xt73bk16mf8w_194 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [165] Daniel G. and Ellen Robinson v. L&E text [165] Daniel G. and Ellen Robinson v. L&E 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_20/Folder_5/70449.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_194 xt73bk16mf8w ‘ 'V-. r ‘
duly 28, 191.5.

11 '.'r - t; ,
u. w. B. Ulmstead, “SQ.”
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3.3..b113143r1 321131.19921 of 92.x! 1‘2 {9:39}. part 111.21 L.9.111..1gtu_11 .L.:eL-orz‘z
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232111;:3‘163. 31:12; 1:11?“ ”L;...a-i 1.1.11 'w’f'nsé1l.»;;g§, carbtl 191155, My 2‘.-..:;ii urea}:-
;;.1.".‘; 1.1!. LIN $1111.15: 13.3.. 19.19.! f..»..‘L-f, L91 £3112; 14535 1..11.1"u)?uzzfi .-3:..1.£.;€3=3,
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:'.;Liim 22.2“: 2.9....5.::V-;a:‘-:i 222211.153 ..y ”cm: ,.,:ngjy :11.’ yum/\Xflxx 5.111“;
of curtain 2:39; .1.1. 2,2 1.19.1.L9.rur:-.:1 41312.“. 3., .119 ;s 1):.- 91111‘22295 ‘.»-'11:..«319 in
1,111: 2:21? 9;.‘111'2329, 9:11.011 Mini 1...;;:;.1.1;;12 ’.,-..::2 mi :‘.-.1'..}; ,32u.,r';.:‘1.11;‘:. .1411:
.1.: V. an 25:16.11: V21 192:1” 52.9.1213? 1.111;: .;21;11‘i‘... 2:15. “.;:21 .;..13.-.'2919L:.2 211-..: by
-‘..191‘22‘1541 iCL’Z'iigglz‘1i3, l;.:Jféi.‘i_fl,’3 :.1’121 1151.2...11‘14913 19:13.94. .‘.-"2.31am, 11.1,}. of
awning. 312:3; i..: 511.17.25.19 :2 to 13:-.9393 19:32:}; (',:-“152321 031 ...;111 21211:} to "1.116
;if._;a'f..'.? 19.931019. ('1‘. 3.1.92 19.111291" ul’ :'.-.1291 19:12:51? 4131.. ...3». 1;.1::912:g.1.;-; ;: r2901”, .
1:99-9:32“, .',-.32.;1191-3'11 sum. 11:10.9; 191243.61 353.3143. 1111.1 {3119.2 1111.111115 11..-2:12:01} 911113.
"3."-.2::‘2933, 93.3.1. 5.2211129 5:1 1:0 £211.12; 3.13.1995“; :ifir‘éfigieiii} are
1111;941:0213 .411 =.nriVng‘m-15; 3.;: ~131112‘5 3.21.3. ..:-32E1‘6 6:71:91: 2:11:91 213.3. of $29.8
.2 2' ’ ' :2 .9 = :”..“ ,.. .2 .7 . .;‘ ..ve. .--. 9
:1.}, 201"»? 233.14. CléLLM‘Qa €155}. fllLly’ fJJi‘L-Ll.:f 13.1.;d. fuill'dvef, to :V; malizu‘i; dull.
cormrove 299311913, 2111:1193 and 1111‘ 16192311063 now 6x11121311; ‘oefiwmm $112313,

 How, in consideration of the premises and in further '
_ consideration éf the sum.¢r Seventy Five DOlLifE. (s7j.00) cash
‘ in 34nd paid, Egg the Lexington e gaeterm Railway Company, party ‘
~ t of trfi second part to Erm. ficbanial, attorney for D.G. Robinson a 1
. and fillen Robinson, his wife, parties of the first part herein, a
land Which payment is in full satisfaction of each ens all of the
uieiés of first parties as above enumerated and also in full
entisfuetion and discharge of any claim or lien Which may be had
an asserted by the attorney or attorneys of first hernias upon
said Payment for fees for Bagel services in.$nalf of first par—
ties and which payment to J.n. mcDeniel, attorney for first par-
ties is hereby acknowleuged; The said Daniel G. Robinson and
V xllen Robinson, his wife, yurties cf the first part, do hereby
Jeintly and severally, acknowledge full and comylste and final
demght and sntisisctiom for any sun all claims they or either
cf them nor have or may hereafter have nr may ever have had,
against 331d Lexingten h Eastern Huiquy Uomyuny, pnrty of the
sceond part or against the Louisville m hasnville Railroad Some
puny,-e corporation under the Luflfi of hentueky, for all of their
loeegxmx cost and damage 01" eVery Lain-:3. and iehicfigfl;101'3. caused
or that may hereafter be caused tn the tract er parcel of land
hereinafter described, by the construction, Oydrabion and main—
tenance of the rowdhsfi. grade an; F linens of mild Lexington &
Eastern Raihvry company along the North Fark ef the Kentucky
River on the side thureof opposite to the land herein descrioed.
And the parties of the first part herein do hereby
I release, dieshsrge and acguit the party of the second yart and
tne Louisville s Nashville Railreid Uampany from any and all
Gluing and damages of every kind and Character, growing out of
ens construction, operation‘and maintenance of said road bed.
grade and railroad and the interference or obstruction or diver—

 O ' 5

- 810a, if any. fineraoy flanged to the river bed and mmfiural eman—
nel of sxid North Burk River and\any far& at faras tnersover,
and agrea and bind themselves, tueir heirs and aaaigng to make
mg ether 0: furtncr claim on said account uauiuat tne'purty of
the second part or bug Louisville & flusuvilie RfllLerd Companytm
thalr successars a: usaigna, vacancr for yuan, prcgent 0r future
1083 Gr @nmage ani it 13 farther agr$ed and stlguiated “are;n,
tnnfi tnla agraement anfi EH3 covaaanna ufiruig stated Shall be

, 't)i.ndi.ng 1111031553.»: pf:.kj‘ti<2;~: of £342»: i'LLrSt part, ”um: Lu“ Haifa Myer-

sonal rapreaentutjvag and.as$i£ue. and that aému snug; be cov—
enants rqnning With the land ani sLaLl nut be anujacu to defeat
by any conveyance of gnid ldud gr any rapt thruof 5y bhe par—
b¢es of tme firat part 9? Eifiunr mi thaw»

Te trim“: or ‘gxru‘uaj. (at lug-‘.:;d :90 =;2rx:=.i.<;;: this agreement,
'yqle¢¢e and canveyance have {urticuiur refarenee‘ is aizuated
in Breatnitfi County, Enatuagy uni muwfi yuraiculurly bcunaed
and described 43 fallawa, nodfiit:

A tract 0f land in greatngfit Ununfiy, fijnbucgy on the
fiartn Hark of hue Kentucky River above Ens towh 0f Jacuson. ’
Kentucky, and beginning fit a afifik$ Juafi above JUEIH Edfigrd Smifll

‘ lived in LE90, and ju3t unove oyyoaiifi tga noun; 0f uyr¢y grand;
‘ nuance down tug river to Wm. amxtn's iihfl to a n canerry atump;
Lficflce a straight lina garage nae ixeid to w snooping apple tree
hiflf‘infl county road; finance down fiya tsmd a Sbffiigflfi line to
a fiBL:t,¢..3 in tha- ianee sat Tme 1.0 year z';:.i:.ie of tun“: Emmi; unease down
«xtn said read and fence to tne 01d divisionni linu between
'Lhn Lavag of Tnomug Sewell, decauaea and Sally Augalun; nuance
hagrlug on and with tgu Commissioner’s line made my fine Commis—
sxoner wno laid off tne lands of Tues. Sewell; thence with Said
lime to the Stave firanch; thence up said bruncn witn its mean— {
dare to a stake corner of a divisional line madg by 0.0. Card—
well and Wm. Smith; thence with said divisional line to the
u, .
, beginning. , . ‘ _

 ‘- ~.. - .,— ,1 I ., ' .,:- - '.' .~. -
bank; the -..I—I.me tract or MILTON. Lu Lulu. ucxileBd 111 113.3
». .4 a m “In I A »I -' be “"t‘ w ‘ «m 01} 't .». >11
Ti-aLt I) IUcUu .:‘-OUlAlSOH. 031‘»- Of 914'. ilhl‘ .Uab ‘.;; Tame LII—rd 311.1 ,qu'b
I,I,;‘;y,;qr [1'14 foflllftme oi" ILLS lituIz-Jrkbfuxcb Tram 111.I". J..':JL’EI‘IGI', . .
I , . .~.....”—
.....>/ / , /> .. ,
/ 5” '0 ‘V' . . ;Immuuon, ;'IeceIImz-j mg»). J.J..HU UL.€'T;ILUY‘ ELI-III my 'I?:Lrnue
// I
«133 ””"’ «V111GV14'TI; fw‘wrvll (Icingm m" ("35.32 ‘-_.-u-fn=s:.'z-Im:, Mic-Lari}: need. GEE
J.-I.;I:I:Iztiy‘ L.L, Lani}. :‘:-0.2.1 rt .'3a;.:::.'i:.:=. no. ; J".?'-U'('-'.‘.3, 1.3.. 'I‘IéezeIrcI-Iltt
. éJ-Iy'I.I2‘I‘c,:/ Timur; :L-I-II-L'a; Tatum in firs-Eu. ;;(?’I.'i7.. 135' :.1, 3_.:1I:;<3 It}; 3:25.} of
.:‘.:II'I'I.I:II?T; 4';?, .:.“)Up’ ‘L'ruu .J'I?II.'~‘I ‘...I. 3“I=.1*T)Ii.21?."~f>u we. a: :1;-main: L. the
:.;-':.v-I; {'.xiz'jgm L.I ..:}dasxi Links}: .:.? II") I, Liv}; Lyman: of June 23, 1.903
In“: '.’ _.IIII': W ' .... r~ .'1 y“ "l(.r‘u,"“," :, ‘ Ig- ;r) .‘t‘vf’w V‘a - 'f .; 'xrl
‘L‘...“ u [.,,IHIIIIJ ,XT‘)UJ~’..;*).?JI‘ (...I-I15 {1,0 i11i;\.l‘.~-L .LIL VII.” ””.,“: v'ILLIELv .LII .J‘Jb:
51.30:. 4.1-? .4.; ”(gigs 31“]; #31311 <11." -.:'1.I':-I=:z 1.25, .I'ITJI} Straw Imam-u flare; ac...
.- . ,‘. ‘. z. .I .. ,-'.'.' ;. -‘ I. , ,.1 ,,..I". ‘..‘ ..., L;
1.,I; (‘.;/Jar“). 1.I; mic, LIN-2 ._II,1.;J,.-u _L.-I _.,ITWI ,,...LIL /2 I...” .."'-‘,:.“ :2;
:.‘-I‘ IT_=,‘I‘;.';I-;.I":;I" JIM, J.‘-;Lfié- ‘.:-oi: 1II. ,v‘-:~..,I;Lc':1‘% <1ij many} .II "muff:
«. -r“:.,1"1\ ::~ ‘I ‘.; . 7‘"; .v- -: I .9, i.._'1(_’;\ ‘,...3 .; :'- 31 -.I,._ 3‘.., ..I ‘3')
-_. ;‘.-'5 (‘~‘..Lk/‘U' .y-; slim-‘.L .I.:n‘Um. .L ," ~.I ‘ULI'jil _J'Jg, J.‘/Hui, UL EH3" » :.3-.II. ;‘.La,
Liam I.I'm. Iz'I.II-'.L.I..II'I :.'.EIIT’WII'I‘TA UT. ,II :1;-I L..: T335305- :II". Amati Back
.22-T In; ;‘.-.,I.:II-r ‘.;-55;, ;szsz. ':31. ;“ {', 1‘_:le Lima: 1:17,? ;'T,x)'v:>;‘-‘IIII3.I>1'I
" "' A ‘ v ' 1r ‘ /-‘ . -, r ', ‘ ' r ‘1'. 3'..!‘A T“’-1’ ,' ."‘ . r‘ ‘I 5’:.“ .ru‘ 7
{.’1 mTu‘_}a’-T.I .I.“ ;’.-Hi; -">..AL1 x414. 41323 .L.... Marv). w.)‘;a.‘. ”"1 ’.‘»V 1"’-Li." le. Wald.
:2.-I III-;nssci :::»IT Imam”: .2, 3,:-‘.L} zinc-:.;: II :.I‘_g;i.::«. 4am. I")? I'"I:curzl
1.2“”: {»,.IJe {14.06- ‘.L; J.J.};BII Ina}: if; M, 3.53% :;U/I.
». K -~ ‘» . .‘~ .. A- .. '
tux-s; In: LI/I T41)»; TIES: I III muggy 1.3.1»: I.ICVIuIaIZXT; to and,
::‘Ii‘w LII: I,I.CLT,’ Ci .:‘?»CIOHAG 4.21:1; ta;- ’y’fmtfleIt ':.'-.4117}, the
r.I_-:;I‘s.,;.; :_Iass. .‘IIIII: '.I-trim, a: BI; III: .291 ::.I.:;:.Is.1,;: II rag-g: GC;..[~1".3ff-;3I‘3 "31 :;j
ELI, L:.:thIsIT‘zI-s‘i iLéif', 'r‘wlidnifzia!» 7.23;: :;IIJ’I‘IIIL-Iz;'~aza ..3; 2.13.0
;_.,I"T;L- «.II I€.'T,,i‘:‘v‘2.. In; :31; 2"..Idz-Izto sun.=53€::1w. ,'
.. r 5 7 . ' 1 a .'.J. .: . . . .'.7:
'. ‘7 . . "a
7K 1.7 .7 7_ M ..1 ., .. .:.', ' . ... 7' . ., .I' .. '. .L .. .I'
I: .. .... ,. ..: . .. »:. '.. .,; ._: . '77 -..
. .3‘ :.. .,., .. ..: . .. . '1 ~.. .2 .11..... 3..: ’. . 3 , z '. '."~." I. . 77- - 7v
' '2'" .3', .7 " ' ' . " ‘ ‘.'T'T " L.‘. '..’. . ‘. . I W - -~
. ’,,f' 1
I -‘tfi/ an /u7
. 12'! ‘.. . .. . .- .'.. a ... v ..‘. o ‘.1..',. .."zj." c
/‘ >
,1 . : .4 7. ’ . .. “ I.” ’ . . . ‘ 4. . .,., . f . z :7 77, ..‘ .. .'
._. . . _«- . : .. _. '_ .x ’ . v1.-. 1. “.7 .~ ‘..
> . 7- 7': 3’ '. ‘ ‘7 ‘7 '." _ .' ‘ ‘ 'I' f I'."; . '.; 73.1“ 5 '7. " "'..‘: f 'I.‘ . '75.."
‘7 - ,:, ' 7: . '_ ;.. 775.137-, .:. . 1. ’.‘-2 7. 7'

'77 ' * / / 7d / 7/
I /////7/(//////(/ //// 07/ ”MM/[y /fl//%/////%
1“, (z ,./'« {:,./g ,»[644
..I/«mfym. Q/g/xg/jyéefi,’ 4%; Oct . 26 ,1914
. /

Mr. J. 31. 5301351111291,

Beettyville, Ky.
Deer .‘Jirz- ,

A “1 - n T

Hour letter of the 20th, claim of Manlel M. Robinson.
The matter was referred to Juflge 3. IE. '.‘?ileon, who wrote you the
Company's position under date of October 9th.

Yours truly,
d7 1 , J. .. 1.. .. ..5 ..E. . .. 7 ...- V .. ,‘ _. ...' ._L. ‘, .2 4.1“ .,. _,LJ.,.
ire-L»: G: .7.:? - ..;.‘3 41.7117 CL- SLLC J..“ 1.7L:',-.L..:.;O.I. :.;.» ;..-146‘ silent. L333.
2’.:qu f.- '5' '.'-37] I:
' "”" “e; f
,'7 / ,
I 77-5- I». >N*.--. .n ~~—
7;.“.6- _..__.,/f.._._.. ;Qfliflffiéilfi‘u .“ “ V ..’. “TAU, 9
. ...‘ -{~.'«---.».T7‘ j , Tu?
/ ..A’L‘Euu 1"» \I 1_...].t3 I 3‘21, g
[9 )2!
0.7.4... A)/ :;:-3.

 ,'“‘ J », J J j J A . - /“. ' '» F ’ , . a .:“‘”I
L J _ ' ' ‘L, maxingtan, Ky. saptemhar 5th 1914. .‘ »' ‘;,-fi
. 1 _ - k W. 3. EGDOW&11,_ESQ., ‘ T. -' '.V ‘, J i , '] }“Jfl

J p v. m. 3.‘ 8:; E. 33. (30.1, , ' , .__ 3
I ‘J " A - I, ., . Laxingtan, Ky; ' J '; '“‘

JV _ ‘3 «“ Sear Sfir:__ ‘ ‘_ J J _ _ ~' . '.. .
,3 . : Rafarring t0 ysare 95 fiugust'15fih, aha my yeplyl, . 'j J

" cf Auguat 1?th. in relafiien $0 claim.of flan Robifisofi far' ' _J J 4
>' ' fiamaga t0 land. » ‘ , J/ J “v*
a _ I have raeeivafl a lafitsr_fram fir. G. H. Justice, lately _’_
, Bivisien~3ngineer, ufiaar flafia af Auguat 89fih,‘191é; in , ‘ f “‘-R
- which ha 3%&fibgi— - _ ‘J‘ '.' -,1
. : “fhere is\&0 gusstian aufi whafi fihe @r@part3 referfed J . ' f
‘4 _ to hag haan slighfily aamagad by reasen of wash and _ , '. : ‘,
‘. ~ . , in View 9f fiha fact fir; Wiison ana Er. Kika Robinson ‘ _; i
, hava racaivaa fiha gums abvve magfiianefl, I,think a., r
C ‘ gafifilsmenfi $9? $50.06, aa gmggastafi by Mr. Ely, > J '
woula he very raasonahle.“ [ ; 'M:
, ." Mr. Jmsfiiae indicates, howavaré that my. Robinsan will '
‘ . not be Satisfiaa with lags fihan $18§.QQ. t0 cavar past,’ ‘ y
present and fufiure,flamag®. If 86, fihis sum is @Xcegsive, ' C I '
' , - hnfi a Batfilamenfi at.$50‘00 for all 3&sfi, presefit fiflfl futura f ” J
'1 aamage woulé ha enfiirely gafiisfaetury. ‘ J ' ' ,'J
' » Will you kiflflly aéviaa thn Raga Ea$fier3 fir. J. 0. E13- aig‘“ ‘
accordingly and oblige, ’ . J‘ . ‘ '3
. ‘ ’ Yburs very:%ruly, . '_
> ‘ m0. ' J ‘ h ‘ .

. 31’
.. 7 -- /, .3’“ ,'"fi‘\/ ,.» r
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c....—rflt‘/(/é)l‘l////€’ f .///. H146 “P‘, 7" ~P ’
~ } / ,1, 1 , . I . n _.
TO DATE AND FILE NO. ,4, , .. ..
(.‘. ._., . / I ..1'
.‘..'] ,. . 1.,,“ ‘.. . ’ ...
“‘._. .-' ’ .1 ‘_‘ “,,,-1._, 1 / >I., ‘.
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AUgw‘t 15th, lfld. ]
' Jr. a. ;L Jilson, j
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491: girt—
‘ Janici 3. johigson aiviges fhaf he uvns a strip of lflni
.. . .,_ . A . - ~ . ~ 1 . o
on E10 Berta Eur: J‘ 451+nc4y alver, 0m tan HUTf: PLde about two fix
' miles easf of Jawfisan, ljafl+efi wi*H rasyeufi 10 ffie properties of
~ . Nike vainsan Gal A. f‘ ”ilFEE, Whom i u irrv+941 firm afififllel with
. ‘ h v I ~ I U
*wv ”25.33 and M4“.WQ WRQP, ThSUPQTfiVle, Jfl *dn? r0398¢n2:1+¢un*
A, \_ ,. h n , t/ " _
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fihvouyh 4r. LfithOVS) Tho Igniwafifwr ham male fit inven*i;afion X
of L3. Jan Rth3393’s OVin uni Pfififie: it is hi9 001 ion fhflt lob—
1nfi3n 15? baa? anqwel {J.WTQDQB13 *3 »TfleLt Hf g50.03a
fill fJH kinllf fiivine 1? ”Jr “nuauwnnd 29211113 Rt
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 l' " 1 V V ' ' {COPY)J H V I _ V'I , , l :' ~‘ln1j: i
‘ ’ ' a ' _ . , ‘ ‘ Lexington, Ky., August 15th,,1914,.:" ,
Mn 5. M. Wilson, ' ’ 7 n ‘ l . . ' - f
_ ' Trust Co. Blag., Cifiye'\ ‘.' ' 'fl‘l‘; 7
V ’ Dear sir:~ ‘ ' V, . , l ‘ I y . l i. '
V“ 'l l . Daniel G, Robineon advises fihat he Owns a sirip of land gn‘ ,7 i
»* fine North Fork of Kenfineky River , on the north Sine aboufi two miles east _
, jiflfygaekson, located with reepeoi to the preperties of Mike ROBinSOn afid ‘ t
l .‘.Am 2. (0.) Wilson, whom I unéeretand are sefitlefl with for $25e00iendié 1
5- ‘ ll§%Q;OQ'eachb'respeotively, on your redommendations through MI» Mefithewg,
lie: damage aocofint Construction of.line, Jackson to QuickSand. .Ehe ROad- l
7 . master has made an‘inveefiigation of fir. Dano Robinson‘s olaim anfl States W
"7 itlie‘his.0pinion théfi Robinson has been damaged to probably an Exiénti" I i
' of $EQ¥O®, ' “ ‘. ‘ '*f' g . V;
.. ‘? Will you kindly adviee if you recommend settling at thi3.amounfil
l , rather than incur liiiéefiion.k ‘ ‘ , ii, ' , .
‘ i , ; : Yours truly, ':,I ‘ f_ ~ >
- _' ' . v ' ' ‘ ‘ 1:;; A, xylene-»:.{eiig 3., ‘ 4 ‘ h s
o' ‘ C " \\T "‘ Manager. I I.‘ _ '5 .
3‘ X .a ' _ ",V; 5 V ‘, ,f l
7‘. ‘ > . (A . I V r. ’. l, .‘

 t ‘ ' > ‘ I I I ‘ «‘v ' ‘ 4 V“ ,‘
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jV‘ '* , ‘ 7 . , * 3 ' * -
~ - v . .' _. .5. Auguwfi 17, 1914.  ‘; y= “"
- 2: ;F} »Vigr‘lrw v '”': ' "lfi .,.‘- V. '1‘“; , .. . ~- .,,,,I . : 'V ‘ I ' . H 2
,. 7m££LHG ha duSLlCS. HLVlSlGH.¢EfiLRGBX, ‘ , . ‘ "
, ‘ ‘-‘ i I _r.'_ / h 'I‘ . , , : ‘1'. ‘
‘ ,7 pazaya, Ayn - , ' :
7 Dear Sirgu - » ‘ v' _ g ‘, ,  
w , ‘ ‘ 1 _ x, ,._.n. . . 1 ‘7 .2”; _. .9 . 1'5 . .L:. ..'“ .— - v. 5"; ;— '4 ‘ 3»- -, ';
, _ jle¢se fluba copy 01 leaner GA flaw lfiuu irom m3? fic:engll, kan— .
l . = .:‘ , ., 1- ...‘ , :3 .. 4 . ‘1‘ ,. a . ‘ _ .:.? ‘n V a" . .° .. r ’ ; ' . . .I. ’1 '
agar, pa mg 1n lexefflflufi co claim 0; yam. geblgsan fOi aamagc b3 laaap
~ ‘ i > ,w L- .‘. 1 , 1",, .:. ”..‘ ,..“. V : J.7-».. m: ., fl» . . A t a . '1 ~ In ..‘ ,‘ 'I .L »
AU sou: Llffiu OfipCLtUflLug, fflll gnu no“ Kin&;J lavesfizgasa
_ flmghifi‘SiwigulOu @flfi fiLve fix you; UBLfllDfl a3 30 aha a&V1sab111gy of ,
.’7 E ‘ ' . ‘r'_i‘ ' '
~ - .1 ‘ A" -.‘ .2.. ,.N ,._.. ,V. :2 G J.“ ,.1,., w . . 1. u: ,..,“ ‘ ..,2- .'n .\ , - e j -
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