xt73bk16mf8w_159 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [129] Valley Oil Co. V. J.D. Holcomb, Letcher Quarterly Court text [129] Valley Oil Co. V. J.D. Holcomb, Letcher Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_17/Folder_8/69132.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_159 xt73bk16mf8w 4
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. a . -. 1 . - . o 4
As no the dates 01‘ tne ( sued on by the plalntll'f, I
refer to my mum; of June ?.0, 191.1, trzummi tting to Mr. moorizmn
;:. copy 01‘ the JFCE‘L'iLQiOJL in this suit. L‘rom the petition, it 21:)";90111’8
'3'-1"‘f '2» ' “v T"\"‘.’. 1‘“; ' 11: \‘ a 1 ‘ "72;: Tum"; ") ’5 1.2” _7 "r- « "0+r.l '_f
“um. qudie ”...J... ..».O luvvlbhb. v.4, OJ. :1 up .._, ,.L)., in: .1 L w). 0
533.70), subjmv'; to :1 0.321.113 01'" 99.50, leaving 2.; 3.23.1511ch on aommlt
(.23! -.éit.‘.'1.‘.', and :.., ctr-3021c“: invoice 0;" E'fovembrw '10, 7.8911,, 1502: 2.2. total of
.,5r{".%>!1, 11:03.30: ”.:0 4:3. ..:};Néc'fl‘i: 01") ;:‘a'brusay 17., 1912, of .:2%.>.'5O, 19737ng
2 9:13.;1210 :5 of .1;-KR. .TL:?:T.:i;r;:-_: ?.‘}in };w~:'_‘~'_::c1«:m3 '3; ._;5:La::':‘ tv 52m 3:;Eizluncvé
.:.-..' .'..‘-‘.:: .it-r‘; 1. ii. Hafiz: .:. total {If 31115-211. 1:; the suit (for
mm: .‘L'Ji-LSOZ’F. rm, is: not 61-85355 ta ma) §,71~'.‘T'.".: \C than raric‘imi to 111.3
101' ‘?.-vnzingr tot-:41 Dr‘.:.’1..:'=.nce of 911.53.; :2. :31-Ltgther 150?; 01' 451.35, making
.3 ». . -... _ _ .. .7 . —.-. ~- '17“ -, _.,_ .. M . n ‘ ‘ . ‘ A .- .
ARCS), tIlc: amomii Mum. iux. .1... 1.00918 i..-Km u ..‘: r c11m]-1c.;t10n
"' J ,"- \ iAE‘Ln‘,‘-" ‘- .'. .‘I .'L' ("_'r' 11")“ {it} h n 311.2 ','” "‘. ‘x C't) ) y { ‘.I‘y'1“"’\ .- n 3 I'T'V
J... L ‘; .1 ’1:... “Midfifll VJ. 1...: 7].. >410“ L.L up D « Luv ')«‘/ {Al . I. 1L0¢1L _..... /L11\;€,o xLJ
12:1 .ruusiom rm mm: 901310;: of Linen eizlrlhi ‘51-: ;.':E..'Lm11-xj.tj1 the wetition
7'"-.23.; ;:.;Liimu to .:...:. ..ioorzzuazn and. can: 11'”: 1121.5; 021 'J.‘e:L‘¢'-::cr:n<;0 to his: iile.
LL 1103, .L r‘u::‘.=..‘.1 in; ..:-’Lraazsu-i to £12141};le ‘L'}..‘m.
'9' a ':‘,y t 23211;] you :33: ,
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April 7, 191%).
gr. J. y" 5532:;
Louisville. Yg}
near Mir:-
in r: finit, Vailey Lil cu. vs J. b. Eolcomu, (0., lately
venflinr in Retake? ;uartarly tauwt:
letter from
I am in receiwfi ef Er. JEHSE ,orvan a? flute the firfl inst 1n
whivh ha :nk: thmt E1: film in it” gfinve suit dc ac»? i0 yeu. 1
therefore 39y £5 Paufi yum thw hwrrwith. jam will flute Lhmfi thia
incluic: thy pcuvra ir&nmniiiafi tn 'mctton 1 Eurra; by U. 5. Uilscn
hy Jati r 0? into July 11. 1%14.
Ynurfi firmly“
og4énQQIZZZQé;’Zéax rare/é;776%;2., (V/thVZfl/(IISWVZ;4%27<;A'
(K'gg'Q/Béfilfl' ‘lll / I // / 3/ . 2
x’ss/ [011 row: .»ym, . I, . . // , ,

3 .7240, .1’/:.. ’ ,,v, 1 . /'/4 3 "
Iffigs'jlgflfi'wfy/tlxlfln/ /5 / 6 g A {/(fl)////fll {5% April 13 th’ 191/0‘
[yd/‘F/eyr; . 3 7‘ “/

[’9’.’//’/H"”"‘47””3 ' IN YOUR REPLY REFER "
‘ TO DATE AND FILE NO 1.'-33811.8”LSY
: \ L~3557?9—0.
, ' ' access. .. 3542534.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson, ‘
Attorney - L&N RR 00.,
- Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
~=n Valley 011 Cempany of Cleveland, Ohio vs. LdN Railroad
I am returning herewith your file pertaining to this case which
see received from Mr. Lewia,E. Harvey with his favor of the 7th inst. and
am also sending you herewith papers in claim filed against the CCCdStL
Ry. for the value of One of the shipments in queStiOn, These papers are
not exactly clear as to which shipment is really involved therein it being
shown that in the beginning shipment, made July 3rd,-1911 was traced and
sunsequently the shipper furnished in support of that claim copy of ins
voice covering shipment of Not, 14th, 1911.
Inasmuch as the Valley 011 Company is demanding settlement 0f the
‘CGCdStL Ry. for one of the shipments in question I will thank you to ad—
Havise with return of both sets of claim papers attached, the final cut”

” came of this action against the Campany by the plaintiffs named. “I? set—
tlement use made acoOrding to judgment rendered, when and to whom and in
3what Bum Was payment effected?fi/ If the case is still pending, please ad—
vise when it is set for trial and should it be deemed necessary to have
‘ additional evidence to conduct preper defense for account of the company,

- please state exactly what is wanted in that respect when returning the
papers and it will be secured as promptly as practicable.
3 Ymnstmu ,
2f _
(“l/fay ,
\_ \‘
FLLzAD. ‘Fnegght Qiaim Agent.

‘urr m } ~" '1 1 f.‘
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LLL_LL(¢M;/L/)Mg fl ,, ,,./(w MVP ,,M/ “#60150 ;.LLfl/x/M/My;
/I"/’/: p ,/ (,2 jg" ' ,7 ,, ,7 ,
g 1% gay/,,. ,,,,7 //////1 fl/Z/Zfi’wéfl/flfl‘afl/ flflfyflflffir/fl/
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MwfiwfiflMme. £96“ 3, kyVA;%KC/ 5-59—1u.
f.(‘(/.r%{'lt'd//th/g ..:-L L«r'(ifllv)l‘/xflf 5 y} a
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- ,, V _ V \\
L1» 3. n. ”lLSOfl, Ltfioruey, y? 3
L&E RR Co - LeXiL;tun, X3. :1 L« //
Dear Sir : —
I L“ a~v1sem bl’ii. jollin 3w 1Tb, our 5191., Lt
alfldeEUOfDuchs KY-, ihafi under date of July 191a, he forxarded
L, r‘ .1‘ ‘.. _ .' L_C - - L . _ L '. r- '
you a sea 01 uféfltlsuilOm pcport, 1n :01939 no is 1300: est in—
j -' ,.,,-1m. 1': s2 w 1 L‘ _ .LL : L- ' _ A, - .,, g 4 -— —— n
le L{ o_ D pfllgfleflb 0L Oil, COflianWM b0 g. ). ‘010010, at Poor—
{‘ ”‘7’— j’vTT 'w .1‘ ‘va -"‘ V ’ ‘”’t: _ r— r‘ ' .' --.- L ...L "-,. -r ' L L .
LOLA, “d., bflljp L n“ vhe vuliofl 011 ,oupLug. “L. flOlllhkaOILfl,
kadvises us that he made a Iuor u h iflVQStifigliOH at than time Luj
EWO are “0V PIDSThiYQ W113 : ClLiL from 1g» Qih ‘Our Lailzoai Co.,
3" ‘.'r 7 "113 7' “.“" r" 7" ’1 7w . "v “ "~‘ -- ' 1* m -' — » -
Lnd 1 MOle lLA, LO LJXLQH LLe :LgoLg Lg :uLL Lqutchtlon, LE
. 4‘ ‘." 3:." H J-' -~ 4- q (7- ' I“ --.L " -"LI" JL ..L L _. A], ‘- ~< -
ll/ LN, LJLL LHLLLU kJOLLulAiCJ_m-h-e QLLLOLhLL, LseLn: OLLL :L01wr2grm 111 ozfg'.L igo
eafipbli:h :elivor; oi film ;hipgenz refer 3d 10. I will Lflfiufn
1110 :0 you as team 3 ifi hag SerVed my purpose. ,
Yours truly, L

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(x 3 1 ‘; ... ~‘ o '- .7 A -- “T 7y . ‘9 .. .'2. ..~ ..~ =‘ ,. 5. no.“ .,, , ,..,,.....-!. an,” ._, .-, ,..... J.

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p: n, ».. ,,‘, n \ ‘v ., A., r\., 5.. .». .-. . / ;r7,—‘\ \ _ H. . ‘; v
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" L‘ 5" ‘ »1 ..:. ...‘.“ .J‘ J.‘ ,--.J .L.‘: .. ’.."... .;.-,4. \.-..‘\,'j oil-n..... s

Titus, Q no" ‘7 ':." “.4-gr
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. Aiiumegs at gain . /r’/
HAZARD. KY. ' Q1113" 295‘, 3.914.
;'.Zr. p. L:. Eileen, //Q(./L/:§/>,\'j/ /
Lexington, L.:. [7," if
Leger air: ,
Enclomd I 113116; you. letter ;, eceivea iron
{I ;“;].z‘ields , whi (:1:; Stan 171th he C:.eiea'bec the case
032‘ Valley Oil 001113981137 Vs. t11e_vrne:~:ing;uon c; ;mtern,
z pendLng in t;.;e Let cllerj‘G-ii‘mrjr‘b-"Qour-t .
V 20111:: truly,
\ /,
W Wéi/flVf/W/

DD. 1"11r:1.1-):=, :3:) Box .
_ ' LAMA/EBB ' " ' /
" ?
~ 1
(50 A F 7
’57 7m: Ail/"':'. 5% i\_ ' (f':,:~;f‘» .; .

‘ Afinntegs at $31111
HAZARD KY- \ K; “E July 20, 1914.
I L/ ‘
1:;. S . 1:. 11115011, / .
L/ l '
Lexington, Ky.
' Dear Sir:
Yours of the 17th enclosing copy of letter from the
Valley Oil Company relative to the case of J. L. Holcomb vs.
Lexington & Eastern in the Letcher Quarterly Court received,
an& noted.
Yours truly,
/ 1y? \Z/QILé/ // /[,/:/\ .':/f "1","; 7/2/
\/ /

 7'11 wr (r: a ,5
uh. 1C 9 1914—0
'-': . 4 'V- '. L 4. :5 Y-‘_ .._ ‘.')
.‘r‘. ~41 pawn .4 , 4.— '.4. .4
.4,L€fiwSJ. {.4 n -= uu'u (40.1 ‘.3 4;,;z).’.’l;’t.;:ll’l,
, y I ! '
“F cz'd in"?
.‘-l, ad”.-- . v 4.‘ a“ ‘.. _..;JM ‘
--~ ‘_3 1 “r_-
£213,599; U. ' 5&7“: a
3'1 .. .- K '
..1,— u..4. 4 4" . " , 4" .‘74. ".. ...-.. 4.44.14 ‘. h. ,3.“ .,. , J- v -,.-.1. .-
4ou33 0; bit loin lflfiufidu, 1a seicrefice uO Sula ifl
‘.“ .J. , 1 , .7 MM, .1 w z. .,A 1 ..,, I". a ”.3. mo x3, a .4 :.. . 1‘, _. - ,. 'r 'x ',_, \ .._
JObGflCf guhxb :4; but;u g; vaxle, v11 uOflfiaflj Va a: ”gulcOflb
. ,4 “ "' "‘ ‘Y “’ :1.. ..4 ‘ ,° ... A :‘I ,, _ .7 J_ '1 "‘ J. - ..L ... _.. .. _, . ..
. ' ‘ 1‘ ‘, rx"./u:", ~" ..1 x ’1; 121:"; ."h x ’.‘ A» .4 - r! - S
(21,-1’,. 3) A.., . , 4 .. , \ an; a 9 ”Cc-UV). v \'}\..'.. CL“: .:..ka m’: c i 1; L133“, b 9'; 01‘. “.‘-SJ 553.8“
_‘~ 4 .. v1.3.” 4.1.1 4..,.‘.,{. A} .'I .. .3 . _ e .3:," _. - ‘ ..,. .:fl, ‘ 1 .-
ee3fl LE QLQvigj 343 a «44 a; gLfi‘PLvulGfl 1g ugig case.
13' ._,_. SA” 1..- ”-,.r.-- .
:55” “AQLJ ydhffi,
53" ”’ Ufa .
I v .
7,. .
._ .1‘
.‘N\ 3‘!
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, \\ [-
\ .t‘

 ‘ July 17, 1914.
hr. 0. 3. Hollingsworth,
1_‘_ - . .. - ""‘. . . .-

Supt., Cumberland Valley lJiVlsziozi,

- o u w v m

D :.: ~- ooh
113'. €2.51]. e533 0.731.312 gh , Kg] .
Dear Sir:«

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor Of the
15th instant, with enclosureg in reference to the ease of
Valley 011 Company v° 5.3. Holcomb and L & E, Letoher
Quarterly Court, for which J thank you.

Yours truly,
‘.'7 /€i

 \~ ‘ ‘
“ July 17, 19140
Jessrs. Weotton é florgan,
Attorneys at lawg
ifiararfi, Eye
Referring to the case of Valley Oil Comyany v. E
J» 33 Holcomb ani Ba 5 3.5 Letoher Quarterly Sourt, finfl i
herewith enclosed cosy of letter of the 13th instant from
the Valley Gil Congang to 0° 3° isllingsworth, SufitZ: Gum“ f
bnrlmnfi Division, B Q A E 3 dog I
YourS‘anflgg 5
3'1111 3 o _

‘ Afinmegs at film -
July 16, 1914.
./Twe; M w
3"/— //"
' 3 r
- /
Mr. S. M.Wilson, ’
Lexington, Ky. _‘
Dear bir: ¥
Yours enclosing the file of the Superintendent of '
the Cumberland Valley DivisionfégfthgmLouisville & Nashville
relative to the suit in Letcher duarterly Court, of the Valley
Oil Company and OflG. Holcomb vs. Louisville & Nashville h.h.
Company, received.
; 3 I have just returned from hetcher County and the
j Court he; held that he had no jurisdiction of this case, but
1 we didréet an order entered to that effect, as the other party
asked a little time, but 1 am still insisting on snecial
demurrer in the case, as to the jurisdiction of the Court,
which I have no doubt will be sustained.
L Yours truly,
%W 7 4M)? ”

 .'\ EK/kg/ . .y/ p. / / '/ //%/ , ,/ ;_///
- (k//I/.,M///// / . ,f//,)//t////// i/{I/iW/(j/ _‘fluymzy
/ 2/ } /’/ 1/5,‘ // I ‘ ‘1 . 'I ’ /
/’////7////////// %//%/ 36 ////, 1',/(w,
/W{/ 4//'/ I.
~_ _ %/7/ §///// p,//%///I///%’/7//fl///,
flz/a/jf / f . , //%///;///N////,_/l// July 15th, 1914.
hr. 3. M. Wilson, Counsel, L&E.,
Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir:-
_ Supplementing my letter of the 10th inst. reporting

upon investigation of suit of the Valley Oil Company vs. J. D.

Holcomb and L. & E., Letcher Quarterly Court.

I attach letter of the Valley Oil Company in answer
to one adaressed them for information, which may he of some value
to you in making defense.
Yours truly,
P/V- Superiniefiaent.

 ...". ‘M ...... ._ ~., .
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1».§““§".'TU 'i ' V ’ . ' ” (:TFLLIJ"? 217. "-
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 ‘ '¢‘ [‘5‘ ‘“ I l ” " // // // /’ ,, . , ,
“’"‘WW” // ’4 (“WW/r” W— , //// [’7‘/M my ”HIV;
i. V c)" /’ 7 / K, _ I ,/ y/ , - /
3 /§/,, /43'//,; 7/ f/lyéy/ I (j; *, .,. ,
c; ,/(/// // /r‘;/i fir V7 «7 f/r/I///'/'/.
, i /,
- / ,/ /,. l,/ V, ‘
/ I ,
V/fl///l // /.//
a '/ M r" (6/ 71/71/77, , // _ ‘
/ /’ July 10th, 1914.
Ur. S.fiiwjlsoh, Counsel, ’4/::§%?// [5p

I.Inf:,‘.£y:gRs PM, Lexington; Ky: Y I“ > L . , ;F_ 1
Dear Sirgu 1 1

Referring to lather of Ur. W;A*McDowell defied June 25th, go§y to
van! with which he encloeed cemy of petition and sugpgriing papers in the
emit Qf Vallev Oil 09. v5. 1&99HQECQMb and L«&.No, Letaher Quarterly Court.

I have inveetiqeted the handliflg of theee shiEEEnts enfi attach
hereto the crivinul freight receiute signed by Holcomb or his authcrized
reoreaeutatives who were ifiontified by an order,<§he orig.ne1 of which is
attagkaé>gyar the siqnuiuna of Holcomb: The two ehipments in June 1911 were
delivered at Baxteri Kys’ to which point the; were consigned. At that Liue
the Poor Fork Branch 3f the ng B,M¢, had not been oganed for traffic and
Baxter Wee the terminus of the road so far as cancGTned the delivery of coamwrn .
cial shimments of frfiifihtz This portion of toe road Wee open for operation LO

‘ ' v ' . - s 7. ‘
Benham Sept: 4fih. 1911, and the shipment in Novemoar was uelivezcd at Four ¥orrg
, . ., V ' * » ;.'« :“n mi. :_ t
Kv., and signed for by Holcomb himselfi Takiag inuo Q015158rufil‘n nae Jag
amount of freight handled by these agents at that time we could not expect
, . W; ,. -‘«» .-“- ‘ - " ' "Ir—rife ‘.'“:‘TV‘I' thf‘b is
them to give any testimony Pagexcinb tie delivery of LnSoa ejigneits 1
. , . ,: .2'.‘ 1 5 «L1, .. ‘ .r -> VQF'. 1»
not borne out by the station recorosy 1n facn neiLnei O; Duane agents squid 48
. I ‘ ‘ '1‘ .,L: .. ' ..‘ ‘ e ' r ‘ ’
able to identify Holcomb or the two driverb to whom hlfl fzoibhn was d llNSFeds
‘ - A 4'~ “~ ( ~ g ‘ ' - ' v~ n ea e x base
Our handling of the matter is onbileiy regular end i think Je can a f 1]
a defense on the receipted freight bills attached»

 BMW: a i 's $252

» When they shall have served your propose please return them to me.
Yours truly,

‘ WflkC



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