xt73bk16mf8w_282 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [222d] Reed Thompson v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [222d] Reed Thompson v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_28/Folder_3/74378.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_282 xt73bk16mf8w i , . 7 march 25, 1915.
_ 5
Hrs. Gertrude Conley,
‘ Jackson,ientucky.
Dear 3:33de . ,
Referring to duplicate bill in Read Thowas case, rendered
I - me under date of harsh 15th, I have to say that on February 25th,
I approved your bill and fornsrfiefi some to bouisville for payment.
The Louisville oifice has a great abundance of such claims to hand-
; . 1e and no doubt the delay has‘heen caused in this way. If you do
,' net within the next ten days receive a raoittance to cover the
I account, kindly advise me and I will have an investigation made ‘
I _ at Louisville. ,
.' , ' Very truly yours, ' V

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 k H, POLL-\RD
JA: 20“ KEN nowv
mo. 23', l'y‘l'p.
$113: Samuel .41. Wimon,
Le Xingu on , Ky .
Door Judge;

I enclose bill. 01’ ,Jlrb‘. cartoon); 0-3;-Ley, or‘x‘ioiaxl
stoningragner for trunsorlpt oi' testimony [m Ene- case of Reed
Tacoma vs. I. (Sc 13 xiv. 00. Mouse certify some and move. voucher
fork‘v’.‘},L‘gi‘3\l to her.

i 7

f; ‘i. .413 umiiiog you by .Z’iiiir‘ooui mail. under :soporooe

5: covw'. one cow; of tnls transcript. after you mare examined
5? 17,, Kindly return so that it may be flied in Court or, the
,:3? April Term, before the 7th day of said norm.
a»: Yours truly, W

Ojf'{P‘"L W

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‘ , m, n - ., ' 1, .2 M. g .. I .,M, .,M, w .3:”, ..‘ — m. M- M r_:- ‘ .
__ 1.3:; 322221339223. 453723. t ::::2 (2.:-wing 3:22 :::-3.: e :2.-'54.: 2.:: w: M22: 3'.-:.: “me faragexz‘b Etta?-
.. 4'2. fix" . 4- 4 .3 . -. 4 : 3 ‘ ~ , .. : . . J ‘ . “'4 »“' 7’ 4! ' ‘ A' '_ ‘ . '.
12:.: mi the :namgF "21333;. man, if 1423:2341 :2242473335: .2 ram 2323.3: ..L 4.12333. :1?: 3393-. ,
' : . .:. ,- :- '.‘-. ..J-2 ' a. H. " 3. - . '. . ., ..2 . .2 ' '2 ‘ 4‘ ~ ' . > ' ' '
. 3..:222: g «.39 321.3341; ,3! an”, 22.211312; I _ nave .2232»? ::::L... , 1 '2. fi ..3. 3332:3142: 33,931 agaixu _
x ' . .. '> I ./ ‘I 2" i.) 'L _
--' :4 ..’L. . .2. 4 ' , ~ '.., .M ‘.‘ .”‘ . . . .‘ .
~ I 2233,: gamma :.'}: .::nzzmmg .".-3. .3. H22: 22221322322 yum. 23:22:: my, 131-- . .
. r ,.,. . 3 ~9 h' M ' ., ‘ .. . , !W‘ ‘2 Y .‘_ . . 2 . _. .
03.23231er 3 our. 4.5315223? {.33 3.3222. 335:3; .:1-2:13; jam“ 2:, . - ,
4.... ' « ‘ - < ' - ~ ,, - . ' 663121391. .. ,

 , _ s r - i a . ‘ (COPY) ‘ , 1 ‘7 ‘.7‘. , 1 -‘~
. t4, " it I r' “ »” Eouieville, Ky., Feb. let, i915; ,_7 i
; mm iiLifllmn, ~' _ _ , . V.  ' itt
,.‘ . . CounSel, L & E R. Co., ' . ' ', C _ 1’2“
I. a . ' Lexington, Kentucky. . A » I v . '
t Dear Sirg— ‘ I ~ ' I U .
‘,"_ f , In connection with your letter to me, dated Pee. 7th, ~- -
:. relative to the claim of—the First National Bank &”Troet Co. on.éc— "
T . count of witness fees in the case of Reed Thomas v. E'Q‘E.,_Breathitt‘
’ _ Circuit Couzt, I am handing you herewith letter Lrom First Nationai i
- :;_ Bank, dated Jan. 36th, in regérd to the fee of i. W. Combs, who seems
'1 * to hate been a Witness in the same case. Please advise me'what I i
. ‘ehall say to Mr. Williams. ‘ ’Z‘ .x, 7‘ t " V'
7 _ a 7’ “ Yours truly, \ : ‘ ;.‘I .ir 2 H.‘ .7;
"‘ J ' ” _ a . I. h 3.3.Warfield,n.? _- it _ [‘f 1,; ‘,‘
. ‘ ‘ _5u,‘ : ' " ‘ ‘ Distriet Attorney}: I ’ '   'V7fllb: 1
' 1" JJDAW“ ' _ $_ ' ‘ -‘ . I . _‘. '7_‘  ‘ i9”"_x‘_

 ‘ y ' ' ' ‘ ‘ , 7 . ‘ ‘ Jammy 1'. 19193., 7 _ 37:"
L ' t I , > Jun. gs L3.E._ 173011 ;iI‘il, h , v _ V l i.
t ’_ Z Jackson, Ky. ’. I - y
. Dear Sir: » > . ‘ y I
’.‘3 I i _ , i J I aeknovrlefige with thanks receipt of your“ i’aVOr ofi‘leeemberfrg7
” s ?9th, enclosing copies of Amended Petition in sash of the following '
‘ ‘ Sylvester sharp v. L at :.-: 21:230., lv 3 '
‘  .V 51%??th v. 1:; a}: Z; Jig-.00.. ) V, " V
. _ , , - .7 V ' Yeurs- truly, ~ . . a
' , ' “ I .7 7 I ' I Counsel. ,

 7‘ , Judgé 0;. E. 35011515563», ,' - ‘ ' ' . I ' ‘ 7
.. " ‘ L L ' Jacfion, “Kentucky. . 1 _ i r . ‘ 1‘ I
1, ‘L Bear Sir: I ' . - ) ~ — - r h ‘ ‘ ‘ '
_ » _l 71 hefémrith hand you list 5::: I'authori‘ties. and 0013301? W ‘7
’ . L instructions askied for in letter of recém‘: daté. V . ‘
1:57" '   -.   _ "i _ ‘ .i . \Yours‘trruly, , ‘ ‘ -' " .1 2
' f :‘ érncs; 1 ~ 3 - 1 , I > I .V -
  ‘ .1 - . ‘ ‘   . . Counsel-.»‘ 1‘

 AT’E’VtDrF-vifipfiil-ilf‘erAW’ [’2 (’93-'13..— , /95
JM‘xsoN KENruch
Jan. 1, 1915.
Judge S.M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Judge:
Case of Reed Thomas vs. L & E and Sylvester Tharp
VS. Same.
Your favor of the 51st received. I note that you will
, mail me a list of authorities and a copy of instructions offered
by you in a similar case tried in Letcher. I will thank you to
do this upon receipt of this letter if you have not already done
Yours truly,
OHP-L . '

 "If , _ \ , 1 , ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ . ,
" ' '— , . ' ‘r . \ a , ‘ A , ‘
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A) t“ 0' 3’ “y“ f T9 3" 3""}v‘ ' 3.5; i“ .’:" f: ',.'-3.‘ "A " ‘.4: '— 2; ”’ c '3' "fi‘ af} "   - r ,'V
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j“: ‘ A ~ suit, 5331.33'E‘3031gh the file 56361;? (was: not- 5:3.3'1’peoi’ to be (:031333‘1133'39. "
: ‘ I am now returning: to you your 33116 5.3;-5 pith it 13:33:33 15.2311 my 03m '
' . " ‘ ‘ ' I a. ‘ ' I .
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 Breafihitt Circuit Courfi.
Read Rhomas uni Elizabeth Thomas Plaintiff.
Sexiugton J Bastcrn Eailway 00: any Defundant.
Tha :131ntiif flga& Thomas fcr éfiflflflmflflt TD his oricinal
amanfiua patitifihfi huruin sayj ihut me am? Elizakufih Thowfic jojhily
own tha Exact a: land act out ana fivscribcd 13 his original an:
amanfiai actitionu harain, uni fihat My misfake or oversight the flame
of the saia Blizfibnth Thouam was lJffi ovt of fibc pafiition a3 a party
ylaintiff and he now nakcs tha sai; Jlizahebh thongs a wartv«21ainfiiff
. I L .I
harein, ani thoréugan thu glaintiffv iced Thomas and Elizabmth Thomas
reiterafia ana roallagc aaoh and :11 of the statuaanfis oontainal in the
~ original and amunflmfi putitions herein.
flhgrefore tho plaintiffg irajs a: in thai: Qiiginal and
, ?
firsfi amaniad petitions herein uni for all x3030 “uliufi.
’ $
:_ y
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fittornuys f,r ilaintiffs.
n‘,. J“ "‘.. , 7:2. f; ‘..,q» .' i .. . .. 2 - »- - ~
3nd afllaflt L361 ;LOtSp baJd :Lai Lha stetouanis contained 3n inn
foregoing amanaud rotifiion are firms.
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January 191%.

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‘T‘r‘ —

December 15 , 1314.
Jufige 0. 1i. Pollard,
Jae ":9 on, 21911 i: ucky.
3.2;; (‘Ienr Juiimo:
I beg: to acknowlmfige receipt of your fan-”or of the
1A1.t'~* instant, xt‘ifi‘éfi onclosures, in refer-921:0 to the (3:130 of
Reed Thcmas v. Lexington 51 Eastern Railway Conwany, £01: which
I thank you.
Yaurs truly,

 , 4‘
,...3” :¥ , :1"; j- t
12717“ [‘1‘ «'0 o .."1'1 "LITE
1 .
”H 3:121" UTUAEMU : "'
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:1 ’ 3.1.) 1.1217 :1 +1.“... ‘1.; 511..., L'A. 911's, ,.iL ,,.. -—, \‘.”w u 1, . , 1,. ..1. 1.
v 133“.“ ":1:: 1112;11:11 03: :.1: 5::} . :' 1, . ~ 30:.“ 133:: 31.91:: 1'
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A77 7? WM Mjfizz/d 5. xx) ‘v
085%. Wm lab/@141
C/Z £52 MK #6 {49, 4147/6] W/:
/%€ MAW «Cm/4224,41) ”14%. {.,L/4%, (f {M‘ 507/174,
éw £71 fl/zmm¢ / «—
1%; fi:/ W 2 flng 43./WA \ / ,,
""‘ \ ~ »‘Cd/s ‘. [7 ,, . ,~ [(2‘ ., 7r

 ‘ ' - ‘=v.‘ ~n “_3”'3T2,;V w; -:{ragja;“;+vig;yy
z; _ ' ' ‘ '- - .‘7 :. December 7, 1914. ‘”"
Ԥ" ' - , .0. fl. Moorman, Esq., . , , h
1: . _ ‘ \ 28014213333119, "Kentucky. , . ‘
Jig: “ ' _‘ ‘ V ' V
J ‘ meéhn~ ~ ' . _
i1 . Referring to statemenfi of witness fees amounting to " '
fi‘ " $93.80 clfiimofl by the Eargis Commercial Bank ané Trust Company, ,
1 - - J. _ a ‘ , , ,. «.1 “£719 r « -': KT r , 1 ,.‘-1,. 9'4}; (1“: «} - gm. , ' .
fl , 1n Q1911 ommmuLmAhamn101 MOVQJDW- ab, 1 L4, 1n vne case 13
» Broathitt Circuii Gourt of ioofi Ihomafi‘v. L & L Ey.Co., I have
' ’ to say shat as at DEESUflt afiwisod I do not understand this ,
, enormous bill 101 Kitness fees, nor do 1 unfierstanfi hOW the
_ L & 3 is ax yet un:er ca; liability whvbcver for these claims.
-fhe iced Thomas suit hflfi nevwr been trieé and I havc‘uo recol- ' '
locfiion.of its being coatinuoé at aha cost cf the L & 3. L
I shill, hamCVer, take up thn mabtgr for furthrr in— 'H '
V vformatiau with Jufige Pollarfi an? than advise you furthcr on the ,
fiubjeut. ‘ ,
‘ ' Vary truly yours, > . ¥ 3;
‘ - ' Counsel. ’ 3
, » A: .
. > . 2
. ’ . ' L

 7 /5‘ I 9!
/ , .,

Reed Thomas vs. LeXiLgton & Eqstern Railway Go.

There is no encroachment on the river channel opposite
the Reed Thomas farm. One or two small washes seem to move oc~
curved or this property during high tides, evidently due to other
causes thafi7oonstruction of the railroad.

Tnere is absolutely no merit in the case and I think
it should be tried out in Court. No offfer of compromise should
be made.

Division Engineer.
,~_,:-é .. v (I 1‘ .- .,‘: [Ii 4 .'
.Wmfh .mx;. ' . i d , 'f w‘ x“ “ 9' * ' r

 Reed Thomas v8. Lexington & Eastern Railway 60.

Theta is no encroachment am fine rivar channel opposite
the Raefi Thomag farm. One or two small W&Bh8fl seam t0 nave oc-
c;rred.on thia proyarty during nign tigefi, evidently due to other
causes that constrwction of the railrmad.

Tamra i3 absolutely no murit in Bum case and I taink
it snould he triefl out in court. E0 offcer of aompromjwa ghould
be mafia.

:Li . 14,31“ 1;;(1‘ .

 ./ / {r , ~ . /‘ /
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().H.POLLAR1) ' ’ . ...I _. . - . , /_
ATTL“".NE&' AT LA‘V . ' (‘I' . .'
JACKSON. KY. _ ' , . 1’
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Judge 35. .j. ‘..'1152011,
:E:~;1;-\‘:;=33‘:, 3:3“.
DGETI‘ .T'\.'.:..;jc: 1.131.217 '2‘.‘"I'J.;‘=.:.= 3‘,. ‘ I'._ -0.
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