xt73bk16mf8w_253 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [200c] Annie Horr v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [200c] Annie Horr v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_25/Folder_3/73137.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_253 xt73bk16mf8w éé”
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 Form 1009-1
5 .'7} Nil] Arrangement of colors and forms in manifolding, on Straight shipments : (1) Shipping Order [white]; ‘
i _ ‘_‘ ;l 2 (2) Bill of Lading [White]; (3) Memorandum [White]. ‘
THIS SHIPPING ORDER must be legibly filled in, in Ink, in lndelible Pencil, or in carbon, and Shipper’s No-
retained by the Agent.

Agent’s No.

RECEIVE, subject to the classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of issue of this Shipping Order, I

fromthe property described below, in apparent good order, except as noted
(contents and condition of contents of packages unknown), marked, consigned and destined as indicated below, which said Company agrees to
carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its road, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destina-
tion. It is mutually agreed, as to each carrier of all or any of said property over all or any portion of said route to destination, and as to each
party at any time interested in all or any of said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the conditions,
whether printed or written, herein contained (including conditions on back hereof), and which are agreed to by the shipper and accepted for
himself and his assigns.

The Rate of Freight fiom-
tors in Cents per 100 Lbs. Per Banel’ If Spam,
If ...times IF IF IF IF 11:;—"“3? ‘7‘—Iii l IF l IF IF 1F IF 1F IF IF IF per-......-
1le Class lst Class 2d Class Rule25 3:] Class Rule26 Rule28§4th Classi5th Classthh Class ClassA Class B ClassC ClassD ClassE ClassH ClassF I
._...—___IA—n. i_l.__,__.._.,_____— _

. ' (Mail Address—Not for purposes of Delivery.)

Consigned t0
Destination, State 0fC0unt) of
Route, Car Initial Car No
iiaiiiwe—fflf—jW—‘E—A’gs—ORV’WV L—W #..—.__“...
“WAGES DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES AM) SPECIAL MARKS l (Suqucito correction) RATE , COLUMN If Charges are to be pre=
__7__.___.__....~_.__—__..._—___ é—wm—é . _b

x f _ I“ pald, write or stamp here,

. . “To be Prepaid.”

" . , I l ‘I i l 1

‘1! i i, I i I I '"‘-"”’“H'*-H'-'-'"-""’-""’“u""""--“------~‘-
/l . - ' i l Received 3

I ; 2 2 / .2 x i l ‘ i to apply in prepayment of
z ‘ .. .. . the charges on the property

If} ' . . , l , ' described hereon.
“ll ‘ i ‘ f . . . ‘ ' l l I i Agent or Cashier.
”'1‘; V1, ‘. . H I. r d ‘i ' I i r 1 ', i
I. .. . .. .. ’ .. ‘ 1‘ Per
3 l l (The signature here acknowledges
...,......,,,,,, .:....u...” .. . .. H... .. A .. ..,1, }-~~.~~~A».. .. . .. .l Only the amOuntprepaid.)
‘ l l l “fr—"+— "__—
l, i l ,1 ’ Charges Advanced:
. _-_.. __.;nglfli .. .. ll . l. ,. .. . .. .,..-.“ ‘, Willi. _/ l
. ~ ,7 fliff—‘fi‘ CHM—“m ..,-.._.__.i_ ___.~_.___, AA A""‘” “
.,' , ' WA 1: tdth dt'th' hii O
2 , 0.30%.;33. amass“? 5 .., “3 .... ... ...... .... ....
NOTE—Unless this shipping order is signed by the shipper, this shipment will be carried at the carrier's liability.
limited only as provided by law; but subject to the terms and conditions of the bill of Iading in so far as
they are not inconsistent with such common carrier’s liability.

 . '
p Sec. 1. ‘The carrier or party in possession of any of the preperty heroin undoi- shall have the privilege, at its own cost and risk. of compressing the same.
described shall be liaole for any loss thereof or damage thereto, except as horeiu- for greater convenience in handling or forwarding, and shall not be held respon
SHOT DPOVIU’E’J. sible for deviation or unavoidable delays in procuring such compression. Groin

No carrier or Party in possession of any of the property herein described “Rb?” consigned to .3' point .wilgm there is a mill—Wm “‘5’”? or {198mm elevator
shall be liable for (in? loss thcrcoi or damage thereto or dolav caused by the act may, (11.11055 otlierWise_ expiessly noted herein, did ““3“ l[- m lb “0" proiiipiiy
of God. i'nepublic ciulniv, the :inihorityol‘iiiw ortlio act or'dc‘iztult of tho sliioher unloaded) be thcre delivered undpliiccd -Wuh othcr grain oi the same kind on]
or owner or i'or difi‘crciiccs in the weights oi'groin sued or other coriiiiioiiitics grade Without respect to min-6mm“ rind If so delivered Shall be sable“; to a. lien
caused by natural shriiihatize or discrepancies in clevait'or wui’ngL For loss. for elevator charges in adcition to all other charges hereunder.

Liniii:i.izc,nr richly consul by fircroc‘cui‘i‘ingoiicr forty—eight hours {exclusive of Sec. 5. Property not removed by the party entitled to receive it Within
ltbdldoil‘llflln) ”‘,WXfiUHCC of llioalfl‘i'lll 01 H10 iWDIJUl‘ll’ill=}10511111fl1011 0? at W” fort v-cight hours (exclusive oi lcizul holidays; uiicr notice of its arrival 1111:; lit-~31:
0% _L‘Yxlhlu 21.! liiilt'nucd lor export) has bucn ilgllji' sent or given, the carrier’s 11:1- dulp seiit or given our: be ki'lit in car, depot. or place of delivery of the lizti‘rlui‘n
blill'): siizill DUAilllit oi '.\'ill’l:lloilsuillilll only. luxcupt in (time of iii’=:.:lii:ieiicc oi the or \?,-uri,-,housc. stubji-ct‘io 2L reasonable charge for storage and to carrier’s regpon.
carrier 0‘1" llf‘ni'tl’ I'd possession, “10 ("11,1‘1'181‘ QT IHLI'W “1 posscssion 5111111 DUI he Eibiiiiy its \riirchouseiiiun only. or may be, at the option of the curricr, rciiiovcd
itiibic foi‘loss, dililliigc, oi delayoccurring\i'luietlie properly 1;: stopped and held to and stored in :1 public or licensed warehouse at thc cost of the owner and them
Ll tiiiusi. upon ic'iucst at tho shipper, owner, or party entitled to moire such held zit the owner's risk and without liitbilitv on the port of thr: carrier, and sub-
request;or‘resuliingironiadclnctoi' Vice in the propi-rtyor i'roin riots or strikes; joct to u. licn for oil freinht and other lmfiul chairrres includiuv a reasonable
or for country :iziiiuige on cotton When in accordance with general custom, on charge for storuve D a , a
account of the Hill lll'u of (ho property, or when at the request of the shipper the a .
property is transported in opcn curs, the carrier or party in possession (w:‘ccpt in The carrier may mrike it reasonable Charge {01' ”10 detention 0f any V9539!
case of loss or damage by iii‘=2,iii which case the liability sinill be the some :is or car. or ior tho use of tracks after the cor ll‘dS [Hillil hold forty-eight hours
though the property had been carried in closed cars) shall be liable only for ic>zclus=ivooi li-gul holidzini, forlourlinxor unloading. and mag: mid such charge
negligence. tho :ill o1 hor (‘llllll'ifi‘ri llf‘rt‘lllldl‘l‘ illid hold such propurty subject toI 1L lieaifiiitircior.
. . . . ’i’ithiu: int iis section Shall be construoi us iC:‘-5['ilill" i, ii: iiiiie uhowu y uwor

V Inctise 0!, quarantine the goods may be discharged at risk and ‘expense of as setting aside any local rule uiiuctiug car SCIV‘lCEhOI' storage.
on ners iiiio miurgintino dopiit or elsewhere, as required by quarantine rcziiln-
tions, or :tlitlli)i'lllils. or for the carrier's dispatch, or zit nearest 11 \'iiihibic point in PTODC‘FW destined to 01' taken from 8 station. wharf, or landing at WhiCb
curricr’s Jizuxiziciit, and in any such case currinr’s responsibiliiv shall (131138 more is 110 1132111311.? ill’llilillleil “SOUL 5211111 b0 Clllil‘lilb' fli “Si; 01' 0W1!“ 111'“
when goods (Ll‘l: :::) discharged, or .L’oods may be rvturned by cal-”gm M owner’s unloaded from curs or \'i-sseis or until lozidcd into curs or vessels, and when
expense and risk to shipping,‘ point, earning freight both wuvs. Quarantine TUCCi‘VL‘il”Oi”Orilt‘li‘f‘lrml0’1lifiVflLeOl‘Ul“‘Tbillintzsythirvcs.orliiiidinitsfllfll.‘
expigiisos oi n'huicvor ii‘di ure or kind upon or in rcspcct to goods shall be borne be fit (WVHL‘Y'S l'l-‘k Uiliil 1110 ('11'-'3 Elm flililchf“1 10 11“” ililtl‘ HWY are dL‘l‘dCth
in; 'iilt' M‘siilr-rs oi ihc goods Oll‘bbefil, lion tthereon.) The carriers shall not be liable from trains, or until loaded into and after unloaded from vessels.

0 oss ori :::ii:::rc occuSionoi y illill"fl ion on isiiiicctioii ' > ' i r ’ , - - - ~

by (111mm,; pm i‘ifiliil‘dilllils mmnhmpfes, m-pn limo-4h sunie‘jfiflfii‘fififi‘étfigg‘35:?! l vSeC. (i. No carrier Will carry or be liable in any way for any documents
byczirrior’.~ ””3113, crow. “gems or cinplovcs, nor for dotentioii 1053 or duiiizive spools, or for :tiiy articles of .Clel‘iloi‘iilIl‘itl‘Y \'iilue not; Slitclilijftliy rziti-d in the
Of {my kind occasioned by Quarantine 013““: enforcement thereof. D published clussuicutioiilor thrills, liillCSS’iL‘SIiEL‘iul agreement to do so and ii stip-

C 2 -- -. ' ‘ _ . . ulotcd value of the ul‘tlclus zirc indorscd ilCl‘COfl.

930- In insnrixilnsbill ofladmg this company azreestotransnort only Sec. 7. Every arty. whether principal or agent, shipping explosive or
'0}??? ”F_C'fi’i} 1“‘“. {UN f’=}"“ilt :19 otherwise provided by [AI-V flCtS 0111)’ ila‘ ilgunt dangerous ::Oods, without prci'ious iiill wriitr-n disclosure 10 the corricr oi‘ llir’ll’
“MU F=‘—'1‘l)C-Jt= 1-0 1119‘ P0111011 0f ”10 IUULG b'Ei'oud Its own line. nature, sliull in: liable for all loss or damage caused thereby, and such goods may

Iio Carrier shall be liable for 10“, damage, or injury not occurring on its be V.'orcliouscd at owner’s risk and expense or destroyed without compensation
own mud or iis portion of the through route, nor lLfiL‘l' suirl propori \’ has bocii <21 3 - ‘ a ' ' n v- v ‘

,.1 t . A ,_, .. . _, . ; . .. . ,. ”LC. . The onner or consumer; shall pay tho freimit. (ind atcraho if any
figure“ I” m" 1”’-L 9‘11““- e-Wep“ “'5 ““311 Imblmy ‘5 or may be “”l’o-sad by and rill other lawful cliiii'gcs accruing on said prolpc'riy, illitlnil‘ I'i‘qllll't‘l‘i, sliiil,‘
““"- piiy the some bciorc dcliwifiv. 11 upon illsluft'lliill it is; ascertained that tho urti-

Sec. 3 No crirricr is bound to transport said properly by any particular ClES‘Siliiiluiii on: not ihoso desorilx‘cd‘in this bill of hiding. the freight charges
train m. vr-ssr-l, or in “me for al13'JIiLi‘l 1mm”. market or otherwise than with my 111U3L be paid upon the articlcs actually :ibippcd.
soiiubic dispatch. unlcss by slim-iii; :LKI'DOIHCIIC iiitloi'scd lici‘coii. h‘w-ry (':ll‘t‘ii2l‘ Sec. 9. Except in case of diversion from rail to water rmifo. which is pro--
sin-ll how: the right in case of physical noccssii y to forward said propvriy by any Yided {or in scci ion :5 hereof. ii' :111 or on): port oi said propertyis carried by water
t‘_:iili‘ood or routn bz-iwccn the point of sliipiucnt mid Llil‘ poiiii oi‘dosiiiiuiioii; but (H'L‘I‘ :iiijr pan of said rouir‘. such wntcrmrriuso shrill be peri‘oriiir-d subject to the
if such diversion shrill be from a. Hill to o, wui or route that liability of the carrier liabilities, liiniiziiions, and exemptions provided by siiitnte and to the conditions
gimp be the smut;- us though the entire carriage were by mil. ('Oll'itiliflt‘il iii [lillS illlllfiilitllll‘l‘: notilnconsisicilit wit 11 such siai 11:05 or this section;

‘ fl . . . :inr. sn i'i-ct :i so tot 1o conuiiinn i int no siic 1 carrier or mi‘iy in i()SSCS:Sii)Il 5 ml

T‘hfi Ilmo‘ldiiflf QlWIO-fi 01' (151-1113291.“ '=l11ltliiviin7: carrier is liable shall _be ii 3 liniiiéji'or:iuylossoriiitiiuitcoresultingi‘roni lire, orfor niiy loss Ogllitlllllxt‘ result-
compnu-d on till: .hisi.» oi ihc \dlilO or the giropoib ibciiis: iliclioiiit ride iiii oicc ing 1‘1-Q”; 11H r,(.m1,-0fth.31ukp5 gun or other wnters- or from “.rmin leakage
price, ii any", to illlf'igtillhl‘yflli‘e, illii‘llitilil‘k’j ic il'li‘iL’lli clinrizns, ii prepaid) :ii‘, the chafing? brml‘mpp‘ 11pm" frost, ivot,'e:l)0r 0F “315 boon il‘él‘C‘Qd “110” or 15 “0“”- iug prior to! at the time of or. aiior soil‘inrr' or unscnworiliinoss‘ or from
Iniiicd oy the clussihcniion or iziriiis upon which the ratio is briscd. in any of colliSion stra’ndinvv or oilicr ac'citlcnlg ofnmvinflion or {mm pi‘oloiiviii'ion 0; mp;
which events such ‘lowcr \'iiiuc shall be the iii-.ixiinuin amount to isovcrn such Vin-”:.1 ' And flux?‘vps>;ul carrying aiiv 0r ullfioi‘ L11") DFOW'HV mil-(7m (inscribed
COIUPUWHOU. “mum“ 01' ’10: 5110111035 01' dunntgc UCCUFS {I‘Ulll negligence. slizill lme‘ the libériy [0 call nthiiy portor ports, toiowzind bc‘iowcd, totrausi‘er,

Claims for loss, damage, or delay must be made in writingio the carrier at t9,.t,,ml;‘551”93 [pmllgllliER to load and “Swim“? goods .‘“ any ‘.““L“ W“; “4‘51?“
the point of fl‘fllt'é‘i'y or :it the point of origin within four iiioiii iis lift or delivery of VENT!) w (IN :37,”an 1’0 (letmmfor the Rm “0530: saw”? hm m pmpmm-‘fiug‘h
the property, or, in casesofihilurraio inukc deliveryfithcn ‘.’.‘ltilill iouriiiontlis zil‘tcr “‘“iflmn 17” 211““ “M be Icilimmll’le for “W'm” 0r ”WW-E50 L0 propert) 1* 1L oil
it rczisjonnbl-é tinin for iii-livery has elapsed. Unless claims are so made the can neccssai‘y “r 1” usual to carry SW11 1”‘”er ”1’0” LION“
ricr shall not be liable. The term “waier carriage” in this section shall not be construed as

. . incliidiui: lightcragc :icross rivers or in lake or other luirbors when pci‘ioriiimi

A”? carrier 9" party liable on account ““05“" damage to any of 93“ PTOD‘ bV the rail Cill‘l‘lC‘i‘, :iiid the liability for such ligiitorugo shall be governed by the
ertyshiill have: lili,‘ full bonciit ofoiiy insurance i but may hum hymen «liccied upon other sections of this instrument. ‘
:;KL‘L’I?S(I(:KF’(i)ll.\-_::Ll1rgfll:;:1dI)IODLF[.\’ 5° 1“‘ “3 ””5 51““ ”W ”“’“l [“LDJUUW‘” ‘0” Sec. 10. Any alteration. addition or erasure in this bill of lading which

' Shall be made Without an iiidorseinont thereof hereon, Signed by tho onent of the

Sec. 4. All property shall be subject to necessary coo craze and lmling at, carrier issuing this bill of hiding. shall be without, efiect. and this oil] of iodine

owner's cost. Erich cci‘rici ovur whose route cotton is to be transported hcrc- shall be enforceable according to its original tenor.

 Form 1009-1
;E N; Arrangement of colors and forms in manifolding, on Straight shipments : (1) Shipping Order [white]; .
l' l‘ K _;_R (2) Bill of Lading [white]; (3) Memorandum [white].
THIS SH I Pp] NG ORDER must be legibly filled in, in lnk, in lndelible Pencil, or in carbon, and Shipper’s No
retained by the Agent.
Agent’s No.
RECEIVE, subject to the classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of issue of this Shipping Order,

at / 191 ,
fromthe property described below, in apparent good order, except as noted
(contents and condition of contents of packages unknown), marked, consigned and destined as indicated below, which said Company agrees to
carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its road, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destina—
tion. It is mutually agreed, as to each carrier of all or any of said property over all or any portion of said route to destination, and as to each
party at any time interested in all or any of said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the conditions,
whether printed or written, herein contained (including conditions on back hereof), and which are agreed to by the shipper and accepted for
himself and his assigns.

The Rate of Freight from-
to 13 m Cenls per 100 Lbs. lPer Barrel If Special
If _..times IF IF IF IF IF 7 IF EA] IF l 1r 1r I_F IF IF IF | IF IF per---_..-.
lst Class 15!: Class 2d Class Rule25 3d Class Rule 26 Rule 28 4th Class 5th Classgeth Class ClassA Class B ClassC Class D ClassE I ClassH ClassF

(Mail Address—Not for purposes of Delivery.)
Consigned to
Destination, State ofLou'it) of
Routc,CarIn1t1'1lCar No
I I paid, write or stamp here,
, I “To be Prepaid.”
I v‘ l l j to apply in prepayment of
. ' l f .7 ,, ‘ the charges on the property
I 3 I I I described hereon.
, I I I r I "migh'é'SQEQQL'rEE I
....V.,_._...,.V, I“r..r,A..rr.ru.3u..uu......_.....u..........‘.—...”...........‘—....”..r..i.....u...u..“...u..uuunuu..vV --»»-u-u-u»”nunununnnn I... ’”‘”...H. IN.V.............I Peru.”I".““-““‘-“u'."".”nu-n-Hnu-n.“
I I ‘ I l I (The signature here acknowledges
V.....,..r........ :.H. . .“." A... ........n..~.------------:--------A»------A--»-----------»--»---------»--------------.-» -»------v»»----v».------»--»--»------I .“.”. V“. .7 nan-..._...“ only the amount prepaid.)
. l x . ET—fi3,:l__~__. ”_‘_
I l I I l l Charges Advanced:
J - V‘ilf' l l l

31m; a, a; :1:, or 1;; r}: ,; an; ;- :-‘ a: > r '- . ~ ~ I . I I I S

__ ' , llrom‘firmméljw“--_-l» ,,,.,v.,7..,,w.r-,,, ,7, ,rv,m._m_,.,_-,-l.r , , Hide”, , ”fill,“ _,
——~*—-f'j r 'fijfjifpmjfiffez* "‘“‘." 7f" :‘7‘firj‘w‘ 7," “r“? f’fffi—ii'fi———W*'——"V"'f‘%t’~‘—TWW
rim :1: the vial L ,. ‘ ‘5 " d ' ‘4
‘“"““"““"""'jbhlplx'r' .35" Agents must detach and retain this shipping Order and must sign the
1)] we (I {Fulfill :5 ‘ l : ;~' ’ fr“ r r ~ Original Bill of Lading and Memorandum.
will]. and Liv: cz‘leiz' w“ : I. , - . a .0
o‘rE—V ml 55 thisp hip log order is‘signed‘hy. the shipper, this shipment will be carried at the carrier's liability
“n plfi‘lfiféfi le§Lh§fipP55fdedby‘l‘a'ilv'$ but'é’uhject to the terms and conditions of the bill of lading in so far as '
they are not inconsistent with such common carrier's liability.
_’___~_ ‘,---- ______ "l--- -,- _ _Shipper.

 ‘ Form 1009-1
#1:: .1 1 Arrangement of colors and forms in manifolding, on Straight shipments : (1) Shipping Order [white];
. ( l‘ l. _) _1, (2) Bill of Lading [white]; (3) Memorandum [white].
TH IS SHIPPING ORDER must be legibly filled in, in Ink, in indelible Pencil, or in carbon, and Shipper’s N0
retained by the Agent.
Agent’s No.
RECEIVE, subject to the classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of issue of this Shipping Order,

fromthe property described below, in apparent good order, except as noted
(contents and condition of contents of packages unknown), marked, consigned and destined as indicated below, which said Company agrees to
carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its road, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destina—
tion. It is mutually agreed, as to each carrier of all or any of said property over all or any portion of said route to destination, and as to each
party at any time interested in all or any of said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the conditions,
whether printed or written, herein contained (including conditions on back hereof), and which are agreed to by the shipper and accepted for
himself and his assigns.

The Rate of Freight fiom
toi,,,,ififl,fi__ivw m 06"” per 100 Lbs' Per Barrel} If Special
If...times IF | IF IF m—‘Tr IF 1757" IF Yr IF IF IF IF IF IF 1r per....._..
Isl: Class lst Classizd Class Rule25 3d Class Rule26 Rule28 4th Classfith Class Gth Class ClassA Class B ClassC ClassD CIassE ClassH ClassF l

_ _.filrnnnl__mlm __,,_-,._l_l____:_l___c__n__*l_
(Mail Address—Not for purposes of Delivery.)
Consigned to
Destination, State ofCounty of
Route, Car InitialCar No
T777 *W—wvn—u — —— _._??er
pACKAGESl DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES AM) SPECIAL MARRS i (Subjemo Common) RATE i COLUMN If charges are to be pre»
, | l ’ paid, write or stamp here,
. “To be Prepaid.”
i .1 3 ' l
.I ‘ i l l
l k i l ‘ -
!‘ l i Received 3
I l j I to apply in prepayn-Ient of
.1 the charges on the preperty
' , ‘ i described hereon.
. , ’ p l
" l 7 7 7 7 t ‘ 1W ‘iAgentorCashier
i ' ’ l l i
...,..|........ ‘. ..........._..............................................................................................1......1... y...----------.»-..~.-n.-u.»n». -: ....111..,. .. ‘....I............‘, Per"-”nu.“...-"u“N“u“"unnnhnnu-"N
l l 1 {l (The signature here acknowledges
---A~~...... . i .,, V..-...”. . , ..,,,1..,,,..1.,...,,.,,,,v.,.. ............ ..... 1]----------.~»-nun-”.».n-n-Auni............... V ...........,...,,é only the alnountprepaid.) ’
r , l l l r—r—mfifmnf“f—
i i i . ‘ ' Charges Advanced:
1“! bhlppcr WAgents must detach and retain this shipping Order and must sign the
,.. ~. v, _ 4 Original Bill of Lading and Memorandum.
‘c »- . , .
NOTE-Unless thls shipping order is signed by the shipper, this shipment will be carried at the carrier's liability,
limited only as provided by law; but subject to the terms and conditions of the bill of lading in so far as
they are not inconsistent with such common carrier's liability.

 worm 1009-2
"'.1. j; N Arrangement of colors and forms in manifolding, on Straight shipments : (1) Shipping Order [white]; ;
If; . 1 _h‘j (2) Bill of Lading [white]; (3) Memorandum [white]
Shipper’s No.......,.....c.._.__.
, Agent’s No.
RECEIVED, subject to the classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of issue of this Original Bill of Lading,
fromthe property described below, in apparent good order, except as noted
(contents and condition of contents of packages unknown), marked, consigned and destined as indicated below, which said Company agrees to
carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its road, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destina-
tion. It is mutually agreed, as to each carrier of all or any of said property over all or any portion of said route to destination, and as to each
party at any time interested in all or any of said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the conditions,
whether printed or written, herein contained (including conditions on back hereof), and which are agreed to by the shipper and accepted for
himself and his assigns.

The Rate of Freight fiom _
lo"““‘ir;7:;f’:‘::;;““"""77""""""‘"7‘s 1‘7" Cc‘lt‘s‘ 790‘. 100 Lbs. IPer BBTI‘BII If Special
H...timesI - IF I IF ‘ IF IF mi IF IF ’I‘—11‘1“ I 7} IF I IF an? IF I—IF I 13'— IF per—-..-.-—
lat Class lst ClassIZd ClassI Rule25 3d Class Rule26 Rule28 4th Class‘Sth ClassIGCh Class ClassA,Class B ClassC Class D ClassE :1 ClassH ClassF I
__L_h__l_i_.._ .;_I*;l__i_l__hi___:_1_tht_c_

(Mail Address—Not for purposes of Delivery.)
Consigned to
Destination, Stite of . .........................County of
Rome, Car Initial Car No
113%“ ‘iff ‘ ‘“‘"fiwg *‘HW‘ “ “"‘*'kfiif‘_W“ ‘m‘c‘fifiwfiw‘m _
‘ l l ‘ S r l ;
PACKAGES DESCRIPTIOV 0F ARTICLES AM) PECHL ’MRhS (Subjectte Correction) I RATE I COLUMN If charges are to be pre-
paid, write or stamp here,
‘ “To be Prepaid.”
9 l I
' I I I I to apply in prepayment of
.. 1 the charges on the property
I I I I described hereon.
iL”..,.,......."nv,".“.-...”......u.."A_—-.——..A..u-----------.............................1.........v—.u---.Mn”. -----—------------------------A---...A‘,.........,-....—.».--~-—---4-.--..--~
I I I I Agent or Cashier.
, I I 1 Peru.
I i I I (The signature here acknowledges
1 I only the amountprepaid.)
I I Charges Advanced:
_ Agent. .

 form 1009-2
"L C:. N Arrangement'of colors and forms in manifolding, on Straight shipments : (1) Shipping Order [white]; 5
l if“ A; (2) Bill of Lading [White] ; (3) Memorandum [white]
Shipper’s No.....v.,....m..._
Agent’s No.

RECEIVED, subject to the classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of issue of this Original Bill of Lading,
at 19 Z ,
fromthe property described below, in apparent good order, except as noted
(contents and condition of contents of packages unknown), marked, consigned and destined as indicated below, which said Company agrees to
carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its road, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destina-
tion. It, is mutually agreed, as to each carrier of all 01' any of said property over all or any portion of said route to destination, and as to each
party at any time interested in all or any of said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the conditions,
whether printed or written, herein contained (including conditions on back hereof), and which are agreed to by the shipper and accepted for
himself and his assigns.

The Rafe of Freight fzom-
[013 in Cam‘s 7307‘ 100 Lbs. iPe, Banal If Specia,
II ...timesl IF 1 IF 3% | IF IF IF Virjifs l IF | if?" IF air ‘ JET—l7 IF ' IF IF pal-...‘....~
lst Class ylst Classji 2d Class RuleZS [3d Class RuleZB Rule 28 4th ClassSth Classfith Class; ClassA Class B ClassC IClass D . ClassE ‘ Class H ClassF l
_;‘__‘__Ifil_l chlrwhtiwul__,_ifii_i__wl_l_i_

(Mail Address—Not for purposes of Delivery.)
Consigncd to .i
Destination, btate ofCOunt) of
TifiiT _.—"‘ii—,V:_w_gfir— 'imR—IiF'fi
“CHGES DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES AM) SPECIAL MARKS 1 (Subjemo Corredion) I RATE ‘ COLUMN If charges are to be pre-
"" —-"‘ _— paid, write or stamp here,
‘ “To be Prepaid”
é i i i
l‘ , E I l to apply in prepayment of
. . : the charges on the property
i y, i I I described hereon.
i I i
._ I ll AgentorCashier
1 .
7 ’ I Pets.
1 1 , (The signature here acknowledges
» onlythe amountprepaid.)
l i :1::
I ‘ Charges Advanced:

 ‘ . ‘ A-, -
.»., ‘ ‘I ;“\
. . ' l
“ l . “\~_ ’, ,
, ,. . ; l
. -. ~t_.__ ‘9

Sec. 1, The carrier or party in possession of any or the properly heroin undcr shall have the privilege. at its own cost and risk, of compressing the samé
described shall be liable for any loss thereof or damage thereto. except as bereln- for grcnlcr convenience in handling or forwarding. and shall not be held respon
after provided. slblc for deviation or unnvoidnblc delays in procuring; such compression. Grain!

No carrier or party in possession of any of the property herein described ;IIIQUUIE‘LIELI’flgIVjSgagginfimllelfimSigh if] ‘I‘ré‘ililrf’lfl‘é' 9,11(P11Qi~‘-’{1-19“,.nsfd "1.0”???
shall be liable for any loss lllcrcof or damage thereto or dclny cnuscd by the act [in]? j . l 'i” 01‘, . . 151- 5‘. p 1“?” 51 ‘ 1. ._1 L- In, E ,. "LL17? 1f I“ X" 1‘0 {sou}? y
oleorl.il1cnul)llc cucmy. Lllc authorityoiluw,orlbe not or default of the shipper ,'.‘ W ‘2?I ) "e .179” (‘e Hue} {ml -1) ‘EL’U NU l 01-151 F‘l‘ul‘lo “3 Stu-{m rum “if”

v A A. . , . . A v ‘. . y . . , ‘ ,, . gmdc\\1l110utlcspect L0 ounclsnxp, and 11 :0 «lclrwrcd blldll be subject 10 a. her-
or ouncr. 01 lol (lllllelltLS 1n lllC \.t,l‘.',lll,h ol grain, scod. or olllcr conunodulcs . ,1 "t l‘ .., ..‘ 'dd‘r‘ ..“ v“ h. 'W‘l i.) d A
czruscd by natural shrlnkuuc or discrcpuucics in clcvulor \zciulzts. For loss. gor L CW or C ”1°” 11] ‘1 1 ion LU “ utnor C “DVD 1615”” cr.
damage. or dcluj; causcd by fire occurring after forty-eight hours (exclusive of Sec. 5. Property not removed by ilie pariv entitled to receive it within,
lcgul llOllilIElffi) ultcr “01.108 0f Illoill'rll'ill 0f “‘6 properly:rtrlcstlnution orut 1K?” forty—club: hours (exclusive 01' legal bollduys) nl‘rcr notice of its urrivnl has been
0! {:Filll')1‘t Ul 111101140“IUI‘CXDOIT) 11115 MOD duly SUM? OF SWO”. Illevwl‘l’l-‘sf's llil- duly SHIT, or given may be kch in car, (input, or placc of dclivcry of inc curricr
blllty slnrll be [but of Will‘i‘lltlllSL‘lllLlll only. Lxccpr 1_u cusc of ncubycncc or the 01vv,:;;1-L-1-.0u5(u_ subjccl to n rczrsonablc oinrrgc for storugc and to carrier’s rmpcn
_(jzlrrlcr or party in posscsnon. Illc corner or pnrly 1n possg‘ssmu shall! not be sibillly us \'.'zrrclxouscn:an only, or nury be, at the option of the curricr, rclnovcd
glzlblu f0? 1058. damage, or drluy nurturing\\‘lulciucpropcrty 1s si oppcd and hold lo and slorcd in a public or licensed v.'urebousc ut the cost of the owner and tin-rs
U1 “'3“-ill “DWI 1WINC-St Of “10 sluppcr, QWHPY. 0T IJL‘I‘lY 611111101 10 nurke Sllch hold art the owner’s risk and \vii bout liability on the part 01‘ inc curricr, und sub.
requesmor resultingi‘romndcl‘cctor Vlcc ill the propcrry or from riots or strikes: jcct to 3 lion for all freight and other law‘l‘ul charges including a. reasonable
or [or country daunuuo on ('otlon. When in accordance with general custom, on charge for Smmue ‘
account of the nature oi" the property. or \vllou at the request of £123 shipper the . b '
property is transported in open curs. lhe carrier or party in possessiul (except in The carrier may make a reasonable charge for “10 detention 0f 5111.? V939“
cnsc of loss or dnnmgc by iirc,in\vbi(~l1 cuss the liability shall be me some as 01' CRT. 01‘ {01‘ L110 1150 Of ”MKS nircr the Cdl‘ has been held 1’(ll‘l.\'-Ciflllt lllllll‘E
tllmllfll 1111: property had been Cilfl‘iEd in closed curs) shall be liaille only for (exclusive of 10;;le holidays). for loading or unlondiug. and quy and such charge
upgpggnce. to all other clrzrrsosllcrcundcr and hold such properly; subject to n lion [border

0 , I. _ , Nothing in tlns section shall bc construed as lcsscninr,r the lime allowed by low or

lnAmse of qunrnnnnc the goods may be discharged at risk and .expense of as setting aside any local rule allowing car service or storage.
owners rulo quuruunnc ucpot or clsowllorc, as required by ounrnnlrnc rcguln—
llulh. or authorities, or for Lilo carrier’s dlspnicll, or at nearest uvnilublc point in Propertl’ GOSHUOd *0 01‘ taken from a. station. Wharf. OT landing at which.
curricr’s judgmcur. and in any such case carrier’s responsibility shall cease there is 110 YULZUliU‘lY appointed 1%!th Shit“ be entirely at “5k 0f OWHBF after
vvlrcn goods are so discharged. or goods may be returned by carriers or owner’s unlonded from cars or vessels or uniil loaded into ours or vcsscls. and when
cxpcusc and risk to shipping point, earning freight both ways. Quarantine received from or delivered onprivntc orotllz-r sidings, \vllurvcs,orlundinsssllnlfl
cxpr-nscs of whatever nature or kind upon or in respect to goods shall be borno be ill: UWUUIJS l‘iSR Ulllil “10 6111's it”: HIIHCU'HI £0 1111‘] HWY HWY ‘dfffi $3111de
by inc ownlers ol‘ the goods olrlllefn lien thereon.] The carriers shall not be linblo from trains. or until loaded into and after unloaded from vessels.

or oss or r sun-lure ()CCLlSlOllO( y umigntion or ( isinfsction orol hcr acts roduircd ‘ ,- - - .,, . -

by qunrnutinc rcgulullous ornutlloriliesmven though some may have been donc . Sec. 6' No “if“? “111 carry or be,1.!‘”fb1.0 ”1 any vi” ?.°‘,‘1“,Y.€1°C‘31T‘e"‘5=

byczrrricr’s ollir-crs. crow. agents or clnp!oycs. nor for detention. loss or damage iffifiliihgfi 33?;29215551???dill-1“:I.iffl‘l‘31“b‘.lllllfigl2251’éfifi‘38‘ll‘c?53‘333 £153;
i .,. ~. ,.,, . - ,, s. . 33?:5'1' " y

of any kind occislonrd by dunrnntlns or tllc Lllfol‘LCIllellL Lbercot. ulntcd value of the articles are indorsed hereon.

_ _Sec. 2- I_n 155"an U119 0111 Oflfldlfig this company agrees to transport only Sec. 7. Every party. whether principal or agent, ship ing explosive 0?
0E0? 1‘5 0““ 1111“. 41““ OVEN 11* 011191“ 130 PTOVIQEQ by MW acts 0111)’ HS “80115 dangerous goods, without previous full \vrlllen disclosure to tllc carrier of their
Wllh IBSIJCUL t0 “10 POFU'JU 0f the route beyond Its Own line. nature, shall be liable {or all loss or dumugc cunsod lhpreby, and such goods may;

Nolcarrier shall be liable for loss. damage. or injury not; occurrinL' on its be warehoused at owner’s “5k and CHEESE or destroyed without compensation;
own mm or its portion of [be through route. nor after said property has bcsn Sec. 8. The owner or consignee shall a. the