xt73bk16mf8w_267 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [212] Ed Turner v. L&E and Lane Brothers, Breathitt Circuit Court text [212] Ed Turner v. L&E and Lane Brothers, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_26/Folder_10/73733.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_267 xt73bk16mf8w ll
Jacksorn iQy., May 22, 1917.
Ed Turner v. L&E and Lane Bros.,
fireathitt Circuit Court.
Feb. Term, 1912.
Feb. 191%, Motion of deft. rule awarded requiring plff.
to execute bond for cost at a former term is made ab-
, solute and case dismissed. Judgment for defendant's

 ’: Sfj'ii' ..,: .‘ . . , . _ 1 ,_. . .é
‘ .‘ ‘ August 5, 1914,. i,
7 ' a. H. Hooxman, Esq., ' ‘ I. » ‘ lg
~ Asst. Dist. Attynfl a: 15 R R Co., T ‘ , y , ,
‘Louisville,Ky. - . ' ' .‘ jg
I ' Dear Sirz~ J K ‘W"‘ ‘ ' C L
T . . Referring to yours of July Elst an& to my reply of augnat \ ”l?
Era, in reference to etock claim of fidwesfl Turner v. L & E 33.3o.; " :fif
' in Breethitt Circuit Court, on a peel from the Breathitt gnarterly ?
‘Court, Whith wee lately settled, I herewith hand you copy of a 7 f
. ‘ letter of the 4th instant from Ir. Ronrg Spencer, who is in charge I V
of Juflge Pollard‘e affine during his ebeence in the Host; together
‘ ., with the enclosures accompanying Ex. gponeor'e letter. Until > i
‘ . Juége ?ollerfile return, w job may not occur until about the first , -v I.
' 5% September‘ I can haril: hose to obtain fuller information re~I - T
' l , gariing thie suit. I cannot eesoent for the failure of Judge ?01— _ ,
‘I " ; larfi to flurnieh me copies of an§ Petition or_3tatoment filoa in‘ lg
, n this case, but such hoe ovi ently been the situatitn. . . °
1 ‘ . L ifezjr tzfilly‘;yozure, ' . -’
.l - V Enos. . .V. . f l ’ :
. ‘ _1 . . ‘ '
Sfxfi’i/a - . ' .
I . Counselt’ ‘ '

 ‘ 4 .1 ‘ v3 . \ ’:3 3 . 3 v. . , . 3 , . 3 y , I ,3 ' , 3‘ .,L.
3 , r: _ 3 ' ' 4 Angus? 5, 155314. Y
, 3 ' » 3 3 ' ‘ > ‘ V -1
3 » ‘ Henry, Spencer, l‘JSq. ,' > . , , ,
. ‘ ’ Jacks on, Kentucky . _ _ f
. “ m , 3 I:
.3 ‘ bear 011*:4 ‘ . .
3 '3 3 “(35381345 my mugrfigs for your .i'awor of the 4th izmtant, with
‘ (2110103113393 in l“::fe:'811a}e to suit of *dvard {Burner ‘2’. L 5?; Pi Effie” .
= on stock claim- 1:: the original fléta’imrsmnt 0r JF'cti'tion in thiscaaa ‘
. sheuld be dismverez‘f, I trust gnu V3311]. Zzinéifigr yrsmember to izzrmlish 7
. 4 me a copy thereof. ‘ / - I
_ ~ 3 [erg-3: final; JULilv‘S,
. » /~ - , - '
. ‘ Counsel,
. t
, ‘ ‘ . V g
. 3 . ' V
. l7: ‘ J l i l ' ‘
'3 . ‘ 1‘ V 1 ’ . .

' l 5‘97? i " we
Bamuel T.Zilson
Dear sir:
Yours of the Srd.asking that I furnih you a cony of
the petition in the case of Edward Vurne: Vs.i.€ 3.iy.50 end
also other papers relative tiereto,is received. .
> Lfter a diligent search of judge Bollard's files,: find
that the netition is not here.ileo spoke to Ldams F Tollidey,
who represented :he fileintifi in this euit,end the? may the?
know nothing of teen tle oleadinns.7 do find in judge "ollerd‘e
files thetwo letters concerning tdis caee,which were written 3y
_ Ianeger,TcLowe11,a con: of each I herein enmlcse.Lleo I find in
the Circuit clerks office an attested cony Cf the judgment of
. 'Vthe uerterly court from W‘ich the apveel wee teten.7here is
1_ also on record an order having this Suit dismissed by con-
sent of parties,which order was made during the last term of
’4," .1 74;
the Circuit lourt.Z iniethbet tie gleint‘ff screed to take
the judgment of the lower court,end therefore enclose a cont
of said judgment.
Very truly roars,
,fi/‘L 1. Z Z ‘ %1 I ("?( ’1"/'/
fl /

. Vr.R.T.Davis
Dear sir:

You will recall conversation in my office since re—
lative to the-killing—ef—a suit oi id urner on account of
the killing of one cow near Whick,Zy.on A ril bOth.I find

t'at you submitted a report covering cow killed near boat
' point on the date mentioned.
Please advise if you can recall the occurence,as we will
need you as witness when suit comes to trial.
Yours truly,
. L.“ Ic“owell_
copy to
~ 0.3.?ollard

 ’ FR“ .
' o.i.eoiiard
JJear sir:
“ur conversation this A.h.relative to suiiof 3d
‘urner on account of killing of cow near Khick,Zy.on
J'pril the 50th..
. 'n conversation with ,r.7ardesty hé advises me that
he is unable to locate the report referred to.¥owever We
have record on our stock claim book in this office that a
rep rt was made by engineer,l.7.wavis,COVering one cow
killed at the point and date mentioned above.
. fou should give us sufficient advance notice in order
to have “r.3avis report to you if he is wanted as witness.
' .ours truly,
. .A.!LCfowell

 "d‘. ,
..‘ Order-Breathitt “uarterly Eourt,Hov.termlst. day.35th.day
, of Nov.1915. '
Ed murner
Iexington & Eastern Pailraw Co.

This cause came on for trialand the parties 1
announcing reedy,1herefore came the iollwing the jurszohn
Moore,01ifton Back,E.B.faddix,fiiram Zilliams and Tlint Eille I
who were accepted by the parties and who after being sworn and
after hearing the evidence and instructions of the court re-
tired and brought in the following verdict:

"We the jury do agree and find for the plaintiff,4dward
Turner 47.50”.signed,01ifton Back,one of the jury.

It is therefore adjudged by the court that the plaintiff,
Edward furner,recover of the iexington & Eastern fiailray Co,
the sum of 47.50 with interest thereon from Hov.26th.l915
until paid and his costs herein expended for which execution
may issue.

J.Vise Heggins, A
judge. ,

 J ‘.I ..

~- Mi?;nf§l’: Ej’ 7.31.14:
7711311?" ?.’-?I‘iii:;{711.‘ 3 .‘.
-... z 9 .‘. 7
3: 9‘s). :1, 9332-1 (712 ‘; 1.:;1‘ .
flies-1.3.; 2 ~

I :35‘13111‘ “L- 0:: 5.19.“? ‘3 :_;;7‘. of 5117.3, giving 33::- ..::"Liazl
‘ 1" ";o 71?." ‘ 301713 to 9111 3 Foli?.w.';r.‘<"., 11517::73117; i;’ifj‘Ql"ZElz”-iti(‘)31

$7.53 to ‘:.‘-7:153 .:t:is.J-;c,1 of.” 7.111.327 ..7;- iirl 3111:- ~- :.?.zi’j'rre'éii4...“ ”Li-1o 7.: E:-

. _,--_. .'_J.,- -_ - .,- .-.- —— ...- yum-..:.
‘..' 37:11: is: ...1: an _..:‘.;.:1::_~:;2-'1z.. (.:.-111: L331. L191.
911 3:13;; 7:31-41 '7'-“1":.’.‘}:310711'5‘11‘3":“‘ Swim: _ oz: ‘31-: giaeiut ":7 your lot--
{:.:—3 {.::/13: not :mver.

Ii“- Judge o”: r1779: :_‘t‘i:x:,«:~-;:;a'-2, 1615-339 is‘. :11‘152‘5‘71521‘ outlier
this}. a 7“ 1:371:53 you to “:1;" 5.3 1'0: 22:52. ”~':->1: ::“’»"101';1';.>er that
amen; the suit-s we settl {’1 fizzy-“51:1”: tit-:3.- ::z‘ ;. ”" “v” :13"? "z'2-Z‘r1e Breath-
iii; I.‘}_:7:r:.‘.1.i’t flour'i; J: 5311:7353 oi '.Ir‘-"..:i:5 .."‘.7..1T;-3:;1:‘ 1:. ‘:Ee :”': "‘., 54317011“—
3'.:-1;_;: :1;-tau": elf-‘.'}..s":. This :"111‘1'2': 1 e. €277,378 in. 11:71:? ...11-.1.:‘t»:)rl;,r‘ Court

‘ e115. '5: ;.>e:=,.’§- ‘:'-7,; iii-1e Ci.:_‘;z11t‘: .';- ircwtpg‘ij... If}; 9‘ ‘0???» 'i;i‘.‘r.:it I :71?"‘."C‘ :10 file
.,ai' ::‘.ii; 1121:." 21:; 1711:! 1.1;: 7“ it 1" .7231:- 130t kin-777.3,”
’ .351: 7 I"~r)"".":-:f.r:“‘7’1 fi’ 'ff‘. ":1;", : '1 {177' l”: (3."3031'53‘122'3 tir, semi
::zs (::'? the 1 2:211" ::I;'* ;. ~ :3:...': 1:77 i;.1.re“:t;7.ic- 3f the
c;i’,r:;:7.:'::. TEE-10 Tnmi‘m‘illo ofii'.‘ ;3f: 1‘.?:-:*‘F.J:- '3‘“ -{;':;,»;:-§;. ‘V7L)TT..:'T3}1’?Z‘ for this claim
‘3; 1;: “ -'”L 7..-. " I ‘C :.:J: (:3 -‘JN‘ or
f3.7;::;j’11:7o"' 2../1:"- ‘iszLs do CELL: 16:1: ‘7’-xiii? ss;:1::=x:'-r*n.<1e ‘1:-007': nice.

{81:51:121'1131: you for $1“ i:1i'-:pr2::1:s.tion, I 512:1,

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‘ A . “V,,/Jed” x» my // 7, (x. //// mm/ ////%///y
‘ . ‘ . > ‘ I . I) I
-¢l)/'/I/(N/////.//, ///¢5///’///, (v / r 7 ’3 . )
, ’ WWW" "WIMP _J/(//' T/ 'fl/M/2////////////'/'.//(’/?//(L'/yg
\ ”I V j I. ,
fi/mk/K/J -//e /%Mmzuz. /
him-A flab/x7}! .‘I/mm: V
/ ff“. 7 / -/ H 2
YIN/(2.) ‘, m/Qfllll‘flfilf. '; ,'I , ' “fl 1 July 51 1914»
// // f/Hfl/‘l/r/fl- ‘/{/('I//. C/K/l’ldll/Kc ' flyl ' ‘
Hon. S. M. Wilson, \‘%V%V ) ;*
Counsel , L. 6,; 13. 3L. GO. , ‘
lexington, Lentucky.
Deer birg- ‘
Referring +0 yowr Te‘fcry if the f7‘k insfunfi wi+h ref—
erence f3 fhe Edvard and Tlise S1Iner cases in the Breethitt Cir—
cuit Conrf,
‘ Will you please send f0 HE whatevcr payers you have
Wifh reference i0 the Stock claim referred to by you. We have
nething in this office and cannot make the vcncher un‘il we know
Where the Stoék was killed or injured and the dafe on which said
occurrence took place.'
"Mm Yours truly,
"x 74‘ (‘- > ’,. /7’
é»; ‘62. L- ’WWW%
Assistcnf District At.orney.
J .H; /w

 ::i\ '
A E If/‘l , ,:,; _
Q. ' "i . e“ f“'
" ~ ‘ . ..‘-1’76!!!er - v or. r
(Cal/(z, )firééfdo{ _ r‘” ,. " ~ v‘ 5" a L.‘. 6‘1 W ,. -//m'rr//rn///fl/
A A»
. <6, /V ///:3f ,/ //
0 my)” (,,, j/n M/r/ ,, /»/,//~zag/’/7
OFFICERS \\i/ , .-7/ / ( )/ DIRECTORS
A.G.BELL,SECY.&TRCAS. /:.":_'\‘ \O/Z //Z( // Q Z'EE/EFCEISON
_ , . ' c : — BA TIM semi).
i 2 /‘
\/ Altavista, Va., June 15, .1912.
Mr. E. S. Jouett, General Counsel,
L. d E. Railway Company,
Winchester, Kentucky,
Dear Sir:—
Yours of the 4th inst., enclosing copy of petition in
the Turner case, was duly received. In reply to your request
for all the information that we could furnish you” would state that
our General Superintendent, Hr. J. W. Starritt, who was stationed
at Quicksand, Ky., during the progress of our contract with the
L. & 3., advises us that the first knowledge that he had of this
case was a suit brought by the Father against us for failure of
our camp doctor to attend the injured boy. We had our camp doctor,
Dr. G. 5. McDonald, to file a counter claim, and suit was dismissed.
As far as we haVe been unable to ascertain, this boy was
not employed by us at all, but was a trespasser and stole the
dynamite caps from off of our work, and in attempting to remove the
primings from a cap at his home some distance frOm the work, he met
with the accident caused by the cap exmloding in his hand. We note
from the pay-roll for the month of October, 1911, a number of Turners
were employed during that month, and with but one exception their rate
was $1.50 per day, which was the rate of wages for a man. For boys
our rate was 75¢ per day, and we find on this pay—roll in question
John Turner rated at 75¢ per day. Now whether this was Samuel J.

 (r7, 7 - P .‘
(’.J/(l/Zjd/(r/ X’frfoo , ‘2’“ r1/ (U’lf/K’K/ [flfl/
C» a r
c MW)” V‘J/W #7.; { /»’/,// "MW/y
OFFICERS \*-” ‘,,/ / ( )/ DIRECTORS
VICE 'Rgs‘ EN'L OUNSEL ‘) , ’ 4 ,x ’ ,/ , ,_
A.G.BELL,SECY~&TPEAS. 74 //l/ //./) P. F. HARDIQON
' ’ ' ~ A ~ / r -. BABTIMOPEJ/ED.
Turner or not we have no information.
We would be glad if you will communicate direct
with Mr. A. H. Patton, Attorney at Law, Jackson, Ky., to whom
we are sending a copy of this letter and with Whom we have had '
some correspondence in reference to this case.
Yours very truly
- W

 ‘ Edward Turner. next friend, vs. L. 5% E. Rwy. Co. .
‘ June 4th, 1912. \ ’
, Hess. Lane Brothers; . ‘ ' V '
' , Altavista, Va. . .
Gentleven :'- — % ‘ '

' Referring, to the above cas‘nfl you'herewith copy ,
of the petition and will be oblineg will maize we at once - -
advisinp as to the facts With refers. - to this boy‘s erpl'oyf eat and r
injury; ‘Please 7..-it's we, a %fif03ration you 7821 at the earliest “

K Dl’aet’i-‘lable Instant. i Q t ~ K »
- While ”ch ‘11 not he reached for trial at the term ’1
of court now in s§ JECK‘7¢OY‘1 owing to a lot of crir'i'nal basil- ,
mess that omega of it it [is essential that TYe rake 1133 the ,
pleadings by ‘f‘il ..C; both answers at this tam. .
' I. have not written you sooner because, I have teen at court
at Hassrd'and E-fr. Eubenlsour law agent, has been ill; I have been to
Jackson though and ascertained that the case will not he called for ‘
trial at this term. _ ' r v a ' » ‘
‘ Yours very truly, ‘ . ‘ / - "
'_asa/GCP. , ‘ «. I * .
' General Counsel.

 _ . =1M-12-11-3757
‘ , A . 1: - R (3
‘ \r V / ‘7 ‘ V . r
LOUISVILLE, KY. June 4t}.,‘l?’15
- ':vvr' ..'
. . .'-'}
W . O
6' 2 .x“
| 3‘ I’,/
‘ x)
w ...‘ :y ’T‘ “..I; .
3.7.... 35. .,.. ~~.d..,
G 3] (I '3131'1i"r":1.,
‘.',’1:‘;cl;n::t~2z7, K3.
Dav“ flirt».
‘\ N'I _ 'I . _: R ' _ «'1'! 1
21.1 ; “f. 7. :2.-‘1 of .I‘.”..i’xl‘LL Turner For
(1:11 .6583 5.1.19 :3r3r3r3‘..n'z‘.. of i.;ju 3" ‘10 i‘e'kflfl? 5. 21237171“,
I #ttrél. .'.vreto 3.133%.“ Era; Rani->1. iii, Lir’zer ‘.'.? 7.7219113,
J.l.3¥ ..1 4". .,..3‘ , V 'v
r 3.:. _'t1;: r:cL,.t.L....e:1L occurreu: on T‘LJT’IdEy
tiff €319102t3i31': v7.3: Orrin-7.9a “13;," 1". 21 ..2] '.’.”,r.‘ :'
’ J.i;7;l";@;f 1:231 urn-7:7 :7. .;T‘fz'1rxrzli‘m .':srwu, :Lr, ‘.’.‘r‘3:"~':va::'- vim-w
4.7 L .._ ,.r- .. .. ~. ., : x ._7 ‘4 -< - .. _ 1 I... V
L..»: .3.; Jon. .1»'7.“t....~é:. .o 3]. 3 x 71'; 7' ".L’.ET-’?GT37€';‘3
1:: 179327.21 of tn? 3121‘...
Y. ' '. La. .14 '
37, I/.
I ,2/ /' .‘ ,r‘ ‘1 ‘ p—-.
/7 ‘K / $3: -..(.' 7 ”(4,. .:/—12\
.2?/“:..” . :._ .
.,. [11‘ 1.23% 3:
1'.‘...._ /

 ‘ ' \ m, ' 7 ' 7 I
- . - .. . jw \ V ‘ ,
V ‘ ‘ . ‘ June 3m, 1912.. ~ ' ;
1:1“. 0. H. Péllard, '
' Jackson, ‘Ky. V ’ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ a
‘ tear Sir:- ' &
I In the case offidwafid Turner x . Lane Brothers and ‘
V I the Lexizzéton 8: Eastern Railway C “ :etitien fails tb show , ’
‘ the age of this boy, “but rarely athat “e is under tvretl'sty—one
I years. There is a "blank sh 1; his age which is not fillefi. v1.1.1:". 7

' yam 318888 ascertain mhetQ “ttdrney there fem‘escnts Lana

. Brothers or any Ems1 .'..J-«any in ”this Tratwr and 81% érwise ,
Ire as soon 23:/'01 ‘:‘der setting aside taking the allegations

of {he petiti®. E Will try to prepare the 3118132339 in these ‘
cases torerrow send the?” to you. ' ‘ ~
. ‘ In this vartig‘:ul?zr case I Will want'to wt in a defense ,

I 03? Lane ‘ihro‘chers Ell-‘30 if they ‘naven't‘ {30er other attorney} Emma

tire I arr Writing to than“ for illf'OI'I'T'fltiOfl. ‘
a ‘ ' ’ ' ‘ Yours very truly, ‘
, ESJ/CG‘P. ' * . . _ _
' ~ . . . General (3011215531..   I

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, , , , 1‘ ‘ V“ A ,
,, _' IA)UISVJLLE,1(Y.
. ’ , ' FILE No.
M33 do—l9lp.
MrE S Jouett,
Generrl Counsel,
Giucheeter, K3.
Eheer iiir:
Refer to ,etter of Lane Brothers LOKfifly
of the 24th, cony to you.
I presume that your luv \ge t hrs secured
suifieient iniornctien en thigh rnswer can be based .
both on behal: of this Cem>eny and L ne cht ere bemoa-
ny. Ii so, till yo rule se errunge to ms“: the necessrrj
answer for both, {s reeueatcd in letter 0; Leno critters
Yours ”L‘ 1‘17.:i_:’,
j <7.
/ ' ~'7 K .2
\ 7' r f / , V , ‘\—/'
im/L ~'7«;./<,~fl.7"‘c ’/_ .1; K73 ' L .
chic: engineer or onstruetran
E; ii
C3; Laue fires. to. x

 ‘3‘? ‘ M , . l - V :;:
' J j." . \ t if ‘ v ‘ « ’ ‘ :7 :
m! i a '2' ' » " . -y
1, 1 . A . ' . 4v
A V f , ‘ “ w“
‘» Alfiavista, Virginia, ~ '~, ;gfi
Egg, 24, 1912.‘ “ _' 21%
, n Legal caseg - L&E: I ‘ _ wvgfiffi
»Mr; Jno. HOWS Peytan, Chief Engr. of Con., '. ' ,g
‘ _ Ila Sir 3; 1 33:37:. 30¢ -’ ‘ I ‘ v. ‘ m I;
. Dear Sir:— ' _ .; _ V'" E
- _ Ygur letter of the 17th inat., regaraing ' . ' '5?
suit of Edwara Earner for fihe henéfit sf~3amne1 J. ' if f
1 ' Turner, who claims fig have heen injnrad while employ- , 3u_f
M '. e& by us 38 water boy, etc., receivedJ' ' » j'
' g “So far a3 we know we have baa n0 notiee of j - _-g
, this axit, aha as the time is 30 short, when answer has ,'—‘l
' £9 he ffilea, we will,thank you to arrange for your Er. ; g
Janett to file same for us, ana by the;time the case » «‘.>f{l
can be callea for'trial, we'will have our arrangements :;:
. effectad for the fiefefice. 7»» ' . ~ 5;7
' ' \ Yaurs vary truly, ‘ "i}
' ‘ ‘ m1: gamma; COETPAHY ' . 7 ;
' ' Z! «'35 ‘35:? ,2 ,. ' ~ ‘ 7
‘ I a“, aé::1~‘:‘1,->( , , ‘ '
iiii.ll-K . 1/ " " “‘ . '”‘Qmi‘vmnfi. Ff
COpy to 3.3“ Jouett, ‘ ‘ , ‘ .,
Winchester, Ky. ‘ . c

M V r ‘ ’T 'u 7 1 ) Jj‘ ‘17 x V l{ I ,r “ )y ,
1 lukl.1\(xl.()l\ 6c 1Ah l. laHN A1 L“ A) (A )Ml. AN)
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”“'“ "‘ '“"-‘""“‘ '1‘ “""-': 3‘" : " r ‘ PrTnz‘ ' .i ;u: . ,2,.‘- a? .
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-. . . .:‘. -., »1- ... ,‘.“ .,: _2~_-.. '- 7.73“ .3,. 0,11,», r~:\t,. F ,
._ 3112...: Willi/r 1.3.3 ”711], ‘_‘ J.J}. $.31 JiUirLLR, a: .,...i. o .1 . u 1 x— a 3.1131 «. , .. . L.
" A .3. M L . . ,1 _._ ‘ .. ., ‘ ,3 . .3 “I _. .,. .... ..1.
1:: .‘.? 74"“, New 3'.: .’r‘ 6:; 2-32‘13 2f"; '1.? 2::-z 2’11 . ~J ' v 1-3- ‘-« x 3
"I ‘ H “1 ,. '. 1 I.’ ~ ._‘ .,.. _ _7!.~ . " 1 .;.-
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.3111: L ' ‘1, ‘1 l ,
1 1 ,/
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=. ' viii" 717:3?1115'“ :73." '1‘- TI 1321.7: {113214.721
U E/gj \

 ‘ V " ' ‘4' z ‘
‘ \ I,“ } 6 “‘5: .
/{J 5' . . '
v . I» , J I
Kay 16th, 1912.
Mr. John Heme yeyton, ' ‘
G. E. Co, Lu 5“: 3. P.- Ro 00.. Q ’ ‘
. A - Louiqville, Ky.
agar Rir:u 1
I-emclosc you herewith fiupl : ‘ .opias of twb rore,;e—
titions racantly ”1166 in Broathit+ ‘,- ' - one by fidwarfl Tvrner,
& ”UV “ha was injured ry 1ha axrla= on 5‘ 1 dynarite cap, anfl +he
ether by Elias Tuvner, 903 the dive;~*us a? the Kentucky ?ivar. ‘
— ‘ Aé court Feats in ”“0 thitt County Manday, the 27th, 2
would he glwfl to hive €36? in‘» ‘rer atginoar 33 amen am tracticar
hie SUCH in?oxrfition as t‘ ..‘ pet. I s? also havin? the cases ’
ifwaetigeted hy Kr.?h.<3‘
_ Bar that 'qg 1525 is flprraaching ?or yam? final aettla—
rants and it wvy la 3 1 “»1nt £9 have>in rirfi the muita in "Eieh we
are jeified mit‘ rig§s§;;flentcrs, I 09%, if you $0 fiasire, rake yam
up a liat anfi - e3\‘va;ract cf the Extensiwfi auita For your ready
’ Youye vaTy truly,
2233/3313; - .
- ' General Gaunsel.

 -— ,A ..//Z/7//7/;// ,////// / 70/2/72 .7 /////fl////y / /7//////¢
/ L / / /« / K,
" . ///‘///’/ 7////7////7:/,
:72/(‘1’7/1/{lr/fl////,ny/?» , A? J) _ A 7 . /// ' // .
. 1;. “’,:g'. I I7 l/T {y’
././l/"///} v/ ”Z/ ”617/ . ./ /
x”) /’l/’ Jo: L 3;,/$1in «:L/ L
—/Y -.

 SUMMONS ORDINARY. (Act of Lurisluturi‘. Mzu‘ch '39. 1:10.) PRINTED AND sow av PARAGON Ppmrmc WORKS, BEAVER DAM, Kv.
The Commonwealth of Kentucky, -
You are commanded to sax/12122071, ,,-v V’xfC/l/MCLV/V/
to answer, ufik dag/S offer the service of: z‘hz’s summons, (1 7,2611'2‘7'072
filed agaznetéé’lfld/Quo Mega/{ax MIA/Cf.) ......Cz'rcu 1'25 Court.
w—w xi
“,’éL‘H/d warn,“..._..u.4.:5zzxéxkédgé.“Lug;..I... {hat 11/2012,.......L/1J/7failure 2’0 (msurrr, the yietitz’on
will be taken for confessed, whet/Cull? be proceeded agains! for Cohtt'flll/i
and you, will make due return] of {his SUHIfWI/OHS un‘izufl/dayc offer flan
service thereof 10 the Clerk's o/jioe of said, ”Court. .
(liven, under my hand, as Clerk of said Court, this /// day of
//(a¢k//e/MM‘(AQK Cleric.
.,,’???“W31§f9ffl§£iflfl§i§_ETPE‘EEEEEVYIEWfi}?P919?""“E‘W-,, ,, , , , , ,, , ,, o

. against
f x
To Term, 191...”.0. 1'
Sherif’s Fee .3 \r:

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36w ri Turner, for tho are at: honeiifi of
7rmuel J Turner,9nd Samuel J. lurncr b;
“award Turner, next frieno, -—~—-—-—-——~~—-——-————~~—”l'ih ifi/
. 12:2. “Tiff.” F111. '
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anfi Lexington & Tastern R ibr;3 Co., — - ~ - _ — — - ~Dcisnl ht.
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