xt73bk16mf8w_164 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [134] Ellis Johnson v. Philbrick and Baxter and L&E and L&N, Letcher Quarterly Court text [134] Ellis Johnson v. Philbrick and Baxter and L&E and L&N, Letcher Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_18/Folder_2/69336.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_164 xt73bk16mf8w , {I y‘ .r';[
fifik 4 fl v
‘9‘ ( C o P Y ) V W
Louisville,Ky., July l7—l9l4.
my. B.D.Warfield,
District Attorney,
Dear Sir:
Refer to your advice as to suit of Ellis Johnson
xxs Philbrich &‘EEEEEEWEEEWEMElflliflflwéwémfiwfififig}“g to re-
0522; 3;;;gee in the sum of $200.00 on account of injury
to buildings growing out of blasting on Potter's Fork of

Messrs. Philbrick & Baxter Write me that the suit
was settled on a compromise basis, an& I am advising you,
sending copies to Messrs. Wilson & Wootton & Morgan, that
they can keep in touch with the situation.

I have asked Messrs. Bhilbrick& Baxter to see

, that the suit is dismissed.
Yours truly,
Chief Engineer oi 0onstruction.

Cy Philbrick & Baxter; Wootton & Morgan.


To note and return.
July 20, 1914. B.D.W.

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’2 / / I, 01'23-{21-221/19/57221: C(i/Zg/(f Q '(//(77///’/fl// ///// )2/1/2/1/21/7,
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2/’“”’ ’2/ 2%,’£/¢5{,f:.4¢m. 712222222215, 7 July 9, 1914.
fifififififi- .
1"] L/ ~ ‘- f f
Hon. S.M.Wilson,
Counsel, L&E, Lexington.
Dear Sir,
In connection with cepy of petititon and docket report in;
case of Ellis Johnson v. Philbrick & Baxter, L&N RR 00. and L&E
Ry. Co.. Letcher Quarterly Court.
Please note carbon copy of Mr. Williams‘ letter to Messrs.
Philbrick & Baxter, dated July 7, 1914.
Yours truly,
agiléztw‘r‘ W
» Asst; District Attorne .

 1‘}: 7434.545
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 July 3, 1914.
< - :=' _ '7 “fr ‘n ., ,‘, .L./L -,_ «._.... . .. rv '
gessrs. “cotton a Morgan, gbeiflUJS ai lab, ;
fiazard, Kenfiucky.
. n ’. . ‘ I, V
mantlemefl.- - ‘
3; bf‘."p 4- r {17... «T1,»,firrg , 1,,—g »’L ’7’ 1r” 1.), £0 <,. ..1 4? JJ _
. :’3-3 00 (Lu \fLUw _L.":é‘2b _L E;LL.._‘_«, 01 or $11.... 1.9-. J..J. 0;. L410 ‘
lst instant, encloaimg three capies oi Petition and DOOket
deyorfi in the case Of Ellis gohnson vs. Philbriek a Bazficz,&e.,
m . «I .V.. ' — A". A 7“ .- ' an.» ~11 H-wf— an] H "1, a
now _gJGnCLihig 111 0.116 .LJUL’ule-le 4.11:; 981.”, Lm a1 u .
. .‘.- ”“.; {-,1 1 T“
.l. 01L}. m b .'. «1.J_u/ '
: ,

July 3, 1914;

?. A. McDowell, Esq.,

Manager, L & E Ry.CO-,

Lnxington, Ky.

Dear Sir:-

Eind herewith encloaefl copy of Fetitian and Docksfi
he ort in the case of Lilig Johnson V. ”hilbrick & Bafiter,&e.,
now pending in the Latency Quarterly Court.
:2:; /a

i Z

July 3, 191.4. '
C 7:1 lioormn, 37311.,
Asst. file‘s. 4171237., T, «.'7: N Co.,
‘F'm: 1 $173.11. C , 'E'Cy .
3302-11? 353:»
IE‘:?.n€e_ harmxifih (“101% (30:5,? 01": Z’etition 5,115, Do clcot
21931014; in tho err 01‘ illis 501112153911 1:. T=Phiflbfic;=}:: a"; 132.21 (2133230. ,
now @6116. 1:15; in 4:116» Let-char 5111:}:.3:'tc31°3.;r Court.
1 an}? ‘6 1111.327 ,
E: $22/A
Ens. ‘
Caz-11115391 .
‘ i

6/1/ . 7 6/ 7; / 6/2
\-/////y(// ”M f” 07/ //////’///Z/ 6flMfl/ll//
/ K/ 7 y, 6 ‘76 ,.
x... , .7 / , ,,
/r”///////// /j//(/}
vim/(ya. f: -Kl/lyfl/{VLL y;
6 5/
' July 13%, 1914.
Iootton & Ugfgan,fi 67LL::EV ,
ff [j
i; 3:327er , Ky.
Dear flirar-
fierewith suumnns servefl on our flgnnt at fihitesburg, June
2%?I in the case of Elias Johnson v0. this Company and ”hilbriak &
- M, .
VfiVTP? For “honfinv 600% on house in eonntruotion work an Potter's
.., ,.- I .4.... , .-.» .. v'., » 1, - : .. ....
York. 7
Y 011375: I.; I‘ll“ 1:," ,
. I: I / Axf/VF/7
, «I 51' a glen/é 9
incl. (‘//. \
' COpJ to
‘//,.;vgjr.$3.:Llfilrw3n, Ci‘gr.

 \ WOOTTON & Mons-AN
Aiiuruegs at gun!
HAZARD‘KY. July 1, 1914. l Out? 3 //
Mr. Samuel M. ‘.,ilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Lear Sir:

Enclosed we hand you copy of petition, and docket
report in the case of Ellis Johnson vs. Ehilbriok 8: Baxter
etd., in the Letcher Quarterly Court.

‘ Yours trul; ,
[ /( fl/Zé/p // UC/r/M/l/l
1" /

 Form 161.
\ OFHCEOFATNMNEYAT Hazard, Kentucky. 1 E I
B. D. WARFIELD. “"“"‘"”"""'¥
Dnstrict Attorney, . J.V U
:IIz (Ir/11m /za.\' bum {oz/‘zvunmz’ ."u [/16 Letcher Quarterly . ..Cour/ If... Letcher. .. .. . (1214220;
ér Ellis Johnson :w Philbrick & Baxter, etc. 3
.x‘zmmzm/x was: 1.557(11/ . June 29 , 19.14.190- , and was stall/611’ 190 , and it
re/m‘izab/f {I’d} of 190 , [/16 uttmvnys/br [/26 fi/az’N/{fl
wt Blair, Hawk & Blair - ..”..N” m. ,
and [/15 )‘r/I'cy'prajwz' is TWO Hmaredg£§$§l§§§oé §y5%°&OA)CTW 0081': .
This action instituted by the plaintiff against Philbrick &,
Baxter, Railroad Contractors, Lexington & Eastern Railway
and Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company, plaintiff says
that Philbrick & Baxter are railroad czntractors, and doing
railroad work for the L & E aid L & N, on Potters Fork of
Boon, in Letcher County, that said road passes by the dwelling
house of plaintiff, that during the month of March, April and
may, 1914, the defendants, Bhilbrick & Baxter placed and caused
to be placed large quantities of explosives in a cut Opposite
plaintiff's dwelling house, exploded same and caused large
quantities of rock and earth and other substances to be blown
and thrown upon and against plaintiff's dwelling house, thereby
damaging same in the sum of Two hundred Dollars ($200.00).
MW Wat/Warm, 7
Local Attor e L. & N. R. R. Co.

 .2: .
T‘r‘ W,
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