xt73bk16mf8w_272 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [216] Strong Hatton v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [216] Strong Hatton v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_27/Folder_4/73938.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_272 xt73bk16mf8w _V {'7’/717” /’//:fl
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,/9”””,/'*flflfljxiywflr g? ’WKNVA4%/@%, December 29,1915.
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & Ev By. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
Strong Hatton v. L. & E. 3:. 00.,
Henry Lockerd v. same.
Perry Circuit Court .
In connection with your favor of December 20th
relative to a settlement of the above styled cases, I am handing
you herewith eorbon copy of Mr. John Howe Peyton's letter to LI.
3. B. Winn, dated December 27th, which is self—explanatory. Af—
ter noting kindly return to an.
Yours truly,
M Z > 2a.". ,7
C. "’ r W’ :47 «1C .
Aseistant District Attorney; ’ !/’

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~- ~ -. . .-:. .. . ran— .a «. 7.: ~ ~»'- ", '.'. . ".’
fietiflo tan tvm suits. o.- coffullu nether. :an- ..eni‘y .,ockard
W n -. . ._ *- n ~_ ,. x -. p _ . . g3, .
vs. sea-son F: finnrt sun . a..- . m.,, f:c., n“; paying ”150.00 in
o ‘ ' . . '. .. - ..“ ...’J J. _.. ._,- 1 ‘- .-
e5.c.:L (arse. "7r 7*‘i‘ce‘Ipt-i iron the nifis.‘ arty. o» v ,.dcncr ;,‘Jlfl.
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- - . _... ,. ...-'.. ..‘- . .7, ..‘.. ,‘. .,, ‘ ..L.‘ :‘ * ’.'
e .rth. when as soon as few-rt :"w: .:. drivers .12: STA? ‘..‘é‘t/‘JJf-EU. in 11111
in. haze“ 1' :.'”,V 'i’uburo whiten.
(”mt {’rz'm "Fr. ri‘rn'flczr' " f? “mutton?! eta-‘mr'vgzt, Signed by
. ~ ' » - ~ . _ l, .A. .; , .,. .1 _ ., _. 4‘41} _ .;-
his: and ‘.‘ritnrtsseh. Q'P-Vr‘fhm-w- '.I r. nonzso'fli-‘f’? ‘7 "“3‘"- Pp" ng'n" and
'\' ‘ = . .. . . . '\ . .3. 7.‘ 4 . .- "».. ‘._"... .’.. '
ozrectianc' that. the 01.03.01 1:.} ‘36 mum); out of. .....r'm F». :‘.:Ll‘St I‘C uain
- ~ " -". "' . -- .,...” “.VV .. ' ., .,- . J... .' As
in hear-us at: thv .‘ . 3: “..,, a. sh n..-”re mg. to 33.., the mesa. himself, or
- « . . . ‘»- i ..J,
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.., .,- . ,, .. . 7‘ ..w “ _ A_ 1 u ,». '. '
Ir. burr: vr- 3: he (220190.- Dresden *::-.9 lotn inst.
T or clrwe 2mur:?:r-rr‘ -::‘ 62:12:33 :;‘or $150.00 palh'fble to
" ‘ " - n ‘ . -. ; .V." .:.o'. .3 .t , " ‘ .., , ',’? .
.:z'VllllI‘v‘f‘ti; I?cc'=:.rine. :..-£127., for olli. one o .‘ the to (223023.. :15-.379
hi“. :“ié‘n 5hr? it 'é‘i: 'fl.:j:tfi"."-'re “:.‘" '7".'L‘J'2e::2"czd “of; 5.73:0 disriii’EHJrested
21:3 tinmwefi.
”1',.—.-..- .:....u~ .... .l ‘ .,‘
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1‘ . I: . .'.
{.’J‘QCSQ ,. :1; *y.,{'-.'.. r

 K .
Jackson, 2223]., 15/12/13.
To 31. 8.- 3-2. F. 31. Company «—
‘L"e (12.2 1?.2::‘::’;)y 35:31-06. :50 sign“. a. release and '.r/1’Lt1'16.1‘;';r.' the 311111;)?
new pnhaing in the ":Eraa'tni 12*; (fizz-9.11:1; 7.1011131333111114: ..;‘aa'son 3: Hurst and
32. E; ;'L‘. R. 5!. fianpaxy 102' injuries 1‘:;:;c:...rr;. 3..: 113,1; ‘~.-.I;..~:'3-; an
L. 8: TB. 'ébitonsion.
‘ a; LLtL ‘:.: -;> L‘.”:‘::““.ii“.5:(3 or: receipt 3;. 3.,3.L;u'i.)..u0, V..";Lon paid.
If not Emmi, 1:31:31; agar-C:.:szn'u LE; 3.3.1.}, unis. "."'-L‘id.
{F‘.i¢;'g"xr::i} Sammyig ;'ile:."1.'o;-1,
" I“ J.;;sfcz-z‘m.
”fl": '.'“7‘,: {1 '3 m‘fr 1~-,c“"C2("; .2~"»_ “

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gierssageds which ixrcbnpparcntlyhunncgressangéofr thatrdceiluld 15): sent bydTminfniai1,x~'iil be trarsmitted and O
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TELEGRAM “”‘: pm" y' “ ”p‘§eériii°ss§indce§$ Manaicr‘Qpéféé‘ufi’r 32.131. ”“5”" ‘°“ °”“°““°“ TELEGRAM
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Liv.:.?.Joucsfi, $010331 Auzorncy, -
LUR?SV11§€ ‘ ;au4911gu L.I.30., A
icaisvllic, ”r. ”Q;Lp€,/é/ xi
'SCTY 'irz-

Yufit *irc a :9. I m-vc Eoéay maid Zeonidus geéwine,
fitzsrnaf, 9:351; ‘éttan :nfi Henri {oakhayfl $500.00 in aesblcnenc
if injurior nu:i:a-g4 *~ than n: fioakjnfi' Eunael new? Latvia
an Tcfivcabmr 1%“W, 1911? Sid array firrff on the frersurer fior
3150.00 sazcleflexu mica. Vichne nvusac;.

Ysuxn Aruij,
Q 1‘ r \("
/‘ / W' 5 J I ‘
\-, »fi , k, w' ‘
[w‘ /// vwm . “g ”‘ ,C /
)/' ;.;L.-.Il:.Jf§L.:.‘. k '
3 g\//.
0033 no _
,wwé>5.1.fiilaon, 33g.,LexingUon,
AM John Home ?eyton, C.I.Gonst'n,fiauisvillo.

 V” ‘ _, V \_ f . ‘ ‘. , V v I ‘ >> ‘7‘ . _ , .5 ‘ 7 i V 1 ‘ E53)
j ‘ . _ , 505:;CFM‘ "“'». 1 I . . 1%
9" n ..V ' A
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. . ‘ u ‘ j- ' . ' .
, . 5;: m Wlnehester, 331., Sept. 4th, 1912. ,
, J .
Lexington 8c Eastern Railway Co.,
Lexingtofi, Ky. I ‘ ' i
v ' Gent lamen2~ ' , '
‘ Referring to the suit of St).- .‘.‘ at v. 01118911793, pend-
' 7 111g in the Breathit‘v; Circuit Court, % h the Lexington 3.! Eastern .
, _ Railway (‘.0. is joined as a defend. ‘Q rivte to say that we recog~ ;.
nize that if there is any 15. 1111737 I the plaintiff, which we of "
V course deny, it is our a 21:53, so we will half: you harmless :
- against aim jnflgmant ‘ 1.1;. - ;
‘ We unclar ‘0 a it will be proper for you fie file an E
. answer ae'nyin upon your part, but we think it vzonlcl be
. , unwise for us ' rm? to have any controversy 'betweennurselves_ as ‘
' to liability lest the jury think we are practically admitting liar
.‘ bility, ant“: merely Mfiputing as ‘80 who shall he reswnsible. On
this acnmmfi, therefore, we are willing to assume the clefense of the ‘
suits by our attorneys, and you neefi not an anything-more than file "
I your answer,- and. we will satisfir the final judgment, regaréllass of ‘
whom itis against. . > . , ; ,.‘
/ . , Yours very truly." . , 7
' ‘ asf - » . ‘

 ”1n0hest5r, Ky.) July 14th, 1918.
Hr. R. E. K son,
en route to Jackgon.

It will be necessary $03 you to fwrfliqh ms 9 sworn
staterent or the fiebt you own for labor, Faterial, quplies and
tears connected with the Lexington & Eastern work. I 3r relin%1y
inforred that in? Hatton and Lockard cases can be 3"ttled at
9:800. 00 each.

E. R. J¢"ett.

 > if; u?
. . J. 5 j . .
’ ‘ June 4th., 1912. ,
Mr. flarion 311w, - '
Louisville, Fy. . .5
Dear Sir:- / .
_ Replying to your favor of ’:he 23‘ at., which was re-
- eeived during: my absence at Hazard, will 4 t the 710110}! of _.
the Casualty Germany of Arteries show-s +31 t v: extended to cover ‘
Essen é’c Hurst by an endorserent 03“ ea ; = \ber 13th, 3.911. I do not
know Whether this is the policy um ., - ..eon 5': Hurst are relying ,
but I learn that they ere eipeetin the marshes Corr-peny to defend
these Lockard end Ketton eases. , »
’ 0f“ corneas, as you -' theJonee—Davie Cor-tinny and Jones , _-
Prcthere are not before th ‘1 v I note that you have written
Mr. J. \J. 0. Each am vril - ‘=- .3212 1107?? you within a ="e"! days, '1
but I have heard nothiv‘xt -.~ . Court is in session “we now
and this retter 01.18;?1 H‘fi)‘ ttention. - "
' ere very truly, - ‘_
, law/’00P. g; -
' _ p _ General Counsel. ‘ '

 , A f
, . A’ 5 .
' May 25th, 1913. I
Mr. Marion Ripy, 7 7
Louisville, Ky. - .
Dear Sirz~ _
. Your favor of May 23rd addressgd to MI; E. S. Jouett, has
been receifiéd. Mr. Jouett is at present out of town.
7 7 A ‘ Respectfully,
. Stenographer.
.Amrxginal in‘ 1004.

 _ :;_’rf‘ I \\ . . .
"“‘} ‘.»/I V‘
.»’ _ "
' May 23rd, 1912. T
Mr. E. L. Jouett,
Winchester, Kentucky. ’
Dear Sir:—
I am in receipt of your letter of May 20th, about the
Lockard and Hatton cases now pending in the Breathitt Circuit Court.
’ Jones-Davis and Jones Bros., are not before the Court
in these cases, and of course their appearance will not be entered.
‘ It is my understanding that we had a policy on Mason &
Hurst in this wetter, and Mr. J. J. C. Bach at Jackson is our At—
torney. I am writing to Mr. Bach today and will also advise you
definitely in a few days as to the other Fetter. ,
, . Very truly yours,
. Marion W. Ropy. _
Original in 1004.

 ‘ 1',/R ' 'l I . I { r
.» // _7‘2 ‘3 3 .3 4 5.;ij
It. i- 2, 2 '3 .5 .= ‘"
v ‘ u i '1. “ .‘, .i' 2L”! '
S (N i ‘2’ ~ g}, .9 {A “
. as "I X21 ‘ If: ix“ } ' I
‘2‘ ER ‘ i .
; _ \K,W,»’/ _ ,|

Henry Lockard 2.22:3. 352223921 #1- 332233232, am. ' '
2 Strong Batten 3m. L. :2 33. Rwy. Co., 22m” '

2 ‘ May 20221. 193.3.

3.11“. itizmmn Ripy,
Louisville, W.
2 Bea: $1r:— _ '

' T312126: are-1.22270 231.1113 ::ending " Q 2 231° 13221-22. Circuit 0023:1215-
one of Remy Loekard agaimt Hagan 52‘: 3’ '- 2:11 0332012 defsnriants, ins
cluding the L. c”: F:., 2‘03? {$8, {300.00 -' >35 received 32y falling -

’ rock 1:1 “as: 3412222231 at 25528031 8». 23111253 22.: in ”903232; County, Ky., on
the law of Sea-terbar, 193.3,, and tin o.. :22: by Strong: flatten. 27320
. aeeka 2:0 359032123? the Sang 5m 2m 270. 21311122,! received. at the 8'1”“8
tire. _
2% were 323.217: 863% 1 5c Eiurat 1322:2351“ (382.8 of iiareh 23nd .
. ' “that that}; had .ir-23121221316 2 2 , J 339213;“? Corf'rzzrny '02? imwrica and.
, {hat the 00123781221 “star? ' vfi :iefl. of these. 911138. 33111 you 3.‘-lease
‘ advifse 32's 27321612326120: Q ‘3 are leaking after “’.‘-3‘38 fiei‘enaa of 17.14383
sagas 9:233, if (:10 22- ‘; ».. r1“! 3.2223112222332128 you? -
' In { 'Gse 2:13.139 2231923333 the contractm’a or 922233-002"?-
tractors 2239 c: .12-) may have 2330229235. 37212“: Railway Corzztsny €3.20}? -
taking—2 any 3312+» 22323 236279223536, 221123 E woulr? 3:33:23 to 3:32.02“ 33022.23 27183189
in this; 1‘883‘80t. .
2 2 . szms vet-.‘:; truly; -
mgr/Cop. 2 ' _ -
v ' 2362293211 001121391. .

 .i ' - '
7 > /;/+"V’L’/
,:: 3? (35.37 77
7 . )7 «1'7 SK '
' , h \5‘ ~
. 1 > :7; .
r’w j a
’ f I - §
7 £7 5; 2.71 J -

‘ 7“ Harem 14th, 3.91:3.

3:21“. 0. .1:. 13011513364, ‘
Jackson, Ky.
Bear 3132-- , ' _
' Miss. Page COTEfifi7'S re in the o_ n at you ovs'rlooked

sen-+3121? v.97 (may of the vetition in t3 ‘.‘bme. "1's Have the
petition in firm Batten case. ?71nfl,1@1 have a copy of the other

g at your leisure. - _

7 YQ --,_ truly, #
Egg/cap. _ i

‘ '\

 . 'I z
' 7'" v' ' r’w - ,u
Branch 0fh(er&zl}jr<1/1 19
gr}? ,3 ,'"Ww/
1'21“ J .75: . Tu.) _Lz’sug-‘hby: f: a fi/ \X
Luau '1 ea ville) {Ty ,, / I]; ,,_ ‘3
/ \J x $7 / Ci] 3’ [I ,5 i;
( II 5 :1 I] I;
: \ ‘j j 1"
\ f f f"
.0311“ Sir: \\ fix"
' ~ 1 - 1. . '. — - ,.,—I- ~ f — .-7-1’ .» .V: ,1,
511173171. Greta yam 1";xnmf'jlnkr Um; aunt bf‘ufif‘yu my HKLCUéJ: 4th 1405‘an
, _ _. ‘.,LL‘. _ ,- 1‘. .,~ ._, ~ ,. -
art a: Jae-13m; Ry, 2w luvs: a Lunar from ,‘.r‘ J.J.C.B¢.3;_ mi Grunt”: Run;
.1 law f‘ix‘n: a? that ahwm mum-Ci 331.133, ..:.aJ/ifny‘ fix-9 ”Va-y at“ ‘,7-aim *7":":1L§ff£1fl
by the 3357411337 Co Lu -1-“."~‘~*;1\1 as 1:131 «:11 t7“? Wat; pf" fills Ijkf‘v‘,=udn.n:5 ‘._1'; The
casing in :1_u~.r;s:ti«3n.
Yea-Lil’m R“rvfixi,,
'.‘“:ieez‘; 8c Eur“): ’.‘/2:;.
. ‘\ I..- x
RV .“x‘ri‘ “in 5” ~'. ‘1«"’:-""
“ U ”,gg“ “‘.'...4 M, x L '3‘ .
a » ' '
é/ / /,'
JQ/ ’
, z - 2 1 ,7 ,1
, /_,
, ,:/ / /
fl’C—l'( 'AJ, / (:3

Cecmm of

 jej/ f 3; \\, . ,
. 1/
o . . , ,.’ ‘~ .
_ March 8th, 1912. "
1 Mr. E. S. Jouett, .
. Winchester. Ky. ‘ .
Dear Mr. Jouvtt:-
The case of Grenville Gross vs. Lexington & Eastern 2
Railway Co. has been assifned for the 19th flay of the term, next
Monday. Lane Bros. have Piled an answer in this case pleading a
settlenent. I an inclined to the opinion that they 1will not be able
' to sustain their contention since their agteerent of settlerent shows
an aeknowledgnent on the part of Gross of $2.85 in Full of the Lel~
: once due on eooount For hauling freight and in full of ell dareges
accruing to Gross or his lenfi or Tonerty for negligence, etc. by
Lane Bros., their agents and servants. This is einply a receipt and
Gross pleads that he didnot need the reoeint and signed it upon the
statenent and understanding thwt it was a receint for $2.85 which
Lane Bros. owed him on account. I euggeet that Tve file an answer in
the ease pleading that Lane Bros. were indepenoent contractors and
let Lane Bros. take the hurfion of yakiny the fight. Ioherdly think
this case can he reached hefore the Tifiole of the week, if then, as
there are quite a nunher of other civil cases ahead of it which will
be tr ed. in addition to the felony eaeee/ on honoay's ooeket, and
others on Tuesday’s docket.
Strong Iatton ve. L & E Railway Co. one Laeon & Hurst.
Henry Lookhert vs. L & E Railway Co. & Meson & Hurst.
These two cases do not stand for trial at this term by ;
reason of failure of plaintiff to get all the defendants before the .
Court, eo you need not tether any were about them at nresent.
‘ Harry Spicer vs. L & E Railvey Co. This case is set down
for the Blst day. I have written 12. LbDowell requesting hin to send .
, Conductor Bradshaw and or. Fallen here on next Wednesday and I have
had suhpoenas placed in the hands of the sheriff for the other Wit—
neeeee, nanely: Flint Miller, W111 Allen, Ashford Nepier and Sylvest- _
er Roberts. er. Bubanks writes he thet Potter Napier, of Perry\
County, was present also, but ceing to the inprohahility of securing
him end the further feet that we have not talked to hin. I an raking
no effort to get him here as a witness. I feel sure That with the
evidence we have we Will'uwellop" then in this case.
' He ry Noble case. As you are aware this case is set for the
22nd day, next Thursday. Leonidas RedWine eays he will have Henry
Noble here Monday. While you are here on that day we will have a

E. S. J. ‘2'“ ‘
conference With hiw. I have not had any witnesses euvvonefl. In
the event we decide on Monday to get ready for trial we can have
the witnesses surmoned in tire.
Chas. Smith vs. 15 8c E Reilwey Corpeny end. Robt. Gillum
ve. L & E Reilw"y Corpeny ere appearance cases and have been assigned
for the 20th day. It is not poseihle to reach these cases at this
teww. As they are appearance cases, I er sure if reached at all they
will come later than.the20th day and should a contingency arise
that would bring us up to the trial of these cases, the witnesaee
, are here in town and can he obtained and gotten to the court house
in the course of'twenty rinutee. I an reking no preparations,
therefore, in these cases except keeping on the lookout.
Judge Redwine wade an effort this rorniny to get all of ’
the Corron Lew cases reeseignefi or eiepoeefi of. Quite a number
were continued and quite a number reeeeiyfleo hut there are 90 reny
cases in t*hieh Tartiee age pressing for tfiial that it was wrectieally
ipfioggihle to docket these cases in a way that would give US any
reasonable eeeurewcee as to know whether one cases will he reehhed.
I aw of the 0?inion that if eny cf our cases ere tried it till he
the Spieer case. ‘ . o
I go to Lexington tonight, retvrning hero Suneay afternoon.
will expect you here Moneeyn
, Yours truly, ‘
o. H. Pollard. '*
Originel ifi 952. .

 AM—lz 1113757
7 ‘ " 7 ‘ V ,7
O 2-11/1TOU15V11m12», KY. M914. 7'th.'li.
f/ \\
FILE Nu. I." \
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,1" // / \\
.'I {,~' ’I,, If ( .2" \
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E / 1 i
i I/ I3’
Mr. E. S. Jouett, K :
General Counwel, \ ‘
Winches: 1103.", Ky. ‘ __,“- . "
Dear Sir:—»
I quote you from letter of U1son & Evrst
Compeny, sub-ooutrwctors, dried Inrch 2nd.-~
“Replying to yourn of Feb. 28th relative
.to suit of Strong Rattan hf'irsf us rnd
others. We Ban :0 1dvise that there
rye two suits,-nne Ly Henry Lockhnrt, as
well an Hatton.
' At the time this accident occurred the
w . » A .
. 16th any of Septemser 191;, we were Curry-
II. ;. ing liability insur1nce Witt the Cusurlty
gs, 2 Coupnny of Americsfiz of New York City,and
’ it now tecomes their duty to defend us in
this actien. We Lyve notified the insurance
people of the snits in question, and HG h:Ve
a letter from them saying tLrt they had
notified their attorneys to look :fter same.
In the meantime we hnve employed counsel
to look after our interest in the above
named cases.”
‘ s 4 ~11 7'
Yehie ..JJJ,
1 Q‘& L x. K g (L k \ q (4..
L / 1 L/
JTELH-CC. Chief fingflneer of Construation.

 .. , '
. '- a ' \
_, ., E35. J 0 5‘ ;\
, :14 x ‘
, :2 ' 1« i
, . f r*
\ v.

 ~ In re Strong Rattan vs. /}M‘ ' I/K‘s ' ‘ I ,
Mason's Hurst. eto., (,:,? j ,1 f; , ' -
, ' . I fl .1” ‘ L” 1 ‘
. ' ‘ January 17th, 1912.
Mr. 0. H. Pollard, ' . ‘ *
‘ «A Jackson, Ky. - - '
Bear 8135:» M l ‘
In- the above suit, will you nlcfl%nd we copy of the
petition, and oblige Q '
t . . _ ~ . . Konrs Wag9
3* r319. . ’ '
wyer/o - ‘ .

 ‘ _ In re Claim of Stxong Rattan, v. . _
, Mason 8: Hurst, 8t“.- .

- ‘ . ‘ > January 17th, 1912. ' -' I
- - , Mr. w. A. L-‘ZcDowell, ’ " ’-

‘ - _ - ‘ Lexington. Ky. ' .
3593: "Sir :-_ ‘
‘ I ‘ _ I beg: to acknowledge receipt of 331’ 953 in 'the above r‘atter
, andwill give‘the casé attentign. I are Q . 11 to L53. Pollard by
’. thisrnail for a @533; of the petition. '
.> You're var tr ' ’
_ ESJ/GCP. , ' , ‘ §
‘ ‘ a . ' I

 o. H. POLLARD ’ H
JACKSON. KY. ', .;I‘ ;-
. /é / 7 ‘-/ // Z 7
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gLWI-f— gt“ % 4 W] ,,
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We? a f , r
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/ ——~ {,1 w {k n,./, (,( 4. _. _,: ’
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-_ [.77/7%” ”M fry/77x . //////////y ‘/////////y
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 SUMMONS ORDINARY. (Av: wx’ Iu:'t~lnu'w . ‘. 1 . 12 ‘:.V PR|NTED AND SOLD 91' PARAGON Pmemr; Wows, BEAVER CAM, Ky.
The Commonwealth of kentucky, _ , .
1 K" ‘> . ,
TO THE éHERlFF 0.9.1; Z‘vC,C1/[~E:Z() . .. . ,CUJ‘NTY:
C , ‘ .,: y
You, my comma/Him! (’0 summon . V'.‘1{//{{. 7L5C/71/0‘f, .. 5 ‘I J57; [I'D
ll, / . ,/ " 1“ ‘/ _V ,
~ ;p-wfwwfim / . z/VW/Q V7 4 [of 449:5. MzM5 7 24:24; )6
v’ .. Law/«@5251 Mi} \5 x 5. J1; ,‘., i 9.54 ,, MAW fiéé/ VVOIZL;
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.\~_» ‘ ~ “1.x \ .
filed (Lg'azifl'yf i /1{ 1 5L _ mUflij)’ V, 6/ H; {45/51/5572: \' (Emu/2‘ (Hui/7'11.
V , I} / I f”
, /l5 ,
and, warn . y 254/ '5 QC flu/2‘, mum. 4. . 25 m , fail/(71' 7’0 :':.usm r, f/m yz'z‘."/f07/
(Ci/Z be {Niven for con/129.5717, or Z'i ’5 5/ 7177/ be prmww/(j’d (I_g‘u/nlsu’ for ('r‘m‘r‘zu/‘f
and 3,011,. WM make (luv INN/'12. 0/ Hus .s'u'mmw/s 1r~///////*.._ z. 5) H . . (My/.3 ("r/"fir r/z:
service thereof 2’0 flu: ('.'/('I'Iv's o/j/(cx' of said (':»urf. §Z\\'
(,.'1'7'012, unn’r‘l' my hand, (IN ('lrr/u 0]" mid Caurf, Mix V .. / //. V. flag," 1:]
J /7 ,
.. ., .../:..V1....{.4,(< a/MJH/A /’ , , , { , ,
/ ,5 x /’ 55/ {/f. (LT. zA’I.’iV:iV¢C£4’,;./;/”\ (WV/"771'.
‘lnscz'i. TEN if to county where Smt is brought, and ’1‘\\‘1€.\"’1‘Y if um 01‘ mum):
”'wflkL.*Wuw—m~_ _W-_

 w I
. .‘\,flu'


Tue wedcgdimt, ?eriuiénn & T etcrn ?Tilw y Co., tor
einr‘ez7 To i‘in = “i ':i’””t3 ?e‘ ‘11”34 l*or;iev 1?‘ t "A 1%e Tib"e
reniia ed in ?“Q rcfiifibn, it, ‘3 it 01?, or iFrcvbn Les
arenie, mervente “Md fiTTIOYQQ renTiorod in €he =e=iticn, or
thfiovflh “fly ?FGER“, ~9rv¢n+v or WT7;éyee, Tee expired in “Hilfi—
irr fine “hil“or* ‘03’10'3‘ in f“? *eTiti n, or in doinfi The
"‘O”?k H.1? rlti‘flf' "Ho-’:‘ t‘a‘i“;i*‘1 *7? “in (“188(31'i‘il'i‘f'i.

Tfiie We”viflfiit ”exi?“ tfi“t it b“e Eh?Wlefiee or infor-
rfiticn ev‘“icieufi T0 “9'? " "elief *fiet c: Re tether 16th: I
10:11, ’3‘? "‘55- ml‘f life, 2% ”er: r rs or}? "I"; in {The Hm-
:’1-‘1 1' ?1‘21‘. io’vrwi in 9.7":sz 77:?71‘L+i.'31':; " it“ (“Gl'lifif‘f ‘:'T'Tf-t. he "'78 at
work reviuw eewrh er Broken rank celled Yuck 470? f 16 (urnel
Urdef er loytemt ?rer tel? defendant; and It *eulee t*~t it has
RHOVZ? fie er inferretion svffieient to “or? r Tells? thft Ve was
‘oilgf «in; 31 (1 ,.’ -
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