xt73bk16mf8w_179 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [149] Joe Smith v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [149] Joe Smith v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_19/Folder_5/69870.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_179 xt73bk16mf8w A Form 28. LAW DEI'AR‘I'MLX’I’.
, 7 Flu: \V.
-' 3w“ ‘R" (‘ "
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT ;'..8331841‘Q, .::/H. ,,1 1,..HM-H'1‘15 ‘
LU ([113] “7' 11800111138"! 1.0 14
General Counsel.
['13 I/H‘ mix? of con; Li;.;itl'1 , etc. I‘N: L. (,4 L:. ,_z.;i].V'.rajg,* 003.;3'26L11y-
l/u, I‘r/wf’l'f’W /u'm'¢'(v//uf/N mm /I((r/ (I! (In; 'I?/'IIL I.’}!
'1!" U13" uircuit "WI/'1 of ”Berry (bu/rm.
12:13 action as; 101' :_;c':citional risiht o: a 1:1;/10h
La: been lully set‘ulod and. deed. executed 9nd. cape
dicz;isscd :_;: to L. L; ..4- ;.a;.;'y.;;;;. v 32841:.
1w; \'l-Jl’] )/ ' flp’I/Afiw J" /}".""»’ ~ 2/ ,,/'
Attmnn) L. 8. N Rnfimnd Co.
id’W, «Run-duh”: ”HILZHH1‘1-':I4iE!:!\.hI|1iiii-‘il'l‘iJilfiw":[',."5]1l33iiil‘n,'fl‘u~hx
Hiw dulvuf :IH 1|]‘UL'13'1H1233'4. \nvh :h IIHIlH-I‘h In ~H' lzrmm. fur ,1.,“ nun}. I-II'.‘ win.
1'3, In x'e-xwrlinu:1c'nuliuusnvm-~1;”: :1? \\|\(u~I-r-r><7__
4. In x-qun'xing u jmlunwhl. \Inir duh mm :nnnmm (32‘ .}12(1,'!!,3‘11'3 [1 :‘Hnu‘ h 3:3L~11.~I:m 1;. “Livla y-:.r1y Mai “in t}.tl' MN A? wqu t Ins \r-an :.lr"
H nut tilml, whzn H11», if smy. )1:2~ 1”'sz nllt-md fm' filing,

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fir . ELC .‘.‘iiili: ms, ‘
Chief Emg. of Construction.
Dear Sir.

Judge I‘Jilzson's lotto-'1: to m- '::E‘ Lug. W111. fiogethor
wtixfm 00112:; of petition in case- of Joe {5112:5381}. et a1 V. L633 “53;“
.E.?ortt'y Circuit =1iLourt, in znrhioh pix-.111"; tiff seeks: to recover r385
account of the allogod unlawful appropriation by the L803}; 73; E
of oortain 13nd belonging; to plain'iziff, for use as; rig‘m: of
way, etc .

'.'JiL'h rot-urn of ouolooures::, will you kimfli; fun” me
info mention ::L'ii‘fioient ’Go ongblo our :-"'£3‘:501'noj;'s ‘50 3;:2tz'0foorly
giro beef; the interests of the Company in tho 11352135531021 refurred

fours firmly,
A $381? . 312:3: firic '2; jitto .‘m 637 .
one cc Wm

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' Afiurnegs at Egan!
HAZARD. KY. .5.:nggiléjt 6 , 1914i.
- 2 fl *%
, H . 7 Lofi
hr. L4 i-. dllSOfl, “C“ /£'/
_ . _ g
LeXington, by.
Lear Dir:
dnclosed we hagd you three copies of petition
in “Cuity in the case oi Joe ;mith, etc., vs. L. L 3.
He still have not received tn; blank docket reports, CLG
tloiefore can not give you dookat refort.
Iaurs trulr,
5: .
W w/j/Vi (”7_/’4‘ 3
/’ .

 .. ,/ / * , v/'“' «y
‘ .-.,- ,. (Ia/y KW; my (fix/,,» //// l ,. //////(// /fl7/%////y
‘ / f7 1. ., / V ,/
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GW/lfl/fl/ /Z///'//
/‘3_. , "' j; I, /,./-
.,,/hyazypzz; ./ fllgjy/fl/A /y,
immet 5m, 1‘53161.
3¥ootton 51: Tier-gen], lid 7 /7‘
53128“ (‘1., 31:3]. “(X/(ff .
Dear Siret- ‘
:'{ei'ewmth summons eervei on our Agent at Hazard, August
let, in the caee of Joe Smith ..1; Co. was the Company. .
Yours truly,
,‘ I W FM
.1' ”1151 to /—>
’31’101. fl \
' Copy
2121*. ELIE. ‘,:?ile on , City .

 ”M L/flw WV” '0
' ...1 0111133111 01:1U1i’i‘. '
' Joe smith, Jane smith, .
henson.oonbs, Garrett combs,
“lonzo ;VEHS, core ivans,
Jim Combs, : Lickles,
Isabella sickles and Lob Combs
by their guardian, goesmith, Plaintiffs.
Louvena bombs, and Leads
Combs and Vina Combs, by their
guardian, U.O.Davis. é!
vs. Eetition in Equity.
Lexin_ton & Eastern neilway
Company, Defendant.
Comes now the plaintiffs, Joe smith, Jane
Smith, ;eneom Combs, Jarret Combs, llonzo Combs by
their statutory Guardian, Joe tnith, Louvena Combs and
fields tombs and fins Combs, by their gm rdian, J. 0.
Davis, and ror heir cause or action herein state that
the derendent, Lexington & Eastern neilway Company, is
a corporation, created and existing under the laws of the
state of Kentucky, with power under 115 charter to con-
tract and be contracted witn, sue and be sued, end to
own and operate a railroad, and that its said line of
railroad, which it was on the dates he hereinufter men—
tioned, and is now operating, passes through jerry Dointy.
fine; state that on tne do; of , 1910,
and ever since said date have been the owners or and in '
the actual pOSSession, under a title deducible of record
from the Commonwealth of nentucky oi the rollowing boundary
of land, said land lying end being in :erry Uounty,Kentucky,
1 and on the bortn Eork of the Lentucky River and boundeé
and described as follows:
Beginning on the Lorth side of the North Eork
of the Lentucky River at the mouth of Raccoon Creek on a
stone; thence running ug tne said river to nargeret oombs'
line; thence up a smell drain with the said nergeret Combs‘

 ‘.. ..1 .
line to the top of the ridge; thence around the ridge
to the need of the hollow; thence down the hollow with -
Crit Coueh’s and John Coucn’s line to the Lear branch;
thence down the said trench to a Small drain; thence up
the said drain to the tOp or the hill; thence north to
tne line of a 400 acre survey made in the name of Jesse
Combs; thence with the lines of the said survey to the

They state that on the said _fl‘ day of
1910, they conveyed to the said defendant, Lexington d
Eastern nailwap Company a strip 01 land 80 feet wide and
extending iron the lower end of the said boundary of land
at the mouth or Laccoon creek to largaret Combs' line,
along tie side of the nortn ;ork oi the Lentucky hiver,
and thnt the said derendant erected thereon its grades
and placed its railroad tracts thereon, and ever since
the said date have becnnsing and occupying the said strip
or land for tne purpose or operation the said railroad
tLereon; tnat in maling tne said grade it became necessary
for the said deiendant to mane large cuts along tne nill side
and that since the said grade was completed and said railroad
built thereon, the said deiendants by their construction of'
tne said grade and the maxing or said cuts, have caused a
large portion oi tne plaintiffs land to slip and slide oif
endon the said railroad; that the said deiendant has long
since surveyed the said slip and round tne same to cent in
i.85 acres, and. t tne cortract p ice as stipulated in the
said deed from these plaintiffs to tne said deiendent, this
land is worth tne sun of n265.00; they state tnat tne said
deiendants have ascertained tnis amount and have promised
and agreed to pay to the plaintiffs the said sum or V285.OO,
in damages for the said laid so taken by them.
unnnngcfiu the plaintiffs pra; judgment against the

said defendant ior the said sum of p283.00 in damages fer

 for the said ta;ing of said land, and for their cost
and all general, Special anderper relief.
J. p. Aversole
ntty. for plaintiff. -
She plaint if)? 8;;3 tn"; t the
stetenents contained in the foregoing petition are true
as he believes.
subscribed and sworn to by '
this day of August, l9lé.