xt73bk16mf8w_249 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [199v] Albert Copley v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [199v] Albert Copley v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_24/Folder_7/72845.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_249 xt73bk16mf8w ~
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thy 27th, 1916.
I C.H.Moorman9 ESQ.
Assistant District Attorney, g. o H. R. Co.,
Louisville, Ky.
Deer Sirzt
Hr. Louis Harvie,of uhitesburg,has asked me to
request you to forxerd a voucher draft to Mr. Burley Halea
official stenograoher of the Detchcr Circuit Court to cover his
bill for services in the Cooley case. This bill has heretofore
been sent in, ani hr. Earvie tells me that Kr. Hale is very
much in neofi of funds at the present time, and would a preciete
a prompt remittance.
Very truly yours?

‘-'.;~. 97 ‘I ._I ,
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. -' ,. g/ WHITESBURG,KY. .
2W / /é
K . May 16, 1916.
Judge S. E. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
In re suit, Albert Copley v. L. & N. R. R. Co., &C.,
lately pending in Letcher Circuit Court:
I beg to hand you herewith transscript of record and carbon
copy of same in the acove styled suit, also bill of Stephen P.
Combs, Clerk, for $10.90, balance of fee for copying same.
Yours truly,

 May 18, 1914-3.
0. H. I'Zoorman, Seq”
Asst. Dist. .‘2.’-:t;;r., .3 .2.- .L; :2 1:. Co.,
_.ouisville, Kentucky. ’
Dgar Sir:

U31 113111 36", 1016, I sent you “0111 01" .3. 1mm, official
;itenOp'rajt-her of the Zet<.:he:-.:' Circuit Court, for QlfSQJSO, 10': tram-
.::-crjzgt of eV‘ic‘L">nr33?‘bC., in “the (35153-3. of Albert Copley V. ..3 5’: N,

{-1115 51331-506. ”sh-2’:; insuring: T113: h't Ear,- i: (4511‘? 6». promi-t 1:; 3’. 11 paginlrm‘c 0 1f i¥".TflG.
I hi'v: today a let‘s-:21.“ from 1.11". ib'u'is 3:3. Rania, stating; that the
vouch-31 has: not yet been.123933111920 by lair. 353.10 and aakil'lg that
same may be Scent him. without further delay. I trust it may be
'gmrmible 1‘02? you. to 97.13:"; 63'. t3 the '~v:,':;;.rr133nt 0:" this: bill.
“ifs-1'3] t 11117; your-3,


I) 01111 c] .

May 15, 1916.
Judge S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
in re suit, Albert Copley v. L. & N. Ry Co., &o., now
pending in Letcher Circuit Court:

Burley Hale, official stenographer, has asked me to write
the company and have them send him check for making transscript
of the evidence in the above styled suit. Will you kindly take
steps to expedite the payment of this bill.

Yours truly, .
~ ' \

P. S. The clerk has copied the bill of exceptions and final orders
and will have the entire record complete and in shape for
forwarding to you tomorrow.


 ‘ 7
April 28, 1916.
C. Ha Moorman, Esq.,
Asst. Dist, z :2 3;. Cog,
Bouifiville, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:' -
I Herewith nuc“ose€, I bani you hill of 3. W. Hale,
'Official Stenographarg for $159.50 for Transcrint of jvidance,$c.,
in tha care of Albqrt fionlay v. 3 i K R 2 00. Please have
vouchér jammed in nayuant of same at your first aonvenianca, and
ob]. ig; r) ,
Yours truly,
43116., > _
A Counafl; '
, .

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. Afturnvng at 31311111
October 11, 1916.
Mr. S. 4. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
anlosed I hand you letter just received from D. E.
Smith and Pursifull, of Thitesburg, which eiplains itself.
Yours very truly,
JJ.-i/‘.'J'.TR K.» . '

 I 4 ‘ MS:L:::ZTM /o l /0 g / (0
% WM, /[7'

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41722774 “Si/"(‘H/(‘f/f/r'. // f u l, , ~
/ l U/ UMP/frwwzq..m “’“W’ M” ”/ March 1st,1916.
Hr. S.TM. Wilson; Counsel,
JJezzzington a Eastern By. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-
Herewith please find LE. Harvie's letter, dated
Feb. 28th, together with enclosure referred to therein, rel—
ative to statement of Stephen P. Combs, Clerk, Letcher Cir-
cuit Court, for $115.82, costs, &0. in the case of COpley
v- L.& N.R.Co., lId'etcher C ircuit Court.
The bill referred to should be approved by you be-
fore same can be vouchered in this office. Do I understand
Ithat it is the intention to have voucher made in Mr. Comhs‘
‘.. 3,.
5.- ‘lfifavor for $113.82.
. ///f i Yours truly,
éflz Z .:-’ d': {*'4——Wc.¢6 .- ,
Assistant District Attorney.

 4r Wfi
a, /
February 28th, 1916.
,ir. J. J. Donahue,
Louisville, Ky.
Dear Girzn
‘ In re suit, Albert Copley vs 1. C J. R. R. CO.. 56.,
lately pending in Leicher Circuit Court:

Enclosed I beg to hand you statement of account of Stephen P.
Combs, Clerk, for gll3.82 as follows:

Transscript, 71,500 words 571.50

Carbon copy 17.87

Certificate .50

Defendant‘s costs 23.95

Total {$113.82
3r. forgan ordered a carbob copy of transscript from
which to brief. ‘
The bill of evidence will be completed within a few days.
’ $ours truly,
34% T fig/W4.
Copy to S. L. wilson ‘
Jesse ;organ

 Sir/A -
02; /é '
‘ February 28th, 1916. j
Ir. Jesse ;organ,
Hazard, Ky.
Dear Sir:- »
In re suit, Albert COpIey vs L. & H. E. R. Co., lately
pending in Letcher Circuit Court:
Barley Hale told me today that he was ready to complete the
bill of evidence in the above styled suit at any time 1r. Craft
' could come up. He has been ready for him some days and has prac-
tically completed the bill. V
Please have hr. Craft to some at his earliest convenience.
Yours truly,
Copy to S. L. Wilson.

, 4
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April 28, 1916.
Judge 3. k. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir:-

Replying to your letter of March 30, relative to the
Copley case, I beg to state that all the directions given there—
in were duly carried out.

Yours truly,
I ‘ W

(;C/lz/AD 2‘; /6 WHITESBURG, KY.
April 28, 1916.
Judge 8. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
In re suit, Albert Copley v. L. & N. R. R. Co., late-
ly pending in Letcher Circuit Court:

Replying to your letter of the 26th relative to the word
"evidence" being used in order entered on the 19th instead of
the word "exceptions", I beg to say that same was an oversight
and the clerk has corrected same on the-eggfiidf%é7/€

Yours truly,

 \ .
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n/m-A '71/3'07'17 . VIM/#74511: ,
[mm [flaw/fit”. ’,/,/',U,,,///;;f_ /'/ April 2.4., 1915
/ /, //IH‘/[/H/’»/I(/(I///. ' . //
Copley v. L&N R. Co.
...-.. ”7*“3f' /é
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
I have a memo. on my calendar pad for today that
the Letcher Circuit Court begins its April term today,
and that our bill of exceptions in this case must be
tendered by the fifteenth day of the term.
I hope it and the transcript of evidence will be
tendered well within that time. This is merely a reminder.
Yours very truly, .
District Attorney
Cy to
Messrs. Wootton & Morgan,
Attorneys; Hazard, Ky.

 1 up; i
: '3 .
April P2, 1915.
;,Loeers. 1.3.;1'32211: (3:; Minnie, Attorneys,
7.113171%; {312131133 3' ’ A? 1; tllcligf.
I ‘—.::.i:kiioi.1eiiggis: llimjuipt o: y‘amrn oi the 19%;, tranrilii'ti;ngq
Bill of .i'viricnee 1:: 'L' 1':: o3 in. .,»r—wog'uar 9112:1133 neuri- 11:43.1L‘iir‘t;
50;]..123 v. ..r .- ;;,s:i:oI "i311 you; gust- Roam 131;; 5‘14”? o:"1‘f_i.‘i‘*;os
his: :3;":1;I-;:‘;:::'i:;ti: :13}. meg, , :E.;;;i§_';ii_;l.;:,h; .3117. :': ..1:-..i.j.girl-:31, ;'.".;.‘_".I;.‘:d.
.”....10 'L‘-II my, {'.11‘132‘ .
4.111%. {.1311 ,
.u 01111; 27:. .1

 ”“3333” £322???” ’ Wm [’5
April 19, 1916.
Judge 8. R. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
In re suit, Albert Copley V. L. & N. R. R. CO., &c., now
pending in Letcher Circuit Court:

I herewith hand you Bill of Evidence in the above styled suit
which wee_iodax Eileg in the Clerk's Office here, also copy of or-
der filing same eggflpill_of exceptions.

Yours truly,mwn

 Latcher Circuit Court.
x“ x ‘ \ “x V.']- '{ “ a :1
Albert Copley, Plaintiff,
vs Order

L. & N. R. R. 00., &c., Defendants.


Defendant having heretofore tendered its bill of evidence,

and also the official stenographer's report of evidence and carbon
copy thereof, on its motion said bill of exceptions is examined,
signed and approved by the court, and said official stenographic
report of evidence and carbon copy thereof are examined, signed
and attested by the judge, and it is now ordered that they be fil-
ed and made part of the record without being spread on the order
book, and it is now certified that this bill of exceptions, with
said stenographic report of evidence, contains all of the evidence
in the case.

¥ 1
‘ ‘
I l I Februafy 12, 1916.
J. K. Craft, £33.,
Attorney at law,
Hasard, Kentucky.
Dear biz;
1 would like you to writn up tho 3111 of Erceytions in the
Gayle; 0339, which I dictafed to you bniore leaving Ehitnsburg. Olease
make me 071:: orig-;iuz'l “ ‘L‘-no «5371,1031 capiesr “tin 1:01“ 1' beijrrve you
have all 0: the DS§OTS to he in CI aratufl ix tha 3111,with tho wassible
BECOfitiCH of defandnufis’ fiction to Lycinda Certain Svidence from the
. Jury and defonduth’ Lotion anfl Groundu for a New Trial. I hnrwwith
E7H0108€3 3073108 (If t}mm§3 do nvaenfisz to in; iguaflricuhzted ii? tha 33111 vfihen
you writa it up. I: there be fly? othAr pafinrfl which you finfl awe
109850.41, let; me i301? and they will 1w“; ,"a);v"-,;'rLrR;=.<‘i to [7311‘ jaccomjwtlzf.
Thanking yvu for yuur cromut a4? fiaref‘l attention to
this matter, I am,
Very truly yours,
Sim/a > ‘

 ” February 12, 1916.
Hon. 3. D. Warfizld,
Dist. Atty., L Q N E R Co.I
Tfiolzisi/iT lo, QCe11t1uzk3r. I
Dear Sir: '
Replying to yours of the llth instant, in reference to
Deploy ease (your filo Ho. 7983Q), I have to say that before leaving
Whiteshurg I fiietatod the Sill of exceptions to Mr. Craft, our
stonogrnphor, and just as soon as it can be written up I will 10r-
warfi you a copy. I on writing fir. Craft today to please write up
the Bill at his earliest opportunitro
I know I shall be greatly aided by any suggestions you
Fwy feel disposed-to make as soon as you find opportunity to
consider my letter and the enclosures of the 8th instant.
, Very truly yours,
. Counsel. '

 ,r/Tw //i
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(1%?711(2'Jf/70([/Ilf/’/€//{l/I, ZL/Mj/fl, ”7,,, Feb . 11. 1916
Albert Cepley v. L&N R Co. ,
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, 2 :iZXZ./;; /6 5
Counsel, Lexington, Ky. ‘
Dear Sir,
Yours of Feb. 8, with its enclosures; also your
letter of Feb. 10, with its enclosure, received. I have
not yet had time to examine the enclosures of your Feb.
8, nor to carefully consider all that is stated in your
excellent letter on the subject. I feel, if I am to be at
all helpful to you in the matter, that I shall have to
study the case carefully, because you evidently have it
very well in hand and I shall probably have to study
pretty hard in order to find anything to suggest to you,
and, even then. it may not be of any value. I will pro-
bably not be able to get to this matter before the first
of next week, or even later. Meanwhile, while the details
of the trial are fresh in your mind, would it not be well
for you to prepare your draft of bill of exceptions and '
send it to me and let me look it over before you tender it?
I am sorry Judge Butler did not feel about granting
the new trial before he overruled the motion as he seems to
have done on the later day referred to by Mr. Morgan.
Yours very truly, ,
j/, I . ,
District Attorney

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