xt73bk16mf8w_198 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [169] A.J. Hughes v. L&E, Wolfe Circuit Court text [169] A.J. Hughes v. L&E, Wolfe Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_20/Folder_9/70558.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_198 xt73bk16mf8w - a, 'v y,’ ‘1 ’ ‘, L“
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April Ffih 1915,
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"’:: cenolrsazsocl you Hm ij‘Wr.2:-:t6155;213:152: pagmrs 13"; tho oar-so :.:-‘1‘ A.J.
311.212.33 vs. 11.331.13.11. in “Izsli‘e-é Circuit Court, in «'"':ur' letter to you
i‘ 1211:; 3042!: 321:1 have file-21:11:22? ::Tom :1? 1,L("2=1‘:3?§:L§111 sinking I‘m: thou-<- li-fl'f’ff'f'IFT'fsf,
32152996 :f‘xr::r.‘v;-'1‘v;‘; to "111121 {21:1 oblige,
"‘.’:.*:12?:'; ”(.121 1.13:“. 1 4f
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 , . , ' , March '51, 1915. , V
‘ VC. H. Hoorman, qu., ‘ /’;* A I >
f: 5“? ‘1‘ ‘
Louisville,.£y. ' “ f” > V ~ ,
Dear Sirfi _ ’ . ..
V ‘ Replying to yours of the 26th instant (your File H6.
30030), in reference to juflxment lately renflerefl in Wolfc Circuit
Court against the Company, in the case of a. J. Hughes v. D & E
for aamage to live Stagk in‘shipmrflt grow Glencairn to Cincinnati;‘
V I haVe obtaiaed frcm hr. Atkinssn a letter giving an'fiucount of the
I . trial of thig suif‘ VThe oyiginal of ERis iettcr is herewith eh-
’ clogad. . . ‘ >
V ‘ With reference to gang suggestian that while yéu had
‘ never seen the file, it 39313 ”that our plan of limifigtion ought
to have been gnoé, if we mafia it. I refer, of courge, to Section
. 11 Of our live stock contrast xeqp ring nfiticc of dgngg¢ before
mingling of stuck,” it seems frcm the file finish Mr. Attinaon
- ‘ has just sent me ann yhich I have examined IOI Eh: first time, that
)’ the shiymemt wag covercfi by an ordinary bill of laéing exeguted at
'  ¥ ‘V Glencvirn by Confiuctor a, h. Evant. Slcficafrfl is a nonwagmncy
>atntiomg‘ I hate, however, abut in a lattér wriiéan by Con mater
‘ Evans to Mamtnr of Trains, fiefiheimnr, ofl'iecefiber ?, 191%, that
among other things the Conducto: vagw ~~ “live Ftka nontract
Was exempted by igent at Gamnfinn J03. covering this shipment”.
I. I l finfi, hoWDVGT, no Svahlcfintrfidfi ifl the 1110 rad belifiVu the
bill of lafijng above Qantionefi waa thQ only one exejufiea. I at-
tach this eoyy of bill of lading‘heratu for ywur informativn.
. 74¢"? .
Ens ”rovision therein ior claim $fié damage is flintflEHOQ in
Paragraph 3 of Section 3 of the Conditions an the back thereof.

 x, . .‘.. : 4 _ .L ,‘ . _ , _ . l_, . _ . \,1
' _ ' c.zi.1zz.#2. g ' 1 - 3/31/15. '
, ‘ l saw fir; Atkinéon.on the train this morning and he field me‘ .
' , _that Hughes had made prompt claim in writing for the aamage sued
_ for. Ybu may not remefifier that the claim was f0r 4 heaa 6f cattle ‘.
, > found flead in the car #hen Sana reachea fiafitinntian anfl Wag un—
, ‘ _loaimd. ' V ' " I
I I ‘ The enclosed 30?; of bill 01 lading (memorandum) may be
> ‘ 1‘53 fiurne t". . . ' .
‘   “ Very truly yours,
1 eno.- . ' ‘ _
L ‘ ' '1 ‘
‘ I 12201111301.
i . I '

 k (mum)
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 ‘\ r ‘ ‘ .> . .  .   " _ ,, , ‘ . .
I ' ‘ ' March 2 7 , 1915 . '
. I John D. Atkinson & Son, Attorneys at law, .7
Stanton, Ky. ‘ , .‘ I -
'Gentlemen: - -
' ‘ - ‘ fiercwith, pleaae‘nofie copy of a letter of the 25th ‘
‘ instant from £3. Hoerman, in reference to the suit of Hughes v.
I L & fl, lately tried in Wolfe Circuit Court. 1 call yaur particular
' attention he the Secona paragraph of fir. Loormén's letter anfl will i
be pleaséd to hear frum you at your first conyenienee abdut the
hanéiing of this case, r W
' ’Very truly yours, .
> CHCS. I ' » '
/o. * ‘ ' {
I ' V 0 011219.. (91 .

 K _K .' ,fihfin/
a . _ /
'Zz7V%W”»Jcflééggfl:éZ:wc $30;a~ ::/fyé/zi/3/rnlz/2/5;’u}7flrAAV/y{;/,
””"’/"9' {<1 V, /, / ”
///WW/ grass/2555:1479”. A/mmx/fl/fi/ March 26th,1915.
ny$€94(37 /5’ 80030
Counsel, L. & E. R. CO..
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:—
Referring to yours of the 25rd instant enclosing cer—
tificate of judgment and costs in the case of A. J . Hughes v. L. & N.
R. Co., Wolfe Circuit Court, amounting to $194.07 in all.
I have request/tgat vouchers be issued to cover and
same Will be remitted through J. D. Atkinson in due course of business.
Ed I shall be glad it you will ask Mr. Atkinson why de-
fendant failed to secure a better result on the trial of this case
and at the same time have him return all the investigation papers
which he has. According to Freight Claim Agent Seger, these papers
were forwarded direct to Mr. Atkinson by Mr. McDowell. I have »
;never seen the file but it occurs to me that our plea of limitation
\’gought to have bean good: if we made it. I refer; of course, to sec-
! tion ll of ... lire stock contract requiring notice of damage before
mingling of stock./<~
Yours truly,
as; 2 z ,1.... t /
_ g‘ L ,.K
I Assistant hZZtrictfliitorney.

 ' ‘,“ ‘ ‘.‘ '- ',‘ _' 3's ‘2 2 ; .;. ‘ , 2' V 4
. g ' ' 2222022 231915. - -
' 2 C. E. Madrmah, Esq.,r‘ ' 42.. 2‘ 2 3 7 I. _ = g
I , I ,"Louisfiille ‘Ky. ‘ ;3 YE '- ‘ V . i
‘ i ‘ Dear Sir: I 3 : 6' 3 2 I ' 1‘
, x _ - , ‘ Eerewith, attested cofiy of Jufigment, Clerk's Taxation
. I 2 ' , of Costs against aefendant and Bill for Judgfient and Costs.on
. 2 , 1 Form No. 4, in the oaoe of A. J. Hughes v; LV& H in Wolfe Cir-
, _'.- ‘ouit Court. The Judgment is for $173.17, with interest from - ’
’ March 43 1515, until paia, and costs in favor of plaintiff, ,
7 'I amounting to $14.90, making a total of 91?8.07 in favor of l '
' plaintiff, to which muat be added the $6.00'of costs in favor '
» 2- of dofondant,.fiho final grand total being $194.07. Hr. Atkinson‘
' 1, has sent ho those papers without any explanation as fio how or Why
the fiefendant failoa to soCure a better Tesult on the trial. ‘If
. you éosire such an explanation before vouchering jufigment, I will
. try.to obtain it.‘ Howovor, you know the habit those peoyle have
l of issuing oxooufiion ot the exhirafiion of the customary ten days
"without benefit of clergy.” '
V i L V ‘ Very truly yours, ' I
3 61188." 2 ‘ 2 2
$1.3.TJ/a ‘ ' ,
‘ . ‘ - , _ '.2 Counsel. 2 _ 3

‘ / g Lil/[éo'I/wmz/ 7 1%)”
/ K ,
1%lr¢?[b7l, (729/. .
Fffimr. 23rd ISIS.
W. A. Monawell Esq.
nansgnr L.&.E.Rw‘y. Ce
K fll'i'tllCKY .
U99? Sir:

The 0230 cf A.J.Hugh¢s Us L.&.H. in the Walfe Circuit Geurt is
assignad far the 9th ivy 0f tho present tarm which began yestwrday,
this is an actien for damagu far a shipmant af car 6f eattlm Oct.
4th Iarz, nmawnt claimed $198.85 fer fan? Gaga cattle.

I am enclasinf you renuiaitian for H.H EV?ns, annductnr, wit
pickfid up this car N,0,S 3875 at Glgncairn. 8 H.%. Oct. 4th 1915
9nd 2180 far I.M. Pueket, agent Winchegtar, gnawing arrival car in

- gasad caruiitign, 15,3; 30 1.5.131. Oct. .‘3. E think. this: 13.1111]; ‘.'I°,ll‘h in the
natter, will he abla ta show bv them thfit car was dalivwrnd ts K.O.
about 1: Am M. Oct. 3. in rémd denait en.

Answtr filed st last term mf eflurt. which is travmrs and plea
6f centributory negligsnc» ficnmunt 9f mixed esr 9f cattlm different
sizes , sex, and 0f viciaus nature. and icrawdmd car,

P1enm& advise if the witnesses
wi 1'_ be in :‘.ttr'aj'ldannc.
Vfiry truly. B _
Cafnr ta V ’ Q 4 ; .‘1- - ,
..C)" . LI . W1. 1551217.".
Attv. L.3.F.Rw'v.

 . I - . I _I . , . ' .. I ,‘ 1., ..V;
V . ‘ ‘ . ‘ V I . I * , ., - ‘ _ .7 x ‘ > , . .1 30.13.35;
Y . - V . - - _ . I I , _ . I , II , , I-I aux-'.‘.
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. , . - , ‘ . g I» ‘ V ;_- p. 35.3%.;
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’ . u . > > 0v DO 7062‘. x, ._‘. “I“? :.:—h m. A 3' writ,
"I -r- '1': I V. f . " . ' V I I I ' > I I.
\J 3 IL; [.LUOTE‘EFIq' qun , _ . _ I I . ... __ I _- » ,. IIIfI’
V “’3‘- ‘ . T! a .__V -f‘-é- . 1‘ , . ' _ ‘ 1 . . > ‘ v > K k V . , I
as; t. #11345”. .'2..» Q}. ..L. a: E? 5’. R 00. , . . . , V
.Izozzlirvf‘i.3.3. e Kw, ‘ ' . .' I ' " .
a u _ V
. 393:- {511' 3.... ‘ I . . , _ . , ‘ I .. ‘3 I
39.: ‘(VII 1.‘,“ ,,, “..._”; :;.7 . a.“ r: '~. ,3:. r35 ‘.“-fl...” ,.I~ ,rvx. n g "537., (, ‘., ,\ .-~. - 71 In” .2 . ‘ 4 W _I ‘ . H ;
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.‘I I, "r “.'.. .1 ,' .._ I vr- ‘ V, .,.! L.., ..V. ..‘ ‘ In" .. ., , _ , ,w _ ‘ , * ‘ I. I:.
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 Form 28. LAW [JILI'An'eraNau
. Fin; \‘n.
I ) V , i _ .
s f . ,1 . , v “ , ) . . r
4 , . , .-
V 131] {Lil—U 911 ;:.}: . ~ ‘
u+ , . ..‘“. ,,
1._; u (IN/r] H/ \_/..i L t [H]
General Counsel.
. '1 7? '..-. .." -* if} * ”V 11""
[7‘1 [/,(' (T'LQ‘I' {’,’ .':. b 2 1.4.3; in ('.V: ..1 -, i _k .. J.J .
.1, _i_ ,i,
. . . O ,i v. ‘ , _
i/rr fullnmug [ll'fll‘t’H/IHII/S Inn //(u/ (I! {In “ ‘ lrrm. MI I
1 7.) ' 1'“? ‘7 1Q 7 7' .0,
‘ ‘ _.. \J ..._ , . s _, _.,.. _
Hf fur" (uu'rl r1] (bull/Ll.
d: L‘ . 21:33; . Iii-31L; . 1:3 1r: :1 donor. 3 44' ‘:LI.LL"1‘ 11‘ ,
” 23:32: , I; ':':L‘ . 1:11 1:131:12 ‘-.‘.':':':,:i.‘ri-1;? .‘:) 31T'f1113.";" jiil' it ‘3 ;:.i'iLT. _, 1', i115;
c '.:-:’.;;:L";u’i;o;x; “ jib,» 7 _'3;;:;: 2:2 , y
LAG-t . 1):th . 317.556 Q ,;,';j_11‘11_ ':f‘ _,T.‘ 11:1; ally , L10 "ill 1‘: O 1 £15.11: . ‘L' I.‘ 1211, 1' if .
T‘. i “‘ .' ”_,.- , '
1\'/,,-‘.\'/:'/,| dliu.. .iii _Li‘iiu‘il so uklii.
Attorney L. In N. Railroad 00‘
it?" I, \in‘i‘llnh ml £3111”th)ulnmhnpmnmiIhrh i'IIhE'uJIII',;|!\',W'Hti’lh.“l4‘..l"n".
‘.'. HiVl'lhlh'Hf:XHIil‘lw'mtllliur'.\lll'h:1\Illhiilnih1H~71'313v-1111I.ilrl'Hi'“ H'inl, |=?<'.. I I".
.'5. In I‘I‘]NII‘liIl‘,: zit-unliimunri ,‘Iillt'flf ‘\]l4i\i‘|'u\f.
4 In [‘v‘liIH'IiH‘L’ :i jllll‘JI'H'HL flair qu‘v :iim :nmmni 1,: .imlnvwm It :44va 1:11 V::}:vh.~1zm 3x “Ink-h 53:.11_\.:i.uu: “in I!“ 'mh u.’ 3134mm 1.‘ was run Liv!
yl' nu! rilml. '.\ 3141 [firm . 1Y3 mx)‘. Mn 7"‘0‘1: “351‘“ 1% .“m‘ “H”!

 A . > ‘, ‘ _ “_J ., ...
" , 1 ' , 4 ‘ ‘ . . October 5.1914,. . . . -. »
Eon» Jahn Da Aikinscng_Atty;, ' " , . >
» » 5$anfi0gyfiyp , ‘ . L f f
L 33g? 51r2m L . L , . - 'L » L“ _
L» I have aelagea in acknfiwlaéging your faVor 0f September ~
' a L . . LL ‘ L
' 21st in referfince fig guit ef A. J. Hughes v, E & B.R.R;Cm., in ,r
. ..“ ,5 ‘1,. ., v LL « L v‘ __ a . _ _ ryg'
. Waite wareuxt Qumrfia 1 meta fihat you ask that i wxxte yon-by wed»
‘nesday. fihc 233d, if I hafi any infarmation regaraing the suit. " .
v . ‘ .
~ , This, however, appears fie hava been unnecesgary~as a letter fromL
L . H30 Sager to fir. Hooxman; which has been forwarded to me, unéer' .‘
fixte of’fiefitember fifirfi, Shavg fihafi all payers in the case were sent
a yam by gr, w, A. nefiqwcil, manager of the L & E. I pregume fram ' »f
‘ ' > this th&t yOu have been Smyplied withLall Bagefisarg information .
in fihis casea . = ‘ .‘ L ‘ ..
3 , . ‘ . . ‘ _.‘.
_ ‘ ' Trufifiing that yam may,guceeed in defeating same, .
, , L LL ‘ . . ‘ . I
. ‘ ' I am, .
.-.,., "W ,-‘ .L- - -— - '
» ‘ cum/a » } ‘ > » Very uraly ycuxs, . ‘ - >
2.3. ~~Ee§ort of Procee&ings Ceunsel. . ‘ . >
. ‘ ‘ . rangived'fihis A03. ‘ ‘

, .. , j
6 0" J/ ' ( V
\ . / J flee/11.40% /’ on
» (f/ZLH‘? 6K)
7’ /
..., (EL/MIMI, £31.
7‘391’2'62332’1ber 23.-«1914.
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fggjx/fg’l’x”‘“’”"'{V"”' 02/ {,_,/”mm/éryfy, September 25, 1914
I zls‘s’f (fr/IV 17"”: I////.-(y/7//. f I f [I]
["'”'/M “'"'/"3,7”M - ITNO YDOAUT: ::PDLYFEEEFE: L—193510—"Bo
Mr. C.H.Moorman,
Assistant District Attorney, *
Dear Sir,

Reference is made to your letter of the 15th instant, relative to the
case of A.J-Hughes, vs L.& N. Railroad, for $196.85 account loss and de—
lay to shipment of cattle, moving from Glencairn, Kentucky to Cincinnati
Ohio on October 5th, 1913, which is covered by our claim L—195510.

I beg to state our records Show that papers in this claim were sent to

- Mr. W.A.McDowell, Manager, of the Lexington & Eastern Ry. on September
18th, 1914, and upon taking up with him relative to the matter he advises
Ithat the papers in the claim were sent to Mr. John D.Atkinson, Attorney
for the company at Stanton, Kentucky.
3 Yours truly,
Freight Claim Agent.
Please note.
Sept. 26,1914

 K ‘ 3*32' 3:6.
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Qw/é/fl/ 7 /%
Mr. J. F. Sager,
Freight Claim Agent. '
Dear Sir,
Herewith I enclose copy of petition and éocket report
in case of A.J.Eughes v. L&E RR 00., Eolfe Circuit Court,
in which plaintiff seeks to recover $196.85, account lose
an& delay to shipment of cattle from Clencairn, Ky. to
' Cincinnati, Ohio, October 5, 1915.
‘. Please let me have your file of investigation papers
covering the Shipment in question, as promptly as practicable.
Yours truly,
, /%’/L JL-vfizgz 7‘, ,2 {19/ Va/jj/
Asst. gistrict Attorney.
\\ one 2"
EXJJD ////////
,.,, 4
cc xvi S.H.Wilson,
Lexington, Ky,

 ”olfe flireuit Ceurt.
A . J , e Slugfrhess , _ ‘ 1313,1111; i ff .
-_-- V a --“- :~ A n 3 W e r.
Louisville & Heshville heilveefl eomwany, Hefema at.

The defenfiumt for gearer ie the ‘leiniiff's fetition
herein, sage thei it may he arue iheé on lfle 4th. day of UC-
teber, 191e, the filaimtifi leeaei on the may beloneinm to the
flefeufieaé fiemwmng thiety~five {55} heafl ef settle at Cleuoeiu,
Lentue y, g flfiitiofl on Abe defeaflamt Gemseny'e line in “offe
County, to he ehip ed he ?e1beflt, iefienelfl e 80., cattle seles-
men at Union ifioeiyerfls, Cincinnati, ;hio, iexine from the
meent of defendant Commenf a bill-of—l din? for eeid eeifle
whereby the fiefenflent Commeny unfleeteom fie carry neie car  ‘ > . 7 u ' / I I ' ' ‘ ‘ > ‘ I I > ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ I ‘ '.I
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”J H. “Equnb v¢ uD&iflViLl€ m dmiflViilb naiLruafl bomnanv, raw yeqfiu
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“film/fli- flfll/ély/fliim yfiopt. 9th, 1914-.
_ 5 ;x: /‘/.‘1‘7‘ ‘ / o
33. John Q. Afihinaon, Atty, g f *" ~' ~1 -o
stonion, ;‘ ilfilslflffififiifzk ,
KY. \\, W.M;;;r_;9, v”
Dear fliT:*
Kcrctith summons Scrvcfl on our agent at Torrent,
September 8th, in ihc case of Hughes vsa the Company. '
Will you please croioci our interests.
Youra firmly, ~q .7
> 677 i/ " J?
(“A r W /r. (5
Enc. /3 (:_‘, A?) \J,
S. 33 lfilcon.

 Wolfe Circuit Court . ' {ix/Elri‘\l
. A. J. Hughes Plff. fiXL7%3k”L4”éc/%'!
vs. Petition . 1 *fg;fi”iV
‘ Louisvollc &. Nashville ““
Rail Road Company Daft.

The Plaintiff A, J. Hughes, states that hhe Louisville and
Nashville Rail Road Company, is a corporation created under the
laws of Kentucky, and authorized to sue and be sued, contract
and be contracrod with under and by its corporate, "Louisvdllc
&. Nashville Railroad Company"; that it operates a line of rail~
road through Wolfe County, Kentucky; that on the 4th day of Oct—
bcr, ISIS, the Plaintiff loaded on car bdlonging to defendant
company 55 head of cattle at Glencairn, Kentucky, a station on
Defendant Company‘s line of Railroad in Wolfe County, to be
shipped to Talbert, Mcdonald &.Co. Commission salesmenat the .
Union Stock Yards in Cincinnati, Ohio, taking from the agent
of the defendant company a bill of lading for said cattle where—
by the defendant company undertook to carry said car load of
cattle to said point of dcstinetion; that said point of shipment
is on the L.&.E. branch of the defendant Companiy's road; that
the car in which said cattle were shipped was car 3675 M.S.C.
that the car in which said cattle were shipped nos due to ar—
rive in Union Stock Yards in Cincinnati, Ohio, at 7 O‘clock
A.M. on Oct, 5th, ISIS, and that it did not arrive at said
point of destination untill 11:80 P.M. October 5th I913; that
through the carelessness Fnd ncglgcnoe of the defendant, its
agents, servants and employees in the running of the train
which carried this car to its point of destination four head of
said cattle of the value of $45.42 each were killed and there-
by made valuolcssto the plaintiff; that by reason of the delay
inthe arrival of said carioad of cattleat the point of dcstinatio
which delay was unusual and unnecessary and occasioned by the
negligence and carelessness of the said defendant company, its
agents, servants and employees in tho operation and running of


said train of cars carrying said cattle, there was a shrink—
age of IS pounds each on 50 head of said cattle and that said
cattle in said market brought $5,15 per hundred pounds, making
a total shrinkage of 450 Pounds and a shrikege amounting tax in
value to the sum of 3:25.17: that on- the 25th day of October '
1913, a statement of the damage done to said car of cattle by
the defendant company was made out and presented to the defen+
dant company for payment, and that the defendant company failed
and refused to pay said claim or any part of it, that said car
load of cattle was owned by the plaintiff, at the time of the
shipment, and at the time of their delivery at the point of des—
tination, and that the loss in the selling price of said cat—
tle at said.market, consisting in the sum of El73,2317 for the
four head if cattle killed in shipment, and the 450 pounds
shrinkage in shipment at the rate of 15 pounds per head at the
price of $5.15 per hundred pounds was sustained by the plaintiff
alone; that the contract for the shipment and delivery of said

‘ cattle at said point of destination was made with the defendant
company in Wolfe county, Kentucky, and that the negligence and
carelessness of the defendant company, its agents, servants and
employees in Inning said car as to be several hours late in the
delivery of said cattle and in so carelessly and negligently op~
erating said car as to kill said four head of cattle in ship»
ing and between the points of shipment and delivery, has damaged
plaintiff in the mnn of $196.85.

Wherefore plaintiff prays judgment against the defendant
Louisville &. Nashville Railroad Company, for the sum of $19685
and all proper relief.

G.B.Stamper Atty. for Plff.
A copy attest.
J. C. Linden Clerk.