xt73bk16mf8w_218 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [189] Encroachment of school building on railroad property, Letcher County text [189] Encroachment of school building on railroad property, Letcher County 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_21/Folder_4/70962.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_218 xt73bk16mf8w "
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__ i; /’
‘ Afinmegsmbgmm //
; HAZARD. KY. //
/ October 16, 1914».
.,’ 3'1 1:." '- "_ ;. ;"
- I ‘ . ‘1““!- .L.—4? \/ :N .’_.

., , _; . s gei f}. “.4;/y
hr. s. n. Hilson, *

- . U s «‘2; arr i3r¢n

herington, Ly. f
Dear Sir:

I attended 3 meeting with the County superintendent

or Schools of Letcher County today. I find from the maps
that were sent me that the right of way is on the school
preperty in the two cases mentioned. what is, {uh-district gl
of Division I, near the mouth of Collie, and district 34,
sub-division 54, on Eright‘s Eorh of hoone.

Che right of may of the reiered is entirely on
these two progerties. rhi: is the best I can learn iron
the maps rurnished me and the recoris.rhe county Lugerintendent
says that there is not sugricient room left for school purposes
and that each or the school houses are right up near the rail—
road track, and that the children have no place to amuse them-
selves or use for play grounds without being on the railroad
track or crossing it; and he wants the railroad to pay him
for the entire property and let him move the schools to some
other place not so close. I have asked him to submit to me
a written proposition of what he mould take for these two
school lots, including the school buildings or what he would
take ior the lots and the school taking the buildings; and
as soon as I receive his written proposition I will let you
know. In the meantime, I will have the title to the lots

‘ ‘ Aitnruegsmbflfam
4/ 7 4%,

' HAZARD. KY. ,r/a
We AVA //

Oct. 9, 191#. V

Judge Samuel M. Wilson, —

Lexington, Ky.

Dear sir:

Yours enclosing letter of H.C. Williams, relative to
complaints of Mr. Jenkins, County Superintendent of Schools of
Letcner County with reference to encroachments of certain build-
ings on property of tne Railway Company in Letcher County, re~ .
ceived and noted. I will take this matter up with Mr. Jenkins
and his board at my first opportunity and try to get the matter
settle d...

Yours very truly,
I'II.—~31. I
fut/W M6146 W

 _ , 2 . October 3, 1914.. ‘
L . L (Ron. E.C.Williams, L ' .” L .
chief Eng‘r.0f Construcfiion,h & H R R 00.,
,; . Leuisviiie,xy. 2: ' V. 3
'. ‘_ \ Dear Sir:» ,.L . . L . L 2
. 'I acknawledge receipt of your$ of the lst.in3tant ‘
. with blue-prgpts enclosefl in reference to the enéroadhment of
' ‘ L2 Sdhool builéing in Latcher Cengfiy on properfiy of the Railroad L
' Cai‘rz‘gflngs’. " L ' L _ ' ‘
- L I note in parfiicula? your statement that it is very de~ 2
L ' Sirahle to settle theSe mattars with the Cgunty Board without
lifiigaiion. ,I am aceoréingly forwarding a coyy of your let-
. fiar wifih the three biue-prints encloséd tn Wootfoa & Morgan
‘ L wifih inétructions to try to afrange an eariy anfi amicable _
‘ . L setfilcment bf_these encroachments or eonflicfis. ‘ L
. L , ‘ Thanking you ior gnur frompfi attentien t0 my letter of
' . L L fiemtember 28th regaréiag this subject, I am, ‘ ,
. L. V ' L Very t r1113; yours, ‘ ‘
, . {XE/a ' L . L V '
V . _ _ Counsel. . ‘ ,

 . ‘i .I. “  .’V ..: a»   A: , . V \Y» Y. ,' agetofiér 3’V1914; ‘ _ 
_ I ‘ éfigssrs. Weotton &.M0rgan, AttorneysTat~lawg ‘ _ .
I .fiézmflvn ‘ ,. ' ' " . . ‘  
3, 1'.‘ 5;, ;p/Gentlemen:~ ‘ I -I ‘ i I   ,
, f . . ‘ _ , , a,
""- i- n'!‘ K . ‘ Please-refer to recent corresyenfience between us ,
 :  ~__ '3:- gélative»t0 complainis of Era Jenkihs; County Buyerinienéént . '_.
L'   ,3 . 0% Sshcols of'Letdhér Cannty; in refefenée fie fiheIeneroachment 
‘ ".‘ I . 'of certaih sdhocl building on property of the Railway Cumpany
»‘.§  : f ,, in Letaher County; - ‘n I V , ~ '
' . : ' ' , Herewith I hand you capy of a iettef_of the first instanfi,‘,
” I ‘ f:ml ' written me by Era Williams, Chief Engineer of Consfiructian, in‘ ‘
. waf referénce_to this subject, tngethar figth fihree Eluéwprint
I , - ‘ “ maps showing the localitiéSIiu which there may or may not—be .
7 ’~ : ‘ ' mleh interferénce as is comglainefi of Ey_the Ggunig fingerin-
“ I, 11  I tenflent. ’- ' ,I' I , ,
‘I’ ;f: _ ‘  I call_yeur particular atfiéntion té fihévsfiafiémaathgt fihe 01036
i   . of m. Wiliiams’ lettgr tmfi iii is veg-“desiraaifle fie settle these
" 5 W 2%, ~ matters-With the Ccuflfiy Beéré.witkwut 1i§igafiion. I shail firust
‘ n u E- _ to ybu fio exert you? best effarfis to aGGOMylish fihig VeryIfieF , Q?
Li‘ fik .shfltm mm, . ‘ _ ~ : . '
_'.‘ ~ I have n6 duplicates Cf tbs enelosédzmafis anfi>fiherefore  
‘ " a} have to aak that jqu will kinfllyrfireserve them careffilly in-
. I. . ‘*y r"your files. ~. ‘ I ‘
V ‘ §~‘ ‘ Veg? truly yours,‘ V _
. . .1 Enc. ‘ - V . V
‘ Sim/a ,‘ . > ’ ,
.- a .1 Counsél. J I V

“ 7 " // /“///%)/ V
. ,////)///P / grow xxx/2 ,,(l/fl’flfM/ {M‘WW4‘W/f
{11" ‘7/7 7 )- ,l (/ - ;Vg/ , ,'
- KZQQWV7/ /2%7/flygwwuw%¢//fighufi%afl%flv
/ 3
K” €Q§7 . 'Vfi¥j%?() *
j li/camfivaééé- :95 October 1, 1914
, /
ir.€ami.ia.riison, ‘ ' ' , A -* ‘
Counsel, L.& E.Py.Co., , , ”
Tear Sir: ‘.u-“” 1
Your letter of the Efith instant enclosing letter of
Geo.T.Jenkins of the Eflth instant relative to encroachment of
school buildings on the property of the railway company in Let-
cher County,Ky.
I enclose blue print of L.& I. Vile Sheet Ho.l$2,which
snows the school property on the lower one of the Edw. Combs
farm to whioh we now hold most of the shores through a Trustee. I
also enclose a map, dated July 25th, indexed X~2820, showing
this Colly property. You will note that the school house is shown
shout forty feet away from the center line of the railroad on this
7 map while it is shown about 25 feet from the railroad track on
Hilo sheet No.132. ‘
\\ . W . ~
I also enclose blue print SROWlng the lower Boone
school preperty on Kile 191. I think this is the preperty re—
ferred to as Submdivision No.4 on Boone Creek below the mouth
of ?otters Fork.
Wooten & “organ have been handling the Combs preperty
and are in position to state whether the County actually owns
the school land or whether they are occupying the same under
a permissive right from the former owners of the property.
It would be Very desirable to settle these matters
with the County Board without litigation.
Yours truly,
/ . .
é/ / _ 2%5ZéZZZZQQéfl7
Chief Engineer of Construction.

 O . .
( C O P Y )
~- 5“ e -1 Y _ '- _ ‘
1‘..oni,.~,:1.r1.:.1e,i£y., Octooer 1, 1914..
hr. Said. Wilson,
1‘ .. ,.' 7‘ .‘ ‘33-,
VOIUlel. -4 a :1- “Lyman
.' .- . ,_..L . gr"
48X}. 113%, {1011, 12.97 .
'1‘ =31: ...
Joni air.
”N ”1. ~ . r .£,".. 'EJ. :1 .L v. ,-- , ,..- .. ‘
rm: .’.(31/tux us. one Kath iil‘fiL-axl’ib {:11 :1. 3.:-.13. 1.1;)? lotto: of
'6‘, ).'...1}'::.:i"=-‘i.ns 0:»: the f? It}: J'.1'1:'§::1,,:;111t ::‘eztliz‘fgive to. (2162.23achrzent of
31:11 :01. iiiii‘Ldirhye 01-1 1511 miscr‘xeiftgf or}? the raili'ia‘f cuirmz'i'ly' in Snitchcr
sewilntg, :.;,-'. 2
.\ , m , -, -A .. _~.,.: ,..,:’ 1' :1 T1 ""’." -. ..J. ~ C .‘., .' 7
I 541133.058 clue mint oi .1 ”lit: ulsaw do. 122, uhiCfl.
. ~ \v'r‘ '7’ ,3 on} ma" ”e"\ ..,.I.., - ~f-2“ "I ""\'~'2 t) ,1 ‘.‘f 4-1 A ”("1“ A, 111‘ C1
mung, all,“ x3\_1_1‘_\J\J_. zliOHGLL-J 0!]. or}??? HQ‘A‘H J. x/I’lk, L)... 11,11“! >I—J(...}.UOI,_,,)1.>
w,- .- w . a” w —- »- .- 4.x, Ma .2" v. _. run. ..r. ‘
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:ii.:'-:,= analogs \ mam, Cited any; With, :‘azifixsrtesd .11—2220, E’ShO‘x-lii’lg":
.. a .' . ’ A“ .. 771—1.~ .. ~—,.-L-—,~ .1‘ w ~~--‘ “ w, ' J. Jn‘ ,V.. .'. 4.1. A 1 .1 . H. . 1. _ c. ..3} ‘
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-—' -. r!
..:;.lc- smart 150. 34:13..
I {xiii-‘0 311010530 ”21317:? crint {showririg the love: Boone
£1001 *trcnorty‘ on 11119 1517.-. i thini’: this :1.:-: "biz-tr l}l‘()jrs‘;l§"t§{ :0”
ferret": ta) :-_2.s 01:334.“: iris ion 1'50. 1‘, on. -.’-cone Creel: 139101.’ the mouth
0:5 Tort-3:8 130m.
timotcn i'£<)1ai::>:=:n 13:1.~".'ve been. hrrnzllinfy the 64.21.3133 gyropctrxtgf
..‘ ...,” .'.. ,. 2-..- . _..L ”dyad-1, __. .::. ,. i L.., J. v .,- ,..,
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in“ , ' . ‘ -v '1 ,., .1. . J.“ . 1.. ‘M, .1 ,, ,_,--- .5. 4 (._,~ ..‘ “.«-
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It woulc- Do J01; u.-s.1.r.:.a.jl- DO set oil-.1. these matters
:1. . I i " 4 1' ...~ ~ ...- .. ,... 'rx—L: min,
lb}; bhb' haul/1w some. v.1.thoat -.Lo.i£~?_"=,t/1311-
our .6: i; r1111. 31 ,
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I"- “,1 ' '. .:.. . ,, ..’,‘r ",.. Mm .'.:
uhlui ungmmni o... was“nation.
. «{0/ (5 '0

 _ » , e , w a ‘. . . “a
'. ‘ * .-- . - , ‘ s ' '.'- ,' '2' " ‘ " it
_ , ' », , :‘I“ 7 'f . . » ‘ " ,j;$
A I“), » . .‘ * V ' ' a x ‘.J-‘,-
, ‘ . I ' ' ‘ "' dept fiber 29, 1 law II _,_{1,f
‘ . : ' -';~ I*- I - ’“ I / . 31
. . ‘ - _ , ( ‘ g o - . t
“ “5' .I M: . +1.4... ' (I "~‘ II — V I III '8 " .I I . .I‘I‘I" I .
zefifigl‘fla 1.1000 5.1031 1}; iflmfillg . ‘:Lfrt'f I . , V.. ,I ‘
, ' ‘ k Hazard, Eye fj‘ ' III ,, , ~ - _ 35
Gentlemen: ; ' ‘1 .‘ T I j x ---r
. ., I I.I have your letter 0f the 28th insto, I
' , , denelosing letter Eran are Jehhins, County duper1n~.' —' I' f
V' . Vtsndeat of Schools, Loteher county, in regard to ‘
’ I .. .3 . o I n ‘ 1 In '5 -v a. . I '
' tne_ihterierenee-oi certain School Duilfilflgfl with
, " the right of way of the Bailsay Genpsny, or viceI /
v ‘ versa. 1 am bringing this matter to the attention ‘ H
. ' . ”T~—- . - . '
j , of are rilliams,_chief Engineer sf Genetruetion. ;
I, - and hope that same may receive due attantidn from a x ~
' I ' him at an early date, and that litiaation an: _- >
. . d ‘ s . o . 4
‘ ' thareby be areidada ‘. l “ .
‘ ' t I » , ' 1 p Yours vary truly, ,’I, ,jI .
{5‘ .- ’ . ’ I _ p I “ 'as:-
_u , ; A , . -. - Eggs, 7
g, ‘ [p ' .', dounselo; Q ,I, '
‘ _ ' Sta/be” , * .~ ‘ " 7 _ '
J¢=uva'li *‘ . " ' . " a I -I . .' .
:I’ . I I r I I I . a 7' II ‘ I ,

m . ‘. 7., ,
‘ Aixmrnmm at Lam
HAZARD, ’r<'.',
s mail-pm? .- mi, 7 ~. .
OBEL‘L‘LUUCL' A), 491/1...
jamuol L. Iilson, Attozney,
Lexi.:ton, Mentucky.
Lit/ill" .J‘LI‘:

Encloseé we han& y0u letter from Jounty guperintenfi—
out of Johoole of Lotoher County. Please have the ogmgnecrinfi
department look into this matter .t once and lo? us uvoifi
litiogtifn, if possible, against these tho school housefi

Very truly yours,
fl”. . 1 / ' ,

 w“ ‘ , , r ‘ 7’ . ‘ ‘ - »\_ 7 i . . . .

~ _ ‘ : . I‘ v‘ ' 1 [ Hazarag Ky.,' H .f

‘ , . f v‘ , . ,,

‘ , f i . fieptmher 3%

‘ item 1:. ca. i‘é’illiams; . ‘ a .’ « ' “ ' ~ . f V

' _ ‘ I, Chief Eng?“ of Gcnstructien, 397% E; a; Re 36;, S r I.‘:

. , Louigville, Kym ' f V I. .I.. »%

\ ,Eeér Siri= .7 _ ‘ J” V ,   I ff

' ' Eerewifih please nofies lotéer 6f fihe Bétfi inéta’frod r 5 ,

-. Geo. G, Jonkigg, Shanty Supafintonflenfi of Schaols in Latghar . > ’7

V county to flcotton & fiargfin in fegarfi t9 énereaehmanfi 9f sehooig. ’ J

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