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C(T:,1I'l{'1’\).- L..". li.":‘Lf'.Cc. , i 'i .
Lexi mm on , Ky.
Dear Sir, 7 . ,
J “an. ‘:",De.v:7.ds:’ii L. i:
.Tn Judy": Deliwrd's report, covered. “or is latter
to you. July 4, :.:, can” of ':"110‘1 he 3311‘. rue, Sitt‘."'i1"i;" the. pending
lifiiéiatfien in v."11iclr the L.“ 3.15 int-reWS-‘i-fi, i" iriatlzit“
comitjr, it fl." Show? that in “1:,: {fit-eve case tiers was 2m agrevd
judgment for 4,310" in favor 7’? “lie. plaintiffs.
Judge Thailand says that t, is judgment has no t. been
I supnesc you will arm-my»). t hair? it satisfied before any
execution 3'. £151,138.
Yours tijilly, .
, . .’ , / . , /~
A t / l / ~
District/ Attorney.
7 -‘ /
Copy for Judge 0. .II. Poriard,
Jackson, Ky.

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_C‘ V 1. >1, ‘» ‘. ,, .'. , ‘.A " .. 1. I f‘ "f ,' _... _. ~'L ‘..... 5’}, , '..f , - 4 .,r? ."' “J.. ._ ".' r. _ .1 ., .
.Llal‘.‘:--.;..l-;:t; .3 =~Lul1.A-;o.:..: New '.LL. :.111.;g:/l.“.-t":_;'l .45.: ..-ilblél‘; 3.. 130.5115” 1J4 :OC-.S;;O,
~3.! .'.-”_‘-- _. 5-7, N. ‘ —. .L 7. 1.1‘, .‘., I..-"...,.. .3 L J, .‘ :.‘..- I“... -l . .1. '.-..2 :-'3

1.; '_1.=.'.,’_',r _:.! all; :::}..EL; (35.110, o.;\l 1.'L,,..'. .3 ._',L J._»: 1'.-.1323135 513.7110, JLL‘U, .L.-’.

.1. .: J.. ...- -7 ‘> " . »;-“ 'v .,: ’:.”. 1. ..j. ,. .1 :.., .. .:’-.. .L. L _.., ‘.-;.3.-‘.. J. :v , .. -»..

1’10 '.' 9 .L '.I 5'11; «1 -)'~. PU '...L .L -_).L ‘l w ‘,L r i; Ji—‘a ».' \3 Q 'Li..‘:'{} .'.UJ. '.-_".'3 glull (.'.!) 411;} UCU C1039!
_n 'r 7 ., -.‘.vL "L— .-., J.: L -. . -;~ ”:.‘...I. .3“ 4:1 ,.' -..‘ J. L. r,- 7‘ *r ’7: ' 7 _ .I.
O; 1.11.1’.._,'L;I2.:-wl .:.<.:._;eL:-.I;')ll u.'_ v'J . :lf} -1...‘ '4. ‘;;_f_-l 1..); 1.1'-0-11 «z- .‘I’CIVlCSOl‘qCqu
17 ‘7 71 —-- ~-., A, .._ .:‘-1.. .1. ,..... '1.: .,,...Ix-w .;.Jm. '1 1 .9 L--. “:-‘
'e' g 15.1 1‘ n . »;., o '43 n , .10 UJ~(V.’J ‘.’;La": 18 ELL/f 1)», 7‘3— O.:.‘_ ' L‘.'.v1' 530 u 4.1.Gf'. JOJLOT‘E ‘ _'..CJOLL U133:
311.; u...- l- a
"I." . . .,. _L .:.: . .t :-'“; 7 73 ”'- .: ... 4.. ~ .1. - L- '3
log: .:...zmuzuloaz. .._: o...,..f.m.-.l_q $3.1.le (30:11.1:(301011 no (30,33 03.

All .. .'.." 1".}.2 3- “.1.“, 1.’- 7 1 .. .,‘ 7 .1.. . '1, v. Yr, "'... .:.-.5 -: ‘1 ‘. ..” ..2 .7 1
101.1213 Cl. @110 Km; .1..:‘..::l2€llu gar.(;Z‘C2.,,,’rt;u UL) 1.10 .3f “.1“. ‘i.£;.'.‘_-_l10-uu, 1.511,. OJ: 1.1.iLLOLl
'17 n*‘-r\ ~ mv u: H ”.1 ‘1‘“ —--r..-. 1H1”) ' 2 I‘. ’i ‘-" V 1 1‘.—7 V,

IL- :,‘.__:‘r-’..u_;.Ll.1 a. (.030: no,“ L'lc-.l.-\,(~. JCU. 0'] l.-.1..la
.‘,1- .. '2 H I'M“ . .. .- ." ._... ..I. .1747 n . 12.4.. - ... .11 1 - - ,
Tlutl ?=C= llfinl‘ .L..L 01.1 ,3.?th ...Culflsl 1Ll‘..i.f-; {TELL/x1012", {Luv 00.1.1556,
-r-- =.rr......v.(;‘ .:.- .7.._
11011 .‘.» 1.'... :.‘ (;.mLWJ '


'1 ._...

 / , / i ,   V// /
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/ . V /, ,, V
/./. ////////// // / ' // /,
. .////)/’{///';- __ /‘/'///7//'//,: /y,,
/ July 8 i234”, 1911.15.
r. 3, . -_ . _ 2
Tfi.n.D.,.z;£’iielu, ~..isLussmgg., f /v 4
.szuievi’ijn ..7: l?u;txhville 31.23.30. ,
~ #an4‘1'. x. , I' "
.17L011,_.,L-_.,.L, .._”r. {I “C .
Dee-.1“ iir;~
I 11:27.13. ;feu harm-:75, 3.11 lC‘J‘CLtl‘ i‘ron Judge 41:11:15. enclosing
esteeted cowy 0"“ 3‘L’Ldgnen', 7:9:1fi<:21~0§i by 61-19 breethi’uu Circuit Court
‘v f’ch 1” ‘Y"e":,1'.w 5"‘"~,-n‘-r :n, ,.L ;‘r'r s. * man "an na'i
L4) ”$1.4 (LL ,N-u (1__ _, k. U. .,L Lia-”bl. u n; | ~‘.. ‘.-L ‘...¢L. -.: ..n._-..‘ Lv (.311-
i-I;‘.&:cw.': 32:3;35215' LQLLme'v-ny, M1: j‘L‘LL'yium, 13% fr“; 1’0} .;“1{.‘D.OO 3126. costs,
and ’.Imr L 1;: a»: Maren ('1' L3 4e- L1» Line- .ureL-HZ'Lit‘t Lireuit
Sou-rt, {-27.271135 m .::.TE‘LBO.
"Till 37:71: #71:; ,- ‘\-’O;Lz;.xivLL':' prepared is 1‘ :‘gj‘lCflhBO promptly,
{:Yi'i f-i)1“7:1'3;’£§ m ("11(123": 10111:? '1‘; L.‘{.t-I:Lm;e,':.
”301.13" L‘. it 2"; 1.1:] ,
T, x . 1
/ " K
v/ ’ «)1 Li
./ , «L4 H
Sizifl'ileon, Leg. ,
if laxitgtoml’Iy.

 ‘,_. (Izzy/77%” ”M Z xx/ZW/x '. M/ZM/y /x/r//////zy,~
/' ' / , . / K
/ ,x/1 // /
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3”?“””77”" ., . //://.7/ ly/I/a . ///
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a 1 -. ‘r.-~-.u ,"‘. “ ‘t ‘1.: (.5. :3..
. .AA 0 c .'. n :.I: .:.—u «4.13“? 15.1.: '\ .3 A _ u!” r. 14w“; , _‘ {

.31;: . 2.": :3 .a;e_.‘.'.‘z)atw..‘-. mi). ,

i7'::‘}_f’.fi3. .
. ‘.'77‘2 17 31. 'T"3.'-t';- :7: 7:31:77; 7. ‘E‘T'y': 7:112". Thigj‘e:i.?.:13?{?.
:’2‘7 “ “7'.?- a’t'fl' 3 {3:433:32 Pr“ .‘:.:-=' i-I ‘* '3? ’-if'*'1?‘;J?'7'v~:
1797' "575-11", 3 "'7 if ='='.‘" “a” “.":" ’.' flintgli 335:1” 73.0
F "f" *5 ~' '“ ‘5“9' ‘ '; xiii: -'“‘-:"‘ ‘."-23." ">11"???
3::: “’. :7 ‘ i-“”"f. .>-‘; ' -: 21;) ‘.'->13;
" 'T‘ f‘ 2‘:",
4 I . //
V /‘ J / L C" CO /V (‘V‘ " \T L JG
I 'L L'

/) A .::. 11'3.::_:_:=:>;-~.., ::~.

( ...»I<‘::'.j:.;‘.2?.‘:::7 )

 ‘ ‘ (COPY)
Jackson, Ky., Mch. 8, 1915.
W. A. McDowell,
manager, Lexington,Ky.
Dear Sir:—

Referring to the question of my compensation as local attorney
for the Lexington & Eastern, I advise, I cannot see my way clear to
accept the proposition of Six Hundred Dollars per annum as salary
for such service and therefore decline same.

I submit for your consideration this prOposition, I am Willing
to accept the passes that I now have and represent the Company as local
attorney in consideration of your payment to me the same fees for all
services as are prescribed by the schedule of fees adopted by the Jack—
son bar association, and which schedule regulates the rates charged by
members of the local bar. The fees to be paid quarterly,upon state-
ments to be rendered at the end of each quarter.

Yours truly, .
(Sifned) O.H.Pollard.

 v.2" ’
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L. II. ':'.'.'Llffif3;‘., 1.2.210. ,
C i i; _‘f .
,..102? Sir: —
7. Eat ':V-‘z‘vV‘rf ' 3:‘ j "110? we ;>r-:‘.‘:'13‘.::213. T 'ii‘l" :'frfci‘tcn
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;"101 07; JP .. .- . .._ .1-;
lift 1:1:3317 ifs: ‘.‘..3‘.‘ :in: j t: 0111' 011‘: “:.. 1..","11‘. ; .:‘j' ‘1‘ F1 :11 ‘.1 12.91::‘1: ,
I 3. {T‘.-AI": /’ .53 1 ,7"
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$122131“ .

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’§/// W

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. ‘/.\'.S'/, ’}'//.\‘//'l‘/‘/ - \///(//'///: (j
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fill/I’.) / \./('//'/'/////(*. , f’ I ' , a _w , 77 ,V
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Af . ‘ .’
;. ‘.;-.147 / a v
JET)“; E51”. H "L I.:. Tijrlsum,
(43:13:2«1 Ccu=.r~él :2. I 3E.Lx.Cr .,
L317]! 54%“, :1.",
Dimpi‘ Si 5',

Cr;. C5“L, w‘f I 1;" 2”“?xrséfl ::r Cfidr "r“:
let‘ if to Elia: F37>fl1r;"f 4, i ” 1‘5' 701?:‘ F”N'TS, if :,
comrgvrwtirx Tr: Jud u 0, M. pollurd of T cksvn.

”“ w CfUICLJ‘SII"fi.TTJ i: x7 r‘aIC“J3 Jr' "LI‘ ‘7: .cdtvihfi
CCT$I€?Cfl*lf TJCF and a: f1: Lawfénirfi WT? iHCIawié
cf Jfldffi VWILard's s_l rt bsvr d wnon u f:wr.

I fihjnk it ir CW1? jfist fr it“ H“d JJ 79 IDCLLJIMrd
tindf I s11©‘*1” stz;fe SF. 3 r ” '¢i:%:rea;srrls =.Ct‘hati37‘ 113 ix:
rewching 9.ic conclusion.

(I). Sine» it: incraure Cf cu: law busiras: in
Breathififi ccififif, incidfint tr €19 railrchd ccustructirn
thaf hws b:gn going rn thre, Judy: pollwrd's sulgry has
bggn incrwgnad fro: 41510{\ to fiSnF.

(f). In fixiny FaLaTIGF (f r”: In a1 gfi?r;anS,
jlfifit “9 t 1, 3‘1 pies (1? III ‘i‘e 0+ :7: a file in: ”mi
cf”jciuls a? $13 ccmpany are fixed, Th9 OA'pensufiinn Cwnnnt
b3 bgsad on snoradic conditions but LHSI ): hrudngfied

.. ) .


\ 1
LIFE“ t. m :im'i I‘ll“; cf bias} ".3113, '.;}Zi‘1.'i'.‘(]:w1"‘f"JL 1.. €23."
of ,‘."fétl‘fi. '.’.'Zii .1.. *' ‘: 12,3." ‘:zxssiwo-se oi" emf; .-.‘," :75:
“Ii-.:.L‘hitt cosy ty is, reltjl‘}v:,ly heat," at ‘..‘33 ‘11:] c,
t er; '5 o r.:..r'o:1 -le rrohehilit‘r +335 t it etndf “:3, tr.
will cm“"71'13 L.’7i‘n.:,_' ‘2‘ *'I‘ELA‘tyiiv‘i‘fir? . .i l'i:~Cr2“JS‘=31“-7u:t‘l‘n
ninth in a mi r," shall i: C": filmed, an} the, litigation
exisinr 0' ‘ r " i“: has 131.2311 disresed of.

if»), '.e 11.. been crinfrmim‘ 2o," “.e s:~
emit‘ii t' :"lf‘ in “ ceifntjier' t‘ire' ,1“?! c hen/'.: b en
deitbl:_+c.233:fng Vic; PIA-:it=ich:,,' Division. A L.--g; :.;:cii a” cf
ext e ~-,1_1 1. 2;...5 t-ernnmmrilf bum ilYiinS‘T‘d with our 1.00:..1
attic .e-rs iti there 007155.38. But “ _' s hs..s not been
;eg‘L..:i.'d.3/}_ ;..: s:7~.zt1‘"2:7.ci.‘:::+ :.:-...‘:Cn it i:1:fi;:~i..si‘:{f their
eel/rites. is .:‘i t. _- in 5..}...“79nl ‘BI‘Tle'YWJIZt
“313".7’LLL‘J, ” tic:- t‘mi: fat '.';it'r; ‘12-: lean, ;..n‘z fut if
the ' ..i. I'u'rrl: t'gg“, “.'::" ...1": refit}. ft; in on: ".'—:..».r, ‘21-." ;.re
li'iAc31j1f tr ."Vfll “'.:: thing" up ‘0," doing lerr ‘.':rrlx: “':.-:‘i
(,..-':.:- ‘ in. soxw fun: or fire-...I‘S.
DU. 7.7% do nt“, in ‘..:‘17r r:':A.: “zovtnfj' ii“. the stute,

O'itsixicj: " " .TC/‘ffazfsm‘. Cr"?1;tj*-—‘.‘.":1_:..“3 3 .. {newt (1.:-..1
rivi‘ .Li.t:i.g‘u.‘tirzi--— ruff 0‘ ::..~."I....r:iec‘:. 100...}. (.r."‘.‘~"l'7‘..:f"S lilt’i-.f. then
,,;/4,0" per .'..mnx, "at 11‘ ‘75: Hig”.il-‘.'!L..i1'.':l‘ ;iurk. "Te Euro
so. A3 a? ti. ‘oes‘: .ttf'vr-i‘ei's in 571.3 stat} renrasentinif us,
in ccmi'ii'r? "7713.:“3'1'e h...v3 :Jnioii illTYOL‘iitJ‘Wi litigfiion, whose
Sulari 5 do not exceed and in race ous): do not equal,
$350" per ;..)li‘iilm.

 . 3.

(f=). TWLJ 1.53 :1 i‘H.)t 71:1t Fo:~ Tifir7“‘rc‘:{ sw73171 -
1718:?S t‘zc C'fufiifll:"fi i7£N h'ISjTTQYW‘ ‘in ”4: Cr.-r:tia7n of“ f‘13
State. IE 'Wc Hutu-c {“ thfihrt, it hhn “ 1K Te ”6
necessu~r t: syshenutjze its busi ass, 2n: to asthlish
uniformit” 7” shihries and fe=s an n9_r;" “r :rhcf53fl7he. -
It wrntj 1: ;hniferti? Mfi"ni: 7“ is? lW-': SalufiVV ii 55M?
lr7uhlitia55 2177 921.1133 S-[L.ri7r i]? c“ 1.: L"u.liti-K:, fir
u*“c1” 3”? o"7*.lw*i7'::' :qw;£_:JJiL1t‘g ..h‘ ”citd‘ rwhr‘.;“‘1wlly
the :4”? am0“h* o” we3h fr: *1? crxrhnf. 7c cruL‘ Tot
fix *3: salary o? it; locgl attrg‘ef in B: uthitt cc nty
at *‘7 am~”dts, or either of ‘13 , su-‘este* hf Judge
pfillard, "iffiont demornlizing the salaries of or: other
utter a"? in the State, 03 “ithcut doinfi injustice t:
suck ah ah at“c:h7rs.

(fl). T.7 difficvlfies r7 io034aefihf thi sal r?
01' L. 17703.1 ; ‘r10: “3:! i7: u;“' 5“ivw7n 00:171t7/ f nurv‘r713i,l;r, ;21d
0? subseQWaitlT reducinf it ”Lin t1: anwvnt 0? work
lessens, Will h: obvirus tr vow. Thar - Sdlmf" 1: five? fixed
at tie hjrd=r anmunt, it is difficwlt, i” not ixrc75ib12,
eubsequeht1r to reduch t1; shlhrr.

?Eenh gr: acne r1 t“: renrcns Whidl it sca's to
US are controllihr of tlis qvestion.

I vculJ 11ke Jvdre Vollard tr fjcl, bechute i” is
tpie, th.b W3 would lik: var? acc" to r tuin hi9 scyvicss;
that fie h.vn only the ‘indest n3 fonliwgs towhrd him; and

4. .
we have ’13 ”iii {7;: '-1j:‘~: 01%.: fic 11:5 «“1“ sm“r‘-?S—
tiwns. I fsel sure, ‘.'-flush i113 :rJi‘lecfis mom +913 matter,
in *‘71‘. 1:3 {’14: (15‘ ”Chase sng‘;%'.2s;t:i.cns, thf 31% ‘.'/ill replize
the difficulties,—~~.ve twin}: “‘.3“ m1"? insup .:rable diffi-
CLll‘tisrs-—i?‘v ‘53 ‘.'fajr Cf inc: f “"‘., '.“"? C lb _
away“? of L. S: E. iv 31:-3;.fi31it’ crimifj' I‘_" 4: as
hi3 has: indicaified, wnd I hope E13: Infill L’LO’BdQ *r 0"1‘ 57 (‘:stirn
that V‘.? 53~L..1‘:’ P ' "‘:!» T‘F‘f‘ffiCi‘. ‘1‘ 11¢qu 17; fix-3d at 5.3500
per anrmzz. ‘
Yr‘nre £1111",

Dis'tri ‘:. 1"L?*.*.r;*:i‘,f'.
7’. S. I Lmd s and fvr: J38»; e .’\‘\"1l:."l'fi 135‘ 51: 1:0 you.
tip. ”A.._: 11g?) ”2) - ;n (_i.4.:;vct111§j;3)vy* C. '.is: ti : to settling
V.‘-TITO}: o.....znr :1?“. in l’tigmticn, I; (“tipsy "*."I'<:‘:s~, 11%;: ‘0 52:1
pa-_-t"cr.'1i.n{;, La than exfintt, fix (Tutti s: v ' stifle}: claim; agent.
I #31531“, if. ‘,'“;1171 '1:): “firms-.ir relieve hi: r1" "315‘s Work
so him“, 11.,"'>:.1ir‘.. (311:1? ;mfitxnd to tip; litijumai curios m” that
oh. ,rm‘: t er . '

33. D, V', ‘

 3 1’2)?” //7
*C/ ' ’- / / '//’/’/ /'/'
\ ,, /7/’/.//’//¢ A //.///7 r. //// ////// ”W/M/fly
,;) ’ ' / I ,', 1] I
-/)/'//,/(///////_/, ///zg//r ///, , ; / , I ’
/ WW” “"”””’<"7 1 ./////' ~ ’I ’///,'1/////'/////'/’. .///w///r'/}/.
fl/m;//'J -/'/- /fl‘r-'///m.u, «
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/1/ ,/ /////’/'[////'.~((/(2///_ "/fI//A/////("///" ~30. ‘, i L- .
.wa: {Equal TC. "iiLson,
G;VI’1.:,L‘C..CL CC" ‘ficl L.. ‘2.-11".0 -)
Lzrrxinp‘iw , ICT",
‘27:; d 9.11" JIM: .‘1 Wilson,
I 71;? ‘"l‘i‘"‘3_‘1 "Chi tC-dQ' in :“e;“.,u'x,‘: ‘r J‘Tu'lr'a
'“. 7.4:. pCllLl‘i‘l. T75'?»:‘. fr: ‘1” n‘)j:“‘fil ‘1 “f frr"r :3.. iii": ,7'
let 7:3: *0 71:15:, it" You “513-1117 TV‘, Bar“ W Gr: 50. .T Kai":
1“»79‘7 :14- 1.77? 1‘.‘ ‘5‘-u ‘ mn‘inra‘c" viva
I how-:.:? ”a ‘3. .’il : "h i‘ (1133 ”xix ‘1: :;figir.
F1??? afi'fi” e;r:s‘:j.p Land at t" ‘2 5; +11": “.23.: f;~:‘;.:ndlf'
1*621uftimns: *0 1.1"But, fir-t 0211? T. -- ‘71, l‘enfjfi“ r I 11w]:
stw‘md i}: swid lat ter, 23’1“ ." ' other ::: (0912—: U“ I crnld
manfiin " you orally, if = to talk concu:ni:¢:_i the,
matter, 31+ 53*: if‘ ‘7 Col. Sfinzg 5d ; :3 to ’.‘); out 5:" 37.113
questicn f";‘ '51:: to i:'1<;:.)v..r‘3 5:34;: sugflr" Cf‘ 3. 1000.1 attr‘l‘ney
in firsa‘cllit‘r 001.11%er ‘06:de 5916‘?" per Iv 1m, av 311 if“ 0‘73:
11"\1.,7)T'::Li.+" t' CL": .',.C trowid. ‘r SL115 in (7W3. ':2 pf‘ilwrd's r 5‘
1;. 1r, .2 1+ 49. 1 '1 117:: w adv-1m wit": 7":1 r~3.:»_:r
as: to his: succerscr.
YL»:1.;'.9 *I'ulj’,
D. I 311010213 a)“. 21ft; Crftjr /
0;" ::rr (>913: l:t"fi1i ‘3.':- 3'01:
Il-zr‘aijz': r f mired to, for :70'1r ,
file, it“. 57w ::vc:e:1+.3,rm1 concLude JP . L 1“
tr semi; tw nz-jfrimd of sxfid 'v“"">*'~*C" “"“*"‘~“"-'-
lit 59.11? *8!“ J‘U’L'i“? pOllqrd.

 A. .//*///./'/v’//% /‘:. 1.41% ///- 4flfl/Vfl/flfl/fl/7,
‘ , 7 /
-‘7§)x/2z/é/r////}/.//C y/(H/n/M, , / (J , i . ,
’1 {2’ (I) ./ W/lls‘f/z'rfvail/wwqu ‘3;/(’1”! t/ (////x;,///r///// ////y»,//'(//, fl////
fli/H/m .//r fizz/Mung”, ’-
/. V .:.va :0713'07'67 I‘M/1mm: / / , ,
/. //“9;;;’:,r;é:r,:isw ~--/MW///-/’//, Feb. 3. ms.
Jilrlgr‘e Shaun-31 M. Wilson, _
General Counsel L.& E.R,Ce.,
Lexil’zgtcfi, Ky. ’
Dear Sir,
Col. Stet: mri I ha? conferred rear CtiN{ year
. letter to him February 4, :2 itx enclosures, in re
ccupcrnatjrn for Jwflre O. H. pollard of J ckscn.

Tfic echoinsin: we h;ve reached 5? tlat W“ Cannot
cansi stuntJQI rcccxwzcnd in €1J rtxiafiarjnwt axqr incrmn re
of Jndge Dollard's salary beyond 9800 a year.

I think it is only just to you and Jufipe Pollard
that I shouli state chc 0? file reasons actuatin: us in
reaching this conclusion.

(1). Since the increase of our law husirens in
Breathitt county, incident to file railroad construction
that has been going on there, Judge Pollard's swlcry has
been increased from $10“ to $50". :

(S). In fixing salaries of our lc"ul attorneys,
just me fix: salaries of all t:e other emnloycu “Hi
officials of file cmqmurrtre fixed, file cw pensatinn Cannot
be based on aporadic conditions, but must be prediCated

 ‘ 2.
unnT in; pengrul run of businans, nxtendimn ”79: u ter
of Vtmrs. Whi;& tIe l“? busineas o? t:w Ccn“a‘v in
.firabthitt 0G1 by in relutfivcly heavy at tzis ti a,
flier»: 5.I .110 I‘";1.a.znc;;rx 13.8 ”CI'CDLLDilit" 1727:. ,t t r; candiftitnn
will continue after t1. ~rnafrnwtira anfi,re~CKnstruction '
':'ork in 1:712:001171‘537 shall be Gr».p'_1.3t‘7d, .:.-.111 we litigutinn
Wrining out n? it has bafin dinflosed of.

(5). We hmv baen onnfronted by the sm'e .
Candit‘vns in fi1w countirn thrcwyh which V? have baen
double-trucking 137:1: Kentt‘c?y Division. A l;..I-:Ii'{2:~?. urnougfit of
ext-m drrk has fiemvorarilfi bznw imposed upnn our lOCal
attnr:oys in those sewnties. But t fin has not baan
‘If?ij{l,rdé'id us; 53:13 :‘icierzt reabhn i703“ incremsi‘m their
swinri 1‘; I_u‘1:‘.ersi..=.:-::? t in Salaried. azzaploj.r:'r:.::nt
33113" Elwvg: to 1:...-Jim ‘x‘izn‘: fat with film lean, LN'I‘I tho-.1‘. if
"ain‘t“ ;;j.';‘3. i‘n‘: in out: Virial‘, their {are
lilwly to even the thing up bi:- doing 113:3? I;'-sork :.1-um fimy
“:2:: 1.1-1. :1. for in Some year or years.

(4). We do not, in any one count? in tl’ifi state,
outside of Jefferson eczmty—-w}'1fere v.9 have L). {;r~’-:-I:..,t deal
0'12" litigation—-- pii}! 0‘77: Salaried 100...]. atmrrmrs more than
“600 per annum. Tut irz the l'ligjh-Wiat er mark. ‘70 have.» ,
so 23 m.“ the bent attorneys in the state represanting us,
in Cownt 1'.-as: whem we hare much important litigz-Vtion, whose
salaries do not exceed and in. son-ate cases; do not-equal,
£33800 per annum.

 \ .3'. ,
(E3). Thea 1.35.; '15:};Mgtwat’st ‘f'or ?Ccr‘m'lzrfliy :31-11:31:-
vines the combany's law busifizars‘ :2.-n N: Cr,”n"cj».:r: m” ‘13:
Stan}. In 131.»: mgtu-ye r-i‘ things, i"; hm 13;-er: fotwml
neceSSary to systemutize its business, ml to Data-111511
1.1niformitv of sz.-..'La;ries and f :s 0..': newrlrr V.. ~r:;~;,.;,-i;_’.r:.,.JLLe.
It ?.’:f‘llL’: 1)::3- Y'akawifestLy ‘,m'f'a...i.r tn jns,.:.7.' 1.411712 W3? fin scan-3 _
lC’JulitiTiE), J’. :::.ugll'xr snlwsrfizra i1”: o‘:.ta‘r IL:::;;1it.'Le.s, to
12"" (:.:‘a'sLZj-"ra of 17:124,‘_3:7"F:_1,_‘v' 31111;; ‘..‘:Jilit", .,.Tzs‘; "Ci‘s’fik‘ :‘=:"‘):thtic.lly
thie {',.'quE 8.1210031“. 51' 1.7.133: for “‘;:: (307.‘.7'I&n:". 3'7»: (full not
fix Tint; «army of 4:11.? lee-.JJ. {‘.?-5.6:.“ :::..r in B?" iathfitt cmmty
an“. ‘51:: amrvtnts, or either of 3:321, sugjgjrarytéfl '3'>jr 3.13.6188
Millard, “.'ithotzt demmrsflizing the s;:fi1..nries of 51*: other
at+" ' “ 3101.3; 1'; ' i‘i:»:.t‘:r3. (wt 4,9500

par 52212222272