xt73bk16mf8w_188 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [158] Chloe Morgan v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [158] Chloe Morgan v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_19/Folder_14/70225.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_188 xt73bk16mf8w E ~ «
march 20, 1916.

Mr. H. C. Hilliams,

,”'. _\~ . . ‘ ,” ;. T fl ,

Lnief finglneer oi bonstLuculon, g m N,

Louiavilie, Kentucky.
23:23:12? air:
hBTHwith enclosefi, I am rnLurnlng you rrceimtqd vouuhnr for
an& ngfi U St, Julnnao CJQ Qouvq ;ucu 11L¢1y ex cutou by China
;ctgcn aufi ufir Lumbanfp yioyd Margan, to the A a A Railway Ccmpany,
jg gujl swfitleunnt 0; :nm guiv Latwly ;mnaing by thqwe parties _
- ._ .— .. _. , [-.” .-._W ,."MVM-L : ‘.> .. ~."
flffilfiiu 1nd J a a in \nu “uL‘y L;zcuit qu.L¢ An Uzunl lel he
_ .. w. ,w .-.... .- h - .x p, _- ‘ ‘ ., _ ;.1.-- ,,- ‘
putmm; 1101,11.ng ms. (135*;L1.L£+,5‘_.'L 01. ”mm Uhhc‘,‘ bfbul‘cd at (1:43:15 rat‘s
”lcaei.acknomixdgu reccj;t 01 tau analosures nut oblige,
YaJUJ s tlnllgi,
turn 1'“
. _, . A M ,. , Counsel.
' ' ; ’ r“- : ,
\l/ (.1./L J"; vi ..1 r ““' ‘ if .

 Mareh'ZO, 1916.
” 1" . $ 7 - ,
MGSSI'S. ...ootton (\c horgan,
' - 1 r 4. ,
11:12am , hennu ck},- .
“Art- ”1,4,,“ .
Us” 3-9, “‘21"...
I L ,-. - x “.2“ ,_ . ~'-‘.-.. :. A .. i “2-7
‘1. 11!,v'3 youi" o; 1.11% J A..}; iaséuant, Filmiflv‘glvlgfi rezu=».1;»ted
_ , i. , . “ i ". -..
“voucher art-1 ‘,LG-‘LSO and ’.3'377x'1?*3‘vrfe.)‘1'3‘?2 1*: the. (2mm of uhlon .--.o;:;an
N- - ‘. ' ' . . . ‘ ..... ” . ..L ~~“ -‘ «K- J— . "‘ —~..,‘- . — -. J--‘ N r »
2:, L: ‘.‘ _‘J: r. nfl'f’: 11.017 _, :1." (".311 I1. fl ‘_"ffl‘. .hui (.1 '. '.).‘.§C‘f‘. 1134.5134131! ")£
.3043; in t1: in (ms: :1?? ext}; thjxi: for; will sen-IF Mr: “:hie he V‘.‘l"(.‘Y":x‘\t—_I.ff
3 mile 2143“, :.;? 1111'; 3;: 75771252, 11"‘7’3 ~31 ' Mi? ‘1‘?" (iiiemiss-
i.n.-‘c th-z suit :3::€‘“:lefl at a :- :7r:z:1-.iun‘é:’s’- ".‘0;“"?=r-‘,. Kiri 9.1m: ‘5'11rnisfnme an
€3,ti:..7;1;':'>u. get)? 0:" th': Owl‘s: Bf, 1711’; 'ei‘zai, my? :.“;iiya,
Your? JC'I'L "I v
‘ ’ '\ 3
l _. /' '
.x “10,51
v \1()7.!JL13{ .1‘ I)

Afiurnvug at tum '
HAZARD. KY. 1:2-.1‘ch 18, 1916.
j/j/zcfi 2.: /é
,_._L. 1;. l. ..‘ll:.~u;.2,
7' ...-1- “1.4., , ~,r,_
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.:;el e. ll); .LGL.l/L_Vli to JUb. l'rIGUjLDLEBU Teacher
.L. ri—eliceeri; ::.233. c:::rrejra.:1:oe i the ::;:e of (31110-9
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.‘er; tru1; yams,
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1122. 2:23:11, :5 mtu 321;; .
Jr 22111012211; .
ile:2.uiti1 <;:’2ai:10:3r,2r7:, I “213 2252:1211'12; you 220273122: 22.7216 chm}:
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him-malf 2.22:: .2217“ Ext—22.01%}. Ut2'123:"..j_s-:v’:, if: :132'232555 ta: 2.2a that the
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Val. Ho. 5.9322637. ‘

Larch 17, 1‘1?”
lion. .'7. ThirfiJLrl,
Diet. ditty” (1‘s. 3? :1 ii 60.,
, " ::O‘1l'."fi:18, Kentucky. - .
7 Your Sir:
Chloe Lioriitzm. V. 3 6;:- H ZT .‘.‘; Co.
Perry Circuit court.
I am in -sut of your favor of the 15th, enclosing
vor‘cher in :fevvn' of 11311.0(? :0 for 4227?}.00, ”5033.2".7n .\r with 3.13...
;‘(illirme' check in fawn." of H.025; .3,- Jo'irison, and 5.1m forrxrrzr‘ilizig;
voucher and check, by" this: myil, to "'.’ootton c'} Liergzm; I 5::: ail-“o
asking; them to some-1:19 the igrr-m'ieilt, Zioleavv and {,‘wnvrwyr:;::ar:e,
properly :Utwrf, t .:.;rizthezr' with Clerk's Tecsotion oi‘ Certs, as;
protrntly as uosreible. Us soon as they; are 7«?.3c~'>iv»3d, they mil".
be fo:rr:*-;r::i'iwf‘= to grow.
Yours trIIILV '

 47,-,” n;
~ ‘ [If] y ,. q,
,1 . . /'t-u r ,
fj/l’ff/Wj/MJ’“flag/3’2"”’ ‘3‘?” " Q\(/,/,( ///2/////)/ ' )2(// ///////
mom .22 // /
_/ /’”m"fi / / e1 fi’,4',,‘;/fff,f’,;_,m,,, ,‘ P/mwz/é/‘z/ March 1 6t h , 19 16 .
7% of; U w
Mr. S. M. Wilson Counsel,
Lexington.& fiastern Ry- CO.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:—

Referring to your favor of the 10th inst. rel—
ative to the case of Chloe ibrgan v. L.& N.R.Co., Perry Cir-
cuit Court.

I am now enclosing herewith Mr. Williams' let-
ter of March 15th, voucher in favor of Chloe Morgan for @5225.

l together with 1’11'. Williams' check in favor of Hogg & Johnson
to cover. Note that Mr. Williams requests that the release
after being fully executed he forwarded to him to be placed
with the deed for the right of way.

Yours truly, 2?
7 /z22¢,é¢, 1__,2/
District Attorhey.

 ' S i- i/ y . . 77 //7 7 . 27 {/fl .,7 ‘7 [749 if,
4% ES; ”52% if"! i? 992
- March 15—1916.
Mr. B. D. War-field,
. District Attorney.
Dear Sir:
Your letter of March 13th, file 79572. I return Mr.
Wilson's letter with copy of release to be executed by Chloe
Morgan. I enclose voucher and check for the consideration,
namely, $225.00. I woid request that the release after being
fully executed be forwarded to me to be placed with the deed
for the right of way.
Yours truly,
Chi ef Engineerof Construction.

March 16, 1916.
7*. "7 p . . . —.,-
.:;;essrs. uootton c; 11013311, Atty; 9.,
' 1vx.... ','. ‘.“1__.~‘_

1;: ,Iu‘ll‘d, :'~..."..=7,1 C ;:. , ..
~"»-."I~,« —.
KAVJILL .;.L! ;{311 .

~ . ‘ 7, _..-_J. ...': .3‘.,.,V, AA, 1-;.: A...

.:. 1r: ,"'('.E,J.iu ‘,; _.’UHI‘ J}: .u; 0..’ [F a) .,::m:..:z::f,., rm—
r:".<:s‘::1r.'r _‘;-71“: "7:52:31; .' -7 -> :aL-rz'i {,‘. «V'v;'3.~1'1:_::s '17::0'1 {17's.7_ne Lo;- :Z‘i‘ffl find
1 _'v .; . .m. “ ‘ »...j ' * ‘:' ”‘1,,.‘., .' T -\ ""v‘«’ -..."‘,
r1:!.:s::. -' I/ "‘1" f
/. ; ,2 \
/ r» r ’
Jr. S. L. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
wear Sir:
“m 1 .K— T ‘V‘: -. «‘.‘\ - r . a
§L04035d L Hana 30g in: agzesment an; release
and conveyance from Chloe Horgam and husband to E. & E.
, 0-2'1 T ,;‘ *7 - . ~ '- A“ wfi" - ~ ~ -
u£0.4. x u. 1 got thm to Qu;lVBf thls wlthout full
payment, so nave voucher sent to me and E will jeliver
_ it.
Terv tquV Yourq
b " "‘L - ”v
. / /-‘
/, /,’ 1
// / L’.
l . ’ 1
/ (If 7 I / / ,’ _,/, ~ / , ,
/ 1 =7“ 74: , . / «J ' .
//”/ '
/ /
TT.,’/ I
U«._/ C / // ,
/ / .’
,/ ‘.

 2 - :6 , 449':
/ ,/ , ,
/ " // V / 7’ // 7” /’ *7
/’~//£¢/‘/a /_ K/ am; 271% /- ////,¢’{/fl(/ ////%////7%
f/ a.) /////z . fl flit/llfligfywl’fllValli/l
2% , ///////z/ 9/ / 2%”);772/IK/M7/
/ Wireh, 11th. 1916.
Eflessrs. Wootaon and :.iorgan,
Hazard, Ky.
Dear airs:-
See my letter of the 10th. to District Attorney suit Chloe Morgan
on account of a1 legged damage to property by diviersion of Willard mouth.
I have received and am sending to you herewith file that was in
Mr. :10 Dowell's office. After it has ssrvéd your purpose, will you
pleése return to him, giving me a copy of your communication.
Yours ‘5 ruly,
. / 7
%l/ n Maw ,.
00py€- / //’ ./ \v/
S. M. Wilson, '
B. D. Warefield, ‘
w. A. do Dowell.

 2-16 ~ 4493
‘~ /
.. r/r/zmw 4 .1» /- Mu 7'Zv1/4/fl» [Kl/,xi‘fll/Z/ //’/%”W
4,./1114/(1/17 . A fll/fl/l/ // .7,/4114‘6914071/
' //..1/3/' /7/ , d . .
/////// rs/ . l%fllflw/////Zfl/flfl/
. /~//'/~‘/4/2///Z4fl¢ .. /y/.Rarch, 102111. 19153.
Mr. B. .7:“ Warfield, ' MC: X/O/ /6
District ,Atfiamey,
Louiavillc, 23‘3".
Dear Sir:-
‘four letter Febmmy, 213%.. mmming commmication from
Judge 12118021 suit of Chloe Morgan seeking to recéver damages on account
of injury to her :*raperty in ixerry County.

, I This matter- Was gone OVex- once before by Resident Engine-ms
Graham and Kaoas of the Construct 1011 Depkurhznsnt, the proyer‘ty map showing,
as i understand. it, the old. creek bed and the Manage float my made. A
copy of that blue print is in air. ..;.ic Bowen's office a: Laxiagton, who
ha: bean requested to forward to ma and On receipt will be sent to meagre.

~ Wootton 5E ;.Eorgan as requestea. Perhaps Mr. moss can give.- rsome assistance
in this case and I presume our Attorneys at Iiuzm'd will call upon him, he
be ing: located. {it Hazard.
Yom's truly,
('7T; 0../1,7'L- " " VFW

/4;1 Sixperi/‘fandenff3/y 5.3:.

30 5:1. ‘.‘a'ilflon/
Wootton 3:. Morgan,
Ho Eu K1033-

 1‘ .
1 March 10, 1916.
B. D. Warfiold, fisq., '
Dist. Atty., L & H R R Co.,

Louisville, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:

I have just learned, through Wootton & Morgan, that Chloe
Morgan, plaintiff in a suit pending in the Perry Circuit Court 1
against the 3 d 3 Hy.Co., has agreed to accent $225.00 and costs 1
in settlement of said suit and the claims embraced therein. I have .
accordingly prepared a Heed of delease, to be executed by Chloe
Morgan and nor husband, and an forwarding same to Wootton & Morgan.
A copy thereof is herewith enclosed for your information. I have to

- ask that you will kindly prepare at once and send me a voucher

covering the agreed payment or 9225.00 and, as soon as I can ob—
tain the Ulerk's taxation of costs in the suit, I will send it in
to be covered by a separate voucher. I think it uerhaos best to
arrange the matter this way so as to get rid of the case, so far
as the plaintiif is concerned, While she is in a mood for settlement.

fhanning you for your prompt attention to the matter, I am,

Very truly yours,
might ‘
' Counsel.

 \ ' ’ l
I _ March 10, 1916.
I Messrs. Wootton & Morgan, Attys.,
Hazard, Kentucky.
Replying to your two letters in reference to settlemont
of the.suit and claims of Chloe Morgan v. 3 & 3, and unon the under-
standing that these claims and the mending suit are to be settled in
full and an order entered to that effect as soon as the Release is
executed and voucher floliVQrod covering the agreed payment of 9225.00
and all ;osts, I have prepared such an Agreementv Eélease and Convey-
ance as I think thesa parties should execute and same is herewith
, enclosed. I am writing Douisville to prepare and send me a voucher
covering the $225.00 and, as promptly as may be, please furnish me
//; complete taxation of all costs, moth for plaintiff and defendant,
and I will have that covered b? a separate voucher.
Trusting you will give this your immediate attention
and that the matter may be closed up once for all, I remain;
Very truly yours, ‘

 ‘ .. .
. .
'?ELIS :Li}.'.1,'.’;2 EXT, '.1; J.'.) L..-;:.} 531;?!) Cliff;i‘fx‘mif)3 made and entered
into this any of harsh, “if-‘16, 13;! and between Chloe ;iorgnn and
Loreen, her husband, of "harry County, Eiszzat'uck,j-,r', mirties
J “NM”...
or" the 1': t mart, ?hu- tin. ie;'_«-":L33:-/‘i;...z.3. ‘ ;:atztazrn .‘.,:;.i“_wa3;; Corfu-3.23113 and
.';\'3'<3"3n'31‘i”“=: ..;“:313313. :1:: -:.:s.i_'_?.1‘3.3a :.l«§::n.3e.=.1;-‘,T‘. uO“: uratiorrz: ..3;ng sized
. .
unfifir the '.:»tvs of 3'5.-:11131.;er.;;, ‘gzrzitiss; :3:; the ascend start,
‘1'...)‘s: ’..‘.Iiirzt, :.'31.j:i.‘f2‘3.ix‘-, ‘:;1,:.<:- suit“: shim: ..iugum did on
or mm: the ...4... igc.1:‘...1:;g33:.t, ":th i315? :itute in the "”trry vir—
e‘uit J-‘Niu't‘ :3. Inert-.1:: suit :'.-.3; 7:» ”aggrighst 2731:»: .."}ELLIEER‘IJ t;- ;::;7';v'3.‘;“31
21:15.71-w‘ay ilr.)2:3;xz,araj_,7, 3/1:-‘;;:;u.-'3.31 taxi-':- ‘;‘ffuzsi‘ xiii)? 1:1-.3"? i ;;.:.ov1:;.';37 for It 1373--
term liliiiilrod '.'"?ayllnrs {p33f‘i'30.')0) in -:l_=;t"1..:...f.:::'9 or sort-..1:} ;:"zgingwg‘:
. inj‘i'ls‘izm {Emilz-‘t-‘afi {:0 ‘27.-2‘1515f~1‘f?:.".-; Luigi, :1;:;»‘..:i'ii3.":'i 21;; 3:1;} '7. 3:;-_.‘1C,
thiwm :73 the»: fi’."v'»s.7:.='3v,xj}. mt" 5353'.3'5.:i;.'::_z;‘Lm :3..” :u it 11:192.; :;4" l?.‘1.:»u.-:‘G
Greek. t;i_‘g..:-.-3":t-=.:z~‘v 3315‘ 1,.3-1-~ fort}: 33713.»: a: tug.) 1mm: :3:; .I-‘.i'.-n3;¢, mt":
Nixon-'3‘}: 532+). ;,:»\3:r‘i.,.:x High”; :3:-'.' :3 shill .;urc‘: 15‘; 1:.-3."; «mix: of xvii 43.2101:
$2.314 the. »:vv:3_r:-',:":.:z‘.f-. 3.6: r3: 3.337, ':.3'L2':-3 ;‘13.'.-"%:u3;:‘. :3.;1.‘ :.‘-'.i'igo't-r‘: 1.7.“:Jil,
9.10:3“, :;m‘: ‘l- 1‘}. .:‘...t 3"; “in,“ the ‘10“ 4 hi“ ‘lt 13317.09
.T.-intfif‘l'. “3:71;"- 33133435955: '.'fl. I i
ii mes; (:,nr‘ ~11 of ":22-7- .3.5::1'2;i::2:1:1 ulnar.) oi” (Hit:
(1137.05: Erin‘sym, oinintfii‘ in the r:.,<.3;‘=.~:=.»3*1.(; unit in. the. "err: '.ii’._-:~<"uit
(.':-:mrt, :,.-3.»: 5'.:3:::u13'i; :(3 mm”. :"1- find 13;; they emit"; "".zf::~;i.ng'tz31: :‘2 ‘2'15313-01'11 #‘Lnil—

' any Company, and also by the "lonisvi 7.1a 8a linshvi 7.10. Linilrond (.1.:3.‘z;\.e;ri;r,
(3i)i¥.‘f2'f'31“‘-tt§02’lf3 under the 1mm of Kentucky :1an parties 03? the summit} ;.'t-Lal‘t
how": 3'1, and ,

‘.Z’iidiixill», 9.1.7. of the parties to this 'TlI'IES.‘-":71‘t Agreement are .
d-t'mirous mar" willing: to adjust rmr‘: settle each and all 0;] the s;‘ore- ‘
said cl-fi’ns and £127.13, ;.'jm:11y and forever to adjust all claims 2.3.2162
dii’I‘-3:-':n<:es now ozqis'tim: bctrx.3en then, {ironing out 021‘ the construe—-
tion ‘.‘.OI'k ai'orrasmid and any .'.:.ltorstion, diversion or obstruction

 “ . . _
( I)
thareoy caused in tho'channul, zurront or flow of said hillfird Greek
or of the waters oi‘ the North *‘ork of the xiontuoky lij’vor, in which
saia Greek onotioo, and to have dismiosod settled, in bar of any'fu-
tore action, the aiorwonid suit, filed by said Chloe Horgan in the
Vorrx Circuit Court,

NOT, in cozisnifxoirIa.1;i<)11 oi’ the; ‘promisaofi am? in further
considoration o: the sum of Two Hundred and TWGnty—five Dollars
{3”25.oo), cash in hand paid by tho unuioville & Nashville “ail-

, roafi domoany, on ito own bnholf and joy and on behalf of the hex-
inoton & Jastorn Railway Gonnany, partiao oi tho second part harain,
to L053 a Johnson, as attorneys ior eaié Chloo goxgan and _
..;organ, 11:2: husband, parties of the i’ilfit part heroin, 1131:: oh pay-
7.1-.‘: is in 11111 00:1in(igzzsation of \L and 0.13. of, the: olnixzs as-
:zxnftsu‘: 33;-,II timid :iritt wartiw; 2,1116% team}: 0:; 1:31:32.) ::I:.I;i;‘zf'<‘t parties of
tho 3 CJMd part una, utmo, in full Satisfaction and fiisehargo of
tho nioyuoaid suit ior Gumaaeg and, ulyo, in iull Satisfaction and
CiGoPLJao 0: any claim or lion which may be had or onScrtod by the
attogniy or attornnys oi gixot anyties upon onia paymont for ions
for looal rwrvioom in L huii of first parties, and which augment
of the Stfl o: Two flunfirofl nnfl Tnenty*fivz Lollaffi (9226.00) to
Jooori. Eon; ¢ Johnson. as uttorn yo :or first pnyfiino, is hereby
ficknnklflflfiad, the said Chloe horgan and Horgon, her
husband, purfiies of the first part horein, do horoby acknowledge
full, complato and final payment anfl gatimfnotion for any and all
claims they or either 0: them now have or may hereaiter have or may
ever hHVG had against said Layington & Cantorn kuilway Company or
against the ;ouivville a Nanhvilla Railroad Company, parties of the
oncond part, for any 1033, cost or damage caused by or growing out
of tho alturution, aivwroion or obgtruction of what is known as
Hillard Crook, a tributary of the North dork oi the Eontucky River,
or of tho chmnnnl, oquent or flow of maid crook by or through the
cons suction of tho roaflbod ant railroad of the oortios of the

 x ' '
' (3)

second part, unon, along and over their right of way and in, through
or along the nronerty of saifl first parties, lying adjacent to saifi _
Willard Ckhkk and near the mouth th roof, in ?erry County, Kentucky,
and all less, cost ezidamsao caused by or growing out of the con-
struction, maintnnnfloe ans USO of Huifi rozfibmfi. railroad anfi right—
of Wsy through, by or majestnt to the nrouerty of said Uhloe florgan,
he‘1‘/35112:-‘215: deemxioee, 2.1226: 2352.16; bulge J..}.U}.'3S‘:,fl, one: o: the parties of
the Iirwt omrt heroin, QQICGS and hinfis herself to divni s svifi
suit institutes by hsr in influst, lQiA, in the 7*rrr Circuit Jfinrt,
sitinst the Lexinxton & Lantern hallway Gcmvunv, at dafmnbmnt's cost,
in bar of any Euturn nation: snfi the sixties o: the first part 00
sqrve and bind thannanes, their heirs, o rsaual rowrsseutetiV1s

' ans aasizns,te make us other or further claim 03 any Of the meflounts

' above meitioued against the eertias of the Become part, 0: Either

01 than or mining: their successors or afisiuns, Whether 90? west,

. freflflflt or future less, cost or dnmnfie. unfi it is inrthsr agreei
and stimulated batmeen the Dnrtins horgto that this Agreement
ans the covenants herein contained shall Us hinhinf uwou the I
parties 0: the first mart, their heirs, pmrs>nsl :erroseutmtivgs
and assign“! aufi that same shall be covenants running with the
land enc shall not be subiect to safest by an? convcytuee of said
land or any emxt thereof by the parties 01 thw lirst part or either
01 thorn.

The tract or osrcel of lame to which this Agreement, “o~
lease and Cwnveyanee have particular reference is situated in lorry
county, Acntucky, and more particularly bounded and described as
follows, to-Wit: — Inef cait~fim trust or uro:i a; is G,

 n I . - ,. ‘ " .« ~ ~ ' . r"
”oitunted, lying; .:,md being in Porry County, .:ontuolvr,
. . l .,n' ‘: .', J . . .- .-' .-. . -J- ‘-.
on the iloith row: 03"? the Kentucky Aivoi, and on 15111.1; 6.
‘ .. . " ..'“ :J, i ‘J _- . ’.' ' ..,... .-
braaolc, mid ooammd .Jmo Ooswrlbead or. 3.05.10hh, ”cm-mt:
’-i3eg1mung on aim elm near the mouth of Big ‘:.illerd
Urea-71:; thence ug: Raid 1331353}: :1:; it {wanders to the mouth of
.:.;Et‘LLe .:'i.l.i~‘_f,J,:.-<‘:.; thence up tittio Millard to slot“: .‘.Eolntoeh's
at ‘1;.1‘1'3 101‘.” oi“ tun creek; tit-moo u: the hill With ..od
:.:olntoeh’e .le‘. to the too of the hill ‘mtwrnn Little Willard
and .315; dill-21rd; thence 1th the ridge m; it 7’11‘3£.i}l(.5£31‘fl to
_,. ‘ ‘7 J 1. . . . . . .-. . . ..,: . ,: ....-.-... . ...1 .
‘.:. .1. 51:33:23,905: Furtoy, thence hith (‘,‘-5.4.16. tv to ..:.m.1.lI.J
.2.-geislgtin'e line; thozme with 1: 1.1.2}: to Six: i'..:_l:1rd '..‘.reolc;
thence .... L511. 1:3:3:.:>.::;»: to _’.‘.Im .3.'3‘-4":11113' 1.1.3131; thence Pith
said 1:1 “w to the top of the hill (J..;d I}. .St-S'.(3,,T'a?( '.‘.:Eniu;
thence diam ..'-aid ...-i1“: to O'Jsrwai ‘.;: 15:15.3 (.1.:.11151‘1 03“ 1:“-tie
i 1.1‘t..~»1.r»'7 to '1 iv; a». 5.2. $5241.11...) .Lhoviz '.iinero 'Lim .'I-once .'I)?!
8111mm; thence ith . :.:. Z‘tzzzgy‘x; link; to the river, the
beginning: 0‘31'1'12'12.’ of the John. (latrus'oell fr:a.2.'._21; ‘i.'.i.=r;e.r".1r:e in: the
ritor to the h.’::,<{i:.1g;1..i. 1'»_7._ <3:.>1'iti.~.:‘Lu:l.-,1ij err: liuiu'ifimi .,_”; '.:wi'e
or lees. There is >_?§?;31‘~»;‘i}<)é3 out 0;" ti'.-.:'J.::: 325321113511“? 21 ot
‘3'."th of luau 1.)“.111fesi “on; 1. 3.. ...L<:l:.-to'.-51a.‘"
-;1:31.1.: t...) some kiwi; -)'ji‘ Unreal oi ‘.:)...zd Intentional} and
dtifil'i‘”; 5fo: " ‘3 p ":':” ‘1 ' — .'J. .,.:1 _‘ .,' .':.‘.:*";a';'»q.-r‘.g‘*, (’ ': Afr} ”.;-,7 ..._(3'
.:L-DJ... 15...”. i... - ..I\)' t. 1‘ JL 5.. 14 t i. .;Jm. ,1, ...1.)” J... LIA. a...“ J.:.
. oi’ r weir-:': in th - (2.12139: .- our: 3 ."-..'x‘:.:‘:;
.~ 2 .... J . . '.. . . ~ “'3" "‘ ‘
office. i :..-.353 do» , at no. 3: , iron
, ' .A.. . .I'—unna- ' " “a. ..._... um-—‘——o~v~~~~s—-.n
’ and to. 'i::1‘:.1.l 0'.) i-.12._'_J.J-;.It, it.:».j ‘:.-'.1.:- .:.;‘a...:-: L. '.:;:.."C-
}11-)a.'1'3.i;i, to 1..“.11‘747": r. :.'.2z:-..;).zi«‘ r .3 .’::x. h... 4.21:; i’]‘.:'. 1‘. S131;
more 'T>F?.;‘".fillt'i"':.5 51.1.:(211‘51‘. 5.13151 it? ;t '? ."L':‘.;~.:;‘L :'. “1:1 1? ...' .J2 lit. '.::onortg.
3314513551.”? 95: my; 1,}; a 1" £131": _..):1..'; ._'.o‘.s.:,1,:;.1:t tilL’ 1. ”fine
“Sid 5111742.“? l..f.3:'7:";'1 th‘: "1.114? fmv." “ (mum :1.) :,:.il. ~12 of
. the '.L-".110 hr;Lari:Lair-3.17.311;1.'-*1 '1‘-.::": $11.0 iii the “more 1.33M-) lWll ”I.‘ " "H513
v - .5 o t - a '- ‘ ’
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J1ro_"*3:r“u.,¢ until said £35311?" 1*‘1'i'i.’-’..,(l $231.71.“; :'-:':l:1<:~ 5: 1,J‘£'.:‘:,r.1;2;~:3. to
be 3:..."1? it; nor; ‘i'h; z-iolr's Mull? l1iL 0.221}: M. will -vi1.‘oj‘-':.?_::t:?.
- .. .I'» . 13‘.... \ ' . -:.... .1.. , - ”.'-1,.- .
The hurt-ins OJ. tho ..1.-At part fur-1.: f ..mther '..“ hit
to and with the pf? rtioe of the oncorl j'“.*,!“.“i§ to "~‘5.‘"L’"r"."l.f"'5'} ;g.13.=mr:3.1l;,7
th-2 1'izI‘th, inta;:~:ets~, eetqntqse in"? claim". her-".h? a: xiv-eyed .J.;ud
~1- 1 .:.-v. -J.1.-7W.-J.-~."1 ...' A ». . '... - ~1- ~ ’ - . '
. I.'. :'..i_.Iu...-.Y -..’;’.:‘;.,-‘.J.’fi. mflmeee the :3.1..113111135 o; the peitioe ~
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01 the joint out “r. let-o ;.uoeollbod on the (1:1,, one date llldt rmove

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 \ _ .
Afiurnvgs at 13:15.11
HAZARD, KY. -, .:_ . _, A .
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Ai'hwrnvgxs at E21111
HAZARD, KY. "“; , Va
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 . \ . -
Afiurnvga‘x at lam -
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//fl j (”[13 (7.4, , p [,7

/_‘ . , z :2 ,1 7 V "
'f”2%MW”NLLZ?;éigégéfiir igczy'-::;e74/xé/9/zv/x/2/éér.)éWQ/Abn7<;/.
///’/;r;/}:J //'/ /%:(-7///./H/, ’II
_ .‘./31W. @mv'r/ elm/”~11: ,,, / _
/iféfiw-J/f~gé<;/§;/;EZ§;W”A //////////r/// March 6 , 1916.
W% 7 g
Hon. 8. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Vy.

Dear Sir:

Referring to your letter of the 5rd instant,
with enclosures, relative to the case of Chloe Morgan
v. L. & N. R. 30., Perry Circuit Court.

My letter of March 5 probably crossed yours
in the mail. In that letter, a settlement of this
case at $950. if lower terms can not be obtained, was

Yours truly, ,‘ {
/§é?{ ’5fi255332¢54'¢144‘;fflr
District Attorney.
Enc. ‘

 1..” a r‘ "‘ “ r
_ haich b, iglo.
Heasrs. Wootton & Morgan, Attys.,
Hazard, Kentucky.

I have just received a letter from 1:. flarficld, enclosing
one from Mr. Uilliume, in referon;e to the suit in ”err; Circuit Court
of Cthc fiorduu v. A i N. Jr. Jilliams writes as iollowe -

”I think, thereiore, that our local attorneys Ghould

' be authorized to evcure the best compromise practicable,

_ in any case not exceeding the $250.00 suggesteé in the
correSpocdence, and ii the Settlenout is made they are to
secure a complete release running with the lanfi 30? any
claim which the owners now have or may hereafter have by
reaeon of diversion oi the creek and for unj othci rou—

SOD firoviug out of the construction of the railroad."
fir. Hayfield Viitee ~

”Kotc that he (hr. Hillinme) agrees with you and

Jessrs. uootton & gorgan that'the Morgen case should
be mottled for 3250.00 in the cVent lOWer terms can _
not be obtained, if we can, for that amount, get a
haleec: ior gust, present, and future flamagce. In

the event the case is settled as outlimd above, might
it not t- :xell to 1.2V» on agreed 311(‘l>;".1eut~ entered,
showing that the amount void covers dunngee sustained
paot, present, and future?“

Upon the :s.i.;srcngth oi the i'oregyoiugg, you will pleaSe proceed
at once to See if e SettleWent at £250.00 or less, if yoeeible, can
be eifected, hut in any case it must be provided that the settlement
shall be in bar oi‘ all claims for damage, poet, preeent 9,116. future,
growiug out of or caused by the divorcion of Willard Creek or the
Horth fork or the construction of the railroad along the oyouerty in
luxetion and the release quot provide that it shall be a covenant
running nith the land, unless a judgnant iv teieu in terms stipulating
What is here suggested.

' Please attend to this matter promptly and advise me.
«~," —v
mflfix vmytmflyymmg ,

' ~r» a, -1.. .- -. A,.. ,. ..~ -. , .~,- ,
ii :1 .‘:LiLuLOHNlLt; .LEI ;.e:~=.,oi.u~2 Wmchm? I x7121 ’lfi‘i'if‘i‘ mm.
V91}: 'a';:‘12.3.;7 :murS, .
r- ....n/ a
301211931 .

 77H” /
‘\ /’ / * ,v“ ~ ; " , u/C)
, ‘ ' A[-%/K)/'7%f é/jy/ ;% ‘jkj//I§;/////fi/%z//7
. I r
”,‘./"f/ 7 ,
'AQMWMHJ[5§3flflflm —Q%fl'IieflflifiNflW/7éyuhflzflmvé%.
Zl/z/IH/ifj /// “th'/INN”. ”
‘ /
Hon. 8. M. Wilson, 25?C;é é /g .
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
I am in receipt of your letter of the 28th ul~
timo. with enclosures referred to therein, relative to
the case of Chloe Morgan V. L. & N. R. Co., Perry Circuit
Court. Which is a suit to recover damages on account of
injury claimed to have been done the plaintiff's land in
Perry County. Kentucky, due to the alleged negligent man—
ner in which the railroad was constructed.
Your letter wasxeferred to Mr. Williams, Chief
Engineer of Construction, and I now enclose his letter to
me, of March 2, Which is self—explanatory. i” Note that he
E%agrees with you and Messrs. Wootton & Morgan that the Mor- ‘ h]
i gan case should be settled for $250 in the event lower I
5 terms can not he obtained, ssh if we can, for that amount,
. _' get a release for past, present, and future damages. In
. /
\% affl the event the case is settled as outlined above, might it
1 [k 1‘ not be well to have an agreed judgment entered. showing
that the amount paid covers damages sustained,.past. uresent,
L\ahd future?>< If the matter is adjusted as above outlined, a
voucher for the amount agreed upon will be forwarded promptly
to Messrs. Wootton & Morgan, upon receint of adVice from you
(EnC.) that it is proper to 1323;383:313,:g%522:fik \.szffi? D.A.

 ‘ [M fr (pf/71;" 17/
. Ai/r/fla/zv/é // mix/M/é [wag/magi jayfiwig/
'33 €ng 111%.??? 992
March 2—1916

Mr. B. D. ‘.'Iarfield,
District Attorney,
Dear Sir:

I return papers sent me with your letter of February
28th relative to the suit of Chloe Morgan versus the Comp any.

It is a fact that some wash has occurred to the
Morgan land and also that about one acre of it is flooded and
possibly damaged to such extent by saturation as to prevent it
being cultivated in the future. This damage has resulted from
changing the channel of Willard Creek so as to have it pass
directly beneath our roadbed instead of winding back thru the I
adjoining property and crossing at a point about four hundred
feet north of the present crossing.

While all parties were entirely agreeable to the
change in the creek channel there does not appear to have been
any contract made with them and it will no doubt be difficult
for the Railroad Company to make adequate defense in the matter,
and since there is no question but that recovery will be had
in at least the amount of the proposed compromise, if the case
is permitted to go to trial, it would appear that it wmld prob-

 \ I .

ably be better to compromise the matter as suggested by our
local attorneys than to continue the litir‘ation . It is a fact

‘ that not exceeding one and one—quarter acres have been de~

‘ stroyed to date but a: this is bottom land it is not difficult
for the owners in the territory to get abundance of evidence ,_..
to show that it is valuable." I think, therefore, that our local
attorneys should be authorized to secure the best compromise
practicable,in any case not exceeding the $250.00 suggested in /
the correspondence, and if the settlement is made they are to “_'
secure a couplets release running: with the land for any claim V /
which the owners now have or may hereafter have by reason of
diversion of the creek and for any other reason growing :Iut '
of the construction of the railroad. ,,/””'/

Your: truly, “a
' (Piaf Engineer of Construction.


 "PM“ 9,9 .5»".?‘2-’i'?;121=9;’-.:;2..,“: " .. ‘35 YJ'FSLi‘JHua-«v' i iii-«29??!- li~ 9:53:9- .- .».9"$=t'59'-"1..3' ai-i.i;.-2,‘.‘""’.-1.P : "'.7 .-2." 32.93:; ’»‘5‘1?’A"?91"?3.—’="..9?"9>.97:“l'-;.«?.‘»: .i.: "- .i;§."..:":-9. '-»i {:.‘ .3". -9:-9»7, '.'?

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