xt73bk16mf8w_203 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [174] W.R. Feltner v. L&E, Hazard Police Court text [174] W.R. Feltner v. L&E, Hazard Police Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_20/Folder_14/70626.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_203 xt73bk16mf8w i I
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 I . V ‘ I Septembe: 5, 3.914. . ‘ '
341'. C. H-1Eoorfiah, ‘ - ' ‘ , V'v
Assistant District Mieornejy'a ‘ ' 1}

L. as 1%. Railroad: Company,” ' . .

‘ Louisville, Ky. _ . _v . > .
Dear Sir: , V I. . ‘

' ' ‘ ‘ Eierawith find 131101.088d co'g'iy of ':"'e'eti ti on anti. mprmaied _ 7

, poti’éi on. in tho 01-3538 of 1725’. 31:. li‘olfiner vs. L. 9521?. Y‘mllw‘fl7 ..;: ‘
. Company lately filed in film Hazard P011 ce Court. ‘ ‘ _ I
_ Flies-me have frenzy-t inveatigaxtion made onloovisae me, "1
* our}. oblige, I ‘ . >

\ . ‘ Yours Very truly, . '
81.617"? ’ Co {ms :31 . I

- (Tricia-sures .) ' . . ‘ \ .
‘ ‘ , v i .

 V . _ /_ . _.1 _I 5“ 1‘: , 1 7 1‘ I ‘51.:‘., .1 ‘.I ‘  1. . A. II‘Ifgig
. - Iv ‘ . 1 A . Seytembei‘ 5, 1314. . , , , I:
I Vfieésrs.Ifibbttofi and Morgan,I 7 ’ ‘ . v I ' 11" - fi
» ‘ AAttorneyseat-LaW, ', ‘ § I I , ' ' , ' .'Iii;
fl ’Iiazard, Ky. L   ‘ ' _ . ' 1 I ' ff
- Gentlemen: ‘ ‘ 3 I ‘ . ' ; ‘ D1
_ V“ I ackndwledgerours of the 27th deAugust enclosing - -9
' 'tnree copies 9? petiticn and decket réport in the ease of _ 1 A?
' W. E. Feltner vs‘ L. & E. Railway Company, a suit For fail» . A. _I
‘I ure to deléV§f teleérmé. I ,' _‘ I ‘ I‘:
I _ I_ I hate tc bother you further about dccket rgports, I ; :
’. I ’ but let me ask that you kindly date the dockfié reports and I A;
indicate 5n the regart the date on which suit isIfilefi or on . I
- I which summ0us~is jasued. 1 " — ‘1
I 7 7 'In this connecti§§gl misc acknofiledge receipt of years . ‘ -~I
. ‘IIof Augumfi EEFh antloéing three copies of amended pafiition.in _ I
I the aficve styled suit; showing uzat same was insfiituefiIin theI , ‘I
I *IHazard'Police Court. . v I
(I I Very truly yburs;_ 1 A 7
.. , 823m? I , ’ ~ I . I I ' . ,
O , I . , ~ 'I

 / '7

_ 7 _ A , September 5, .1914.

_ 131-. W. 7.773017012811, I
Kanager L. & F. Railway 00.5 '
Lexington, Ky. ‘

Dear Sir: . 7 . .
ngexvith find. enclosed copy 03? :::étition and amraended .
petition in the case cf '5}. R. Feltner vs. Lexington and E'agtern 7
Raiiroad Company lateiy fiiéd in the Hazard P011 ca Court. A '
III-”lease have prbmpt ix‘zvestigatian 2.221119 and advisé nae
and 7070112313,. 7 . ‘ -
. ' Yours Very truly, 7 . ‘
7 SI 3:1/‘2'! _ ' 7 Co 2222 3 e l . _

 ':r.u;v;'*, “‘ ‘LJ‘:-"r*Au
‘ ‘ W O O 7 ('7 N X, M C) R 3 A. :»4
. Af'i‘urflmm (1"; 151117
t I A z A, r: [j , K -111; 17.31: CLO , $11".in c
_L . L. .. 115.01; ,
5,9,3 Her/:1, “0013. ’ 4%;?-o
952;: .Lil‘ :
' WW", , a ': rd- .-..: w -!-' x 5‘, ':
.‘.Ji.‘1(_:‘v.'_(\))3':)(fl ,Lgéo 21113538 L11)3_>L23é._, O .‘. l3: aszieLlir GC.
L..-:7:: .: r +2 ~10 ”.,.“; ”31:“ F)” n; J-qm ;...--’ Mn,”
‘1:! v.1. ::_L\_r;.L _LJ,1. ‘1.] s V KI\.‘.)‘J ,v ULL. .. o .2». I _' L.‘. [If]. .4.L V w a £11,.v u‘~.)L‘. 39.4“] a
.,1 >nrx 4<-.r.<--’ ~—
L; ./L. .I. ,_, Lu. 1.I..LD. ,
1“,) a L , - .
. ‘ '», . ‘ V ‘
, f .:,I‘f.‘ f/A' « ' . t

 .‘ .
.J...u :Oilm Liouiiiiio .
.. ‘... .'.JL’.J-.-.-ii, :E...i_.-‘i.5‘i-‘.
, »'.-... ..‘..-..._.:J;-.1J-.JJJ:_.LLJ.‘
i; .'I.... (Fin. ('.; . «.1; 4.45.1.
.....-i: .... ..'J. .1 Li“.-_~ -.L; .‘.‘ , .J./‘.'.JJ..Z.*.ii..z/.‘..v ‘.Ll .
tomes now the plaigrbii'i‘ and. :?.1'.ieiid.s;.is
original petition here-in 53:10. sag-£2 that by :.iistai;e
0.410. Oifelfiiiiglt oi 1-31:3 apt-o 11.-Legs, Lie original petition
heroin is addi‘eLSed. to and. ::"ogled. _‘eri'; Viragi‘t court
when in‘ goat it this in 1; (;‘.;LLGG. and. 311013.16. have "teen 1
'...svaio golioe oourt. "
' ilai .1ti i‘i“ Zieviai;_7 ::‘—.1.1e116e0 :;i is: get i'izi on "0;?
styling ii; :.--Ezzarii. .:o.:_ioe gonr'b inguead oi“ Jerry air (:.1: it
-oui‘t, so as “no (_;C)31L.OI‘1L1 "co "01:6 inane oi“ ”the UOL..Z"E in
which it ‘»’;':;;55 11166., MG now pleads and. garage as in. hie
o 1".”‘Liilia’i. p e: i '1:». on .
iii'iiaiiie L. i. race ..._...
..'t'torlle;>‘s i‘or ilnjiitii’f.

 ‘5 5M-2—x4~4-3~7S
0 ,,_ , navy/”my ///////I// fl/Mfly WWW/y'
// /7/ 7 :27 '4 it /
‘ \Qt/(z/Mfllu/ fl/fl/fl) "
.,ialztfiym; an! filly/(‘12,. M/_,
‘ K ./
August 25171, 1914.
3 g' law}? . ,,
Wootton 4’1" 3%{01‘8591’15 ii #7/ KW? , I , '
llézird , Hy- ‘ “’5‘-a N :2;. :‘Sii
a 3: .
Dear SirS:-

Herewith summons served on our Agem: at :iazal‘i. “1811317
24th. in the case of 7‘.'-3:‘i.l~'r"eltner vs. the Company. I do not know
what‘the case has reference to.

"fours truly,
x‘ } [wfl/ AL,
/ j a.
:;:ncl. k/ \M
2 3.:-.1-‘3Vi1801'10

 51-1,, , J f V: i ““"’A‘.‘
. Wo r.) ‘1' 4‘ (:2 2x! 5: M n F-‘. 3 ,2 N
\fl H , , 7.T._:..
. - '(r.l(1.'<\~ u aunt!
u , , I, J“, ft 1': r - "i; ;~ "I E,» .I'L
JAéAFIL' ‘.’ ‘”‘-“2,: ,., ‘5 w s —~ ---~'
; 1‘ . . _, . ,1__L§.- 0'1“; .
; Cigiflfi ’3}: , o
W .22-“.
..‘,v{;‘.‘,._¥_ \,2_§__L ‘
1.1K L13 -LOC’EEBCL ;=_' :.‘L‘LL ").1'636' 0301.52}, 01 ULC‘ '3 [3171121011 LIZ-'10.
"y A .”n -’4 ..‘ ..._ ..-,J. : .. v'.‘ ‘ .2 A ." ' '> "X " .‘., ,-.~ -- g —'2 "2m ‘ 2..
(.'.MJCJLO U .2. (2 ,‘UI LI ,Lii ’u, 3 (JL,LC <31. ,. 0-2. 0...: Cl. 11116.1? ('.1 2 o '.1.’ .e UU.A 31.1.”? 0
..Q'l... S "03711.1;- ,
)1 r/.
//H ,a”. ;‘737'2  > / ’7' " I, ,

 Form 161.
. Fm: No V
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT, :Zggwd, Jigm‘aclczfo ‘ ,
District Attorney, 0]
‘IH 111'/III)! z’mx M'r'u mnmnwuw/ I'll ///K \ ljagfifa? $130111?) MIMI n/ Eejrry (INN/[1'.
"I' Lianaeleltner Lexington 5 llest eras 1:337. Ce. -‘
x/{mu/um wax Inn/J /97 . rlm/ aux tint/(Inf N] . (II/(1' IR
;r/mv/a/r/r' [lay H/ ["1 . f/zr' rl//N}')1(‘l'\’ Mr f/l! fi/din/U/
"”' Hillienej 5: Grace
«II/41' N/a' we'll/f fill/719d ix 5:80.18
3:23, lwee ts deliver telegram,
%/ fl-z/Q/(W @jJ'z/1; ’4‘
\ LUCHI Aunmcy L e. N. R R/CO

 Form 161.
’ I FILE No ‘
District Attorney. 9]
I: //3 u //1.\' / "12 nmm r/ "/ [/1 //l( » . _ ) . .. (‘3/ r/ ' (film/1',
/ m 3 . 3n 3 3 ((l fifii‘f‘a Li ”’73:“‘31 t t I H/ ijTa? 4 _
I , "3 ..1.“. 2'3 1' 13",. 3, ,L .’.: :.:. , . . J
’1 3, mugs-333. 3333.933: ‘ ..~.3o-v..a.:;,§fé;3331 3,3 ;.332333433'21 3.;;- e “(30
awn/mum mu [Hwy/H 3, 1y] , (II/z/ {wax (trail/NA I’ll . 31/13/ f.\‘
»'f/II‘I'Htl/J/r (/:1}' n/ N] _ l/Ir‘ {l/hll'I/(iI'X [23)" ///r p/u/zz/il/
. 3.333.351.3123 r5”: ilfri'mzm
NM [/13' rw/fK/V ;5/ 311': 1/ f5 _3-,", 3 c’
' u :‘Jb
33333 lure to 33:33:11,770? “33433. 05:13:: 33:31. ' »
' \
m / '7‘ ”’ "‘ "7 3
‘,,-/32’ ~ ,. ///T7 :’,/1‘27 /»’> / 3‘7
I 5 f/ h’ [l/ ;Z I L/fi L/= g/f/Cl .
Local Attorney L, 1".. N. R .CO

-;“nl 51;U(l; uoELQ.
‘.. p. .::}L_;:, ;ILLLQILQH
1‘. W441 if;
;QQIJEJQ; L J--:g;§
;h-;Ifloo.;2 o£;;;w;£[, Loj;1L 9.; J.
klaintiff, -. L. geltner, ;or canes UL action
. 01813, ..;73 .,;2;‘O;e COLEIKHMIU, le;i21;ton.[ .gaetern
;ailro;d yomneny is a corgeration, created.gnd.e:i$ting
_ unto: uni Lg Tirtne o: tnelgws o: tnc State oi Leutucgg,
and 35 sue; morjoration is authorized to co;tr;ct and le
OLLJEICMfUGO 'wiwx; iLL'OAe :25 tea 0: ;-errbnckg‘, s2x: to ;xue
illCL 7.0 LuerC i1- 1L;:3 i;0112“t£; 0‘: ;-eiitile;zg* ng' 1133 0231320123556
name ”lexington g eastern “gilrogd MOHQQRT".
.;lggjsrtiggi' at; 3 ”O.m t u..e Ile.Le.1L;nlt 01113 :Hld '
Dgclafieb a telegnene, or telegrayh, line or a item extend-
. _ _ - . I J .7._M,7 - “_ ». 1, 7M _ . L
1n; Erma Lexingvon OO ;ngbOd auL 110$ UBCMbUH Onrorgn LO
finazelwi, lergg (hmxntj5 L§entuclg , to .Jiifiefb HIS 54ml ;chfi arts,
geatuekg, and At all ti es bezeinaiter LentLened was engaged
in pge tuninegs 0: receiving, mendiL; {Ad delivering tele-
‘ ;rums an nexeages, with ;mll never 5: SEC; corporation to
Ozrr; on ope DELiHOSS of ; tele;ragg 034.:my.

- Llaifitiii pa;e twat on October b, lSlL, ”EC 40:
“one Oi e -110? tLoreto, hie Lire W;& and rad been in OMB
.HOEgpiiiel ;flt 1.951t1 jtoil, ;_erdfixe.; , ‘;QL '..; t Lafittnb 418 2400;.

L3: to field noggit 1 10: treatment, he rotprned to Hazard,

;Walfixg Lloxmlt; , -We;1txaofiqx, 'Oo ai/CCL2Q 'Oo ;.iL; Ltu-iilei3e, 8&112;Oi;;g

'witL _iu 1L;e “2&43226‘ chit retrrn to Erin; “or uuue Ox

Cotohor e, 1919, put tent on October L, 131;, “it 5116

3212u3etl 01' caxugec.'qo ;.e ;:l:u3ei: 1.; t;.e .;-jLQE; 0:. ';_e x'e..e-IC;;Lt, 7
and ::id to t“: Cemendant age usual and CESLOMLTU on rge


there-rer, e tole;1‘eu:r; addressed. to .:.szr :;..sb:né., at ..3.33rd,
L..ent13_e1:;;, .rer 1.71:;‘wjei-1C‘; being t...e ;51:Li...‘t:i_:1;i:' 1.L.e3."L.:i;‘L, :....(1 :3;1.;;r.eL‘L
by lie;- ;3 plaza’rn’tirf'e '..Lir‘e; tlet :.:;id. televisig 25.2.3 t:.n:t'.:3;..it-
ted. 2.'-.:.‘.(11 received. ere ge (?e__.-ot 0;. me dej.‘<.-1:.L1é.a..it at taro,
;;o.i't'a.c:.;“ i‘or delivery 011 the 3d. deg-01' October, l‘ILl‘U, at

{‘1 "‘ 1‘ ‘ _ ..i _ ,. ,- '. .‘ A _ , , ,. f . ‘ " _ ’1 i . , _ “ , A ;
0.0L) 3:.-.. Oil b.1..(3 bale. LLL-‘.; , 71:110. ‘quLL-l/ {..:-.10. LzeieV-nrfiu 1.12.2- iLO'G
been. (Leli‘vei ed. to .;.in"..

133.5.111171ti“ L531; .9 bit :;:.;iLT; 110104513711 THUS in, o.-

;::t ence :1. advice 11:-01L _'...li’ii '..1:;‘e t;_.-::t ee 755:2; not aisle to
return at '.;.-e ti.1.2e upon 157111011 e 31:26. agreed, the ti 1.18
Lein; be next Like; ter '.;._c telegram 1:1{3 delivered at
Lazaril, ..ez‘L‘iTL‘Lch", 101* Lielivm‘j, :;:..r rer 1-11:1 not to come 0:1
$325.16. clay; t1..~t -1;-.:.‘ii'e new not 1;: i’ec'i; able to return on
£3:-.16. 6.9.3? 3101‘ :.or ‘..:c‘xrerel (baggie tier-eeiter.

Zigiyfrt 1351‘ egg/s t_ he retitled. at tle time and.
101 ;. long; time lqrior t;.ereto, fifiszzard, 1-L—311511013, ..511o1u. is
;.LLLT. was e.’.;3.1'_v-; time a: {mall "5015.21, (7.116,. o‘L ..;e, pleintiri‘,
153:.) well. 1.:.101511 to ‘L,;_._,L-; L.e:;e;.L;..,;'.t’:. o:_2.:;::‘a.tor, :_.;iLC. t;.e “_vcej-jle
a: t..-e tour. ‘_‘cf).1iL’,:l":1‘.1]_;jV, ...e.‘.*ii'1_ eonLjichteLQ: 101" £01.10 time :
.:‘.ercl.:;110.i “e L,L111.L,.lllx.:fi§8 in 31L G 0:51.

;:3.:.;1.y.7.;11':i' age t...t the telegram .7e1-7ein referred
to ‘L./..:»;- ”i21‘212.u£;.}...3.1576L} to .LLLC‘ Ce;.‘e‘.‘~.L ante S'L7.:.-.'L;ion ::L‘ ..azercl,
..-ent:zc-:;5, rer C_<'-;-'.‘L-iv.r.:r;r on Cot ohcr 5, 191:», ::t 0.11;} 11.-.;
tnxt he '.‘/:18 in .:.:;- town Oi .1810, -..L.>:,1t-:‘L_L':..;;‘", LIL} ’.;..gzyt time
inc". rereinec‘i. Until s.ctvirc'Ley, Lreto..Ler 4:, 1.912;, :51) 7.517.1an time
1.53 j;;:7.;r‘e...:.t.::e-cl i’ron '.;..L: L'ie;;c;;Lja:_..;rt :.:. tielget to i.e:::i_3_.._._‘Le;':L,
;-egit'mxgrgr, ::ncithct he beamed. t'..e train oi" '.;..e L’Léiemfiant
at .C::airo, _.ex’:r.“".7;.of..;j7, on said. (1.2;: :.1; Enbé -..'.Z. _l;:.in”.;li'i’
.:1;; 8 '.;-.ct L11 '.;_'.e time 131.0 tel..c;fr.:zn;. ..er: 1-; reierrec. to
".‘.’LLS 1;?: 3.13- 7.Lo:.:.'s<;;.~.,..ion or t. e <1L;*:;,..e.;6.u.:it :L -:eic, _.cgrtraclzg ,
'.,;LLC-L before ;-e left rer 1‘.e:j.1'1;:to*n, _..ent“.:.e'.-.;;:L, on Listener 1%,

 " I" ' . V . .‘.' , " . J‘ .V- .'..'. .” ., '* .,.. H . " ‘
l9io, -Le was 1.211 £41.16 ue_;;0u 0; We tLGLGilCLQLlU, we Lug—.09
WHGIB the telegram wga receiveo and field p; the
d.e1’e;10.:—z;:'.ri;, mu}. to on be (1.3;? on 137311.021 he “p'L:1.‘Cl;:—.:sed_ his
J. ~ ."‘. .1. ,.. .., 3' fl _..-V.. ..A.A., .. ..._ "-- .2.“ .1' e t' , . ...'. .1:. .1‘
(1101.8 u ;UJ. ;.rt-J‘I'th U‘Jil, 1-811UL104..,; , L..’. 01.1 wig CLBLG‘AUWAU, L);L«,.U
he wee phone and around cue depOE o; teie oegendeut, at
~ ~17 ‘ ~ --«~ "~-»—— ~.,-.-__ p»3»‘-f~--w :7—1 »-'« 7-1“ . ...,.-
;;:_t-,‘.;a,L 0.., -..CALNICL-uw, lOCi;lJ..’.\; LLL Lie-.I.' 801118 ;..L eJh‘gw gut Mgfi v.2. 5‘12;

_ . ..._, _‘ - .:. .. .,,; ... ..' .... '* ,,_: .1 ,,J" .V, ‘_‘... " .I" r, A " \_ -
-.OJ." HOLLIS «1111.8 5:10;“ ‘uC Lem 1.1.1; ,LOJI 1.13,.LllbUOlL c410. L1;.) .-LL .me gar-
egeeed hit nieget ;OI Lexington ;romtne deiendent 43 Lee
time E48 telegrem uereiL rexemred DO nee in L_e geeeeesion

,‘.v .A. ,' ,.,- " .1 , J. ' r. ,, -.,1 ’ . A.., _. (‘._, - 1. ,~. _.

0; age uu;t‘u..C'.I,/J..L L; :..L; .-;:,L;.€.;(L, -..QJMHAJ, 3 , (:.‘.LU L'-..(..lJ nee

de;eg&ent never an ;n; time ogieree we neliver Sela

J.., ,. . ,. _. .-_,_ _._, ‘ -, > -. .;1‘ , ._ ..'.. ' W :1 .‘ -’. '1 . ‘,,.“, ., .:. ,

l;<3.L'\/;’..L‘Lllii, u; _‘_.L‘..LO.L..LGU. ;Llj ; u_;:.;”u age” LLGLLL .‘.', uGJJfiL-J; am _.‘..01' .mlm.
,.: .. _- ,"_: .. , , .. .'1 M Y.‘ . r - _‘_“, 3 Y “H.111. ,.. 7
-:1.‘_.J...;_b.L_..:_ :5 wwu OLA: ..;.ll‘uml. e‘ O_L newbuuguu MM}.

,".L .. ,, . .'. ' ~ _- _. , ...‘ .. _ .I. " ._ V, ' ..,__~._ ..,._.L: ,.- ~

i LIB BALEHLO,‘ eeb b0 Lie--.LV‘C'I ub ‘.LLi unb‘ UCJ‘QkEL‘EiILL luefiulii “mum. 02.180.

wee an get 0: gross carelessness bed negliheace, and taut

by reason 0: L40 greee egmeleeeneue age ueélikenee en age

gert 01 ENG Qe;exeent ;AC ite explogeee, cme gluinuiii

gurceaeed grog tgé flexeudenu ¢ Iiret elees geeeemger ticket

to Lexingvon, .ennueyg, anv return no Hazard, “euuuegy,

n» :1 ,.1 .'.J. ‘\1'vv.\.:'\ , .I.’ 7‘ [‘...1.‘ .".‘ 7 1(v _:_.‘j ..‘ ‘ fl
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