xt73bk16mf8w_350 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269b] Miscellaneous text [269b] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_34/Folder_14/1291.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_350 xt73bk16mf8w \ W in» 351
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r: .K g .2 - . '7 ,1/
fimfigifjflw '. he. mjfl/J/Jfl/fi/f/ 1 - r 4 («i ,.
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. '2". It. Eviojlior'zall, Asq. , .
";‘iiiziggo‘: LJL: 3'3. 117.63.,
Lexingfion, lily,
Dom: Sir,
‘ Judy.) 7711:1012. 212.3% twitch I":,Jou;.:t; 1:, Cte.;J.ing
.:.-..‘.t': :‘31'1’27.:i.’;}'i to 11:0 I? sit: 45:13:31: Jung.) Ira. Eta-lilo writes he
has 22:21.. 3?...2': riv his ..Té-amfttisr worry, 0.11:2. Judge 2111mm Stars» Fix“ '51:: Ell-LS 110‘: reoriv rd his.
"his its (12:-.‘: "'32: 1:11;:- iltzzt 9:325: '.ro him-f... not made
it}! any 12 .3! roll. for Julian-3r s.:..3.:..ri.es for tho L.c‘~';: I3.
ub+ 0.3.‘3'12:’2:'-/"5. It SI’BQZ'JEIIS to hair: baron 29.51: on: 2:26: Kim. 121.15: ray-
:o.'i..". would '06: made up cfi Lacinggton, an horstrri‘oro, "amt, ’
iJiiiréztwgii' 3:2" T’saoidcaitt Spirit's labia-2r, Docorhor 5353, iti'it.-.ii. the
pay-roll; 2 2:31:11 alum "._p and. ;.tzrz'zroved "235.7 yo Jimmy-a
159031 i’=’-’.>i?.lii. “0:2 sic-1211“. i‘tEi;i.'-- for :2‘22z't212r :..")?!"viz‘o’xntl ".03" the
Grzz‘irzrttl Cour-.2233. and itivsolf.
Hurricagi‘izor this; guys-roll can probably '2:) made
up here jut-,2“. coll ctr; ii. can at: Lozd.:‘i{_:to:1, mi unle
you hear to the contrttry you mat-r t.tndazx-otund that, this
coarse will b3 pursued. But I prefer that the January

 ,. ‘ 2. _

pay—r033; be made 11}? there and. {sent to ma. Please have this
clona promptly, as hamfibamn dame, as: I aw: irxf‘t‘xmsed, ear.
‘1: the executive and, opegemim’ demazrt'rzam pay-r0118.

. , 73y rem on of 1:31.33 misundm-tstanding, there will be
a little delay in sending check to Judge Wilson and
+3.13. other 33.3133. sglzzried attom-agrr! for Weir January pay.
But We will Endeavor to hurry the mattar as much as
possible £3.53 soon as yr») 51,1216. 11:: +119. pay-roll.

Vaurrfi truly, ‘)
‘A“] ’/ 147/
//9/ Lay“ ,"‘ V
, ”‘;n.‘ / 1:;. ,,//K
x (»3' [1.1/(3W 33
' / '1:-hm ct Atto rm 9:17.
. //
y 00:03.! for .3' 1316.331: Swami}. Llfsk'ilson,
, Gencareal Counsel 13.1.; 31.113r.00.,
Lexington, fly.

/// J” / / //// ////
(gar/7M. 2725/51/41 ”0m?” i"- f" " ”lam, Zié)fi%fifi;.dxxam.-,
yam/g jg; February 6 , 1915 .
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
General Counsel L.& E. R'y. Co. . V
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
The Engineering Department has called on me for my recollect-
ion as to certain balances that may be in the hands of the County Clerks
of money paid into court in condemnation proceedings.
I think it unnecessary to put you to the trouble of writing
the attorneys in the different counties as I have the matter in hand,
so I wrote to them as per the enclosed comes.
Yours very truly,
Inclosnre \ V, - ‘ ~ 4

 February 6, 1915.
5 8,0115: 01*; , {v3 .

.V:—7:31;}! 2311’:

ihc Knfifinefiwing Department has agked me for information

' » O’L:}::;.;;‘

a9 tn ahafiher or amt fihera is any/money in the handu of the Counfy
ileykn Lhibh %LB pnid yurauznt to confiemnaaion judgments. wrainarily
this cauld an}; be the omaa where re afterxaxfis gettlefi at a less
3mfiunt fihin tic flounfig Courh judgment or shsre no paia fihe County
Conga Judggznt aircoi, awarlcoking the fhct tht the nanny 3:6 haen
paifl ingc acurt.

in oréer tnafi re may knor fleffinitely aboufi This I msnt to
ax: you to $65 $36 Counfiy Clerk afi once anfi aficertain whct smounfi.
if :35, he i5 holaina, and f0? What purpowe. Ymu can check this
up 21th any memeranfium Jr recollecfiion that you yourself may have
on tha aubjeot. I Go nat know that tbere is any money of this sort
but T am wanting to give the Enginenring Department definite informw

Thanking ymu in uGVfince fax your prompt attention ta this
Hafitar I am

7 onums very in3113,
”‘ I am no? bothering, fir. Wilsmn with 17215.3 but am senflmg him a
copy of this; letter for his infcrmation.

 February 6, 191:5. _
’ heeere. Wootton & Jorgen,
Hazard, Inn
Gentlemen: '
the Engineering Department has eekefi me for information as
to whether or not there is any other money in the henfis of the County
“ Clerks which was poio pureuent to condemnation juagments. ordinarily
this ooulfi only be the cane where no cftcrwards settled at a lees
emountethon the County Court judgment or where we paifi the County
Court juogment direct, overlooking the fact that the money hafi been
paid into court.
In order that we may know definitely about this I went to
ask you to see the County Clerk at once and ascertain that amount,
if any, he is holding, and for that purpose. You can check this
up with any memoranaum or recollection that you yourself may have
on the subject. I ac not know that there is any money of this sort
but I am wanting to give the Engineering Department definite inform-
Thanking you in oflvcncc for your prompt attention to this
matter I an
*3 I an; not bothering ML Wilson Wifih {31116 but am
&' ' senoing him a copy of this letter for hie information.

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.::/5:5»; $1.927sz Xa’tamql-r /,,, /‘ )7 , )
éjéuMMO/ivgflgiggymw, saéafld2/éénigx, May 9, 1913.
Hon. S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington & Eastern Ry. Co.,
, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
——Lillian Teurtoie v. L. & N. and
Thracher & Gunter.
Referring to my letter of may 7th inclosing
papers in the above-styled case:
The papers were sent to you by mistake. Please
return them to me at once.
Yours; truly,
waterltflistriqt Attorney.

 1 *7 9,377ik-7f/Z
; h f ,1: ' /// // ,/ /./‘,/L/ "f/ i ,,/
‘ - /¢Zoov7/7ZZ£ ,4hbégyflzz./ééV/¢;n07‘flgééyéafgé
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. 453/. W/M/‘I'r‘f .,V/flrl/mgx: _
/' . /7(T / “4 /. ,fi/,‘7»
Mr. S. M. Wilson, Counsel,
Lexington & Eastern R. R. Co.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

I hand you herewith to note and return letter
from Chief Engineer of Construction Peyton with attached letter
from Messrs. Thrasher & Gunter relative to the case of Lillian
Teurtois v. L. & H. R. R. Co. and Thrasher & Gunter, in which
Trasher & Gunter indicated that they will take charge of the
defense of this case.

Will you instruct Messrs. Wootten & Morgan
to render them such assistance as they can.

Yours very Erdl,'/
/Q:)x ,
} "‘fi’ ' “I ? ,OL' 39 9: j. K ”1,,; »’5”
Eggiéian&—Bi§§rretSitterneyf \ ‘*\~
Copy to \:>
Lira J. H. Peyton,
Chief Engineer of Construction. "

 2 t
Mr. John Howe Peyton, .
Chief Engineer of Comet., L E N R R 00.,
Louievi? 1e , Ky.
Dear Sir: ,
In recly to your letters of Afril 26th 3 50th, with reference
to the Suit brought by Lillian Teurtcie vs us 9nd the I & I E E 00.,
we bef to say that it is our intention to aeienfl tlim emit against all .
. claims for damages filefi by her, growing out of carelessness or negli-
gence Cithcr on our pert or that of our emeloyee.
After ceniultetiwn with our atterneye we will advise you
Whether we wiTl need Hr. Trewhridge as a witness, anfl thank you very
much for this offer.
We alro acknowledge receipt of bluevrinte showing location of
the preuerty.
Yvnre ".:rul ,
Threrher & Gunter,
LCG/ewj @y L.C.Gunter

 . .
May 5— l 9 l 5 .

I‘Ir . C . H . Ids o rman ,
Aest. Dist. Attorney, I
Dear Sir:

Referring to correspdndence relative to suit filed by 0
Lil ien Teurtois vs this Company and Threeher E Gunter.

Please note letter attached from Thrasher & Gunter
in which they advise that they will undertake the entire defense of
the suit and that it will not be necessary for this Ca pany to take
any further action in the matter.
Yours truly,
Jno.Ho e PethL.

H“U—B Chief Engineer of Construwtion.

 331,3!» 33mg ,
ATTORNEY4“*LA“/ ,’ it, ,, .
- . ~ ‘«4 4
~ mm 5’ 7”“3‘ Mil; ‘,./flu ‘
\ April 19th, 1913‘.
Samuel M. Wilson, Esq.,
Lexington, Ky.
’ Dear Sir:-
I hold an order to the Railroad Company, addressed
to the L & N Ryw Co., L & E. Division, for some money and I .
V hardly know who to send this to, and I am mailing it to you ad
would ask yOu to present it to the proper authorities and see
after the collection of it for me, and I will recompense you
for your trouble.

‘ The idea of the case is this, I had to put up some money
for him on a bond here, at our present term of Court and he
gives me this order to save me on it, and he informed me, at
the time, that he did not think he had this amount in the of-
fice at the time he gives the order, but will have before the
next pay day, and you can present it and let them hold it un-
til next pay day, and then have them pay it over to you, or
take such steps as will protect me in it, or let me know
what to do.

If you need me for anything, let me know and I will
do it.
We are sorry you did not get to come up at Court, but
presume you will be here next time, and we hepe before. .
Yours truly ';_f

 ' W. E. Brown Jr. ljwfn{mngg "
izuifllgs‘! V
Examiner Leteher Circuit Court {Ufiifiif'ii
. Office in Court Building
Fhitesburg, Ky.
Hazard, Ky. April 17, 1915.
L. & N. By. 00.,
L. & E. Division,
Please pa‘ to 3. I. Day Fifty—seven & SC/lOO ($57.50)
Dollars aut of time now due me in your office & for which this
order shall be your receipt in settlemcnt for same.
My time is turned in by Charley Greer, who runs on L0—
cal 24 & 25, Hazard, Ky., to MeRoberts, Ky.
Charley Blair.

 .I/ / K” 3) 7 / H ./
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 DD. PleDS \ SON .:A‘ _.7; _ ‘i
LAWN/E35 , ' A _.
i AdflfTfiikfil
April let, 1913.
Samuel M. Wilson, Esq.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Judge John V. Butler wanted to see you and find out
whether or not he could employ your services in his con-
test case, that is to come to Pikeville and assist in trying
the case and if necessary through the Court of Appeals.
I expect to be in Lexington next Saturday night and
if it would be convenient for you, I Would liketo see
you some time during Sunday, I will stop at the Leland
Yours truly, t 8)
01$ " o§ ‘ \é/Jf 0"
' ._ l‘ ‘.‘ rt,

 —. /’—.-.-.~.._W_._ -_ ., 7 u , ’_‘»
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 LAMA/£35 ,7 “fig, W? :47: _.,C/ W .
WHITESBURG.KX _ L1,?n/ L- ‘¢‘Mg.r V
April 22nd, 1913.
Samuel M. Wilson, Esq.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Judgez- g.. M
I duly received your letter and I am ansnering Mr.
Donohue's questions direct to him and will state that what I
meant to say in my former letter about hr. Jouett and Mr. Mc-
Dowell saying that they knew nothing of any way to arrange
to have these claims paid off, because the proper blanks had
not been furnished, was with reference to the claims that were
incurred at the January Term and before the blanks were fur-
nished, however I am in receipt of a letter from Mr. McDowell
stating that the L & N Office desired him to handle these mat-
ters and I have given him a statement of all the pressing mat-
Yours truly, &X\ {f " 160
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