xt73bk16mf8w_320 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [252] Frank Smith v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [252] Frank Smith v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_32/Folder_1/0006.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_320 xt73bk16mf8w I, .5 , LOUISVILLE &NASHVILLE RAILROAD COMPANY. _ --
5 . .. LOUISVILLE. KY., ' _ :_ ‘-
Jul :.rflOwlgl‘rZ. ' .,
' Messrs. Leighton {50:79 my, .
.Etfnoxtil 1e , Zeno. 5
Gentle 3338 n:
Referritrr; to .e::u'ft oi" ‘:’rrxeik omit-h. versus your -
“Liomosny and the 72”.. 5... 311. '.'-"L.. Company.
Yea. w ill no is that this suit is one which under '
your contract you are called upon to defend. and shone.
pay any costs, ;ii'zghesents or sttornr‘j: ‘ fees in conneoti:'.>n
( Q, ~ ‘ v, 'V‘ i 4 4 H’fi ,.‘
. therewith. fiueh ”being the case, it is desra‘ole that-fwd ,
- undertsjre the: out ire de-Zenso oi" the mat on as to staid
’ the Rf'zill‘O:-ilfi_ '-!.5o:..: on? going to €113? expense in connection
tl‘torewitl: , whirl: expense you i‘fOlllfi he calls 5. noon to 378 - ,
imhurse. 1 mild tizermi'ore satsrgoet thet you send *9 me ,
a letter ::: 33.11151? to the: floral. outlawed heretith so that
“ ' it will cult be necessary ‘21::-r :7.. to more iormal answer to .- g
’ the petition in mm}: case nothing will Le charged to you
for our deft-.':nm in the suit. Please return the l. tter
4 p 10 mptlzif. a ‘ I -
.- . %ng§nmi Stuff 393% until-rm j.‘
fit? ' 2i /. / p
”313.1315: Gaza-;:.; fir. . L‘.. Jane-3.153%.

 1 . CW
. I: r“ /
I. %§ I /
Lexington & Eastern Railway 00.,
Lexington, KY.
With reference to the-suit of Frank Srith vs. Leighton &
Co., etc., in which you ‘re honed as a co—defendant, we write to -
suggest that we think it will be unwise for you to rake your sooner
in such suit a cross aetition against us been so it would have the
effect ouch the jury of a sort of admissioz liatility and a con-
test between us as to who should pay. <3 -

We therefore consent and re .’:ghet you take no such
step, and agree that you Will not tie *1 . 've or effect your
rights under your contract with us 1 Ito us for indennity

, against, and reirhurserent for, any‘ i_. ity that.roy be imposed »
“‘ upon you by any judgment in e h a c In other words we recog-

' nice and agree tht if any ii.hfigéty should ultinately be ester?
lished against you in this 1 - shell nonetheless, as bet een
us, he our liability and :9 1 .,.

,x' \
As We expec gair.'-ri this suit you Will understand that
beyond your rotting fiayidfié ‘ornol defense it will to necessary for
- you to he at no evn4§§::§g ;rouhle in defending the case in court.
, ngt> Yours very truly,
. \ .

 o . i
< \‘.]
i _ _
({ ,
« i
'1 r
July lsth, 1913.
Tr. John Howe Peyton, ,
G. go Go, II- 8: E. R! PL! ('30.,
Louisville, Yr. ‘
Dear Sir:— '
with reference to the suit of Frank Srith vs. Leighton
& 00.; and the Lexington & Eastern Railway 00., I find flor ry
files where I prepared and sent on for signetwre by Leighton &
Co., the usuel letter sdritting that if Eh re was any.lie’ility in
thst suit it was Leighton & Company’s and not the Railrsy Germany's
so? directing us not to rake our answer a cross rotition, hut such
letter was never signed end returned to re by Leighton e 80. It :
‘ has occurred-to r3 that it right here been sent to you. ~
I? mush letter has not KJGo returned to you, “ill you yleest T
send the enclosed letter to Toighton & CO., for their signature. *
Please request the? to be prortt shout this as #he case rill
wrdbarly be oelled at the coring tarr of the court. They are reking, .
defehse to the suit fiflfi I so sure will not hesitate to sirn this
letter, but We would like to have it to get our files corrlete. .
’ Yours very truly,
'71. ‘
-,,UJ/ CCP.
- General Counsel. ’ '

 \L a “
d V
\H‘( ‘8 \i ‘
\li '
\M ,
' march 12th, 1912. A
Keen. Leighton & 00., '
Knoxville, Tenn.
Gentleren:— >
You have already doubtless been vised that suit has
been Filed by Frank Snith against yovreelf a d the Lexington &
Eastern Railway Co. . . -
As you also know the Lexingac; Eastern Railway 00., un—
der its contract, io nrotected iron r . , :tility for a elein of
this sort againet-you, but it in To: ,2 7w under our rreotiee T"nether
the Pailney Correny could he not T-th‘ ad unless it out un the con-
tract in a arose action oeainet yon " this suit. It would he very
unwise For thie to he done ln’euee it would rake the irrression to
the jury that the defeneen; -\“ t lie ility and are nerely dis-
puting eronr thereelvee _- _.\. :h ehoulfl hey it. It would there-
‘Fore he hotter for the Ni ‘orrrsny “into-1V to file its d.e-°enee (
to the Fl‘lfifiiff'fi no“ is % 'lout alluding to any oleir egainet you, .
-nd it ie, 0? eovre ‘ £3.15 to do this if it hoe e rroror rero— ’
rendur tron vou epiSQX.1 a it this eroteotion.
‘ . 5‘ L A ‘-
I nr",‘ ‘ igly senning you herewith draftof such a let-
ter ee we ord='ari se in oeeee of thin kind ianion I will thank ‘
you to eign enr r: firn, addressing the envelore_to re at Winchest-
Finely give tnie your prornt attention as 1 want to pre—
pare the answer in this case right away.
Youro very truly,

 4‘" . ‘,_.”
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9 L " " & E/ E ‘RAILWAY C ,
n + or“ q 1
FILE No. ‘:‘/91’ 7
U I f,
fir .13.”: .Jouwtt ,
Uhiei‘ fittOI‘hOf',
1 " imvherfaeryig. '
lies—1r 311‘:
11: "rltinc' cu tith reference to suit in Per-:7] county
coverin“ fairsOnal injury to Ifl‘c‘lflk fiz;:ith 1 Qty-re 7011 {1:113 of
the Giti::ens Trust 5,; ;:u;;r:~_u'i;; (To. :1:. Lib: 17,2125: Span “had i:
should P Lean the Witlu Tuarzmty " Surety do. of Scranton,
33.1 :'.ttvch co- Ci 1m :i‘unding Bond.
'.' our :3 ul; , //
,_ fl/{/ lflgjg/gg/fé
/;’ie f “12551 18231" of Generousl-
73‘:/IO {1:3-.013} /

 KNOW All REE BY ThESE PHEEKTTS: That Whereas om. J. Oliver of

' Knoxville, Tenn., as Principal, end the Citizens Trust & Guaranty

‘0 COnpsny of West Virginia, as Surety, did on the 22nd day of Catcher
1910 execute a bond by which they were held and firmly bound un-
to the Lexington & Eastern Railway Company, its successors and
assigns, in the nennl sum of $35,000.00 conditioned on said Wm.

' J. Oliver well and faithfully performing and carrying out each

and eVery provision of the contract executed by scid‘Mn. J. Oliver
and the Lexington & naetern Railway Campany, a Kentucky corporation,
on the 22nd day of October 1910; and,

signals since the execution of said bond, to-wit: 23rd day
of December 1910, said Lexington & Eastern Railway Company cen-
celled said contract of 92nd day of Cctoher 1910 between omid
on. J. Oliver and the Lexington & fiastern Railway Campany, which
said cancellation was in accord with the terms of the contract
of the 22nd day of October 1910; and,

nhdhflnfl, said Wm. J. Oliver had perionned certain work under
Said contract to the extent of, to-wit; 012,251.33, und whereas it
was provided in said contract of 22nd day of October 1910 with
said Wm. J. Oliver;

" The contractor ymrces to pay and to hold the Railroad Com-
peny hermlcss from ; (a3 All debts of, or demands or claims against
the Contractor, or of or against any subacontrnctor, for services
and l bor performed or materials furnished in said work, for
provisions and supplies, board of men and teams engaged upon
said work, and fill debts, dues, demands or claims growing out of
said work, whether like or unlike those enumerated;(b) All claims
for damages done by the Contractor, sub—contractor, or the employ—
ees of either, to any and all nersons or property during the pro-
gress of the work, and to hold the Railway Cempcny harmless from
all liens, asrnishmentc, rttachmentc, omits, causes of action in
law or equity, costs, expenses and nttorneys' fees arising from
or in connection with rny rny ull the debts, duos, claims, demans, -
or dannmes in this and the preceding clense mentioned,” and

WhARMAS, it was one of the tonne of said bond of 82nd day of
October 1910 that "This obligation shall rem in in full force
and effect for a period of one year after the dctc of the pry-
ment of final estimate, pursuant to the annexed contract," and
nhflfiflns said final estimcte was paid on or about Johnnry
20th, 1911; and, ’,"ivarecm to Kim. J. 01. i‘V'er 1101-3 reqverwted the
lexington & Eastern Railway Company to substitute for the bond of
$35,000.00 a bond of $0,000.00, which said bond of $5,000.00 is
for the purpose of nroteotinq the Railway Conneny ufiflidst any ‘
claims which may be made rgeinst sail tn. J. Oliver and the
Railway Company or ggainst the Railway Company growingg in ony
wise, out of the work whinh Was performed by said Wm, J. Oliver
under said contract of the 22nd day of October 1910, and particular-
ly to protect said Railway Company from:-

(a) All debts or dues of, or demands or claims against the
Contractor, or of or against any sob-contractor, for services and
labor performed or mrtcrials furnished in said work, for provis-
ions and supplies, board of men and teams enncged upon said work
and all debts, dues, demands or claims growing out of said work,
wheth r like or unlike those enmneroted:

(b)All claims for damages done hy.the Contractor, sub-con
tractor, or the employees of either, to any and all persons or
property during the progress of the work and to hold the Railway
Cowpeny harmless from all liens, gernishments, rttachments, suits,
causes of action in low or equity, costs, expenses , and attorneys'
fees arising from or in connection with any or all the debts,
dues, claims, demands or damages in this and the preceding clause
mentioned,” and

WHEREAS, said Railway Company is nilliny to accept such sub-
stituted bond. ,
NQW, TLJRJFOHH, T315 dGRRHiJIT UITRESSES, That the said Wu. J. 011w
ver, as Principal, and .

THE. 'i‘I’jle“; GUI-fulfill? (’:3: {Kill}: f’l‘l’ COT ‘l’J‘d-‘JY,

as Surety, ore held and firmly bound into said Lexington & A stern
Bailway 00upcny, its successors and assigns in the penal sum of
$5,000.00, for the payment of which well and truly to be made
we bind ourselves, our heirs, personal represeitrtives or successors
jointly, eeVerally and firmly by these presents.

The condition of the hove obligation is such that whereas

 L \ V ‘

said mm. J. Oliver did on the 22nd day of October 1910 execute

" with the Lexington & Eastern Railway Coupony a certain contract
referred to and made a pnrt hereof,

NOW TEEHKFOHE. if saii Wm. J. Oliver shall pay and hold the
Reilwag Congany h Inlaso from:-
(A) All debts or dues of, or demands or Claims against the Con-
tractor, or of or against any sub-coniioctor, for services and
Jabor pnrformed or n iorials fuyniohed in said work, for provisions
ano suppliefi, ovoid of men and teams engaged Upon said work,
and all debts, dues, iemanda or claims growing out of said work,
whether like or unlike those enumeroted. ‘
(b) A31 olaimo for damages done by the Contractor, sub-contractor,
or the employees of either, to any and all poroons or proPQrty
during the proEress of tho work, and to hold the Railway Cempany
. harmlooo irow mi] liens, guruishmonts, ;ttmchmoato, suits, causes

of action in low or equity, cosio, exp uses and attorney's fees
arising from or in connection with any or all the debts, dues,
demanda, Claims, or damages in this ond_tho preceding clause
mentioned:- .
,then the above obligationais null and void; othovwioe it is $0
remain in full force and effect. Thiw obligstion shall remain
in full force and offset until Bocember 515$, 1911.

In witness whereof the Principal has hereunto oat his hand
find the Surety has caused its corporate seal to be affixed this
15th day of Kay 1911.

211:1: 47”.; (‘:'-I.I,»Jii 5'1"}: 5.; {.i'fjl‘f'j'i‘Y oz; ZL’MJY
.' .'_ ‘~‘”. ‘»M m . ’.‘t a
Attgst Edwagggu. Okharg ,
Assistant secretary
Thio bond is :gproveo co to Roth yoount and surety
thio 5th why oi Juno 1911.
3‘..L"§,}i‘.IiIL,»L* (‘.3; “.1._,2f"’.;.”‘ T:. I ")0? ;L".:"LI>TU
11:31“..-.,..éitiiiui..@;_y.l1' ..,..-..“
GEO Copland,

 -, f ‘ 1
x. x. i ‘
2 - “xi, ‘
. . . -; ‘f i
-‘.\ \‘
. ‘\ \\ X
' . _ ' SGE’)‘£H‘I§J?§@FE 30;?“ 1533.1.
' _ 2».-5:. Arthur Gary, _
' Laxingmn, Ky. -
13am? Sm:— »

32 “cm; m ae’mrfWfleflga 3”“0‘11 03‘.“ you?) 1‘ var Gael-casing; mu;-
11'»;an 1?: Wm wait of“ Ffs‘mfit Smith was. the CON" 'y, t 2121. .T. wag}. give:
fine Irrat'mr ;{XrirrfiJ-exv atmmim. %

mem ‘am 3‘3?” (SE-@213 E
l V
I:$J/CCP«: . .
V 5‘ .
Q 7‘
. .

 x ‘ . 4M-4~11-375t
'7 r ‘
. LpUlsVILLE, Ky‘, Oct.l7,1911
FILE No. / j .«v/J ,2
/f/¢ EL .' .f
‘x/ \ ‘,1 :3
r“ 1- n V x ~ \ \“ 1'
inr.c.o.°0@ett, \ ;'-. f
Chiof j.ttorne;;, 4‘;, "
. ‘“inch star, Ky. .
M/K/I/W Dear Sir;
} g { ‘Yitl reference to suit filed by Wlizabcth Smith for Trank
2: a : Smith affliNSt LGiChtOD 4 Company anfi the Lexington & Eastern Rail—
’ way Company. The facts are as follows.
On the 22nd 58} Of October 1910 the L.T.E.?fiilwa? COmPany
entered into a contract with ”.J.Uliver,of Tnoxvilla,renn., for
the constluction of the roadWa on the Iorth Fork Extension frOm
station 2510 Which is about five or six miles up Berth Fork River
from Fazard, thence up the river to C noint about one mile south
of Extrglrostoffice, a total distance of 24 miles. Ir.Oliver sub—
contracted a Portion of the above Work to Leighton ” Company. It
_ was one of the terms of the contract with firg”.J.Olivor that the
,7 , contractor would pay and hold the Railraad Company hnnnless from;
‘ ’ " (b) All claims for damages done by the Contractor, sub—
‘ '. contractor,or the umnloyes of oither,to any and
,# ””f'4* all ycrsons or property durinr the pzogress of
xy”r y“ '<-‘ tho work,ond to hold the fiailroad Company hannless
_ _ frOm all licns,garnishmcnts,attachments,suits,
. causes of notiOn in law or inequity,costs,eren563
5’:» .ffl and attorneys' fees arising from or in connection
' . (“Lt“LJ "nth any or all the debts,dues,claims,damands,or
5.J I J-' damages in this and the yreccling clause mentioned.”
,U On the cancellation of the contract of Vr;”.J.Cliver.fihich
~ was in accord with the tongs of said contrnct of 23nd of October,
.». 1“; "r,”.J.Clivcr gave us a bow: for “lC,OC0.00, with tne citizens Trust
”f : Guaranty company of‘”cst Virginia, as "urety, a copy of which
bond is enclosed. I think,thcrcfore,we ought to set up the plea of
independent contractor. l have Written to the Tending Company and
t 0 KrJ?.J.Oliver, as per copy of letter attached.
Yours truly,
. Alf A: (l¢///
{716%ka (.49. va Lj/
JEw/C . V/ Chief fingimaer of Construction
1*; ,0’1‘
cacl~ , . m‘fq ,, I
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" . 3 g ! Wet.25,1911
r' 3 i
-= ., v’
§ \m; i
x‘ ;
l. ‘.-
‘.‘”; r
Titian-mm my Surety 520.,
bleasa ha aéviadd that suifi baa i883 brow hfi by “lirabeth
5331512 :1:; 21:22.11 1‘31 ff‘Rf-TU. 1:1?!) for ‘.“?‘Ez's‘z ”123111211 in the {fix-Quit “mart of
?errg County €or ihn sum of *T,RfiW,CT fillerinr the; in Levamhcr
191a thile emvloyefi urea the $?9Giflf work 0? the Lexinrtgn K
Eastern Railway in ?err3 Bounty,ccnbrvotoé t0‘7.J.Cliver9 the
‘lainfiiff7s 1a93'19rg hruken :ni he suf?erad iasnves tonthe ezfiant
of $39.21 $5,511.39} .0.“, "ui‘a 323:; bang"- f"il£—¥1 2'1: ins”: Leighton ‘ flatly-any fi
anfl Lexingfion & Easfern Iailway Hempsnyo LeirhtOE , comrany fire
sub-coatruetors unfier‘”.lgfilivar, in Lia lfith day of "a: 1911 we
exocufia‘ with ".Jafiliver 3 Ban? in ihw sum of ffiyfififi.fi“ “rovi‘ins
fiLFt snifi‘”.3.cliver nnfi hi: “:Faty Waulfi Troteat ihe “nilvaid
vomtanv a? insfi all Claims far ignagas Sana b: the centrnfifiora
fiub—eontrficfiora a? ihe iuyloyafis cf aithu; he an; an? r11 h‘vsons
or preparty & rin- the trogrcae a? fihg forka ;mfl t0 holfi the
nailroaé SDH“THY hirmles: frsx $11 liena, garnishments,§ttschmgnts,
suits,ususes of fiCtiOfi in law a? inaquity, ”osts,e:pensez,ani
stiorfiays’ faea Srfisinr frcm or in con ecaion With any or fill the
fights,flugs¢v1ulms,flamfinfis or fivmngfis in this claus& finniionelq -
The shiiyatiOn fin regain in full force finfl fotat unfill Recember
Flfit, 1911.

' Gar flztorneys will make nnfiwsr he the tatition but rill
take no fuvfiier Sievfi in Th5479fenaeg aince unaar tha Lam? TS—
Earrcfl is it i: yomy ant: to rrotaei {he Tail: 26 30m any :9 inst
any racarary a? nortv‘

. Yougi truly, ,pf7
/“ , 1 . ’3‘?” .
,/ / an af ‘uplneer cg Ranch,uct10n
// ,1 v' /,
., V a A 1 .x /’ "/
$533,173 {1.11m} v/ //
czr 3:755: / L /

 ‘ V / /" ~ W / *7/
- ,__ law/y /’// ”M ///////// ////////// /r/7//////y; ”
/ 'V/ 2 « ' /‘ \I 6
W _/ ,/yu// /
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u /. //// (fl/l»; . , ; . .- ~/‘
flfljlj/{Ul/ / 7» f,- , // ,
. - (;l/x/yf/a. / _
, [
September 50th, 1911.
s. s. Jouett, Esq.,’ (/ MW
Winchester, Ky. /] X 3
Dear Sir:— 1* _
Enclosed I hand you summons from the Perry Circuit Court in
the suit of Frank Smith, plaintiff, vs. O.F.Leighton, W.L.Ambrose
and the Lexington & Eastern Railway Co., defendant£>which was served
on me this morning. I do not know what the suit is about, but Mr.
McDowell informs me that Leighton end Ambrose are sub-contractors.
Will you kindly take charge of the suit on our behalf, pro—
tect our interest, acknowledge receipt/that I may know you have it in
charge, and oblige
Yours truly,

 .SUMMONS ORDINARY. (Act 0! Legislature. March 29. 1902-) PRINTED AND sow 3v PARAGON Ppmrme Wonxs. BEAVER DAM. KY.
The Commonwealth of Kentucky,

You are commanded to summon ,,,,,;~
to answer, l7’l*\da1y8 after the service of this summons, u petition
filed againstxin theaCircuit Court,
and wurnthut upon 1quilurc to answer, the petition
will be taken for confessed, orwwill be proceeded against for contempt
and you will make duo return of this summons within*3’days after the
service thereof to the Clerk’s ofiicc of said Court.
Given under my hand, as Clerk of said Court, this iday of
, m T .,7 i 10 K /
..,.,..........1...................um...1..:....mnfi......u..m...u...-....RL... I. .... 1 /
=3 / ,1 . \\V .‘," '

‘Insert TEN it to county where suit is brought. and TWENTY if out of county. E ’

WEE—aw- _._ ‘.Wi,l___,_fi

 "1"! g’-}
4‘ ‘, .
File So. 947. ,
Perry Circuit Ceurt.
Frank Srith, Quin; hy ilizaheth Srith,
hie netmrgal finerdian mnfi yolher, Fl'inti?f.
ieirhton & Co., enfi Leriufiton &
*eetern ivilfiey 60., Defenflerge.
Ir3311123?!)Vii-{111W (‘2‘ '1'! :5 Pvfi fl: 3 tin-8+: 01".

Svéflh Claire thet he wee in {re errl.y of Eelyhton & $0.,
a rertrerehiv eovroeefl 0f 0. F. Leighton end W. L. Arbreqe, a Tert-
nerefiir ”Oiffi hn*iflewq 2e Lei hion e Co., em? refit We wee flireeted
is my nice a pile 0? loge enfi breeh eufi chop e eertflin llrh Wifih
en a? enfi that while enreved in thfit Work a leree rock juef efeve
hi? rolled flown eveiwet hie leg anfi broke it beéveen the axkle ens
Knee. Fe eleiwe that in efiflition him leg-wee raehed axe wruiggfi
no Thei *8 i9 n0”, end "ill 39 for ihe reet 0? hi? life, e arirrle.
3e nadir“ exec €H*t he Pee alreafly loet nine rnflthe a? rife.

I fivve a reverefiflur to #Ve eflfect that twin eleir r55
been eettled rrohallv iv {he Title Fvfirmnty & fivrety Gmivrny of
fierefitofi, ?e. Toetton & Forfien can recheklv tell you fiYOHZ thie eafi
in feet Pith reference t0 ell 1%eee Pervv rmttere it rill he Rivieew
file to 001??? With fiber fully heinre trkinr fiiy etere.

 a A .
i ‘\
O \
; ’I'/L.:! »
,,w“ P E R R Y C I R C U’I T C O U R T .
1 Frank Smith, suing by his mother and
natural gardiang Elizabeth Smith; Plaintiffa
Vsa Petitionw
0‘ 23¢, Keirfh‘ton a“ “7‘ 1.3 Amin‘oce, V
composing the firm of partnership of
Heighten & Cow and the
lexington & Eastern Railway Co,; Defenfiante. '
The filaintiffs Trenk Eirfciiivi3 tmo euea herein by his mother
and natural guardian? Eiizaheth Fwithy saye he is 19 years
of age: 1nd a reaifient of Perry Seumtyy Ventuoky; thai the
def‘endiu‘its, Os 77‘” iefg‘ziton rim? "‘"‘ 'II.. firinrcse? are partners
operating under the firm nave Ehfi style of ”Teiihion & CO,ii
anfi engaged in genereli construction work 0 n the line of the
Lexington & Tastern Railroad in Perry Gaunt:g Kentucky,; that
the defenfieot, Iexington & Eeetsrn Raiiway Compnay, is a cor=
. porition, createda organized and exiFtinq under and by virtue I
OF tV? iewe 0” t“e State 0? Textu03y eno his wower to contract
and he contracted with, and one aud he sued,
Plaintiffs sgsg Says that the defcndente are now and ' I
weee in tfie mouth of November3 1910, engaged in the work of
cons rooting a line of railroad tfirouwh Perry County; vamtmkyg
anfl part of said work was heino doen , around and near to the
mouih of Tasou’e Creek in Said County. He gays that in U16 non—
th of November} 1910, he was in the employ of the seid defenv
dents in doin: this work! as e cowwonlahorer and in this em-
' p‘cyment he was under the special Supervision and direction of I
‘ the {EGFBIId-ETWS 5(de 8310:"; {7910-} and p :11"er Qf‘ ‘,‘IOY‘k (10315 by
3 him enfi every act in the performance thereof was by special ' j

 * . c
. direction of the said defendants. He says that while he was
in this employment, he was directed by the defendents to 30
upon a niei pile 0? logs and brush and chop a certain limb in
two piecee with an axe; that he did as he was direct-d. He say: _
that before an d at the time he followed this derection, and
' chopped this limb, he did not know that this was a dangerous
piece of worker that any danger attended same; and had no means
Of RUOWiHT Sfi‘e, but the said defendants negliqently and withv
out exercising that degree of care which ordinarily prudent
men wiiixfinx would have exercised under like an eimiliar
circumstances directed him to do this work and sent him in to a
place of danger enc by reason of such newlinince a large 10g -
just above him rolled flown against his leg and broke his 188
iNSt above tee ankle inn mashed end bruised the game, ~
Plaintiff says tint at the time of this injury he was a
comm0n lincrer and hi: earning capacity was $1.50 per dayQHe
says that as a result of this injury he suffered nncn physical '
' pain and an ufsb and was unable to fierform and manual labor or
earn anything for e neriod of nine months. we Stxs that his lx
193 his been so badly damaged and mashed in that he will be a
cripple For life, and the member could not have neen and cannot
now be made as sound end well as it was before the injury, He
says that his earning capacity has been greatly deminiehed for
the remainder of hi? days by reason of this injury,
Plaintiff sage tnit by reason of this injury he has been
damaged in the sum of $5000.00 ?ive thousand dollats.
WEBB BTURE: plaint