xt73bk16mf8w_300 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [238] William Engle v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [238] William Engle v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_30/Folder_2/75284.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_300 xt73bk16mf8w _ 1
313'5151111’1112‘1r' 23:31:11, 1912:.
its. ‘ . ;.gubrzn}:,
11211;; 31,5131] ‘4 , :1.:1;;z::cfi., 1:}.
3661 Sirr-

1 62.16.1039 papers :.‘e 11933061 bearing; on “finale suit, to~1¢itz~
;ieoeip‘s of? 1 1.0 9,711, 7.9123,
hector of.“ ficzsifient lngimucr _‘.,rymon 023' .Tuggusi; 2116., 1291.3,

01:91 of John iim-re reg/1.12:1, Chic-5:‘ ‘nggincer 0‘1" Uonsflxirucfii37:, 0’ ._5-11.32::"3;
81;}1 191:3, and
1:13.115: 1‘1"th 0::? :'Lfirzitionnl enczr'oachtmn'u on 7.1313711: land.

12319 reccifn'; and 3.01:“81’22‘3 are all original. I haw: not taken
time to mafia conies £11161 Trill 251: 3701‘; to carefully "arczscrve these
0313111112115 :mu return to :316 :21 due time.

Va 3.‘); t 77111 :2 1m 1133:; ,
Z'lncl. Samara}. (31111011617...

 Yerkes, xy., Hay 10" 1912.

This agreement entered into this said day of May the lOth,l912
between the Lexington a Eastern hy.Co., party ofnthe first part,
Killian Engle,the party of the second part, to-wit:

By T.1.Smith party of the third pary, acting as Agent for the
Lexington h Eastern hy.Co., Ehe party of the first part agrees
to pay the party of the second part the sum of Twenty EiVe hollars
($25.00) for quarrying and hauling stone off his land for the
construction of bridge flour, and addition work that might be put
on there, if the party of the first part deems necessary they
are all right to haul all stone adjoining the said iuarry which
they are now operating, and they also have the right to stop
operating the said quarry at any time and move the machinery off.
The party part agrees to quit operating the said quarry by narch lst,
1915, but they haVe the exclusive right to perform any kind of work
in said Quarry in this li1ited time. the party of the first part
agrees to keep gate closed 0n said land of the party of the second
part premises. Said 325.00 pays for all damage done on the land of
the party of the second part,hy the h.& 3.1y.
, (digned) J.V.Smith,
?."CW/ ’l‘t’vs . Wm.Engle .
rpm] .Begley

 Yerkes, Ay., May 10“ 1912.
Ehis agreement entered into this said day of may the 10th,1912
between the Eexin ton a Eastern 51.00. >artv ofnthe first aart
-« . . ..., - n ’ J_ b . l ,
Lllllfim anglc,the party or the second part, to—Wit:
By T.T.Smith party of the third pary, acting as agent for the
Berington & Eastern hy.Co., The party of the first part agrees
to pay the party of the second part the sum of Twenty Five Dollars
($25.00) for quarrying and hauling stone off his land for the
construction of bridge Four, and addition work that might be put
on there, if the party of the first part deems necessary they
are all right to haul all stone adjoining the said iuarry which
they are now operating, and they also have the right to stop
operating the Said ,uarry at any time and move the machinery off.
She party part agrees to quiz Operating the said quarry by Larch lst,
1915, but they have the exclusive right to perform any kind of work
in said ;uarrv in this 1i ited time. The narty of the first part
agrees to keen gate closed on said land of the party of the second
part premises. Said 725.Wfl pays for all damage done on the land of
the party of the second part,hy the L.€ 3.3y.
(' Signs d] . "..5311ith,
EC/ WIS . 177*: . In {T10 .
h‘ n 3‘! aBeg-rley

 I m
f1 , . , “any “91‘!“ .
, ,
, .".J ‘ ‘ .,‘ 1’“. ‘ / ME...“
V . I, / ,‘,: it“. y: \ 3“
C /) i‘t “Vi-j ‘
k / " ,‘ Sept. 1?, 1912.
hr. Sam'l M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky. '
Dear Sir:
There is a suit pelfiing in the'Ferry Circuit
count of 1f~1I‘.lli2m finale v3. Lexing o & Eastern I. L. Co.,
on which we will rely in part II n'& ettlememt of the
oloim 1"or oanafios. I send 3. he with the original
I‘cPGSi'Qt {38.th ::f—l‘f 10th ‘§.‘ni’t’d 13V 77119:].‘3‘ 3;; "("311 as l ‘
by the Company‘s Braggigggultntendent. I thou ht it
best to $397!!“ thi s:- V .ircet 1 set i t :thi‘ t ;:th lost
I in the snuff. \
\ Yours very truly,
lasso/on E , '
l , V .

31.1.; 219112.
144' o M ‘ .1 L I? 1'13. {l '
,‘\ \. ,,7. ' V .. '
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l «58 2;." i‘. .7_ '1» . ,..‘9- -;fl ' ,V , > 1;; I
;. 1‘." 3:6 .'.“:s‘groa-jic‘ Y , '1 : '«,- ‘..: .;- 1:17 i.
snare tig cg; :- i ‘:e ;, ‘ 2;: :;:
ifrccl-t. T int .L.). 1.‘? far-:1 1 ' ‘_ 3;. ;.rjfi'f‘ii r:

_ ~ . - ,~ ,. .. .. “I ::r 3 -~"-,. ~ ‘-
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If 14".,in , 1;., I 51.11.; I. . I k. U" up-.- 11 A ;3
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, " ..I_ . . y c . . ‘ , .,. _“ - 7": . ".,_ ..,. 4”», A , ,1.
Si:i'.t.:_Clli".:l;t spleUlv DC “Li/Hill, ~11 u -.J». .65.: ..:. \«.'I.LLL...IL
' 1;; 11..1M..-J_L:».ri. ;i' Lil's. 1:; . ;.CI L‘: . - L. ..1 .. we C-~-=;
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— ‘I " . .‘,.t. . '\ ‘. ,‘,“, _ Ln 41 ._..~’1..,,L, ,_..“
yard, am :y ‘..I. ;gvt, on, .« 1,.. A 1.. .z L .. ..

‘1‘ e tit: 1.71:1‘0 5.1.x I.Ir. ~J_I"‘-*£,-li;'c

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 O‘ ' '
' {r
\J ‘ ‘
Liu C. H. Justice,
' Hazarfl, Vy.

Dear Sir:—

Enolosed herewith I hand you Ty office copy of the case
of Willian Bugle vs. Lexington & Eastern Railway Co.

This case will not core UT $0: £9131 at the 18850 t
nnecial ter? but ray be called fit tho r?gulay terw that rests in
Aufiust and I would to glad to have inforration frat you as to the -
tirits of his cloir, ourticularly with reference to our oceuration
of a strip of land tfiontjvfiva feet rifle and ono gunfired and fifty -
foot long. of carrse; if "3 are doing that We are occurying less
thin Goo—tenth of in 3936, but I don't quite uufierstand that he
reams by it. ’1 presufio, however, that he rafers to core work on
iho Eridfies.


Pleaao also cflvisc who was the contractor doing this went .
as we are not reopensikle for his trespassas and till want to plead
that fact. I expect to be it Hazard Thuxsday nirht and it till he
iira enough for you to five re any inforratiou than thit you have ‘
been:3ble to obtain.

Thaaking you in advance for your attention to thio, I

Yours very truly,
' ESJ/CCP. ,
- 3:161. . ' .
General Counsel.

 _ I /
‘ If
r I \V/
l ,' .
x a
July 10th, 1918.
hr. John Howe Payton,
' G- E. Co, L. 1?: 1”.:- lo 3. COO,
. Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sirzu
I some you herewith for the Files 3? the COVEGBY fieeda
tron fhe ?oliowihv harties Which have been “le recorflefi in ?erry
County anfi just rcceivefi hy we frov the Clerk:
Solowon Horrton,
J. C. ”illiefie, otc..
R. 3; Heiittire,
Williar finale end rite.
“ax’oljs verv trul,
General Counsel.

_- 1 .
Afinmtvgeabfirnm I j ; r
3 U 1 , 3 -\ .’.‘ fl
HAZARD. KY. ; 3113 '.:} 1.9 J.. ‘
1r ‘.“ (f _ _ L. L.
Hr . .4, J5me o »..,
Genera-:.1 Counsel3 L- 77. fly. 0 .

~ ‘,L .‘ 1' ‘-&--, ;---

..“». .;\‘T~.‘.‘.4~?L" 9:-mu‘7n5.
Dear sir:

In 0 01:11.21, 13.210 e 1 th your reouent. we .‘:: (3 r01". 3'. t“.
.. ‘- —.,« -.”“.‘A A." xx, ...‘ 4'.- :,. ;. , ..‘I_ ..J I ‘.
enclrhw: you. CULw'fii) ox are 3:.» trod-Au 1.1x .‘1:: C:::,.:>a=:w one;
,.v,-:",‘~. .~~,. 1 tr- ,..1 3‘ v. 'r‘ o '1 ‘.'" . ,~‘
C )hulu, CHILI ..Tu. lullyilnj v‘ . 11 CC {‘.I “3 , koC.
,»‘~-~ 4V-.1..V-
Hire) oi’ui ,
"Y .. ' . . ‘ ' ~ \\. '-
3::") O 1,. cm: 8: no my“; .


 _ . ‘ / v I
. 1
‘ ,; OW
. Ii , j
, l V v ‘
:7 \ by
2 - ‘ :’
July 3rd, 3.912. »
‘ E533. Arthur (Jury, PIN-38.,
Laxingtor &-Eastern Railway Co.,
. , Lexingtan, Ky.
Dear Sir:- ’ 7 Q
‘ E riuly receivedyoizr fave. 3 5* we of the filirig of
the suit of 7711113317 Emile against the ,, ington & antern Railway '
- Co., in the Perry Circuit Com have vritten for a cry-v of the
gweti'flon and *'ill give 1+ 2 y attention. ’
~ 9ij truly, ~
. Egg/cap. ® .
Q . General Counsel.

 ji '
Q . , . j" A
i i, .-
., . 5, {\‘5 ?\ .
' s a; L..: .
‘ July 531d; 193.2. '
Mess. Wootton 8: Morgan, . ‘ V
' hazard, Ly.
Gent leren :-— _ . &
Will you please send he a 0% th rat ition in the '
case of Hilliar- Engle against the 5 % .- L stern Railway Co.
This is a 226?? suit that was filed 0. t 26th day of June. I don’t
. think you have ever sent no N] of the :"aetition. Finely {rive '
this your attention, and ck" -
. ery truly, '
. sea/r3923. ®§3
. - \ .
- General Coui‘xsel. _
3 ‘ ‘ .

 /A( / / // /
4, /.’//’7//7 /’// ////// / fl) /’/’// . //// //’//y //’///////y,
t / / //
o /// ///
-/97//77/// feéé/nv,
.7¢%22/Qé¢ / i)// // /
11],, ) . ,
.///.//r/r/// 1_ /’//'///7//////. ///,’
/ /
' June L9th, 1912.
I. S. Jouott, 1‘15;er
. Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir:-

I enclose summons from the Perry Circuit Court in the suit
of Tm. Engle against the L.& E.Railway CO., which was served on me
yesterday by the Sheriff of Fayepte County. Take charge of the case
for us, acknowledge receipt, and 011159

Iours truly,
'1 ,. [x
, 1'1“ * ,/‘ ,
' “he. \4‘ V’.,"

The Commonwealth of Kentucky, “,7/

’ 11 .1, ‘77 1
..,—"'I . 1-11». '3 ..‘7.” 1..
'- ,.\ ,...“ «'1/t _ ..«,~ :‘.-.3 / ,' {:V""“"’«s 2/ (“:.—_.7 ,’z’ 2;::
Ion are conmmmled 2‘0 smut/non, :<:::‘ ‘,//r*/«/v
[J -‘ 1:1 1»
. /" . . . .
to answer, Ufi , .. ”1‘29. . days after the servzce of fins 3117227110728, a pefzz‘zon
filedagain.s:t:-:€~:fij.11.1.............- .. in theif. . .-....Circm't Court,
and 7(ha,rw....3r’; .. .. Mat 11 10721 . * f 3 . . . ”aniline 2‘0 (rnswr‘r. the 1etz'2‘z'0n
, 7
will be z‘aken for confessed, or » 71le be proceeded against for contempt
and 7 0w will make due refit/72,3 0 '“ z‘hz's 31,/..7217220723 zl'z'thin.*.._ ................(I(xz 3 (I fer {he
service thereof {0 {he Clerk's office of said Court. , 3
, Give/z, under my hand, as Cieflo of 30ch Court, {his .. . (lay 0]"
‘Insert. TEN if to county where suit is bromzht, and TWENTY if out. of county.

\: against
(4' V .
“E To Tenn 1.01.”,
Q N/Lu'i/f's F60. - - 8'
\g _______wu_v.,,r ,7,_,Q_____--
EA ___—___—
a ‘J
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“7 “Q

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d /"F=:~~ """“M~MWUNMN~\
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, . \\-—~.._, M,./“”’”',”
' 311.110 :‘:b'tm , 3.912 . x
K 5'.
I! _ é
.. I" v n 7‘ I ,. "I" .. '. v «v
fir . J on n 1; 01:30 13331 mm, Q ~
‘ | C a I“ b \: o ’ JJ w :.L-._‘» ‘ ‘ q , 7. c . c I l
“‘ ' ‘ '1 ‘ ‘V' _ ‘,
:.,oum'm 1m , 1:1;.
Bear 321" z" \ »
. .9 n ,'1 ‘. ' ~ ..,..»: . - V ., T.- a, “.‘._ : ..1 ,3 ”'”‘-2.; C‘ ”'13!“ ’) .r: , .
.LYIG i. 08 Bu. £191 E w; ‘ Kiln [y k, u. an.) "~‘:“ .1 .A U. \ij. A ,:., ., \ .1. (L ,‘
V - - Y -- * , “‘~” 1 :.. ' '2.“ 1“ ..' rt: . . :.' ~ ‘1’
"netz'tj. 0:1 John’s "% ’ nix-'81, it, :0. :1 .La T, :::; 4:9sz u L: :1 in: ,1
‘ ‘:. ‘ " ,‘ ~ ~ ,. '
Court by :.1 {Q :5 as. , ‘
‘ JJ. .2 w . .'.“ q . \ . r: ”«,,, ...: _ n .:. .. K.
I d y m; >. 3: ‘,.n .L as ;'.g» ‘,,-5.1: avg; Jag-“gum mm x, o 3: on .
be ::’;‘0 re . ‘ '
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 T . ._ .. ~-...‘ ‘1'. .
9313] \J1.J.'13‘l.l.t 9391's.
"v”r‘ . -<—.., . - ‘5 K .. ; ..V: . :9, H . -.
allumr mule m. ',-fi‘,.(‘.’l;_"t’Jfl .:..msmrn .~x.a_1_~1x.*r;,;,r 30,
,_ , ., . J ,. n '|. ,‘. ‘ . ,9 l ..1:": ,. . .-' ., ,., a ‘ -
ll, whys met N153 :wll‘L war: not .~.1l..~;d 1111111 the Ruth day
_“ , - ~ ' .4. ,.*~ -~ . . ' UV. . ,..: -. A 1 A K ».4» ,. ~
of June. 11);?” Hence 1. 12:11.: .'l-OL 93:13:13.. fox” L..:r.~_'.:_L at 1:1: am .1-? 1'3qu
lists: Will {‘2‘-7." the :Q‘tlngGt 1LT“ “be ill. mm to " r1212 the 999mm)? .3
Hamil an”: 9111:) nil-ml film: ‘1“? 237'? not 1".3'57702111‘6‘3 #0:" 111': acts of‘
1; TH. Cfr‘):1::.:r:'1<'3 1';er .

. V/
/ f . .,;
a ,1
Perry Circuit Court.
William Engle vs. Lexington & Eastern Railway Co.
T+ fibers that this suit wee not filed until the 26th day
0? June, 1012, hence it will not stand for triel at.the coring term
1mt Will €or +he Auvust term. We will want to rake the answer a
“eniol an” e790 “193d +n°+ we are not resnonsible for the acts of
U J.'. ‘." ;,.- 'L (A.-. r— J . J- ._LJ 1 4 .. __
the Contractor.

 . Copy of trvu messages received at 1. " T“. sari/T telephone-d. to officer
' " Tluznr'rl, Ky. , Pepi. 257. Have yen. the flag-01%;
ll". 3'15. 7.11316 VS. 1.. 131.” “To lured especial, the lit/engrhi of‘ trima-
5; mm b“ jar"? In] er :uw‘ ‘7 ? l"-'CL9_II‘T, L3" T r “.10 ..L; <:“ Cadet”: (in/L of
T”. T‘ “T1212" ' :1 u”:":ice. ""1711 be Fence-3 iris imi: l or 1? , i c: so
“ emeritus; A. M.
? flirty-ed ‘. “’. SLIM-mks?
"Tn-».gm‘l, 11:/.5 f‘ef‘t. r35".
F‘ar- '1 ‘7. ”liner“. TU ens: jab-q, 4.19:2: ::Lefr (,1: ' _ u ' ::A. "::‘ile e;"“"zgi‘; 1mm}.
‘71“? ‘3;} m 31"," 1”“ ‘7. a“ M: if, ,1, CYL‘f‘T?"1:C:liTLLI 5*, ';L:; ”out: 1* T' 0P1)".
an“; end. (if? 11w; I.z‘.1"f,.‘ feet xvi/Te. ‘v’m. L .1 “1'1"" Itine- grim xvii}: payer's,
Also Lire cop; LT‘ Kyle :. reusing. .Lm .HLJ no Lovey hunger. :.w “and,
e? C.
/ .. . \ xv,» .‘. .». L“ . ’
T ‘12‘303. : ., .. {.L.}.zsz.’
L T‘. L #23:? lava wire in "::'::z'r'="5 .vig‘iul; f'L' ::w :71“ CL:\;1117";?:-“"irgr‘
wit T: "1..?‘rir 1 so "C.
__, , , , _ I,
'. . 1' ‘ . , ,”‘-”‘__" "
K ,, . J 2’ ~, v ’ x, ,,»~ T I. ,’ "““-
‘«‘ ». f ’ ‘ .~.. »‘ a «. c T
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 ,,.. /,’/7//7 /'// ”M K M/ 07/ . //// //’/// / xw/fl/fl/
. / /‘ / / V / /
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fi« 1 /
7.-/////////, ‘ 1 / / x, «
/. ,l/V’lllyr/f/ //./u/.)r/, ////////:)///II. //’7” 91‘ “Clot. 1;) 9 191?.
hr. Sam'l M. Wilson,
hexinitnn, Hf.
Sear liri
w ' a -~
*qvv+ a? William Tfiqle vs. Lexington & VastBTE 3- 9. 33~)
on vhinh we ~11; rely ;: 3€ the
filaim f9? inwatws. T sei3 van Fa?éfiLtfi the arisinal
receict iat%i 153 lffh. lflfi. Nififi* “” VW7T° V“ ”‘1; V9
5” :fi? Tamuznv’e 1713*3 Wupévintenient. i thaufht it
best to 361% LL13 t: V03 ‘fTGCt 1v97 1* leifi 79§ 17qt
in the thCTIG.
3111's; J ‘..tr‘uijr.
7.7.2,: ,’,-2',: 23 / m
f - / M
/\ C,/
OCZ’b' CEg.’/&< ‘

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WV. Tngle, . ?l'ifltiff.
v. Féiition.
Eerirrton fl TEEtEEn Raii*ay Cor any, Defenfiart.

Th6 wisintiff, “iliiir in 19, EiateE tfitt fine Ecxifigton
a EEEEEEE Roiiwfiv 30? any, is a CO??OT§tiUU Euiy organizafi nnfl
erieiiflg mafia: Hie lawg of £59 szate of Kentucky, 335 Has ;Ewur
to qua a‘fi be sued, Enfl eflgafcfl in the iEin3ss of OVGTfitiff a
rEilroad fwor Lexiflgton, Evntuoky, to JackEon, Kentucky, anfi is
‘wrtfiar Engagefi in buildinfi Enfl coueiructing an extension a? its
EEifi line TFO” Jackson, ?entuaky, to a noint abcve Wthnsturg, Ven-
Luck 7 in Letaher Con tv; known as the 193th Fork Extension; that
Eeid extension DEEEES through F???V Cauaiy, Remit hy 233 éhfaugh
lands balancinu to this rlaintif’.

The :laintiff ELEEQE ZhEL “9 LE EFE owner of uni ix fine
30iu91 EOESEEEiqn of 15% $0113 i»: hounfiary of lanfi, situate in

3 Perry Conntvy Venhn Ky, Enfi W?S the U“??? tfiEreof at the tire the

injuEies here were morftttefl. Raifi land LE chnded 9% falls 8:

Eefin«ing an E luvfid week an the want side 3? TE? TOEth
Fofk of the Kentucky River at 3039 feltner'é line; thence With his
line to Green Fugata'a line; thence with Eaid Fugatq's line to the
Forth Fork of the Kentucky River; thence up Enid riVEr as it rmanderfi
to the bawinnifig. ‘

That the flefendant Covpany by its agents, employes, and
hired hands, have wrongfully ante ed pom a strip of the Said land.
25 feat Eida and 150 feet long, and are not canstructing its road


bed thereon; that the wrongful taking of said strip of land has
enraged he plaintiff $500.00 in the enjoynont of his property; that
the defendant Gowpeny at different tires, since the iirst day of
January, 1913, ty its agents, employee an hired hands, have, wrong'
fiully and against plaintiff's will, entered upon said tract of land,
out down the shuubery alonr on his land, dug large holes. hauled
heavy large stones over the land rher“ it adjoins, the river,
Thiflh has caused the river to wash away and destroy plaintiff‘s
vaouahle hotter land to his deflate in the our of $500.00; that the
defendant Conpany in constructing its road bed, and huilding large
hridgee scores the river at this point, eerritted the above in-
juries to his land, and addition thereto, it or its agents have
cut $50.00 Worth of other valuable tinher trees, worth $50.00, and
injured other valuable tirher trees that were growing on ihe hank
of the river, which protected plaintiff's land north $50.00; that
all of said trespasses and injuries Within the year, 1918.

Wherefore, leintiff prays ju43rent against the defendant
Lexington & Eastern Railway Company, for the sun of $1100.00 in dank

' ages; he prays for his coat and all proper relief.
Evereole & Fields,
dor plaintiff.
' We. ingle says that the sthterents in this retition.are
WW. ”hale.

Subscribed and sworn to before re by tru Engle this 35th

day of hay, 1912.
Kelly Watts, I
Notary Puhlic,
Perry 00.
Atteet: Lee Gornett, Clerk
by Floyd Cornett, D. C.

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