xt73bk16mf8w_319 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [251] Green B. Fugate v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [251] Green B. Fugate v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_31/Folder_12/0107.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_319 xt73bk16mf8w / " n? . /“ ’7 '
,, moi/y /// mm/ K '.1/,1; H/z . M/ /./‘//y K//////M¢
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“ U- ' October Rath, 1912.
,--' . ,v ,1 .
Wootton a fiergnn, - ffiCflfilL?
, 1.:/’4' . .
Hazard, Ky. , . , '
Dear Sirs:~
Enclosed nieane rind summons serVed on our agent at Hazard,
on Jetober 25th, in the case of Green B.Fugate against this Company,
Jesse Sorgan, Deck Rubenks and 3.3.hickerson.
bill you kindly send a cony of the petition to Judge 3.1.
- Eileen and to me.
32' ours T; ruly ,
5'2, ','" '- .e. A _, 1 » I
J t1* W‘NSV"';N”'gx”vufi JENJ.W.»v”2‘E';
t: D *1 r? E Ev :Wi‘ a :9? 3f ,4‘sf- a
“:;1 it“ i L F ivhrre" ’ “ W
General januger.
f:-o..i-".7a‘i1f30}’l,4$S"j I ,

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3 2/
?ehruery 13th, 1913.
v m V
; .7?- 0 .1.. ‘:.-’.“"? ,
Pirfivillé, Vy.
Bear Si?:- V
-" "‘ u .. ‘ , .,...4 » ’»;V— U A 1 . ‘.~‘“ ‘vam 7):..-
1n fiflnltiOM to tha auifiocl:y I «ant foo Lu“ 01.23 an: on
thd "fifnvt n? a wofivevnnee of " r1 “t-fifl‘" y in roicaalfif all
. . . ,_, _ J“ “a _:r. «M .»':.
. flvffiges “hlch Fiflht hfivexwen racovcjefl in nonvera’tion y30883011"8,
T 0511 WW“? Cfitentifin 10 1H3 text of 33 Gyc 161 Witn £13 motes
w _,w ,-wm wk., . .
mmtafi .
Yovra V7TY truly,
_..p / ’x '3
.- 5J1; , Ci 0

y x
f" Imfifi
November 24th, 1911.
Moss. Wootton & Morgan,
rantlsmsn2~ Hazard, Ky.
With rsfsrencs to the answer in the Tugats cases, Vilb
say that I send you horewith the suggestion of a paragraph which
we bake a counter—claim seeking a specific Dorforvance of the 90:5
toast erhodisd in the deed for the conveyance of addifiionsl lands.
This paragraph vow will put in the answer when you get to it and be
sure to state in the caption of the answer that it is a counter
slain. ”hon ihis is dons *fiTF roiion to transfer to equity ouiht V
to be sustained.

This rsrinds is that I or not sure whether I sent you an '
answer in tfis Leah Johnson case, hot i5 not I suggesi that it he
like several others located in ire irvefiiste neighborhood.

I send you herewith a rep showing the situation with
reference to the Trvxth of July blasts, and also and also send you
plats showing the facts rbout the Fvgste casihs. Elsase reserve
carefully as yoo Will need thsr_on the trial audit ray %e xxiiximx
I Will have to get you to return thzm to re before the next year.

, Yours very truly,

 I ‘ x-.»;
if Hoverber 14th, 1911.
firf C. H. Hocvman,
Assistant District Attorney,
Louisville, Ky. »
Dear Sir:— _
I av very Pugh obliged for your referring we to the case
of Haber vs. Central Kentucky Traction Corhnny, 145 Fv. 108. I '
think it can he used to advantage, particularly in the Fugnte i
Yours very truly,
* l

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rote I e nnot trotére the answers eniil otter I “oer ”to? ten as
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or you .0 not Loose oases con 1nnen ;e E errnor 3:11 m1 1th oases
'..... _..", .7 15‘.“ :1 ...‘. »- ... s. ..: ..". .-., .:. ..: ..- . 7" , 1.... ..1 ~,— 1 :.1 .
in .no JBUGLQI U0fi3b3 'niux Yeats tO‘iy at nice Owu, ego are Neetty»
jjn (enemy; 1..1... ".,,, 4 7,. ~ . .9. ..I . .1...—..:" ~ ~.. . * ~—‘ . : 1 - . .
uiiic o-.it, .nich : ate .oegy a» vflatt;VLiiC‘ 1n LQCiLiGfi 1 an
.:. ~' . 1 1 .._.. ".. _.,-,— -,—.—' .,;! -‘ ».— .... M - . ‘.. »~. . .0 ‘ m "'. A w. .. - .~, .
. bios n, ):eiy uigflfi in .orn on sore orieis in 1H5 eonnt e: firoeals. -
'i" 794:1 firm-ma "L51“‘1!
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‘ g . 51\
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I 1 3. i
‘ J ”M It
. ,3 xx;
Eoverber 15th, 1911.
Mr. J. E. Willoughby,
‘ Louieville, Ky.
" Dear Sir:—
I have your letter 1with very clear statenent of facts in
f relotion to the Fugate case.
; I have sent you under secarete cover copy of the petition
in the Elahana Fugate case. I have prepared notions to strike out .
certain rortions of the petitions in all three of these cases and
that you ray understand the brinciples of law under Which I a? pro-
ceeding I send you herewith copy of a reroranour that I have today
sent to Wootton & Korgan.
As econ vs the court passes noon the rotions to strike
out certain warts which I think are irraterial because vi leting
theprinciples just referred to, Irill ”ant to file our answer and
counter—clain asking the specific perforrance of the contract to
convey us the additional portions needed to protect the sloyes and v
fills. In order that I way do this it will be necessary for re to
have the description of the additional parcels that we Wish to as-
uire. vaou have these I wieh vou W old send thew to re, tocether '
gith the deeds which you tenderefi that I ray property set toe? up
in the cross—action.
Yours very truly,

 . FORM lv—Reviaed July,1909. _
aligsaggg which 139 $pfiarenfilyt1i1‘nnecgssgfiyfio: that 033% bg sent. bty Cami? yrFil, will tbefitmgsmiged 9nd
TELEGRAM 8”“ pm" 5" ‘1 °°p§e§er528§5£na 8ei‘é‘é’g‘fmina‘gefi’%‘E‘r’é§12r‘i’q‘o.°1olFans” “ °“ °” ““‘m‘ TELEGRAM
K ,, I\_,
Jac ks on , 1'7
Djific can“ ] 1c4+ 1‘ ‘n" w. , 1 -
u ”we J Wu . 0W U tile L Laws inflate refugee. to $1,211
I I,
\I if \ 1 I
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 ‘ ‘ ,, 4M-4-H-2‘a‘57
» x . 4 . AH )OMPANX
LOUISVILLE, KY. Oot.l7,l911
' . ., 1 .4
I11. IT: ..3 .IT 01191-41 , ‘ . I ' “‘2 .,’/l
Chief ittorney, .“.; t
Winchester,xy. .
Dear Sir;
Jith reference to fetition of green 5.?ugete areinst the
maxington & fiastern Railway uomynny, in Ferry county Circuit Court.
1 sugeest that we deny the title of Green E.VUQate,tecause in simi—
lar cases in earlan county we found that by such a denial we often
gave flee plaintiff a great deal of trouble to make out his case.
‘te axould admit that :lijah quate sold a right of‘ ay to the
nexinrton w Easterr Railway Comrany before the purchase of the land
by green B.Fupate, and it occurs to me that in nurchasimf the lend
referred to in the petitiOn with the Reilr ed Comjany in trogress
of construction thereon that oreen Y.Fugate is esto ped,in some
meosure,from Baking out a claim of damtpes against the Railroad COmtany
an? its contractors.
. . the Hail a3 Company has had no direction of or control
over the explosives Miich have been used in the censtruction of the
roadway thru the lands claimed to be owned by Green B.Fugate. On
the 3rd day 0‘ December 1910 the Railway UOmrany made a contract
with messrs.Jones Erot‘erS, a partnership with princiral office
of business in Columbus,o., one of the terms of which was that the
contractor wouli pay and hold the Railroad company hannlese from:
‘ "(b) All clatns for damfiges done by the Contractor,sub—
- contractor,or the newloyes of either,to any and
all personn or Troyerty during the procreSE of the
’ Tmlk, and to hold the Railroad UOmpany har.less
from all liens,y5rnishmcnt8,attachmcnts,suits,
causes of action in law or inequity,costs,exyenses
and attorneys' fees arising from or in connection .
with any or all the debts,dues,claime,demends,
or damages in this and the {receding clause mentioned."
Vader this clause of the centract we shoulc set up the
plea of inde enient contractor. I fresyme that the plaintiff
has no legal grounds for complaint Tith reference to the Gailroed
Company constructing 3 out upon its own land or changinc the county
road unier and by authority of the county Court. 1 have written
to the centrectors as yer copy attached.
Yours truly,
)1. VA fl . r 2..:
L<_Lxutkccc.7m L
i Chief'fingineer of Construction
.. /

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