xt73bk16mf8w_211 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [182] Ewell King v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [182] Ewell King v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_20/Folder_22/70803.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_211 xt73bk16mf8w Jackson, Ky., May 22, 1917.
Ewell King V. L&E,
Breathitt Circuit Court.
Jany. Term, 1917.
Jan. 19” Dismissed settled at Defendant‘s cost, except atty. fee
and witness fees.

 , i V
K’.I ..' ._ ' t ‘ > October 26, 1914. .i;
I ' ‘ '2‘}. A. iicDou'ell, Esq. ,.   " . V ‘ ._ I A ‘
, '_ flanager, L & E Ry.Co., ‘ . IV V‘ iti‘: ' .u
i Lenington,Ky. ‘ ' 1' ', ‘ I ‘ l -
- , , Dear Silas ' I ‘ ‘ . '   .
t f I aclniowlefige yours of maze-ch, enclosing: .file in ' .
.conneetion uith suit in Breathitt Circuit Court of Sewell King '
‘. " v.'3 & E and i & N. I will retain sate for the present. I
‘ 5‘ Thanking you for having sent this file-to me, I am,
i . ' , Very truly yours, , t v ' '
i . ' , _ . 001111361». ' . .

 - k m 11 ~
M33511“: Q U PI I U! .
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JACKSON KENTUCKY (“atom-5:.: ..Quh, 1914:
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I presjmde the agent at Jackson delivered to 571111
555:3’70317‘1931‘5 '..’»‘f‘dfmre 0f Swell .;{ing .’1:/11 Jot-m shite vs. the Comaanl’
11.2151 131.511; 3:111 1:15. 3-3. arc‘tect our interests.
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7’ /’ ,X/ .
Jpxw/ (54
2m misrepoweil, ‘ , '
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,

Judge Wilson has probably forwarded to you a copy of
petition aha docket report in case of Sewell King v. L&E anfl
L&H RR, Breathitt Circuit Court, in which plaintiff seeks to
recover $600 on account of destruction by fire of timber on
his lama in Breathitt County, Ky., on or about July 15, 1914.

Will you kindly furnish Judge Wilson full information
with reference to claim in question as promptly as practicable?

r* Yours very truly,
//////(¢#&f Asst. District Attorney.
JJD -' M
cc Hr. S.M.Wi1son,
Lexington, Ky.

 _ ; . I . ’.‘ V ‘ V I
‘ . . i ‘ I I . in I > ‘
I I ('I" ~ ‘ H . . , I _ I I ’ . V
. I , _ ‘ t ' — September 28, 1914. -
G. H. Hegrman, Esq., ’ I ' ‘-
Asst. East. Atty/”L & N a a (30., “ ' ,
an I ,
LouiSyille,Ky¢ ’ ' , ‘ v. . .,
_I “If“ ' V _ ,“‘ . . ‘ ,
“ Dear}! Dir: - I
/ "" " I,
~ Find, herewith enclosed copy of Petition and Docket ' j
Report in the case of Beweii King: '9'. I, a :- 1237.00. and L a .2: . .
' ERIE: Cog, new pending in the Breathitt Circuit Court.
\ ’:.‘} V , . Yours truly, ‘ ', ,
\ E13103. . ‘ , , '
shits/a . ' a
I: ’ Counsel. _
a 7 I v
\ A ' . '
‘. I . _
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' g- ' September 28, 1914. “ ‘”‘%§
. W.A.Mcflowell,fisq., " ' . . - ' . 1%
Manager, L & :2 1237.00,», . - ‘ : ' ' {if
' Lexingtonfiy. , . ‘ ' g ' a .
. year Sirz— » 2 > - -
H Fifld herewith enclosed coyy of Petition in the case ‘»;f
' ' of Sewell King 37. L 8c E 1131.30. and L 3}: 12 12 Co., now pending ‘ ' .
fin the Breathitt Cirauit Court. 7 > . ‘ , 2 2 " '. _
* 2 ,>_mestnfly, ‘ ' , 7 1
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firm/a - ' ' _ ‘ - V ' .-
V «- ‘ ‘ Counsél. '\ “
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 7 . . ' V ' , ‘ $3111; ember 21?, 1914. «
~ Judge 1"). ‘fl'. 'E’olleré, ‘
Jewel on, :3: . ' 1 . ' - .
- Deer fiirt- » i
I we in ‘.reeeiat 0:330:12 fever of the get}: instant, 3
'. eeclosi :15: dooket‘ retort and, three armies of petition in the fol~
’ lowing eeeee, '1 ' ' V,
27:0 so; .ileupin v. i} e; H , ‘ 1 _ _ .
1 I . Clmrlos Itemfin v. 23 £21? ' 1 ‘ ‘ 1 . f
’ .tiémfllfz've Entities; v. it o; . ' '
'».—«swell in, v. :1 e z; ' 1
I Jplm Halt e '9'. L d2. ‘51: and at 1;” _. 3 '
.;Elso yinoloeing; three comes of toa’ml fetition in the mine of '
(fillet wile ,:“ntlmr. v, 5;: :.?; .133.- h '
1 ’ Year-s tmly, .
' Jig/a. _ 1 . '
1 . ' ~

 ‘ . I . £ a: o :2 Y 3 A \ . ‘ _ 2 " .
i , , ' Jadkson, Ky., hept. 26, lQl4._ ‘2 :2
Juége Saml. a. Eilaon, I , ' y 2 I 'J?
Berington, Ky. . i ‘, h_
hear Sirzv 4‘ t ' ‘ . - i J j
I h I ineloga docket reporto anfi 3 oopios of petitions ': , h

in suito as follows, ‘° > .V1

’ Room Laupin VE‘L & H ' , - i h

1 Charles Routin'vfi L & E ' ' . V
, . Manorva Watking to L & E ‘ . . it
g/zémveifiing vs 2; :1» 2: ' , ' (I
- John fihito vs L h 3 ané A & fi ' .
V ,Aloo inalooa 3 angina amonfiaa Fotition in cage oi > ,
‘ ‘ amass ”Dole ::::rmr. we ::: :2.. . ' .' -
Yourm truly. . . - f l
. , ' 2‘ ’ (S'igjgnom amonm. ’ ' . ‘
. ,
‘ ‘ ' c

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