xt73bk16mf8w_158 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [128] J.C.B. Allen v. L&N, L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [128] J.C.B. Allen v. L&N, L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_17/Folder_7/69105.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_158 xt73bk16mf8w n ,2
2, 5
Jackson, Ky., May 22, 1917.
J.C.B. Allen v. 3&N and 3&3
Breathitt Circuit Court.
Jan. Term, 1917.
Jan 2?, Jury trial and verdict ior ulOU in favor of plaintiff.
Jan.26, Motion and grounds for new trial filed.
Jan.28. Motion for new trial overruled. '
NOTE: This judgment has been satisfied.

 SJi??#‘W§@*§%9‘V“€5»1 '3 Ffi”1iJf“§”§?”* i7Vi ”*39T5 f?3€§*35 fi*?é“**?i ? K??ii77;¥?e?"§ifi7’??§??Tfrififi‘”?fi57174“3€f%???fif
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K Asst, Dist. Atty., 1&H RE‘GQ,, K ., _ — ’ ._ ' 2

‘,, V . gouiSVille, Kentuckyf, , _ ., 1 K 3:. ‘ .’ . ‘ ”I

i 7‘ ' ' :KV' Hurevith witfioaa claim fdr @4;OO-in iéVUr Of Elisha a ‘_ ' ¥

KW‘ K '_Cl&§:f¢§-attendafiCQ an a wifinoss in the case in BIéathitt' > ' , a

V ' ' Cirquifi Couft oi J.-G; 3» Allen v. 3&3; Jufige Follar¢ héS , > ‘ ' >KE

5f~_;.a3ked that vouchmr maj-issug in fiaymgnfi'and I trugt thié_  ‘ :" ?_

'ILV may havé your nfitention at yQfircnnveniéneeaVI " - 7 _ 'I'

" IV ' ' ':" ‘ .Véry truly youra, “ , "‘ , i '  :

- ‘ I '{ " - , ~ - ' ¥ ' , ‘ ‘ f (301415591. - '   H ,

 O. H. POLLARD ' ,
ATTORNEY AT LAW .« ,7 — fl ,-' 5
Apl 26, 1917.
Jfiége S.H.Hilson,
Lexington Ky.
Dear Judgez- J.C.B.illlen vs L.& E.

I inolose form 250, attendance of Elisha Clay four
days as a witness for defouuant at Jany Term 1917, for which he
is entitlea to $4.00.

Kindly have voucher forwarueu. ‘

Yours truly,

”.1, ... r12“!
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I; '
3‘ - Feby 24, 1917.
Judge S.M.Wilson, ’
Lexington Ky.
Dear Judge:—
Replying to yours of 22d, you will please eliminate
/ fmom the fee bill/of J.B.Cardwell, ex—clerk,inéase of Allen against
~\;i L.& H./the item of $5.90 clerk‘s cost in Hack Howard case. I inn
tended to do so myself, but suppose I overlooked it.
Yours truly, ,« “4::;>\\

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.! .
f‘ ‘ Feb 21, 1917.
. Jédge S.M.Wilson, 5' 3~iwffl
Lexington Ky.
Dear Judgez-
I inclose , Form 4, Bill for judgmnndt and costs
Case J.U.B.Alllen vs L.& E., together with fee bills of
clerks, J.D.Back and W.B.Cardwell. '
I also certified copy of judgement. Kindly have
(a; '
same certified for immediate payment and parties are threatening ex-
Yours truly,
46 Q” ff? (Va/"f?

Eebrxmmr 14., 1017.
" '7‘. « 'r) l
J. a. Lonely-.10, may,
' » .' . "‘ 73? 'r‘jf !\
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‘ Feb 22, 1917.
Judge, ”I“ y /
Lexington Ky.
Dear Judge:-
I inclose form 250 witness certificate of Robert Strong
in case J.C.B.Allen vs L.& 3., for $6.91.
Kindly certify same for voucher.
Yours truly, ‘
ifd A//€V%()/ 4"~ {(7 A/Ld/ \‘\

. Februfiry 15, 1917.
. J. J. Donahue, Esq.,
Aest. List. A:ty., AQH L1 60.,
Louifiville, Kentucky.
Bear Cir:

Replying 1'0 ;,1”u111‘fs oi“ the 117th igzrstant ( 5533-7§?..L1L5)_, I
have to say that the bill for 910.00 iu favor of Mrs. Gertrude
Conley, Uiiicial StonOgrupher of Breathitfi Circuit Court, in
the came of J. G. 3° Allan,&c° v. LéH ER Co.,&c., is correct
sac Sin-011151. he :..;

Very truly yours,

A m ..
, ,. / /--.. /W_ ,> 1 a,
/ .- , / v’ / / / , / -’ 5 ' ‘
CMflMJ/Mwfl < 909' xxx/dz... ,(a/ MLMM/ //////M//%
/ ’V
,7)- //.’/- 7 C” ‘ {7’ :'
er/ //m/(flwyxwm7 I ‘ ‘

Gih.fieorman,-ueq., - ‘. ‘ . .. - V _
' {ESS'S} a Dist . :‘lt‘ by" '_ , L :3: II 1‘": R GO», ‘ V , I , I ‘ ' '
1i -' Louisvillciflya . ‘
' Eeer 5irz~ .. ' ‘ '
;4 , , I'eoknowleaoe yours of the 23rd enclosing letter of Chief
> . ' 1"" “.1 n rs ‘- _. . “ I. ‘.'-f. ,u w - fl 1 0‘ ‘ , , ‘ ~ -
' 7‘ fiflglfleel or boeetrnotion, dllllSMSE with cluemnrints,etc., all in
‘ reference to suit in 'iireethit t Gireuit Court, of LC ..3. Allen - em“: ,
‘ ’ ‘I > h V
' Sign?“ J . gallon v. .33 A}, ll ‘5: “~:? {3m 53.15:. 3:.} c?- .7:? 337.00. , for ellicgefi Gemstge ‘
' l to lane by eoneirnction of reilrosfl one fiversion of river.’ ‘?
. ‘ ’_‘ . -- I‘,\
since it enpeers from or. uilliams‘ letter that tne" ‘
ismegei if any? oomtloinoa of was partly attributable to rock enfi
. 'deflris thrown into the hei of the rchr, i woulfl like to know .
- whether there is any chance to hole oer Contreotore for this and,
1 if so, hinilr fuenish me the heme of the Contractor who Cié the g
y , l 9 - ,
work'et this pointe leiée from thi§,feeture»o£ the,cese, I think 3
I ‘ A ‘ I ’V ‘EV ~.,’ ‘,, _, .
) I .- a" 1 ' A"
- the information you have furnisheo is ample for the fiefonse of ‘xgifi
V this. (“It . ’ ’ 2
, f‘ . _ ,.";
, . T , .L.. . ...u .. > . > .'" ‘
‘ , lery truly yours, ~ - f _
- ' _ Sim/;:. , - . , g ‘ , ’
| :- . . /' ’ » ‘
, ‘ .
“ Goon-eel .
. . .
. a , ' ‘

 ,7,’/’:7” ///~,'
0 /’ '/ 7 '7')" ’ 77 fl ’ ”//
i. ; [.5 [fl/ ‘ ‘3‘/j '4/ (“.’,
E’WW’? 7)(.'&-sz{f:/zr;/vzgtr Jig/(L Q fl/i/l (fi/Ifl/iéfl/flflfififl//
”ZQi/IZJ -}%€w/%{"//Nllfl, ‘ ”1
..~Zv.s~/./fl/.'cln}r/all/0mm: / , /
f" t “F , 7; ~, 1’1”}? ’
// «»”(a’;,r,é::,7:t,w,,. ”WM/”7 July 25.1914.
/ (A? ,2}! I}
Mr. S‘ m. Wilson, /
Counsel, L. 8c E. R. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir;

Referring to capy of petition and docket report in
the case of J.C.Allen v. L. 8c N. R. Co ., growing out of alleged
damage to property which plaintiff'owns just below Which, Ky.
on the line of the L. & E. in Perry County, Ky.

I am now handing you herewith Chief Engineer of
Construction William‘ letter to me of July let together with
other papers, including blue print referred to therein.

Yours truly,
' . Assistant District “mfg?

 V: j. ‘ -;
. 7‘ '/ 2,,»’
: /./' / 2C" - . '
////m (/I///////(fly/1910mm”,fl/Vfl/Uflmfi’w/ ,
'30 fit? my 2.
July 21—1914.
Mr.C. .1. Moorman,
Asst. Dist Attorney,
Dear sir:
I returnpapers sent me with your letter of June
26th, relative to suit of J. C. B. Allen who owns preperty ,
just below Whick, Ky. on the apposite side of the Kentuc‘ y '
River, from our railroad.
The damage, if any, at this point, is not perceptible
on the ground. The river at this point is wider than a_. a
number of other points in the vicinity and our roedbed does
not encroach on the river, alflio a small amount of mat eriel
was thrown into the bed of thefstreamsome distance above
his property when blasting materiel out for the construction
of our track.
I think that this case is one which should be carried
, thru the Courts unless a settlement at a nominal amount can
(x be secured_.w__ .-
1' /M For your purpose I enclose six prints “of plan showing
the lay out where the damage is claimed to have occurred. I

\\2171 ‘
C H Moorman,
attach letter from Divie ion Engineer Justice, who furnishes
the names of
Thomas Deaton, Roosevelt, 1557.,
Lee Strong, Which, Ky.,
Price Strong, Wnick, 1537.,
William Clay, Whi ck, Ky., '
Lige Roberts, Whick, Ky.
Yours truly, / / _
Chief Engineer of Construction

 . ‘. , __ (wan/é / . ///////// /////6///// W/////////, '
July 14, 1914.. ’

hr. 1. C. Uilliams, ‘

Louisville, Ly.
Dear Sir:

I am enclosing you herewith sketch showing the

damage alleged to have been done to the property of Lr.
J. C. B. illen, opposite Which, Kentucky.

You will note from the sketch that the encroach— L
ment on the river by the Lexington e gastern is very slight,
and the damage to hr. Allen's property is almost insignifi-
cant. In my judgment, this case should be thrashed out in the
Courts for i am fully satisfied that the Jury would not award
Jr. Allen anything in this case, if they were permitted to
look over the situation.

Ihe following is a list of witnesses in this case:
Thomas Deaton, Roosevelt, Kentucky; Lee Strong, Price strong, .
William Clay, and Lige Roberts, all of Which, Lentucky.

Yours truly,
Resident Engineer.
G-.;.J/CC W
. m

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B. D. WARFIELD, . Lou.sv.LLE‘ ’
District Attorney. JUMP? -71 19]
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:11” (It/fan /1a.\‘ bran nmzmmn‘c't/ m //n' 1"..17'3 L‘LJ‘T- .. (bur! u/ ':.‘VT‘;.'I1':1;I1"::‘ (bun/y,
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 ’1" . ,.’"H-
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Breafihitt Gounfiy anl haVa $683 so engaged for fihraa years or '
longer, Plaintiff's say thafi whare fine gala embankment,
above aesaribad, is forned fihere ii a larfa cliff of rocks
ana large curve im the Kanfiuaky Eiver and that saia embankment
has causefi the sfiraam of wake? t0 become vex? violenfi anfl
forceful anfl by ffl&:0fl of fihese wrongful acfis of fiha flefgnaants,
his bank? hSVd been enntinually washimc gwafi anfi confinues flOW
t0 wash away anfl haé it 30% %aen for tEJ wrongful aha umlawful
acts of aafeflaanfis, their aganfis and men WOTkiflg under fihem
an& by éheir fiirecfiieng, kg unlawfully blariimg sail ?ockfi
infio the Banfiueky River ana farming sail anhankmant, as ahova
Safi out, fine Gemayo as afiove 38%, woulfl navar hava accurraé
to hifl farm.

Elainfifi’fi Bay fihafi gala embankmenfi im 2% leasfi
one hunflrafl jarafi long and about fihirty 03 firfiy yarfis in wiafih,
aflfl tag? it was fafwafl amfl 39w accufiias a apaee at leasfi fihirty
yards in wififih, wherg the Kenfiuakj River has haé ifis bafl for
time immemovial. flhat by reason inn unlawful formation of this
embankmanfi fihe saié fiver was chaagad fram ifis usual bed and
?he course Ci the five? is BS? in fiha nuklic roadfi ena have

aamaggd filafintiff'fl lands anavhuil&in§£ a2 above aescribad.

I Plaiafiiff's say fihafi &afenflan%s, their hanfic anfl mau
wcrking fox than, are new unlawfully ama wfiongfully navifig rocks
and aumuing them in fha Kentucky River, whafie saifi embankment