xt73bk16mf8w_325 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [257] Alex and Joanna Hargis v. L&E text [257] Alex and Joanna Hargis v. L&E 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_32/Folder_6/0225.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_325 xt73bk16mf8w / 4 4
. Jr-muery 2361211, 1913.
‘ $33.1". .A.. renewals,

Lexington, Ky. ‘ 4 I

[Dear 7311’:- - l
' I eve a letter from" Pollard _: 54.4 inn his angererent
t-‘rith re until Monday, in Which he as» th 9‘: 15 “Wit T'Tib’ 73‘? 0‘3
interest to you): ’
"Alex showed. his disepno _ ‘ nt. I-Ze was hoping: to get .
' sore non-fey out of us." . '
$3; truly,

ear/cos. .

 o. H.’POLLARD 3‘
\ .-.: ‘,
l' L '
\., ‘
January 23rd, 1918.
Mr. 3. S. Jouett,
Winchester, Ky.
Deer hr. Jouett:—

Answering your in uiry by wire just received with
reference to mhether an agreement had been reached for
Special Judge to try the Hargis Condemnation case, I suggested
to Mr. McGuire that we would like to agree upon a man and
would be glad to hear suggestions from his client. He took
the matter up with his client to—day and all he could get
out of him was that he would think about it and advise him
before Thursday. McGuire nor informs me that in his opinion »

Hsrgis will not agree upon anybody but Bach and will not agree
unless he is able to-secure promise of performance from the
Judge in stance. I am inclined to think that he is correct
in this, since this comports with Hergis' methods. 'thuire
suggests, in this connection, that while Beck was riding on a
Bass issued by the L. & 3.,Hergis had a mortgage on his farm.
You see he is therefore ”between the devil and the deep blue
sea". Should Hurgis suggest Bach I will suggest Patton and

‘ one or two others,— he may agree upon Patton. Should he
refuse to agree upon eny men that we suggest, I thinl it best
for us to tehe Bach. The only advantage in having e lawyer
try it is that it will facilitate matters and even a men who
hes agreed in advance to serve Hergis‘ purposes is preferable
to the Justice of the Peace before when the case will be tried
in the absence of an agreement.

I do not believe that either Patton or Back would
openly violate our rights unless they did so with belief that
they had deceived us into thinking that they were trying
treating us fairly.

I met Alex Hargis on the street yesterday and he
arproached me rith reference to the case and remarked that
he wanted tb have a friendly suit with the railroad to settle

' a legal guestion that was involved; that his position was,

. that it was not necessary to take the land for railroad
purposes and that he wanted he it understood that it was
merely a friendly suit to settle a guestion. I, of course,
met him in the proper spirit and declared that we understood
it to be a friendly suit.

fours truly,
fl/ 7 fi/r/a Aw 42/2/72 //,, , >

JACKSON. KY. y" :5
Jan. 25rd, 1912.
fir. E. E. Jouett,
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Mr. Jouett:
Replying to your request that I send you list
of authorities, I beg leave to advise that I have carefully
exafiinefl my files which contain all the letters I have
receivefl from you since Sept. 5th, 1910, The only letter
I have ever received containing any list of authorities is
a note writ‘en in pcnril on a scratch pad, Without date,
a copy of which I herewith enclose. 7
Yours truly,
We» We»?
‘ /
e ‘ cfi'fifi '
/ , 49:,“ 56-4 K 4 V
//I 6/ 5L . »
/ // f4") ‘71 e/c/ y U‘g—KVJ<
«z/ / K
I , J, 4"1 ,,
[.’: ya?
( w (‘2' ”I"
‘,‘) 57), Zzg(;r /;;—
foféZZ—L—t-J‘t“‘ '
,:z X" M‘Z‘t‘” ‘4 /¢%(
/7 (71( ’
;‘gbz»f‘» K E;§;2;;4>¢>1‘1<. ’A /l‘
.- Vt ( ‘_J / t c 7 fl / (3";{9
a: 4%“ 9% A/«M ~
k fr M/Q/

/ ;
// xii/l I
{IN- I: {\../"'6! /
Jackson, Ky., Jan. 25,1912.
. Mr. E. S. Jouett,
Arrangements have been made to hold case until you
arrive Thureday Morning.
No arrangements have been made with reference to Spe-
cial judge. _
Letter in tonight's mail

 . /" ’,']
‘ in re Eargis condernation. , :’fin' f ' '
1 Jamar-y 191th, 3.91:3.
2.11". O. E:- Fallafi’d. .
Jami-£93331, Hy. -
“3’” Siri— . '
. Readyinr: to your letter of." the 18+ 132%., will ‘33 that
I Mink. your suggestion to nave Bach m. 10.04;: 371 try the case i: the
a C*T“a,3.é'2’..}’ Court is e yon-','? one. -
\1 The 7.3.": :5'-.1 before ’.éf'oiasit‘tv‘ *"-:>13.3 . course, 3.73 a “7‘311‘ee. fiha
-“1/”3%“ filiflnyl‘fl in 33333733593912.5th For . 3. «ever, .19.: little 1oeX
.L. W $3:ffirtféf’iébflfiee '1‘-ware is or .-'..: . jury pierces. 123“: at the in—
- hens of '1‘ The. rlezf‘cnrmnt “"".ib?! Will in ‘ 1 exorbitant verfiicto Bow-—
‘ ever, I think it rroj‘wer that “re 33320 fight it all along: the line
rand ‘3=??? "‘31!.'§‘?‘..‘t thei’efcre “to '30 .’: best tire can in Comm? Covrt
. "2331071533“. re 6'0 ezneot 3.: 331 to the Circuit C'onrt.
’1'; between C . - k 311:? Patton, I can’t; write intilers‘tané
. the "i’TIEQEiOI’T’S “notes-'39.. Q - ‘1 the?“ 3‘ E‘I'i-rg‘is well enough to (lets?-
3313333 “:..-3,333 n woulr Q ',.": .3123: Will 11:::::_~.-'€: th' *‘; for you to 66303436.
' 1'35“? r2132"? . Way ':.omrrcw one? iii: 3.3113. he inz'mereffl'le for
' 7.'-‘.1 to core '.: x11, 113:1: :1;3-‘I' morn-€3.33? 5'3 33037;: of“ Wis. letter to
2.132. i.f.cfxw'ell , “4;“! .7 31‘1'wa filer? :‘:‘or 13m:s_to confer with 951 :33'16.
”*.:7‘rmw~:a* ,’3-.33 v awe": ”ill reef. V'V ennrovnl. 1
Yo: 17: 53 very tzémly, '
W313 / (“”13 :‘
“NJ I .I‘./-0 .

 A//////y/////m// f/U/bflj/fl/éfl/N//////////y/
Z?é%é§5%b@9Z’ {/Vg7 . ,7//{Q
.zmmzzzZ/flmlfym; , ATéI/yy 72;/1' jyl/
// A." 5 January [123131, 19155;.
.:ka 5 119 LC. .
..9 .;9..,
- inches ..:3; ,
gear Cir:—
ZiefeILIinng; :;o Llufiggc L‘ollsrfi‘s letter LU you 02' pix“: 18th
111.139.2113; 1;.“ .I:'..E'. the :.:-:IIgis: case (0011;; of! ‘.II‘.’I.:i.<3h he var; "i-cineilja' sent me) I
butt in to 99 32:99 i :.1 ;yiee xvi—51:». 3219 .'.’:1<15e,IUha1; this; case :::}:ould. not
00 “1513100, heifI'oizzIe..LI.1 worry, 3.17mi of 5110 Uhree 1.'.-1‘~.Irjreras i TKO/1.115. prefer
Payton. _
1’ o 111' s 1; 117.1 .
- /
.1011 8 Ta? 1 9-5.1157. :0 1‘ .

/ ,3; .
//,.4 L") .j
.m a) f
_ Ean. 18th, 1912.
Hon. E. S. Jeuett,
. winchester, Ky.
Dear Mr. Jouett:-

I acknowledge receipt of your favor of the
17th. I advised you yesterday that the Hsrgis case was set
for trial Ihursdey of next neck. Judge Hegins informs me
that he will decline to preside in this case. He and Eergis
are not on speaking terms and are very hitter towards each
other and under these circumstances he feels that he should
decline. The nearest hepistrete is Charles Terry, 3 man
without judgment,intellectu3113 dull, and I belieVe hostile
to both parties. I know he is hostile to the railroad.

It might be well for us to agree upon some
lawyer to preside at this trial. In this connection, however,
I want to suggest that hergis will not agree to any one Whom
he does not believe will do whet he asks. I talked over this
matter Lith hr. McGuire toGdsy, as you know he is Hsrgis'
counsel, and he admits that He gis will not agree to any one V
except under the circumstances named above. He also admits
that Hergis is aware that Berry the nagistrate is not friendly
to him. thuire seys that viewing the thing from his stand—
point Hergis mould agree for Leonidas fiedwine, J. J. C. finch
or A. H. Patton to try the case. I would not in any event
be willing for Ledwine to try it since I am sure he rould do
what hergis told him. Patton and Bach are both riding on

' 7:1. S o J o _21_
passes issue& by the L a E. and while it is hard to tell
what either one oi them would do under ordinary circum—
stances, I would rather have either one of them preside at
this trial than ferry. I hardly thin; they would either
care to take the chance on loeing transnortetion by openly
violating our rights.

1 will be in Lexington Saturday and i: you
happen to be there we can talk thie mutter over. In the
mean while write me ;our Views.

fours truly,
. // 1 '1,» ’,' \.'
1 / /,'/y '.x/ /.
I: Opy‘ LO .1110 AL. “1;th

 In rs L. F: “I. vs. 7.73,;‘5'3'193. ,
‘ '.‘ z ‘1 ~ «'
. .:‘ . It Ji‘fltllflf’if 17th, 191;}.
- g. 1 ‘.DMPK.J'; I
2.2:. G. 3:. Pollard,
Jzzckeon,.§?y. ‘ . -_ 1
I (I
on: tsir:- .
' ' , ,. —:.»~.. .1. 9»... r1
I, *F?“:w:)?31itffz:'€l for your letter transit; (3(3ng of tub: -.or-
sinsio‘ers’ s.:~:2nr:art w excaettti‘tmn in tne strife ='--sz.ter. I note that
the. slash. Will ‘='7‘::o‘2:>e”zt=l'\i "tr-'3 est-:1 51‘1"th for Thur, 2.:;-.»‘"; as}: Friday of next
“Ni. flames 1st ts Enos es Fer thus/“V's; s f“,>."o*:::r».1t::~:?:1e sitter" in n town are
—. V» .- w - .. . 1 .. I, ,.‘ ~.1. .,,. ‘ .- ‘ ’
’ count“: ”no, it“ tin-W dis “ - ~: “on me sl'onsx‘u ._.3.)- .~:>T.Lliar.w.tth
M I l M K" . ".. 1:, ..~ ..,.» . l
the. to~-‘~ntion heat-nae of 1 itiy nsssiw it on me .::~.:ii+..~3oed. Juan
- . .....- y . ~- .. ,,,, .. .

4 1 of.“ it“s.‘ie altz'waa, new gr": would rtisliw to testir‘y, toxic? oer-'-
tsiniy have ts tel r “in Miles, *f’rW'? it were ‘r‘gecessery to
77‘ “M ”‘3 $710171“ Q sue‘n evir‘smxce it it w ...-..m.

“91’1' *5. sets this and srrsnp‘e to starts)“; nw‘rr‘onmz’
vow *1 i ODE. w ”s: ;....s. to s’nmntri-m along this Gino,
Finrtijflvise re nth-st :.rozv. {to Want it, 2? ”its
‘z'onrn *xerv trulxr, _
ESJ/CC?0 ' ‘

. .
3 3/7/ X I / 7/ ///2
743g: 17%;377
X//f/Z fix X4 7%; /( » .3.-\ /::L1? .- .

 . . \ . , . m , ‘ _ V , . ‘4
In 3?? L. 8: E. 3? Ft. 00., vs.
‘ ' if January 17th, 3.9312. '
‘ Mr. W. A. Hobo-well, ‘ I
‘ Lexinrwn, Ky. ' I .1 ‘
Deer Sirz— . >
1 J I send you ‘rwerewith cow 07;“ a “"5“?“ thaw; 'I have 311% 1‘5- ,
I ' caiv‘edgfrorv Pollard in regard, to‘the ‘oat car, together with
copy: of ry reply. 1‘ 13111 endeavo- ‘you 1:):311’03751701113; :3 there
and. veamizre 1would like for you tQ‘c it over and see th ‘
evidence 'We can furnimh fr. .(3 and of the lins. ‘
I 9th mmehe ‘. . we are going: to “he 1“: against a
' stiff 33303909111011 ' -‘trmt with Alex E-Targris agaizfist :rrhor. we
will 312301333?va Ii. %l’cy in "F“infiing firitneaéeé.
Yours very truly, A
‘ 2235/0023. -
final. ’

. /"
Jantary 16th, 1912.
Hon. E. S. Jouett,
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sirz~
Please find enclosed copy of Exceptions to the
Dommi sioners Report in the Hargts case for your files. I
do not think we will be able to have a trial of this case -
before the last of next week- say Thursday or Friday. Just
as soon as I can reach an agreement with the other side will
notify you. In the mean While I shall be pleased to get a
list of Witnesses whom you pr0pose to use in this matter. The
Comri sioners informed me that the fill will extend to just a
few feet of the house and the barn and for this reason their
award of damages was more than ordinarily it would have been.
You are doubtless aware that I am perfectly at
7 sea with reference to the facts and mill have to rely on you
to furnish the Witnesses at that end— experts. I don't believe ,
we will be able to get any witnesses here that can very mater—
ially help us,
Yours truly, _
/ ' i ’ , nC’ / —< , r 7 <:,~~/ .c,
/p%v ‘7 ,.:, ‘:./J ’4' f ’._ ,l'_ s. ',,/‘.‘ ,"I

 L, January 10th, 1913.
Jhcfimax, Yy. '
3333 S1::— _
I Wag $“TV yefitETflfiy 73d Have frat vflceivnfl yam? ifififar
of t¥¢ 33% in 1., Q5ViWifig ih~t yam haJ gurrciefi Juflge Ewrgifi find
1141?"? :13? 4:74??? 444:)t4‘1r3'33”:r1r52{5.23.32"; ’:“:2‘0541345x?ting, :.1??? 42241.1 F3“ :‘~ “'m’fl? GCT’G
up on fihc ¢av?th innfrr a? this Taflth- “\Q> I
l "11: :21 yam $0 wrawwra if: Fslhiions aw yaw Riva the
1447410342“, 7'4:_4.--"s:>:>3:;: :.'Fguwiiaf‘i 523.40. airffiij‘ifi *_\ it}? ‘4'“244i4't rimvzd 74?er
fiOGQ. filaaaa 99 Lila at cnqe is? i 1%. ‘Sheulfi be any ?431t in '»
Fattiné in 0v? exeeviion Virgt wa we 2‘4» fie it in crfler 4c hava the ~
{:2; 43:34 ’Ff:f""‘5ii"=’?'F;.§. * ' ‘
I “£31 ?322 ¢7?3v DP:=“ to 33 with you it :he trial on
the ifififi 1bcwph 11 figs Eat "‘,aafi(ri@fice ihat The Couniy Pmu?t
333313 twigs ihoae ease! “.‘E.‘. “iyat day of {ha fierfi ?ut 3&8 cine?
Fwfiiraqa f0 éfififiaa it? 42):?- j éfifi “iffifi a P*90i¢l day ”a? Fhe
21435212413?" “:0 4.4.4: x I: 43 44:23.14“ cued. ‘ "
I SHVKEQ‘ :h“ j,u age aounael fer Evrgia xnfi agree nyon
fiafia «web nlsn ‘. t§§$ a that we Won'i rake a fizzla a? i? 53 that .
?afitienlar flay. Aw » on 3% yen 33333 With tha cwuneml uwan SDTQ ‘
day {qu in tfiit a 4 weak a? éhe fiOZlOWinfi week) SE” 16% we Know \
Rafi Z 4131 arr3r¢; “a 53 with you. I: 13 bavely wownible tth I flay ‘
not %e 2%19 is be there ibfifiay an E “:33 fifiohakly ?o inta TV? irial
a? 2 C??9 in it Qtarlinr an Satwrfiay (thé 30th),4“hieh Will take
two 0? ffi“ee Aéva. with thrt afietrfiicn I Vfinw naifiitr to firévent -
it. fiQ?QV€T, as Stated Eana, it ”mulfi WTGhfile ka-vqeleea t0 ar— _
?Bnge to to th~?e ifia ”irst 623 a? she For? nnfihew.
, . «
Yowrfi vay truly,

 . . I 3
f; ,,r if _
I z" «3
‘. ! ””a j '
:1:! r/Viva‘f w v
I . ' January 10th, 1912.
Mr. ‘5'. A. IZCDO‘x'Yell,
Lexington, Ky. ~ '
Bear 91: :—
I. have your letter in regard in ”ch Ziargig 3"'a.t't=3r and you
2»:-1:; be sure I '~ 111 rake e‘mrv £37??me to t e a'm. help out Bra.
Pollard. I have written. hifi’f‘ $5 per c-z .‘ r“. copy.
Yours? var um
ESJ/CCP. , :9
final. » H %J ' I

 .. i
.»‘ .,r ,1
fwr'”: i. ».:
if k’fiy' .
, Jamar}! 11th, 1912.
Ml”. ,0. F.- P0113111, ' , '
Icrhr‘“, Ky.
Bea“: ‘ 812‘ :-
1" if "our: fruit): or." 4153211751331] 9th. 3 MJZ: 117.0 to Fir-e. Levellers
Harris 0an “when and think: under the 1011.?"9714311063 that it
is itiest 4‘91? ':-"’3n nice 71":"eceed at 021105331 ‘:iluir 0f iii-He Ciflfleyflna—
tien etui'its. -%
Yours veer: .. y, '
' l
, .

 " /7‘ 7 ,/””T\' ,< “’ ”
(:;(C//- i7! (KLZT . E7¢6j ’767/ <;;(é/
/" I -/ ,/’«/ / ,,K/A ,,I // I/ - ,r/ / I ,,r" . V W“ 1,’/",.'",7' ,,K" /‘,’
A/l/l/y'flfl/mr/ f/M/U/x /////////y ////////y
"/ ~/]/ /’// I? /
‘7 7, . . r; ,/ , ./ /
O //////'/// ///zw
,1,1.» // ,x' 4, ~ /~ ,. A
A%%%%Z%Mfl cyfl, ,/o/y
1'., ’», ,1. ‘~ , ,,, / /
”flue/taL/flnm/t/mrt. E ::l/ (by/”77%;, ’4 1%;
. ",, ; uunuary Qtn, 1913.
Eile 65.
El. ‘3. Jouc‘ut , Esq. ,
Uinchestcr, Ky.
Dear Sir:—
Judge Pollard has sent me copy of his letter to you of 8th
instant I: $3 the Aargis condemnation case. We can't afford under
any conditions to lose this case if i; is possible to Vin out, and I
am going to ask if you won‘t make a special effort to render Judge
Pollard all tho assistance you can in the mabtcr.
\ Youifis'truly,
., (735% ., fl ,4 a
‘ a ”‘:."" AA A M7 ‘xpif "'~' :.1,
Ni! g 1A3 WV \V/ Yak/:5? firw’xAI: WV; :1
. L/ . é/ a! g [fr/U g; z {:’W
lcncrgl Janagcr.

 o. H. POLLARD i
JAcKsoN. KY. ( if“. /
. ' ‘”‘/j Jan C1", 1012.
Hon. E.S.Jouett,
Winchester Ky. '
Dear Ir. Jouett:—

I thank you for your favor of 0th relative to salary
and L.& N. pass. I will mail you itemized statouert of oxyrnOitures
as soon as I can have it copied. ” I

I have something like $100.00 of the companys money
in my hands but in view of the fact that we have several condemna-
tion suits to try in the county court and another to bring right
away, I think you had better leave this fund with me, as officers
and witnesses in this section give better service when they are
11‘-.5: 1.1.7. th ’.1-1:11 l-_ 1 ' i' ::- ; 111.
”iv. LL1(11€H Margie, through her attorney has notified
me that she will not convey to us the right of way through her \
tracts. Her attorney agrees to bring no suit, provided we will 3
Speedily institute condemnation proceedings, which I am now preparing\
She ownes three small tracts in the Rye—Cove farm, known
as Haddix Coal lands and an undivided interest in smaller tracts of '
this land. As'you remember it requires considerable time and study A;
to properly describe what we seek to take for7ri§ht of way, but I fhih
I will be able to file the suit tomorrow.
I did not file condemnation suit which I prepared against
Joana Tipton because her husband was here during last term of
circuit court and requested me not to file, saying he wanted to set—
tle. I am informed that she desires her case to take the same course
that Mrs. Margie case takes, so I await your advice as to whether I
file same. At the time of my conversation with Tipton he informed me
that he and Mrs Hargis had agreed to leave it to Floyd Day to decide
whether they should accept my propesition. I saw Mr. Day and requested
him to take the matter up with his sister, and afterward was informed
by him that he had done so and that she had gotten the idea in her had
head that he was working for the interest of the railway company and
therefore he declined to have anything furthe.to do with the mater. '
I think the trouble with these women‘that they are afflflied
with too much lawyer. R
Yours truly,
“1-1 / / '
r1 #7 /
'» u

 mnmfwmmm {M
» . 1 .,a 7g 7 7. . ‘. _7 ‘l ‘7. ‘
mw ..2 5y 7 - 594.177

/ ,'., .
// ,_ r f: '
Jan. 8th, 1912.
3' S. Jouett, ng.,
”inchester, Hy.
Dear Mr. Jouett;

I have had summons executed on nlex Hergis and
rife in the condemnation proceeding and the same will come
on for trial the fourth nondey in this month. I euggeet
that we prerare exceptions to the rerort. ill you prepare
these exceptions or shall I lo it?

I sincerely trust it Till be convenient for you to
be present on the trial of this nroeeeding zinee defendants
are trenering to make a fight and Kill r iee all kinds of
questions heretofore unknown to such proceedings. Kindly
let me hear from you on this matter.

fours truly, //¢
£ ' 2% [1 »2/ 511...)
r 2'
opy to h. n» McDovell.

JACKSON. KY. i” 5‘
./ .-
/ ,' .‘
g k.» a.
, ‘ ‘
:‘ . f3 1r».'1
" L ‘." (1 TN“ ..:. 'u
;.l“ e ',.Qea (,1,.i\:k,L}
,-.L.,».'._'. A.'r-J. “(1‘ O
‘ ":..” Twigs-it;—
”1‘ , .L.,.,L.‘_j_ ‘ _. -. ’:'g‘p ,‘j V‘L,._I‘L.- . ,“_'L .. ,...:V,.r.:L
L:-L .,;\-=L_;3.1.L_L.,:,,Luszx: _ L «L: Civ.: 3;,L;_H..,L\.n,: m7"\__‘\, =L.L,v__.:_: ;Lv_'-,;;_:_:1.L—:a,
’5 - _. L,
ik’A 1
».‘ rx “1 ‘_'. , ‘ . .. 43‘,» _ ,..._' :;-, . ’."M'x 1' L . , ,.
LL.'_."-’5¥ L. “L.' L __ 1,; . .L .L HACK/1:,. . (~., 0.0 ,. LLL-... «Lul‘LLL
fi.:. L -. "\".-'\‘:r‘ ‘, L' .: 1 _j‘ ._,
‘\1, :_.‘i: ,{waL .,;ng .L‘I'T»Cl=jkl‘ Liva‘iLiknng Lt; manduAmvf'L‘ _'_i..,Ew‘L¢ “L 14 LLU-Ij.
N‘::? r”«7 "f‘trfi {X
{,‘7 ~ .' «KM.
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LI] .,,; .,.., ivp‘L‘..‘;L:_L; L.v.:_ 1445,, ‘d Lug-LL... , [Tumx‘L/u ;.k.’.i..‘w.-;LU» .LL; IL}, 1“: e
11:43”; ‘,7 7.1.8 :76:333,11:577.: ::mtr. Lug? :’:;’:*i :;as;;'r?_:2:'_x
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 / . ,,;; 5
£}&# £ March 10, lgll-
g. S. Jouett,
St.Helens, Lee County, Ky.
11 Have consulted Williams in accordance with your
, telegram of this date.
“ So far as the lawlessness concerns the construction
' of the railroad by the contractors, it seems to me it is their duty
‘ to protect themselves, and not the duty of the railroad company to
', afford them protection at its expense. '
I doubt the advisability of the raierad company's
‘ incurring expense such as you indicate. Would it not be better to
. ' proceed under sections three eighty two, three eighty three,
- three eighty four etc of the Criminal Code of Practice by requiring
the disorderly persons to give peace bonds?
B. D. Warfield.
Copy b7 mail.

O _ III/II I] I .
”TM/V DECSTP‘SEZ‘ 16th, 193.1. '
3’13. O. H. ?olle.1:*d,
Jackecm, Y3.
V 3“,. Si:‘-:-- 1 J

The Lexizgten office 1% 17193131131213: (‘3 m the etatus of

‘the camimrneiieh suit 1.1.131th $50138.th 3113:1353 . W111 "211i? r231: 13%

. flair/31mm you fer-1r? 1.101.:‘991331 12.11133: to 3» TYWtWZF"; 1:9 perform
their :'.?uty. I ‘J.-"2:111:33 to Inquest. tVQQVOOK after pushing: thig
Triihou't delay. .

Finely give 13 :‘Qfiamich, 1:31-73 01311578
‘1 my truly,
:SJ/ “1'9 -

 3’ :2
if" , ‘
‘ ' Became: 161.23, 191.3...
2.111. “5:’. .25.. 3:030:3311, ‘
33223123333023, 37V. .
3323231: Fir :-
33181831379 to the eomarnation WEEAW Senator Harms,
3.313.1- 33}; that I have not received 2. reévfi; i:\t\> 3; "from Ur. Pollard
_ about it. .21: last account. :1-3 13323 :2 1‘1319 to get “333:3 Corrie-9-
10339.313 13?: ‘2"97533 52333331333331”: ‘23:; {‘43 013.2233. ’50 ,::0 11730:: the around
and 3:312:53 72132:: 13137:": T igjsztion $33: to 32.72353 3::2:‘<*e’533:2ia.ti033 .3333. $113.33:
2.3? their 3:330:33. I .9 ~ 311 written 2:112: ”124 am remnat
113:: that ”.323 gram this: $763153.
$.031rs var-:‘:? truly,
:33/r303. ® .
7 9

 97' (W % / 77
h if ' /’/” A /'/' / //\ 1'] ‘ ‘// ‘ " /’ '\ / ’/’ " /' ' ’ /
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((4, . . ,1/ ., [[1, \V , ' ‘
. dalflaflflmmyaa Ckéffl}7/Zzyl/é///flf
/ ”
, } December 14th, 1911.
/ /",
_:"j: 10110 66.
/ v’,’
13. s. Jouett, Esq. ,
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
I will be obliged if you will let me know the status of the
agreed condemnation suit with Senator Hargis.
Yours truly,
[9 ‘1 15:11“ {I y 1/ ’CK/ fig) KI 5,41,11,13,,” a”
General Manager.

 O.IL POLLARD, ;11 I ,f' R
LAWYER. 1 .”‘} i g
JACKSON. KY. j 3, :11
Sept 15, 1911. .
Hon. E.S.Jouett,
Winchester Ky.
Dear Sir:-

I am sorry to advise you that we have been unable to
get commissioners to act in the condemnation proceedings against
Hargis and wife.

Your special delivery letter containing petition and one
copy of order appointing commissioners was delivered to me at
bedtime Wednesdaynight. On Thursday' morning at 5 Oclock most of
the competent men suitable for commissioners who reside in and
near Jackson left for Ltuisville to attend fair as the special
guests of the Louisville Commercial club. In addition to this
the large relationship of Hargis and Mrs. Hargis together with
the personal antagonism to Hargis on the part of various anti
Hargis people remdered many , otherwise suitable citizens incomJ
petent to act as commissioners. The limited time in which to
do the work rendered it impossible to go to the country after
commissioners. It was therefore 2 O'Clock P.M. Thursday before
we could find as many as two men here who were satisfactory to
me and the county judge, the third resides mear Elkatawa and as
he had been in Jackson that daythe judge felt sure we could get
him to the land to act with the oter commissioners.

I filed the petition, had the order appointing commissioners
entered , gave them a copy and they promised to go down on the early
morning train look over the land, and retunn on noon train and
make their report. This would enable me to have process served to-
day. '

~ .f
This morning at 11 O‘Clock I learned that the commissioners did not
go. One of them got up and went by for the other, who refused to
go. I went to see him and he declines to go until order of court is
served on him by the sheriff. I am having a copy of the order made
and will have it served at once, I told him I would have order serv
ed before 1 Oclock and endeavored to get him to go on afternoon
train. He positively declines to go today, stating that they would
not have time to get Griffeth, the commissioner who lives in the
country/on the ground in time to act today, and I am inclined to
the opinion that this is true. He also declined to actwith the
' other commissioner alone, but would insist on all three being

_ The commissioners appdmnted are all good men, and satisfactory
to me, but I suppose you realize that you are dealing with no ordi-
nary man in this case. I learn that in some way, I suppose through
the deputy clerk who has for years been one of his followers, the
defendant learned last night that commissioners had been appointed
and gave them notice not to go on his land in his absence. This
cagfiid one of the commissioners to refuse to go until served with

notice. If it is important that this case be tried at Sept.
term , it is unfortunate that you did not apprise me of the fact
earleer. You will fing that the defts will contest every inch,
and that we will have a sure enough fight.

I understand they expect to get out a writ of prohibition
against the county judge on the ground that having heretofore made
contract not to construct fill we have no right to condemn.

Yours truly,‘k/4::2:;g/t::y___
#03». fl“? Mal, W97 .l-
I v
i ’ / 3 ‘é’z‘i/‘iHM/g/‘f ’4’/CL C‘./.:.? /~( g/ ('27:

 f . ‘ ' _ .
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I . WA;
- Seiiteyifimi'? 13th, 3.93.3.
/' _ ‘
m, r). :1. 2:131]. 53;.13r1, * , ‘
J 9:3'5'331 fr: 3'. - '
Bear 81 :a- 7
Jacimmfli 'f‘inr? Report a Caaxrjnimirme' a which. was; omitted ‘
' frayzi my .L' Hart: of ‘mday. ‘ >
T Yfi'ill’fi vary trfi':
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 » ”a: f *
\h, ‘ ‘
Sazitrm‘raer 15th, 193.3...
‘ ' 2.3:. f). 3901mm. 5. ’
Jauffitao n, Tiff. ,
‘ 136% Sirzv- ' .
Eucaloaed *mremwh 3: hair! you (30173; 0 :safii‘tion 1’01} aoraéam- _
rmfiimn againczt' Sena-tax- Hamis and his: nflffi% J
”£517.13. yrm Lit-323% Var-mm #1: r”; have the smart anoint
suitable r:e3;.:unisfisiotrwra so 1:30. 133%; the N‘ra.,si can be sauntn'n'xeii ”939'
Ffr‘idxay Qf‘ 7::-:1?; wee}: fir order “cl":at t\) 52 may 3mm fm? me. 8531‘:-
t=bm° 'Cfi'i‘fi oir“ Q0123? (Murray SQ'NM least 0:? wear: Iffififi‘litiafil‘El
Mari-.3393 '::-3.52.}11, :0 ha aim? ‘ ficam in view of time fact {chat the
$3111:th was? aimeariar % ram-8. .
, _%mra waxy truly. . .
. 2333/60}?- (S E . -
:?Ylnlo , ' -

 ”“3222“ t $35.2
0‘ ' Aug. 50th 1911.
{ {..\ / .
Mr. A. H. Hargis, 1%; «j X _
Jackson, Ky.
My Dear Sirze
Your letter of August 17th to me has finally reached.
me at this place. I have been here about two weeks past engaged in
some railroad cases, and will be here a week or 10 days longer,~
after that I will go immediately into a busy four weeks term of
Court, so it will be impossible for me to give attention to the
matter that you were kind enough to offer to Mr. MbDowell and myself.-

Under the circumstances, in view of the last conversation I
had with Mr. McDowell, I do not believe we could materially assist
,you in handling this matter at this time, so suggest that you take

. it up with other parties.

I assure you that we are very much obliged for your considerae
tion in offering it to us and regret that we are unable to handle


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" $ ‘1 T—i' 7""V-L: ’5 3: . ~
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Jack-Zion, Ky. .
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. v ., , .. ., , .
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 c. J. LITTLE,
. ., "x JACKSON, KY. /?<< / 7 / 7”
041m, 5 @265me ~' \ ; /
fl 7% 99 (2%17 J; \f //l
' AQZQ/g/ fl/fi/v/ / '\
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”yd” {£7 ,6,
......) <49; .;11‘ ‘ \,., m"
$.43; My? .- = 3‘ fun/W

 // // ///’/ 7
.I‘ 4 V ' ?- ‘ . / , , v 1’ My, , /, , if j , X . ,
A may u/v, K/yz/ / K/J :/’//./ ////a «NV/yr / /’///////y,
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o « .H/Hw , (my, .
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(5.1277424/ ///mzfy/47. - “1%7/7/[3/2” ,/)/,
(COPY) "'«June 30th, 1911 .
H _ i File 64.
A. H. Hargis, Esq., ‘7 é if?
j km
Jacksori, Ky} a " *
Dear Senator:-
Replying Lo yours of 28th instant. I regret to
‘ hear that fire. Hargie is not feeling well and hope she will
soon he all right again.

It will give Yr. Iouett and me pleasure to come to
Jackson some day next week to take up the question of right of
way, etc., with you and Fre. Hargis. We, however, have prob-
ably every day next week engaged mntil Pride; or Saturday, but
will advise "ou @oSitivel lust as soon as oractical wnat dav

J l J
we curlcome.

I take it for granted that you will have your lawyer
meet us so that, if possible, we can decide upon something

lours truly,
'fi HI .
m {WW/W «far/WU
I. 9 ‘ 3' " -‘ 7
:1; ;: 4 L 1‘1,- i, 0’" l ' \j ~_.
COPY TO General Naneger.

 W '

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 Kits 1 _ p.
tun-fl» rm ... - ‘..-
“(Lieu (11:.ve'94yg issuio
0‘: "’4 :. ‘." "w" (""1 ' '
U, hawtfiv ‘.;?h In .lrifgiri, . .
r} ECK’SOH) Iii/v
:::: dear Sir :-

I have V sen :“.:jr'nishcd tier; 2, e f3.(.UfL1‘thM¥..l etrl‘gs neces-
sary to be taken 1:55) the Lexington 3; Eastern ::::zilfiey 0682:255er through
your at With a vies. to filing; condemnation ‘ coceeuguzga. I
2%:-ought it 3:.«:-:>3.-e:':;*, haysie‘h-air, to write you 2’.-ewe;- = doing so to know
2’37’1-"5etbs-‘zr you think the: ca is any fissure}: no N. at:en';5_‘.t:i.n.{; to
:Wei’i an trirrle adjarethem, of x N.. g.) ‘

- . ..- - .. :;:\ fl. . . '
one I won‘t macaw. trio *0 5.5, your ;Ji’s3yn”)s.1.slo:‘z, l
.1.»~:a.r.-‘iz.5d from :03. l-.=i.:3iocy.a:ell that it of“? :0. as .:'.oceptcd Ky the «3032::-
12> 5111'}!- li" you third"; 2. inrther comes: my» wissa‘hle sand T"ill so ad-
"fuse .7. ill do "nothing qu‘r-sarti the s stethation1.2211113. we can lave
are-WW ‘Ll> about "‘25; inattdzz-J“. ,
' a. ~.. 3; tixulyr
z’ r)”- .
..q ‘ ~ ., ~~x ’
Su/ ‘.,. or. % .
1N‘ ::%F
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