xt73bk16mf8w_214 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [185] John White v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [185] John White v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_20/Folder_25/70836.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_214 xt73bk16mf8w b
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 O . _
April 23, 1916.
Jufigge O. H. 301152.36“,

Jaclmo 1.1, Kentucky. -
flew Si 1::

I acknowle age receipt of your “favor of April 27, 19193,
anclosing Clerk's ’.‘anation 0: (30:31:53 in favor 01" plm‘ ntiff {3:3-
porter‘: in a S‘jmgla letter with taxation 0'5." costs 111 seven other

. 7::
Suits}, amounting to 28-30. I note that the form-going; Taxation
(“was not include the ciai‘ezuian‘c‘s 3023139,. Ehig bill will be for-
1331'de to the Louiirville office for 2.2.1: 13811451011. '
Very truly yours-s,

3535/5, ,



 ‘ .‘?1! a .. ‘ a , . V ‘I u. _ _ ,' January 30; 19%59 .4 ;:
, J «Juegec. s. Pollard, ‘ t , p ‘_ ' ' t ’ . -
‘fl_y':' '7 “ v ;.' -Jackscn,Ky. I - 7‘“ , K H p p ' L i I
/ . ‘ ‘ 4"Hy dear Juageimt. , “:.’ V p ,‘ a ' f I r
H ;_ fi-t : ‘.'Referring to the case in breathitt Circuit Court of
.' i“?\;:John white v. L &.E and L a’n, wiil you please,_at your very first
‘.f 7 ‘ - opportunity, hate notice earned andiproceed to take the plaintiff’s'__v
V‘ ‘ diagnosition?' The Law Agents have apparently been unable to'dewelop 4”
. . I - ~any of the facts attending this claim and are inclined to think i ' I
' , ,_7 ‘k i: is imaginaryit Under these circumstances, it'would-seem that ;_ -'
t 'y " .tha'best possible chance to get at the inwaraness‘of'the matter ‘ ' i”
I , I t/ v is to take the plaintiff's deposition, as if on crosS*exanfinationg“ ‘
1' K a ‘ 'Trusting;that you can conveniently arrange to do this f}
*‘ 1'4' ‘ at an early date, I am,. '_i‘ ‘ ‘ ; r ‘ .‘_ ,
m .l SEW/a _ I . y: 3' ;Very truly yours,‘ 4 . , ‘ ‘ ‘
2 ‘ ., p ‘4, ~ V .‘ , ' ' it 7 L EOunSeleVH.‘ } x}: .‘“
. ‘ ; j 3 r a ‘4 L / _ t 4

 ; 7777” m"
.’ /
'zJ/lfwmm07/{s/le:{/:IZ//IIII 41/1/11 f/(// (Ii/9n (w 0”; )/fl/? ///z/'/

ZZM/kjj /’//%Mmmz. /’
W slur/.Qa-tx-xk/Wax/m: / . / fl/ ,4 ,1
/,/?/21*€v}/// flair/,‘ngfl ////////////// Jan. 25th,1915.
Mr. S. M. Wilson, /”"" ,2 5 M
Counsel, L. & E. 3. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:—
Please refer to your favor, dated Sept. 28th, enclos—
ing copy of petition and docket report in the case of John White v.
1. & N. R. Co. and L. & E. R. 00., Breathitt Circuit Court, wherein
plaintiff seeks to recover $5,000. on account of injuries sustained
by him while a passenger on one of our trains, date not stated, between
Winchester and Jackson. I am handing you herewith Law Agent Landrum's
letter to Mr. Warren, dated Jan. 23rd, which please note. I shall be
V; very glad if you will have notice served and plaintiff's deposition
V itaken as promptly as practicable.
\ Yours truly, 4”!
(f/<:f Chief Law Agent.

 A." . ‘ ' :5.”; //7
- 1 ' «f; :9, , 2,7 /’ ‘ ;2 w ,xrf' ,‘2‘ X
. //
,9 . « (1+fi-‘z,2 ‘
:jM/(WMJV/é/fllflgfim 114/ll 0)(//r1(////r/// /§)/mfl?fl/fi
”Van/r4) -/Z/. '%flzmmr, zz/
/" .:ffgmmhz,fitment [7 :y/ 2- t,
/"/ 475%,. imam/499 Jany 23rd. 1915-
Nr. A. M. Warren,
Law Agent, Stanford, Ky,
Dear Sir,
Referring to the attached papers concerning suit of John
White Vs this compnyyon account of injuries sustained on one of our
passenger trains between Winchester and JackSOn, Ky., August 28th,
The trainmen know nothing whatever about this matter. I have
nignot been able to get hold of the plaintiff. The attorneys for the other
? side told me that Govan Smith and Ance White were witnesses but they
deny that they know anything about it or that they were on the train
with White. ¢
2}, Will you kindly arrange to have deposition of this man taken.
Yours truly,
L//‘ c/A/WQX/ déKC 1LLirL/‘—’
M*.Donohue. Law Agent-
Will VOU please consider having token the deposition
of the plaintiff. Mr Landrum seems to have hood to thr end of his
row Without it. The 0399 looks vorv much like it night be e fake
and I do not see how We are going to fight it W'thout taking the
deposition. vou Will note that the Operatinr department has no
recovd W“atever of accident SOM.W.

 5; :-1-~ 2 «:4- +378
I - V, -_ fl: /,_ '"‘ /
' <:;/i/ . (7 (ngg) 2/4/ (?;K<
. \ ~ " ' ,3 "3 ,t V W U "/ "‘3 7‘1
7': ",3 ,,,), / , 3 3‘ ,”/"/ ' , j, , // // (.«"//// / */,«’x
,.‘? .mz/Mn/fl/x ,.(M/ / f/l/é/l/ [Moi/15!!» ._éflz/z/ (ll/MA;
C» / ' 7,. V “ ~- ’
. ‘ (W W :- 7 ‘ /
/(///t(/«/’(l»/ ‘ Mr!)
/’I«/ ./ ”if (7/ :1?“ -\ ,' ." . / /
“M”@%”~‘ ézé4L-/;; icv/ 0-uflizv%¢%év2g, {9%
16 ,§ October 1?bh, 1914.
, . _ . V.. .l a. ' ,
Mr.0.u.floormgn; fisgt.3ist.fitty.,
3925: S. 3:1 Irond UOZ‘Lifi's’fiénlf-s
Louisville, Ly. .
Dear Sir:— .
Your 19889: 0* tegteybar Bfiuh é; connaegion ‘ith suit
of John White v, the Qumnwny iu thick ha Sanka 50 reeuver $5000.00
on accoun: of personal injuriefi claimad to havc been uuafiained
while a Passenger on one of our Uraing befiween Uinchesfiar and
I have no file in shim case. I reguemtca the fiastcr of
grains to secure ¢ gtfifiemgfifi fxon anfiuefior firadshav sun from
Flagman fladaen 0f urflin noes Auguwt Qfiuh, aha &ay an Ihiah ia is
allegea to hflVD occurr00, find bhey bush deny Sfirenuously knowledge
of an acoiaenb anfl wre positive hhn; fihere va; no rough hwnfiling
of the train 33 indicatofi in she ZetiSiona Thinking pcrhxvs
Some oshor can0uefi r van invalved we securefi Statemenun frcm all
passemger conductors and no one in able to recall such an occurrence.
Yuuxt: txuly,
V: ” , ,'~’f;>
‘3‘ 7’7“,
X 2,
1 .0 / g . ‘ 3?
x3 / /w:nlga" //
$00.03; €30 / ,.
xk.S.i.¥ilaon, Lexington. L

 » A~/////y//// mm //////7/ fl/////// ///////////
.._ “ /~ “".‘/ye ,2/l7/ ” 5
A ’Q’Zwmy’w/ Wm}
/// tag/fly/fl” [yeepm :50 1914
, 6
W7 M _
Mr. Samfl M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky. f
Dear Sir:—
Your letter of the 28th handing me copy of petition
in the John White case. I cannot make an investigation regarding
the matter Without being furnished the date.
I Yours truly
’ / /3//r/fi// /,
K W; /Z/ Aifl/M/g
/" [I ‘ / /

 717/111 /77
. ' _ flaky/(MC 05/4) Hz, ,fl .1 //// flfll/ ///////////
. /
-7JJ%'/‘(/('/////)/_.//. y/{H/M/r/ /‘ ,/ K 7 , 7’ ’ 7' / , /.’.
’ ////.'v//‘/'('/ -\///0/7/(/;7 riff/{J c/ V/7/f/ ///7/’// //7 ' » fl/’// ///,' r/,
”207/113 -//X; //>/4‘///m¢/.
.‘ZY‘A‘K ’l)/.K‘//'/'/'/ .VI/lama: / , )-
K K" ‘A / -. . . ,1/ 2 r r 2‘-
/I/lllfl.} / gflufiétm. OjVflJfl/flflj “a C Opt . .59 ,, 151.4: .
,x / //H('/l//N'n/{/emf ’ (/
COM f [94 V / 1:1; ”,2;
. Mr. W.A.Mcbowell, / / 'MW” /’
Lox ingto n , Ky .
Dear Sir, ‘

I have letter from fir. Wilson, enclosing capy of yotifiion
and flocket report in case of John Whifie v. 3&E and 1&E, Breathitt
Circuit Court, in which plaintiff seeks to recover $3,000 aocount
personal injuries alleged to have been sustained by him while
a passenger on one of our trains from Winchester to Jackson& Ky.

If you have a file relative to this case, please sena
same to me, and oblige.

J' Yours truly,
‘Asst. aistriet Attorney.
cc Mr. S.M.Wilson
I ‘

 :.,‘~ ‘ - ’ ' . p ' '1 3 September 28; 1914. (1‘
g... ., .0. H. Hoorman, Esg.g ‘. j , . ‘ ~'l
V. . seat. Diets Atty.,t a s as Co” . ' , « ‘ ' F < p

T. j . ‘Louisville,K§. ’ f , " A -' > -

t‘ l. , fDear Sir:—~ ., _v.‘ ' ._ . ‘ 7 I j
' ' ' f Find herewith enclosed Docket Report and Copy of Fe—

'. ” " tit‘iOn in the ease of John, renew. L e E smog. and .L a s 3: 300., I ’

. V lately filed in the Breathitt Circuit 09ers. . _
5f ‘ ° 'f‘ ' . - Yours truly, '7 H N
,' Ens. . . , . . _ . ‘»
_- . p L] ’ . Counsel. , .
. i I . ' ‘ ‘ I I , > .
[él‘ A I I . u . ‘
/:' ‘.R‘ I ‘ V
‘ , ‘\ '. , ;' ,
" i, ’7/ "*1. ' ’ ‘
I ‘ ‘71 b “:3. ' l I , I ‘ H
. ,I/V‘ . ' ' ' v. I
, "2.x, ? ‘\ ‘ ' . . ' .

 .‘. (V . I _ Y _ . ‘ , 1 _ . ‘ ‘.’?“
» ' ‘ , . . . September 28, 1914.. , " "
W.A.ficDQwell, Esq., ' » , ‘_ ' . _
‘ manager, L & E Ry}00., _ , 7 V - ‘ . -'
. " ' Lexington, Ky. ‘ « " , ‘ '
, Dear Sir:- “_ ~ ’ n' ‘ 1 ' ’ ' ,
' . - . Find herewith enclosefi copy of Petition ifi the case of‘ ‘ 1
J John White v. L as B 331.00.. and L as H C139,.1za‘t;ely filed in the ‘ '
' ‘ Breathitt Circuit Court. ' ' ‘
- , Years truly, .
‘ :Enc. _ . ' 'L . ‘
Sim/a. - . . ' . _
. - , Counselo . '
. . . ‘ ‘ \- _
f ‘ .' ' I ‘5 \ , I
1 ,1 ‘K‘l > ,1 Q .‘ ‘ ‘V
E 1‘ “\\\ . _ , ‘1, \N 1
I; ‘ . ‘:‘» > v ‘ , 77 _ 1 ‘5
< K ' ,~‘ N L
. \‘ . ' -»" 1 . 3 ,

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