xt73bk16mf8w_29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [17g] Letcher County miscellaneous, May 1913 - December 1915 text [17g] Letcher County miscellaneous, May 1913 - December 1915 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_3/Folder_7/61931.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_29 xt73bk16mf8w / ‘.I/J " fl // . / ///
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Latency Jounfi; Court
Rover: Qinir $0, Plaintiff
V3 HoticU
L. 5', .'3. Li:f::',11"-r3:‘1d .3:). Daft.
The Plaintiff Koburz 91:3: uni 4.3.Cruft and aha defendant
The 1.; 3.2hilroad 33. V111 take notice Lhnb Zia undersigned committee
appoinzcd b; the banana: Caunz; Jourt V311 mczt at Lhe Jourb louse in
Whitesnurg on the 51 dug uf gay for aha purpose of giving be :he
said parties an opporuunity Ur hr heard and Lin said Loreru filajr and
A.Q.Crnft :nc Jonplainuntn uni the L.L L. htiiriafi 30.,Lne party Com —
plafincfl o? is hereby nobified EC tr prexen2,ut said meeting of said
Committee am that said GunniEZUQ can give them an opportunity 39 be
heard, if they no fieuirc.
Given 143131.01" uu'.“ $133.11.»: 23131:; '.,!10 ‘_‘-?fin. (11".:' 0'3." ;.;z;;’,l9lf>.

(signed) 1. 3. Lewis,

(signed? 3. A. Craft,

(signed) 3. S. Vermillion.

 f/ ‘ / . 4 7.” C/i) . 7 // /
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.1’“ ‘r'VJS,

.‘..‘”. “2:7: _.: ,,;.“ :,, n ‘ _ V, .:. ...', .L. F.., :77: : .,_; ’.:; .‘.-{4.
o“"‘7‘ ”J.‘,D. El. 27:7 cart It‘li'litgl :‘.-:1:?) 1;;::'.:biuir-"ily
7 ‘mst ti”.

,9 .Tmm‘zt T. t":..;.-. if" 7'7:'_.’3‘ivz>l«‘?F:- '.‘.-‘o:..‘.lrl
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“ 2.4., , , ‘, in cent amt?» r; t‘ swig. ..;:xs, 330‘? "‘o t...3-:'~ :...njr c:_..;:=es
. i 3151’”. liz' Cs "(UT/f, .‘:” :.'"-' ‘ 3ij ‘_‘r’. to {"71 1:5), 1121 the
‘c‘ '1'. 7'“” C'Ui” “i t!" d" So, ».rx‘ 1 331.170 him free
f 5.51:7th : oar‘w‘.

': .imfi :‘.“. 5,5" .‘..‘ :‘.": :- :1:; :‘.-r4111. 7), ‘-1,” to accent the
pa: :3 e. 5110 t :1:-:'.." iz'viie... ‘d, but are 7‘1‘31'fectlv willing“ that. you.
sh.e.-.l . the ei‘f‘rnz-I‘, safflwzt «I. ‘27:?" You, an? 7'3'0111'”. if“? “ (.1 sex“. it
Bilcc: (1.

Yr iijr‘f‘; ,*=TL13."7‘,
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F“'“N- ,
/ / p/ , , ,.../
//~4 ‘1 n .. "r- -~ // ' F 3 / . v—v /,"'$’ {* ‘._erg I V v
\/»"‘r‘“ Judge u. , . #1153021, C \9 / ’[K‘cp "
(3-‘~<‘-un~:l I..'. 1, muffin, ' ‘ /
chzi‘ingvton, KT. Distri cf. Aid 71:27:77.

 ' 65821. V7137” ///
/ ,/' ' /,//. // /' // [j . / 7/
._ l/M/‘W/flfi , ”.1”/fl. ////fl/I//// . W/fl/M/m
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int/w.) / lK/mmfl/Ir. , _//‘//K//’////Cr /// .,
/ / //I//’/[t’l//A/‘f/l’///. (/ June 20’ 1914'
. W in 17’
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel L.& E.Ry.Co., .‘
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,

Yours June 17, covering copy of Blair,Hawk & Blair's
letter to you June 16, received.

The anpointment of Messrs. Wootton & Morgan as the
cornpany's attorneys for Letcher county di sposes , of course, of
the application of Blair, Hawk and Blair.

I agree *ith you that our agent at Whitasburg Should
be instructed that until further notice he will f0rward to
Wootton & Morgan, at Hazard, all summonses or other legal
process served upon such agent in connection with litigation
against the L.& N. or the L.& E.

Mr. 'Jouett has not yet returned. Therefore, I have
not had an on ortunity to have file conference with Him I
suggested in a reply made to Mr.McDowell‘s letter I would have
as Soon as Mr.Jouett returned, concerning a complimentary pass
for Mr. D. D. Fields.

You rs truly,
* ’ ,_ , /
(_,1 . “ELP’é‘ «,'fl’ :" j r’ .1'?) /
District Attorney.
Copy for Mr.W. A. McDowell, Manager L.& E.,
Lexington, KY.

 . / LAW opmzs
Werr—zsaune, Kv.
Jone lstw, lolé.
. LL/VL/(L/fi/ (7L
lr. Samuel ;. Wilcox.
Loxinston 3y,
Dear Siri~
”5 h V? boon informed that 1?. U. D. Fioloe. lOcal
attorney for the Leyimgton & Fagtern Railway Co: of til: oounty; has
rcoigner as attorney for sold CO‘QRJV.
We were aloo inforfiofi thio A. L. o? 9?, l. L; Navlootv . railroad
- claim agemto of Lexiggton; that this olaoe 27 local attorney for
this county was otlll vacajt.

We write voo askiu; :nat vou consider our firm, and )1326
our apolication a9 local Atty'o for this place in tie hands of the
pIOper parties.

W3 ask thit vou 3clp co in 3,1: n3t:or,if you can convoniéntlv
> do so. We will certainly appreciate anytjin; you can do for us.
And chould this come our way we wifil Endeavor to do our very best.
Thanking you for past favors we remain , _
vours trulve H
' Only a few weeks abo Mr. Hawk.of E. Tenn. became a mowber
of our firm and we have talked the above matter over and while I do
not WiSh to speak in a boastful manner; but we feel that we are able
to handle this work well. 7 ask again that# you consider our firm
for this place. yours truly,
n ~'- I) ;’ ‘

‘v r) - > '.
.,,-[11:19 1; . l '54.,

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“I '7 f; '7)C l , 7/71‘11/ '//7
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/ / , / //I//./‘[/H/',x/'//,//,/_ ' ' ///(////// ///” June 13, 1911 .
//,¢¢m«rL/j ,;/
Judge Samuel M.Wiison, '
Counsel L.& E.Ry,Co.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
Enclosed I hand you copy 0“ my letter of this date to
D. D. Fields & Son, accepting on behalf of this cowoany their
resignativn as attorneys for Letcher county.
I have had a very satisfactory talk here today with
Mr Jessa Morgan, with the result that his firm have accepted
the employment as lOCal attorneys for Letcher county, in addition
to their attorneyship fOr the company in Derry county.
Mr,M0rgan will consider and advise me in due course
of his wishes with respect to whom he will recommend as his
resident assistant at Whitesburg.
Yourstrulg, A
f' 6+—‘ / ~.. \
. v ,4" x
‘ ‘ 1 / 1’ ‘ «;...: ’"‘..-
/ 211 :1: w A. l, c :-
Enclo. District Attorney.

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/, K' N
f . Juno lfith‘ 1914,
Mr. B. D. fierfioll} Diet.fltty., . .. l,. J/ ek ‘
mouieviiie m Noonemlle anilroed oo., '
2:)11’i‘ofrilfgr), :':;‘f, A i > > *- ;-, . v.
' .5
4023 Sir:- / .

Your letter 131k inoivnt to ”overs, Wootton k Lorgan appoint-
inr than our kttorneys in Sotohwr Conniy one been reeoived. fith the
selection by {box of a local etiowney in fhiteehurg capable Ef inking
gate of minor matters, ike m nointnent so fa? ea low unite are 003-
gflfifimfi ie firot—oleee.

1. However, Tefrei extrewoly the resignation of 511 P ‘iolfis
o: accounfi of hie loozl influence, he beinf related ii :3 1&33 people
in that sectiOH. 1 wiull eufroot if by giving Eim irons orieiiox we
coulfi retain his frivnfiehin, eVrn if we dlfilfi not oniirely prevent his
hrinainr omits afieinst us, maul? be well wartfi ikc Oxnanliiure.

i hope £0 53 to thteebnrg the foreomrt of HEYt week one will
see the Juflge if he ie at home. uoee this suggestion nooi wiik hour

ionxw: trully,
Cop? f0 Homoger.
”wag fir.n.7.7ileon, City.
. I return herewith your file on tois subject,which you very
kindly sent me the other day.

D. l. DAY , 3f;
ATTORNEY m LAW ,’ "if “if”, .
\‘\ .‘ti Thb‘EiUHG‘ K\V 3 > / é
/ c?
m ‘
June 4tn, 1914.
Samxé L. Wilsen, isq.,
Eexingtng Ky.
Dewy air:-
KNOVifl» or tne nronnects that .r. 91 Ids, till RCVQT
;.i S C’)n1‘e(3t 1311 xvi t]; CIJ? T1. T1. 230 ., 1:: till 5 13111t3', 11: £110 IIQIFI
future, 1 had a little talk with pr. lnndrum on the tram leSt
nignt to 1191111111235, and he aded :16 about taking; the: work here
fc>:’ tlle J 3.
law, I desirn t3 my, taut l 93 no: ELlQ to atuend to
"he business of the d3mpmny, 21:0;3tn9r in a 19521 way, but i¥s\
géel that I might do 3 portion of in, sun I wnald like L0 may,
tflflt in :cuelfr. Fields dFCiCGS to quit, unfit 1 would like to
gave some connecuicn with Cue gomfiany for Lnis uganty, I do
not know juut flaw: he will do 33C, ;11 he is incllheu :3 q;it,
swing to same regmrkn made, as 331 hfive Aeratqfore unuer Load,
and then on account of the condition of his :ife.
on I uriLe ta nag, that if i can be 3? Pny sexxice to
the 13:9?ny, from your Derbghfil knowled_e ;fme, l wcgla Like
t3 take it up in neram tan clpne:you, 3? the ones ““0 are
Lohird it all, and figure “itn ynu, a? with them an somu Lasis.
Eut understand fie to not mu: BnyLflihL _n Lnutay of 1r. nields,
if he will still stpy on.
If you can fiwflifit me any in tnib msz,er, 1 will anfire-
ciqte it. C
”rouxvs truly, (if a MisfiéLj
“.' \ x , Z 1‘

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’ / ’/’”/"”"“’/””’- ,/ June 9, 1914.
kw no I/f
Judre Samuel M. Wilson, 7' 7
Counsel L.& E.R,Co.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
Not until today have I been able to have a talk with
MIIJouett concerning our legal representation at Whitesburg.
We do not believe either Mr. L. W. Fields or Mr,
D. I. Day in enough of a lawyer to be entrusted with our law
business at Sun point.
I have written Mr. Jesse Morgen today to know nhether
he would be willing to accept the attorneyship for Letcher county, I
in addition to that which he holds ftr Derry county, and if so,
upon what basis he will accept the employment.
If an arrangement should be made with Him, ani we
have to have a local man at Whitesburg, I think Mr.Morgen can
better determine who the local men should be than we can, and I
would be strongly inclined, in that event, to adopt such suggestion
as Mr,Morgan might make with respect to the matter. I will
write yow again when I hear from Mr,Morgan. fl
YCUZ? truly; /, “““ann‘ f
/: I // :1., J" r , ,J
t , /
Dish/At ty. _

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/mmJ / QI‘NMW- “Zia/J ,1,/4g, /Zz ., Jun 3 3 1.014 .
/ /’ (VIM/[min {yr/Ill. / ’
Judge Samuel M.Wilson,
COunsel L.& E.Ry.CO.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,

Yours May 29 and June 1, together with the enclosure
of the latter lefiter, received.

I received from Mr.Fielfis a letter dated June 1,
returning to me his annual pass, and saying he would send
his son's pass in as Soon as he could see him.

Hy judgme t is that we had better accent the resig-
nation as tendered. But before writing you more definitely
I wish to consult Mr,Iouett again, and he is not here now,

I will write you again as soon as I can confer with him.

YOurs truly,
Di 5 trl Ct Att orney,

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