xt73bk16mf8w_25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [17c] Letcher County miscellaneous, January - August 1916 text [17c] Letcher County miscellaneous, January - August 1916 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_3/Folder_3/61713.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_25 xt73bk16mf8w )L-'5::E Mona/nu I_Ewns. ti. HAltvlr
Jarvxury 3rd, laLj. _
Judg‘s S. LL Hilscuu, , 6“‘)A§ / é
Lexingtuu, 1’,]. /
Dear Sir;—
I came to Whita5»ar3 on fesuardfiy to 109K after
Rula Day matters hara on tsda;. Th“ demzrrnr WILL 0a filed
by the petition in the Sam 0911113 9131 as diracbad.
”r. Lawis 1. Harvie ylli 3e pqrmwnanzij Lgcltad
at yhitasourg nfireufbar dnu you may :ommunjcata divas: with
hin Haunt an; nutoJar J¢untg nattars. He wiLL promptly
carry cut any jirecblons you nay give. Sf u2ursa, unis Jeans
121 csnnactlan with 41‘. 3. I. 32], ;g2H' LocaL 1;:ornay here.
I want jun 3;» semi i=3 'ng Ei-iz'vie :1 Suppl; 3f your
olduk forms, viz.
non—employee witnessaa
judgant regafLS
vuluxole packmgq abumps
empLajaq witnnssas
"1311. you ;31.‘=3'_Lf3'3 :n'fi‘wa jiz'. 'Hz'vie and D, 'L. My
tullixg chem now ,;u desire the L. i E. 33368 sat fur trial
at the coming January Term. They ijL we :ninking over tne
matter than and trying as work ta can and to suit your can—
vnhiance 1nd I ijL nuka this suit me.
Yuurs firuly,
€112,441 fl( Avv/fl'M/L -

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"Lira Lewis iiarvie,
‘..‘ij t 5.35: bu; y ’ ;{aa‘r;1;1z:‘]«:‘j,='.
30:3,)? blitz

A ‘Lim: to !!.(')k1’10‘\1512’2ri:§e genre 0:" the 4th ti,z'3o’.2z2.r'.t, f’:3'-.(:13£311’1{§
a 00;);7 o; L a; ;. (3\)(;._.".,rL1 .90.” «':‘rmw-.x;,r, 1’.-FRY}, t arm -:;:5' the 1:1: :‘wc'? Circuit
Gambia .52; 1'01»: >12 ‘; :0. give flair: Twit-.,.; I jvjs 52;; Empfipfj ",.“,fifirum
“will". have 4 Kit}; gem gimino. 111;: THUR; 711’“... 5.22.2 was) u7:1b:3.1'-
1"’L.F‘f‘;3 31,3: <3:;1;;["3..‘1;:L 11111;: 1.:“ "L"( I ‘:.‘1134. if: 31:17 ;‘x‘fif'ii'iflle
:iox’ L..":5113;9516311L15 ‘,.-o ‘53:) :'.i:j-3=.‘ fifth {~77./a $111,110}: '..}; 03' I "62:11”; he
iroljairvaee ;;:;=<;;: 3.1.342'1d.?_71;f tha= 5:1: '1'". \r 2:135:31: ‘a: 901:1; ("1121.21.51 Th- 231.1131;
two =~;.=.:-:::n_:t.=:, at 73:15:30 0; :1:-;- f=L=L‘.=‘."‘;1'C {Spires-€33; ”‘.'?I‘U. 7 “mv~ ‘.=3; em»
7310;:ch .1143; .011 1:12:23: ‘5'";111: 1111.2. :.=-:.=;=t::"‘-.:, =17: 1.:r‘:,-;'=.'i7-1.e, :..1127 this: (359359 is

3:31: 1'0: t).‘i:.;l‘_., =33(,I.'1f731‘1£:i12{_‘ Li=.‘=li("=‘«"?.',=.7, Jezu::..:;f 10th; 232...: 1:.1‘o;;:z.2r2.‘_3‘.ty is
tho/.'. it: will 03.21:: um». 3.17. a): ‘2 5911 6):." {111;- 2* "2311113111313. two ’.‘";O-kS
01” the Jeanna-37' 1.411.271 01‘ ”the _ diicmit paint {2.114, 11:16:»: the cir~
(:12_m%€;mu:s35-=, I ice]. ‘.r.)oz,1u:Le give, this}; UTLL'J’) .LilSt attenfiien. I 11mm
yraetiesll.1;? e.rrr::»ir.1.9:<:.1ui:.<‘3, 21116. I H, have: that 516.28 45121131“ may
treat me equally as W317... fie ef-m 3: ref.» =L=u=uIGIY Unfit I! Will 1039 no
Ozmortunity to She‘s: my Z1733)l‘=’3(li::2fiiL311 01‘ "the :.i xiv-23‘.
Thenfrigm you. 1‘01" your 123?; 3:51“, I :m,
V32? 1; L111” vou 1's
- l '4 I7 r! - ,
:53} /J .
(I; 01 31 J.;: .

 "1,‘ ‘3 . . 1 .w.‘ ,fi 1 ,”‘ “1 1;" .
Kw‘l. ‘“IILMLEI; LU L(3.‘,‘ 3x. ! 317/ ‘11..“ , I. ‘. ,3
T "’I.’ ‘r , r1 *1"v_-
~... ~‘ H I. ;,‘v , , 3‘
0.1V.--.vL)1., -.', n, .A «.1: 3 , 3 I .3.
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1.1.. .,~ VL3I’ .
3:3-"135‘ 1:33 3 o" 1:; » 1r,» '32 :21 "‘_ :" A“. "
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< :I 1.33, 3, ‘13, .-.)...,L3... ,,,. ‘31 u . _ .1 ;;L.
\I 1",” j ,.I ...‘.,1 .
»' -~,_-—: " ‘.1 , a » :.
«‘.II 1 __gu, a, r .,.. , .1 . .
,..“. 111L530”
I‘i',‘ ’3 2.'" -: r3 1" ‘v“" : ‘ ' - 3‘” 3r 3" v »..»?
. ‘ - ,, «a .‘1 . ,3. \11.‘ ,1, - > ,1, V I , . I.. I,-.- u I 3.1
I',, ‘. . ,,- . .I‘ . 11‘ v.3; , 1 :. :4 ,. ' 1.-..1 u‘
’_. .,...7. “ “1.3"" 13...: .3 ‘,.“ 5__ 3‘. , ‘.> > , .~. » ,‘. 1"".:» 4.
, 5. .., ,. ,.u _4 ,,, . .. .7 5‘. ,, , .5 ‘ “,”‘ b
» _‘1.“ 7.,>*-~4“‘V 3» ~ -‘ av. -~ ~» . 3 »? ~ A f
, \I‘I-J. ‘.‘___\.)IA 1:“ p31 .1 . 2 J ’ \321._/A, _I. .
\.., , '21:“..1‘.

‘ «Tonya-2.2.17 5'7, 13,26.
(30 S. ‘Tflndrum, 3.80,,
Raw 114%., <15 31’ 3?; :1 00.,
3:105:50 I1., Kentucky .
Dear. :.‘i 1';
I I'sr-co'ifixeri 3011‘: “Letter of the (uth izmtant, written me
from, I‘.:aznsrd :1.-161. zuhhmz'xrtzfi t c we :13." :7?;C7'if7«.311 ::.nc‘; 1:085:37, on my fe—
tm‘x’l :53.“an Jackrtcm, I 312170 Z")(‘:".iV’.‘d your: two measmagtzs i‘rum “iksevi Lle.
Than—3:2 gupugt; -L:.cuz ‘.;?n; w.." 1;~;\;.Li"_;?.tl.-;:. 1.": 3312-1-11; :2.-’5: get/33113;?
C Haiti-“as L_r‘vra rer-»:1:‘rsur3t‘t. ."‘-r7 ::rzci, 3511.11.11»: won my 5::3r.:u.v‘2;21r:e.<': from
Jamie .'.Ctmnr; "1:5 :5.?1’.’.“;H‘Il-, ii; :‘-.7 11‘: =:"v"‘-»‘.(:'§;"t'LOll to ".0 to Bf‘nn‘ii L'1: .'.'-.116.
ww'jjftf'i-Tjijnfite i“_ 153;; fjxjrz“; a: fir-.1': trurll. 3:132. 7. 12.305“: not trail you 110":
1111.10.21 i r71: .'.;irgt-t: ,‘./"a121,; ~.:-11151.1 W,1r=:ir>.i‘1:_3. '1-.‘Iu,=tst; tr) ::3‘ 2:11.21
1333:3077? ‘13s:- ,‘1.,./mm: ;r_)(i.f:1.':'.-..T-1‘». :i_':r.‘ni: 1:32;: 31.: Ci‘ {:31: ~36::‘1‘2/ ::.-:8: j.'="tr:.:31t.;r
Gil OLifi u \»;()14.(.U‘\‘15
L1;-.1‘inr: 1:1 "IE2 Z :1:; :31:... Q0 (f'ijkcl'lC '.1. ['..;mfi.
"writ. :.‘:21 ;Ttt-U to 9:1 '=:-‘=i.- o.» 1:3"311 ‘:‘/‘53": r1. {3 :T".07«Tf30n, Hazard and
1.1.3tr:;_‘a‘z1m3-g;° I E:;-;:w,14;1_" .’_.t. ;u -=1 1..». 3:1;. L‘.}.r: 311.333 iii-on 1.11;: ;'-211112'11,
b11111 if? t1": * ::xrr‘t‘, .». 31‘-- I 'I“-4. i133 €593.7— tr.» :";‘:‘.:'=m%0 for
“one -" frog; 1:25;: 5:11... 1; i ‘1,.: ..»:7‘1;t...'.;_11?‘a.;.~ 5.51 1:.-115*: 1}: UN:
11th. 12G. 1‘11 r' ‘.i f‘ a thjgnil-xhort
13315: €311"? 211‘. ::'=:1'L"-.‘;!.7..(,,t>-.
Armin fiu‘tstr‘ztii.-$>' 117: 3. =."‘:
1,, -,‘ ‘1 ' 'J ‘I
,"t‘\~ ,1. ~»".



. t . .

w" Jackson, (3., Jenu.ry 5, 1916.
Hon. John E. Butler,

“ikcville, Ky.

fly do r Judge intler:

I an up against it 515, i; ;ou ever felt like helping a fniend
in distress, here iv un 03 ortunity ior the etvrcire of your good oriices.
The situation i: simply this ~- fro courts, those at Jackson and Regard,
on the line or the 3 fl 9 and, coneegunntly, in my luiliwick, ere now in
rewul r Session, wnv your Court at ”hiteeburr berine ite next regular term
on .ondmy, the luth. Merl; l.et i ll, tflsinrn the auriiulity of certain
of my linger friends in finnvilie, where I attended college, 1 fine retained

as COlhl el in.:.; izgnirt ;rt‘vill.<;3nigngt, ‘fizicn 3;: set (lawn it»? tri-l. in
the Boyle Circuit Court, connnneie: Vonagg, tle lath. The eetete involved
1: estimated at TflDfQXjJitCl; whoO,UOD.UO, ; herd fight i9 :ronised by the
contentmnts she the tri l in lihel; to con nee all :1 two Weeks, if not
more. I have trieo over ':e; to rot the tri.l ;:eixn G for a speci l temm
at 3 later date, but JQCTC tnrdin hnfi the op,esin> attorneys have ren'ined
' obdureto. It in hopeleur to 13k 3 continuance or 2 re cairn nrfi. Today
I have h‘d three moeenges freq Innvillc oi the meet urront 3nd insistent
nature, begging me to shnne no my Easiness in ieatern ientuck; so us to
be free to have ' hand in this tri.l. i do not mention this besetingly it
all or feel that I an worthy of the flatterinr confidence Arnifested by
my lawyer friends or Denvillc but state the i cte that you he; the better
appreciate the enharrnssinr position I an in. The fee hronised me is not
a phenomen:l one, not w record-breaker, but that, too, is large enough to
mate it Worth my while to Keep this enenxenent ii I possibly can. I up-
penl to you for help under these exceptional conhitions.
I em in the midst of n trial here now but hope to finish by Friday.

‘ iionJFB $2.
With the aifi 01 Judge “ollard and by the indulgence o; my brother lewyess
of the Breathitt Her, I hone to secure release tron practically mll of my
business here at this term of court. I cannot sneak with wbsolute cer-
tainty, hat I believe I shell to ghl? t3 gaku urrnhsements Lt ¥uzard sat-
isfactory to Judge Jveraole. flith Judie Luau: xflf Judge fiversole both
eutisgied, it only ren.ius for no to set myuoli right Tith you and the
WLy will be clear for so to keep my LPQOifltflUflt at fienvillc.

There are, as you perhaps know, two or three inoortxnt TLiLTOfld cases
pending at ”hiteohurr, Which i an iniur ed hiVC loan set flown ier triul
fiurine the first voek oi the ,naroachinr torn. I douht whether iny or them
can he reecheé durinw that first wee: but they migtm be reecheé durinci;he

second week. Your tern, T helioVe, lusts fear (4) WECKS. Che regular term
01 the Boyle Circait Court, at Danvilic, ends Egg weeks tram next {one
day, unless exteuaed, which i: not liLOiy. In other Words, 2; the time
the fioyle Circuit Court clones 13: the current term, your term in tetcher
will only be half spent, leuvine two weeks fen:inin? toy urgent work.

If the Capleg oasa or the Lahotich ease or shy or the other 2.2. cases
must be tried fl? thie term, will you hot he so good as to arrsnie to hqu
‘ll of these cases put off until the third or fourth took of the term?
If that is home, than they? ie a 303i chance fit me to take part in the
tri:l of the Cecil fill case 1t :unvillo die, when thet is out of the i
Why. report forthwith at the Ear of the Betchor Circuit Sourt for business.
I feel sure it Till 0 use no great inconvenience or hardship to any ofimhe
lawyers concerned on the other gifie of these R.fi. 0 see, end the accommo-
dation to me will be really serviceable.

flow, Judge, all I have to ask fiis that, in the exercise of that dis-

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"J x . n. . .. 4,3 _. .,,;r ,,, _ "V - 1 - '1.“ r _ - .., 2. __ , -— .‘" H ..
:;:.-.:fmred I..-,4.: I. 1.. .70.). Gully-re .29 12:. (..1..er 3.11..3L;,.1cc2 , _; .I:-.11 lose n0
O’Ti‘ O‘f‘t‘ . a t” .‘.3 «‘:' ,.., r1. (7'1” Wynn-9.9 ‘3“: an -. ' “.‘.. - 00, 'J _. L; .-. {._.3-VD .a
I'L) _. {lhl ‘ny hr .;fldh 53a v.51 um.“ x thjdijlvk‘blbhbl IA .1. .11» . 5... .1..

r1011. Jj‘ji €410
TrtItSfiiEL-f’ that it INL/ he, in 3.7mm ‘_;"1:.>".rr-2::' r334; 11:) c.‘ii;;-.3ijoo.i_nt r5121 :1 mi Witt.
. .. —. - u -\ I. n _. .... fl :1 '1
kimws‘t regards: 3.3111 beet '12:.421es 1.3-2.- ‘t as .112: :...131 IOI/L .- Lon/2:, honor-
able;- :',.=:i_1_ i;i,.:*.:sstr'ioin‘ Carrel“ an the 336111.221, 2';
Sincwrely ‘7") or friend,

 ‘ march 17’), 1916.
V .:.LSSSI‘S. 'wootton at Morgan, Attys.,
hazard, Kintucky.
I gleplyingg to yours or” the 11th instant, advising; me
that a :JpeciaL Lord 01' -'J'o*1.:t this been called {it .:’hitcsburg
for tiara}; Both, I. a. to way that there. is: little or no chance
0:8 my doing ;3:2:33;1t during the Lire”; “.‘-2‘3]: of this. tii‘m or, for that
' :“rzirsws, daring ‘m'; '.L-..": or.“ thy 3.2-2.1. It is on“; oz? the Muslim
:3;: :1;: 1:; ’:‘.«3 Thor) 'u::‘.:1g§ ‘:71; «:1;-‘:"; ’='-::3_:{ of the 2931.2. I '.'is‘h very
> 3mg}; '.Ji’i‘:‘;.'- Judie .:::L I_’:r tonic he TECCXJYXLJJ’C17357516 shout the ;‘.-2" trons
#311,: :1;; .Inx‘iwgc ,,J‘zi.:_::-: >13 meets incidnul to in: in 1:1-1c "wry Circuit
a; 17;..- 5 .. '
.~.: 3.3.51 dz": «.2 .‘;lV;'li(2.it, 3.131;», 1;; 1.x: have: .2 docket oi"
the Totaling: J .31.:13. 13:73. me, 6311311,
our 7‘; t 31.11:." ,
‘ Gonna-.:7} c
- '\
. ' ' '.I >

 53A LEV 3 \\v~3’3"70N Jf 351' MK‘HVSAN '
‘ Arturnvl‘m at aL‘ 11111
J .
, , ‘ )
’- _ 2' .~ k p
1.4:" ‘ .1 6:34; rj‘i : ._ \“- . _ j j .,~,-'._,.V,., a». .

' 9
3%, A37/j?a;£\ February 17th, 1916.
Judge 8. m. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Enclosed I beg to hand you a carbon copy of the order
calling a special term of the Letcher Circuit Court to convene
i at Whitesburg,_§ghoay March 20th, 1916, the original of which
g was today posed at the courthouse door by the clerk.
g z
i Yours truly, -
/ . .
94W Lag/Mm
Copy to Jesse Norgan.

r“. ' ‘1 g:
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The followiny Huuity cases are set for hearing on
unity, {are}: ’.’.Gth, lilliz:
“p.93 cautzlmr mOillui; V2,; quill}. coal .. J.;,bur ”0., :47.
. .31 " .. -» ., ,.‘ . ‘5‘", i , . -,_,_ - , 4,, - -- ,.
’ 1‘} 4031;: .~.. grunt, mi. r vs -"-c.1113.:22 webs», . c. ,
.5323 o. J. Ilcwis ‘vr-x ",Inift {101:1 ”lifter ":0.
,.’ .-_ ~,- 2r: .,. .. -- .,.,
9:34- .Iriela toasting, vs .301“; .. 140‘;le
MI“ .(W ..‘ ..', ...,.,I ‘ .l .. » ~- « V- a... ' u'. A 35 'I '3 - H
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1019 Join: ,,. Colors-talks as ”(flail ,,. ;cniily
11:53.4 «$37.57 ,w, 30111II‘I‘.‘:!:I1<3‘£ ‘Jt': fluffy . a draft
10753?” cry ates vs .eEr-ug-t .U.f-&i-E3
1033 ..e‘.'/zi cf ,Liizi'tessgurp vs ~. v-Jm alter
1034 “cam cf hitesuxre vs ;, w clyer
1,345._ Jams; vices vs a, owerws
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 ' .
‘— April 17, 1916.
Jesse Morgan, Esq” ‘ .
(fl Wootton 6: Morgan, Att;.-'S.,
Hazard, Kentucky.
- Lear E‘ir:
lu‘iplyilig! to yours of the 153th ins tent, I am very sorry
to learn that Lira. merger; is ill but I 3117131} it ‘.:iil not prove '
serious one that she ‘.'-sill :‘.0011 b: entirely Well. 3371*. ':-;z:.:<"vie
I r71 rec? me on fiatiirdzly', the 1‘ th instant, ‘51.: ‘3; there would m;
no '.:i v11 (3-"l-‘V3‘S tried at lo ii‘;a;«:':hz.:r,_" during; this week. I‘ller.‘-r::f'or'e,
1 see no occasion 1'03: either of us to worry about the situation
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