Case calle- d for ‘t 1‘3“. 111. . Daft 1 file i 131'1111‘1‘51‘ 21.3111 Ans: .
DCf‘C 11311102121013 (1 re :1 C13; . 311;: 1:21: 13:“ no t be £35; 11 n «3 our 12' ,
and s:-M:1t1a.x1t T111531 1:11.111; on trial , the court 0 were :1
case <11 11:31 21311-1 i #:1111111: pro :11: .3 :1,-:3 1": :7 11.122111 of pro :31; out i on .
Jud {111131115- ‘for cos 1: C :1 :'t. 1’:,111-"133' of 51123 fa“: 111121.111: .
,1 1 . 3 1 ’3‘. H. Pollimd.
[,9/(11\/:/)] ,
Attorney L. & N. Railroad Co,
has 1. Give (late of filing all pleadings, and their character. as petition, etc., etc.
2, Give (late of all proceedings. such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc.
3. In reporting a continuance, state at whose cost.
4. In reporting a‘judgment, stnte (late and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken. state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed. what time.if any, has been allowed for filing:

 A Jackson, Ky., May 22, 1917.
Ance Ziobinson, Admr. of Albnrt Garrett 'v. Lé’cN.
Breathitt L§ircuit Court.
. No orders in this except orders of 0:3'1tinuance.

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«%W%¢W~ (anuflilleylévzflc 49%,
K K”
JHne 22nd, 1Sl4.
Hr. J. J. Donohue, Chief Law ngenc,
L. Q I. Railrord Company,
Louisv1119, Ky.
De¢r Sir:-

Yonr letter of Jhe lvth. As requested I hand you hererith
my entire file #604 as tn the personal injury of Albert Garrett at
Krypxcn on hovcmbor 15th, 1912. YOu rill note a setglement was made
With Garrett for an amount of $121.50. Enere is also attached to
this file the letter sent me with ycurs of lay 8th, 1915.

When you are through with the papers please return to me.

1.11214: truly,
/' ,5
”C ,c,§r :7 14~~
.‘” / !/ /'/ \J, \_,"' ‘¥ 1
/ mcnhgefiffié fir
\_/ //
B. K/
3110i.“ ‘V‘JJAUJ‘ETJEI
HWW I wish you would please arran e to obtain for me original
voucher in favor of Garrett for 1121.50, together with voucher
which we afterwards made in favor of South Strong, covering fee.
I believe I have heretofore written you in regard to this.
JJD 6-24

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.‘ _ J/
Oct. 17th, 1913.
W. A. McDowell, Mgr.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir: Albert Garrett case.

Replying to JOUT favor or the 13th hereto attached, I
advise: The claim of Albert Garrett was settled with Garrett
and South Streng, his attorney, after full investigation and
pursuant to directions received from your office. Mr. James
Mott McDaniel called on me last week and set up a claim that he
was the attorney for Garrett,and furthermore asserting that he
had served notice upon you that he had been employed in this case.
I advised him that both Garrett and Strong assured me that Strong
was the attorney who had been employed and that a settlement with
Athese two would conclude the matter.

x“; I have no information with reference to the alleged
§ notice which McDaniel claimed to have served on the agent of the
E company and my advise is, let Momeniel due, if he desires,- that-
‘ is-to-say,- I would ignore his communication.
Yours trulx. \\\
/ x
, % (>\
Kain \\., ; ,h 'V v, ‘ [I], ~ 1,“ of; a ‘ ‘T ‘1‘ 1;; {I _ .“‘» ‘.I.-
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 G _
August 8, 1915.
' Mr. John Howe Peyton, ,
Chief Engineer Construction,
Louisville, Ky.
' Your letter of August 6th with reference to voucher in
favor of South Strong amounting to $60.75. ,

If the voucher you have hears the signature of Hr. Strong
is is complete so regards his settlement. ?e made an additional '
voucher in favor of hibert Garrett on the regular personal injury
voucher amounting to $121.50. Ye di: not secure the signature
of Albert Garrett to the South Strong voucher, or vice verse.

1 Yours truly,
3,! .

 ..’ 77 . .222. .22 2 ., 223 2 r .
lea/Mi //¢/t waJ/m/é; 471/éfl/1/fl/2fl/0/1/
l/anmw/Z/ /// (3th August, 1913
4 .»lys/J'flm/ /afizwirlwzfl
Manager, L & E Ry Co.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
I find on my desk for approval paid voucher issued to
South Strong, Jackson, Ky., in full compromise, settlement and
adjustment of-ell claims and demands on account of injuries to
Albert Garrett, laborer, at or near Yrypton, Ky., November 15th,
1912, amount 3360.75.
The release from damages which I sugpoee was signed by Albert
Garrett is not attached to the voucher. Please advise if you re—
tained this release for your records.
Yours truly,
/,/”“" Chief Engineer of Construction.
o/b MI/

 :1 .- I
0 <3 ‘*/’"'
‘ Vflfflflflflgflflfi
July 17th, 1913.
Mr.J.J.Donohue, Chief Law Agenfi,
Louisville & fiashville B.E.GO.,
Louisville, Ky.
7 Dear Sir:~
Your lefiter of July 7th3 with reference 30 case of
Albert Garrett; Yesterday we mafia voucher in favor of Alberfi
Garrett, amount $121.30, ané anofiher voucher in favor of South
Strong, amount— $60.75, as attorney in sefitlement. Ehe vouchera
will be paié by our agenfi at Jackson ana remitted in the usual
manner, on request of O.E.Pollara that they fie settled promptéy-
both chargeable to Horth Fork Ezfienmion — Exyenaiture for Road,
Sub Account 56, Injuries to Persons.
Yours firmly,
iii: magi: r .

 '9: ,.... (3.5.1 1 »r -1 1;.
July lag-:1.} ..'-‘.}..de
Jo .1-.» 9834.3..uiwfi.’ ”$1.133 ’ -
. '5; w... ‘._}‘7,
(Tasman, .».“:g.
-- . ;:.:a .
Bear:- urn-
= J »» = 7a v..-,.~'4~".~. .~ -.., .- '7 - .9 ~ ~ ._ m —:~
3 imam 27ml; {Lelfi‘wlaux vouoaeyc La 3.32.302: 0; $1539.31? GZLL'I‘Gtc
. , . . '3- r)" - ... ,1 7‘.. .:.“; .': ..‘ .. .7 . J. "Ln," 3‘” ...4. :9
cmount 33191.50, um: wum: .:;troatig, anemia 5.01).?39 :39 raquesmm
7:3" . s .~ - u ’..‘ 'v - .‘_ ‘_ ,-,.*"g « .. - H- .J.. .~, ’ q A“
Lax-{1,33 mwa L310 Hummers; I 2:; our awe-me a1 damages,
“ ..- ,. ..._, (“,.4 4~ A‘gnfi .;m .‘J, "(4‘20“ hm.- >- .».
Wllu KLL; Tania: b4LUJ.; ..2: mm L..-2‘2»L..x:..£. ;.n. {1301‘
'v“ ‘4"; . .Y- V A ‘1."
:13an L21; L; ,
ZEéi:m.;;7:c-3:‘ ..
{"1 - ‘- 4":
V0.9»? U0
7. 3; W ‘.‘ . a :.
~11?» ;.n...‘ n- #:3385501} , .”.;gb ls ?
:3 mafia :3 m“; .

! ,
(). 11. 1>()1;1;;;I{1) f 3 4,»”flv
ATTQINE‘Y ;‘x’l‘ LA‘V _ ' y/ ”ya"!
.. CKsoN. KY. . ‘ .»‘“!
«""‘. V
a yr
. 1"] “
July, 15th, 191?.
W. A. McDowell,
TF:_ 80 r‘ “4n
‘ 1.1A.1Iu/..é§(gz. 5
LeX‘lzzg—g‘; <11" ,1 If}! . '
Dear Sir: - Alberi Gavrept Came -
I have adjusz fl thin Wfisfer with Garyefit and Poafh
’:' ‘.»”. ‘ ... r , . :. . ‘ ,. 5 A! \ ' A '
LLLCnF ug folaows: GdPTGut to E%GG¢IL $191.50 331 gzrcng ¢60;75.
Plaage hey: varcffrr fia%e For ifleac gentlemen accoréihgly
and forwarfl to me, “VG I Wi¢; Ciuafi the m9 far up.
" 1 , :. -' .. L ’.» x-u r—w. /---., x. 7‘ A n v - ' »
T Lkuvt khiq ofLU7HOOH foo Luvb Cuuniy, nu+ Will return
Saturday Light“
Yours vary iruly,
/  .\7 .-
5 ”‘.‘ «A ' V
, ’V/
I 7v . ' / '1’

 .ILIJXIN(."1‘(')..\“ & .l‘jASTI‘JC'ILN RAILWAY C0.
(Stun-:01) TU Cuxm' 0N5 UN BACK. 4A {/7
M < Alum/AV ;Q fi:_1919
.. ,. Loy / . LL/_\.
QWQ PW? , ..,,gv. :..MH
9 . .. WWW! ;f’ ./ 3 1,.
G00 mm NE ’.l‘un- ONLY, UNTIL ,wx @éix, L... . l!)J__C21)
..’ i3:g$¥§%15x COUNTEHSIGQI—IEKYW .1 [j/ . .......,,.,,.,,.,,
r/COUIQTIIERSIGNED “Y: ‘I / 95"” 2 '
2. . 1...- 0W W
. ,/._/X \J’ dERAL MANAGER.

 o. n. POLLARD
..‘:thox. KY.
fuly, 15th, 1013.
Lexirgton. KV.
De3r Sir: -
havliq Cloned cu? in“ Garrett fiattor Wifhouf thfi noceqqity
n.?;\ 1 YL. 3° ‘-‘ ‘., ... . g, ’ .., , . .‘ ,3
u. 5.. .3111}? Lu T33.;,X.L.7Qi-uz.. T, T"?.L':f:‘s.i.1_.h zir‘L‘grt. ‘”:"S'? 91" £313,303“; Gary-Mat from
Jackson Lo LCXifiéiUIq
Your: very iruly,
. ’? .¢
r» N) ;cm / ‘3 . 33" "
.Lv /C. .3 z” .3 f —7 _L"'// ./’/zr'
‘ , i7 L.»’
Enclosura: 1

 July (:**-331, 1911.53
03 ES. Eollzird, £53913,
T 133:"?! 5' ‘».."-
Ua‘u--mOLi, .I'.,GIH
Dear $ir2~
.53 . - ,..»- :3. .43 4? 14-3-5 In ~.-, ,. 1, 1‘ .-—.«f— 3;.» .». '-
I 3L. 3101-: in imiaipo 03 a. leans; 1.30.: lax 33032033119 3319313131,; tnat
, 3‘ -‘ <‘p- «w r’! -. .A 3._ ,.‘ 1‘ .,._..'...‘>,_ 1 ‘i I a-’-- :"’--.~;. v.1 ,. ~ : ..: 3. ,- .- ‘
310 1311321338 re 3531313151 gram-0L: ”it“; 1.33:: 33.133313 Miami mador as outlined.
3‘ .,,. - ‘Ll. ,-_, ..g‘ “r." 3.3. ~', '1 ‘1' ,,., 3, 1': .3'1. ‘,,., .5‘», .:, , ,,, ___... _ .J.. J: -55 ~,.. - -,_
in 1.3013...) lUubC-J. 03. 311.11; 332111.. 3. MOI-.131. 3...3Lx:,3.ei;>;c3 ...-11331.55“, 3.3- ‘:./00. 233.6
J..:- . - 4 s _- _‘.Ig‘fiz.w,,._ I“ V‘ _,“q‘. _ .. .L. T .
£333.11 03'." iho 5.53.1310 0135351133011, Luau Jam arrange '53... :3.-sing him <30 3303131313011,
1 73~n‘ "r'~ «a (”n-L "nun-17 "'7 49;“: .:'. x‘ 1 '~ "a am (:u I V} 3'11-',\~:~~..f+ 3'"- . r! r3 VH7
say, hilt“); OJ. UC'abllliLgyu-x 0.1. L311.” .VCOJL, 0:. (mm VOOL- much--1352. wt; ('11-.., x30;..A.<’31'}."
' .'. ‘ . “ . . _.;J ..1 :... ,‘. . ‘. ,._‘, .... .... v . . .' ,.,. _ ..
menu is: 8.1.1. 9123731638, ammulné me 1;: 3311333133333 @031 yea 1.2111 game down.
Yours “away,

// / . . ”7 /"r/ J . yi/‘/) . ///‘
i ////.//’////. ,//¢// /// ////fl/v//// Vy/flwy,
»flmz/(HI/m.//, ///m//(/r/ , x /f ‘ 7 I., ' ,x
’ W/mfivrxm/fm/W/{V ,, //7//' ai/ fl/K//7/777fl77//}////”- //V//7~////L€%'y,
’y/ 7 / /, , r ,
{Kfl/Ié/flj // "//flfl"7“//Zfl/H;, /.
.~-/.s:s-/‘ Wain/NM fill/”met: ,
/. //,‘ / '/ / . ./:/ 4,, '
flux/l.) :'q/«r'r'lm/ILINI. / Ml // ' , *r w, 1 '7
/ / ,I/ {W/I’fl/IHCJf/PIIK i“""'(//‘//l/%"/V%/” ”IN-y 7; 4‘91""
111‘. A. i.;eDowell,
~~ ‘ r; h > .
:.Lé‘LDag'CJT, ii. {a u. :1. Co.,
he): ing 1.; on , Ky .
bear 3'21“.

ZZeiToI‘I-ihtg to your favor oi‘ July 5th with e:1:.:1oenrc
relative to the case of Albert Garrett v. L. E; 173. T. 30., IE‘I'ezxt'h.itt
“Ji'rcnit Court.

I think that we should proceed in t‘rze matter as antlil‘uyd
in Judge Tollard'sz letter“ to you of July .2216. Ii‘ seittlezmnt is

AL m . . ».‘
311350 It'it‘n Garrett at ;;;1121...u we Will, Of.‘ course, be liable to 4.4:.
Strong for £tji6Ci‘.50, and this amount we will ham to pay him.
”1" o 111‘ '.'; ‘:"1‘ fly ,
(P 2 /,
» . .;/;»~at t 61%;; mi
’ Chief? Lew Agent.

 . . _
, July $4: 3.,
' 1133.3011011113, 32111333 Sim: 3.50:1: ,. (I
2011:153‘sillie .12.. L‘?:i:§f=:‘t'i7.1o ..lailzrozzi‘i o0. ,
i§axziz31.rille, 3133
30:21“ 13133:“-
27.03932331in {:0 you“: 19323.: of 194.321 12.111130 It ELL Albert
Garrett mayo, I elicit-3:30 you herewith copy 0:? 23. letter from Judge
folléirii‘. ~33. iii-11;: subject.
.T. 3:11 inclined '30 think that it 170123.62 be advisable to
.. _. J. '1. - .. «,a ,‘..”. ......ilin ... ,.. ‘.‘ ._., .'..’.» “:.‘.g. ’:'-"‘. “..,. __‘b .. i‘35fiCT" :‘Oeixt‘il Estron?
(3:57:33 Out; 311;: {jogmcwolGu (3.1:: we multilu KIA—Ciao y 1..; u. .1 U. i,
3 3.5293011 and. .‘.-E iiiplomcrtically hanéiled. we stand. a chance of
really lsz'ingring; him close {to us. 3171121011571; it; :13 possible it; would
have "the other effost; and strain our 31311021.; with him.
I would be {.133 its imve "the benefit: of your advice.
31112;: firmly,
3.25101 . E 2311:3303: .

 o “

- Lexington, Ky., July 2nd, 1913. _

Mr. W. A. McDowell, Ianager,
33* o: 23. Railway , Ir :’:ing‘ton , 13;}? .
Dear Sir:— .

Confirming our conversation this morning, I have had a talk
with Albert Garrett, who is nit only willing but anxious to settle his
claim on half time, anproximetely ;121.00. He tells me that his agreee

‘hdoflh-ultww J,.“
ment with his Attorney, South Strong, cello for an equal division of one?
ever he gets; hr. Strong hoe eleo told me the same. I regret to say thfi
Hr. Strong will not agree to a eomyromise as above unless he is pale
olOO.GO over and above amount paid to Garrett. I wonlo therefore Sfififlbot
that l bring’GaTrett to Lexington and we tale a release iron him ani han—
dle the South Strong end of it later, as he is entitled to an amount
, equel to one~half of the amount pail Garrett.

If this meeto with you: annrovel, will you kindly arrhnge to

send me transportation for Garrett and I will bring him down.
Yours truly,


" - _
June 218%, 1915:
aLBEHT GfiRRETQ porzonal injury claim.


Louisville l Eashville Hailzoad Company,

4331, 51;“: 111.9 , f3; .

dour Sir:—

' Referring t0 my Eefiter 3f Efifih in:$an%, I $201039 yam here—
with copy of a leitar ju3i receich from Jnflge JOTKaEfl.

— If nailinfi u lgakeafar hayficns 1 will ??3h3513 $9 39 330k393’
Ennfiay‘afterflaan anfi mill Bake ibis matter up riik Juagc Sollarfl ané

’:i’mrrs truly,
iiumxgar, . "

. .
-“‘ '1 .L ' " I?
Jun-C 23:3», 19L.“
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