xt73bk16mf8w_339 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [260] Lee Webb v. L&E, Perry Quarterly Court text [260] Lee Webb v. L&E, Perry Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_34/Folder_3/1059.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_339 xt73bk16mf8w A , , o X 6’ g; ‘ ’ '
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/""t/ fl/‘J/ ”WM/6’? April 17. 1915.
céfié€7,¢7 (A5
Hon. 8. M. Wilson, General Counsel,
Lexington & Eastern R. R. CO.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
The attached impression cepy of letter from
Law Agent Eandrum, dated April 15th and carbon cOpy receipt
referred to therein is self—explanatory. and is handed you
herewith for your information. I will have voucher made in this
office to cover draft issued by Mr. Landrum for $5.65.
Will you kindly advise me what the Lee
Webb case is about. Cannot some arrangement be made through V
1 Mr. Fields whereby judgments against the L. & E. which are not
V 3 to be appealed will be certified for voucher promptly so that
g execution will not issue.
I Yours very t y,
Q) / ~ é’W '
/,'i -_ 4
Cepies to (:;é/Chdef Law Agent.
Mr. Co W. Landrum, /
Go W. B. O.

 . ‘ :‘Vhitmb‘dm, Kan, April 15th, 1.9.13.
Recmivfl from the Lexington and Eastern Railway Company $35.63
to Satisfy execution for Jury fee in the 05189 of 'LGXington (mi
Eastem Railway Com any Vs Lee Webb, etc., the amount being; made
up as follows: Jury fee $4.00, execution MK .75, Commission
.38. V
31 5;; R CL“
; 1.1m W k p at war
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Dec. 18th, 1912. '
S. M. Wilson, Esq.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
I enclossyou herewith copy of the petition for I‘rjiViVOI‘ which
I have filed in the case of the L 8c W By. (30., vs. Lee Webb ace,
Yours tz‘fly, (5‘ 00 £49 £9
' \23

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D.D.F’1E;Los & SON
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x J
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April 3rd, 1912.
111.. go Jouett, qut’
Winchostér, Ky.
Dear Sir:-

I have been waiting, but rather impatiently to hear from
you as to whether Judge Lewis will try the r‘ivil Docket, at the coming

We have the T53 Webb case and some other cases that are

7Wfi,rither important to us that we be ready, if we are going to he put in
f triab and I am also anxious to hear from you as to what can be done in

qggvthc way of a settlement in the Will Hall case, as next Monday week

' the court will convene.

We have jusfi had the largest tide in this river that we have
ever had for many years and it has done a lot of damage to the railroad
in many places and whero the railroad had made river changcsit has
tore people up wonderfully bad and we will now have suits beyond number-
ing, almost.

Please write me, at once, with whatever information you have
on this matters.

Yours ".mly, \ (j/ V
r» ‘ k) IAJV/Q yo?
, .

 5 f {2‘}

f H r

"WW/Z.) I99! ~€ (j if? Lou».
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Feby.15, 1912
" 5' ' / _ :.”
biz-.133 .Jouett. 1 f
General counsel, "
Dear Sir:
In talking with fir.D.D.“ields, he made request
that you.write him definite instructions about the
method by which he should get rid of Lee Tabb. ”hat I
think he Wants is a letter to show the Sheriff so as to
try to get the Sheriff to perfonn his duty. The Sheriff
refuses. mr.?ields seams to be of the Opinion that an
indemnity bond cannot be given the sheriff to protect
him against suit for damage in executing a writ of court ‘ '
and that the only Way that the Sheriff can he proceeded
against is by citing him before the county court for
contempt for failure to execute the orders of the county
court .
. Yours truly,
chief engineer of ConstructiOn

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. A 7 :2 9‘1“
LOUISVILLE. In]. De°°2 ’1 *‘L
FILE No. :79 V18 .
.' ’_‘/HT!
7 «‘1’
LII-.1: .Joue’ut,
Chief Attorney ,
V "'inolle‘.~.ter, Ty.
Dear Sir:
Lour notation on the lot‘lor of 1'1'333 .E‘ielc‘s of 360.15%.
I thirm that e our-ht to proceed with they racontion of the "'rit. > .
‘ ' Yours truly, ’
/1 7
.> . yfl/M/gdw; / //‘/,;. ,-
i ‘ Chis :‘ "twin-ear of Construction
1 \.’
1' "n 'a .'1 2,
. Stray/c , 2'4
‘ 7:;
o A is

DD. PleDS& SON .
Dec. 18th, 1911. \ ,
‘3}. S. Jowett, TEsq” {’ . I.
i} 5
u -. > I.
Winmoster, Ky. 43’ ‘ -.
g 3
Dear Sir:- C, t
As I wrote you the other day, .Iy'tgokmedt writ of
. . ' h "
possession for the land condemned from Lee Webb and wife
and placed same in the hands of the CEderiff and he has been
on the ground and says that Mr. Webb's wife War-Ls so poorly, t
that he would not execute the writ.
Mr. Webb was in town today and I told the Etheriff
that we were demanding the execution of the writ and
Mr. Webb's co nsel advised him to rat out, so he told me,
but I don't know whether he will or not. '
Admiee me what to do in the matter, if he does not
get out.
A ' Yours truly, A {b JAM W
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In re Writ of passaseicn 7:
grains: Lea Webb. , ‘ ‘
. :ecarber 16th, 1911. -
_ 3?. J. T. ”illaufihby, '
Lmuisville, Ky. '
)3: Sign» - ‘
Mr. Fieldg writefi VG that he has hi4 the Writ of POBEGS$‘
n -. ~’ - - r- J. ‘ ..
inn lasuefi enfi $13060 1n thv a mag 0? in. T;; ;f in tag gnova veétar
9E3 thwt the Sheriff hag rchisefi to , «y..e it at once. If far '
\ x
fay reason thefe 19 any flel?v and ‘ 4 v' : kinfilv let re know I Will
' . , 0
531? hir un Exaln. <§\
‘ Y 1$§E§§?§ tyuiy,
‘ k .

DD. FIELDS& SON /) ~ - [gs-7
: V. LI;
. LAMA/535 V , Ir /
l L v :
f i ’
Dec. 14th, 1911.
W. S. Jouett, WSq.,

winchester, Ky.
near Sirsz-I received your letter of the 11th inst. with reference to
the writ of possession against Lee Webb and wife.

I had had the writ issued and placed in the hands of the
Sheriff and he promised to execute it, at once.

I had been going rather slow on this writ, because Mr. Webb's
wife has been sick and has been suffering with a nervous prostretion, so
that when anything excited her, thet she would take heart failure and
while I realized that NT. Webb owed it to the Company to get out
and he realy promised to get out, if I would give him ten days notice,
which I had done, but I felt all the time that if we undertook to throw
them out Mr. Webb would undertake to give us trouble on account of
exciting his wife, but as Mr. Willoughby and Mr. Morton went up there

. I told them to investigate the matter and if they said put out the
writ I would do so and Mr. Willoughby instructed me to do so and I did.
Yours trulv J 2 J ,,_/a ’
“’ Mfl,\%XJl’CAg///
” r k

 ' :4 O
i : ;9
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Becerba: 1.9m, 1911.
Z'fsmsre. D. '93.. ‘31:?ch 52 mm, _
75’711t.9997"urr~, Ky. ' .
Gent 1 are I". :-
I tart “:'xry‘aq “9‘39 ~. ’"illough‘xy tin-..: 3.9012 mm ’19 3.'/<3: baa—3:":
unsk‘la 'C.:o 5_'-mt 77958839‘31021 93:? 1 7,9393 *'..’e'?r:::7:.“2'9:_ .."-91.31: 17.29.93 co9fi93r~9izem
We a entitled to a writ of" DM’S‘Cgih 7:17.73 gang—.‘.:.] [3,3311% and
2.:;“. ‘.’illmurh'it-V 9393:3953 we need it 7‘; '92::30, .- I 113. We {clan-9', :i"o:2:9 you .
to have ”511199 973% 1939999936. 950 1‘1"." to ”9711. ..= 9.: '.':omaesssion.
Kimily 3.9::‘971393 TGQS r933, I.'-3’19”: 091L139 .
' .~. rs . 1".” 171
ma. ., I, - V
;.SHJ/ GGPO - - ‘
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a _ .

 Arlingtnn fintpl,
’ Nnflnn, 1Ha.,%fji_1914
ZM . $44,445,,

V/Kécfl “(f/'3 (v /¢&“ (a M44444 (4
2w. 4444' 447 4 44:74, _
flfv M147 4417 of; L

. W447 MM %1/ 452: 4444’
£444! (MM/WM” 49/ 4(404/ fl
4] 444444 444 ;? flv . 4444
$4 1%» 4M m7 /4M . £5448
{544/445 /p/2w < M x 4 , "(34 C44 .W / fe/
/7‘ 4% {z %4~fl/ ”CM/{é . ZK
7141/4 ? 4% 4'7 . 7444/44 _
%cw 43g
7%44M4442LW544 2‘
C 4%

 s‘\ ’g’;
f ‘ f
June 50th” 1911.
mg %3 Jnuezt, Esqeg
Winchester, KYe
Dear Sir:«

I received your letter of June 26th and took therefrom
the check for $1600500 in the Lewis and Hogg case and the one for
$2?00.00 in the Webb casee I have delivered them to MI. Bentley
and took his receipt in each case and herewith enclose you the re~

The Sheriff's and Clerk’s cost in these two cases 2 qs
@2?.50, Which I paida

_ Youre very truly,
3° 33° Fields:

;l E
o ,,5 = 9
\i f. i
i :3 e
K ? :W/E
‘wkm E June 38th, 1911.
; 1,
3 fi
3. 9, Jonett, EsN., z
. Winchester, Fr.
Deer Sir:—
.I enclose you copies of the petitions of E. H. Brown and
George Hogg vs. L. & E. and their contractors, as shown in the

I have prepared denurrere for eeeh<3aee, such as you sent
in the William Hell cases and I will file these and the ones in the
W. E. Kali cases on the first money in July.

We have eorreotefi The fiate for the cerrencenent of the
Special Term of the Letoher Circuit Court.

I received your letter, containing checks for R. 8. Bentley
in the Webb cases and ihe 23:: & Tewis case“ and he is nrepering the
transcript of the orders eni e taxation of the cost, and as soon as
that is done, which will he done to day, l fill pay in the cheeks and
qpneel the cases and be careful to rrceeefi as refinired by law.

Yours truly,
D n D o F1515, Q ,
...1 O

 / .
. ! .:‘"
, 15 P J
E. s. Jouett to D. -. DEjV" '
June 2131‘, 1911. =
With reference to the vereicts in the Webb and Hogg and
Lewis cases, please see that the appeel is taken at once as the
other side Eight appeal ahead of us and in that way possibly get the
hurden of proof ens close of the ergurent. I don’t think it would
have that effect, but Juoge Lewis right so hold, so please see that
the appeals are taken at once.
Reed carefully the provisions of the statute relative to
the appeal so that there can be no question as to their velieity. 0f
. course they Will be taken for your text regular ter? and than if
é we choose to we :ey consent for them to be ttied at the special
3 term, but that is e retier thich We could not consider new.

 ' lI‘
, U/
, «x ,
' / June 20th., 1911.
E. S. Jouott, Esq., I
Winchosfior, Ky. -
Sear Sirsz~
I duly received you? leigtor of June lath, containing the
order of L. D. Louis to the Clerk to open jury list for Special
Taro, beginning August 20th, and alsoAand youooked we to post the .
notice ten days before the oormoncerout of Court, do you moan just H
ten days For the posting of the notice, or ohould it go up now? I
see that the coder to tho clerk root not he fiolivorod rare than ton ”.
days, but I have notified the Clark that I have thio order and for .
him flat to ooou the jury list for tho Erd Monday in July. I hove 5
also put a noiieo to the sons effect in the "MOUHtain Eagle". .
As Hr. Day wrote you on yesterday, the ju3y found for Lee
Webb on his infiividual proporoy $8700.00, and you will therefore
send we check payable to the Clork, R. B. Bentley, for that our and I
oxyoct it would be $611 to have tho chock certified. They also
found for Lewis & Hogg $1800.00, send we check for that arount and
I will appeal those cases. I x
The juries ooturnod verdicts in the case against Loo Webb
and Dr. Vonters for $175.00 and Dr. Ventors who is J. E. Vonters, in-
oividually $812.50. You will please sonfi ohecko for thooo amounts
anfi i? vow desire I will appeal ihooo cases, but in ihoso two cases
I think it is unoise to take 3339318, out Gupposo iho other side will
do so.
Yours truly,
D. D. Fields.

 //\ { :5“ f i
g E
a; \\ ,’,/I . f:
" \x 5 June 15th, 1911.
E. S. Jouett, Esq.,
Wincheeter, Kr.
. Dear Sir:-
Anewering your letter of May 24th, will say that the Lee
Webb &e., eeeee which were expected to Gore up in the Couaty Court,
were set for today and we exrect to get juries eryennelod today, we
have settled with T. P. Craft end N. R. Craft, as I wrote you this
morning, and I Will let you know the result of the trials, as soon
as we get through.
Yours truly,
D. D. Fields,
D. V

()l"l"l(1l‘2 ()l“ CHIEF ENGINEER 0!" (JONS’I‘RIFC’I‘IUN
O . ,
LOUISVILLE. KY. June 14 ,1911
E.ir.E.S.Jouett, , =
Shief Attorney,
Tinohe s te r, Ky . :5
Dear Sir;
1 went with i:r.L.n.rie1ds to the mouth of Millstone
., preek and undertook to settle the condenmation cases of
q ”x ‘5! 5399 ‘."ebb, N.R.®raft and TT‘.R.Creft. ':"e reached an agreement
with T.R.Creft at {700.00. The report of the Jury of View
:7"; 5; being: $750.00. Had We purchased the land from T.R.Cl‘aft at
‘ ' * {$300.00 per acre paid to adjoining land owners the amount
ipayable to him would have been 96545.0(). .
7‘79 reached an agreement withmhmaft at 271200.00.
The report of the Jury of View was 1’31650.0fi.
”re were unable to reach an agreement with Lee Webb.
1 made him a propmaition to pay {31900.00 acrguiring outright
the garden lot , barn lot and dwelling, lot exclusive of the
store, together wtth the right to borrow mterial off any
portion of the two acres of flat land at the II.R.Craft line,
and together with all of the interest which Lee thb has
in the vacant lot adjoining Dr.Ventress. lEr.Tebb has declined
to accept this ::um of money. I stated to IErJPeelds that if
the property could be obtaihed for 392000.00, excluding from
the conveyance that portion of the barn lot and garden lot
thick is more than 40 feet from the center line of main track
7 that I thought we had. best trade On that basis, biz? that the '
dwelling; house and barn should belong; to the Railroad Company.
Yours trulyg/y7
.,Ghlie Engineer of C stru ion
“hair/o /
Diet. C I,

   _ g ;k

.‘. I ' . _
O- w?
Agril loan, 1911.
Er. J. 2. Willoughhy, ' _ .
Louifivilla, Ky.
Dear Sir:—
I received several daySoago a lazter fram yr. Fielfis in
which hm says: '
.“Messra. T. P. Craft, 3. R. Craft 13‘ Lee Webb Wag flown
t6 see we Saturday with reference to,.flu * its againat than and
m Mr. R. a. Craft fiecidefi to take glzsflzy} a ‘ the Comaeny gay
= f M the 008% Of the condemnation @300" ingm, so far as they have
gone. Lea Webb flifi amt change hi ““ition from $2250.00, v
‘;{5 ii axaeyt that he offerea LO inclvu; lie deed a fieyot site on
f **’/£ the tangaant, jnat above the m uh ~~ Killstane. T. Po Craft
“~M" mafia no oaherptoyogitioh. I fem» '.re thet it Will be Well
for the company t0 trade , an H. R. Craft anfi it ?111 certainly
gave them money anfl whep >Nr\&ddinional 10 feet 15 gut on each
side of tha right of a-x ,. ‘111 take Lee Webb’s stare house, .
‘ ’L’FE1ZLOE'1 31;—:.:; mt been “& tr esstii‘mafcerl in @7212 430%.”
I eggflzyfie f .1' > a:l%“...iiier (ZOK’TFBEDDDNGEGS 3‘93073t i$315336 (EGYP-
demnatiang that you J‘¥1* ‘ u care to xecommenfl aha accefltfinfie 0f
R. R. Graft's Dray) *iié“. but I submit Ehem for yaur consideratian .
88 you are ffifli 3 \,12.tha land. WhateVer You think prayex we
J' __ ~.
7:21.11 m). a.
' I want & Jecially, however, to call ynur attention to the
. statement Ti%h referenne t0 tha additional ten feet on one side of
the Lee Wehb right of way taking fiebb‘s.mtoye Rouge. I Huggest n
that you hrve the nearest engineer ascertain definitely whexhay
this is a ffict and if it 13 anfi you cfifl get along without the ten
feet it might be well far you to authorize me to withdraw the ye—
tiiion f0? conflemnation to the extent 0? aaifi inereaae; ~
Yaurfi v¢ry truly,

x~x 5 E
. :../i
o \
\ .
D. D. Fields to E. S. Jouett.
March 27th, 1911.
keeers. T. P. Craft, N. 3. Craft and Lee Webb Was down
to see me Saturday with reference to the suits against them and
Er. N. 3. Craft decided to take $1250.00 and the Compafly pay thfi
cost of the condemnation proceedinge, eo far as they have gone. Lee
Webb did not change his yropweition from $2250.00, except that he
offered to include in the deed a depot eite on the tengeent, just
ahove the mouth of Millstone. T. P. Graft made n0 other Drapes}-
tion, I Feel sure that it will be well for the Company to trace
with N. E. Craft and it will certainly eeve them money and when the
additional 10 feet is yut on each side of the right of way, it Will
take Lee Webb‘s store house, which has not been heretofore estimated
in the east.
You can let me know what the company says to do about this.

 . f; ./ / ,/ fig

/ ..- 2;"

i i/ (if .17;

. / { .f a “1,,-"”15
, “m7i—m». “w”
D. D. Fields to r. s. Jouett. / f
March 9th, 1911. f ;f ;

As to the Lee Webb property,you go through théee lots of
his land and take 5.17 acres, on one of his tracts the land that
it takes is anxtha not so valuable, as it is on the other two, nor

_ on N. R. Graft's land, but on the others, all I have said with
reference to the inconvenience and the dividing up of N. R. Graft's
property, applies to this. '

Lee Webb‘s tracts has 11 fruit trees, six evergreen trees, '
a dwelling house with three rooms, one smoke house, one barn and one
well, and I figured that Mr. Webb ought u) have $2250.00, and give
him back his huildihgs, that he might move them off of the right—of;
way, and also permit him to move all the fruit trees that are emsll
enough to he moved.and the shade trees, I offered him, virtually
$2250.00, and I think he ought to accept that amount, but he would
likely get rmre by condemnation proceedings; he has never made any
offer of less than $5500.00, anfixixihinx but if you will authorize
me to do so, I will make him a definite offer of $2250.00, and let
him accept or refuse it as he might Wish to do.

While I think he would get more under condemnation pro—
ceedings, he would not realize any more out of the condemnation
proceedings, that he would to accept the $2250.00, this also in—
cludes his interest in the lot owned jointly fly him and J. E. Ven—

 fl -
D. D. Fields to E. S. Jofiéfi.

March 6th, 1911. 3
I Again referring to your letter, in regard to the hatter of E
settlement for the right of way through the B. M. wehb's heirs land, v V
will say that I had John A. Craft turn the money over to R. B. Bent— 2

ley Clerk and take a duplicate receipt for Here and deliver a copy
. of it to Fe for the roilroad Cowpany, and I herewiih enclose you a I
copy of the receipt and the money was paid intoCourt suhject to the 5
orders of the Court. é

 x f‘
, ." ’ ,2 ..
. ‘.' 1 ' if I" f . ' 3:5,;
in l; u I :;.)
.E A, xxx .
2 2" ;
E f g , _ .
~ . February 25th, 1911.
Hr. J. E. Nilloughby,
Louisville, Ky. x
Dear Sir:—
Rofarring further to the right~of—Way through the prop—
ertiao of Lee Webb, Venters, Frazier end Tom Croft, will say that I
havo twitten to he. wields to Write me at once