xt73bk16mf8w_277 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [220] Shelton Combs & Lizzie Combs v. Lane Brothers and L&E text [220] Shelton Combs & Lizzie Combs v. Lane Brothers and L&E 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_27/Folder_9/74147.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_277 xt73bk16mf8w 5 ”I
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Shelton Gonna V» n. & Et R. Re Co. / -
April 59th, 1912.
Mro John Howe Peyton, _
C: 3 13., 1.1: C'c E. R: R» COG,
Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Heferring to the aiove suit, I return herewith the letter
from Lane Bhothers Company of date April 24th. and in answer to your
inquiry as to its sufficiency, i beg to say that theta/letter, which
seene to he mecely an inquiry for sore intorration, does not
serve the purpose intended by the form of letter that we heretofore
sent you. The effect of that letter was to relieve us of any oblir
gation to defend the suit so far as their acts were concerned and
was an assumption of liahility upon their part if any jufigment
should be rendered. I assume that the proper thing would be to give
1 them such additional information as they request and still wildly '
insist upon them executing and Sending us the other lettere
Yours very truly»
/ f / f
, / jagmi‘
:ESJ/GCPO 225: ~. (;éfi/ mgr, .1
311310 /
General Counsel.

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May 233-1915i . - ‘
Mr. 32. :3. Jouott, ,
General Ouunml,
inche s tar , Erie 1117113? g;
119:}? Sir:
I :“ttzgch icy-4:0 blue grint of mp sent
in by Division .i'ingqineor J11 time in :5.-{ward 3:0 (311;; in 01'
Shelt-t.>n Cr “2le on ire-3011774; Oi (“1.9135275 {23 h s 131%.: warty
ECI'OLES the river “from the if‘nsgyoz-tt Tunnel, towther ‘.‘?‘i t}:
0372;; of 161: to”: 1 i1: ve 'i:0—-c‘:.z>.:;’ :':“E'zzvresssml ti. £1". Jas‘cico.
I will farr- i 7’.-211.1 Ni {:11 3.21;; :'.:G.G:i.’ci:m::.l j_‘;r:'f:.> r1511: tier; I can :‘:ccarc:
C31 yeceig‘v't; 01‘ reply 1311111 .335. Justice.
ELLIS truly, _
‘ C1352“311€i?7661‘ :i 1119325.: {Tactic}?
em: v

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Fay 3.713%? g 3.3.3:.)o
tr. John Howe Peyton, /_,lV/,_ .aL
o. 3., .L. 3.- s. a a (‘10., /,
Louisville. Kyt '”
Dear Sir:~
We are in receipt of your favor of the 23rd inst., ad-
dressed to hm. E. a. Fouctt. containing blue print of nap in regard
to Shelton Conbs wattor.
Yours truly,
,I“ ,/ .-
  /) O z“
/ E

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. Louisvillefly. {fay 23. 191?.
Hazard, k:;. via jeflngjtr‘nn
Jouett advises that suits
on which you have ‘:een asked to report will come up for trial
at court Ircrgi nning- Monday. Please have reports sent in first
mail so that L can get them to .Jouett. Ziave .' emess report as to ‘
who :hot blast or: shalt cernba property.
John- Hove Peyton
.. Train wire

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 s' . -
. I 3 I “9"»
O ‘ Breathitt Circuit Court.
Shelton Covbs, Lizzie Conhe, Plainti‘fs.
VS. .
. Leno Brothers, Lone Brothers Co.
Lexington & Eastern Ry. C0,, Defenosth.
?etiLion. A
' The plaintiffs, Shelton Comes and his wife, Lizzie Cores,
say that they are residents of Breathitt County, Fy., and are the
legal owners and in_rossession of a tract of land lying just below
the mouth of Quicksand'Creek, Breathitt County, enc on the opposite
_ side of the Kentucky River Tron the new railroad that is now ieing
constructed hy the defenoente in this action.
1 They say Lhet the defencants, Lane Brothers 00., and Lex-
: ington & Eastern Psilwey Corpsny 9 9 each corporations possessing
. the powers usual to corporations, among 1'r'hich are the powers to sue
and he sued, to contract enc he contracted with, to filead and to be
impleaded. That the defendants, Lane Brothers 00., were organized
as a corporation in one of the states of this Union, which is at the
present tine unknown to these nlsintitfs, enc that they are now en— ‘
gaged in their usual line of euployrent in Breathitt County, Ky.
That the defendants, Lexington & Eastern Ry. Co., were or-
ganized as a corporation and is now existing as such, under the
, h lane of the State of Kentucky, that they are now engaged in operating
Q a line of railroad fTon Lexington, Ky., in and thru the County of
-2 Breathitt, with its principal office at Lexington, Kentucky.
r They say that said defendants are now engaged in building
and constructing a railroad bed thru Bresthitt County Tron Jackson,
Ky. and thru the counties of Perry and Letoher to a point near
\ , O

 5' . . ‘
. 3 > K. ‘n
" I -8— .
. ‘Ahitosrurn‘, Kentucky, that the deferzflante, Lane Brotlmrs Coopcny
are independent Contractors and are errloyees of the Lexington &
' Eastern Ry, Co. as such in the conetruction of the above nered rail-
road bed. -

That during the Srrlnn of 1910 said defendants began at
Jackson, Ky. the construction of the eforeeaifl railroad bed and since
the Spring of 1910 said defendants have lean continuously digging,
blasting, preparing and constructing the railroad bed, as stated
above, in and thru Breathitt County, end that in the early Spring
of 1910 sold defenoants regen blasting and constructing geld rall-
road bed along the Kentucky R1ver,_one half wile below the Mouth of
Quickeend Creek and juet acroee the Kentucky Pivot fror where these

I plaintiffs' farm is located and Within one hundred yards of their
said farr.

That core in the year 1910 these defendants begen digring
blasting and constructing a large tunnel for the wee of their said
rellroefl, v'hirzh ie located just acroee the Kentucky River from plain-

, tiffs' farm as aforesaid, and have been, since the year 1910 up to
and including the present tire, continuously working at and con— -
etructing said tunnel and are now engaged in the corpletion of the
said tunnel.

Plaintiffs say thct there is a large cliff of rock extené—
ing along the Kentucky River juet oppoeite their ferr enc thru which

, the railroad bed as eforesaid has oeen conetructed. That in the
ruilding of eaifl road bed and in the const