xt73bk16mf8w_314 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [247] Parroning Majorian v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [247] Parroning Majorian v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_31/Folder_7/75732.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_314 xt73bk16mf8w r ‘ ’ 7 K” / ‘ , 1
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 ‘ // C/ “
W. This efiit hastbeen settled by the insurance ,
I company and they hate a receipt from this man. This man went
‘ under the number of 336 on Jones, Davis Company's pay roll and his
claim was settled for $557.50 and $75.00 in addition payed to the
Doctor for his services in this case.
' ' Jones Brothers to C. L. Williamson. ,
March 30th, 1912. , : J.
: Original in 872. _

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"‘I .'." O D ‘ I

 . Febrn-ry 14th, 1913.
Heesrs. Eoooton 3 horgan,
H92"! a5’, Ky.


You '"0 dourtloqe as badly emérred 33 1 with the neeuit
o? '“o indwstry of the oih r W‘Vlers o" the Perrv Ccurty F‘r in the
:33 aretion of emits Wflfllfiqt the L. 3 1., int I desire L0 933 Trev
sireirhtened out we on okly as nosei‘le, 3nd hertienlorly we I an
cornellod IO reko 2 rewort to Louisville on [on 27, so 1 3r rniting
vow 3‘13 letter For oertwin inforr“rion r‘ieh I V313 To 33k You to
rot ”r rrr Ye “t o no.

YWN "ill receive ihiq letter Thuredcv hi ht. 1 rill an—
nreeiwte ii if vow Will Write ‘o 3 letter :hon *iviny r3 oil the
in’orrn'ion ”on can Without an eror nation 3” The recorde, and ‘hen
trv to let the rest of the infarraiiun 33'“ down getwrfiuy warninr.

I ifihulete 13399 eoeeq for noafdwi“ 062

Howard Tenior V. L. R “. T"il‘“f To.
At I“. 30 F'S 001l01151loh I ”4?? anneed to 3 do 1inuwnoe of
this ease.

Jaree Hall, etc., v. 1. a .
33ve ofreefl With Vow” to nonrinue t is 2190.

L. & T. v. 1% 1‘. YoIntire.
This, 39 I understand if, in s emit 1y no to enjoin inter-
ference With the Work. ‘het is its rreeent etatus, one does
it flied any proneretion at this tern? Send *3 a non? of the
Pfitition at Your leienre as 1 hove TSVTT roceiv-ev"7 one.

”. C. Yvereole v. L. & E.
‘hQE was 30nd in this vt the last tern? "hat ie its etatus,
end rhet eront .he nrepvrotion.

J. D. Tvereole v. L. 3 .
The mare rererks manly to this.

31’3”: "’illi-’?T’9 V. L. 10$ T1.
Thin quit, as I understand 11, is in ejectrent to recover our
riwht—oieway or 'lout 6,000 feet in length and (4,000.00
(7’=T’-'.1{TGS. I nqur received ,0 (TO—fly Of this I‘lG‘ClIiOl‘h Vindly
send re this fit your leisure end advise re as to its flrosent
strtue, oeeevsity for rreniration and rroonocts of trial.

 In & it ~2~
Polly inn Corbs v. L. & E. Railvev Co.

This, as I recall it, is 2 suit to set aside a deed for a
right—ofewsy strip on the Vround or alleged fraud and rental
incapacity. I think the pl intiff owned on undivided nine—
tenths interest “or “or life in the property she conveyed. I
recoil that We were figuring on a settlsrent v-'iizh Kash Ever~
solo 1"hioh Will involve a settlsrent of this case, tut I
cannot rererbor rhothor we ever oornlsted that settlorent. '

‘ If not see vhst it would be settled at now end also advise
no in the event there is to be no settleront What is its
arosent stotus as to Treneration.

You Will understand that as to these older cases I or de— .
pending upon you to rake vhstevor “reparation is necessary as it ‘
will he irnrectioahle for re #0 core to chard to your court owing
to the Breethitt court v"nich Tests next Konflsy. I expect to be . .
there, however, as soon as in your term as I can core.

In looking through four Files I find that we haven't the
follOWing Petitions, sore of mhioh you Will see were filed prior to
the last tern of your court:

L. D. Ferler,

Sallie Ann Young,

Parooning Majoricn,

Jones Eversole,

Allen H. Garbo,

Roberts & Corks,

J9 C0 ‘_{.rillj_97"8, '-

13“. Lo Mullins, -‘

W. M. Carphell,

N. Tressler (apparently a new suit), ~

L. S. Roberts (as to this lost petition we do not know whether i
it is the sore es 8. S. Roberts, of which we :
have a oory. You ”ill know whether there were
separate suits.

I wonlfl like to hove vou send re oonies of all these pe~
titions except in the case 0? shell suits asserting a lien, in Which m
event I will he 710d For 7ou to just give re a steterent as to the
arount and whether it is for lsror, retoriels or sunplies.

Of course, as stated above, you need not send copies of
those petitions, whioh ore rovelv asserting liens, but "ill sinply
give re the ovount and nature of the alaiw.

 w. & M. —3—
~ In this connection I call your attention to tho fact that '_
in the case of S. S. Roberts vs. L. & I. Railway Company, et 81, if
notice was givon by the raster Cornissionor of a sitting at the
- office of J. B. Wvoroole on February 12th. I prosune that only a ’,',
few parties Will appear at those sittings and accordingly nothing V ]
will l‘o done thrt Will nreolude the rights of €nyone who wants to '
. Fe hoarfl in this Shit. .‘?
I 'fi’oulri like for you to advise We, however, what, if any— 5
thing, was done in oonnootion with fhose Sittings and in orfler to »
rerinfi you of it I or writing you today to keep an eye on it and see i
‘ that on? rights are not nffectod by those prooeodinws. The position '3
of the Railway Cornony in regard to all of those lien suits Will ,,
be firot, thot the lions awe invalid bocanse there was no prior g
stetoront of‘an intention to olvir a lion; second, vs will put the ‘%
olairants on nroof wherever we are not satisfied the Jones—Davis ' 3%
Gornony vrill not aorit toot fine oldir is correct« - _?*
' With reforenoo to The oopies of the petitions above ren- f
tionod, as statofl, I would like for yon to have oohies F366 of all Q
that are to he Denied on Friflay so thet they can be roiled down 4
Saturday norning, hut I would no 3136 if you woulfl, in your letter ';
to no of Thursday night, state briefly the nature 0* each of these 5
cases of which I Haven't a copy of rho petition. Just give the y
grount of the olvim and in a line or tto What its nature is. As i
stated I Vfish this in orflor to oonrlote a report that I have to take ;
to Louisville on Monflay, hence ry asking you to work a little at 3
night on Thursday night. -
Yours very truly, ”

 , .f’ .I '.: .
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:‘~ ..3 ' {.;,--,‘.) “you an” ”w.- M ,._.1“ .t \ '~‘» .. . j; ' 1 ,..t. "x .\e ‘_ t, .._, ‘
All?) iimki'i “$143: '1: , 1.: H)? .:.H, .1.:1‘, 120.5; . J: filiat’fii'fl sway? .1'/J 217,}; ‘~' 0.7.211?) 411,37 , ,
a . . “3..1. .:.,- . .I. n :.: m a. ,. v. w " , 1‘ , .._ _, r . .;s ' _, I
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* crime may we does no b so. o » to _a f: bin-...I. .! 3.:. a. «.1. l: to song. a .L 2, 4th or
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