xt73bk16mf8w_193 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [164] Orlena Strong v. L&E, Jackson Police Court text [164] Orlena Strong v. L&E, Jackson Police Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_20/Folder_4/70438.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_193 xt73bk16mf8w .
f?::-vnmbo:: .21 , .3114.
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7:111 :1 1711.729
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‘ ' . * , flovembar 14, 1914. <,,
n 2.: r ‘.» - sic-f ' ' '.

- \.= 9 1;. a BLOC“- 1718.13. ' -‘«-u l t 9 _ ' ‘ ' > ‘ , '
l. , .~. ‘.”~ _- , ._ . H -. “ :7 ’~ "Se '.‘“ 1 a ' ’ . > .

1 game. 4:1..9L.;“..Lt:g., 3: u: i! if (Au, ,' , _ . . 3
. Louifivillo,Ky. . _ ' ,7

I " 4‘k V r .' . 4 I
l 39:? Sir:« '. ' " ‘

.. '1 . . . o «7‘ . i, . r- “? __ ,- "l " ‘.

heat-33:13:12 to (31mm of ..3; 13115;, oi”: ong V. T; :...- .. 12;. L0. , 111 f _

l 7,

-. .. . {‘1 _ _ _ —, - _.. -1 ._ - , c; ... , ’ . ‘ . ‘

, daetfion Polzao wonrt mom to goni flVOI'Gf Hoytanher 5, 1814, ,

l 1 have to say that Jufixo Pollnrfi has eiieetod a Sofifilomoub of ibis

3.1:" 1m, in; 533:) e ()0 51:. {iv- oat S, Mm :. CO 5. ES moonlit: £15; to .91. ~ 3'3, making a .

total of 531.90 69 payb ’ ‘ . ;
l > ‘ I ‘

~ ' . ‘ ..'.» .,‘ - . - .1? ~ '7,- r.» ,1- .-

* , I n rooith onoloso a copy 01 ylfllntlllisbutfitemenb, the
.1 ._ . .. « a m‘ -. n -. ..“. ‘.‘...1. ‘ _ 1.- H , '1 7‘», - -
» so; no on ge*3 maxation or boots, amoucuing Lo gl.80, mum rocket .

‘ - y . ~; -, ,, . . .-‘ , -. .r‘. ‘.I. .., "‘.' . '.' o I 4 - 1 1‘
_ .r: ca 1.; art. 3:317“ a 311]. 370 ”_. LJIU\‘Z:::'G'I‘1(L{J ' 23,110. V Cr 1.:- o S 01:. if 01 31 1a 0 .., 4. . NC 011‘ (1633' Of ;

. Sottlomont haw been preparefi or ontorofl bu? samn will he propared ;

1v ‘ ~. . , ‘ . .. ,2 "r: , , '1 H n- . -< g, i _ 1. .‘ .., .L' ..- 157-4 3 ‘54,: '1 ‘ V

ana nnnerou on fwaelhh cl VUDBUOL. 1 ulab feohld DO you ll. ebvr s .

.Filo , u a m fiyu-H, in loluienao Lo this sane cage. . _

‘ . Kihfily 19? me havo voucher in settlement oi the claim . :7

at your firso opportumity anfl oulige, — ‘ .
O ‘ . L.

‘\' ~ ——.1 L3 *'- -§ 1 a? , , V

1.0qu L.) {414-£14.“ , , , _ . ‘ _. ’. . , ‘ a:
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' ZESEJW/ r3, , ’ * , ' ‘- j? . 7 i ‘ . V

‘ . . I . V ,V i I ‘ V. - . f ‘
. - ' ‘"Counselo ‘ . . a - .‘

712.1,... 'i '1‘. " sq .;
‘ RT'iKH“ H ‘~'..‘
..nJXz .VJ, ,.- ~-,, ”J__.Y;
"rump,“ :" 1‘ ~. ,“.,,.1
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- .“..‘1 4 JCM. 5: up]; .(r ,,; ‘:‘) I117 ..‘.‘ ;.'fliliLJM ' " 53§J{..i.“ :'.‘1111
»t - ”mm A. ' J',—..“: (.‘.‘.n “ w ., 2 * s ‘ '.". “1».-,1 :‘./«1:...a '1 -. ..
J. 2_ L -,.V _ L _ :.u 1 .- i . s x '35 .L,; '2 : :'.-1;“ J.‘“: .1:: UOill o
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‘. 3'151‘5’5' K o

s“ / . 5
~ W M M74
Iov 15, 1914.
Judge Eaml. I.tilson,
onington Ky.
Dear Judgez— '
v. Complying with your reguest, I herewith inclose
docket report an& throo copies of the stafiemont in the cage of
Orlona Strong vs T.& 3.3. Go.
Yours truly,

 kl\1tflf* ’ ."2‘:". - 5, .7;‘ 7 3'.”.~ ‘ ..":LL’.Ef.”1 '. ~i"..g »§*'. 3 i"' ‘y 1;,2 LEE
*. ' ' , -- .- " ' tJaGks-sn‘vPoiiaa.Cegfctf‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ -%
7,' ..:LLV oilena'strong T :" .’. 1 >VPlaintiff.' _] i -,'»fl -' 111'. ‘ -' _Cifé
. /'5.'i. '2.vs/ f5fiat5m353;'i .‘1« 4 j.v - :3};;." ‘_.4 51". 1(1‘w,”j;;L:§
' It;Léxizigtor‘rgEgsfiarfiufiafiwéy 'befehéagi‘é. - . ‘ V. k -' .  
La. '-57 ~, ”V',‘T§§’p1aiat1££ afiafiaa fihat én fiha 5035 Lay §£ Jaafiafy 1914 ,: jx-jfé
‘ .‘,  .5 ;mm aalihgraa $5 the aéfafiflan$,éfii§hiah,xy.fi Ignfifbaééel OS notibfis f’[f7f
' }. :'M7bohéignga fie'thg yiaiatifg LL Litfilgfiy.> \ i 2' :5>2 1.'Ng - - “2. ”[2
y '1 '1 ' EhgtLaafanignL Lg azcoémonfcaréiér and iasuaa _. bill Of 1La2 (‘23;fg
H_ - 2 “ing ggf‘saia'bilz o£‘gééé$ ana aelivaréa.éé}§1éinti£$;-ana-agreed”:. fag
- . ”'tharaia te'safiélyatzanéfiégfi‘saiafggaég té'LifitlE;E§¢y_afidlfihafé ..fj‘ ‘»ff

. I, dglivar to g1éim£i£%,'fiut hag failaé fa fig'éo, th¢fiéfifria§nti££. '.’.2v\12f
. 1 .- has ‘zj‘legmatedlfif aemanéfié Samar 6f: dafendamt’. fi‘hevéliggof‘éaié‘ ‘

>. 2 ‘ V'Emg is; $35.90. .   1‘ ' ‘ ’ " f , fl - .' i
, I - fibergferé. yifiifififfifyyi‘ay‘é‘fit gigéigmggfi agafinsf; the? aefendam: for’ , 1'63}:

' $5551.50 fem .méiL/Gésté arm-9.391 ptgfie:§e11§fi v. ~11 ,— ’

_ ‘ 2 L .‘.‘; ,7 ‘,H‘ fifitygg’ffirplaihtiff.‘ _ 1.: if; . I;

 ; 2 , III . 1 , .,f EQGEEGX: E011: CGMo 2, 1. I.I_;..-,II.IIII II I_- _ ":'.-53$;
" :3.-22mm ::::2:::: _. - “mammaa ‘
' ?5' . «' va/ .’ ;:isafigamgmh , ' .I .5 "if":
' :megmnu Ffifiwm Fitmilww :fiafammmq ‘ ‘ :1} -.
' T , :1::::::::::::::::I:2-:::e::::~:::2:: :2: :naféfiah-aw: ::I_my:;:::: '
‘ 1‘ V 5 f :1:: :3::1:::::::: -:::~..',::::: _.2::::::1:::::”:2: 11:13:: 1:12:22 . :3:-.‘:: ':M‘ml .,‘:33’55539‘fi49m ‘5 9:23:77}? :35 "2’5.
5 . :ammm: ‘:': :3:: :’Mmfiifi‘: :3:“: mm:: 35153:“ ~ If” 7 2
- ' '_ 2 - :figfifiaflméwfigm :: awmfi2a5mm‘ {ma 3253:3235; 2:: .- 7:133:29, 52:31:: 1%» : ,
, m2 :1:: am: *:::11._1X~::r. :::::::3:: m: - {safivmaé :2::.::1a::::ifi:18911:.g3mm1-5: ..
. mamifi 7:65 9:33:91: :mmgzm am: mafia-”:92- :flfia :1:" LW-fiwai .'..'? i"
- fiéiimm :::::12::::::::, : 1212:: m: ;.+::2;::2:: :2: ::".~:::» ‘:Wh wwwm ’1 {€575
2 I ha: mpémaély ~2::::::::22: mm;- :2: . :::::::::2:: :21: f:::::1::: Mm: ' 1 2 j ;.' 2. 5.52:}
. 5995:: ::::::m. 7,155": .1 12 .1. 1 .2 5 ' ‘ 5 554355555725
‘ .. ,, ' .::::2:::::::::2: :1::n::::i firm :::.:::::::,:::::::::::j:::: .;::::::::2n2;.::2:2.2 f
I ‘ x '55. . - ,.‘. , \ I , n '5 55:5, 5 55 5. . ' \ 5 5 25 '- 55 5n 5 55555555155}; .555 5 '5.-5'5 5":
- sfififiamu fey-:1:? _mam mi: :3:: yrwflimmef. ,: x ._ f ,..: ‘:‘.j,2
n: 5 ' ' ,... ,5, '5 ~I.‘I I, , -J55 ’.,‘ x 1' \.'- "«l 1. 5 5' 5 ’5'555554
, , ,' _2.I . II I - _, -I- 5, ,.I, 512 11:31.; _2 .. ..,-.1:!) . . ‘7 '
v 2 . f -1 - ,- "'2 2. -.1 . tiff-’.’ . 1
.2. . .. 2 ~ 2 .2 -; ..::m :51: 92:12:22»: 2
‘ . I I , _ II ,II ',.'.iéw‘ti‘IMI ;.‘ . I I I; Ii .:I‘ =I ‘ I; I 5‘52 I \2 I' ”,II,I"II .»III' Im: I_I - I: ., ”I", I II~I'2I-I I55“;
I . .I.I I K. ‘255'I.I,IIIIII,I\ I' .':-.‘.:va I 2 , L I I’ _ I II 'I:'5I— _ I ‘55” I II2'I‘I5I KIM » '52; \ II I 5.’ ‘ ‘ II‘I" I,I I.I' ; 5“:
5 5 5 . ‘\5 ‘5 , ;n. I~.,» . I , I 5 . 5 I "5:. ' - _ 25155: .5 , '5 5..;‘2‘7‘5 5 .'.55 55:51, 1:5 .'5 "555.5 5"5'1’55‘5': '5“:L 5
' ‘1 ”.1:: 5' "I '2'-K”. I ‘\ -: . 5 ' 55" 5’ 5'5252‘5vt 1’1 ’55 5 5'" 3535.555.” '

Jfixcxson. KENTUCKY
'.".‘ov :13, 1914. '
Judge E .ii.‘.‘,?':'LlS0n,
Fla}: 31313.; ’5 011 3::-7 .
Dear Jutlg‘ez-
Complying with your suggestion, I have STLLcoeefie-G. in
settling: the suit 01'" Oriana Strong“ at :§f;S0.00, and costs.
I inclose cost bill azzaoun'tingg to “1.80 1121:1115; tot?1 of
._151.80 ior Wi‘lr‘Lcl-l-jplease 36113. 1:13 voucher payable to uaws e”: Folliéay
x‘x‘ttosmegs for Oriana ?‘trong.
I return heretii‘bll your files.
rv ’ I

 ,, ' .,. - '-~1 f: - " ‘2 f . 1 ‘.g "”3.‘5. ‘ T f,- ',“‘ _11 :HGflflfi
L 73- Judga Q.H.?Qllflrfi, ,- 1 . I; ' “ ' ' '" . 5- J 113’§
‘ »“ ,~ » ' V , . ' '” ‘ I , ‘ . . « '3”1€W%
g”‘ ‘ . Jack dany. . > . V‘ -; \, ' 5" ’..' 5',  711%
1 ' ' , Ky agar Juége:— ‘ ' , ‘ J ,~;_£
' "[ ‘ ‘ _' I ackncwledge receipfi’of yours of the 5th instant, 1. '1é
. . - advising me fihat you had agree& to settle fine case of Oriana-Strong .5
2 ‘ . v, the Company at $30.00 an& cosfis.aha I also acknowleage.the.return jg;
, , j V .‘ ‘ > . .I‘ _ , _5 ‘ ..;:
' 'Qf my file in this casé,‘togefiher‘with\taxation of costs, amounting '~g
". 27‘ to 91.80, making the total of $31.80 for which you agk that voucher. 5
. 5‘ ’mny be sent, payable to fiaams &7Holliaay, afitdrneys for Orlena. -; ‘ E
/ . '2 You have not as yet furnished me three cupies or any'coay -[§

J of the Petition or Statement in thisTCaéa, togefiher with the usual vifi

‘ Docket Report, as requestea in my lafiter to you_of 50;tember,5th. ' E

1 . ..:I‘f

‘_ I do not like to bothe},you about these matters, especially in ~.*' f

- -‘ . connection-with a case 0f Such comparatively small importance, but} .23

Q, _ ' . - I. < .

. the rule-of the soulsV1Lle ofilce ls 1nexorable that such coples _ 1 1

, . -“anfi Docket Renort be furnisheé before a voucher will issue. ‘Of _7 2:{
. course, I take it you 3222 are not in a position to furnish a '-»

‘pry of the Jufigment a3 that will not be entered until the‘amount ' 7;”

  ‘agreed upon is paifl. ’: ” ' 1 ~ ’ > ‘ .',‘/.2

” ‘ ‘Kinfily let me have the 60pies 0f Pefiition or Statement« , i

7 27m Docket impart by return mail mm. I will immeaiately write for -

2 ‘ 5a voucher. ‘1 ’ ' _ 2 .

‘ ' _ Vary truly yours, ‘ ~ I“ :»r

‘ - ‘ . 1 . ‘ w _ . 2 .jl'fh

- 1 . ‘ 2' ‘ ‘Couneel. . '> .j ,fifi
1 I . . . 1 I i ‘ _.‘ ( "3%?

 ./ ~ v? r '1. sway/7:737” ”,7
L \ ; T’ t. ,u». a ”w~‘ ;di ”é;
3 ‘ £7 ‘3 a: f L g a“, xhw 2%‘*‘fir'“ 4‘ ‘3:
. ;_ (/”//. ”j“w X//VV,,ZQyu).;/ “q“-g " f ,i
- / ;I i ‘
.2'/L ,7 {l/ l , ., {E j, ,.1 " > y) i
' ‘A%?yfl”””f/<¢ngfigfiiggga cjééafl'::2@74(/i/Qflflil/Z/¢V’aj7€7zflkflyifit.
@721 $43 , 154 v %("fl77/fl'/7/; . / -
..flml.QILM/vl'ztai/M/‘M/{y /, ’17 77 ,,1
//((I’7fllj{/Q‘xfiféf/‘Z/Zlfnlywat. *Vjfltléjép/éfl/f/U sept o 5v 1914.
- 71.955 I 5:?
_ Mr. S.M.Wilson,
V Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir, ‘
/ While we have not received in this office a copy of the
' ' ipetition in the suit which it is said Miss Orlena Strong has .
V filed against the company in the Breathitt Quarterly Court, '
. Wm . .
I am handing you herewith F.C.A,Seger's file L&E 598—N, cover-
ing investigation of this lady's claim.
Will you kindly send this file to Judge Pollard with
instructions to nahe the best bargain he can with Adams &
Holiday? _ f
Yours truly,
é/é/ é-‘v'fia'mhv/y I
‘ Asst. District Attorney: 5
one ‘ —

 , ‘ i . d ‘ i " .' nexingtcn, Ky, Sept. any, 1914. I _
‘. w” Jufige §. 5. Pollar&; . ‘ V ' _ '
fl: ' . Jackgon, Kfi..i ‘ I 1 fl , . '
in; 3:29:25: mm- M I ' ' 7“
> * Herewith fina Freight Claim Aganfi Sager'g ‘
I. I file, L & E figs—E, wifih reference fie suit in Braathitt 7
; i ‘ Quarferly'court of Qriena Strong v L‘& E Réilway 00. H
i“ It £063 not apyear-from my files thafi this suifi has ‘
5i '. >y_:. Aefiar been regexted to me“ will you glease furnish me at -
‘flgU, ‘ fines, fihraa ecgies of the @etition, an& the uéual doekefi V
;Q“ a report. ' V, ' ' "
vl< ’ Afier carefully noting tha enelesefi £116; will you I
; ~ kimaly make fiha best bargain you can in setfilement of éhig "_
gg‘ ‘ case wifih Aaame and Holliday, attorneys fa? plaintiff; and" ‘
f ‘ aflviée me. . _
i‘ . Very truly yourfi, f A
?7 Enc.- ' . - ' I 1
fl - EEO. I ’ ’ ,

 . ‘ ‘ ~ -. . * L"   5 l ' Baxmvtan, Ky‘gsefitgfithggmg." 1- p
6.93; 35mm 385,47 ".' ' ' , ., , ’ ‘
, _ «« Asst. Biate Atty, L; &. fl. ,.” ., ‘ a ‘» .. . ‘
 " ‘ I ' ‘ ~‘memdxm,ZyQF "'I _ . ..;V ,  W. :
, ,.Dearfiirz- _ ‘  ‘ - ‘ ,
  ‘ . ‘ I ggknewleags receipfi cf youyg 9f Saytemba; 3rfl, ,:
‘  _ in aflcloging Mr; Segefia file, 3&3'598-3, in Isfarénea ta the.gvr ,
I I ‘suit 9f Oriana Sfirnng VIL & E Réil§3y‘§ofipany, in Breatfiitfi '. L“
::  ’ ' ‘ ‘ Quarterly Céurt, . . ~ m~ ‘ >, ‘ : H ' ‘ - '”': . .
I. ‘v ‘ ' , 3 mafia your gfigfiemenfi tfiat you fiave not raeeifiad>a. » ‘
3 1 . 1' ‘ Gagy of the petifiion in thia gait; I.do nefi fihfi any @033 ‘ _ f’i
: »‘ '.V . 6% the petition of £33 néport of thévauifi;in my nag files, , ‘ "' 
, ’ , . ans; "magmas? tha‘fi; mm; mm ,m-é‘e hm 131195 (15215;; mags , ' I ,
C”V‘ 1‘. ' Eallard's abaenca in fiha West. I @111 at finca «@1te him ‘_ ‘
i , ' far eofiies 0f the vgtifiivn-anfi &aekafi reyfirt. , ‘ 1 ‘_. “
. fl V: i 5m alga fnrwarfiingifiha fila,you have 393%; %£. » I _
‘.7‘ , Jufige Fgllarfli with iagfiructiams $0 fiifi %0 make fihe best ’ " ,7!
:1: ' ‘ ‘hargain hé can with Aaams ané Kelliday, attorneys far ' . ‘1 ' 
' ' ‘ " Oriana Strang.M  I], i ‘ .   ' ‘ 1' .”v f '3
i ‘V I . V I Vary firmly yanrs4"y '  ' -"7}* I
_ mo. ’ I ’   _   \- ' . m‘