xt73bk16mf8w_168 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [138] Commonwealth of Kentucky v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [138] Commonwealth of Kentucky v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_18/Folder_6/69466.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_168 xt73bk16mf8w Wage,
Q L ,, , , . 1 /,
‘ It .VZlQel/yéz/z/M'MQL {Zia/{011:6} , ’7 {7' x/ 1, ' 1 /
, H417 // 44”" =1 '“’/W 77W“ /*"/*/7"‘”/’ ///
it K I ;fl:&;?1.mm jy’ttamqr: / / / / ‘ /
//M”€J//M/f(/:’/Ip7é%Jr/p/z/ 7:—/(}/////////”/’77 July 20 th,1914,
rflw,vCV ;L\ L7,.
Mr . .AJ'icDowell, L /
ihnager,L& 33.31.00 ,. ' LL
Lexington Ky.

Dear Sir:

Enclosures received with your favor of July 15th with
reference to indictment in the ferry Circuit Court, growing out of
alleged obstruction by she L. & E. of a public road near Viper,
are herewith returnefi/

The statements seem to me to be conflicting, Will«
you not again refer the matter to 12. Ely with instructions to
make a repert on the complaint of the Commonwerlth, giving a re-
sume of the testimony which we will be able to introduce, and favor
us with his opinion as to the merits of the Commonwealth's oom-

Alease return enclosures with your reply.

Yours truly, V ‘
ffiéééififijé;;;;;aLaqazglb.¢ ‘5’
District Attorneyzgfiyf’
Covy to
Mr. °.m.wilson, L/L
Counsel. L. e E. 3. 00..
Leexington, Ky.

9:7 , ((7 (K/j /. 1/37

5‘ // a V .1" (T , / /, I, / / / _ / . / : ”‘_3 / I ‘ ,7 f r
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6 \4/(7/ / ~ «27 / l

L /, git fll’fl / ..:; .ltfl};
/l ,/ 7 2 . .. ,
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July 15th, 1‘.-LL11.

my: .11.:1100rtz1sm; 3.8m; .Dist. At 1:33. ‘ /) y

I... a .8; . 3:21 13:05.15: Co. , 1 /

v” $711101 "‘1 ' ,.‘-l :21-L Lia; ' ‘
Dear :iiir:-

Your latter m“? Jul}; 61231, 1.1;-{H1 ro'aurning enclosures in
regard ta indictanem 121.. aim 'f—‘orry Circuit Gourt charging the
L211 L. 112511115; :.'-:32 2.: c.1’2-rzz1m1;;r Vii 3;: i1 willful 0b surwfiion of public road
nenr Viper. I a‘t'fitich Sir-3'0 S'Ea';=3‘ane';~“l.=.»‘;, one freq: our 3.13021: :11;
Vin-er, ‘..:L.r.301:'::.;r.~zt1;, one 333001;: C.L:.iitzz.3.l 0:1”. fiamdin, and the miner
from Su‘uorvisor :;LJJM‘ubbs.

Yuura; ”511113.37,
.- 4?
00py to .
3171‘. S .iei.‘»'iilaon ,Lex1ngton,
MGSSI‘H..VJOC)‘-;i'i;ffl.“z, 5: .ia‘Iorgan, Hazard.

 (COPY) ‘
Eazard, Ky. ?/8 1914.
112' o I a J a :1:;
119%: 5711‘:
I her Rsuurn angr: this is all ghas i coulfl get
I Rembe‘r 23hr: 3.9.1:: ;i:é:;)c:~:a:‘_ jug; nu}: 5T1; (37’?
Vi )e;? 301' axfile“: ujzwn ;L qtaut Ireafiyox' uf'éru : :,0 ‘wzfi'flw> 5?u 3
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no: gm: FOfiOfiS emf HMS DEFY“ $1: fflnfi baa for w nfiay
' fihty doaidefl flaw; fihfly ii; 30, neefl ifi an 111 mandsy rfid
thay we” 2 gzngs iarkefi 3r EEG 300d sundry
«31“ (30335:. 311.53.}. :E. :.‘-x 5.7 of? ) ”31:37 ::.E.=:,:z:_'f5 5/1” of
amile {LTIC\!. :‘.Slifib Shué; (.E.?i"; 1153 hrs 32‘2"; 31:7: bin V
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yours tryioy
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~ v -‘- ‘..“ .‘,”..— . ... 1 .4‘ ._ .;_ A 1.. ya. 1. ‘..) . ,, ,.-. , ‘
mama; _, :»_.,_ M] f,- 2. he; 0?th hot, so, out A z u wagon m LL11 harm.
’.' . J >.«:- ..rs—M 3,. .. .¢.
1-. C’LLJVLU _L.i. J” UCHOI: t
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gm¥§W§m Jam/g};
July 6, 1914.
/' 07” / /f
Mr. W.A.§ioDowell, ['3
lhnager, L&E Ry..
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,

I am handing you herewith Judge Eilson‘s letter to me dated
July 5, with enclosures, relative to indictment so. 226, Eerry
Circuit Court, charging the L&E Ry. Co. with the wilful obstruction
of public road near Viper, Ky.

l shall be glad if you will have this matter thoroughly
investigated by the Road Department and then furnish me with a
report, at the same time returning enclosures.

Yours truly.
aééagégzizifi/igL'Z‘fizLiL1L,¢,‘42 z ,.
Asst. District Attorney. ($3235:
00 Mr. S.M.Wilson,

Counsel, L&E, Lexington.
cc Messrs. Wootton & Morgan,

Hazard. Ky.

 \u .
July 3, 19111..
.-. '-r LL -» n L -.. .— ..1. '=.... _
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$3333.?53J3g ._‘ C1) .'_’.. 3../1U .‘L’je {19941..:.“..ulijjfficlll, ".gnrnbo NJLQ: Are :..‘s.9(2:'-lra, '1 11, .14.} 9.411
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. -. , .r
;.--j. KS.
(1..... . -

Juihy 3, 13:14.
Asgt. Dist. Afity.,L .3; 1‘3 7". Co.,
Dear Sir :—
Find hercuith.zniilcfled 30}; of ln’icfimonfi $3255 93“? d5
Commonwealth of Kentuckv‘vg Zeziugtcu & fimfiécrn Lailway Canpany, filed
in fihe Farxg Circuit Gcrrt Kay 2133, l 14; $123 cc}? 0i lotto: Of the
lrt instant from Wamfitcu and Jaygan, in referonua ta SaiC caflca
J Yhtrg trdgg
fine . V
v/V" ,;

 July 39 1(314-0
T.fi.icfiawcll, Esqo,
lanager, L & H HymCo.,
Dear Sirkzm
Fina herewith cnclosefl copy of In ictmcnt ¥226, cage 0f
Commonwealth of Kcntugby Va Lexiflgton & Eastern Railway Company,
in the Perry Gircuifi Smart; filro amp; of letter of t&e let instant
from Rootton ¢ Korgan in reference to the same matter.
/a .

 . \ lg; .
IAI‘LEY P. WOOTTON JESSE MORGAN ’ r {:2 >\:{,¥\ ,.
‘_‘x-WOOTTON & MORGAN .;z‘
' ‘ Afimmegs at gum \ I
HAZARD. KY. a? 1“;
' July 1. 1914.
Mr. Samuel 1:1. Wilson, ,a "',.;
V . ’,17" ‘
Lexington, Ky. V;z/u:§g .
Dear Sir: , .
Enclosed we hand you copy of Indictment #226
case of Comm nwealth of Kentucky against Lexington &
Eastern Railway Company, for obstructing the public
highway. You will note that the indictment charges
the company with injuring and obstructing same by cut—
ting under the road near Viper and Eamden and in differ-
ent places. I think it would be well for the company to
have the road supervisor, or the section foremen to note '
carefully the condition of the road prior to the 15th
day of May, as we are of the Opinion that the County
Attorney will try to push these cases in order to get
fines from the company.
Yours very truly,
4/ M74 Arfm

MAY TERM, 1914.

The Grand Jury of Perry County, in the name and by
the authority of the Commonwealth°of Kentucky, accuse the
Lexington & Eastern Railway Company of the offense of wil-

. fully obstructing, injuring and destroying the public roads '
of Perry County, committed in manner and form as follows, viz:
The said Lexington & Eastern Railway Company on the 15th day
of May, 1914, in the County aforesaid, did unlawfully and
wilfully obstruct and injurethe public road and highway of
Perry County by cutting under the stid road, near Viper and
Hamden, Kentucky, in different places and causing the said
road to slide down so as to bestruct travel thereon, against
the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth a; Kentucky .

' Ira Fields,
Commonwealth‘s Attorney.
35d Judicial District of


fiERRr 0130010 COURT.
Commonwealth of hentuoky _
vs. Indictment, Ob.r.H.
.L & E Railway Company. .
*****$*$*$$¥ ;
A True 3111.‘ ‘
Eli Combs, Foreman.
~ ' Received from the hands
of the foreman of the Grand i
Jury in the presence of the »
Grand Jury and file& in
Open Court, this let day ~
of May, 1914. ,
- Lee Daniell Clerk. ' -
Bail $100.00 :
Witnesses of Commonwealth. ’ -
Shelt Strong. - '
‘ ‘ Jo:o}lall
W. R. Adams, '
Fult Campbell
Lee Braehears.