xt73bk16mf8w_170 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [140] I.L.H. Jane v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [140] I.L.H. Jane v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_18/Folder_8/69507.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_170 xt73bk16mf8w ‘In 5?“"3-'?3.('31
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fitters . Gotten i5 0-3a ,
A5 . -*.‘-A'-.~'tr « T" .:‘-:..." "‘r - J--~ "~ —
3_.: «M..-5.4:; :. , L.:,Eliuwgo , .1 ,.KBXEDHCJ‘CQTu
Gentiezzzenz -
2173711 you pile see reins: 772':— te ::e the 117176351;‘T‘fa‘ilVEVTiO‘fi
“f“ is: £321:- airtnaae 0:5“ 1.33.3. 1“ “v". Co. , 79:73th Ci?—
enit “of
1" our t '1.’ iiiggr ,
:%;?] Ii.$;'i'.2.‘.;*":‘fi FT 5.971; Tie“: tin may.
Gony to
53‘1“. f7 . 171le')? , C; nant; e1,
Stagij‘gginzi :.'“. " Sustain -~;'y".{f-o. ,
die 5..? 7 ”tot: , Tie ritual-"y.
.'.f /v;

 ‘ ‘
July ‘51, 1916.
C. if. Maori-nan, £341.,
.z“..:'::st. Dist. fatty” L 5:: :1} R Co.,
Fkonisgvi‘tle, Ky.
lie-3r Sir: '
Ei'zre'zg'ith I hand you 0073;»; of a lam-:2: of the :“eth 1118‘s.,

from iioettcn 8; Lioxnfizém, “211310313151: bill for Juc‘zgment and Goats on
you: .130. 4, Cl")l‘k75% Taxation 03'? 0053438, and (3033:; oi Aggsmed Junk;—
Emnt i‘fl thc- case it: Early Cirmxit Court- oi‘ I..”:i. Jane v. .I.: LE 11 Co.
*~ 5319017111; 01’ the: ,j'z;.(ig"g;‘1eu“c 511-6: (cost-s is altogether 961.55, and
vouchcsr :"o I 173': rich you I'Jill istimilgf iztcnxe :31; 3; 1.3m" ct.>;w:211;i. :7.-22:39 am?
W to ‘.‘ action «.‘.’o ;:o:xg;zzn <§ai3s~“-ct.

‘:’ our-3; $11113,
:-;- 1/ 5:.

i) 011mm 1 .

‘ _
July 31, 3716‘.
Yootton & Horgan, AttyS.,
Hazarfl, 5y.
Youre of tbs :ch instn, onclssiug nupars covwring Agreed
511531? :111“; in 'i'hé cat-35>: of 1.. “£19 J5me v. L (.‘.; II rzzaaivm'i .9410 1’O:=‘.;:é‘1.‘r:’~ic>6.
(M3119 to Joulwilla 1'03: 37311:.ih~i}l'a .
. ‘:f'O‘LL'rL-é vi: ;11,’3,.;,r, ‘
$14.3. .‘ ,/ 5.;

' ‘ F'" ’ \ :: 7:. \.
Atturuvux} :11? 31.711111 ‘ e . ‘
- . ~ d5(zd/Cé .
. ‘. ‘7 .. F; .14 ‘:f";
July 29, 1916.

Ir. 8. L. Yilson,

Lexington, Kentucky.

Dear Sir:

Ye enclose you herewith eouy of judgment and taxation
of cost, together with Bill for Judement, etc., on Form 4, in
case of I. E. L. Jane VS. the Company. 1e will eek that you
have voucher issue to cover. fie have deducted the item of .2.50
attorney fee from Bill of cost, as we could not 0. i. this item.

Very truly yours,
2¢W5b .'.“ 271.7 ;ij 21,/:..
.5117. U

 \ .

Lonievillc”711.13,? Bi, 191:7}. 1
fl.- . .I.- {.7115 Oil ,

You er; :1:, thorizcci to ect‘tle ;he I..'i}.}.:.J:12,a.c case at not
to exceed ..L-p330. original to liootton ;.'"; Morn-mm he.z:ri:2r"é,1{:7., cony
to 12'..2;.".‘.7:'i.1::on.

j .3?2.‘..':a.1‘:‘:'x, eld .

 \. /.'
.»‘ , . i . 1,1. , ..,, , f
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- Atfuruvge at 7.821111
July 21, 1916.
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
RE: I. L. H. Jane Vs. L & N R R Co.
Perry Circuit Court.
We tried this case at one time, as you remember, with
a judgment against us for §200.00. Ye however, succeeded in
getting a new trial and the case is set for trial Monday. 3e
can settle the case now for 940.00 and cost, which we advise
that we do, because we do not deny that he is entitled to
recover about g57.00. The proof showed on the other trial of
the case that he lost a lot of things which he proved to be
worth some two or three hundred dollars. is we stated before,
the jury awarded him $200. If you will approve this settle-
ment, we would be glad to hear from you by Monday, so it
can he settled without further expense.
Very truly yours,
. 7Z0 A #W V W‘ --'5”"V/

Liz-1y 16, 191 6.
1:19: ssz-‘ss . We 0t ton 6‘: 121013311, ;’Lttys . , ‘
Hazaré, Kentucky.
laplying to JOHLS of the 13th inutanfi, afivisiag HG that
the case of l. H. L. Jane v. L S 3 hag been a Fiflno5 for trial on
Thrrsdmg, June 1, 1019, I hav¢ to say, for YOfiSUflH morv fully set
out in my lettnr £0 you 01 this fiafiv in reference to the John E.
opencer case, anfl tha Noah Couch anfi Miran Draughn cases, that it
ii impossiula 101 me to nttnnfl the Ferry Circuit Court on the date
igr thigh tLis casa has bean assigned for trial. My recollection
is that the filfiifltiif readvercd a SUGEWCHC on a farmer trial of
this case, xhich, uvon Cafandsnfi’s notien i0: 3 HOW trial, was set
@0169; It is ny'impremsisn, alro, that you t:iofi the 0330 befolo
~ Withoufi my :wrjgtan a. He floubt you.can do wiih0}t me on the re—
: trial afld, pczhuyv, Tare uii tho beitvr becaUfle of my absence. At
least, it is to be houad so. ,
Very truiy yours,
‘ v; ,9;
. #

14th Day March Term, March 16, 1915.
I. L. h. Jane, Plaintifi.
vs. Order
Lexington & Eastern Railway Co. Defendant.

The Court having consicered the motion and
grounds for a new trial in this case filed at a former
term of this Court, sustains Same and orders that the
judgment and the verdict of the jury be set aside and

' held for naught and the defendant granted a new trial

 ‘ Form 28. [.AW Dr.l'.-\H'J'.\H'..\"I‘.
, . VIIJ-Z \‘u.
"-\’" ‘R * (‘ ~— ‘
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT aLard , _...3, . fl 1.... ...-”._......
.‘.-.6 Jay ~/' . .'-ecerzber 1.014
General Counsel.
I“ ”I“ W” ".’ i.l_.iZ.Je_ne I .I.. {T g. -.:-.ilztay COLLTany.
.1’/n fit/Hull‘fl/g [II'(,)(T{’('(/IIII‘I/.s' II‘( ;‘1 /4(11/ (If ”H, VI'FI‘IH. 1.”]
uf l/u‘ Circuit (hurt uf ferry (fuzz/1m.
am. went .. ovc;.;’x_..':r 'L‘ er... 1'01“ .,_,.LUO. UU. .T.otion and
..;-roux". s filed .3110. ::‘L'ill .};)811L2.3-11_-: 011 said ;.';Q‘cion.
\ __ 'M
I '7
2;./7) _ ./ I7“?
‘,. T. 5 , m . .. /
;.~:/r.‘ _\‘ 1.'/.1 // .(T , .:.Myt» / :-< x
Mtnrncy L. 5r N. Rndrond Co.
H" 1, HM: xlulx mi film: It}! pin mung» :nn‘. 1h. .1'. :.:.Hwiwl'. .'..~ pu-Iitmn. rt v‘u'.
'.'. Hiv- dutvhf21HIal‘w-n-~:ii1m\.~-nr‘n:.~mum-n~ rm \M'qu ..:'A.. Mr ”MI. 11'}an Mix. "1|".
3T In I‘Ppnl‘linu :uwntinuzmm rum 2.! \I.‘hu:-m~n<1.
4 In I'v‘le'rintj .'I .illIii—‘HII'M. ~1HIPI12H'I .':hri ;.mumt :.: .',xszwnvnt. I1 .11.)». .‘.] in i:.].t11.\1:.t< .." WLL‘h-h 1.;.11). :.m I.):.1)1«:‘ 211‘! '.I .,....)1'. I.‘ LT;.:-' Min .1;."
it 1).»! film}. what Vim. if “.'!) 'r::n~ .T.-. n Min-uni :'m’ tiling.

 ‘I 2533? CIRCEI? 0352?.
l. L. H. Jane, Plaintiff.

-:78- LLO’I‘SI 0.13 33.316: (3;-19113.13 33551 .203: 5.;, 1i. filial).

Lexiogton i gestern :;iiway Gompany, Leienfleet.


Defendant, Lexington a mafitern imilWey Company, now comes
an& uovee the Genrt to set o ion the Voiciot rot ;Ied by the jury
herein god to great the fiefendaut a flew Eriel, moon the following
Grounde, naflely:-

l. Ehat tho verdict returnefi by the jury io flagrantly ageiust
the ovifienoe, is not ouoteiueé fig eufiiezent evidence goo is con-

2. zhet the Verdict roturnoé o; the jury fifif ie grossly ex-
eeorire and egpeare to have been given by the gun? anger the influ-
ence of pueLiOfi or prejuéice or 30th.

5. Error of tho court in refusing and failing to admit compo -
tent god relevant evioeuoe, oiiereo by the fieiooaaut, to which ezror
éefendent egcegted at the time.

é. Error of the Court 1o admitting, eve? the objection of fie-
feadont, ioeompetont enfi irxeleVEnt evidence, offered by pleintiff,
to which error eofendant at the tixe exceytefi.

5. Error of the Coort in refusing moo failing to give to the
jury a peremptory instruction to fine for the defendant, in accord-
ance with éefeodant’o motion made et the oloee of the testimony for
the plaintiff, to which error Ceienfiuat duly exceptefl at the time.

6. Arror of the Court in refusing one overruling defenflantas
motion for a peremptory instruction to have the jury find in its fa-
vor, mafia at the close of the whole case, to which error fiefenéant
at the time excepted. ,

7. Error of the Court in failing one refusing to give to the jug“
the fibres SeTGral instructions offered by defendant, marked reopeet—

 ‘ - 1
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Lounge; Lur ueLeaqanE.

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'I':j~"_> wt 's' '17- x “ T r1 ””3‘th
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~vs~ (1;;.91m 1;.Oai.x.;lb mo in. on c, n;l‘0&fldi‘3 my Jew Trial.
,.. f‘: r" L.
("'.: / - .«t’ C.’ [I V "‘
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.:_. ,g, ‘5, ‘:. 35,. ._I] ,1. ‘:. ,L ‘3 .;. .I. 5;, w ”1. 3;. . '. _- . ,‘,. .u
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£11.; 1. x” 1,.L; J mm: L LhL..1-LLL.,‘LI u , .L.:r}.3‘_Li,LL' uuu. -_ 4349.»: U 1311*. ;- tun-Jag: L013"
. .~ - > . ,. V .2. ':. .rs: ‘ h : ~.,_ , .. . a. __‘. :.I.. g ‘ .s - _ ._< ,r“. _
pally , iml 31:.)6311’. uh) ‘.LJ L: {Llh -'...Li,‘\.1\.‘.. .’_.;L Di, um. GU LLJ.) u ‘L' b 17.5 .,. U ‘.: 3.015 {LL16}. ‘_r'fOLlndS
4% ~ _ rm, :2. '."; ‘ ...‘ « ‘,.--‘, ...... 1 m -,, ,‘,:
.Laf EL ‘. ‘2? J .:..CJ. 2t.- Jl’cfl. {ELL}. , 1‘1.L}..'.U_.L :..-..L’G 11.0 ‘.: :40 ‘.:G‘x‘. OJ. L QCZUILE g

 :5 «;:.: ~2.
‘:1-7: :"::7' “’I lie”:
BAILEYPwooTTON ‘;:er q.— Ly \1‘
‘ ‘ ‘ M" 2’2"” 2..W: ...2
. WOOTTO N 5; MORGAAQ {:5-r““‘2;.fi5.. “..;? if"; ‘;22 2“\
Aifnrxu‘gs at qfiahtfihw’u‘ L‘fi’fL L2 L; L ‘V‘ :2;
"For the purpose of enabling the carrier to apply the proper
published rate, as explained in its classification and tariff
I hereby declare that the value of the property herein described
does not exceed rfen (10) Dollars per One Hundred (lOO )
pounds, and that, in case of loss or damage thereto, I will
cl im
not assert7against the carrier on a higher bais of vaflme."

 V_ ,V, p . _ a . __ .~ . ,,.. __ V. , . _ . , . V,__Myd,fi%
.,, , , . » Q59 . . :.' .-1 u_ » , , .e V ‘~;,ea
" -« V '52 ~ v ‘ ‘...- «. - - .. . it;
~, _‘ . , , . V HowemaeI-lfi, 1914. ’,:,g;
- , _ieeere. Woetton & Morgan, . ' . _ . ' 1 L ' .,JQ
, Q- . .. V _. ._,, 4— .- T, 1 ‘ - , ~ . ‘ ' i ’ « . i,
1 . v.14: of)“. £11,. $: 8 24 1d“. ,1' , , V - v 4, ’.4.
. . 31f; Zill‘fli, 33.57. I ' > , ' 1 V ,V - ,1 1 »‘
Gentdnflonr~ ‘ ' " “”>'
/ 4 - 4 . . ‘4_ , .. . _. .'..r ..- is V- .. :.1. V ,n ~jr_ - V , .4 ~—. 0 ; ‘ '4 v,
. If}. LKL‘lLliii; bit, 4);! ‘.;‘1 ml. £3111“. ::‘-:1; c O L I oilnh. Jane Vi .1;: u: I} 1
. ‘ _ , ‘ ' . / V ..
7*- . 7 - . ~ m. .‘. r“. - _ . .- 1. ‘1 V ...»,«LV ._ v, 1. 4..: , .‘ ,. . . ~ - - I x x, ,4 -
w.n.Qo,, lflVifilfJ Uldely bQuLh, and cervietiaiiy with reierence V,
a 2.1 m..- ., .4 ,V, ,i «..A :.. ‘...“ J, . g; ..1 v, ,.‘ .. - ._ ._ .,t .,._ _ A -» - .. , , ‘ '
tu ;flU xiiet xeragiauw oi the ”heme; I pseoli d aha tiled some
. . 0 i. . -._, " A 1. .1., , J;. ,, .i' ,. . ,i '-.. i > '1 , ,‘,“, . ,..-... .. .:: ‘ *" a A J. ‘ .
tine EEO, 1 ae: glh do note the eneieeye copy oi Circuiar letter ,
“ ,4 ,r‘ ‘.' .,.. . 'V".-'.,. ..’.’ "'..-" ._ LL} 1". _ . .‘ 4, .‘. H V ‘ . " 4 4 V " ‘ -
, Fe, 579, leder flabfl ;l vale 2o, 1:13, This un01029é Circular shows ;
m, _. '1 : P . -0 '.‘n ”.“‘. .'. v . _ -'1 V .3-. ;'1 f .., ‘ ' . ~ - .V ‘ . '
» Lug Lwiififi 9;.tug inteietate coimzree uQflMlSSlGH on claime foeross ;-
> - 4V I . I ‘ " ' .'» ‘1
' ,, v o A‘.", - .:~..;. .~., -. '0. .-, _, '., V ' '
tag» to the,erroieone mwrxidy or addieeeing oi oiceaaee by ehippers. VA;
‘ h ‘ LL "5;. x :.1-1‘ . -, I ..4?
, V r .. i .‘ ,_. . . , MN“, -._ ,l e " z, , . 5 ‘1.. - ~ - . . V '. ‘4'“ 7131-. 1 ~". ' ’
in the Jaao Bub?“ yewvag 4 member thet the uox or peehage was . ,V
U aedreseed to ”mien l. dfieeitusfi. Quip Snlyflwflh, lake the shipment, I-V 5
I 1. ,. _ i 1 z .2 .. . -i , < , . ., ' ":1 - a n 4.1. .‘. . ‘ ,., '. : ..' , v 1 - '
_ in the halite Jent one», ie an luteietete biaflhavbibfl‘find, hence, -
V ' V ,A _, ,, ..-. L ;- J. , x ~. , " := ‘ ..L l. .-~> .'.1., ,,_ -- _« ~ F ‘4 7‘. 4. .:. 4 . ’ .
3 .'.1.; 2:1 ’13.}. L13 - L 4 Lu '. ‘.;; “ :3 53;: r‘ ..L l i: U). :.‘ .'.LrY .1. U. Jr .Lflg. ()1 th.? 4.11:» (TZ'EE 2: at 6 ~ ‘ .1 . ‘
unaware: Cornineion. 1‘ ' ‘ . ‘ ‘ , i‘
l y p ,
4 '1‘--.“ :.-, 1 ._. -a ...7. -. 4 . I 4 . 4 * 4 '
‘ 11 ti} e113 Lg ;: D LLL 5;», V _ , . , . ‘
93¢. ' ' v 7 'i ' V ‘ ,
- I d. i ‘
, . x '\ V. ‘ '_ l , . V" >
. . Louneel. ~ - -
_ o 1 , ~ ' 4 ‘ ‘_4 ' .
. 4 ’ ‘
\ , , ‘

 ' a .7:/aw /’/7
‘ 7:2 . /2 7’2 7/
. -W//)/V%£ ’ ’//J/:///M. ”flfl/m/ ////%/////
/ .
.7)’ , I. ,0 //' ['I’/2 I" '7‘ I I‘ ' I
/)/{(/”””” W/Js-l/xl-zi-I/TQ/éufigu .__/KM" :[7/2/7/1'7 ///~7 fill ////,/.,,//,,,,/,,,/./
”Z; i/flh’ -y/ /%/-'nmwz. ’
.‘/-S‘.s'/.////.'$‘//'/}'/A‘I/lfl/qutf /' / .
/ /’ '/ . / . v V/[/ Z ‘
4' .i/ w / A. ,, (.»’ J._
/,//m”m// 191/2%?»(1/e/2A "ii/”)H/é' {7’ September 25,1914.
Mr, S. M. Wilson, ‘fl ’(
._. 1 “"C/ K p / ‘
Counsel, Ll 80 :'. R‘ L’O- , / w //L
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir;-
Upon referring to our file 29299 relative to the case of
I. L. H. Jane V- L. & N. 3. Co., Perry Circuit Court, I find that in
my memorandum to you dated Sept . 15, I suggest that we ought to en-
deavor to hold plaintiff down to a valuation of $100. per hwt. Of
course this is a typographical error and should be $ 10. per hwt.
Yours truly,
é’ZZ .5 4L?- W, m'
Assfgtant lstr c Attorney57fl/

 '«éwfww 1 ‘1 V 3: [1:313:11
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Dear Sir:-
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”Your let.er of the 25th :ski g for the investi—
gevion wnieh has been made with re erenee to dhe euifi
o: I.L.H.Jene vs the Company on account of dimege to
household gooas and one box of books. ‘