xt73bk16mf8w_327 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [258b] Crawford v. L&E, Lee Circuit Court text [258b] Crawford v. L&E, Lee Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_32/Folder_8/0264.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_327 xt73bk16mf8w ekaw/zyé/z; We (mi/fl //////»///y _K 77/fi7/727/
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hr, ,; , ,"a,/;”/ ' ~1~p~
V ,/ ,,7/marry,”674/04.)Ze/Z/
w jg, / xx gm , g/ I '1
Enrch‘fil, 1915.
Tosherfieifi—Bonfio Co.,
532 T. Kain St..

I am senfling you by this mail, unfior separate cover, copy
of brief few the eppellenfi in fiho come of fleeington 3 fiasfiern
?ai3wsy Comeany v. Tquire Crafifoyeo ?ieoeo arinfi this brief for me
anfl rush the work along as rayialy as possible, an I have been much
Goiayofl in getting fihis hriof rcofiy for fi‘ing. 9f course, you
will kindiy lefi me see proof of it before it is finally run off.

Tory trifly yours; ,
T “if /Ii

 /5 1/ /;1 / ” 1/
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/’ r—WfiA—.~——_~‘ " "WW“ '"‘ ‘"’”‘k
/ T IVIZTIJ'T”? ‘\
{ ’7 ' y“ ' Feby, 28, 1913.
mcéz 2:15 a
I ,
f K1flLfl‘i“fi7“f “' ;
S. M. Wilson, Atty., L
Lexington, Ky. ‘“”“““‘“777*- V
Dear Sir:-

Have you filed a brief for appellant in the case of L. & E.
Hy. Co vs Crawford, an ap eel from he? county? You are credited with
a brief Filed on January ?0, on our iocket, but no step of the filing
of such brief appears on the face of the record nor is the brief with
the record.

There is either a mistake somewhere or your brief has been
misplaced. I thought nayhe you had filed the brief and then withdrew
it to have it printed.

Thanking you in advance for any assistance you may be able
lend us in tracing this brief, I am,

Very reSpectfully,

 f / . 7 (r /) ' ”7- (\///
»VXIY/lf/Zé/f mm) (C/fl/J/fl/W- é/////fl/x’//y“////%///?y,
K / ., .7 . (1’ “ , _
%¢nue/ M Wéan i27///§_//fl/fl/,/////fl/// gWoa/L, L%y.

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‘:'-ir',:'.‘<' riff-rt: 1'::&“:“:2“:'..I'5’:. T :33? 5"?“ f“ .7. sir: .'A]? (it? affinixx"
‘.‘-‘:‘: W71. ’.‘:“2? in, 6375:“ .:‘:'>i?_.'.=:'.i',', ..' - z:- fiiir. 1:0 Viv-.1:: (if) {due 5..“
177217 “”‘ “ 1,20 ; f' '8‘."_:.-"’.
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:i: ' 37:11. ':I'crf (.2 l. .

 Jinan? fliuit fi’igi’lunivl .‘ r‘ffl
Athn‘urg 111' Ian: ' > . .7
4.5.6 KY.BU|LD|NG F973. 1813, 191.5).
'35 path}nil‘irfiiiruiurhy .
L.’ 8: E. By. 00.
Squixe Cram-ford.
Ju Ire Sugmel M Wilson
Chioi Counsel, L. 8c E. By. (30., .
3 . L8}: 1113!; on, Ky. ,
‘ Dear 731.1“:—
It was gagmed by Ivfr. Hurst and yourself that a copy 01‘ the
brief in the case 01" L. 8: E. VS. Squire Crawiord was to he sent to
5113 Wham 1 11811 in the Court oi Appeals.
I a». advisfid today that the briei was; 111601 on the ZOthLand it
hope you will rush a copy to e at once.
Very tW%s,

 _ ’ I ' ’, .’“ |r-\ 5, \ K I; ? -_ I 7/
i I: 1"" ,! w " if .'.’-r [ ‘ ".’ ', - " / f" 49;.
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”BT'L'GF‘ECELTEE FRANKFORT Jan. .21, 1917.1.
lion. Samuel :1. Wilson, /W2 2 /§
Lexington, Ky. H
Dear Sir:-

The court to-day permitted a withdrawal of your
brief with leave to print in the case of L. 6): 1‘}. vs. Craw-
ford and I am. returning same to you under separate cover.

Yours truly”
’/ c531 ,/%7_//

 (”é ‘ f f K// ' ,/ K //
.,;»...(lz/xyz/z; «WI _‘1/l Zfl/M //////// trim/z, All/1y;
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IHLIIILE'L’ (3r 2.'. ‘ lqjur')‘
jiffmivi't TI. Grrrno, 7‘94”,
{’1 ..1- ,‘, ..,I ,m = i. ‘ .‘1 .
C103 1;, Cain-{_77} (‘._1, x,~\f:(:é;_I_.’-§,
l":~.‘a:v‘.r‘:-' I":v:r"’: a .7337:
Thug} #2513-
I thank You. for Yam” ;w*;'1:.:r'trwrw;<:. flair oi? t‘ar with 331515511147
3715' i571)? 7:52;)117 ”r393" 13:/w {33,27 7; 7:154}; Twin]? 5717113“ Tip "in-e- ‘_Y‘r‘a’jylr'vl mp, I 13;";
:‘Iifitt'f-n to 7'7'. I Pini‘rIt, on?" low? icing-r, mt _'ms;'77*:'1rvi l? r»,
r):§"v<',-- - 11:-m 1-. mm -. .,A r. -M» . .: .J. J" , ‘.‘ i ,_ 1 ~ L H -.
Mi.f_ 1:va ..._ Huh-- :2 .IM-Er- so: 02 I‘,-mtg woo’ 0'} ‘)l'lf‘f‘i ”nor ‘7'.T""“‘»_".7-
lent in the M90. oi" _‘II-i (”,I .”.a E: ‘l‘I“E‘.,‘;’ Vic-H Va ‘ré‘z'rf‘oi‘7'.
I her”: asse‘niir-fl that I“ t’- ‘"’i'fg‘nrli"::z—': to “7,411+; "oval/‘I. he
{$3.‘5‘=.31JCT‘€7 as; a matter of li-i11_"I‘C‘.<‘7, ‘2'?! “, if .“':otixw oi" :‘1"'}lc’.‘>'€l in
1‘eoi‘I:":~"(:wi, '.7 will unflatt‘te’J-ffr ‘Iio ’"ive :“cc'ir 17“»‘f‘7ice.
‘_. l .I ‘
rIs-tu' ‘.r]"ll.‘.,,~7 inure,
Criteiuzl Cg-msxx-rj .

‘ , “in
.' {*3 1
2 :.«z ,
' Jam. Bu, 19155.
.‘ ..:.H/ ’- -~‘ \i
, _ _ ,,13/5 '
Hon. Samuel 1.. Wilson, - WZ/ %
Lexington, Ky. ,1 '0 i ' '.1, WC ;
_ \ 17.)
Deal" 31'1": - _.___i_____
I am in receipt of yours of the 18th enclosing
brief for appellant in the case of L. £2 E. vs. Crawford
witZ-iout notice. Under the ”mule of Court an agreement
extending; the time does not relieve a party from the
necessity of ::f‘urnisfirtinrz; copy of brief to the oppOsite
side where that brief is filed outside of the terms of
Rule 3. I will hand your letter to the court with the
brief and the motion to withdraw and print and if sus-
tained, of course, is all right with me. I merely suggest
that the court may require further notice of both motions.
p Yours truly, '
L /% 7% -

 K ./ fl 7 / :/
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I m summing; you, "J W, moor W‘ Move: , no.“

1 ‘ - -' 1 ...J- :.- n M. A 3' s - <7 *7.- ,.‘ ~..
ermf for iLfo‘:F‘j.-‘1‘_;gh flu; Omit, of .,eXlngtflfl u. 1cLF‘bQJfL
”fir-,ilr‘ey 530271341113, {Loafillémm v. {Stir-111‘s? JZ‘E‘CTOLVC.., appolloo. '.1‘1113
brief for :‘:;jmellnnt it; Cw. to ”or :i‘?’J.+‘-‘ on ifondzay, the With instan‘t;,
8sz I iti'ue'i; ”:11an you will 3:77.310]: one ':‘IEuz’f‘, it 1'9. noted no filed on
that Cato 0nd 10 53mm hobo-{5. 0:77 :.‘="‘r:on on "the oonvenine: 0:7? Court
or I‘uem'iey, tho film; inn-ingjit.

I also. t‘arwloru z: .‘Iotiozz ”my the ;;gwp<‘>3.."_.;:‘:’Y7 :’.‘or leave to
‘.'.7itTo.F::rrm.=r hriei' :33 pi"? n’f;i:r1;;. “.‘};iv ‘.II‘T-‘F‘f ‘.’:zw: :u‘eyuzai‘nd ‘ogr $27". 11513171
31:13:34: 13.71011 1115- mir‘mr'o‘:.-_~j1xi,:?.3ig; ' I we.“ to ":1:-v0. (:11 0;‘~;>«:7:~?:‘-1:-i:3.JG;
to 90 over and z‘evjee or" s:v-;>p].r:r‘1r>:1t it, as 7. mi, ht find neomwnry
0:" r‘iesrlir'c'nfifi. "ix-rim; to the fuot that D Brief ‘.”?if‘, only “.22.:14‘183
ram 2; day or t‘fi’fl {Sniff}, .T have not had tit-"19. either to revise (\7‘ to
sufvploéoom; n brief, my door, 31:". 311'_'_r';»:-,t 5‘,':'>}_')(‘-£ZL" in?) 2;.” w. ;23‘rro.11:~'-r-;r“~_ »
{the reouiyod Eitef‘te‘mmf; oi” ."tr‘ortvooit‘on? on“ .kw‘ithoritiow. Ti” locum '
to print 7“” HTFthF. j"-‘7’~""""‘-1"', 7 ‘-"'.“1.T3 anruien the“ i“if":t 03’“ elm?»—
orr‘uti'ng‘ the brim“? ritom<‘:x"?:é:‘=; mu”: will, of omwoe, '5‘n‘efo:.:r‘e ‘the 3”??—
‘:‘Hiy‘o 5"»‘x;e‘:.‘n3ort=*2'1t of? 7‘0131’39 an? '=..nthor Hie :1.

rs" (..:. J—u .- :.'—.,. -' . n 1 - 1 . .. .— ,. _..

ifhu; ‘,_lm .«:.(.:,1..,.t1.on mu; )0. <2,.._o.-,..-1nod ‘..;r . ...1: to ..)o'.._n.s:el
on"; tho other 3._7.0wfi.71;i smnfienap —-“-,-17:hn‘:1:b £111,017}??? 0100012211011 (1". m1 4,1; 16,
, _ . .. 1 '_ . . ‘:~ \ — 4-
1*; is; 09.37% #7317 lzmlsfien. on 330.7137?“ 0:” the :;yuwl..e:nt that uhf‘
4 ~ ‘ 4» ' w I .
judgmon‘f; of 1:310 7.01.703“ court r;}:m:7_(1 00 rz-vwrstm‘; ::nfl um}? 0.111520
I‘evulnded ""0~~ <2 new trial." 777.0390 Ewivm.‘ z»; 05.?‘0071 “017.," 07- 270111"
. “. . . .‘. - ' , . A _‘.. A J‘ . '4_, —1 _‘ . 1 ‘L."E . .’~
ormi‘, ititn 137119; {4.9111301011, ‘50 0011-153e:.L 01:. ’.,:u- 01,00: suite, her‘i’li;
their triomsipfi an? 4;?‘1021 mm 1 ”511.0 “30001211; either?" 1'20 me or ralrmztly
to the 3101‘]: 21: Pvan‘ifort.
‘ W H .«~ q‘
:01; huly, 0.
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 . 777-m , #6
,.» if“ / ,... . / .
7k u SQX%Z%Q%/¢%/%¢/fl%flflf%
.7 %2zzflz/z%:’jf://C‘November 8th, 1912.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, ' 7;‘,‘ 7 377-7
General Counsel L.& E. R'Wy.Co. , , 775W)?“ 13174,};
Lexington, Ky. fwd u; 3
my dear sir: “-- ; >A234/T7/2%9
In re Squire Crawford v. L.& B. Ry.Co.

Referring to the above matter in which there was a verdict
against the Company and about which I think I wrote you some days
ago, will say that I have a letter from Sam Hearst from Beattyville.
in reply to a letter from me,tellingh%§ to be sure to have the
record filed at Frankfort in time for the January term, as the case
has been superseded. In this letter he advises that he will write
you and me about it as soon as he has time to exanfine it. I hardly
know what examination can be made as I was under the impression that
the record had been copied some weeks ago.

I will get you to make a memorandum of this so that you may
see that the record is filed more than 20 days before the January

Yours very truly,

 k‘ 7. f 37
Wu); 1°12 3 ‘ I
V ZEDvembar4,191:3.
2r. Samuel E. fiearst,
Beattyville, Ky.
Dear Sir:
I write to know if the Crawford reeorfl is ready fer fihe
Court of Appeals, and to remina you that the apyeal will have to
be taken By~the Gaming January term or else we lose the appeal
- . grantea by the lower éourfi and have to pgy fihe damages on the
, . supersedeas bond°
Please adviae me fully as to the sfiatus of fihis, senfiing
’ also a copy of your letter to Jufige Samuel E.Wilson, of Lexingtan,
my successor. as it will probably be necessary forhgg to look
after the case in the Court of Appeals.
Yours very truly,
/ // » -/
$140144 “W7; _
. (y: g/ V

 . g .
'3' /' .- I! ‘
1’ f :
,-"',7’\ v‘ . ,I - '
A (.v 3 \- I: ,‘
r r'
. A \//; 7,: 1‘
‘\._.N ,f f
a ‘ _
Mr. W. A. Keaowelli Gen. Efir.,
Lexington & EaStern Railway Co.,
Lex1flgton, Ky;
_ Baa: Sir:—
Enelosed herewith I hand you Ed Odear‘s bill about Tfinish
, I sent vou a reworandum the othe: day; I ihink I fold you ii was
one hundred anfi thirty—one dollarg and sore cents, but the Till
shows $154.09, Thiah i3 correct. I send you this for ygur files in
the evenfi ficu have paid this t0 Zr. Oflear.
Years Very truly, '
. final.
_ Gene?al Counsel.

 rleOAAprithBOB.) , JUL 11 191? ““.:—1 91
M/Qf‘ . _ ‘3
x /* '
, ‘ For transportation of the following. described shipments,
V which have been forWarded Prepaid.
x I , ', {;’./”I XIV/I [1’. . , ‘ V I c!” w:
-' . ‘ I I I e.
7.' E l
/ I 5 ' a
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W_WIWWWW,W -_W I_._...____ .
I . l . ‘
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I ’ ‘ ‘

 ;f V
. ' A July 10th, 191230
- 24:11. 8.3133331 r31. Hurst. ~ ' ' ' ' ‘ 4.
' Beattyville, Ky. .
Bear. 91* :._ ‘ A, , j
A - In 21*}; mum}; {rho other 53.83? I mutonfijr war? to warm
“put the one transcript in the 0:73am _.. \b. and I :5: semiiz-ag; the
other copy by express. VI tram ihzat fill get to you wfely
. . and in tire 1’01? 311 the pumw% ' ‘-
. ' I aemwe the -in'dzran case will not ”re. triefi. a3
.1 haeeheard nothi- ' V; and jgzersonally «.:.-Quid prefer it; have
' it continued. ‘ .
A Q ' Yours very truly. ,—
ESJ/CC?. I -
, ' ' , . General Counsel.
‘ . A > A ' ,

 ‘ M12 {Entpmrim firinfing Olnmpang Ln»
M Ewignm : ifil‘intvm : Einhv‘i‘h 1“?”- fl , n
4;} fiafiafadinn (finarantvrh (1911 E11911; 31gb K— 3‘.. I
55211111511112}, Iarwihwt . ‘.
_ . m. s. 01mm», 5293:;
_ A I 14$qu Mn fid’fl 19174
a; a} , ‘\_\\
- r 4% 13*/MW? Ff
7’Z/Wflrfl:%bg/WP “10’7”“ ”W
41,12": A M72»? 77 75me a

 ‘x ' . _.
. / f s - . .
?‘- v : .,
V ' //’ E»
' June Bath, 1912.
Hr. Sarnel H. Hurst, _ ‘ '
Beettyville, Ky. . \ , '
. Dear Sir:- \ - ' -
I have been advised by the clerk t- t we have been given
_ until the 4th flay in which to file the bi: exceptions so it
will not be necessary to get them there ‘3 us: 1y by Monday as I
suggested £0 3e. LcDeniel. \
I333". Odeer went down Eerie" ’ .,ne hill of evirience
'eigned by the judge and 1 will see bo+. . yea toiight or Mon—
day, and will thank you to telegrep‘ r inrefiietely on reeeiet of
it so the? I ray know it hee .fiyried Defely afid we can’t aford to
take any chances in the rat .
‘ v - Of eouree if th L o; evidence is not correct'the fact
' that the judge has eig i. 1 *1 not preclude hie raking any changes
. ; that he Wishes. _ ~ _
As to t ‘<:2T‘y; exception, I wish you would tenfier,it
in court as so u ‘Nget it and then tenderit again on the
fourth day. I t t: nee? apply to both the hill cf exceptioae ~
- and the E111 on -v A nee.
" I preeuwe Juflre Carreek eill‘not be there befere Friday
so it cannot be heard until he cores. I do not'think it will be
necessary for we to be theye, but if the juflge eheulfl Fake any
reteziel change in the will I weulfi be filed for you to edviee re at .
once in cede? if neeeesery we can put in e hystendere bill, which
rvet be fione Within five fiaye. I take it that he will strike Que a »
. few eupefiflueue words with reference to the doings of EhDeniel, and i
he rev not wente to eeriify it vifih the occurrence about Keveniel'e
eeronetretive eenduet during Roberte' speech.
' If he ehould decline to put this in inaernch as Hananiel
‘ die not deny our statenente I ieagine he would be willing to let it
, . ‘30 without being negaified by a bystanders bill, but if he refuses
and the judge is unwilling to put it in we can tender the by-
standers bill. , -
I will depend on you to get these rattere théough properly ‘
as they are quite irportant.

 . -.: ,
I i
l s. H.‘ ’H. —2-= ‘ ,
'As to the May Hindman suit, I wish you would advise me
what is going to be done with that in awple tire so that I wan be -
present, if necessary, though I trust it can be continued. .
‘ ' Wire We dead head enyhofi when Judge Barrack comes end how -
- long he expects to be there. ‘ ‘ ,
‘ Yours very truly, '
ESJ/GCP. i. %
, Q9; \ '


x, h V3, 4 V '
7) Beattyville, Ky., June 27th, 1912.

Let transcript and bill be prepared and presented to we
Monday in tire for inspection. If all right can send to Judge Cam-

1 J. M. McDaniel.
Mies Elizabeth Gay,

Please tell Odear to send transcript of evidence to re
as soon as completed as it will not be necessary for hi? to go to
Judwe Carrack's with it.

E. S. Jouett.

 \ .
June 237th, 1912.
Judge J. K. Gammack,
Owenton, Ky. .
fly dear Judge:—

This will be presented with the transcript of eviaence
by Mr. O'Eear, the ofifioial etenogrepher. .

The transcripfi is correct and you will please eign it
so thefi I can sender it with the bill of OXGeptione on the first day
of the Beatfiyville Court, which meets July let.

Of course, if the attorneys on hash aides agree to the
correctness of the bill, I presume they will agree fio gene it :0 you
to be signed, but if we cennofi agree about it, it will be neeessary
for us to appear before you at some time to be heard upon it.

If you have any suggestions that you coulé make now as
to when you could consider the matter, you might write me, or you
mighfi be thinking about it, and wait until I write you from Beettyvfille
advising you whether or not we have egreefl on the bill.

I have unfleretood indirectly that you were expected to
be at Beattyville during the apprOaching term. If this information
is correct, I will be glad if you will write me what day you expect to
be there,and how long you will probably stay.

Yours firuly,
General Counsel.

 \V‘JQ} (..!?(531-2 ;{I‘wf’ [4 A' ,9 aw
i: ‘ * ‘--- _
: 41¢}
. “Nada/r: ‘ (,1
""’7 ““..»
9 ' '

 _ , 7 Beattyville, Ky., June 22nd, 19129
E. S. Jouett. , . T
Court begins Jilly lst.
Samxel Hurst. T V

 Elly? Entm'priap matting anmpany inn

q“ I; 3 ifiwignpm : iflrinim‘a : ’ifiinhm

,, / {A e{ fiafisfarfinn (Euarantwh (1911 Energy 311111 {e . .

(*2 j‘ g 5am 15mm. afirmfihmt '

a; t: 1R. 3. Grams, Srrrvtarg ‘ a '
// " divahyuillgky" ‘ fly % .\‘in J“.


72;, a7. /[ 4 W 1%: MW
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251353 3‘" ‘.‘7; i213“. {3321: 1.271? .
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.3Ju11tgfi3fiintt iifiilmtirl
Atrm'nrg at 111m iii w 1.
453szmwme . g: E
1'3mfiynilh‘.l‘v‘lmhtvkg. k' ._ ‘
May 2,12.
Mr. E. S Juuet‘b, -
' Winchester Ky.
Dear sir:»
We must haVe the Crawford judgment superseded in fiVe days
or name execution issued.
I am givin'you this notice to save the additional sosts of an exe-
cution .
Please give me your answer by wire.
Yours Very Tri/ly. / ( -/
L . Wa 7/z,%w~

 delVI. Odear
60 1 The: Go. Building ,./ ”',,/«:::,
Lexington, Ky. , {.““
f ,gqy 3
f. / i f Abril 25rd 1912. ,
“ .'.\ ’,;.I‘ f d V
\_.__ ,../"fl/V " ‘-
‘ Mr: E. S. Jouett, ' ”.
Attorney at law, V/
Winchester, Ky. .
Dear Mr. Jouettz—

I am in receipt of your favor ordering transcript made
in the Crawford case, and beg to advise that I will start transcribing
notes without delay, so as to have the record ready for you at the time

I have enclosed you today under separate cover the last of the teS»
timony ordered by you in the Witt case. I regret that absence from the
City and illness has delay the delivery of thhs work, but trust that same
has reached your hands in time for use.

I enclose you hereuith my bill for testimony amounting to $40.60.

As the races start this Week, you will of course arpreciate the
fact that every dollar is needed to meet "current expenses".

With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
S/ff‘x , C ,. j/ r ,', W ‘ ‘1 :
.L./(137' - ' '

 ‘ . \X. ' ,
" 9 3.32313. 2033, 193.2. -
Eir. Ed. ”3333:“,
Lexington, Ky. , . .

Dear Sir:—

‘fl'ill you 3213333. E'Irooeed 3t LFK‘KIenienoe to rake a
transcript of the. evidence in the Law at Beattyville,
rfitirg 3. carbon copy 33 I; want to ;:\w the Pill '31! the first day
of he next 333:1“.

> - ;ry truly,
IIS’J/CCP. %. ,

 " Edam % ¢ Mr

w # \
W 2‘02: W   //M

 C/ ‘ / / V
, / ‘“///g , : ., /' \“ é
' __ , / ,/,{,/ ,
. fly zz'I/‘(z/ an”)
i L 3 3‘. V /. z
7 _f2» * April lOth, 191$.
ie‘ile 14.
:1. 3. Joue—ut, :;sq. , "
Tinchestcr, Ky.
Dear Sir:—
nofcrrin; no conversation yesterfiay in regard no supersedeas
bond, enclose& please find copy of Don: and suatemcnt of our Er. Scott,
also letter wriuten to }ourley g $Ourley and gr. Sam Hurst.
' Yours truly,
a. ..- A
I" -. ‘ ‘..'/._.,v'mu . "~. .,.. w ‘.. I. j
:51 H 4:1" a H '.‘/’~" .A"(z“45:\,r-:..i-: ‘1‘ I“ ' .., >.
loncral fianager.

 ,/ .. ‘ _ , . /
2..////7//7/// my) ////////// .,- ////fl////y ” 7/ (”W/”’7’
‘ / / , , / ' Z
9/,///// f  ////////////,*- ///
K (.
fiyril 9th, 1912.
file 14.
Qouxley & flourley, Beastyvilla,
fir. fiamuel Murat, Beafityville, Ry.
year flirt—
I enelase you herevifih flower of asxorney for Hr. Chas.
Scofit 30 Sign his name $0 supergeaeas bonfi in the case of Squire Craw-
forfl againsfi this Company.
A; the fiire i