xt73bk16mf8w_323 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [255a] N.M. Hall v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court text [255a] N.M. Hall v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_32/Folder_4/0073.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_323 xt73bk16mf8w ‘ I.." ‘KII . I
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.:'.g‘mrrf'nqvfw’pm'gwkl-‘W'fiwrflfir VFW _W-QW _ V‘>)WM_V‘W: / .7 . U _4 W V. nay-4.14m I, , W rim“; __. m4..- ,Wfi ,,, W ..4 ,,U,.,., 4 ”fur-'trrrrtvwxcmh «mm—:**”“W’m—zw "..4 '

 . , it"; u
‘ June 4th, 1912. ' . , .
' 33:, George dopianri, Trees”. ‘
i Lexington 8: Eastern “xi-“y Co., i I V. .
[ Lexiz‘igton, Ki]. 1 . i % i » '
Dear 8133:— i . i ' Q ' . .
i ‘ Enclosee. herewith I hand %= sit or? W. {all for ’ i '
$8551.05, the anonnt of the cheek {5&0 Hell in the settler‘ent ‘
of his 512-1: at emites‘mirg. - erf‘ignring the costs, however, we , ,
/ foam; that there was a iiQefiAS and this was paid “back to .
tfr. Fielrisg I send n his check to the corners; for that I
enou‘z'it . % .
' $ Yours very truly, ' . I 1'
ESJ/CCP. Q , jj
, $1101. ‘ 4
I _ General Counsel.

 L 1".
fax "W"
\. ~ 1» .
May 29th, 191:3.
3.:-.“. I). 3. Fields, .
‘7FIcivteshzzrg, Try. §
V W32m Wivz— Q
We are in 1"?09i7‘t of your? Yb ‘ f the 37th inst” enclos-
’ in: reclaim 07" ‘"‘-f. if. 352.11 for $355.05 - .. check for {iii—3.53:5 refund, '
for Which we troy you. 12’. omit _'.. mill at Hagar-i But will he
hose 1:21 2 do}? or two. ‘ , V
' %, 7121132, '
Q Stonogwcziher. »

 a D,nELns L_w.p.ELDs
LAM/V1535 I: 3' . i
'| . f ;l "”
May 27 1,11, 1912.
’47. 9. Jonot‘z, Esq”

“ear ?11‘5- .

/L} I received the check for Wm. Hall, but on a recalculation, we
‘iljonly owed him fi255.05, we found that the Clerk had made a mistake in
calculatio" of the cost.

I delivered fihs check to Kr. Hall and took his rscsipt there-
for, and T enclose same to you with my check for 32.45, he refunded me
that amount.

You will nofiice that Ionroe Fields had the rscspt state that
ii was a cbock the; wars receiving and he refused to permit Hall to mdrk
file judrment s.tisfied nnfiil file check is paid..

?ks; all seem to ant fio throw as much suspicion as possible
on tfis railroad cowpary.

I will answer-your other communications some time today or

Yours truly, K97Z¢z;cie egg
' Ia

 V ' 4
- ‘ 1181/ :33m, 193.233.
lie-ass. 33. 3. “Fields .9: Son, . . ,
":'hiteslmrf, 3511'. ’ A I
Earlier-”fern? , ‘ ' ' .
Please find here-"iii: 13'. i=2. 3@ s ck for i;85'?.50. You
will please see to it it nis ett ‘9 “roves :‘:"EzfgfiTLf-l‘ t3 bin. I
let receipt :1:er hwe 5% easier on J record,
0 ‘r: l 3'. girl 31.5.: V ‘ '
_ § , 3:; 73‘3”", ‘

2133/ GOP. ' *

Enel. , , 4 .
I ® G-eii'zerel Counsel.

 I . _ I.
3 i
\\ 'r; ‘ .
4 - l " :
. A}. ,-
‘ Key gem, 193.2. ,
. 33:. George Conlend, "Bream, _ ~ .
Lexington 8: “even Railway Co., ,
Lexington, Ky. '
S .
Dear Sir:— .. »
- I ., A”. ,a
- “we ‘énqt ‘?e "011ml. ”The '1? ‘. 1 check *or $357.00 v8.8
V cut 877‘??? '?.-o carefully whining" “IQ that 1r1‘rae forgotten. I
:31? 1:3; this Trail gaming; it t» 132.. Fields. ‘
' - \J - - ' ~..
‘ .t'y “singly, .
. tea/cw. _
. ' General 001111381.
0 .

 _ _ , ,
' 2 '
l‘ X. 2'
3 aw’ ,
Hay 315E, 1912.
Ur. 13.3. Fields. _ _
Whiteshurfi, Ky¢ '
Bear 813:» ’ ‘ ,
I will have to flat you to ask W . Hall to rive us a few
fiéys *urthar indulgence in the Tatter of’qb*i:\ his juflgrent. The
' check was Failed to re by H3. Ccylanfi :2 s“eek ago, but rag either
‘ lost 13 the r?i; or a?ter ii care to := s“i;pe. 2? it care into-
the office I a? sure th?t it wag r ?bd‘ *L; an is you or to Er.
Hall. I will arrange to get a flup .cafc -heck $20? $3. Coyland but
before doing qo “oulfi like to have a ‘Wse ire? you afivising we that -
it has not vefi reached van.

As $005 5% I fl? v « Ely to this 1 Will rake aflfidavit
anfl 79$ dunlicate check _ age Fr. Hall enfl explain it to nix
nnfi aflvige We at once g. L; can have the inforrsfiion up to Gate
tkat t*e cheek H29 P"§§<<3r» deliversd When I ask $0? the ambit—

<;;E:> Yenjs vey/ irwlyg
“' ”n p
,,JSJ/ JG...
General Goungel.

friey 818‘s, 1913. ‘ ‘
I N 11°. George Copland, “Bream, .
I Lexington 6: Eastern Railway 00., ‘ , . ‘
. I,e.::i‘v';.,ctto:‘z, E137. %
A hear Sirzl- ' ' ~ '
Replying: to your favor of .‘- inst., relative to the. .
I check regreiéle to '=". :5. Hall, rill r\Qvat I have 1va recollection of
, ever receiving: it, her hee ‘“‘ . ”e who keeps wretty close run of '
‘ , r37 corresporzdcnce. ® 3 3

I have vari‘ % 2).. ‘E‘ields to knew Whether by any hoe-
sibility he could Q‘g .....ed. hire or ‘37:”. 3.3:. Hall by this tire. As
seen as l hear® if he says they have not received it, I
don't 3:310:37 3.21%. 3 else to 52.0 except to halcyon to have a duplicate
ieevefl. 3’. “ill write you further about it i‘rlthln the next. few days. .

Yours Very truly, A
ESJ/Gce. '3
' General Counsel.

 “ ’../"\x
. ’ ) j L)
, NOTICE TO TAKE DEPOSITIONS - Eagle Printery, VVhlteSbm‘g, Ky.
The Commonwealth of Kentucky,
' W W Waumcmcun COURT
1AM... .‘ ...PLAINTIFF
/ versus NOTICE; T
L/ ‘ 0 AKE
JV/ilrxt‘7é7ptm V géLMSV" ‘ DEPOSITIONS ‘
1 fflfl‘Lflwa/jé .90., .. . . DEFENDANT )
N f“ " fi/
willtakenoticcthaton he ...j..\.u..,..dayoffMW&:/LL..‘.. .. ..1912]
between the hours of ...g..o’clov ...M., and ./}.é..o’clock.z§rj ., at the. %a*%fl
the. ”Wfl LAW . ..Vvillproceodtotakethe Depositionsof
tobereadaseviden:cein..... .. ..... ..,V._beha1fintheabovesuitandwill
continue the taking from tim to me until completed.
fl) .1 ' .
Thisvagdldayof..%fiw'w ...191/. ‘
K7 /
WM #5m%w flacKa/fa (“a
. By flWAttorney

 K 5/ . , .
WV \ . .
\3 . \ \ 5 922 // ' 5
\}‘§ Q\\. 5\‘ V: mWPLFF ‘
§ ’: :Q B» Q..“); versus: T0 TIgllkggeositions.
L \ , 7 2 ,. ’
i3 3 5 \\'
5: 4 E 5 ‘
555 .
3‘ 55 > \‘2 ~ ,
k. \Q %\\N 415-5. /D. D. FIELDS /‘ 1‘:/W
._‘E 5% \‘p \§\:: Att’yfor/‘gyfi/éfi
\ , / “x; ‘ 5“ ___-—
. \1 ‘
55X ,5
: 731$

 DD. Ple08& SON N -
LAM/Yeas U U
K ’
t. /)
March 19th, 1912.
E.S.J0uett, Esq.,
winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir:- L
I saw Wm. Hall with reference to the settlement
of his clahn on the basis you mentioned, to-wit: one-half of
his claim, which would be about $220.00, and they agreed to
accept that proposition on this condition, that you will agree
that the deed be construed by the court to be bonding on the
Company to pay $1,000.00, per acre for any land they may
hereafter take under the provision in the deed and that
you pay this $220.00 for the damage to the land and allow hm
him to remain the title holder of the land, that is for
the extra width.

Now if the Company wants to settle on this basis, I can
arrange the settlement and I will ascertain the annunt to-
gether with the cost, so that they can send a check and have
it here by the time court convenes.

You can confer with the chief Engineer, but I feel
sure that they have no more use for any land on his land,
and if they should build a spur line or anything like that
ofcourse they would hot have to take, nor could not take
it under this deed.

Awaiting your reply, I remain,

Yours truly, K§ Kogg: I
f 7 Au (lg

 erfl/éza QC.
I/sjéf/{j’f (4. I “(5f j

 //’\ /‘ '”7 . ‘ / -
r/gmy/éfi/mfi éjé/W%/%t%%/%/tfl//
[ Giggwgfizfl5éggg2aé/ V
‘: ngiéfiéff /%/r ;ggg7' if LZE5K?
"MN MW _ . 5”?”5 %/ May 18, 1912.
f §q£lg§ if if
. E I
Mr. E. S. Jouett, ' E ,5
General Counsel, , /F
Winchester, Ky. //”
Dear Sir:- “

Replying to yours of 16th inst. received this morning,
yours of 3rd inst. Was duly received but you do not quote it correctly
as you inserted after "check" "payable to W. M. Hall", and I accordingly
drew check in that name on 4th inst. and directed it to be sent to
you, and as there was no address on the check it could not have been
sent otherwise. There was a letter sent you the same day enclosing
Eubanks expense account to be sent to Mr. Peyton for voucher, and it
may have been enclosed with that letter although it is not mentioned.

- I have as requested sent check to Wootton & morgan for
$1,000.00 direct.
Yours truly,

 [a u % (av/é" (1- vwfi
, r “7 ’ {XI /C//?k {,,. 5]
(L—aifl 'LLifi? “ " ‘ " ' k—

 l/ _ n
331°. 1‘:. ?‘x. Field-9,
' i'fhitesbuz'g";, Ky.
33921: 9717.2 :— - .
' 022 17 5rd. I wrote 2119' '?reagui Q -0 . '36. re check for the
_ 33:11:11 3134;732th am“: cost-<3 em I =3w~w¢e® 23mm sent on to you
flirt/31.23531 I have no record of it in 71%..-. I hrizve written 311". 007:2-
lami. :rair‘. ioflay 9r will at“! a you :.'1731thaz’ 32:31:“ the 1:631:15 flay
~ 01’ tvf-OI > ‘ V
very truly,
EEK/COP. , .
Q General 001111891.

 ‘ ’,’-fl. ,, / II; ‘ , .
‘ /) [Y \\j .
U .
/ ' May 16th, 1912:.
33.". Gefirge Cozrlanfl, Treaa,
Lexington 8: Eastern 32121117311? 00., ‘ ’
Lemma-£011, Pry. '
Icy (3.3333 Sir:— 3
On Eizy 3rd, 1918, I as follows: ‘
~ , . "‘573211 .011 please 8831". ?"8 J for $245.00 331113 $312.50 ' 1
costs in settlerent 01° '5 ~ unit 0.. far. ‘.:. 233.13. va. Lexington 8: .
”Eastern. Railway Gorigzan ' Will Forward it. than 1.037. 1"» y
Fields 8: Son for 938’; :‘v '113’: the fatterrvays for Hall and, to
eye??? you in the V 0‘ ,
I was mm 19981031 i‘nryt you :4th Fe this Che-(331:,
21111:. I bio "tot 1‘11". + 1 3 *‘ile‘ozi {my record of your waving done
so, rmr? inane @ 1: 1213 it. I arr“ 1.0773}; in receipt of a letter
:"1‘01‘.’ 1’3. “17'; Q. i715; 532?:10121. '1‘; 31°01“? viin‘"* asgwe that. eithar you ,
'16? mt. can”? it "'0 re or I Hid. not send it. 20 "3111+“. ”"111 you. 3:192:86
'mlirfiztan H: on the ram-jam, 71m o‘rlip'e 1 x 4
Yours‘ vewy truly, ~ .
, , General Counsel. ,
, ‘

LAM/{£35 {“9
. . \\ L
; \j
S L .
May 15th, 1912.
W. S. Jouett, qu.,
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir:-

Mr. wm. Hall is vory anxious for us to pay him and ‘
as you will remember, I sent you taxation of the cost, with
the amounfi of the judgment some time ago. ¥ou had advised
me to give him a draft but .5 t‘at would haye_lpft the

.)' 3; ‘ \, ‘.‘ u 4
cost unpaid, I thought it better just to let chock come for
fihe whola tfiing.

‘ Please have this sent up as early as you can.
Yours truly,

 ‘ ~....flum
. ' , ,_ , [I
2‘.'/‘("/‘ )7 (I, x’) I /) ‘,‘ g

 > " ‘..‘:
' 125%
. . 5%
‘ '2 1:
Zia-7y 53:11, 19123. ' '
- 3T1. .:3—eo::'§:e 0033132151, Trees. , \
Lear-zinfwon Eastern Railway Co., - ' j
Lexington, fir. ~ . _
‘ Decr Sirt— - \ ‘
‘ - . . (J.. » 1 h
Will you please send r-e aces. . 2';-$345.00 "plus $318.;30 _
costs in settleren’s of We 31;-“5:, of. ‘:’.r. .. 32511 vs. chirgton 8: Tas-
tern 11:11, Conn-any. 3: v1“??? it then ”so 1‘). E). Fir-318:8 8: Son ,
for seiislerent with if .. -\ “9:3 for £22.33. .n “to semi you in the
voucher. ,9 '
% Ycrrae vcrv t.?2’l?:.3t’g '
?“J/cen - ' . »
4:?3 I J.:-o
we“? Gomesel.

LAM/{£35 I
May 2nd, 1912.
E. S. Jouett, Esq.,
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
I enclose you herewith copy of the agreed judgment
in the case of wm. Hall vs. Lexington & Eastern Railway
Company, together with taxation of Plaintiff's cost therein.
Have check sent at once, to cover this, as the P131 ntiff
is getting very anxious about it.
Yours truly, \ fl./ . .
‘1 522:2, 54%! [[67

 ( )
x l ‘ y
l .
. 2
. l y , ,_
I 1 ,
1 _ ; f
f .
-. 4 .M A 5*. _. - a "1 x- "E .. ‘ .
“illivr l~~i'ml are. Lei-.:.; aura 3..: wt“ ..mi ~..c.
.,.. ,x h 4': ': ('.‘: :
.fiif-‘sl'il 50958; {.‘.'-1. o
" " 9" ‘1". “H" m ,.f
:00 .‘-s .‘It , ’... ‘3."‘5,
~34 .1 4. _ 5.. . ..‘. ’_.“.
‘ '1':,L!.;'?$ii,flf;,p 3‘]. ‘
.. f. r. rate s 71:) :-
V ' “ "v ‘ r1 “ .- .. ,.,, ..‘ ,‘.; v3 w :-
, I p! I? .9' :17 ""‘_f‘j" l .. ,7.,}; '7 K52) .— ‘.'-'.1"? ‘ ,1, ,,,"?! : 5:13. ' ;-_' 3... 53‘: “."lfi '_.-riff” ,
A : . ...,- .. _ , . , ., ,_’ V “ ., 1.1:... . ,.‘
mm} 0‘5 east »=~.- ,.,,” it, .“- r. ._mt or. : me hate my. {lager ml.
“‘5 ’.X'Fi‘}: -"",’:'€ 1”“? {L3 7 “*5 = 51"",3' ”"‘. "4"“; fr”: :7? I ifjfiil-‘i'zf‘i'fl {a}?-,~*g~,~"_;;j:)'i-'_“»;§§ 5“}"W‘3‘va’i31',
“’ 12"}? ‘5") :..¢;»,';w57l13.(-?§“"1 T’} ft?!“ ('331% .- ‘ _if;,'1f§ [51.95 3,} nil-1;), 5.24th ’01:, .21 Qf
‘ " .,- , a , . ”_': L”. J . .,X ._ ..‘ ’ '... , , ;. A» n I..} .r.. ‘3 ‘ ‘..., .,,.
a 2“}‘31‘53u tees .:f‘ * ._ « nurse or t— at instill ~ ill Elfin
‘"' ’ 4' I ”’.'“ ' ' ' ‘~ ‘ f g ”H: "“'" “I 1 "'3 ” u" ”‘5‘?” ll‘f ”an!” '.";- 973‘?» {fury ("M-,‘.? I'Efg'wi :3: 11";{3
“ 3'3 tr ,3 ‘12. (jug; 1);, v.-.__ ., \ r 2,3: ..1 £335.“. {.4. ,....-4 o ”0‘ e- l .9 w -- .»: ;. . c .. a .:e
=‘ , W,» {Ere ' Qi§ ' - ctr: ~;:7v'::e item t.~'::':*:’~ e We? rune .
l r
T in "1th .; r t st {CW-t rite N '..: :1“ Barrera We. Arrears a
.... . ., . 0 ~ - , r2, ~ 1m '37???” Oz' r" a
, Maurie, “fizz-:22,- ‘30:.‘uett i; a. 45? e, new”? em, , ,,,. ._ .t or; yxol ,.s
T I ' ‘"' .. v‘ ”1' i ‘3 'r y "'w 1 ‘3 .’.vf» r 7 7‘.-,.,. "'.-m :21 .3 V;”.:'3‘6'Kf r? ’1 Fry“? r-cgfiffi
can! f<.'_‘—r""e‘5'~-'33,}. ;.nr. ; i,‘.f‘.e?tl.. a. .~.‘st‘.,.Ll’3, ;-. 9 .1 ._.. z .4 .1, . . ,7,.
r4 e {'."N. ‘
1, »m'nw ' -
' t m1”: {may}; ti“ 5A., y g
n I '0!-
‘ "CM/Um".
. A

LAM/«€55 -» / ,
. WHITESBURG.KY. // w :5
If ,5
1 .1 :. A ’ ,2 / //7/‘ / f
/ O/H/ // ”fl"
i « g .
W. S. Jouett, Esq.,
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir:- ‘
I received your letter of April 16th, containing
. the draft of the judgment in the Wm. Hall case, and I have
seen Mr. Warfield and he says the railroad company is not
occupying, now will never need to occupy any portion of the
strip of land in controversy.
mhe judgment calls for §245.00 and the original claim
was #490.00, so that is just one-half.
I wired you this morning that the Isom case against the
Swift Coal & Timber company at pichmond would he continued,
and I write this morning to confirm.that telegram. The Swift
Coal & mimher empany did not want this case pressed at the
present time and I have an agreement from W. 8. Dixon and -
W.E.Hogg the attorneys for the Plaintiff and the cross-
defendants, K.U.Co., to continue the case andif the matter
is not disposed of some other way, we have‘to meet with
Judpe Dixon of Louisville, at some of Judge nochran's courts
or at some place that he will take up and try the demurrer,
but we will wait to hear from the swift people before we
set the time.
I will not come to pichmond as that case is continued.
The cases of W.V.Dixon against Adams & Sulvan &c., and
’ gusana Cornett against the same parties, and George Hogg
against Harrison & neynolds, &c. and Campbell Mitchell
against Mellon & Beorne Drosi, &c., have all been dismissed
settled, and as soon as the smoke clears away, I will send
you a list of all new suits. -’ ,
Yours truly, /}/}./{ eff/5V
, ,
' «A

 O ' .
‘ l
April 16th, 1912. “
’hr. 3. 3. Fields, ‘
whitesturg, Ky. ' ‘ 1 ‘ 1
Dear Sir:~ ' _ V ‘
I have just received your lot,1 the 15th inst., return-
ing the draft of the Proposed agreed j-13 so. u the case of William
Hall vs. Lexington & Eastern Pailray ‘s .
, I did not under the phy .. ‘..{itiOflS when I wrote you.
I wrote the Louisville office sor in «do and they were satisfied .-
we would not need any additional 1. but I did not know that we '
1 had only gotten this additio11l strip for borrow purposes. If the
situation is as you say so 1 11 do not need any of this additional
strip and we are not now ~~, r, a any of it, then it Will be all
right to enter the judr.~ ' ,, i. isrrerared, but it would not be
proper if we are actigéj 1 Lying Yrith our road bed any Fart of
the additioral str" 1 <:> '
I '.1-"is Q‘um see Fir. '1'-fa::~7e?ield at once and. born from
hit derinifelr mln‘fas*eavdil need any Tore of the additional strip
- ' explaining t- A r ' .. we are Willing to rake a settlerent and treat '
it as a derog1 or; “if you have sirply taken off the surface and do
‘ not need the lock ftseif. or course, he naturally knows the exact
line and the probable needs a? the conpany better than you or I, so
if he agrees with you in your opinion about our having 1‘0 need of
any of this additional strip you will please close up the juigment
on the lines indicated.
I notice that the judgrent cells for $245.00. Ky underh
standing was that it was to he onetheif of the arount ciaired, but
this sears to he a little wore. Till you adjust that properly? - .
I an returning the ins rent herewith as you requested to-
be redrawn as I h von’t tire to have it done in wy office‘before
catching the next rail. \
Yburs very truly,
131101. Y
' , General Counsel. ~

 Q. ' - . ‘
, , ' 99911 19th, 1919. . _ '

Ir. 3. 3. 919199, ' ‘ ' I .

flimsburg, ‘:‘fy. ' ' \
Dear Sir:- I

If 3991: have 1101‘, settled the 3:. 22.9 11 it is hung: 1113

09131.55 1'10 our 111133999 to 99 779‘ d to "3119 97991119 sad-
95.319991 99911:, I 995235969; '11:. if? Q» {yet :1 99991111391031 of the
extra 19.1121 9:9 tack, even *1th if; 19113125719 1617.11 fifid-itiosflal ‘1‘-«run-
aary asked. for, 199 1“13.3; . 99093111113: :3 deed. for the Sdéitional
stri‘i’l actually 09011:“ , 99;. 12?. Wax-field 'ihinkg that 99 9713.1
83.363 any 999.1%. 1093.9 If the 5394;153:9931“: i9 wade ”i9 1999'
please draw ti 1.». 1131.5: 9 9999919151011 confcrriirig: to €399 ground
”999119.113! Von . _ think 1:79 93101115 "wave a deer? for “91mm" *’.-'9
oceuyy. >

. Y 011319 very truly, " . ‘

LAMA/£35 : “
April 15th, 1912.
Ti}. 3. Jouett, ESQ",
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
I received to-night the judgment, or rather the
agreed judgment in the case of Wm. Hall against L. & ‘
E. By. 00., and I return it back to you with this exclamation,
Mr. Hall only proposes to settle on conditions that he retain
the title to the land and that the one—lalf of his claim
in the petition be paid to him for the injury.
Now the Compary has no use, earthly for this land,
they have taken, they have only taken the dirt off of it for
t e fill, and it is where tie fill will not wash away, and
for that reason it will not be necessary for them to have any
moreland and if they needed any more land, it is already
a deep out, so that we will have to settle and allow him to
keep the-land, therefore instuuct me whether or not you
want the case settled according to the judgment as prepared
by them, if so, return it to me and I wll re—write it so as
to era 6 that portion of it which you have stricken out.
Yours truly, 1
[\‘90: Z: ACE.“ C'ka

 ”13555. lesfié?“ 1
April 9th, 1912.
E. S. Jouett, IEsq.”
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
We enclose you herewith copy of judgment proposed.
to be entered by attorneys for Hall in the case of Hall vs.
I. 81: E.
If some is satisfactory to you, please return it
that I may have it entered) affix/W1 @dv/wflj» QAW~¢M_
Yours truly, fl [>J7flvéfl ”bk
/ ,

 l fl 921W .
9 w wag/7w
/ r3 % as '
5"” 1%“? is» a/«g M: We W
W‘ 3M» W M , WW 5 7-
a...” W , a M a.
fir w W” Wm“ WM W
‘ WV 4_- w, ,_,L)‘ ‘~‘:
/?/L M gnaw—Ir Mfivflyvhwiflyw ’90
L? 3% Ate-JLW M p
; Wis-— W W 1M
7 717 " ~/4— V
;W M ““7“ ff: ffl%m
‘ ‘ M %M M' W .45-
fl’v/ _ 7; My [L.L/44 gMa , 7’s-
‘ W_ ’.4.de '5‘5’
1 I; W7—gr7-X— L.5-:3"
-,‘ 1.7% %<’ » V315»
: ‘ ' ' /1i\5\a
. , 62 / W, fi/flm 6'”?

 ’ «

 /’ 7 . .iy, ,”Qvi .,Zj7> ,/ ’7fi7
0 jut/gm; _ . - Apr 11 6.1912
%;//é;rr/%//Ziz , . a , _;\
AK sins-131mmlofmv‘a’mzl. ’ :_:/5 2
J i 9/
Mr. E. L. Jouett,
General Counsel L&E Ry Co.,
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir,
I hand you herewith memorandum of April 6th from

Mr. H. E. Williams, Assistant Chief Engineer of Construction,

relative to suggested settlement for right of way reguired through

the property of Wm. Hall. Please make such settlement with Mr.

Hall as, in your judgment, is best under the conditions.

I should be glad if you would endeavor to get the
matter settled at the earliest convenient date.
Yours truld;Z;_‘AVJV/f:::)
/ // Assistant to President and
C/‘ Chief Engineer of Construction.

II’! E I
o ”“‘
IN YOUR REPLY REFER I; ;r' _I_ b_7L\J’_L"._j
1.11‘. J 01111 Hot/:3 "3:23712011
I L," ”flip «~qu jnxm aw ,.,_. 'II‘-Pym
_LC'CLLLIl 4'..... UIJ‘ an; L) ».V v.03? UJ. OHS Q‘JUAL
sent .219 11'11311 I,IJ";I3 01‘ Eye lira. UK: -1‘ 1:er 01501131311063,
'1: .'If),1_L'I. seem 311:1": we :32'13‘3‘311 L330 re "03.0 I19 I"; :3OLLLOI'I-311t -
‘I.‘Io can 11";IILI 1'22. Nail. Our ::ZJMJOEEIByS mm“; so ‘01:: to
Sigh-1111 1:110 ‘:-:3tt=i=;‘ 7.70 _. Tiall 'Iivirx' :13 111111 L‘ ’5 "61:8
l‘lf‘il'fi (If LIL}? agent I 0‘ III): :;‘:,I:;L.I-\:Irjrtod '00 11:33:15 1:11:11 :11
O {0130113211117 rate in 31157 deed 1'01" 11:16.131311 L 1'1'71It 31‘ ',r :7;
that the 1111010 III tater 1s ::. :1::311 aerzétzum1:13 (L110 :3 ”one
Iigrures in 13110 deed D8111" 313111105. TO mean ”17100.00 jjOI‘
1.10:9 1.1153'130361 (.II -.‘r‘-LUUU.UU 7:3 113M; on, 3416; 3.911217 1.1; 173::
”5.31:1“:"2211; that one "(7" had men draped. 121 xn‘1t1;‘-¢ “C"O / ,fi’
311011.121: 33.110: 1353 “LJUUVTJU ‘:’I? :3 0::‘71‘emrsed 1311].: 1,:: (.;O:L,I-:.'1's,(fl¢5 Mfl
I..‘.) 09:21ng Hot 11311;” :'v-3I..".I‘I..
110 33 _LIL'I. I.IO :,;:LV:I_:3=3c-L ”011213 I1:I"L 1:733 :.:L'L023‘1 :11
»n » firm 1”» ,‘. ‘ , l\'\1r ._, ~- .7-1¢ . _._. .,.; r3 w 1_an U”
0. LI) “H.110 LI. JL):..L.L1._/, euufl LLLLI. 1.1 L-I) l; G 1 '59 01 we. \.I
at Linc Ligye v.8 0.3m: ’..’1113 11136.0, 17324:“ deea ‘.I;g£7
. ,.,, , x/ /
£7529» MIMI/L91 /,/mr,/gt/(Z, ,/ y ,,5, ‘ ' 7
flj/ ,,¢%Wgéfimmef .:%Z%*;g2%7éfl%/%WfiflZé/¢;3/%6vzézaégé
ké/gVfl/Z/éd/ryf/E %fl’fllfiflfl74 /
9193/. flzlrlrzl'zfifla’mzqu / 7
K. Km / - , ,
/ I.,j .f ;[r r31. {; , // , ,, .
//%ua'(// éfisfgiywwn .luéawfizméétéga April 2, 1912.
E. s. Jouett, Esq., ‘
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir:
——In Re William Hall Deed.——

I have your letter of the let instant, inclosing
copy of your letter of March Slst to Mr. John Howe Peyton,
Chief Engineer of Construction of the L. d N., relative to
the above—styled matter.

It seems to me that. in View of the fact that the
$1,000 was a mistake in fact when put into the deed, you would
be justified in settling at a less figure without explaining
the situation to Hall.

/ ,/'
o ,1'/',’
Yours tr ,‘7/
x ’ ’,'//K’7” «\
,,Mflt fitom

 . ~ . 1: ...».
1‘ f; "T1
1 f’ i f
.1'; :..}
In re we. Hell deed. i I
1;, L)
1 April lot, 1912.
Nr. 0. H. Hoorreh, ~ ' 1
Aet. District Atty” ' ‘
L. (Q: N" PLO R. C00,
Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir:— ' <3
‘ we took a contract fro? #11 's' 1e11, of Letcher County,
at $100.00 per acre. Later when the g; s executed the purchase
honey was figured on this basis, bE§::§;IQ. ioihg for the taking
thereafter for such additional str-.s r~ ye right need the price was
fixed at $1,000.00 per acre.

Hr. Willoughby en. “530 sore correspondence and evifiehtly
from ohe of ry letters them::§::gktood thst I euthorized it to be
corrected on the deed, pu1‘iEgjvt.er 016 not so state end I did not
so understand. Sore reab1ޤ-j;lrsards when we undertook to take an
edditiohel strip Ha I ' ' xx ; $1,000.00 ehfl I cleired that the flood

‘ showed only $100.0 ‘kugh the record. was $51,000.00. ‘r‘fhen he
' sued I fileo an EV-w-1 .- ing up the fact that there had been a
rieteke in the c7: ”r .ecord. I forgot entirely about the corre-
eponoehce Wit- re:§;!ie to the deeo itself actually showing the
€31, 000.00 anfl®oe96 was sent to re more Louisville it showed
_ . only $100.00. 1
' I spoke to He. Peyton ehout_thie the other day on a heels
of oneehelf inaswuch as I hofl discovered ere? an enlarged photograph
that the nought had been eddeo. He Wrote re thet Mr. Williers had
inferred hie that the change was Fade in the Louisville OIfice, hav—
ing acted unfler a letter of fine advising thet the reel rrioe wee
_ $100.00.
having forgotten the earlier correspondence. I defended
upon the ground that the clerk had rode a ristake in recording the
‘ deed aoo rade Vy answer a counter-0331? against Hell and a GTO$S-
petition ageihet his Wife, eeking that the cloud be rerovefl by a
' correction of the record so as to show $100.00 insteafl of $1,000.00.
It now epreare, however, as etated-ebove, that this change was iade
1 by us, that is in the Louisville office.

We can settle with hell on the basis of $500.00 instead of

$1,000.00. In View of our ha;ihg presented the fieeo as being only

 . C- H. K. _2— ’ .
$100.00 and having set it up in an answer, the question of ethics ‘
' is Whether or not We should fliecloee ‘he true facts to Hall before
raking a settlerent with him now at the reduced figure. I am in-
clined to think that we ehould but don’t know that we should, and
am not sure that this is required in view of the facfithat there was
evidently a rietake in the original waking of the deed.
I eend you copy of FV letter to Mr. Peyton. Kindly lot
we Hear frow you about this, andoblige "
Youre very truly,
ESJ/CCP. . Q R ‘
Enel. \\
(::3 General Counsel.
(i9 '

 1. _ .
E . ‘11. = 1
é/v“"£ f
In 33 ?11112E Ball fleafi. j’f} twfi
- 1 {\J’;
' ‘ Hareh 301%, 3933.
Co ‘1". Co, 3.10 1": :':. TE." .:7. {300. .
Equiaviila, 1y.
”111111311 91:1: :-1 '
E hava jNOfi TOCOIVOO TORT Tarn. .latlie t9 C0?Tefliiflfl of .
{ha ”T. H911 flaafl'fwo? 311309.00 {G $71 31 TOT SOTO ”Or The DOS:-
;ionvl ZERO ifivt riflht VO Udefififl, T $- :inxiShOfi to EOSTU éWflé
KT. Tiliiafia EGO ? iettmr ??OE Us a 1231.1‘Eg FLT IO aarraet this
fiaefl UTOU it“ “EGO. I T“8?1385 SOUS ‘a,ihla aOrrOOTOSUOECO QUOut .
- tryinfi 10 set a COTTCODIOU OF ‘ha vac _w @fi 1he fiflflh ufimn She ifiea
thr: it *S” 1TT30??31? f“fi¢?’“f ' 1
I hive 101K3’Ufifi ‘ O,-O9?OtfiC-ae “OER? 52% “in?, :0?—
OVOT, 2%:: PT. 71110U¢h~ 3 ‘?‘t0 ”O on ESTER Tfh, 1911, afiviaing
Thfit #30 fiOOT avllefi “m‘:)“ ? '.00 TO? acre, EU” {Okiflg“£f tfiét was
me? C riétéke. E ‘T’qb §§>1n aha STU that it "$3 &3 LED “Tififi r38
only $100.00 3?? v TI *1. SOS flow?tleas iDC SOILS? “hinh tr.
”TZEIQTO ?Q§$§S to -O. h L 51* U0: inffinfi UO? ihfi flee“ EIOOZU to he
. ""11
' Tfiiv 1 " “vtiOn, it SCOTS, Cméiraiy T39Sfifl out O” I?
- TOTQTy in 3%” 53%.. Of‘hwévy “ark 9nd CUTTGV”GR“QHG@ ?Or whan gall
“SUE” 29$ Efiféa 19 TH? OOTTOODIOE OD THO UOOOVE, uni tha razfier Sore
rorthm 3?teé 9919 u: in the unit, O11 O? Ty cosyemyaufianseg a? $911
anikm Uldafixwe IEHmumrwi,1fiwU fix% 3 ECSZMRflRtimfithfit HSEGOOU
S” OTiWiH 13y WUittcn ?“ll®§ “Ur $100.09, 5&5 I figs our 30P?3 attor-
Lay, 3. ?. Ffielfifi, WOO? Lhe OOOO in k SOTO Eniii he ?Qtfl?*8i it to
r? in 334?? ?G ECTO it UhOtONDnvhwé. UHiO Z fiifl 5x4 Ahan Gisncveyed
that a "novvhtv SOOVOU 1O ROVO 1115 éfiflOfi. I afieovfiiatly wrote 3:.
"illourhTy On Janncry lvfh, 1933, SUFEOHtifig IWEt 1h? yhotmgrafih ~
ECONOO 19 STD“ Th”t the 9*fl1110333 nouxht EOE ‘OOE afiflefl in 2 33f-
“Orefit ink and I he” Oeciflafi no: 10 file it. E? raturnefi TO the -
1112711010 Tith 1:037:99 1:“ ”11011142 0%" 0:1-.21 my???111710.116113221311, 311,1? I jinx: :‘rlat-Irzad
OVOP Lt, Thinkinr I TED ??Tilifif with it, COO fiifi voé veinh the ?Oree .
CF’IFO Evita? afiaut the $1,000.a§.
Tull 3v. *illinvq ihét it i“ all rihht flfifi tfint I 3E flor-
tififld at ”orrmttiwv the fifiV1Ufil :dttér Whimfi anifi The ”iwnra was
$1;OO0.00, “flinh fnét 1% the Whale ”DUO“ O? 1“” LIST fierstaflfiififl.. I

 J. ‘3‘?- P0 ”‘33- _
7 pr "lmfi to know inst how it occurred “or E hrve 1“At-‘."!E‘Ifl A
. i ".‘n__ . .H v. . , _
c “ .,., 4‘ (:“. " ‘._. ,.. ..: , .._Pr ,. _J r; 1,. ',. "‘ m“ v“: ,’ .’ .r .‘
unjustly susrwotlma%anfi1tesnnrg van a. flair; -sr¢tninw Tlong.
-. - ‘ . ..V .. A“ .a
L "r still sstlsflsfi that the £3,000.00 new e iistano in
”set: it” esemrfiinrlv qr inelirsd 30 think that we rash; he jus-
tif‘infi iv; €;:'5‘?'_f.i’§‘z'.cr ‘."gt Hug “gaging-n {lie-five a” £53,800, ()0 ':'~~:33_~ gang sighs-at
Noni i. .5,,i.‘ i ,M m,; » .Lp,m, v . ,> _ W
svvleininw fhs sifwfiiisfl rs well; out E a? fist sure thtt we snorisn't
on is.” ”U .l. , .wiHVi ..s. A. -- ' ‘ “ ;
fliselmse to hi? the £339 faets, Hut tel; h}? that We souls nor fie—
. ‘ 6' ‘ ‘ 6 ... ~ - * - ~ . A- ‘4. .N a. I" ~. ”a
. 3334, Est Bron a ristske at $32 ul-rk in F9CQPdlw;g Ant HyOfl s :;s— .
- ’7 r l ,- ' .. I v, . A, ‘ ,m” ‘ ~~”,- ..~ . , ‘ .3,”
take a? the flraftsnwn in writ: 5 ans Jvfifl, 3:1 iuwn ;JOyose to satule .
in the were wry. .
A . . .. ..,. ,. - - h- '
”his fireqer‘xm 6: “nastier: or: .’:r ‘4 us n «high I and lime
“..“ ;iii o,“ w fins. » , ..,. 3
w. - " _'... w ‘ ' , - .= .“ +9, ‘. k f \ f.
to have your opinion ?e are 34v1siua r€::$J grant use settlaient